We Have Made Huge Shifts in Anchoring the New Earth! * Taripypacha ~ The New Era… THE TIME FOR THE DIVINE FEMININE!!! Pathway to Transformation
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Galactic Time Navigators of our Freedom Legion of Light
As all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 navigate through these unknown energies overcoming every obstacle and every barrier to our Freedom from the known and into the Unknowable Source we call the Great Mystery.
As we transcend all false projections and resolve all interference patterns with the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha, our True nature of Awakened Consciousness, we free ourselves and all Sentient beings from the false cycles of Samsara and the timeloops of birth and death of reincarnation loops. Together we step into our Divine Sovereignty of Immortality and Breakthrough and Break free from all Archonic Time Traps and Spirals of Suffering and activate our Rainbow Diamond Lightbody as Avatars of 5D New Earth.
Continue to go through and through and through all frequencies and dimensions as we merge all aspects of our Infinite Multidimensional Self into this One True Ascension Timeline and make our full compression breakthrough as SuperNova Conscious Co-Creators of Heaven on Earth… A’Ho!
Taripypacha ~ The new era…THE TIME FOR THE DIVINE FEMININE!!!
We are still in the Taripypacha, the new Pachakuti, the time to remember who we are. it is also the time of the world turning upside down and inside out and through this upheaval to find the balance.. for a very very long time the balance has been in favor of the masculine aspect.. the aspect of the mind.. now it is time for the feminine aspect.. the time of intuition and the heart to come into balance with the mind.. for the heart and the mind, the eagle and the condor to fly together in the same sky… we are here to bring this possibility into form..
Pacha Mama will teach us if we open our hearts and minds to Her.
this morning as i greet the sun i will ask Pacha Mama to guide me and show me the way into my heart and how to stay in this place. to show me the flight of the condor and the eagle!!
New Cosmic Inner Divine Masculine is entering and anchoring the Royal Tower of Protection.
The Eternal Inner Dance with the Beloved to return to union opens a complete new dimension.
Integrity & devotional path to the inner beloved continues…
Solar plexus cleansing…
Purifying of the Sacred Crystalline Waters…
Cosmic inner Masculine sets a protective tone for the Feminine to Rise higher and higher….
The Eternal Inner Dance is here…
pathway to transformation
We have made huge shifts in anchoring the new earth! The ancient blueprints of creation returning home and clearing antichrist distortions of the magnetic poles, gravitational and electromagnetic fields. These fields have been tampered with and now they are shifting back and restoring the planetary logos, solar logos and most of all your diamond light body your angelic human genome!
So keep harmonizing and forge ahead allowing the codes of freedom to soar for all of humanity! The force of light has been seen clearing the planet and dark forces and anomalies and they will be seen and felt with quakes and volcanoes. Reptilians have lived in the subterranean and many other things happen underground and above that location and it’s getting dispersed into nothingness so you must not allow your frequency to drop so you keep protected while the housing of the planet gets a clearing and attunement!
Stabilize your pillar of light with being centered in the now. Then ground to the core of the planet, where lightcodes are and bring it back up to your heart and feel the harmonics. Breathe in the light that is here now. This helps stabilize during this planetary transition and transmission of light! Water, magnesium, being at ease and nature help ascension symptoms as well!
We have made huge shifts in anchoring the new earth
2/15/25: One of the main reasons to slow down this month is to become truly mindful of how powerful you are; and of how impactful you are in the world. You’ve been working on your own self-empowerment for years and you have succeeded. You know what lights your inner fire and keeps it burning… and that it is the fuel with which you will handle all that comes your way this year. It is vital right now to be balanced in your own core, sustained by your own worthiness, aware of your presence, and connected to your divine support system. Today is for grounding yourself in your own space… and filling it completely. Light your light.
Something MONUMENTAL, HUGE and AWESOME is happening NOW.
When I was 18 years old I was taken back to the future and I saw in great detail how HUmanity had woken up and were living in a pristine and totally harmonious Earth and life together.
I have been taken on a journey through these years seeing and living the signs I was shown. Just as You are. Each awakening at their chosen time.
Sages and Seers, Ancients, and Tribal Elders have foretold of this time of mass awakening.
