Exodus! Movement of Jah People ~ ANCIENT LIGHT TRIBES – FIVE Yods * Wisdom ~ Blue Starseed ~ Metamorphosis
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Freedom Manifestors of our New Lemuria Rising
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving micro bursts of higher dimensional and intergalactic pulses of Gamma Plasma Rays of Source Energy to prepare our Ground Crew Team for our Cosmic Reunions upon the New Earth.
We are holding the keys and codes of Avatar Consciousness within our Crystalline 12 Strand DNA to activate Gaia and all her Children of the Sun for our Ascension and Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
As all timelines of benevolence are merging and bridging Heaven and Earth into our One True Ascension timeline we continue jumping through zero points of time and space to consciously co-create the Highest Resonance of Bliss and Love to usher in our New Paradigm of Peace for all Sentient Beings of the Way…A’Ho!
The journey of the Blue Starseed is a sacred pilgrimage across the stars, guided by the ethereal Song of the Blue Crystal. This celestial song is not just a sound but a vibration that carries the wisdom of the ages, a reminder of the Starseed’s true essence. As the Starseed attunes to this frequency, it begins to harmonize with the Great Central Sun—a source of limitless energy and consciousness. In this union, the Starseed transcends its earthly limitations, becoming a channel of divine light and a messenger of cosmic peace to all who seek the truth
Awakeness does not care who you are as an individual with a story. Its nature is the same in all things and no one person is more special than another. Yet awakeness uses your personality vehicle to birth itself into the world
Wisdom is knowing that feelings hold information. Do not dismiss what you are feeling. Not all feelings are triggers to past experiences. Some feelings arise to get your attention and for you to trust what you are feeling and being shown.
To be dismissed is the worse insult to your deep knowing and soul. A lot of that dismissing may come from yourself. It’s an initiatory stage to fully come into your WISDOM. This is what was offered to me these last few days. Athena has guided me through the Gates of Wisdom.
One last blow of not trusting my feelings. Everything is miraculous, no matter how uncomfortable the situation and the feelings that want to be felt.
This is what is dissolving… No longer shall women carry War.
“If we have this Gene Key prominently in our profile, we’re going to stop needing to know, and finally understand. We’ll start laughing. Happiness never comes through answers. It comes only when we’re so tired of answers, that we just decide to live the questions fully. Our life radiates the answer, and finally we can relax and be of the deepest service to the world.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
8/11/24: Many of us have been triggered this month by certain events, insights, and memories. If you haven’t yet, your turn will come. These moments are the revealing and dislodging of inner conditioning, fears, excuses, unmet needs, betrayals, and any of the other countless human burdens we carry. Because, beneath these issues are strength, resilience, raw talent, creativity, and courage. Today is another aftermath of the Lion’s Gate. It invokes a powerful jolt of Divine Discovery. An awakening. A clarity. An understanding. If you feel it, open wide. Let down your guard and hope to be shown. Then will you know the purpose and the wisdom behind your pain.
Dear friends, this year a celestial spectacle will be accompanying the official closing of the Lion’s Gate portal on August 12: the wonderful Perseids meteor showers are here. This annual astronomical event peaks around mid August but you can catch a glimpse of these shooting stars from July 14 to September 1.
The Perseids are fragments of the Swift-Tuttle comet, which orbits the sun every 133 years. As the Earth passes through its debris trail, we get to enjoy this stunning display of shooting stars.
These meteors appear in the sky region of the constellation Perseus, the mythological warrior representing courage, strength, and resilience. This meteor shower is said to bring a strong sense of self-confidence, encouraging us to face challenges head-on and rise above them. The Perseids ignite passion, motivation, and inner fire. It’s an excellent time for new beginnings, entrepreneurial pursuits, and creative endeavors.
This year the Perseids showers are amplifying the last energy waves of the 888 portal, giving us a final momentum to expand our creativity, self-expression, and self-confidence. This meteor shower is also acting as an “energetic cleanser”, helping us with the process of releasing and renewal as we close this potent Lion’s Gate. The meteor shower symbolizes letting go of old patterns and habits, making way for new experiences and perspectives.
