Our Mother ReBorn ~ Reconfiguration of the Planetary Body! The Great Awakening in Gematria ~ We Are Remembering!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Earth Angelics of our Ground Crew Team of New Earth
Happy 8:8 Portal Activation. Today synchronizes with our Lionsgate Portal of August 8th of our Royal Lion Kingdom of the Lyran Nation of New Lemuria.
All Starseed Earth Angelics are feeling the ripples in the spacetime continuum through your Sacred Heart Centers.
We have massive energies coming in through todays Gateway as our local Solaris Continues to send Mother Earth Gamma Plasma Waves of Pure Light through multiple C Class solar Flares. We had big spikes of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts today as Gaia’s heartbeat reached amplitudes of 40 hz, 52 hz and a major spike of white light at 64 hz, Code of the I Ching and the base 3D matrix code as we Shift to the Divine 5D Creatix Code of the 144.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on the Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in the Philippines and Indonesia at 20:48 UTC.
As we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into a new species we call homo-luminous, Light Beings of Wisdom and Compassion, we Shift from a race of competition to a People of Cooperation. Both with humanity and nature. We now are to live in harmony upon the New Earth to consciously co create Heaven on Earth. The Paradise Gaia has always evolved to be.
We Return to Eden but this time fully awake and fully aware, never to fall for the lies and propaganda again. Beginning with realizing our Divine True Nature of Buddha Mind. We now can live as real hueman beings, living from the heart. being connected to all things. We transform in our thoughts. feelings and emotions in most positive ways and in turn the external mirrors the internal and the internal the external.
This has always been an inside job, we came here to initiate and navigate this ascension to 5d and beyond. The skies are limitless, our only limitation has been in our beliefs. We Now believe in ourselves and the Great Spirit to have Holy Faith in our Spiritual abilities and missions of Planetary Liberation.
It is time Starseed Earth Angelics to believe in the miracle of you and your Divine Spiritual Higher Self at one with Infinite Source Creator and your ability of total transformation and manifestation of your True heart’s desires and a world of Peace, Harmony, Health and Abundance for all Sentient beings of the Way…A’Ho!
Reconfiguration of the planetary body! Magnetic fields are aligning and the sun has such electrical charged plasma bolts that look like lighting. Stabilize your pillar! This activation of light onto this planet and yourself can make you nauseous, dizzy, off balance as light spirals and charges the tectonics and allowing the core of the planet to align to the galactic core of the Milky Way. I showcased this light yesterday and here is the lightcode I received downloading the energy. Be gentle with yourself!
Breathing helps downloading and your cellular regeneresis. Fruit to hydrate & H20. Center in the now through your heart, ground to the core of the planet, not surface as that is feeling of trepidation due to the energy changes on the planet and body. Your feet will signal when you have reached the core and peace and calm will rise up. Simmer there then bring that energy to your heart then above your head. Much balance to you!!!
1/8/24: Your year of personal power begins today. Last year was about transformation. This year is about using all that you have become. Your personal power is a frequency of influence that is unique to you and will show itself, and expand, as the year goes on. Therefore, its definition will change as you do. Your starting point today is exactly where you are right now, doing what you’re doing, with the resources you’ve got.
However, none of this defines or constrains you. It’s simply your current position in space and time. That will change. Your Right Action this year is personal empowerment… self-mastery in the name of love. Because what we do for ourselves we do for others.
