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Holographic DNA Upgrades! 12D Circuitry into Inner Earth + Dragon Ley Lines ~ Huge Shifts Happening! Planetary Ascension

Holographic DNA Upgrades! 12D Circuitry into Inner Earth + Dragon Ley Lines ~ Huge Shifts Happening! Planetary Ascension


Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Sovereign Star People of New Eden Rising

This is it Ground Crew Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144. As we live from our Heart being connected to all things we are the Event, We are the New Earth, we are Sovereign and Free. We bust all nefarious systems of control and transform the 3d Matrix of duality and separation into the 5D Creatrix of Cosmic Consciousness and Freedom in the Light.

Victory is ours and always to the Light as we fully anchor into the grids and dragon lines of Pachamama our New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way. The dark ones try to divide us through ignorance but United we Stand as all our Tribes and Nations of Gaia join hands and etheric wings and raise the frequency into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

The Eagle and the Condor hold the Codes of Divine Union for all our good People of New Earth as we step over the threshold to the Pure Land of Buddha Consciousness. All anomalies and interference patterns are being resolved and healed for our Pristine Edenic timeline to shine on through…A’Ho!








Part of what came in for 12/12 was a REBALANCE of the Next Galactic Wave until 12/21. Opening to New Beginnings! 🤍
Beautiful ceremony yesterday on sacred grounds in Taos New Mexico with 14 other sisters, part of connecting the 12D circuitry into Inner Earth + the Dragon Ley Lines.
Major choice points happening + important to make in this SUPER Gateway 12/12-12/21.
Now is the time for deeper embodiment of the Original Gate codes to activate our next level Avatars.
12D Avatar is an important benchmark and we reclaim our Original blueprints + codes of conduct.
Opening space for new begingings!
So much love..
❤ Valerie
Taos New Mexico
Taos New Mexico
All hooks/ seals are severed after extreme bifurcation process since the 5th. Narcissistic/ false light grids are inactive/ disconnected within ones energetic field/ light body.Huge upgrades to the light body as a bi-product of deep shadow integration, false mother/ father wound healing on a a cellular level, activating DNA strands that were held within these layers. Ancestral/ past life clearing completing for this last cycle. Union codes the past 2 days . 👑❤️
Pyramid of Uxmal
Pyramid of Uxmal



Holographic DNA upgrades! The sun is massive right now and so is the coronal hole. It’s why they are chemtrail’n the skies fast. It’s important to counter that nanotechnology & stabilize your energy! Centering helps to balance, grounding, and breathwork will help as solar frequencies surge an influx of light! Pillars of light are everywhere. It’s important for people to know truth of why dracos spray to block the sun and your vibration can bring the sun out!

You transmute density by being in joy which is why it’s important not to focus on distraction and align to the light.
I mentioned this gateway for 12/12-12/21 would be even stronger due to this influx of light to our sun and how the magnetic fields are aligning. Incredible lightcodes so keep in the light as the dark and light are trying to balance. Listen to your higher self, shield if you need, nourish if you need and stabilize your beautiful pillar of light!


Holographic DNA Upgrades
Holographic DNA Upgrades



Huge shifts happening on multi dimensional levels now.
Let go of the past and all you ever believed you were in embodiment on earth.
Let go of the old personas, the old stories, the old patternings of pain and suffering.
Embrace fully the new life and new beginnings.
It is time to write and live the new Earth scripts, invent new storylines filled with love, truth, integrity, joy, abundance, vibrant health, longevity, exuberant life force, beauty, awe and wonder.
Add in unity, oneness, a deep renewal of all life and life forms, where all is one, and all sentient beings live as ONE in peace, balance, harmony and love.
Sing new heart and soul songs.
Yes, behold you are made anew, and so are all life and life forms as all now ascends in amplified forms.
May you love in your heart and the light of your soul guide you.
new beginnings
new beginnings
12/13/23: Each day in December contains the yin energy of patience and receptivity, and the yang energy of action and change, which is why you could feel torn this month between waiting and wanting. Mercury, the planet that brings out our wisdom and wit begins its retrograde today to slow us down to rethink and readjust.
This all means you aren’t done finding that sweet spot of inner harmony and self-appreciation. You must continue to make peace with both your yin and your yang. Your light and your shadow. The remainder of 2023 is for the final stage of transformation… acceptance. You are all things. The difference between us is how we choose to use all that we are.
Lamproderma muscorum
Lamproderma muscorum