The creator of the Perseids, the Swift-Tuttle comet, is associated with sudden changes, awakenings, and revelations, bringing deep unexpected insights, and inspiring a more profound personal growth as we venture into the second half of the month. These shooting stars are believed to carry wishes to the universe. Make a wish, set an intention, and let the cosmos conspire to manifest it.
confront the Medusa-like challenges that petrify our souls, and emerge victorious, our hearts afire with unyielding resilience. A wonderful closure to this year’s empowering Lion’s Gate period.
And when we wish upon a star, we entrust the universe with our deepest longings, surrendering to the mystical ballet of divine intervention, celestial bodies, and human desires. In this fleeting, shimmering moment, the Perseids meteor shower becomes a cosmic conspirator, weaving our aspirations into the fabric of universal reality.
We continue being immersed in the planetary reconfiguration and timelines reconnection that we have been undergoing all this year and that now reached its peak. Our metamorphosis process to becoming unified illumined sovereign beings continues, heading now into the eclipses to conclude this intense but blessed eighth universal year.
Our wounded masculine essence continues to be healed of eons of patriarchism, genetic distortions, and galactic wars over consciousness, as recognizing the masculine wound is essential to start seeing the false beliefs and patterns we have been programmed with, retrieving the Divine masculine and merging it with our female one, in a never-ending embrace.
The rise of balanced partnerships on our planet is also another sign of where we are going as an ascended collective, for the ones choosing this transition. As you activate yourself spiritually, becoming sovereign and unified, you will experience the same process in your divine reunion, both of you becoming now spiritually unified and activated humans.
This is a process that starts when both of you have finally healed, cleared, and activated your sixth and seventh-dimensional shoulder portals, finally merging both of your female and masculine essences and initiating the process of galactic retrieval and initiation into a higher ascension stage.
A lot of you are now experiencing this inner synthesis, feeling challenges in your divine reunion until this process is complete, for both need to be in the same frequency band and ascension stage, to be able to co-create equally as One.
The retrieval of our divine masculine is emphasized in many of you with lineage from the Seraphim, Aldebaran, and Orion civilizations. You are going to be specifically living this process of massive release, as you heal the many distorted masculine wounds you experienced while in these civilizations, healing your galactic heritage and the many painful memories associated with all you have ever lived, in the wars over consciousness eons ago of our current time and three-dimensional space.
As you release the many wounds, in the form of miasma, traumas, and hidden memories associated with the masculine, many of you may feel anxiety, dizziness, confusion, emotional release, and many other different sensations unique to your personal ascension process.
While this process lasts, wounds will resurface, mental debris, and old patterns that reside in your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, and it is common to experience these sensations, for your body cells are massively letting go of programs they have been accustomed to live with for many years, now getting adjusted to a higher frequency and new programming, as they continue to embody the new earth’s frequencies.
The masculine wound is being healed, and the ones who still desire to foment it, are creating more fragmentation and false information. However, deep within ourselves we know, because we feel it, that the female is being embraced, and protected by its divine masculine counterpart, as we continue retrieving and merging both energies within and in our planetary templars, grids, and fabrics.
The separation between both dimensions is emphasized as we continue transcending the three-dimensional planes and moving into the soul timelines. It is now key to witness everything that is taking place in ourselves and the planet, or that we are told that is taking place, from a neutral and compassionate perspective.
Remaining in our Higher Hears, and holding unconditional Love for All is vital as we traverse this passage, for we did not come here to create more separation with our judgments. This is a time to focus on our personal process, for when we heal and activate ourselves we help the whole.
A time to see beyond the three-dimensional dramas and false scenarios created to distract our attention to what is truly important: our consciousness, where we put it, what we feed it with, and what we choose to create with our life force.
May you always choose Love as the only authentic Source, Beloveds.