We are thousands of LIGHT BEINGS from different stellar worlds that we have incarnated NOW on Planet Earth, no matter where we come from because we all have the same level of vibrational CONSCIOUSNESS: UNCONDITIONAL LOVE…
We are responsible BEINGS in the LIGHT Service, where we will soon RECOGNIZE ourselves, identify and vibrate in the greatest HAPPINESS INNER…
Our HEARTS are the torches of LIGHT that ILLUMINATE the planet and our bodies will be CRYSTAL, forming a NETWORK of LIGHT on the surface of the planet in unison with the STARS and supported by our STAR ORIGINS from where we come…
Oneness will make us feel like a FAMILY, with the massive entrance of SOLAR CONSCIOUSNESS, which will allow us to feel the GRATITUDE our SOUL desires…
We are soul groups that we incarnated and are carrying us NOW in our memory so that BALANCE and PEACE reign in each of us and spread across the planet…
Each STELLAR GROUP of LIGHT will bring its own symphony of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that will vibrate the planet to realize the DIVINE PLAN…
Dear friends, although the Sun and the Moon have been energetically quiet these days, we are starting to receive some intense waves of energies harboring the signature frequencies corresponding to the number 8. These frequencies are the main background information of this new year 2024, 2+0+2+4=8.
These new year frequencies, which officially started on 1:1:8, will reach a climax on Monday January 8, 1:8:8, and from then on will be with us this whole year. We are moving an octave higher in frequency this year compared to the last few years, so it will take time for our bodies to adjust to this new vibrational level.
Those of you who are energy sensitive may already be feeling a change in the air, and some sort of energetic pressure around your energetic fields and physical bodies. The nervous system specially is the first part of our body that receives the incoming new light codes and then begins to integrate the new information into the rest of the body systems. Some of the symptoms associated with this increase in frequency may be: ear ringing, mild headaches, fatigue, increased thirst, a change in appetite patterns, jaw tension, dizziness, and body heat. Another important physical aspect of this new year’s frequencies will be the skeletal system. Our bones will be undergoing specific changes that will strengthen our sense of inner courage and self-confidence. I’ll write a post about this particular aspect later this week. Please listen to your body, stay hydrated, and rest as needed.
These new incoming frequencies associated with number 8 can also be seen as an energetic upgrade for our human consciousness. Since antiquity, number 8 has been considered sacred and mystical. In Babylonian myth there were seven spheres plus an eighth realm, the fixed stars, where the gods lived. As a result, 8 is often associated with paradise. In Buddhism 8 is a lucky number, possibly because of the eight petals of the lotus, a plant associated with luck in India. The Yijing, which describes a system of divination using yarrow stalks, involves 64 = 8 × 8 configurations. Interestingly, the human genetic code includes 64 (8×8) possible permutations, or combinations, of three-letter nucleotide sequences called “codons”, which enable cells to produce proteins.
But most importantly, number 8 reconnects us with our infinite spiritual abundance and spiritual sovereignty and self-confidence. During this upcoming week, a few emotional may arise as well as the physical, particularly related to feelings of scarcity, low self-esteem, and a feeling of loneliness. Please remember that if these issues come to surface, they are most probably being triggered by these new frequencies. Try to do some journalling or talking to a trusted friend or professional. It is important that you take the time to process and release these old fears.
This week will be quite intense energetically speaking, but there’s no need to be afraid or worried. This is a natural cosmic process, simply be patient and kind to yourself as you navigate these new waves. 2024 will be a year of inner energetic shifts that will lead us into new journeys to confidently express our infinite and abundant Divine Light. Fasten your seat belt, and enjoy the ride into your higher timelines. Much love
Although according to the Gregorian calendar we have started a new cycle, we are still very much in the dark resting replenishing stage (in the N hemisphere) of earth/ goddess based wheels of time. We are in the 40 days rest period that follows the birth of the Sun on Solstice where the sun/ (inner)Light needs to be nourished and The Goddess needs to rest and replenish (after birthing the God/ Sol) to be reborn as Spring Maiden on imbolc/ Feb. 2023 was the year of the Chariot , although the ‘chariot’ felt like a ‘tortoise on weed’…
But it played a significant role in shining a light on where we need to work/heal our inner polarities/ masculine and feminine to bring them into balance. Rest and replenishment are imperative before jumping on to the new cycle..so if the New Year has not been the jauntiest of new Beginnings….take Heart….
