THE HEALING OF THE KING’S HEART ~ ONLY TRUTH HEALS! * We have entered the Galactic Level ~ Pangea Rising
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Blessed New Earth Angels of Gaia Galactica Expansion
Happy 119 / 911 Portal!
We have two more days until we reach the pinnacle of this Sacred Gateway of the 11:11 on Monday November 11th.
Great Spirit through our local Soularis continues to assist all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in this Great Shift and Awakening releasing another 9 C Class Soular Flares today and 2 more M Class Flares with the more powerful maxing at M 4.25 at 12:15 AM PST.
Pachamama also received another major activation today on Her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in Panama at 19:30 UTC.
We have all been prepared both physically and spiritually to release the past 2,000 years of the collective dark night of the soul as we complete our releasing, cleansing, purging and healing all unresolved traumas, inner conflicts and suffering as we navigate through these final days of the unknown and into our breakthrough into the Light of the dawning of our New 5d Golden Age of Eternal Life.
Continue to live from your Sacred Heart Center, anchor the Heavenly Light flowing in, deep into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth and together we rise in Unity Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
The healing of the King’s heart is a monumental development (part of the three brains restoration) that will cause a domino effect of corrections in time/space, unveiling true history and restoring remembrance from within.
This is now possible because of the great correction of time.
Let’s just say that all the clocks, chakras, compasses, diamond codes that we have been reclaiming for so long, will now begin fully aligning to the flow of truth and its organic nature.
This is divinely aligned to take place only a few days before Pluto’s entrance in Aquarius upon which the orgasmic mode will turn on on the physical level.
Since September Equinox, when we entered the Galactic level, we have been receiving the most powerful energies and deep upgrades and revelations preparing for the great correction of time which is connected to what took place on a galactic level.
Always remember that the most important key is your own godly genealogy and your family’s history.
If you connect to this, you can gain deep understanding of you, who you are, what happened to you and what you need to see and address in you in order to correct your own flows because this has been an old story of many different families and their beliefs and actions on a galactic level!
Blessings of upliftment!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
11/9/24: This year’s focus has been on your personal power… its maturity, expression, ownership, and management. This has required balance, accountability, discernment, and detachment. But you were not meant to be Atlas… carrying the whole world on your back. The goal was greater self-mastery. Today places you between what you’ve done this year and what you plan to do. It puts you on the edge of a karmic knife. You are mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually exactly where your past choices have placed you. You are going where your next choices will take you. You are the creator of your current state regardless of earthly matters. Free Will makes you that powerful. And the sanctity of that power, which is ultimately your unique light, is inviolate unless you give it away… and that feels like selling your soul.
Dear friends, as we enter this weekend, a moderate geomagnetic storm is unfolding, triggered by a flux of solar wind—a stream of subatomic particles—interacting with our Earth’s atmosphere. Although the current geomagnetic conditions are moderate, energy sensitives may experience inner shifts due to the approaching 11:11 light codes.
These solar winds carry high-frequency light codes, specifically the 11:11 codes, influencing us collectively. Those consciously aware of their inner evolutionary process are more likely to feel these solar storms in their physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
We are currently reconfiguring our energetic human blueprint and creating new timelines for 2025. Recent eclipse seasons, supermoons, and planetary movements have triggered profound changes within us. These solar winds, as we approach the November 11 energy gateway, are catalyzing further releases.
Our nervous system is continuously adjusting and consolidating these changes in every cell. This process requires energy, patience, and centeredness in our divine essence. As we navigate this transformative period, you may experience various symptoms, including fatigue, dizziness, and ear ringing with shifting tones. You may also notice lack of focus and concentration, memory issues, low blood sugar episodes, anxiety, jaw and chest tension, altered sleep patterns, vivid dreams, digestive changes, and random body pains.
To alleviate these symptoms, consider incorporating grounding techniques into your daily routine. Taking a sea salt bath, walking barefoot, or spending brief moments under sunlight can help stabilize your energy.
