WE ARE AT A KEY MOMENT ~ Ultimate Power of Transfiguring Love
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Gifted Star Guides to the Sacred Lands of Enlightenment and Purification
We are in a massive timeline shift and activation window until the 29th of November our last 11:11 Portal of 2022. We have wave upon wave of higher energetic light flowing in directly from the Great Central Sun filling this realm with Gamma Plasma Liquid Gold Light for our Ascension and Awakening into 5D, the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
On this powerful day of activation and transformation we are experiencing an intense Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Tzolkin calendar with Galactic Signature Kin 192 ~ Yellow Planetary Human as the Gold Christ Consciousness is being Activated within every Living Heart of our Ground crew Starseeded Team of the 144 for our final missions of full Planetary Liberation. The Wisdom of our True Nature of Buddha Mind is shining through to illuminate the Direct Path ahead to destination Terra Nova Gaia, New Lemuria.
The poles are shifting at an accelerated rate as Gaia and all her Children of the Sun find our Zero Point in our True North, Pachamama is being enveloped in Rainbow Hues of Love, Light and Bliss Rays of multidimensional essences of Gods Holy Way. This shall lead the way to the I Am Presence as the Kingdom of Heaven within to manifest the Paradise in the External projection, extension and expression of the One True Ascension Timeline.
All Galactics, Earth Angelics, are with us now to assist and serve Gaia and all Sentient beings through the Greatest Shift of all Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Sustained Life… A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 18°28′ Capricorn, Sun at 4°51′ Sagittarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 19º Capricorn |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 19º Capricorn.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 5º Sagittarius |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 5º Sagittarius.
source: https://www.astrologyweekly.com

WE ARE AT A KEY MOMENTThis is a key moment for Humanity. It is a moment when the Earth was put into tune with the symphony of the Universe. This is a good time to recap and focus on the path, as Earth is going through a deep planetary cleansing and the pain accumulated in the collective memory has begun to be released.The Earth has opened Portals of Light to achieve a loving Planetary synchronization with the frequencies of the Living Cosmic Libraries.The Earth today more than ever is receiving patterns of information and Central Sunlight and with that, the Portals of Light have opened, tuning the Earth to the Stars that make up the galactic circuit of the Living Libraries.There is a lot of Light and information coming through each planetary Portal. Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus, Antares, Orion, and Venus are emitting light waves to help tune humanity into the multidimensional spheres.As a result of this opening, the Earth began a process of deep cleansing on a physical level, triggering floods, fires and continuous volcanic eruptions along the Ring of Fire. In this way GAIA frees from the depths the emotional memory of the collective consciousness of Humanity.To open consciousness, it is necessary to raise the vibration of the emotions that sustain you daily. Stop vibrating in victimization and judgment to live with joy in your heart.
In these MAGICAL TIMES with Extreme ADJUSTMENTS Happening. . .

Diego E. Berman, PhD
Dear friends, we are receiving some moderate solar wind as I’m typing this, and even though the energetic oasis will continue this weekend, these solar winds might feel a bit intense for some of you who are energy sensitives.
Remember we are in the integration and releasing phase of the huge amount of information our bodies recorded these last two months. As we move towards December, our bodies are pushing deeper into the “burning of the old”. You may experience intense inner heat within your bodies, head, chest, legs, and arms, on and off during the day. It might feel like chills but without apparent fever. Dry mouth, headaches, and disorientation may also take place. Aa the heart center also adjusts to more love and compassion, we might experience some chest tension and heart palps. As always, consult a health specialist if needed.
Remember to ground yourself. stay well hydrated, rest, and if possible do not expose yourself to harsh energetic situations. Our bodies need a good and safe energetic cocoon so that the integration process can move forward smoothly.
Memories from the past may resurface today to be further processed and released. Being in a state of gratitude will facilitate the dissolution of our inner resistance to change. The ego likes to stay in its comfort zone, so make sure you send loving thoughts to yourself as well. Changing personal paradigms and timelines can be a bit shaky at times, so let’s ride these solar waves as best as we can!
Much love!
Diego E. Berman 2022 Ⓒ

Asara Adams

Energy Update by The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light
The Ultimate Power of Transfiguring Love
Kin 192 ~ Yellow Planetary Human


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