‘Heart Healing’ has been a major theme for this current period, which is not surprising as 2024 /year of 8 is all about As Above/ So Below, As Within So Without ie Aligning Personal Will with Will Of God/dess which is possible only when we allow our Heart to be The Altar of The Divine.
8 in Tarot is the Strength Card ie Goddess Sekhmet / Durga-The Sentinel of Maat- Goddess of Cosmic Justice/ Balance/ Divine Law and Order. Strength here represents inner courage, Resilience, confidence that is born from Facing Fear / slaying our inner demons and Standing Up for Oneself, owning one’s Truth, having the courage of one’s convictions, taking ownership and responsibility of one’s choices , Life path and happiness …for this then translates into a Inner Strength / a Knowing that no matter what the Future Holds … .We Will Be Able to Navigate It !!
It is Thus the victory of the Heart over Fear…Mind is ruled by Fear, and The Heart is Ruled By Faith!!! Faith in One’s Own Resilience, Steadfastness and Divine guidance to overcome any challenges that may come our way.
8 also appears In the Magicians card/ Manifestation, World Card/ Harvest and completion and the 2 of Cups/ Soul Mate/ Union. It is thus a number of Destiny, Karma, Harvest- Reap as you Sow, Abundance, integration and Sacred Union.
Sekhmet of the Strength Card can also be viewed through the alternate Lens of her Twin- Hathor/ Bast … .and this is what showed up strongly as I was connecting into the present energy of 8. If Sekhmet stands for Sacred Rage, then Hathor and Bast represent Passion, Joy, Nurturing, Creation and Desire!!!
Lastly and most importantly, 8 is aligned with the Cosmic Rose that Venus/ Inanna/ Isis/ Ishtar weaves through the heavens , a journey of the Divine Feminine we all mirror on Earth …a Journey of Death and Rebirth into Empowerment that comes via embracing/ healing / integrating our shadow/dark aspects …The Ultimate Union of Light and Dark, Heaven and Earth, Heart and Mind…Sacred Union resulting in Enlightenment that can propel one beyond the infinity loop of Karmic Death and Rebirth into Ascension!!!
Interestingly the present Venus Cycle is also aligned with the Leo Metagoddess Sovereign Queen ie Sekhmet/ Durga energies. Venus/ Inanna moves into Gate of Personal Power at the Solar Plexus in the predawn sky on Jan 8th as She Conjuncts the waning Moon in conjunction with Antares/ Heart of The Scorpion. Here She hands over her Ring of Power to the Gatekeeper symbolizing the release of distortions /illusions /patterns we associate with Power so that we move away Power-Over paradigm into Authentic Self worth and Value, Self Confidence , Self Identity ,Deservability n strong boundaries which enables us to manifest our Intentions and Desires into Reality via Courageous action under (heart Aligned )Divine Guidance .ie Aligning Personal Will with Divine Will.
Antares aligns with Serket/ the Scorpio Goddess who was the Protector of Isis and Horus and is often present at the Birthing Ceremonies that take place in the depths of Darkness. So no matter how dark it may seem/ in whatever form your courage is tested … know that Divine Protection is always present, as long as you stay centered in Your Inner Strength and Knowings that you have garnered on your Soul journey so far. Courage and Resilience Will Be your Guardians for You are the vehicle for bringing forth Divine Will via your Path and Service…as Priestess of The Rose Path!!!
For The Power Of Us Is Reaching New Heights Of Awakened Awareness
For Our Roles Are Specialised And Aligned To The Light Of Now
We Ask You To Be Conscious Of The Higher Light Waves, For The Path Of Callibrating Light Is An Advanced Light Skill Reaching You.
For You Are Attuning To The Flow Of The Universe. As We Collectively Awaken To The Light Frequency Beyond Our Dimension.
Stretching Beyond This Reality. The Expanded Light View – As We Integrate And View Our Light Perspective From A Crystalline Point of View.