There has been a huge clearing of the solar plexus of the earth on the day of the Lion portal and with also that of fear based energy as well as the all ego based lower body, density.
It is anchoring in balance, harmony and the brother-and-sisterhood unity consciousness, as well as the golden ray of wisdom and full access to the Cosmic Tree of Life again.
As the solar plexus also holds the fire energy, it warms the heart center and opens it wider, so much cosmic love and illumination is pouring in.
Therefore all will surface, even from the deep unconscious, which still needs to be cleared, especially the lower ego.
I was called to the sea today, and as I arrived, the dolphins immediately showed themselves. I have never seen such huge pod of dolphins before and my higher guidance had told me this would happen two weeks ago.
The dolphins were riding the waves, jumping out of the water, swimming in circles: Sheer exuberant joy!
They told me that with the clearing so much had been removed and is being removed, that the living waters of life can flow freely again, and that the frequency and vibration of the waters is now rising into the 7th dimensional frequency once more. The dolphins and whales are now anchoring in this angelic frequency with the sea turtles.
The living waters connect to the songs of the earth and the solar system, and galaxies, and universe and with this rising of frequency, as the golden crystalline energy of Africa is fully activated again brings about the full tuning in, of whole new Solar Crystalline Lightbodies, not only of ourselves, but tuning us into the New Golden Age. The waters act like tuning forks and tune us in.
My heart and soul are just overflowing. I cannot find words to express the rest of what has been shown to me.
All I can say is that we are now in a much higher dimensional frequency band, than ever before!
We Bring Through Insights From The Crystalline World Of Light.
The Unification Of Starseed Lineages Now Joining In Light.
For The New History Of Your World Is Now Apon You, As Many Walk The Path Of Now Creation.
The Path Of Higher Light Work Aligned To The Greater Good Of The Universe.
I wish to focus your attention on the many portals of Light, access points on your planet. The Ancient caves, to the deep fissures in the depths of your oceans.
For the Exploring Of Light Is The Uprising of Many Species, Many Civilisations Reaching A New Level Of Cellular Advancement, A New Connection To The Humans.
Understand, it is occurring beneath Your World, deep in the core of Gaia, as a collective species of Light, our Mother Gaia and Within US.
To expand your Light Recognition Is to SEE our Planet awakening to the Ancient Slumber of Light Uprising.
Be Open to these concepts of Light Advancements as many Ancient Light Civilizations are eagerly anticipating our Global Uprising.
The Ancient New Earth Light Lineages are Feeling the collective cellular calling of Humanity.
For Mother Gaia is releasing her past constraints, Feel the New Earth Light.
The Awakening Of Now
Together We Awaken in Light
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Exodus! Movement of Jah People
A huge ending of the serpent agenda has occurred. This week is clearing and closing out a gene cycle of God’s Chosen being attacked and siphoned from this seed point entity that’s disrupted the bloodline of God’s People. Justice is neutralizing now. Over the next few weeks so much that has been taken, blocked, and attacked will clear. What’s yours is coming back to you.
This is the beginning of the New Earth Family Tree and Legacy of God’s Chosen. He has hand picked Divine Counterparts so they may come into Union and solidify with the Most High, and begin procreating and birthing the New Earth and New Family Tree for His Re-Genesis 2.0. He has Chosen Divine Masculine and Feminine Christ Counterparts based on their genes and royal bloodline. The codes that these two people carry are the perfect Gene Codes to create this new Family from. Therefore if this is your path of service in the New Earth, release your plans and receive the one the God has Chosen.
For all of the 144000, we are completing our Exodus from captivity. Keep your thoughts focused on the future you are creating. Give any fears to God, as fears are not of God, they are of the captor. You, your mind, and emotions are free. You are no longer a prisoner of the past pain, hurt, and trauma. It will all continue surfacing and purifying out into September, in preparation for all the upgrades coming next. .