Ascension UPDATE

We are approaching a very important date of Dec 13th. Dec 13th CAN BE a very monumental pivotal point in this Planetary Ascension, depending upon the amount of Collective Conscious input into the recognition of this date and what is possible.
To facilitate the “monumental” aspect, there are several requests of Those who can see and receive this message.
The Mother Arc Diamond Portal IS OPENING here in Romania, this supplies Higher quality Light to the planet/Gaia that transitions reality by transmuting the fear elements that are generated by Those still in fear consciousness and also energizing any perpetrated/propagated fear timelines. Fear blinds, it lowers the vibration of reality, it lowers the consciousness which then gets generated into reality as a negative density by Those Souls not yet knowing the hindering effects of these dark tactics to do so., which is contrary to upliftment. Love is the answer and the Wisdom to know that You are also Co-Creating by where Your attention or focus may go. Assist Us in amplifying the Mother Arc Hub, the Ascension Gateway, the 13TH PILLAR from the point of this onward, and drop any focus on the lower timeline and anything that involves fear.
Call in Your Ships closer to ground level as a show of the higher dimensional reality to assist with and sustain a heightened focus as We go into this important period of Ascension.
Focus on energizing Miraculous sights in the skies including Creating energized spaces where Apparitions of Mother Mary and Jesus can appear. There are 19 Active Mother Arc Pillars in geographical areas around the planet, energize these areas at least with intent.
With Your intent, power up Your Diamond Core Light Body Complement by envisioning a GOLDEN Diamond shape that connects the Root Chakra, the Masculine Right Heart Chakra on the right side of the chest, the Soul Star Chakra about 8 inches above Your head, and the Feminine Left Heart Chakra in the normal place of the human physical Heart. Then connect a centered Golden line from the root to the Soul Star Chakra above the head, and another horizontal Golden line across the chest connecting the Right and Left Hearts, this forms a Golden CROSS inside of Your Diamond Core. After doing this, consciously connect with the core of Gaia/Earth and send an energetic command assigned to the surface Mother Arc Pillars to begin amplifying the output of energetic transmutation, Love, Wisdom, Peace, and Harmony into this dimensional reality/space.
The illusion of value being limited and external must be broken and the acknowledgment of Intrinsic Value must be recognized and applied. All Value begins with You, not external material things like gold, silver, paper derivatives, etc, and through Your God Sovereign Free right of self-determination, You must know and choose that You are the Value to break the control of the matrix. All wealth exists because You exist and it is Your choice as to what You value most, God Sovereign Self or a limited extrinsic false value that controls You.
Eyes on the skies as Great Unprecedented things occur, Let Us make the Light shine Bright NOW ON GAIA, Together.
Love, Light, and Gratitude to All!
Diamond Core Light Body
Diamond Core Light Body