For As We Individually Expand – We Collectively Expand.
Continue To Find And Expand Your Higher Light Space. Move Beyond The Narrative Of Your World And Find A Wonderful Space Of Stasis In The Higher Realms.
Your Task As A Light Navigator Is To Simply Balance Your View Point Of Your Reality.
The final pieces of the puzzle are coming together through review your thoughts and feelings about where you have been in the old Earth. Complete detaching your emotions from situations that are out of your control. It’s important to become independent from them, and call back your power.
A new perspective is helping you see the bigger picture. This is helping to make decisions on where you are going. From this zero point, ground your energies into the New Earth, as we prepare for the cosmic rebirth.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Gold Dragon Goddess
Ra James
Today we have a powerful Moon and Venus Conjunction. They will merge together with Antaras. This transit will be all about your love life. It’s bringing a very positive energy for your love life. Expect major healing to be happening. This means lots is coming up in areas of love. Expect things may get emotional fast. You may even be clearing a lot of emotional energies. You may be extra reflecting on your love life too. If in a relationship try not to overthink things. Antares is bringing major other side vibes.
Antaras is like a stopover rest place for souls on their journey into the afterlife. Expect lots of spirit messages from the other side. You may be thinking of any passed loved ones a little extra during this time. We are moving into the energies of the 1:11 Portal and the Capricorn New Moon. These energies are all about manifesting and setting intentions. It’s all about the goals that you want to accomplish within the next 6 months. This Capricorn New Moon is aligned with Pluto.
This is bringing seductive, plan your future vibes to your relationships. Expect powerful energies that will make you extra magnetic. It’s also meant to be bringing an inner confidence. Pluto is the Planet of rebirth. Pluto shifts into Aquarius the same day that Aquarius Season starts on the 20th. We will be tapping into some major star power on that day. The 20th and the 21st The Pleiades align with our Moon. This will be an amazing Celestial Event as the Moon makes a close pass by to the Pleiades…
January 8-15, 2024 – SILVER LINING – SuperNova Astrology Update
The New Year has been filled with tense squares so far. It is exciting to have Chiron, Jupiter and Mercury direct, but nothing seems to be moving. The year started out with Venus in square to Saturn, a challenge to the new healing energies. Now Venus is in exact square to Black Moon Lilith, which is bringing a bloom of feelings of being lost alone and abandoned. Our feminine is trying to hold on to the spark of hope within her, when the entire contrived world challenges the return of the Mother.
This is a decisive New Moon, as it puts the Sun and the Moon in exact square to the Nodes of the Moon at 20 degrees Aries and Libra. It’s a Cardinal T-Square of massive proportions, bringing forward the key issue of our time. Capricorn represents structures and authority. This is a joining of our heart and mind, our emotions and spirit, to face down the false control energies and free ourselves for good. The North Node in Aries is activating the warrior within. We will not give up our world without a fight. They thought they had us brainwashed enough to turn a blind eye to their nefarious transhumanism agendas, but they thought wrong. There is an incredible power growing in the human soul, as we realize that All Power was Ours All Along. Now we claim it back.
The square with the South Node says, no more mr. nice guy, and justice must be served in order for us to be completely free. Through the years, we have ignored the horrible acts of our oppressors. Now we turn to face them, in our divine righteous vengeance and call an end to all of it. NO MORE. They tried to convince us that this world was so dark, it must not be our world. We are taking it back now. It’s our world, they just took it over. We must stand up and claim Our World Our Way. Nothing else will do. We will no longer negotiate with the terrorists who seek to continue to keep us down so they can feed on our energy.