Remember to stay well-hydrated to facilitate the flow of energy and information throughout your body. As we release outdated energies, we make room for embodying higher frequencies within our DNA and cellular structures. This process takes time and awareness.
Be kind to yourself during this transformative period. Practice compassion and self-care, and trust that you are being guided toward a higher state of consciousness. Wishing you a peaceful day.
we are now witnessing the shift in consciousness that is taking place in the collective, structures, governments, and in many things we have yet to see, and that are coming, as marked also by the many planetary events that we are gradually welcoming, such as Pluto moving into Aquarius, Neptune, and Saturn gradually moving into Aries next year, the 11/11 frequency that represents where we are at this time, and many other Forces outside of our Earth’s confines that too support our planetary transition.
Everything follows a perfect Divine Order despite our human understanding. Our mission as ascending souls is not to judge what God does not, allowing, flowing with change, and perpetually embracing all that comes to help us remember who we are and our personal power, for we do have the freedom to choose.
We are now until the end of the year navigating a passage in which bringing divine order to our entire being is essential, to contribute to seed more harmony and neutrality. My Guides share the importance of this 11/11 passage to work on our crystalline Merkabah ratios, female and masculine star tetrahedrons, correcting their movements and recalibrating all that is distorted in our template, especially through self-creation and energetic manipulation.
Especially healing our masculine codes within our DNA is now pivotal, as number 11/11 represents. For some it will be an awakener code, helping them activate ascension, for others who are more advanced, it is the time to correct the masculine distortions within their DNA, clearing blue ray anomalies, solar implants, self-punishment, control, angriness, and all the distorted masculine traits, bringing back the divine masculine through its embrace and synthesis with the female.
When our light body or Merkabah is spinning in the right direction, DNA unification and reconnection occur, starting to heal the female and masculine biological distortions and restoring the silicate tissues that activate the process of crystalization.
As our female and masculine DNA codes start working in perfect unison, merging together, our DNA strands start reconnecting their dormant wisdom and power, releasing old programming and awakening their time codes, responsible for our consciousness to travel through time and space.
It is then when we start transcending the three-dimensional levels, moving into the soul dimensions, where we start receiving authentic guidance and visions from the God Worlds rather than from the astral ones when many beings are pretending to be higher ones constantly sharing false information.
For others who have already worked on the previous, the 11/11 code can be also an Essence coding meant to awaken in you the guidance required for you to travel into the locations where your essence is needed or where you will experience a major activation. The locations that are linked to these numbers reside in the UK, in Cornwall, Ireland, and Stonehenge, all linked to each other, although there are other ones that are too part of the Essene re-coding pilgrimage.
This passage is just a reminder of where many of us are, crossing the veils of illusions, and embodying trinity consciousness which is the previous step to embody unity consciousness, something yet far away from our current dimension and collective evolution.
We are beginning a new planetary cycle, one that has occurred due to the efforts of many of you to heal who you were not, clear yourselves of illusions, and daily continue remaining in your Higher Heart, for yourselves and All, seeding more love, harmony, and peace.
A new planetary cycle does not come by divine intervention, but through the devotion and willingness of all of you as One to shift an old paradigm, remembering who you are and acting as way-showers for others who are yet to awaken to their power, showing them that it can be done, and that independently of what we are being told, it is already taking place.
Thank you for continue dwelling in your brave and precious Hearts, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
First Contact
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
How to Initiate YOUR OWN FIRST CONTACT ~ The Arcturians
Greetings, We are the Arcturians.
We are truly honored to be speaking with you.
The universe is a vast expanse of endless wonders, teeming with life forms that Humans have yet to fully comprehend. As more and more people awaken to the possibilities of extraterrestrial existence, They are opening to the Idea of direct communication. Many of you are eager to initiate your own first contact. By focusing on your vibration and pure intentions, you can prepare yourself to connect with your many celestial Families.