Eirini ~ Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy

DECEMBER 13 2023
Two nights ago I had the most amazing revelation!
I was taken inside the Crystalline portal of the Acropolis and I was shown how the rock that the Parthenon was built on, is the remaining part of the trunk of a huge ancient Living Tree!
Even though I knew of the ancient huge trees that were cut down, it really had never crossed my mind that the rock of the Acropolis is the petrified remains of one of those trees.
It makes so much sense now why we have been guided all this time to work with the Tree of Life via the crystalline portal of the Acropolis and why the portal is also placed next to the old rock!
I was also shown that there are many other ancient sites/energy portals that people are connecting to all over the world that are the same, they are the petrified remains of these huge ancient Living Trees.
I was told that one of them is Uluru in Australia.
All Beings used to be connected to these huge Living trees, they used to live on them, their lives were absolutely one with them.
When the old biosphere collapsed, the trees got infected and all Beings connected to them got infected too.
This was the poison that infected their systems.
Later, the Trees were cut down and during a different reset, the remaining trunks and roots that could not be removed, got petrified too!
”Let everyone one know that the rock of the Acropolis is the petrified remains of a huge Living ancient Tree!”
I was also told that those who connected to our work via the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis, are Beings that once were connected to this specific Living Tree or to others Living Trees and they came in contact in order to retrieve this memory and DNA code because their mission is also to support the revival of the Living Trees, all over the Earth!
We will continue the 144000 Dimanond Code in the service of all!
The movie Avatar also gave a great presentation of these Living Trees and the deep and meaningful connection of all Beings to them!
The whole system was vibrant and living back then and everything and everyone was connected to each other via the Living grid!
All Beings’ neurological systems were able to connect to the Living Trees, to the Living Grid and to the neurological systems of other Beings.
I was so happy when I was guided to plant the Tree of Life again!
I Love Trees so much!
In the next decades the current biosphere will collapse and the old biosphere of the Livign Ether will return, this will allow these huge Living Trees to regrow and blossom again!
A whole new world will be rebirthed!!!
The Living Grid will be fully online and alive again and all Beings will be interconnected again!
Our mission here has been successful!
This I can say!
There is so much more to the story!
There is nothing and no one that can stop this!
So it is!
“A completion of a BIG cycle!
What comes after the 12/12 gate for the world?
It is the 13/13 gate that is coming!
The new/old living calendars will return also with the new biosphere!”
Thank you Tree of Life, I Love you more than words can express!
El Moryana Anadimiana
OL A Christos
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
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Dear friends, even though the 12:12 portal is already behind us, the effects of its light codes and information will be with us for long. As the codes arrived on 12:12, we entered a profound time window of ten days in which major changes will be starting to align for each of us. We are also under the energetic influence of the New Moon in Sagittarius, bringing a clearer vision and a deeper mind expansion
Yesterday’s 12:12 portal was indeed intense. Those of you who are energy sensitives may have felt the effects of the energies right down to the bones. In my case, I experienced a deep clearing of my throat area, releasing deeply seated fears of speaking my truth, patterns that are no longer needed for present and future timelines. Our bodies will be needing lots of water and liquids in the coming ten days. Water assists in anchoring the new energetic information within our bodies, and it also helps to clear the old information.
I’ll be posting daily energy updates during these ten days of assimilation, consolidation, and expression of the December/Trinity light codes. During these initial days post-12:12 our bodies are still in the absorption and assimilation stage. Physical symptoms will continue, specially the need for extra sleep/rest, water intake, and nervous system adjustments. Some may experience also digestive system clearings, maybe mild nausea, indigestion, and a change in eating patterns or dietary preferences. Do listen to your body and use your intuition to make choices that will assist your unique personal process.
Even though we are all working with the same 12:12 light codes, our soul, ancestral, and current emotional memories/challenges are different. Regardless of the issues and energetic barriers we need to process and integrate, we are all evolving and moving into a more conscious way of being. We are letting go of stagnant discordant energies and patterns that are keeping us anchored in the shadows. The more we understand, and do, to facilitate our metamorphosis, the easier and smoother this process towards unifying our inner shadows and divine light will be.
As we move now into the 12:21 Solstice portal, with its own particular light codes, we will be noticing a new kind of clarity within, a new sense of awareness about our future steps for 2024. Day by day, new insights will come into your consciousness that will be guiding your new timelines.
New higher timelines are being forged under these new 12:12 energies, and we are now entering a period that will consolidate your choices and decisions that will co-create these timelines in our physical plane. More and more Light is entering our bodies as we allow these changes to take place. We are building new crystalline structures within our energy fields so that new higher timelines can be woven around us. You may want to keep a journal during this 10 day period to help you monitor your thoughts, insights, and feelings as you navigate towards the Solstice portal. Once there, the Solstice energy will “seal” and balance these new timelines for 2024. And then Christmas time will come (but more on that special energy in later updates).
Have a great day, and a wonderful ten day journey to Solstice. Till tomorrow. Much love ❤️
Diego E. Berman 2023Ⓒ
We are currently experiencing the 12:12 Gateway Activations since yesterday’s New Moon in Sagittarius alignment with the galactic vortex center. While the 12:12 Gateway is active, the 12 crystal Rainbow Rays of the 12 universal dimensions ignite more of the dormant Light Body & Pillar. 12 is the activation code. It is pulsing strongly in the field right now!
The Sun concludes the final degree of Sagittarius on Thursday, December 21, 2023. We celebrate the annual Winter Solstice on the shortest day of the year and the return to Light in the northern hemisphere. The Solstice is the day we recognize the stillness of universal balance in the Circle of Life. The Solstice initiates a new season at 0°Capricorn while the solar system aligns with the galactic center.
The Solstice occurs when the sun ‘stands still’ between light and dark. It is the ‘zero’ balance point of all creation. It may feel like you are suspended between the old dying system and the New Earth explosion. It is a universal ‘pause’ as everything goes to zero. It initiates a global restructuring of human consciousness. All of creation spirals in circular rotation, in morphic fields of coherence, fueling forward momentum and evolution. Gaia has entered an accelerated spin cycle, initiating rapid advancement as a conscious, living being.
We have much to be grateful for during yuletide, as the world is awakening and shifting into higher consciousness. 12:21 signifies the ‘mirror effect’ of opposites. The 12:21 Solstice is a still point moment of deep inner balance, everything that is out of balance is felt intensely. With Pluto concluding the final days in Capricorn representing the patriarchal system, the Aquarian Era intensifies. We are forging a new society of conscious coherence.
The Aquarian galactic reset ripples into every area of life. Whatever you initiate during the 12:12 – 12:21 Gateway will ripple into the quantum field of all possibilities. As you near the annual Solstice on December 21st, let your imagination run free in the quantum holographic field. You are in the process of birthing alive your Soul’s ascension incarnation.
We have been gradually transitioning from the Age of Pisces into the Aquarian Age for some years now. As we clear ourselves from the collective karma during the Age of Pisces, we embrace more enlightened freedom (Aquarius). The past centuries have revealed how top-down hierarchical systems lead to corruption and power imbalances that are not in the best interest of society.
The lessons of the Patriarchal Era are embedded in the hearts and minds of humanity. It is unsustainable. As long as the world is ego-driven, humanity will struggle to achieve the Aquarian ideals of individual freedom and collaboration within thriving societies. The path of progress forward requires shifting into the new heart-driven circular system of community.
Some of the shifts we can expect in the New Earth circular operating system:
• A shift from capitalism to human capital
• A shift from top-down hierarchies to circles of innovation and invention
• A shift from big cities to smart cities and smaller communities
• A shift from duty or obligation to true collaboration and service
• A shift from linear time to circular energy flow
As we join together from all around the world, we seed the planetary field with new earth templates, consciousness and holographic inserts as we alter the course of humanity. We will flood the field with LOVE vibration! As we gather together with AA Metatron, let’s spread world peace into all the sacred sites, into the crystal grid, into the stargate portals and into the collective community.
As Gaia aligns with the galactic vortex, your bioenergetics receives a surge of crystalline code activations. The dormant Light Body awakens with sentient consciousness. Your Soul’s crystal ascension codes awaken as the genetic structure evolves into quantum unfoldment. Your Soul Light awakens your dormant Light Body, activating a bigger container of Light, the home for your Soul. It is a homecoming and an awakening!
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte
Gateway Activations
Gateway Activations

