Greetings Benevolent Galactic Ambassadors of the Pure Way of Light
Happy 22:11:22 and 22:2:22 Portal Activations today.
We continue to be enveloped in higher dimensional Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light surrounding us in a Universal Force Field of Protection for our Planetary Liberation. With these massive energetics pulsing in we had another spike of white light on the Schumann charts today at 35hz. Fifth Dimensional Energies coming in. The higher positive timelines continue merging with the third dimensional matrix for the One True Ascension Timeline. Our Solaris also enters the mighty Fire Sign of Sagittarius today as our Ascension Adventure gets very interesting.
Pachamama received a trinity of activations in the last 24 hours with 3 powerful earthquakes on the ring of fire with the magnitude 7.0 and 6.0 yesterday in the Solomon Islands (the Sun of the Moon) and a M 6.2 quake today in Baja California Mexico at 16:39 UTC, encoded with the Nikola Tesla Code of the 3:6:9 of Free Energy and with the epicenter at latitude 30.783 which is encoded with our 37 into the 73 Code of Heaven on Earth. The Great Spirit speaks to us in many ways.
All of these energies are preparing our Ground Crew Earth Angelics for the powerful New Moon in Sagittarius tomorrow and assist all hue-manity into the full transitions as real hue-man beings living from our hearts and realize our innate connections to all things in all realms, timelines and dimensions in this Now.
With the continual inflow of the electrical light of Source our DNA is receiving the New Codons and downloads directly from the Great Central Sun for our upgrades from carbon based double strand DNA of 64 codons to our Krystalline based 12 Strand DNA of 144 Codons of the Clear Light of Bliss. Our True Buddha Nature shines through the clouds of obscurity to illuminate all that remains hidden to be healed and integrated for the Pure Awareness of the Totality of our Sacred Self.
All we are experiencing as the witnesses of the Great Shift of the Ages through our Ascension is in preparation for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness from homo-sapien to the New Earth Species of Homo-Luminous, Golden Light Christed Beings of Eternal Life. In the Divine Union of our Eternal Expansion, Shakti dances with Shiva as the Eagle flies with the Condor. All things meet in the Middle where the Path begins; the Center of the Sacred Hoop.
We are stepping over the threshold of the doorway to the New Golden Age of Peace, Prosperity and Joy for all Sentient Beings of Terra Nova Gaia, forever more… A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 18°28′ Scorpio, Sun at 0°43′ Sagittarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Retired army veterans gather to reawaken old memories.
Sabian Symbol for 1º Sagittarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 1º Sagittarius.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A parrot listening and then talking, repeats a conversation he has overheard.
Sabian Symbol for 19º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 19º Scorpio.
A new energy, lighter & more vibrant, is finding you. After big purges, you feel ready again for movement, adventures, hope. Clarity is coming through. The next steps are about to become apparent. A heaviness is being removed & your natural, joyful flow is back. You are about to expand gracefully into what’s next. This is because all you have recently gone through has massively cleansed the way. Trust yourself. The sun always comes back.
Our Sun in Sagittarius. . . until December 22nd will SHINE on Coming “Opportunities” but that does NOT indicate the Shout of “Full Speed Ahead”.
A Clearing-Out and Cleaning-Up of 2022 is Happening so that 2023 can BE Welcomed with Greater KNOWLEDGE and the WISDOM to use it correctly BEcause 2023 will have its own ENERGIES to deal with as WE Transform and Transcend and as WE Further Crystallize and SHED our Carbon.
-Melchizedeck Instruction –
“” 22-11-22 “”
(222 White Winged Dragon Portal)
Until now we were living separation from both, because of the Galactic Night or Kaly Yuga.
Currently we are again in GALACTIC DAY or SATYA YUGA, ready as humanity to RECONNECT.
THEREFORE, our HUMAN AVATAR is adapting to take in these high-range solar frequencies, and be able to activate THE HUMAN LIGHT, MASTER 33 (ADAM KADMON).
At the same time, so does the planetary dodecahedric system, starting to activate its PLANETARY KNOTS, which will ignite the ZAPHIRO BLUE LAW LINE, which will connect in turn the TELURIC TEMPLES, the bladder law line of Pisces like at glastonbury Jerusalem (12 temples of stone are lit there that so far ARCANGEL MICHAEL had custody), and begin to connect the 12 solar discs, to the 12 knots of the human body.