There are many Higher vibrational entities. Often these higher beings will step in as spiritual guides, helping other beings, like Humans, evolve. Our existence in higher dimensions means our vibrational frequencies differ greatly from yours. To establish contact, you must align your own frequency with those you wish to connect with, through mindfulness and intention.
Your vibration plays a key role when attempting to connect with any Higher Vibrational Being. Every being in the universe vibrates at a unique frequency. For example, to connect with us, the Arcturians, you must elevate your own vibration.
You can boost your vibration by engaging in several enriching activities. For instance, meditation allows you to elevate your state of being. Spending time in nature can increase feelings of peace and joy, enhancing your ability to resonate with higher energies. Additionally, focusing on emotions like love and gratitude can significantly raise your frequency. Remember, the energy you project influences the energy you attract.
When seeking first contact, it is vital that your intentions are genuine and rooted in love.
When connecting with your many Star Families, that resonate with compassion and oneness, having any selfish motives will obstruct your connection.
To strengthen your intentions, focus on goals that benefit the greater good. This could include a quest for knowledge or a wish for spiritual healing. Visualize your heart expanding with light and love as you state your intentions. Your heartfelt intentions increase the likelihood of deeper connections with those of Higher Light.
Creating an atmosphere where you can be at a peaceful state, is essential for your first contact.
To create a Sacred Space, find a quiet spot where you won’t be disturbed. Decorate this area with items that hold personal or spiritual significance, like crystals or candles, which can enhance your energetic environment.
Before attempting contact, immerse yourself in a meditation session, find your Place of Peace within. Focus on slow breathing and visualizations, imagining yourself encircled by white light to cleanse your energy.
It helps to focus in Raising Your Vibration on a daily basis. Engage in uplifting activities that resonate with joy. This could involve listening to high-vibrational music, reflecting on things you are grateful for, or spending a few moments outside to breathe in fresh air. Arts, crafts, singing, dancing, writing, and painting, they all reflect your Divine Creative Nature
Once you are balanced in the Love Vibrations. You then can Connect with Intention.
Once you feel ready, verbally express your desire to connect with any of your Star Families you wish to connect with. Speak your intentions with clarity and openness.
Remember to Be Patient. After your request, remain open to receiving messages. These might manifest as feelings, thoughts, or even symbolic visuals. Be alert to synchronicities; sometimes, the contacts can be quite subtle. Messages also may not happen at that particular moment at first.
Take your time and watch for the signs.
Maintain a journal to document your thoughts, dreams, and experiences. Recording these moments helps you notice patterns and can affirm your connection.
As you pursue first contact, watch for signs that may indicate that your Galactic Families are reaching out.
The Possible signals include:
Unusual coincidences or synchronicities in your daily life.
Vivid dreams or visions experienced during sleep or meditation.
An overwhelming sense of energy or presence nearby.
Unexpected insights or feelings of clarity.
Stay grounded and receptive to these signs.
Initiating contact with other beings, requires Vibrational elevation, patience, and a healthy dose of trust. Your unique journey may feel overwhelming at times, but remaining steadfast in your intentions is vital.
Celebrate each small milestone. The universe responds to the energy you project. By nurturing your vibration and intentions, you create an environment ripe for meaningful connections.
As you embark on this journey to connect with your Celestial Families, remember that the process is just as significant as the destination. Focus on uplifting your vibration, maintaining pure intentions, and opening your heart.
We The Arcturians and your many other Celestial Families, look forward to connecting with you. Embrace the journey, keep your heart open, and explore the endless possibilities that lie beyond the stars.
We are Here with you, Serving Humanity in Love and Light.
We Are the Arcturians.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder at
Become aware that very powerful cosmic energies are pouring in and this is making us super sensitive.
It is imperative to clear your whole chakras, bodies and energy fields twice daily, and even more, as your energy fields extend around your body for 32 kilometers and more, in some cases.