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The 12/12 gateway initiated a fragmentation process, removing superficial layers to reveal our true essence. If you have been feeling any disharmony or uncertainty recently, know that you are not alone .
The Universe is guiding us all towards inner liberation, transcending 3D labels and limitations. Cognitive Dissonance is fading , leading to higher transformative changes in life. Surrender and trust the unfolding plan. Expect clarity and alignment, as the fog clears and a deeper understanding of your path emerges. This process will activate Ascension growth, transformation, and promote inner peace.
The past 48 hours have been filled with fluctuating emotions and physical symptoms resembling a rollercoaster ride. These intense emotional experiences are attributed to the impact of solar storms, which often affect ascending individuals with various ascension symptoms.
During this time, you may feel oversensitive, highly emotional, , anxious, physical pain. you might be experiencing internal surges of High frequency energy. Amidst this, your mind may not process information in its usual way as your focus shifts towards anchoring more light in your surroundings.
It is highly beneficial to prioritise certain practices during this stage , such as hydration grounding yourself to the new earth, meditation and engaging in movement to enhance the flow of energy. Resting and prioritising activities that bring you joy. Elevating your vibration can be achieved through practices of gratitude, acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, this will assist in accepting the current realities unfolding for you.
These intense planetary experiences are often associated with ascension symptoms. Some of these symptoms include confusion, bodily detoxification, reevaluation of beliefs, healing within familial relationships, a strong inclination towards nature, intolerance for low-frequency foods, vivid dreams and nightmares, continuous high-pitched frequencies in the ears, a sense that something significant is about to happen, heightened awareness of the deception prevalent in mainstream narratives, a strong desire to detach from drama and dysfunction, waves of chills passing through the body, disrupted sleep and eating patterns, pain in the legs, knees, and nerves, memory issues, ear sensitivity, bodily pressure, sinus congestion, ear ringing, menstrual changes, jaw pain, itchiness, skin irritations, and bowel and bloating issues.
This phase of heightened experiences indicates a full-body clearing process. You may find yourself disinterested in consuming certain foods. Alternatively, ascension symptoms can manifest as phases of bliss, euphoria, overwhelming feelings of unconditional love, joint and hand pain, pressure in the head, new understandings, fatigue, blurry vision, feelings of floating between two worlds, heart fluctuations and nausea.
Currently, the alignment and fine-tuning of the Earth’s energetic field and grids are actively underway, contributing to the ongoing process of ascension. Your higher self and ascension team work closely with you during the night as you sleep, preparing your physical body to receive the most significant influx , flooding of light it has experienced so far.
Waking at unusual hours during the night, as you will be jolted from sleep to receive specific upgrades. The energy surging through you during this time will be extremely intense.
This intensified energy signifies that the Earth and its population are being enveloped in increasingly higher levels of light and quality. Consequently, the human physical body will feel these effects.
As your human body ascends it continuously undergoes a process of clearing, detoxing, and upleveling on multiple levels, including muscular, skeletal, cellular, and genetic.
This purging process aims to release any remnants of old earth energy timelines, internal shadows, and traumas that are stored within your cellular structures.
We have entered an accelerated planetary awakening portal, where those who are willing to ascend, both consciously and subconsciously, are propelled at quantum speeds into a purging and clearing process. This process is necessary for our evolution into the next harmonic universe.
During this phase of collective ascension, significant changes are occurring at the physical level, requiring a quick consumption of resources. It is wise to seek nourishing foods, prioritising ample sleep, and intentionally creating quiet time for the mind. These practices will greatly support the ongoing Ascension process.
As you move through this energetic shift, you may also experience hot flashes, sudden changes in body temperature, prominently visible veins, temporary paleness, feelings of heaviness, and occasional hunger pangs. listening to your Physical body’s signals and providing it with what it needs, whether it is more food or less.
Paying closer attention to your physical and its communication as the cellular purification process takes place . Embracing the blessings that this transformation brings and welcoming it with an open heart. Greater things are now on the horizon.
recognising and understanding that everything occurring is ultimately for the highest and greater good. Ascension progress is taking place , allowing your light to shine brightly as you Undergo profound transformation. significant shifts occur when your desire to move forward exceeds any unhealthy attachments to the past.
The Universe encourages you to embrace life and all its experiences without harsh judgment towards yourself . Avoiding dwelling in the past. Sometimes, the most challenging experiences serve as our greatest lessons.
Trust that these experiences will always serve their highest purpose in your evolution and personal growth. everything is unfolding as it should for your highest good ,
Channelled in devoted and loving Ascension service. By Ascension Light Workers. copyright ©️
reveal our true essence
reveal our true essence