And NOW Earth, Gaia Herself, is giving her Voice in the WAKE UP call to end all calls, to the HUman Heart.
You have been feeling it mounting from WITHIN, spiritually, physically, mentally and above all, in your face” emotionally.
Earth has always Sung Her Song. And technically it has been called the “Schumann Resonance”.
Up until the late 80s it has been around 7.83 Hz and has slowly begun to rise to be around double in 2012 and has continued to rise to 75+. Some days it shoots up to peaking well over 100..
Gaia is Calling and every Heart on this planet is being opened. No one will not be able to feel this change in some way. Nor continue to keep stuffing their truth of Who they really ARE, down into their subconscious.
Think of the consequences of this Great Move on so many who have been asleep for ages and now woken ‘suddenly”.
Your people need you.
Will you stand up with hand on Heart? Will you breathe your breath of LIFE ( LIGHT and LOVE)?
Will you walk with calm and dignity? Will you touch the Earth and feel Her GIFT?
Will you be Present for others and show them the simplicity of this so that they may have a day to day way of finding a place in the chaos that they will be feeling.
Do you have the courage and commitment to be ALL YOU CAN BE.
There is no choice anymore.
WE go with the FLOW regardless of what is coming up in us All because it is leaving.
And all we have to do is Go Within by dropping our attention from mind into Heart on any given occasion.
Every time you choose Love in the face of fear, doubt and uncertainty, you raise yourself, and our entire Collective up.
This is the SHIFT OF AGES.
Shine On.
Starlight cascades upon the earth Intercalating into DNA unlocking ancient mysteries from antiquities, great gifts in our genetic code. Oh can you now realize we are direct descendants of the One, the children of the sun filled with the love and light of the One who created you. All it takes is an epiphany, a sudden flash, a realization that you are indeed the frequency of love vibrating in harmony with the heavens above. In this realization of the enlightenment of your being every cell vibrates in the love and light frequency of the One returning you home once again.
Oh how good it feels to exist in the perception of our truthful nature. Our eyes once again are able to see and our beings able to be in the sea of transparency, the free flow state of liquidity in the frequency of bliss. Oh how our cells sing blissfully in full harmony the love song of the One. My how we are starting to get it, to realize that all we desire to know is written within.
We need not search outside of our beings for the Creator and the All of creation resides within the Self. When we seek the One within we cannot be diverted from our path for all is truth, goodness, love and light in the divine wisdom written upon our DNA. The presence of this starlight returns this memory to us.
“Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.”
I wish to be home once again
Wholebeing Hub
Our external world is a reflection of our internal state of being.
Like a cosmic mirror, life presents us with experiences that echo our deepest beliefs, emotions, and intentions.
Those who nurture fear, scarcity, and control often find themselves caught in self-fulfilling prophecies, manifesting more of what they resist.
Yet this same principle offers a pathway to transformation.
As we cultivate inner peace and expand our awareness, we naturally attract experiences that align with these higher vibrations.
While some navigate denser spiritual terrains, perhaps not yet ready to embrace these truths, others flourish in their awakening, creating ripples of positive change.
Like waves in an infinite ocean, each apparent individual is simply consciousness experiencing itself in unique ways.
While we may appear separate, we are all expressions of one universal consciousness.
Nurturing your inner work and evolution, you participate in humanity’s collective awakening, creating a more harmonious world for all.
You are Witnessing The FALL of the MATRIX ~ The Andromeda Intergalactic Council
Greetings in the Light and Love of our Infinite Creator.
We are very grateful for this connection.
With everything moving at an accelerated pace, it’s important to remember to slow down and observe the Positives and beauty in your life. The Journey is just as important as the destination. While you are in these moments, building a future for yourself as well as the new Earth. It is important to understand that you must become more present in the here and now. Observe what feels good and what doesn’t in these frequencies.
Your physical body is talking to you, telling you what is of positive vibrations and what is not. If you are feeling extremely uncomfortable, or disconnected in your emotional state. This is occurring as a result of you being subjected to lower vibrational energies. Learning to read your own body, helps you to navigate the obstacles with ease.
