Taurus Full Moon
Here Is The Latest Energy Update From The Galactic Council of Light For You: "We are here now! We love you! We are you, from your future, to assist you…
Here Is The Latest Energy Update From The Galactic Council of Light For You: "We are here now! We love you! We are you, from your future, to assist you…
As the 11:11 energies enter let them purge you of what has been solidified and blocked. All of heaven known and unknown enters through this 11:11 Gateway. Align with all you know to be the highest love. A flooding of the heart allows you to rise above previous emotional tide lines and the barnacles of the past. Set sail into a heart that is free of debris, free of the definitions of the past. What is good within you has survived the storms and floods.
11:11 ~ You and Your Light Body by L’Aura Pleiadian 11:11:11 ~ The 11th month, the 11th day, the 11th hour. It is no coincidence these sacred frequencies belong to…
Daily Tube of Light Call Why use the Tube of Light? Your forcefield requires daily reinforcement, clearing, purification and Divine connectivity. You are an energetic Being having a human experience.…
~ Clarion Call: The Return of the "Star People" ~ by Lisa Transcendence Brown CLARION CALL: Soul Star & Earth Star Codes Activating... You will know, you will FEEL it…
Return to Light ~ The Completion of Evolution By: Teri Wade ~~~~~~~~~~ In this Universe everything is energy and that is a fact. It means we are living in a timeless…
MERCURY TRANSIT 2019: MESSENGER OF SYNCHRONICITY The coming #MercuryTransit of November 11 (11.11) on the Gregorian calendar is arriving enshrined by an elegant set of synchronicities and numerical alignments within the fabric…
"Your Transformation ~ Your Quantum Awakening" ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ The Cosmic Light that exists streaming through all timelines, all dimensions, is something at the Higher Levels of your consciousness, you understand and…
MAKE THIS VIRAL! THE SILVER TRIGGER 11-11-2019 It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all…
Arrival of the Next Phase of Embodiment : The Current Shift Nov 2, 2019 - Sandra Walter Blessings Beloveds ~ The Gate which opened last weekend is transforming Embodiers –…