Today we have a Lunar Saturn Trine that will have us dive deep into the cosmic life force of our DNA, to uproot any karmic cycles that need healing or release, so we can levitate above the dark waters of pain.
The Moon in Scorpio is Trine to Saturn Retrograde in Pisces but that is not all. At 7pm EST tonight, which is in a little over an hour from when I write this, FIVE Yod’s will appear! A Yod is a unique and relatively rare configuration between three planets that forms an isosceles triangle in a chart. It’s often referred to as the “Finger of God” or “Finger of Fate” because it indicates a significant, often challenging, spiritual or karmic path that the individual must follow.
To have one or even two Yod’s is auspicious. But to have FIVE is like a lightning bolt from the Divine that brings urgency to our purpose, destiny, and soul mission on this Earth.
Saturn is one of the planets involved in a Yod, and it partners with the Sun and Ascendant. This energy is meant to catapult us into a new era to begin a new cycle of growth.
Saturn is a disciplinarian. It governs time, karma, and is a seasoned teacher. Saturn doesn’t come to punish us. It comes to help us level up! And we can’t do that unless we’re willing to cut out distractions, excuses, and lazy behaviors. It brings us accountability, responsibility, and tough love. With a Trine to the Moon in watery Scorpio, we are brought into the cosmic courtroom of mystical laws, to help us grow.
We are destined to experience something grand today, and this energy will ripple into tomorrow as this Lunar Saturn Trine continues until the Moon moves into fiery Sagittarius.
Retrogrades are all about reflection, review, and reassessments. When Saturn is Retrograde, we examine how we apply our disciplines, and in what areas of our lives we need to take more seriously. This is a bit of a Devil energy in the Tarot. The Devil corresponds to Capricorn. And Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. The Devil card teaches us about our behaviors and habits that need more discipline and self control. It also addresses excess, addictions, and temptations. Like the people depicted in the Devil card, we are chained to our own vices, but can set ourselves free at any given moment. We are only chained by our own hands, not by anything external to us.
So we ask ourselves, what chains are binding us in life? What have we felt constricted by, or chained by? What have we been trying to overcome and master, that has been reckless or sloppy?
Under Piscean influence, Saturn challenges the rules we have placed on our dreams, ideas, goals, and desires. Saturn wants structure. While Pisces wants unbounded, uncaged, and lofty flow. Like a rubber band stretched far apart, Saturn wants to constrict it back into shape, while Pisces wants to snap it and be set free. Here, especially in Retrograde status, we will be challenged to give structure to places in our lives that need it, all while preserving our free spirit enough, so as not to squash it. This reminds me of a little violet flower that grows next to an oak tree. One is tender and fragile. The other is rigid and strong. Together, they compliment each other, so long as they both work to not compromise what each of them has going on. Mutual receptivity to the other is what works best here.
This principle of mutual receptivity and respect can be applied to all major aspects in our lives; relationships, career, and home life.
The Moon in Scorpio invites us to cross the threshold into the unknown so we can learn something new about ourselves we hadn’t learned before. This could help us explore the truths and missing pieces of our past lives, relationship dynamics with people who are important to us, and even the milestones we have yet to reach. The key here is to be unafraid and to trust that we can walk into the unknown and come out on the other side unharmed.
On Sunday, August 11th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the intense sign of Scorpio and forming a difficult inconjunct to Mars, planet of energy and action, in vacillating Gemini. We may be in a quiet state of internal self-reflection and contemplation as we try to discover which direction to go and what path to take in moving forward. Or, maybe we are trying to make sense out of all that we are feeling and experiencing within our psyche.
Either way, we may feel a bit challenged in sorting it all out. Perhaps the best use of this energy is to research all the possibilities and see how each one “feels” to us. Remember that Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is retrograde until the end of the month. It is a time to look at all of the details and be open to revisions along the way.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in the intense sign of Scorpio
The number 9 is called ‘Solar’ and its keywords are ‘Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The 9th day of a wavespell is always intense. There is a lot of power in that number and people born on Solar days are really good at getting what they want. Today whatever your ‘intention’ is, make sure it’s the right thing for you – just because it’s easy to get, doesn’t mean you need it. If you are discerning however, in what you pursue today this number really packs a punch and can help you succeed in your endeavors.