There are a lot of changes happening in these moments. We ask you to observe your personal feelings on these changes. We can tell you that some things are not as they seem, But only you can make that discernment for yourself. Personal discernment means that it is yours and yours alone. This means that your opinion is not through influence from others point of view. Many Humans like to express their personal opinions on everyone. Which literally hinders others from having their own personal discernment.
What are you witnessing with your eyes? And what does it feel like to you? If you do not get a warm loving feeling, or witness that it is in positive alignment with unity and respect for all, then it is not of positive intent. There is still much deception taking place on the world stage. Even more now behind the scenes. Be observant on every action, no matter who is making the Changes, if it is not in alignment with the Higher vibrations your Body Mind and spirit will tell you. Many choose to have Cognitive dissonance, rather than witness truth. It can be laid in front of them, but they refuse to see. They choose to allow the Narrative to guide their reality. They want others to tell them what to think, rather than using their own mind, and standing in their own Light.
While you must stay the observer and try not to have an emotional attachment to these actions, you can still read your bodies first response to the learning of the action being taken. One thing you remember if these actions are against you, you must stand firm in your Light. If your sovereignties are being removed, you must reclaim them. Standing firm means that you do not allow others to interfere with your Personal and Spiritual growth, or individual sovereignty in any way. These Divine rights are very quickly being taken from many. Whether it is happening to you personally, or you are witnessing it happen to someone else, it is happening all over the Earth.
The Darkness on your planet, has become very aggressive, and moving to cause more chaos, confusion and separation. The illusion is crumbling. But, you still have those who are trying to hang on, to the old structure. They do not understand, To paint an old barn, doesn’t make it new.
The shifting reality will expose all truths. All that is of the 3D illusion is dissolving, You are witnessing the Fall of the Matrix. Those who hang on to that old paradigm will find it hard to cope, as major transformation continues to take place.
Have patience, dear Ones, The Divine order will come to pass. You are far more connected than you know. The infinite Creator, is within you. Slow down and listen to the message that is given to you personally. It’s a Love Note from God to you and you alone. Allow this inner Light to guide you into knowing truth.
With eternal Love and deep respect. We Witness you, We Celebrate you, and we Honor you. In the Love and Light of our Infinite Creator. We are the Andromeda Intergalactic Council, Here to Serve the Divine.
Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at UniversalLighthouse.com.
Immensely powerful soul and life shifting energies are being released now.
Our physical bodies will be challenged to absorb the intensity of all of this.
I have found this all week, and in the head (3rd eye), Alta Major, Throat chakra and the higher neuropathic pathways are being opened wider so that we can access our higher soul expression, our psychic and other abilities in more powerful ways. It means also being able to access higher consciousness states.
I slept for hours this afternoon and felt intensely worked on. So much intense light is pouring into these areas, recreating us.
We will need more rest, more quietude, and more ME time. It is essential. Nature walks.
The next waves will be even more intense and we need to allow the wind beneath our wings to carry us through.
On Saturday, February 15th, the Moon ruler of emotional cycles, is now in Libra the Scales. Today she will be in a difficult inconjunct to Mercury, planet of communication, in uncertain Pisces, a positive trine aspect to Pluto, planet of transformation, in liberating Aquarius, and then a challenging opposition to Venus, ruler of love, in “take charge” Aries. We are seeking balance, harmony and equality in our relationships.
We may be struggling with verbally expressing our truth, or perhaps we are unsure as to what our truth really is at the moment. We desire to feel empowered, so ask the question, “Do I feel empowered within this partnership right now?” We are transmuting old patterns that allow us to take our power back and rebirth ourselves within the situation. We desire connection with others, but at the same time want our independence. Or, perhaps one person is giving more than they are receiving, and vice versa. As we look for equilibrium within our bonds with others, remember that evolution is a healing journey for both parties.
Mercury in Pisces sesquiquadrate Mars retrograde in Cancer and semi-sextile Pluto in Aquarius – Deep diving, ears cupped, muffled sounds and the song of whales. Sea anemones ripple as you swim past, an octopus reaches out with a tentative tentacle to say hello. But then that old theme music begins to play, shark in the water, jaws, SNAP! It’s nowhere near and yet we’re still disturbed. What was crystal clear, now wavers from sight.