The Divine Masculine Christ is listening and following the signs that Spirit is showing them. Courageously they are conquering all obstacles to be with their true love, the Divine Feminine Christ. They now understands their assignment together is alchemical HiEros Gamos Union. Creation Codes are alive in Holy Grail Unions, as the return of this original Union under God is physically manifesting.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Hieros Gamos Marriage
Hieros Gamos Marriage


Ra James

We have shifted into Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn today. This is the last Retrograde of the year. This Retrograde lasts until the New Year, Jan 1st. This transit can bring misunderstandings, and miscommunications to the surface. It also can bring hidden frustrations to the surface. It’s usually the time where your plans tend to fall apart. It’s a time to go within to get more clarity for when things begin to move forward again. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn which is all about karma. This means we have past energies surface for healing during this time. Any unresolved drama from your past may be coming up during this time.
Mercury Retrograde can also be very hard on relationships. If you’re having any issues they may come to the surface to be dealt with. You may feel like things aren’t moving forward. Be patient in love right now. Usually a lot of people tend to get back together during Retrogrades. That means any Twin Flames in separation may be reconciling, or coming back into Union this month. It’s a great time to reignite sparks in love, or to let someone know if you’re thinking of them. We also have entered into a period of heightened energies. Today is a major integration day as we continue to integrate the energies of the 12:12 Portal. We are now moving towards the Winter Solstice. We are also moving into the peak of the Geminids Meteor Shower, which is the 13th and 14th…


The swiftest planet is starting its Holiday Season Retrograde on Dec 13th, until Jan 1st, 2024, in the structure-ruling sign of Capricorn, while squaring Neptune, creating energetic space for Deep Connection with our Soul Truth. As The Divine Messenger starts its final Retrograde of 2023 in Capricorn right after the 12-12 Portal of Ascension and Sagittarius New Moon, this creates an Extremely Powerful Merging Bridge of Retrograde energies. It energetically facilitates the further collapse of old structures on personal and collective levels, releases limiting beliefs and behaviors regarding relationships, structure, stability, and security.
It also helps us gain and integrate new understanding about our visions and journey. These energies will bring a Major Shift in Perception and show us the Soul Truth without illusion. As the old 3D anchors dissolve, this will assist in projecting the energetic shifts into the physical 3D reality. We are asked to focus on the Excitement of stepping into the New Chapter of our Soul Journey and Flow with the shifts and changes. We should channel the new ways and reflect on aspects of our lives that are not in alignment with our Highest Path.
Soul Truth
Soul Truth
On Wednesday, December 13th, the Moon, ruler of nurturing and receptivity, is now in serious earth sign Capricorn. This comes just hours after the New Moon in Sagittarius that we had yesterday. Even though sensitive Luna has now moved into the practical sign of the goat, she is creating positive connections to Jupiter, planet of prosperity and good fortune, and Mercury, ruler of thoughts and perceptions, who has just turned to retrograde motion a few hours ago.
It is still a perfect time to set your intentions for this New Moon cycle that we are in. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and will assist with bringing in abundance and blessings! Mercury is the planet of messages and will provide you with practical ideas and guidance on how to make the “magic” of your manifestations happen! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
the Moon, ruler of nurturing and receptivity, is now in serious earth sign Capricorn
the Moon, ruler of nurturing and receptivity, is now in serious earth sign Capricorn
Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn. Venus conjunct Pallas in Scorpio. Saturn in Pisces trine Vesta retrograde in Cancer – The retreating journey of our Cosmic Messenger is a prompt to enter a period of reflection as the year moves towards a close. What did you accomplish? What objectives were achieved? The emphasis is on career, responsibilities, the idea of leaving one’s mark on the world. Everyone has something to contribute but sometimes we limit ourselves, hold back for fear of ridicule or rejection. Address mental blocks. Review plans. Rework and reframe. With Venus joining Pallas, relationship or money problems benefit from a heart-centred approach.
For some, there may be a moment of feeling like you’re scrabbling for purchase, a goat on a ledge, clinging to the tiniest of footholds. Take a moment to get your balance and your bearings. Quiet focus on spiritual practices will help to steady you. Despite Mercury’s emphasis on adulting, your inner child needs emotional support too. Don’t forget you have a duty of care towards yourself. Provide reassurance.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 08°Cp29′ R – 07:09 (UT)
Venus, Pallas 10°Sc09′ – 08:43 (UT)
Saturn 01°Pi48′, Vesta 01°Cn48′ R – 10:31 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – Girl from Schwalm by Ludwig Knaus:
Girl from Schwalm
Girl from Schwalm