The incredible tension of all these squares is bringing a feeling like the old guard just won’t let go. It’s a frustrating start to the New Year. These squares will last up to the middle of the month, when we will begin to feel big shifts. This New Moon is full of blocking energies, and yet there’s some magic happening behind the scenes. Mars is now in Capricorn, our warrior backing up the Sun. Mars is linking the energy, and starting the power of, the mystical and magical Saturn in Pisces, in sextile to Jupiter in Taurus which happens exact on February 6th and 7th. Mars will make a sextile with Saturn just before this New Moon, and a trine with Jupiter just after. These harmonious transits with our warrior in Capricorn, says that there is no other way forward besides claiming our human sovereignty. We have been sold down the river for far too long.
Mercury will make his third and final pass over the Galactic Center of Destiny on January 12th, the day after this New Moon. This is the same day that Mars trines up with Jupiter. There is a silver lining. Don’t let go of the Hope and the Dream. You have held on this long. Do not concede to the dark forces last stand. Massive change is coming with Pluto moving over into Aquarius on January 22nd.
Nothing can stop our New World from coming in. But it’s a nasty bloom of the darkest most hidden underground stuff. Since we know they are just flailing at the end of their time, it does not serve us to get involved now. We must heed the Art of War and get out of the way so our enemies can continue to destroy themselves. They want to take all of us down with them, but that’s not happening. We have been living in a fake, contrived reality of their making. Do not forget that there is a beautiful organic structure, New Earth in the making, which we have all been working on, that can catch us. Our Mother ReBorn.
On Monday, January 8th, Mercury, the Messenger, in expansive Sagittarius is creating a challenging connection to Neptune, the Transcender, in creative Pisces. Mercury rules logic, information and all mental processes. Neptune, rules illusion, magic and all intuitive processes. Because this is a challenging connection we could experience confusion, miscommunication, or lack of clarity in certain situations in our lives.
However, we could also feel more imaginative, inspired and flowing in our thoughts, ideas and perceptions. Set your intentions for the latter. Involve yourself today in projects and activities that allow for your visionary capabilities to swirl and flow. See and feel what you desire to create in your life. Magic is in the air so take advantage of it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, the Messenger, in expansive Sagittarius is creating a challenging connection to Neptune
Mercury in Sagittarius opposite Vesta retrograde in Gemini. Neptune in Pisces square Vesta – Vesta engages with the upcoming final square between Mercury and Neptune. Today the emphasis is on our inner priestess, she who quietly observes the flow of consciousness in Gemini, dedicates herself to the word, the knowledge, the mind. Conversation and connection are sacred and there is an internal pull to go within, meditate, think, contemplate. Essentially, wherever Vesta moves, she invites us to the hearth fire, the inner place we call ‘home’, the seat of the self.
But the stillness and mental calm we’re looking for may meet with constant distraction under these influences. Papers rustling, the sound of the postman delivering letters, distant voices at the end of the street, loud stories bubbling up from the unconscious, a thousand questions, the eternal what if? Too many thoughts, too many words, too many tales. And still Vesta says – sit, observe, cultivate stillness, focus on what is important. Re-evaluate your thought patterns and beliefs. Align the mind with your intuition. Use devotionals, chants, mantras or affirmations to tune out the noise. Think peace to your neighbours, siblings and self.
‘Lunar’ is the name for the number 2 and its keywords are ‘Challenge, Polarize and Stabilize.’ It is interesting that this Lunar day falls on a Yellow Sun day because the moon and sun are opposites. So, energy wise today it is a bit like an eclipse. Some folk dread Lunar days when they come round because they can be a bit serious. It’s no fun and all of your energy is spent on problem solving. Remember though, if you didn’t follow this discipline of fixing problems every 13 days, you wouldn’t be very good at it. If you aren’t good at it yet, then follow this practice and you’ll soon be much better. So, stop complaining and get on with the task of sorting out crap today. The second day of a wavespell is always challenging – one must identify the obstacles in the way so one may proceed. Which day the number two falls on however, affects how challenging it can be.