I woke up this morning and was guided to pour Divine love, into every cell and DNA strand, and atomic levels, as well as my spine, chakras, physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and all twelve bodies and my whole extensive energy fields.
To just seek quietude, go out in nature, and go deeper within, while pouring love into all sentient Beings in, upon, and above the earth, the elements and elementals, and to do this in the highest state of love and unity within.
It is imperative, for so many Lightworker souls are holding the sacred ascension flames within their own souls steady at this moment, as the old disintegrates and many souls are lost at sea, yet this in truth is a huge awakening of souls at far deeper levels, than we are even conscious of.
This is the time of highest, loving, service work, intensified.
You can only do this, if all is in equilibrium within, as one with Divine Love within.
For We Are Stepping Up To Understand The Light Of US
Ancient Stories, Ancient Wisdom Of Light Guiding US
Rest And Integrate In The Present Moment Is A Powerful Calling
The True Presence Of Light
11/11 Portal Frequencies Uprising
The Truth Of Now Unfolding
Together In Light
Sending Much Love
Global Light Alliance
Lions Gate Portal with the Moon
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Royal Warriors of the Most High
A breaking of control is freeing the mind, chakras, and the body from the spiritual war we have been fighting in. This week we continue rising in our Royal Bloodline position into the Age of Aquarius.
The duality within self is cleansing out so you can continue unifying with oneness.
Now we can leave the paradigm of being under attack as Chosen through the duality constructs, and move into a new timeline that is healthy and supportive.
Our light is becoming so bright that we are entering a season of overflow. The overflow is our gift to thew world, and all we need to do is simply being in and of the Light – your Rainbow Light Body!
Royal Star of the Lion
Ra James
Today Venus is square Neptune.
This energy can put you deep into your feelings. It’s shining a light on your love life and finances. You may need some healing in either of these areas. So pay attention to how you’re doing in these two areas. These energies can also be making you feel overwhelmed just by your day-to-day responsibilities. It’s all about balance right now to avoid burnout. Make sure you’re not neglecting essential tasks. Sometimes self care includes taking care of things you may have been putting off doing. These energies blend together love, beauty, and creativity with spirituality, dreams, and intuition. This transit can be an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.
When Neptune squares Venus, your love life might feel like it’s straight out of a romantic movie. These are romantic and dreamy energies. This transit might bring up or highlight insecurities. This is only so you can heal what is coming up though. This transit is meant to help you to release unrealistic expectations around your love life. For some you’re letting go of illusions, and facing reality. Expect plot twists around your love life, this can mean things playing out that you didn’t see coming. You may find yourself daydreaming a little extra right now. The energies are powerful for manifesting the rest of the month…
Over the weekend, Venus in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces as the ongoing sextile between Jupiter in Gemini and Chiron in Aries (Sep 2024-May 2025) is forming a ‘yod’ with the Sun in Scorpio at the apex of that yod formation.
Our ability to move forward with confidence in ourselves in light of a changing landscape of information is only as good as our ability to dive DEEP and discover the ways in which we have sabotaged ourselves towards these ends.
And while this theme of moving forward with confidence will continue through the spring, a time to dig into the pains that prevent progress is NOW…
What can be helpful now, if we are able to stay grounded and realistic with it, is that there is a better chance of keeping our thoughts and emotions within a positive disposition through the process as we can more easily prioritize our FOCUS on what we envision rather than on what has prevented it from coming into our lives!
There’s more positive in the future than there is negative in the present anyway so we might as well play the odds.
On Saturday, November 9th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, is in freedom oriented Aquarius and first will be making a challenging square to Uranus, ruler of rebelliousness and nonconformity, in stubborn Taurus, but then a positive sextile to Venus, ruler of happiness and harmony, in expansive Sagittarius.