Kin 54 ~ White Lunar Wizard

‘Lunar’ is the name for the number two and its keywords are ‘Polarize, Challenge and Stabilize.’ Lunar days can be tough no doubt but any journey worth taking has its obstacles and on number two days, we can practice the art of problem solving. We have just embarked on a 13-day journey of the Red Skywalker which invites us to do things out of the ordinary, to be explorers and to partake in adventures. This being the second day, we must identify what challenges we face so we may progress.
Today is White Wizard and keywords associated with it are ‘Enchantment, Receptivity and Timelessness’. The Wizard of the Tzolkin is a charming character who can mesmerize all that encounters him. If you are a Wizard, you are always charming but when it’s your day, you have even more power over others so be careful how you use your charms. We can all take a leaf out of Wizard’s ‘book of spells’ and be wizards ourselves today and enchant others. As it is a ‘Lunar’ day and that represents challenges, beware that you do not fall under the spell of some who misuses their charm.
The Guide for the day is White Worldbridger. The Wizard and the Worldbridger are both very Shamanic and go well together. This suggests that today could be a little trippy. An invitation to go down the rabbit hole may come your way. The bridge you cross may well be enchanted. When you look at the various elements in today’s forecast, there is potential for some stress and confusion. The Wizard can spellbound but the number is challenging, the Worldbridger tries to lead us on the right path but if you are under an enchantment you may get a bit lost. Remember, we are also in the Skywalker wavespell and we are being encouraged to take risks!
The Challenge for the day is Yellow Seed and so if you were born a Yellow Seed, you will find it hard to be enchanting which can cause frustration as all you want to do is ‘sow awareness’. People are more likely to listen to you if you try harder to be charming. As it is also a Lunar day with its challenging energy, this creates even more hardship for poor old Yellow Seeds.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. This helpful energy in the position of magic means some very magical healing can take place today. This is very ‘handy’ as Lunar days can be tough. Whenever a day has challenging aspects we can tap into the Occult power for some magical help.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and so if you know one, they can be very supportive today. Red Serpents won’t be affected by the Lunar challenge as much because they are in this position of Ally. They are everyone’s invaluable friend and if you are one, make it your mission today to help out others.
Kin 54
Kin 54