Today is ‘Yellow Sun’ which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life.’ When combined with the Lunar energy this can result in difficulties in seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Illumination can be elusive and answers lurk in the shadows. If you need to shine bright today, it can be done but expect to meet with resistance. Clouds may get in the way of the sunshine. Another way of looking at it is that the Yellow Sun provides the solutions to problems and we see the light and then learn how to fix them. Or the enlightenment we receive, is regarding a problem that you were not aware of. Perhaps it’s been hiding in the dark but now you are shown it. Now it’s up to you to do something about the issues that have been pointed out to you.
The Guide today is the Yellow Human, the psychic of the Tzolkin suggesting that allowing our intuition to guide us today is the best course of action. If you can’t see the solutions to your challenges today…feel your way. Don’t let your ego talk you out of a hunch that you have because you may be on to something.
The Challenge is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart.’ Issues of the heart will surface for everyone today and spats between lovers are more likely. If you are a White Dog, beware that your inner Doberman may come out, so try to keep it on a leash. When the sun shines this brightly we all can be stuck in our heads so much that we don’t think with our hearts.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer which gives this difficult day some hope. Take care of yourself and others, the challenges will seem easier. It’s a perfect day to crawl into a magical cave for some rest.
The Ally is the Blue Storm and so if you need help today consult one as they can offer support and guidance and a shoulder to cry on. And as it is the Blue Storm wavespell, then this means the wavespell energy is friendly to us today which is awesome. This also means any changes that come our way will be gentle.
KIN 80 = 8 Abundance 0- SOURCE – Abundance from SOURCE DIVINE COSMIC ABUNDANCE flowing NOW!!!
27 MONTHS ago – 3 Galactic spins – KIN 80 occured on the FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in power hungry Scorpio facing off with the moon in the sign of Taurus the charging bull! The moon changes signs from SCORPIO to SAG today – so this intensity will be channelled into FREEDOM gained from the release of the shackles of the past through all previous lunations!
An ECLIPSE involves the dance between the SUN and MOON – and the opposition of the LIGHT and the DARK as the moon blocks out some of the SUN-LIGHT. The LUNAR SUN paradoxically involves these two celestial bodies – the SUN and the LUNAR tone… LIGHT and DARK .. We have a great amplification of these potent eclipse energies today – through the DREAMSPELL code of KIN 80 today.
This extremely potent and revolutionary energy is pushing us to keep EVOLVING, through REVEALING the SHADOWS. We are reminded that amidst the turbulence, it is time to look up and seek out the SUN!
Today is a day of facing the challenges that arise, that have been impeding your soul’s evolution and journey to EN-LIGHT-enment.
Day 2 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. NOTE: Planetary Storms are PHYSICALLY and energetically brewing during this cycle, so be prepared for lots of purging of density through visible and not so visible signs.
HOLD onto your HATS we have 13 days of STORM energy to endure! It is only DAY 2 and many locations on EARTH may experience FLASH STORMS and weather anomalies, as GAIA is purifying and transforming her Planetary body.
LUNAR Tone 2 in the PHYSICAL realm. The LUNAR tone represents the sacred twins, cooperation, relationship, polarity of male and female and duality. It’s ACTION – polarizes, POWER – challenges, ESSENCE – stabilizing.
The energy today highlights POLARITY conflicts – which is amplified through the eclipse connection – the energy of the SUN illuminating the SHADOW that has been cast – both sides are revealed for the TRUTH to be seen.
Yesterday we MAGNETIZED and attracted spiritual energy, and today we anchor that energy in our PHYSICAL bodies. The SUN helps us anchor the LIGHT codes in our cells. The LUNAR tone may also reveal challenges, through the storm catalyst in order to recognize and release anything stopping us from SHINING BRIGHTLY as the SOLAR CHRISTED SOPHIA beings.