We may start out feeling very independent, detached or willful regarding situations and circumstances that are happening in our lives. But, later in the day we have the opportunity to feel the beauty, the intimacy and the connection within ourselves, with others, and with the ever changing and unpredictable Universe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, is in freedom oriented Aquarius
First Quarter Moon in Aquarius. Venus in Sagittarius square Neptune retrograde in Pisces – The connection between Venus and Neptune is infinitely creative, imaginative and colourful. But this aspect can be problematic as it brings with it a tendency to romanticise and idealise. Suddenly, life looks grey and lifeless when compared to the fantasy. We feel disillusioned, disappointed with what we have, notice what is lacking more than what is present. Don’t be duped into waiting for an impossible dream. There is such beauty to be found in this reality, in this day. Let love colour the world. Love is the rainbow. Love is the pot of gold. Sink into a sea of gratitude to chase away disappointment and lethargy. Practice unconditional love and self-compassion to clear the mists of illusion.
The Quarter Moon offers some reasoned ideas to chase away the blues. Create space in your life for different experiences. Be forward thinking without over-attachment to the outcome. Treasure your passion and drive but keep a cool head to implement plans. Resolve internal conflicts by tuning into your powerful intuition. Ancestral helpers are on hand to guide the way.
For the next four days, we will have the opportunity to find and use our voice! For some, using our voices may be difficult. Maybe you’ve been programmed not to speak your mind to keep the peace of others. But if we don’t speak our minds to keep the peace,
We are meant to use our voices. We meant to use our voice on a personal level but also at a global level.
If you’re feeling incredibly love or feeling blessed
If you’re feeling incredibly angry at the world
If you’re confused, lost, or don’t understand,
When we speak our truth, it brings us PEACE!
Great Creator wants you to be at peace with yourself!
The SECOND PULSE will be from 11.9.24 to 11.12.24.
These are the days of 8 CHICCHAN, 9 CIMI, 10 MANIK and 11 LAMAT.
This second phase will activate our throat chakra from the descending cosmic energy and our solar plexus from the elevating energy from the core of the Earth. These four days begin collecting foundational wisdom. Like a death of the past, we will begin to let go and align with pure healing creation, activating and transducing wisdom into a usable form. We exit the mental world and enter the world of spirit.
Because of the Mayan days that these four days fall upon, we might want to use our voices because we don’t feel safe, we may want to use our voices as a bridge to new realities, we may want to use our voices to heal, or we may want to use our voices to express our visions for the future.
‘Galactic’ is the name the number eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model.’ The eighth day of the White Mirror wavespell, like any Galactic day, brings peace and harmony…a respite from the 13-day journey and its intensity. Whatever the wavespell or whatever day it is combined with, Galactic energy is always sweeeeeet.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Survival and Instinct.’ We’ve just emerged from the Red Serpent wavespell, the lesson should be fresh in our minds. ‘Renewal’ is the key point today but with the harmonious number eight on our side this ‘Renewal’ won’t be difficult or painful. Harmony creates Renewal.
The Guide for today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Going with the Flow’. When the Red Moon leads it insists that we completely surrender and anyone who thinks that are not influenced by the Moon, are just plain obstinate. Trust that the tide will turn in your favor and things will turn out alright. So, relax and chill out.
The Challenge today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary of the Tzolkin. The Eagle spends a lot of time flying but now and then he must come down to earth. Too much time spent high in the sky eventually leads to imbalance. What this means that whether you are an Eagle or not, today having your head in the clouds won’t help you. Plant your feet on firmly on the ground and connect yourself with the earth.
The Occult power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When in this position the Warrior ‘s quest is for magic. Take on a mission yourself today and expect to be surprised by magical discoveries.
The Ally is the White Wizard the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you need any help today consult a Wizard. Their charm and knowledge of spells can be quite useful.
Tip of the Day: We are descending down the middle of the Tzolkin in between the two-portal day columns. These is the most intense part of the Blue Western Castle of Burning and the point where the first half of the Tzolkin transfers to the second half. The fun really begins tomorrow and lasts ten days… and beware you may feel the pressure. It’s like going through a birthing canal. Some sensitive folk may even experience headaches. Be kind to yourself and others! Thanks for reading.