2 IX – KIN 54
13 DECEMBER 2023
I polarize in order to Enchant
Stabilizing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Lunar tone of Challenge
I AM guided by the power of Death.
13/12/2023 = 4/3/7 =7/7 =14=5
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
14- Media/publicity/Promotion/Recognition
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Movement/Transformation
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
7- Spiritual Test/Initiation/Solitude/Majik/Mystic/Magician
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 54 = 9 Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Endings
✨✨HEAVEN sent MAJIKal MANIFESTATION GATEWAY – we are now stabilizing all duality challenges!! .
We have a 7.7. MAJIKAL GATEWAY – which adds up to 14- IX the WHITE WIZARD is tribe #14.. so we have QUADRUPLE MAJIK powers to charge our wands today!!
Day 2 in the RED SKYWALKER 🚶WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and EXPANSION. Today we become AWARE of the opposing physical forces 🌓 at play on the Earth plane, which have limited our GROWTH and EXPANSION, thwarting our adventures. 😭😭
We realize that we are needing to anchor deeply into the NEW EARTH, creating a SOLID foundation in order to LAUNCH🚀 our EXPANSION into the✨ STARS!! ✨
LUNAR🌓– Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
Today’s code very strongly emphasizes the DUALITY GAME here on Earth, and the constant battle between opposing forces 🌓– LIGHT vs DARK, GOOD vs EVIL, YIN vs YANG, Masculine vs FEMININE.. These duelling forces create FRICTION and resistance to keep each other in check, so that no one force becomes too dominant. This constant flux can be quite challenging (and draining) for those being buffeted by this push/pull dynamic..
The solution is to STABILIZE these forces by acknowledging BOTH SIDES and coming to a point of NEUTRALITY or UNITY… As two OPPOSING forces – join together to become ONE – both different and EQUAL expressions of the ONE – two sides of the one coin. STABILIZING the POLARITY then creates the SPACE for EXPLORATION, EXPANSION and ADVENTURE. 😍🌟🌞🐬✨
Today we have a 7.7.=14=5 code, giving us ample POWER to overcome this battle by accepting our POWER and MANIFESTING our desire for PEACE and HARMONY. We are able to LIBERATE this POLARITY battle, and build a NEW FOUNDATION of PEACE based on DIVINE HARMONY… our FREE SPIRITED ANGELIC SKYWALKER is helping us expand into new adventures. But first we must harmonize our relationships, and polarity conflict, to attain this state of PEACE and FREEDOM both within and without! 🎆
A day filled with questioning how you can transcend the old paradigm of conflict, resistance and challenge using your inner Magician, with the power of accomplishment. It is TIME to step out of the duality game and all its possible challenges in order to resolve FEARS, leading you back to wholeness.
Become more RECEPTIVE to the MAJIK💫 that surrounds you and SHOOT for the STARS! ✨
Today’s question is “How can I use my DIVINE MAJIK💫 to overcome ANY obstacles and challenges, in order to experience greater GROWTH and EXPANSION through harmony and UNITY?”
Divine blessings for your transcendence from Polarity challenges and resistance, as you REACH for the STARS!✨ ✨
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD 🔮 Ix brings forth the power of Majik, enchantment, benefic spell casting and manifesting through our PURE HEARTS. ❤ Today we have a 7.7. DOUBLE MAJIK code, so the LUNAR WIZARD is ready and primed to unleash GREAT MAJIK!! 🌠🌠🌠
We also have an overlay of the OVERTONE WIZARD yearly energies – empowering our greatest majik to BREAK FREE from the restrictions.
The LUNAR WIZARD will reveal the discordance and chaos existing in our world. This is the part in the movie when our heroes have succumbed to the EVIL forces and have been CAPTURED… All seems hopeless … until GANDALF arrives on his white horse!! 🐴 In the darkest moments – there is always LIGHT!💡💡
The call for assistance arises in his presence, beckoning him to use his powerful Majik to dissolve and harmonize the conflict – returning to a state of PEACE!🕊🕊🕊
The WHITE WIZARD always uses his powers to LIBERATE his allies and friends… His actions EMPOWER others to become LIBERATED from oppression, control and manipulation.
Whenever unsettling situations arise, call on your local Shaman or Wizard to soothe the chaos!
The WHITE WIZARD enables us to DISENGAGE, bypassing the polarity battles by focusing our energy elsewhere. By connecting to Spirit through our HEART❤ chakra, we can bring through great ENCHANTMENT💫 that melts all friction and conflict.
The white WIZARD oozes with an abundance of enchanting charisma! 😍😍😍 As this PURE loving energy is directed at UNITY and stabilizing PEACEful outcomes, it can then LIBERATE our SKYWALKER to experience more exciting ADVENTURES. 🏔🚵
IX has endless power to tap into all realms in the multi-Universe through his RECEPTIVITY, and ability to channel these forces through his physical body, as a wondrous vehicle for Spirit. WHITE WIZARD works beautifully with his buddy BEN, the RED SKYWALKER and ANGELIC MESSENGER, as together they can indeed access infinite information, codes and realms.
Allow IX and BEN to take you to NEW places and spaces, and show you wondrous NEW WORLDS to anchor in your own physical realm. Be like a child who loves to EXPLORE and allow the enchantment to LIFT you upwards to New Horizons, new opportunities and new chapters!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE LUNAR WORLDBRIDGER 🌈🌉🌍– CIMI seals the store of Death! The DEATH of POLARITY BATTLES and the END of the war between the sexes, groups and nations. SURRENDER the battles and LET GO to the power of MAJIK! 💫💫💫
CIMI is building NEW BRIDGES 🌉 which create CONNECTIONS. One END of the bridge on each side, bringing the two sides together onto COMMON GROUND where they can meet in the MIDDLE – the equilibrium point. This is how HARMONY is achieved. ✨🌟✨
CIMI beautifully closes the old cycle of the patriarchal control Matrix, which has suppressed our sense of adventure and joie de vivre! CIMI is the gatekeeper opening the prison cell and ensuring your Majikal LIBERATION is accomplished. HALLELUJAH at last we are FREE!! ✨💥✨
KIN 54 holds a 9 code, emphasizing endings and Divine destiny, showing us that our old life is OVER! We may encounter difficulties being RECEPTIVE to anchoring multi-dimensional planes, yet it is the anchoring of these different worlds , through our capacity to SURRENDER that enables us to build the necessary bridges to wondrous new worlds and dimensions. This in turn grounds our AWAKENING process and leads to EVEN greater EXPANSION! 💥💥💥
SUPPORT: RED LUNAR SERPENT 🐍– CHICCHAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and AWAKENING. It can also hold the store of FEAR. RED SERPENT challenges you today to RELEASE your OLD SURVIVAL FEARS.💥💥
❓❓What FEAR has been stopping you from experiencing more ADVENTURE in your life?🤔
❓❓What has restricted your ability to jump in, be more spontaneous, and take RISKS, in order to truly LIVE – an exhilarating and emPASSIONed life? 💃💃💃
All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defence mechanisms must go!! Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues, so draw on your AWAKENING kundalini 🔥 power to raise and release these energies, funneling it into majikal CREATION power! ⚛✨⚛✨
CLEAR out the BLOCKS in order to create the SPACE for something NEW to enter. Allow your kundalini to rise up and out of your crown and soul star chakras EXPANDING and exploding into the stars above! ✨🎆
This LUNAR SERPENT🌓🐍 is clearing our channel in preparation for our graduation as the COSMIC SERPENT in 12 days time. As our KUNDALINI channel is being cleared and EXPLODES into higher realms, our consciousness is raised to our natural state of BLISS 💕💕 Our MANIFESTING POWER is exploding through the ROOF today!!!
Today we must follow our instincts as guided by the synchronicities that lead us to anchoring the NEW TIME, the potential of our co-creation of HEAVEN on EARTH!💒
Follow your BLISS 💞 and that will lead you to greater HARMONY and JOY. 💖💞💖💞
OCCULT: SUPERPOWER! BLUE CRYSTAL HAND 💎🙌-MANIK provides the gift 🎁 of finally healing from those very ancient and core wounds today! HALLELUJAH!!!. ✨🌟✨
BLUE HAND brings forth the power of accomplishment. You are able to apply your majik solutions, erasing those old triggers and strongholds, finally freeing you from the push/pull game of duality consciousness which has restricted your EXPANSION!
The CRYSTAL HAND also links us to GAIA’S CRYSTALLINE GRID💎🌐 enabling the knowledge to flow effortlessly, as we are all connected through this Grid. This SUPERPOWER seeks to BROADCAST, that UNITY and CONNECTION are the means, by which we can supersede and transcend any apparent disharmony. Clear communication networks and the bonding through our HEART SPACE❤ are the best panacea to ensure we are on the same wavelength – that of Harmonic resonance.
The actual KIN SUPERPOWER today is BLUE CRYSTAL HAND💎🖐 – KIN 207, and this KIN ruled the energy on the SOLSTICE DAY🌞 of DEC 21st, 2012!!! This is an incredible GIFT and blessing in the transformative healing of the PLANETARY FEAR, into the TRUST, SURRENDER and capacity to KNOW that we ARE INDEED changing.
✨We are currently catalysing ✨THE GREATEST CHANGE in our PLANET’s her-story,✨ that we have EVER experienced.✨
The BLESSING of MANIK 🙌 affords us a deeper understanding of the meaning of what it is to live in the times of the 2012-2024 r-evolution!!! As we journey through these transition times, the bridge to 2012 prophecy and TIME LINE has been LINKED and we are reliving this monumental PLANETARY ASCENSION passage!
What we commenced on that PIVOTAL day will be accomplished NOW! Final closure of the cycle and building the bridge to NEW TIME, and NEW 5D NOVA GAIA! IT IS DONE!! 🌈🌍💎🌈💫💞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW LUNAR SEED🌱– KAN forms a tag team with CIMI. CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning especially with today’s NEW MOON in SAG! Today we are challenged to put down SOLID ROOTS – to hold our GROUND, and then overcome any resistance or challenges to our GROWTH and expansion, as we reach for the LIGHT. ✨
The STRONGEST TREE🌲 is that which has grown in WINDY🌬🌲🍃 conditions often on sloping land – forcing its roots to grow deep and THICKEN, as support to anchor the emerging tree. The deeper and stronger your foundation, borne of adversity, the STRONGER💪 and more BRILLIANT✨ you become!🌲✨🎆
Whatever challenges we encounter on our journey, we must not stagnate in the dark void! We must keep S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G and growing around all obstacles and limitations, as we seek NEW GROUND, new adventures and new realms in which to EXPAND. 🎆🎆🎆
We are planting NEW SEEDS each day, in order to co-create the NEW DREAMING and thus create our own Garden of Eden, brimming with the bounty of fruitful ABUNDANCE🍇🍉🍎🍓🍒🍐 anchoring HEAVEN on EARTH. 💞
Today’s question is “How can I use my DIVINE MAJIK💫 to overcome ANY obstacles and challenges, in order to experience greater GROWTH and EXPANSION through harmony and UNITY?”
Divine blessings for your transcendence from Polarity challenges and resistance, as you REACH for the STARS!✨ ✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 NEW on Patreon: Meet your Spirit Guide (Sacred Condor Guided Meditation)🔥