So under a PLANETARY NET, based on the 12 + 1 Christian template (tbn is known as KA template downloaded by amorah KUAN YIN) THE HUMAN IS READY TO START “DOWNLOAD” IN YOUR BEING ALMIC, THE LIGHT OF THE SPIRIT or tbn said UMA ENERGY R A SOLAR.
On December 21, 2021, the Earth’s core was turned so that the Earth could begin this ascension process.
By spinning the nucleus the OCTAEDR opened, giving room for Gaia to generate its first MERCHABIC BODY OF LIGHT…. which allows you to put the Earth in a 5D ETHERIC frequency.
WE ARE ALL READY TO START THE NEW PLANET IN SHAN STATE (spiritual state), and in accordance all BE INCARNATED HERE, has the possibility of unifying again to your I AM.
DARKNESS WILL EXPIRE AS THE LIGHT ANCHORES…. because everything ….. Everything is under BALANCE.
PEACE and GOOD for humanity.
Blue Rose Oracles
As we move into the 22/11/22 frequencies we are receiving more photonic wavelengths into the Planetary heart field which are moving through the whole of the chakra system upgrading all versions of our energy templates and expanding our capacity to integrate the original Venusian Rose codes & blueprints.
The vibrational essence and signature of todays numerical alignment is heralding the re birthing and anchoring of a Venusian petalled grid which is bathing the planet with eclectic blue light waves as we ascend into another octave of compassion and heart expansion collectively, planetary and individually.
The sacred medicine encoded and woven within our cosmic DNA is returning as we ignite the spark of the divine presence within and activate our true source blueprint through embodying the celestial templates held within our cellular memories and now anchoring within our fields as this beautiful Venusian rose encoded grid returns to be re birthed through the songlines and the heart of Pachamama.
Feel the expansion within your heart centre as you realign with this beautiful sacred Venusian rose energy calling home through your heart temple all aspects and gifts that are reflections of the divine source light which flows through you.
You are clearing old timelines and density layers, anchoring the foundations of a golden age long prophesied and now being downloaded and co created by each and every one of us here at this time.
You are love
Anchor love
Be love
Celebrate love
Vibrate love
We are still floating within the liminal space of reflection and transformation as we leave the energies of Scorpio and the versions of ourselves who were revealed, witnessed, healed and held within the container of this powerful descent into our deeper inner landscape.
These deep transitions and transformations are supported by the dissolving holographic matrices of a slower dimensional reality grid which held the foundation of our collective experiences in past timelines.
We have been shedding the energetic membranes of our collective experiences, releasing the imprints within the grids, transmuting denser layers of thought form energies and opening the chambers of the heart to reveal the truth of our own divine essence now shining brighter than ever before.
As we float within these subtle wavelengths of shifting realities the versions of ourselves and the faster vibrational realities we are birthing are dancing at the edge of our awareness, glimmers and visions revealing themselves beneath the veils which are now parting as self doubt, survival fears & attachments to the past dissipate like tendrils of long forgotten memories no longer part of our expanding consciousness and awareness.
We are incubating, birthing and weaving the new realities with each breath, each shift into self love, each intention affirmation & action that aligns us deeper with our higher purpose is co creating the crystalline templates for each of us to embody.
The chakras are vibrating at a much faster rotation in alignment with new holographic layers & grid formations being anchored by Mother Gaia.
Every particle and cell is upgrading, expanding & increasing in vibration which is creating space for deeper layers of embodiment as we flow through the voidal birthing canal into Sagittarius energies ready to ignite the spark and forge a pathway ahead that honours the version of ourselves we are ready to fully embody and anchor right now.
Take only what resonates, use your discernment and follow your own intuition 💜✨💜
Dear friends, welcome today to the official 11:22:22 fractal portal, another step in the process of integrating, individually and collectively, Heaven on Earth. The light codes have been pouring in and working deeply for the last 24 hours and will continue for a couple of days more.
On top of this, we have a second, yet very different, energy wave already coming in: the New Moon in Sagittarius. [Although the official calendar date for this event is Wednesday 23, the energies have been arriving three days prior to the event and will stay around us for three days more.]
The light codes associated with this Sagittarius New Moon bring a sense of wonder and an opening and expansion of the mind. It’s all about awakening to a renewed sense of exploration, and a yearning to begin new life chapters. As we consolidate higher timelines with today’s 11:22:22 fractal portal codes, we are being guided by the revitalizing New Moon energies to contemplate and redirect our energies towards new horizons. The combination of these two waves of intense energies is pushing us to shift into a timeline that is representing our true Light, is heart-centered, and more stress/worry free.