But shark isn’t done. He’s got business to attend to, food to find. Plankton skip past, invisible to the naked eye. A shoal of fish wheel and turn. Mental chatter, glittering in the sunlight, scattered by fears that lie beneath. Don’t let scary thoughts chase away your dreams. Let them exist and let them pass. Control your mind to change your future.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize’. It is the second day of this current wavespell which is always challenging. Like any journey you must prepare, pack and plan. A wavespell journey is no different, the second day is about looking at the challenges you face so you may ‘polarize’ them and proceed. These can be tough days but if you are conscious of the process, it can be much easier. Think of it as an exercise in problem solving.
Today is Blue Night and it represents ‘Dreaming, Abundance and Intuition’. These days are very dreamy, a great time to take your dreams off the back burner and give them some attention. The Blue Night also brings abundance and so expect some to come your way. Practice saying ‘Abundance’ out loud because it’s a sure way to attract it, by showing you appreciate the abundance you already have. Your glass is half full not half empty! The Lunar Night sures sounds like a sleepy Night. As the number 2 is challenging we may find it hard today to snap out of it. The dreaming may have us in a grip.
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle, the visionary. The Eagle invites you to see things from a higher vantage point and with this view you will have a greater understanding of what to do about your dreams. The Eagle also represents ‘Creativity’ suggesting that once you see the bigger picture, your best course of action is to come up with creative solutions.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night is challenged by Skywalker because the Night wants to dream and the Skywalker represents ‘Wakefulness’. This symbolizes that you have to wake up to make your dreams come true. Perhaps your dreams have no realistic chance to come true and you need to ‘wake up and smell the bacon’. If you are a Red Skywalker you may find today difficult, you get frustrated by all the dreaming when you want to go exploring and have adventures.
The Occult Power is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’ and when in the position of Magic, the Mirror can show you truths about magic and how best to see it. If you remain truthful in pursuit of your dreams, you’ll have a greater chance of success.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior and so, if you need assistance it’s their job today to be there for others. They possess intelligence and they ask a lot of questions, so Warriors can help you determine which dreams are worthy of pursuing. If you are a Warrior, expect to be popular today.
MANTRA I POLARIZE in order to DREAM Stabilizing intuition I seal the input of ABUNDANCE With the Lunar tone of Challenge I AM guided by the power of VISION
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 223 = 7 Majikal Mystical code!
Another potent NEW EARTH gateway today…. A BIG day for DREAMING and visualizing our PLANETARY NEW WAY DREAMING.. we are grounding a NEW FOUNDATION of ABUNDANCE for New Earth.
Today is Day 2 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the WHITE WIND which is bringing forth the FRESH new benevolent WINDS of CHANGE!
The WHITE WIND is whispering the messages of Spirit, opening and enhancing our communication channels. In this cycle we are becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to work through our being.
Today we are questioning the polarity challenges that have interfered with us ACHIEVING and anchoring Spirit’s/God’s BIG dream, for collective Abundance on Earth.
What’s the hold up planetary kin?????? Let it FLOW…..
LUNAR- Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Today we are focused on the PHYSICAL plane and how we can anchor the collective DREAM of ABUNDANCE in our PHYSICAL reality.
Today is a day filled with uncovering HOW we CAN finally transcend the see-saw challenges to having infinite abundance... Examining and questioning the separation between the “HAVES” and the “HAVE NOTS”
It is time to BALANCE and harmonize this discrepancy. All people on this EARTH are seen as EQUAL in the eyes of Spirit – therefore we all have EQUAL access to enjoy God’s INFINITE ABUNDANCE on this EARTH plane! This is NOT just a DREAM – but a potential REALITY and our FUTURE BIRTHRIGHT!
It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges, in order to move into more constant FLOW. Polarity reveals your conflicts, struggles, and the apparent separation created by your belief in duality. These polarizations will be amplified today, bringing forth much needed WISDOM to heal the GAP.
Polarized positions actually work in cooperative alliances. In cooperation, all polarities serve as backgrounds for full appreciation of one another and the whole. Examine the opposites and polarity to giving and receiving abundance… ALLOW yourself to RECEIVE and keep the FLOW of prosperity continually moving like the great WHITE WIND… the inflow and outflow of CREATOR’S breath.