A “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide”

from my Sacred Condor is a transformative experience designed to facilitate a connection between an individual and their spiritual guide, providing a space for self-discovery, guidance, and insight. This meditation typically involves visualization and intentional relaxation techniques to create a receptive state of mind.

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection with the “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide.” This immersive experience invites participants to explore the depths of their inner world, guided by a soothing voice that leads them through a series of calming visualizations and intentional breathwork.

As the meditation unfolds, participants are encouraged to create a sacred and protected space within their minds—a tranquil environment where they can feel secure and open to spiritual energies. The meditation then guides them to ground themselves, establishing a connection with the Earth’s energy and fostering a sense of stability.

The individual is gently led into a state of heightened awareness, transcending the physical realm to enter a sacred space—a serene landscape tailored to their personal preferences. In this ethereal setting, participants are invited to encounter their spirit guide—an ethereal being, perhaps human, animal, or symbolic in form.

The encounter with the spirit guide becomes a heartwarming and enlightening experience. The meditation encourages open communication, allowing participants to ask questions, seek guidance, and receive messages from their guide. The exchange is rich with symbolism and intuitive wisdom, fostering a deep connection between the individual and their spiritual guide.

Throughout the meditation, the soothing voice provides gentle cues and prompts, helping participants remain grounded in the experience while embracing the profound insights and guidance offered by their spirit guide. The session concludes with a gentle return to the present moment, leaving participants with a sense of gratitude, newfound wisdom, and a strengthened connection to their spiritual path.

This “Guided Meditation to Meet Your Spirit Guide” serves as a powerful tool for self-reflection, spiritual growth, and the cultivation of a meaningful connection with the unseen realms of guidance and support.


Click Here for the MEDITATION!




Prayer of release and energy cleansing with Archangel Michael:

Archangel Michael, Heavenly Guide,
Seeking your divine presence today
Surround me with your mighty light,
Free me from all negative energy.
With your flaming sword, cut the ties
Who keeps me from unwanted influences.
Protect me from the forces of darkness,
Cleanse my being from all darkness.
May your holy shield keep me safe,
May your light cast out all shadows.
Archangel Michael, i call upon you with gratitude,
Thank you for joining me on this spiritual journey.
So be it.
Prayer of release and energy cleansing with Archangel Michael
Prayer of release and energy cleansing with Archangel Michael

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