Today’s question is “How can I anchor my LIGHT despite the challenges and chaos that surrounds me, becoming an ILLUMINATING BEACON for others?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW LUNAR SUN AHAU is bringing THE LIGHT within the darkness. BLUE STORM is generating much power and energy today. Instead of being pulled into the midst of chaos, through the challenges that arise, it is time to stand our ground.
We are being INITIATED in our capacity to ANCHOR THE LIGHT no matter what turbulence surrounds us!!!.
Remember the BRIGHTEST SUNLIGHT casts the darkest SHADOWS.. This LUNAR SUN is ILLUMINATING the DARKNESS in order for it to be DISSOLVED.
The LIGHTHOUSE is built upon a rocky tor, and is thrashed by the wild seas but it continues to stand SOLID, and SHINE THE LIGHT, as a beacon for all to SEE and find their way to safety.
Today be THE LIGHT for all those around you, who are lost in the fog! Believe in your LIGHT and claim your sovereignty as a GOLDEN SOUL-AR being.
The SUN is our SOURCE of LIFE, our direct energy that nourishes and sustains us. The solar flares, CME’S and Solar codes transmitted by our SUN bring constant change, IGNITING our DNA and increasing our frequency. As we rise, so too does the frequency of GAIA on our collective journey to EN-LIGHT-enment.
Today the LUNAR SUN is IGNITING ANOTHER huge upgrade and planetary LEAP for humanity. BRING IT ON
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW LUNAR HUMAN EB enables us to face the challenges that polarise change, by honouring our FREE WILL and making choices that reflect our physical independence, as intelligent and AWAKENED HU-MANS.
WE have an important CHOICE to make today. The LUNAR HU-MAN energy as the higher guide, pushes us to choose which VOICE we will heed – the EGO, versus our Higher Self and Divine Guidance. Hopefully the SUN’s ILLUMINATION will make it easier for souls to SEE the LIGHT and SEEK GOD/SOURCE – the higher path for their destiny.
As we evolve, we align our human will with that of the DIVINE. AWAKENED souls. We can SEE more clearly from a HIGHER DIVINE perspective, thus making WISER choices which benefit our lives and influence others.
AWAKENING is a precursor to becoming an EN-LIGHTON-ed soul. The lunar tone of polarity, will reveal what is keeping souls in a deep slumber, and limiting their illumination. In order to truly AWAKEN we must be willinging to draw back the curtain and LOOK out the window with CLEAR, unobstructed vision.
Aligning with DIVINE WILL accelerates our soul growth.
The DIVINE viewpoint gives us the intelligence to realize which path to follow for our highest evolution, not reacting to the TRIGGERS of the polarity game, which operate to keep us trapped in 3D consciousness.
We celebrate and honour all those great souls that came before us, and faced challenges as catalysts for change. The CHANGE AGENTS that catalyzed great Planetary reformation, through their tireless diligence and PASSION for their cause. They dared to take a STAND independently, to make a difference based on their own wisdom.
Through claiming our sovereignty, we increase our capacity to SHINE our LIGHT for the benefit of all, easing the path for those who follow.
We salute and HONOUR all those brave and courageous RAINBOW WARRIORS who are STANDING their ground and RISING UP for what is right and honourable. Respecting and valuing the natural and organic paradigm that our DIVINE MOTHER/FATHER GOD has created for us.
JUSTICE is happening and THY WILL BE DONE!
It is TIME to align with the higher DIVINE PLAN.
SUPPORT: BLUE LUNAR STORM– CAUAC Is the supporting energy as well as the wavespell energy today, continuing the surge of catalytic power. DOUBLE STORM POWER – How much transformative energy do we NEED?
PLUTO the destroyer and transformer is in the last final degree -29th- of Capricorn during this STORM CYCLE, so we have PLUTONIUM bomb energy ensuring this wavespell does the job! By 20TH JAN 2024 – we will truly be FREE from this destructive energy, ready to UNITE and build our new AQUARIAN communities. Aho beloveds!