Today is Blue Eagle and key words associated with it are ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. The Blue Eagle sees things from a higher perspective and uses creativity to solve problems. They are also powerful predators and can take what they desire with ease. The combination of number and day makes for a very interesting scenario. Today provides the perfect opportunity to swoop down and grab what you want so make sure your intentions are good and no one becomes your prey. Be responsible with this power today is the message here. The Eagle, when it has this much intention, is a force to be reckoned with! Take advantage of this viewpoint Eagle offers you today, so you can see clearly what there is up for grabs.
Today’s Guide is the Blue Monkey which represents ‘Magic, Play and Illusion’. Monkey can lead you today if you can understand the difference between magic and illusion. This can help with deciding which opportunity you should grab. Remember though that Monkey does like to play, so try to keep on your toes whenever he is leading the way.
If you are a Red Serpent today will Challenge you. You are normally good at striking for what you want at just the right time but today you may miss your chances. The powerful Eagle is flying over you and so, you may need to keep out of his way. Watch out! You may spot him as he casts his shadow over you – ready to snatch you up!
The Occult power is the White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. This gives the day even more opportunities, so prepare to cross a bridge to get what you want. You may have to let something go… as Worldbridger always insists that you pay a toll before crossing the bridge. The Worldbridger is a very Shamanic bridgekeeper and he insists when in this position, that you cross a bridge to a magical realm.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed and they love to ‘sow awareness’. Today they play a supportive role and so if you need help deciding which opportunity to grab, consult a Yellow Seed. If you are one, your wisdom will be of great benefit to others today. Yesterday the Seed was in the weakened challenge position but today he is better able to be of assistance. If you don’t have one to call upon, do what a Seed would do and gather information. Research what you need to know and don’t forget to share your findings with others.
KIN 35 = 8 Infinity/Abundance/Source Flow 8.8.8 CODE for today!
9 day code and 9 Solar tone = 9.9. DOUBLE DESTINY code!
A Divinely Majikal enVISIONing day to find solutions, as now we can SEE the whole PICTURE!
The SOLAR EAGLE is flying ahead and opening a PLANETARY GATEWAY through this DIVINE DESTINY portal activating a 20 day WINDOW of AWAKENING for CREATING the BIG VISION.
Great REVELATIONS will surface when the BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE drops a BOMBSHELL on 31 AUGUST 2024. DIARY DATE!!
Stay tuned!
Day 9 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL where we realize HEALING through our capacity to trust the BIGGER PICTURE. The energy is VERY SPIRITUAL today, and coupled with the visionary EAGLE and majikal MONKEY, we have an opportunity to hold the VISION for GREAT SUCCESS and accomplishment. A VERY beautiful combo.
As we can now SEE the FINISH LINE, we KNOW that we have ACCOMPLISHED OUR MISSION of HEALING our planet and LIBERATING her from darkness.
SOLAR – Tone 9 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention The ninth day of BLUE HAND Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation.
The SOLAR phase is where we wake up to the fact that our Will affects the reality we experience, so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest and pulsing that intention from our heart, assists us in making our dreams come true. You are the humanitarian whose dreams unfold the larger pattern of our new world.
Today we are pulsing double Majik to manifest our Greatest VISION through this ILLUMINATION portal!!
What powerful VISION are you PULSING into reality?
Today’s question is “What is the greatest and most creative picture we can envision for our Planet?
Divine blessings for our journey to realizing our GREATEST and BEST LIFE possible on this Earth plane!
It is time to SOAR in clear blue Solar skies.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SOLAR EAGLE MEN provides us with a beautiful gift today. The gift of VISION. In particular the gift of foresight, and seeing the BIG PICTURE to finally and permanently solve our healing challenges.
