Integrating Energies ~ When You Feel Overwhelmed
Your body is trying to PROCESS a large amount of information/energy through it, to decipher, to make sense, to correlate the information it is receiving and “it’s too much” to handle, in that moment. In the beginning, with carbon based human bodies, this was emotions and discordant thoughts. The body goes into “overload” when there are too many distortions and your body needs to release. It’s WORKING HARD to process everything faster, easier…. it’s trying to “pick through” all you’ve The extremes of the human emotions and thoughts go as each purified, cleansings and holds light inside. Pure peace, balance and unity inside replaces what used to be separation…. there’s just PURE LOVE. Your body must transmute the energy of all the old programs held within. Your cells are in continual opening/closing mode, releasing the energy of the old programs and any emotions/frequencies there. These “signals” are transmitted through the body through “neurotransmitters” which communicate with your entire body systems to then translate this coded information into words that you hear in your head, images that you see inside and through your eyes too. Your reality is a projection of all that is held inside of you. |
These higher density planes/dimensions/realities are more pristine, fine-tuned, in alignment with PURE SOURCE LIGHT and the codes to experience it are in your body and the sequences to activate them are in your bubble/universe/holographic energy field that floats around outside As these galactic/cosmic/sacred higher light frequencies activate all day, every day now, they activate your cells through photonic light to become Quantum, which requires sleep, down-time for your body to upgrade and the field outside of you to come inside/merge/integrate into your being. Your DNA is activated and genetic codes are altering, modifying as massive amounts of Light (Your higher consciousness, soul, spirit, essences, aspect) can activate INSIDE OF YOUR BODY… so you can WALK as a Quantum Light BEing here. Your whole make-up will be transformed, changed, re-coded, re-calibrated, constantly and continually now. Your outside reality will continually re-calibrate to match your new frequencies. This is call aligning/re-alignment to your SOUL’S CODES and your human reality did not conform to this. Everything changes. It’s supposed to and it’s why you are here. |
Your physical body/cellular memory/subatomic molecular structure de-constructs and re-constructs everything from the ground up. You anchor the higher realms of consciousness inside of your body, AFTER YOU FLOAT LONG ENOUGH to detach from all things separation and a part of the old illusion you believed as real. Your NEW EARTH REALITIES will be nothing like your old. They will consist of magic, bliss, rainbows, happiness, true abundance, kindness, Your bodies go through a continual process of everything being re-worked. Your value system, your beliefs, your mentalities, your existence… completely overhauled. You will oscillate between aspects, from one extreme to the other (masculine/feminine then divine masculine/divine feminine) to come to balance inside… and to return to PURITY again. You will birth new you’s, new realities, new ideas… all will be re-born, have to grow up, learn to walk, talk, function, communicate, support yourself…. all over again, this time totally in-alignment AS YOUR HIGHER SELVES, from the depths of your SOUL and in UNISON AS THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE….. no more separation, no more small, no more limits or feeding energy into the old.
Your whole body will be INTELLIGENT, operating pristine and in unison too. Every system online, communicating, processing every dimension, every reality, every everything simultaneously, inside and outside of you Like a crystal, sometimes you are able to transmit, sometimes receive, sometimes you can’t do the other, while you are in one phase. Other times you Your realities are built on trust, faith, knowing… regardless of what outside says. Your new realities are projected holographically from within. They materialize for you according to the light that you hold, the love that you are, that which you say, project, do….. Your body builds energy when you pull away and honor this huge transformational process. It rebuilds, repairs, reboots, re-aligns all for you when you get out of the way. |
Higher density planes… you vibrate into these. Your body must lighten and there’s much SPACE between your cells, so that energy can move freely and where there is density/separation, then this energy will “bump into” it, to activate it to dissolve and to play out in your holographic or physical reality world, dependent on where you most function from… as a Human or Light Being in physical form. There is tons more, there always is. This is just a very small part. Let your body do what it needs. Your adrenals go haywire as your “fight or flight” is triggered so that your resistance can go. You’ll be depleted so you can’t hardly function, because your human is too strong and things need to occur for you that you wouldn’t otherwise allow. Your lymphatic system, your glands, your blood, your skin, your brain/skull, your throat, your Your bones will lose density and start to expand too. Your teeth, the same… where deep “rooted” programs were held. Your blood will purify your system, carrying pathogens out. Your urine will cleanse your system, then these systems will be “switched over” to crystalline and your body will function differently…. misting crystals through your skin, glistening, sparkling…. it’s beyond beautiful, exquisite for us and bizarre to the human. This is just the BEGINNING loves… there’s so much more to come for all. Your embracing and honoring is most important, if you desire to experience this with more ease and leave the suffering, resistance and need to know first behind. ♥ Get ready loves! Today is a quiet day thus far. That’s bound to shift very soon…. our Crystalline LightBodies are doing a lot in every moment now. ♥ Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
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