As we approach the holiday season and the end of this year, this week’s combined energies, the 11:22:22 and the New Moon, will give us the extra push we need to set new intentions and objectives for the coming year. We are co-creating new timelines that will be based on freedom, inner and outer exploration, and as I mentioned, living from the heart as opposed to rigid mental structures.
With the 11:11 main portal and eclipse season behind us, this New Moon will take us deeper into the reflective energies of the upcoming December Solstice. We may feel a bit more settled in the coming days as we move into December, yet we will be more sensitive to the light and shadow energies around and within us. We are entering this new chapter with a stronger and renewed sense of courage, ready to flourish in new territories.
Our bodies are releasing a lot of unnecessary and outdated energetic patterns this week. This may show up as physical symptoms, and perhaps old issues may flare up as well. The nervous system (lack of focus, vivid dreams, past memories), joints and muscles (random pains, hot or cold areas), digestive issues, all of these could occur. Try to stay calm, relax as much as possible, take salt baths, and stay hydrated. We are literally rewiring the energetic patterns within our energy fields. We are introducing more information and Light as we let go of past restrictive points of views. [As always, consult with a health professional if needed].
May this new moon energies help you find a renewed sense of enthusiasm, and allow your inner truth to guide you with clarity to your divinely guided destinations. Much love
We are in an immense gestation period where the New Crystalline Body is forming more rapidly now, while our souls are in the period of intense gestation. Yes, gestation, for this is how my higher guidance described it.
In the next few weeks, we will witness in intense transformation within and without.
Transition from one form into another. Morphing.
When the seed becomes a plant and now stretches herself through the layers of earth, and to the sunlight above, it goes through intense transformation in order to see the light of day, and then grow even faster and taller than ever before. This is what is happening to us now.
The cells within the seed and plant do know what to do, and how to be stretched, and as we now have more strands of DNA and thus we are renewed at cellular levels too, our inherent new cell knowledge and DNA programming are operational now, with the new Crystalline Body.
I love this is a huge alchemical process, a transfiguration in the highest sense.
We just need to allow all to unfold within us, yet ever be centered within the heart and soul and allow the Divine to guide us through this.
The plant itself does not resist the transformation and transfiguration – it simply allows the Chi, Prana, Life Force to flow through it, even when it is being stretched far beyond the all which the seed ever was before!
When we’re aligned with our core stability, through our spine and breath, we’re deeply anchored in our belly, our centre; we just know things. It’s a mystery. Our knowing is vast. This is the kinaesthetic knowing of the body. It feels truth in every cell. That’s strength. It’s not about display, although it can’t be hidden. A person moving from their centre, talking from their centre, has a palpable field of strength around them.
Strength lies in self-assurance. When we know at the physical level, the answer is always so simple because it doesn’t come via the mind. It emerges from our centre as effortless knowing, or flowing movement.
The 64 Ways
“The difference between the Shadow and the Gift is summed up in one of the sweetest pieces of wisdom ever uttered by any human being. This one is from a Chinese sage, Chuang Tzu, obviously an old friend of Yoda. Take these words in deeply – Easy is Right. Wow, what do you think of that?” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
SEE the Expanded View of your Multidimensional Reality.
The Light Pulsation of Now
The Energetic Signature of the Awakened Souls, harmonically aligning, merging in a wonderful stream of Light.
Understand this Light Rhythm is Now ACTIVATED
A Light Stream Moving through your Cellular Light Expression.
Encoded Light amplifying through your Timeline.
Like a black and white TV, now changing to Colour TV.
The Light Evolution is US
I am shown the Heart Organ, the Light Chambers of the Heart, like Rooms of Light Waiting to be Explored, opened and released.
For the Heart is the Powerhouse of Fundamental Light Creation.
Like a Valley of Rivers and Forests, your role is to learn the Light Terrain of your Heart. The many door ways and crevices awakening to your evolution.
As the Journey of Light and expansion is unfolding before you.
Simply see the task as a Wayshower to learn about your Light.
To explore the deep caverns, the path to self-discovery and awakening.
Know the Light Path will never leave you.
For the Light Pulsation of your World is Evolving, Activating awakening to the Freedom of True Light and Liberation.
The Cellular Expression of this Harmonic Light Signature is the true resonance of all species.
Simply Bathe in this Light
Awaken to the Path Before You
We send love to the Wayshowers, as the narrative of your world is just a narrative. Always remember the true light pulsation of the Universe.