KIN 35 is an absolutely BRILLIANT interStellar code... not only do you have the POWER of panoramic VISION today, but you have the MAJIKAL healing power to ACCOMPLISH that VISION… A superb line-up of characters in today’s PLAY!
By zooming your lens outwards to more expansive panoramic views, your problems become miniscule, and you are able to easily grasp brilliant SOLUTIONS. A new and broader perspective, allows for more ideas, wisdom and information, to colour your landscape with wondrous opportunities for growth.
Are you EXPANDING your VISION as you integrate all your experiences?
The friction and disharmony you have experienced is evident as resistance that blocks your path.
What is the ORIGIN of this resistance?
BLUE EAGLE will pinpoint the EXACT moment in your timeline where this knot occurred. Call on your BLUE EAGLE today to hone in and use his beak to pull out the knots obstructing your path. Once CLEAR from obstructions you are FREE to CREATE..from a clean palate.
Today we REALIZE ourselves as co-creators, through trusting the greater VISION, of what we wish to ACCOMPLISH here on planet Earth. This encourages us to get creative and ENVISION the most majikal realities that we can, allowing those visions to PULSE through us and out into the greater cosmos.
BLUE EAGLE holds the codes for our collective PLANETARY MIND, so today’s code has great influence in our Planetary LIBERATION. The FOCUS is on en-VISION-ing the DIVINE PLAN successfully and fully REALIZED for Ascended GAIA.
How can your IDEAS and new perspective be woven into this grander landscape to create more ease, grace and harmony in your life, in your family, in your community and in our world?
What is your EXPANDED VISION and Soul’s purpose on this planet? Meditate on this today, to get clarity on your divine mission.
Step up and get ready to go BIG! YOU HAVE ARRIVED!!
HIGHER GUIDE: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY CHUEN is today’s higher guide bringing forth much MAJIK! As AUGUST is a 7 Universal month (added to 2024), we have DOUBLE the MAJIK available today for our benefic spell casting!
Start PULSING your MAJIK!!!
CHUEN is the cheeky, mischievous innocent child who loves to PLAY! And what better tool to PLAY with, than MAJIK?! CHUEN is a talented Magician and time traveller, who has the power to gather and reveal much information today throughout SPACETIME.
BLUE MONKEY can divulge the illusions and trickery that have kept you blinded from SEEING the BIGGER PICTURE. . The MIND games that have kept you confused and in the DARK. Perhaps you have veered off your BEST path, or lost your way completely through all the smoke and mirrors! Detach from the MATRIX GAME and look at life again with FRESH EYES.
Allow your Divine child to show you what is BEAUTIFUL in your life and our world. Your DIVINE CHILD KNOWS the best path back to claim your DIVINE existence..
As you remember your inherent Majikal powers, you can use them to CREATE and MANIFEST from a place of greater awareness, pulsing your desired intention into matter through alchemical MAJIK.
Energizing your BIGGEST VISION with Monkey Majik is very potent indeed!
SUPPORT: YELLOW SOLAR SEED: KAN – the Solar Seed today is SEEKING the LIGHT, so that it can GROW and CREATE, and REALIZE it’s highest potential. The SEEDling soaks up the sun’s rays and majikally alchemizes them through the process of photosynthesis – creating the fuel for future GROWTH.
We have MASSIVE SOLAR rays transmitted from our SUN headed towards EARTH, pulsing forth through the POWER of the SOLAR tone of creation… HUGE ASCENSION boosts to alchemize our cells for a miraculous GROWTH SPURT – think Jack and the BEANSTALK – majik SUPERNATURAL growth!!
The seed packet contains all the codes – nutrients, data and stimuli needed to achieve the seemingly impossible – Miraculously transforming into the huge oak TREE.. How is that possible? Nature truly is remarkably Majikal..
The seed unlocks its inherent codes, and pulses this intention to GROW into a big tall tree, everyday of its existence. It holds the bigger picture in its original SEED, and this is the rocket fuel that programs the growth.. This is the metaphor needed for us all..
keep holding the DREAM of the BIGGER PICTURE –
pulse it out with FOCUSED INTENTION every day.
