Get Ready for Your Mission. No More Excuses. It is Time…

Wooow, what a crazy period has it been ever since the outcome of US elections. So many people got upset, angry and scared. And they still are. The comfort zone is gone and nobody knows what the future will bring and what this guy is up to. Nothing the ego mind copes well with at all. Along with that, we had an increase in major Earthquakes over the past weeks. This planet is really shaken to the core. In parallel, lightworkers are still busy with lots of physical ailments, last bits of emotional clearing and… the thought spirals are back. But they feel different. They are spiralling around a lot more topics than ever before. And although spiralling deeply in one moment, in the next – you have completely forgotten what you had been trying to figure out. What is going on?

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Choose Love

That which you think about, act upon and speak is affecting the collective consciousness so those who choose peace, those who choose to follow their own authentic self - do not become swayed by those who would try to demean you because you do not have the same perspective on what is occurring upon your planet at this time.

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Rise up again to become Galactic Beings

Time is passing faster than ever and matters upon Earth are gradually reaching a climax when its destiny must alter course. Out of the uncertainty will come a positive change, that will leave you in no doubt that Humanity is destined to step firmly on to the path to Ascension. There was never going to be any other outcome, as sufficient people have turned to the Light and raised their vibrations. Anything less would most likely have resulted in another abrupt ending to the Age that would be viewed as a disaster. The few have made it possible by firmly holding on to their success in rising up into the higher vibrations. It is now simply a matter of maintaining that position until the level reached takes them into the higher dimensions. You call it Ascension, and a sign of your spiritual progress that has lifted you up out of the lower vibrations. Be assured that this time is rapidly approaching and events will confirm it to be true.

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A Gift From On High As We Prepare For A Glorious 2017

This is such an important opportunity for all of us. In 2016 the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth revealed that the Earth has completed her transition into the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. This is a process that we have been going through for approximately 300 years. Now for the next 2,000 plus years, the predominant Light that will be bathing the planet from the Heart of our Father-Mother God will be the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity which is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

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Are you ready for lift-off?

by Matt Kahn When the surface of life can seem to depict chaos, turmoil, and uncertainty, there is always a deeper reality that offers opportunities for profound awakening and expansion for those who are willing to answer a more heart-centered spiritual calling. Those who are ready to step across the threshold into greater frontiers of exploration are often referred to as energetically-sensitive souls, or empaths. They represent the first wave or collective consciousness of fully activated and integrated expressions of Divinity in form. Much like an initial wave sent out by the ocean to reach the shore to deliver the message of its Source, we are an active and important part of this emerging Divine collective that ensures the sovereignty of human evolution, as well as the victorious balance of power between the heavenly masculine and divine feminine energies in all.

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