The prosperity of the universe is uniting back into the oneness field with you and your Family. This is helping all Starseeds on Earth wake up and rebirth into their new life being supported and provided for. As the emotional body completes healing, this energy and point of attraction will continue integrating. Support your healing through your Feminine channel and heart chakra. Detach, detox, and purify from the Feminine from the distorted controlled masculine of old Earth. She is done with him and so are you. Release control as God is intervening with sudden changes, endings, and transformation, removing you from those people and karmic relationships. It’s time to move on and receive your ascension upgrades taking you higher into the new paradigm.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
It’s an intense and complex time with Mars retrograde in square to Neptune and Jupiter retrograde at the end degrees of Pisces. We are preparing for a massive shift this week with the Sun moving over into Sagittarius for a New Moon at 1 degree 38 minutes Sagittarius. This New Moon says it is time for a fresh start, and to rise up out of the ashes of the past. It’s time to gain some lift and wider perspective.
Venus and Mercury have also moved over into Sagittarius, and are conjunct this week between 4-8 degrees. It’s time to transform our world by building structures that can better support a perfect balance of Masculine and Feminine.
These personal planets just came out of a death process at the end degrees of Scorpio, and a kite formation, making a Grand Water Trine with Black Moon Lilith in Cancer and Jupiter in Pisces. This kite is so dynamic, but with the Sun at the end degrees of Scorpio and Mars retrograde in square to Neptune, it feels like we can’t get up off the couch, much less lift up to a new level.
The Sun is the last to make this kite, and is in exact Trine with Jupiter at 28 degrees Pisces today. There is a big shift coming as the Sun moves over into Sagittarius, and joins with the Moon for this New Moon. The next day, November 24th, is when Jupiter turns direct, giving this kite the lift that we need to fly.
The axis of this kite is between Pluto in Capricorn and Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. These elements will be in exact opposition for most of December, at 26, and then 27 degrees. We are uncovering the dark secrets that have been keeping us dis-empowered and beholden to outside authority.
With Mars retrograde in square to Neptune, we have been delving deep within for an in intense inner journey, but now it is time to take what we have learned and rise above the shadows. Jupiter retrograding back into the end degrees of Pisces, and a Kite with Black Moon Lilith is saying we can no longer let the past dictate our reality. Deep and rapid psychic growth is happening at an unprecedented rate. Ride the wave of this Grand Water Trine and know that the rough waters and pain of the past can be completely transmuted. It’s time to level up.
Sun enters Sagittarius – What was once hidden is now out in the open. The last four weeks challenged us with intense, electric eclipses that pushed us to examine our deepest feelings and embrace powerful shifts. Now however, it’s time to turn a corner and look to the light instead of the dark. Take in the breadth of sky above you. Take a risk to get things moving again. With Mercury and Venus still travelling close together in Sagittarius too, strike up a conversation. Share what you love. Think good thoughts to stay motivated. Learn to say I love you in a different language.
Allow for some playfulness and humour. Chase away shadows with laughter. Reanimate your life with new goals that inspire and stretch you. Aim high! Create a vision board to motivate you. Make your world bigger by exploring unknown places and subjects. Pursue far horizons. Challenge yourself to understand different beliefs and concepts. Question your own philosophy. Unite heart and mind. There is not one truth but many truths.
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its key words are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. Rhythmic days remind us to get into a rhythm and organize our lives to restore balance. Put on some music as you tidy your space, pace yourself so you can get it all done and remember…it is very rewarding when you tackle things with a positive attitude. Pat yourself on the back after you complete the tasks that need attention. Equality is a keyword too and that’s because when we get into a rhythm, we restore our equilibrium.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are for shining like a star, appreciating Beauty and indulging in Art. As it is a ‘Rhythmic’ day this suggests that as we beautify our space, as we organize it. See the beauty in balance! When things are balanced they are more elegant. As you go about your day, getting organized and getting into a rhythm, may the process make you feel more beautiful. Its an ideal day for redecorating or beautifying your home.
The Guide today is also Yellow Star and so a double helping of that energy.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth and when in the challenging position, the truth can be hard to find. Be aware of misleading information or someone trying to pull one over your eyes. We may find ourselves so busy with all the organizing, that the truth gets overlooked. You may find it hard to get a reality check today and if you do, you may find the results are not very pretty.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker which symbolizes ‘Space, Wakefulness and Exploring’. When in this magical position the Skywalker shows us – that we need an open mind if we are to understand the mysteries of the Occult. That’s not to say you should believe everything without question but Skywalker invites us to Wake Up and experience a shift in consciousness. The Skywalker encourages us to be braver and so today when in the pursuit of beauty, step outside of your comfort zone. Make bolder choices in color and style and push yourself to be a little more daring.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey who makes a great friend to have around today. They have a great appreciation of beauty and so if you need a hand making your space more beautiful, call upon a Monkey to help you. If you don’t have one that you can call upon, no worries. Monkey is friendly to all today and so expect some magic.