All the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS incarnated on Gaia hold this BIG UTOPIAN PLANETARY DREAM in our coding.. It is written in the STARS and written in our DNA. We all KNOW IT and can FEEL it to the CORE of our being..
NOW is the TIME to PULSE this LIGHT out collectively in order to MANIFEST MIRACLES.
We are NEARLY THERE Planetary Kin – one last PUSH!!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI holds the keys to the KING-DOM.. Today’s SUPERPOWER is an OVERTONE Worldbridger, so we have RADIANT POWER to COMMAND our VISION into creation. Claiming our sovereignty as the New EARTH creators and leaders through this LION’S GATE passage.
CIMI is building the rainbow bridge to allow you to cross-over to achieve your greatest VISION, and our Planetary RAINBOW VISION.. MANIK, the BLUE HAND, and CIMI are a brilliant combo. – they work synergistically to accomplish GREAT THINGS.
CIMI asks you to SURRENDER your greatest VISION to Divine Will, knowing that you will have all the support, people, networks and resources you need to realize your plan.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SOLAR SERPENT– CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and awakening. RED SERPENT also holds the store of FEAR.
RED SERPENT challenges you today to release your old fears. All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Surrender to the DEATH of – FEAR, STRUGGLE, poverty and dis-ease. The FEAR of FAILURE, FEAR of SUCCESS and greatest FEAR, of dying before you REALIZE your MISSION.. Your greatest DESTINY.
Today’s 9.9. DIVINE DESTINY and COMPLETION code, amplifies your ability to SURRENDER your PAST pain and FEAR, close that chapter and then turn the page to write your NEW BEGINNING filled with JOY and HAPPINESS… beautiful support from our codes today.. It is TIME to RISE like the resurrected phoenix which is what the SOLAR SERPENT excels at!
Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues so draw on your AWAKENING kundalini power to raise and release these energies funneling it into majikal creation power!
NOTE: This combo of BLUE EAGLE and the SOLAR SERPENT in challenge position, may cause a RUDE and ABRUPT AWAKENING for many souls today!.The SOLAR SERPENT may trigger volcanic eruptions and a RISE in the pulsing of our planetary kundalini through the dragon/ley lines.
BLUE EAGLE often appears in the DREAMTIME to get his messages to a more receptive MIND. The SERPENT is a kundalini specialist and can thus unravel the blocks in life force. As the flow of chi surges upwards through our chakras it can bring an explosive BREAKTHROUGH in consciousness. All very promising and much needed codings for our progress!
Today we need to TRUST, that what we SEE IS possible.
Today’s question is “What is the greatest and most creative picture we can envision for our Planet?
Divine blessings for our journey to realizing our GREATEST and BEST LIFE possible on this Earth plane!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Prayer for Healing and Balancing Energies in the New Earth
Divine Creator, Source of all Life,
We come before you with open hearts and minds,
As we journey through this sacred time of transformation.
Guide us as we align with the higher frequencies of the New Earth,
And help us to balance and harmonize our energies,
So that we may fully embody the light and love that you bestow upon us.
May the healing energies of the Universe flow through every cell of our being,
Restoring us to our natural state of wholeness and balance.
Help us release any fears, doubts, or old patterns that no longer serve us,
And allow us to embrace the new with courage and grace.
We call upon the healing power of the Earth,
To ground us and keep us connected to the life-giving energies of nature.
May the elements of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Bring balance to our bodies, minds, and spirits.
As we step into the New Earth,
May our hearts be filled with compassion,
Our minds with clarity,
And our spirits with peace.
We are grateful for the guidance of our ancestors,
The wisdom of our higher selves,
And the love of all beings who support us on this path.
May we walk this journey together in unity and harmony,
Honoring the sacredness of all life,
And co-creating a world of love, peace, and joy for all.
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