Our INFINITE ABUNDANCE is now flowing to all who CLAIM IT!
NOTE: Be mindful of any conflicts/relationship challenges that arise today, revealing what needs to be addressed in order to reach equilibrium and harmony in your life.
Today there is much friction and opposition in the air, forcing PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION. The BLUE NIGHT’s spotlight is that of Abundance, particularly related to our HIGHEST soul’s dreams and destiny calling. Today we have an 8 – day code to lead us to the 8 – infinite ABUNDANCE flowing from SOURCE.. which is our birthright and the FOUNDATION of our beautiful abundant NEW EARTH!
Today’s question is “”How can I harmonize any obstacles/challenges, in order to anchor infinite ABUNDANCE and BLISS on our beautiful, bountiful planet?
Divine blessings for anchoring FEARLESS DIVINE ABUNDANCE today! May all our GREAT DREAMS come TRUE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
45 moons ago KIN 223 occurred on 25th July 2021, which of course was D.O.O.T day … DAY OUT OF TIME!! D.O.O.T is the realm of the NO-TIME in the zero point field where everything is possible. The realm where QUANTUM MIRACLES are birthed.
We have travelled VERY far since then to revisit the question of WHY HAVE WE NOT (YET) MANIFESTED GLOBAL ABUNDANCE for EARTH’s citizens – particularly GAIA’S LIGHT-HOLDERS??????????
HALLELUJAH, and so mote it be!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE LUNAR NIGHT – AKBAL Today we are BLESSED with AKBAL – the genie code,, so we have a wonderful opportunity to DAY DREAM and contemplate the NEW WAY FORWARD for our planet from now on!
Today we are DREAMING of our wonderful New Earth – which provides ABUNDANCE for all beings on this bountiful planet . AKBAL is THE DREAMER! He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing by attuning to Spirit.
Today we are stabilizing our intuition, grounding it into the physical plane through ACTIONING our “hunches.” – What is your gut instinct revealing today?
Our Greatest Abundance springs forth from GREAT IDEAS and inspirationarising through our intuition, listening to our gut instincts and acting on our “hunches”. You may also find inspiration through stillness, meditation, sitting in nature, or allowing your creativity to FLOW through you, expressing your innermost VISIONS.
The DREAMTIME is the dimension where we hold the VISION to create our current reality, where our creation VORTEX exists. In becoming a conscious dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging.
Today we can access the energies of the DAY OUT OF TIME – through the wormhole of the past 5 GALACTIC SPINS!! We can easily access the realm of the DREAMTIME through NO-TIME – the ZERO POINT of infinite CREATION! Hold the VISION in your astral journeys today.
BLUE NIGHT holds very powerful dreaming medicine. Today our long term prosperity, and that of our planet, is very much in focus – and you should be asking the question….
– What has been blocking my rightful Abundance so far?
NOTE: That ABUNDANCE is not just limited to money, gold, property, possessions and material goods. TRUE ABUNDANCE encompasses PEACE and the FREEDOM to be happy, healthy and express your soul’s creativity in wondrous ways that makes your HEART SING!
As it is another Divine destiny day you may be catapulted in the direction that SPIRIT desires you to take. Expect the unexpected! What DREAMS will you energize today?
Hold the collective PLANETARY dream of ABUNDANCE for all beings!
“The inherent design of the Game of Creation is boundless generosity. Life is the ultimate GIVER, of all GOOD things. To THRIVE is to allow Life to express her supreme potency.”
Today is a great day for Majikal Manifesting rituals and devotional prayers to bring forth your DREAMS into the physical plane.
NOTE: Be mindful of what is revealed in your DREAMSTATE today – as great revelations may come forth!
HIGHER SELF: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE – MEN is an absolutely BRILLIANT higher guide today, as it LIFTS the BLUE NIGHT out of the introspective cave of his subconscious mind, into the higher echelons of the grand VISION.
What an absolutely fortuitous guide for today – blessing us with PANORAMIC and FUTURISTIC prophetic VISION! The ability to DAYDREAM into all realms and possibilities through SPACE-TIME!! Whoop, whoop!