KIN 188 – 17=8 Abundance/Infinity/Flow/In breath-Outbreath/
The beautiful, diplomatic and PEACE loving DOUBLE STAR with the TRIPLE 22 coding, seriously AMPS up the VENUSIAN PEACE POWER today! We have a DIVINE opportunity to organize for a PEACE filled life, and world today. A beautiful day for TWIN FLAMES, soul mates and partners to find harmony and BALANCE .
This is another LANDMARK day in our Planetary evolution through this 40 day Spiritual Rite of Passage. KIN 188 opens the first STARGATE enabling the authentic STAR travellers to walk through the doors, as we ORGANIZE for the NEW TIME to be laid and anchored as the TRUE PATH for humanity to follow from this day forth.
NOTE: KIN 188 will reveal what needs to be balanced today, for PEACE to REIGN supreme.
Day 6 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE,, where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are ORGANIZING our physical reality to create SPACE for more ABUNDANCE, BEAUTY and HARMONY to FLOW into our lives. We are finding greater BALANCE through our connection with the beauty in our world.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body by clearing and balancing any disharmony in your world.
Today we are organizing our physical reality for balance and equality, creating more BEAUTY and HARMONY. A FANTASTIC DAY – for SPRING CLEANING, Feng Shui, decluttering your house/space, organizing your office, creativity, painting, drawing, channeling ideas, journaling or reflecting on your GOALS and DREAMS.
It is time to allow your beautiful DREAMS to surface and FLOW through you, bringing them forth into your PHYSICAL REALITY!
Enjoy this BEAUTY – filled day of divine creativity as we walk through the STARGATES together into the NEW TIME.
May you play together, in the GOLDEN fields of your DREAMS.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize my physical reality to bring more BALANCE, HARMONY, ABUNDANCE and BEAUTY into my life?”
“Am I ready to walk through the STARGATE into a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!”
Divine blessings for finding more creative SPARKLE in your LIFE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR – LAMAT is self-guided today so we are DOUBLY blessed with BEAUTY and GRACE! LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace, harmony and PEACE.
LAMAT is beckoning us to view the world around us through rose coloured glasses. Shifting the perspective on your life through what is GOOD and BEAUTIFUL.
Connecting with the sights, smells and senses of the nature kingdom enticing you to come and play with the fairies and elementals. Bringing forth the natural kingdom into your home and garden, a vase of fresh flowers, some pots of culinary herbs, some oxygenating plants in your bedroom or office, or even a forest mural or picture in your lounge room!
Surround yourself with BEAUTY and your LIFE will begin to FEEL more harmonious and balanced. Count the BLESSINGS and the RAINBOWS in your day!
YELLOW STAR kin are gifted Artists and artisans, very crafty and creative with their HANDS. They are BRILLIANT diplomats and PEACE keepers, which is where they really SHINE.
LAMAT STAR BLISS SUNS have undoubtedly held positions as Galactic Ambassadors and Peace Diplomats as exemplified by Queen/Senator of Naboo – Padme Amidala in Star Wars. Today with this focus on PEACE and HARMONY in the codes we have an ABUNDANCE of BEAUTY to appreciate and CREATE in our new world.
LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing and balancing any disharmonious relationships with our kin today. LAMAT STAR-LIGHT enables us to FEEL LIGHT and FREE, SHINY and BRIGHT once again.
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity today and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. Our Planetary Solar Plexus chakra – ULURU has once again, been super activated 3 days ago, on the ELECTRIC SERPENT day, and thus our own personal chakra is operating at full capacity now unleashing more confidence, creativity and soul POWER..
LAMAT is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art, craft, painting, singing, dancing and creating beautiful music. All this beautiful energy will lead you to greater balance and harmony within yourself and through your outer reflection in your relations with others.
LAMAT also OPENS the portal to Cosmic ABUNDANCE and combined with the BLUE NIGHT ABUNDANCE wavespell it is a BRILLIANT DAY – to ORGANIZE for greater FLOW from SOURCE to fulfill your EVERY need.
