The Moses Code

The Moses Code is a particular code which is hidden inside a phrase that everybody knows: "I Am that I Am". Actually, this code is extremely simple but if everybody could deeply understand its meaning the history of humankind will change forever The Moses Code, features Michael Bernard Beckwith, Neale Donald Walsch, Mary Morrissey and many other authors and philosophers that chose to live in harmony with the law of attraction and according to the principles of The Secret.

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Integrating Energies ~ When You Feel Overwhelmed

Your body is trying to PROCESS a large amount of information/energy through it, to decipher, to make sense, to correlate the information it is receiving and “it’s too much” to handle, in that moment. In the beginning, with carbon based human bodies, this was emotions and discordant thoughts. The body goes into “overload” when there are too many distortions and your body needs to release. It’s WORKING HARD to process everything faster, easier…. it’s trying to “pick through” all you’ve got going on, all you are introducing into your body/field…

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As you wonderful Light bearers and Light workers are becoming increasingly aware, humanity is waking up! There is no possibility of this divine process reversing itself or stalling, you are going to wake up purely because you have collectively chosen to do so. What you have set in motion, with enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms, is unstoppable, so rejoice in the knowing that all your doubts and anxieties are utterly groundless, and continue to restate your intention to be loving in absolutely every moment, regardless of the situations or of the interactions in which you are engaged. Love changes everything, so be loving, and observe in wonder what happens.


Energy Update ~ Cosmic Trigger Assisting The Acceleration

A Cosmic Trigger passage is upon us, with the energies beginning today (Thanksgiving here in the US), and peaking on November 27 (SUNday). This provides additional support for the accelerated timelines. Alignment in thought, word and deed with the higher experience of Divinity, Purity, LoveLight and Ascension is key. There are deep shifts occurring in our consciousness and lifestreams; be sure to honor the new direction as it presents.

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You are Real the illusion is not

We are in the end times. This does not mean the end! It refers to the dispelling and disintegration of the illusion. The illusion is a dream or nightmare in which humanity has been collectively enmeshed for eons. It is an unreal state, an hallucination, something unreal but imagined – similar to the misdirection used by magicians – which is very convincing. What you believe in you see! The collective has seen and experienced the illusion for eons and thus it has become virtually impossible not to believe in its reality.

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These are changing times

The adjustments of humanity continue to occur as there are many people who are unable to accept the shock of the great change that has taken place before their very eyes. We watch with interest as people galvanize into action. However, the majority of the people in their country have made a choice and that is the change that is now being implemented. In this case, those who protest and start movements are doing so without taking into consideration that there was a majority of the citizens of their country who turned out to vote for the candidate who is now the incumbent to bear the great responsibility of the highest office of the land in service to the people of their country as a result of the election process.

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