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 125 = 8 – Infinity/Abundance/SOURCE FLOW
KIN 125 = 8 GALACTIC TONE = 8,
We are now in DAY 5 (out of 20) of the CENTRAL CORE of the Tzolkin the MYSTIC COLUMN which is the COSMIC BIRTH CANAL, accessed through KIN 121, the guardian of the COSMIC vortex of CREATION.. It is the MIRRORLESS DIMENSION of TIME – or rather NO TIME. This 7th vertical column represents the Plasmatic Radial -the ORIGIN of SPIRIT – the ZERO POINT. What I refer to as THE TWILIGHT ZONE!
Next week on 14/15 November we arrive at GALACTIC CENTRE/HUNAB KU – the HEART of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR.
Very TRIPPY times beloveds…
Day 8 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today we are focused on the MIND and integrating instinct.
WHITE MIRROR reflects the TRUTH through direct honesty which we are processing, through allowing this flow in the raw instinctual mind of RED SERPENT. CHICCHAN reveals where cleansing is needed to ensure your ENHANCED survival through your total emPOWERment of your DIVINE LIFE FORCE.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Are your intentions based on HARMONY through integrity of being?
We need to master the primal fears revealed by CHICCHAN and raise them higher with total integrity.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
The themes of modeling integrity with the POWER to bring Harmony, is the prime objective of a DIVINE LEADER.
Kings and Queens holding the authority of the DIVINE, to lead their people, have a great responsibility to model authenticity, kindness, compassion, fairness and equality in the way they treat their “subjects” and rule their kingdom. Being “titled” begets a Divine purpose greater than their own personal desires..
This GALACTIC CHICCHAN beckons the WAYSHOWERS and NEW EARTH LEADERS to STEP UP and RULE with greater dignity and purpose, as the role models for NEW EARTH.
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and patterns can I HARMONIZE, to PURIFY my MIND becoming a MODEL for greater TRUTH? “
Divine blessings for the attainment of PURE DIVINE HARMONY and SOVEREIGNTY today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED GALACTIC SERPENT – CHICCHAN The themes of RED SERPENT are SURVIVAL, life-force, kundalini, passion, vitality and instinct. CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY of the day, as primal FEARS are highlighted and often arise to be cleared and transformed through the power of the Serpent to shed its skin, and be born anew.
WHITE MIRROR is stripping us to the bone! Our CORE fears, beliefs and conditioning are all being stripped away and released, in order to discover our inner DIAMOND core – our true AUTHENTIC DIVINE SELF.
The GALACTIC tone is in the MENTAL plane, so we will be analyzing and clearing our THOUGHTS and beliefs mostly today. If you are BALANCED and in the LIGHT side of RED SERPENT , you can attune to the more positive aspects of the Serpent , giving you more vitality and life force to fuel your PASSION, whether that be of a romantic nature, or of a creative expression focus.
PASSION = ART so use your enhanced PASSION and VITALITY to claim your LIFE FORCE and channel it into pursuits that benefit humanity.
The SHADOW of Red Serpent can arise today bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER.
Dissolve this FEAR through transforming it into drive, through your creative expression. CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus so utilize this panacea for your wounding today.
Step up as you become the courageous LEADER, ready to model what is necessary, to unlock the FLOW of joy and abundance, bringing forth more HARMONY to our world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED GALACTIC MOON – MULUC is seeking to purify and cleanse your vessel of all limitations and FEAR based thinking. Using the power of the Goddess through her Universal Waters to PURIFY your MIND, integrating this purity and flow from pure unadulterated consciousness. The purer and clearer your MIND can become as an empty vessel, the more space exists for wisdom and inspiration to flow through.