“I NOW ALLOW GREATER ABUNDANCE – from expected and unexpected sources – to FLOW effortlessly into my life” AND SO IT IS!
Invite the gift of HARMONY into your life by allowing the BEAUTY of Creation to bring more balance, and LIBERATE you through higher LOVE, JOY and BLISS.
LAMAT invites you to BE THE ARTIST and PAINT a better picture of your life.
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC MONKEY – CHUEN invites us to come out and PLAY! Discovering the Divine child in each of us. Playing as children, joyfully in the physical expression of this divine MAJIK of creativity. Inviting our kin to come out and PLAY, sharing in the majik that abounds when we gather together.
De-LIGHT-ing in the beauty of the wondrous world around you. Believing in the Majik and Miracles that exist, allowing them to be part of your world. Casting our pretty spells of enchantment over all that we see.
CHUEN brings forth GREAT MAJIK through the STARRY PORTAL of LAMAT bringing more serendipity into your day. A whimsy majikal flow to carry you away to fields where you can day-DREAM the day away!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY will help us to find a balance between dark and LIGHT, work and PLAY, by extending our perceptions of what is possible for us to experience and create. Trusting in the divine patterns at play that LIBERATE more joy, innocence and beauty in our lives. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit through our innocent child, to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
The RHYTHMIC MONKEY will help us create a new world filled with DIVINE MAJIK.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER– BEN enables us to manifest the New Time, by traveling and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
We cannot just float endlessly in a SEA of BLISS with the RAINBOW UNICORNS!!! We must ANCHOR this BLISS through our bodies, on the physical plane.
RED SKYWALKER assists us in SPACE CLEARING and expanding our physical reality to allow for more beauty, harmony and greater ABUNDANCE to flow in. Opening doors to other realms and dimensions, new worlds with greater beauty and Majik. BEN shows us that the SKY IS THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation.
EXPAND your concept of your physical reality and REACH for the STARS. It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet, based on TRUTH, transparency and authenticity.
We ARE becoming the models of the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX and WE CAN bridge the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR ETZNAB as the challenge today, gives us the power of TRUTH, endlessness and REFLECTION. Giving us the gift of accessing the endless order of Creation.
The WHITE MIRROR energy POTENTLY reveals all that needs to be released and stripped away as the TOWER crumbles and falls.. Allow the walls to CRUMBLE and the old foundations to be destroyed in order to build the NEW, thus enabling us to reorganize our physical environments for more SPACE, balance and greater HARMONY. Elevating our homes and our PLANET to that of sacred temples that uplift us to greater PEACE and fulfillment.
It is TIME for the CITIES of LIGHT to RISE!
The MIRROR REFLECTS and the challenge today, is to witness the reflection in your partner, relationships and external environment. The RHYTHMIC MONKEY combined with ETZNAB allows you to SEE beyond the smoke and daggers, through the illusion, with CLEAR VISION. All distortions and discordance reflected back to you will be uncovered.. So claim it, heal it and create SPACE for a beautiful new REFLECTION of SELF to grace your world.
ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things, and to hold LOVE AND COMPASSION in our hearts. Allowing ourselves to release into the beauty, letting go of the endless order, and seeing it reflected in nature, all around us. The elegant creation that stirs your heart and uplifts you with joy and BLISS!
Enjoy this BEAUTY – filled day of divine creativity as we walk through the STARGATES together into the NEW TIME.
May you play together, in the GOLDEN fields of your DREAMS.
Today’s questions are “How can I organize my physical reality to bring more BALANCE, HARMONY, ABUNDANCE and BEAUTY into my life?”
“Am I ready to walk through the STARGATE into a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD!”
Divine blessings for finding more creative SPARKLE in your LIFE!
“By my divine amnesty conferred from the highest heavenly command in the presence of my beloved
I am and all the angelic host
I declare here and now freedom, sovereignty, and spiritual fullness for all beings to manifest it
With my Mikaelica sword short all karmic bond installed in our cellular memory, in all our bodies, at all times, at all times
the dimensions
Return us your angelic kingdom to Earth, freeing us forever from the wheel of karma
and of the 7 demonic powers that enslaved this planet for eons, I ask here and now the assistance of all the angelic hosts to flame above, below, right wing, left wing ours
flame, flame
May our spirit be blessed and guided by the blue ray of Archangel Michael for our greater good
and all sentient beings
It is Done It Is So It Will Be So It Will Be”
5:55 am I open a channel with blue lightning that will remain open and expanding throughout the day
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