Spirit is definitely OVERDOSING us at the moment to ENSURE we get the medicine needed to HEAL our world.
We are asked to TRUST that these transformative energies arising, are for our benefit and the betterment of our planet. After the STORM has passed and the debris has been cleared, the SUN can SHINE again, and the RAINBOWS appear!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED CRYSTAL DRAGON – IMIX provides a beautiful sense of nurturing, compassion and co-operation, caring for each other in our communities which is the theme for this new AQUARIAN era. The YEAR of the YANG WOOD DRAGON draws near as our trusty DRAGON allies rise up and restore our planet.
Today’s SUPERPOWER is CRYSTALLINE – which is the CONNECTOR of MINDS through the telepathic field – GAIA’S GRIDS. The CRYSTALLINE energy helps us to connect with other MINDS, to raise each other to a higher collective Consciousness of caring and compassion. With the STORM creating chaos, the strong protective Mothers and nurturers step forward to provide the SAFE HAVEN and comfort, needed by those caught in the confusion and turbulence.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON also heralds a NEW BEGINNING – shining a LIGHT on the way FORWARD out of the darkness that has cast a deep dark SHADOW on planet EARTH.
The CRYSTAL DRAGON shows us that progress will happen through CONNECTION to our kin, all joining hands and supporting each other as we walk through the new doorways opening now. The NEW WORLD is created through the power of UNITY consciousness, this is THE WAY forward. CO-OPERATION is the KEY to our successful EVOLUTION.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE LUNAR DOG OC our trusty companion teaches us that these transformative STORMS are for our Highest Good, sweeping away all that is the opposite polarity to DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
What an exceptional GIFT and BLESSING we have today. The GIFT of DIVINE LOVE – the pure essence of SOURCE LOVE.. Forget the battle between LIGHT and DARK – playing in the SHADOWS, and focusing on the LIGHT.. The key is to dissolve POLARITY through the POWER of LOVE. It is TIME to seek a HIGHER LOVE., that path blesses all who choose to honour it.
OC challenges us to communicate from a place of trust and honour. To show compassion and unconditional love to all beings who are following our LIGHT. Open your HEART and use the POWER of your LOVE to calm the stormy seas and placate the FEAR filled HEARTS.
Embrace your neighbours as Planetary kin, and FEEL the LOVE that is true, that comes with catalysing great change. Through this LOVE people can feel safe through the chaos, knowing they have support and protection, which stabilizes the uncertainty, creating a safe foundation on which to rebuild our New SOUL-AR based communities.
Today’s question is “How can I anchor my LIGHT despite the challenges and chaos that surrounds me, becoming an ILLUMINATING BEACON for others?”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for
January 7th through January 13th 2024 from the Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 7th through January 13th 2024, speaks of the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL on Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, guides a very special beautiful ceremony for this Thursdays New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January for the 111 Portal and a powerful New Earth Scribe message.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Today is Monday. This weekday is attributed to the golden ray of wisdom and enlightenment.
With this you can powerfully ignite this beam in you and depending on your attention and concentration, maintain it all day long and consciously expand it everywhere!
“In the name of my divine presence I AM I ask the golden yellow flame of illumination to surround me and everything I come in contact with!”
I AM the divine illumination and wisdom that flows into everything I do!
I am aware that within me is the infinite power for all the demands of my life. I am aware that within me lives the divine intelligence expressed through me. I am aware that there is only one power—the divine power within me—and that it works in proportion to my faith in it.
Step out, O Holy CHRIST-SELF in me, let the divine plan for me come to pass now!
I AM the guiding love, wisdom, and enlightenment expressed in all that I think, speak, and do.
I command these forces to constantly flow into me so that divine order may manifest again in my life!
In the name of my divine I AM, I thank all beings from the Golden Ray of Wisdom and Enlightenment, for all the teachings, impulses, input and clues that make me know my way.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! “
Source: Meditations and calls for every day of the week
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