BLUE EAGLE brings forth the much needed VISION and IN-SIGHT to guide you through the obstacles, illusions and conflicts. The LUNAR EAGLE pinpoints EXACTLY where these blocks and kinks are in your ABUNDANCE FLOW.
BLUE EAGLE will LIFT you far above the chaos, and reveal to you the GREATER VISION that SPIRIT holds for you and HU-manity.
BLUE EAGLE invites you to FOCUS on the GREATEST PICTURE that you can imagine for your LIFE and our planet.
On what bigger stage would you like to PLAY and perform? Expand your VISION and change your scenery, make it more colourful and vibrant.
How can you place yourself in the FLOW of more prosperity and happiness?
Once you have ENVISIONED it, SURRENDER this DREAM to the will of SPIRIT and TRUST that this grand VISION WILL MANIFEST!
CIB raises the QUESTIONS….
WHY have we NOT manifested collective ABUNDANCE to this date, on a personal and Planetary level?
Why have the Rainbow Warriors suffered from so much LACK, scare-city and trauma?
The dark interference and distortions have NOW been erased and harmonized, so NOW it is time for us ALL, to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright, for GLOBAL Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire.
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for our planetary kin. We have battled for too long (don’t we all KNOW that! groan!) and NOW we are claiming our VICTORY!
ETZNAB assists you to delve into the abyss of AKBAL! The deep unconscious realms that hold our primal fears and limitations.
Where are we holding FEAR, lack, poverty consciousness, or SCARE-CITY, programs in our being?????
Tune in to your own physical and PLANETARY bodies, to scan and discover where the barriers, limitations and stagnation exist.
Allow ETZNAB to reveal the distortions and illusions, REFLECTED in the Hall of Mirrors, guiding our passage from the old crumbling Artificial MATRIX. Dissolve the discordance allowing for BALANCE to be restored so that we can access the ABUNDANT energy available and waiting to be transformed through Divine Alchemy.
ETZNAB illuminates our NIGHT VISION so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in the DARKNESS and in our DREAMTIME! Only what is good for the Collective will hold. In this age of transparency,
and the wall of MIRRORS shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows from which we can SEE the verdant landscape beyond the horizon in all directions. The fertile new soil in which we sow our new ACTIVATED DREAM SEEDS!
The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear. Which road shall you choose, dear LIGHT holder?
All roads NOW lead to LOVE, UNITY and SOURCE!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER – BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who can help us access the UNSEEN worlds and multidimensional realms, particularly in the DREAMTIME.
BEN is very adept at skipping through these super trippy realms, to discover wonderful solutions to the mysteries that have befuddled you, claiming your super CREATION powers!
The Dreaming realms hold many clues and codes that are brought forth from our Higher self, guides or Spirit, particularly if you ASK for signs, messages or clues These clues will help you navigate your path, opening the doors to access Cosmic Abundance.
BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits, that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth! As the hollow bamboo is the conduit for Spirit, WE are the Light Holders who are anchoring Heaven on Earth.
We are the Dreamers – Living SPIRIT’s DREAMING of itself in physical HU-man bodi-es!
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of attaining COLLECTIVE ABUNDANCE for all beings and anchoring HEAVEN on EARTH.
NOW is the TIME to BELIEVE and KNOW that by joining together through GAIA/s Crystalline Diamond Grid we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
Today’s question is “”How can I harmonize any obstacles/challenges, in order to anchor infinite ABUNDANCE and BLISS on our beautiful, bountiful planet?
Divine blessings for anchoring FEARLESS DIVINE ABUNDANCE today! May all our GREAT DREAMS come TRUE!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.
🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding
✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike
🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation
💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.
Oh Great Spirit of Taripypacha, Keeper of Time, Cycles, and Sacred Return, I call upon your wisdom, your guidance, your light.
As the cosmic wheel turns and the past meets the future, May we walk in harmony with the eternal rhythm of Pachamama. May the forgotten truths rise again, And may our souls remember the path of balance, unity, and love.
Bless this moment of awakening, Cleanse our hearts of fear and illusion, And open our spirits to the infinite wisdom of the ages.
With gratitude, with reverence, with devotion, I surrender to the sacred unfolding of Taripypacha. So it is, so it shall be.
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