This GALACTIC GODDESS represents the QUEEN and beckons you to model the qualities of compassion and empathy in your interactions with others. Being STRONG and yet gentle and sensitive to the needs of others, is a supreme POWER of the GODDESS..
The GALACTIC GODDESS as the higher power to the SERPENT activates your sensuality and the POWER to channel your LIFE FORCE into your CREATIVE expression… Unleash your SHAKTI and channel it into honourable and more COLOURFUL pursuits – add more Joie d’ vivre to your life and our world.
This GODDESS is a SNAKE CHARMER and with the GALACTIC WIZARD supporting her, she has great power to Hypnotize and ENCHANT others with her intellectual prowess and charisma. It is UBER important that these CHARMS be used with noble intent and not to disempower, manipulate or deceive others, through the Art of Seduction, to achieve your desires.
The GALACTIC GODDESS must align her powers with DIVINE INTENT and use her influence in ways to benefit HUMANITY.
SUPPORT: WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD– IX encourages you to SURRENDER to the flow of the Goddess, the kundalini/shakti energies. OPEN your HEART and your MIND, to feel SAFE, take down the barriers to LOVE and growth, reflecting pure TRUTH.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to become more receptive, to know, and understand what is TRUTH, leading you back to safe ground. Harness the power of WHITE MAJIK to attract your tribe and unite in your Divine Mission.
WHITE WIZARD allows you to transcend the Earthly ways and reach for the Heavens! You have access to great MAJIK today through the enchanting power of IX. You can draw upon this power to cast your DREAM spell through your REGAL presence, to ENCHANT and inspire others through your HONOUR, integrity and alignment with your Divine purpose.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RHYTHMIC WARRIOR -CIB the RAINBOW WARRIOR is back AGAIN today – all 3 days in A ROW to ensure the NEW TIME is anchored in this NEW timeline.
CIB enables us to use our intelligence to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that the Mirror reflects today. We can fearlessly choose to release the primal fears and purify our minds. We can now focus on our creativity as an outward expression of our kundalini force.
RHYTHMIC CIB allows us to organize our physical environment, by fearlessly pushing through any boundaries, hampering our Divine Mission and higher destiny path. Allow yourself to sync. and FLOW with the energies, releasing all resistance.
STEP up into greater DIVINE SERVICE as the Gallant Rainbow Warrior in Service to the DIVINE THRONE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE GALACTIC EAGLE – MEN provides inspired VISIONS today that channel the solutions needed to evolve. BLUE EAGLE provides the clarity and objectivity to overcome the tyranny of enslavement to our limiting MIND and irrational fears.
The GALACTIC EAGLE will be the powerful blessing of KIN 125 – smashing all that is not in DIVINE ALIGNMENT with the new DIVINE governing principles, as full CLARITY is exposed.
We are able to integrate harmony with our long-term vision of what we must transform, in order to reach higher and higher levels of creative harmony.
It is TIME to broaden our perspective and elevate our thoughts and MIND to GALACTIC level!
Today’s question is “What instinctual FEARS and patterns can I HARMONIZE, to PURIFY my MIND becoming a MODEL for greater TRUTH? “
Divine blessings for the attainment of PURE DIVINE HARMONY and SOVEREIGNTY today!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 10th through 16th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful 11:11 Gateway Guided Meditation and Full Moon in Taurus Healing Ceremony.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Divine Creator, Source of all life,
Guide us back to the heart of our shared beginning.
May we remember that we are one people,
Threads woven together in the fabric of this world.
Help us to break down the barriers within ourselves,
To see each other as kin across all lands and seas.
Let love, compassion, and understanding rise,
Like continents rejoining in unity and peace.
May our minds awaken to the Earth beneath our feet,
A home we share, to cherish and protect.
Teach us to walk gently on this sacred ground,
Honoring the gifts of land, water, sky, and soul.
As Pangea rises in our spirits,
Let us become whole as a human family.
Connected, bound by love, and anchored in harmony.
Together, may we rise, united, as one.
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scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of
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