The DIVINE Eternal You Now - Final Initiation of True Ascension - Mercury Vanishes Today is a very special day of the Activation of the New Timeline of Heaven upon…
The DIVINE Eternal You Now - Final Initiation of True Ascension - Mercury Vanishes Today is a very special day of the Activation of the New Timeline of Heaven upon…
Divine Rhythm ~ Embracing the Higher Golden Light ~ Shambhala LIGHT Codes Coming In Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings Divine Space Travelers of Pure Buddha Consciousness The Gold…
White Winged Lions Transmission ~ Enter The 5D World's Infinite Possibilities ~ The Gateway Gifting Paul White Gold Eagle Greetings White Diamond Clear Minds of the New Heaven…
Tomorrow is a Life Changing Event Goldilocks ~ Tomorrow is a Life Changing Event Goldilocks and Seeds of Wisdom Thank you RJ RJ: Good morning…
Diamond Sun Lightbody ~Romeo Baron Ascension Energies When the original 12 Tree Eternal Life Unity Grid for the Diamond Sun Lightbody was taken out of alignment over 26,000 years ago…
22-02-2020 – From the Darkest Night The New Light of 22 Isis Channelings At the Mid Night Hour of the Darkest Night of the year ,Maha Shivaratri at 12am ,…
WHITE WIND WAVESPELL Galactic Destiny Readings Yesterday at 6:51 AM · WHITE WIND WAVESPELL 19 FEBRUARY - 3 MARCH 2020 KINS 222-234 🌬🍃🌬🍃🌬🍃🌬🍃 THE POWER OF SPIRIT We have now concluded…
Sun Moves into Pisces Celia Fenn 9 hrs Today the Sun moved into Pisces, bringing a deeper and softer energy than the intense Aquarius energy we have been experiencing for…
A Light on the Grid 23 hrs · Many starseeds are going through a dimensional shift at the moment and the current energetic make up is being reflected in the physical…
Disclosure’s Eve, The Violet Flame has Taken Over, Avoiding Mercury Retrograde, Camael and Raziel’s Upgrades Today’s date on the Archangelic Calendar is “∞0K89L199∞-∞B166666∞-∞B1(T)(T)∞” As mentioned yesterday Gaia stayed Spirit Dominant…