“The Great American Solar Eclipse” Transcending Timelines ~ Crystalline Rebirth ~ Mother of Dragons
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Blessed Guardians of the Light
As we move through this Eclipse Gateway the Total Eclipse of the Heart is being removed and the Solar Portal is being released from all control mechanisms. Through our Ascension Process over the last years all Sentient beings have been going through a type of vetting process from the Great Spirit and Company of Heaven. All hearts and minds have been weighed and measured in authenticity to determine those of benevolence and Compassion to be the Leaders and Teachers of the New Earth.
All nefarious entities and corrupted ones must return to Source for rehabilitation, clearing and cleansing for the healing and transformation of the collective consciousness.
This is the time where the meek, the Pure and kind ones shall inherit the Earth. In the evolution of consciousness we reached the pinnacle of Unity Consciousness as Galactic Citizens for our Reunions in the Light. All our tribes, higher beings and Star Nations will reunite in a collective mission to consciously co-create the Utopia of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
It is time to remember who you are, all aspects of your multidimensional self and True Origins. The veils of separation are lifted to remove the amnesia from the eyes of the Spirit to come to know all things. This time of Prophecy has come to fruition now it is time to reap what we have sown.
Congratulations this is a Time of Celebration of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as we move into the full manifestation of the Victory of the Light…Aho!
8th April : New Moon in Aries and Total Solar Eclipse
Wow what an energy!
Here in Cape Town we have had the mother of all storms for the past 2 days. First gale force winds and fires, and then torrential rains. There is no doubt things are in motion on many levels.
The Tree of Life is sending out a new template for the new consciousness.
The Earth is being cleansed and renewed.
I feel the presence of the Water Dragons and the Whales and Dolphins very strongly as they weave new songs and new energies around the Planet.
We are entering a new time where we are led by the Feminine principle of Flow and Creation from the Heart, and guarded and protected by the Masculine principle from the Heart.
Have a Sacred and Wonderful day everyone, especially those of you in North America as you transit the Solar Eclipse.
We Are Being Reborn Through Clarification Of The Eternal Self
Within The Magnetic Embrace Of Golden Mother
Our Essence Is Being Gathered And Formed
In Honour To Our Golden Sol
Crystalline Rebirth
Light Body Rebirth
Within The Aqualine Waters Of First Mother
The Moment Is Here
Such Peace, Harmony Comes From This
The First Step Of Creation Of Worlds
Crystalline Rebirth
Happy total solar eclipse ☀️ Blue ray is anchoring eclipse energy bringing in the codes of creation! May you harmonize to who you are, as archons tried to deceive you of your truth, it’s time to resurrect yourself in bravery, trust, love and unity within. This will give a big push to get humanity out of the victim and into justice, healing, empowerment, peace & love. Let’s gooo!
As activations happening on the high heart to give courage for souls to be in full expression of their light. Chest tightness, shortness of breath and some will feel lightheaded. Breathe in the light that is magnetizing now, allow to center in the now and feel your heart expand to unconditional acceptance and love. These are the highest frequencies outside of peace and those energies bring peace. Everything that comes into your orbit is based on a vibration match on frequency. Everything starts from within!
total solar eclipse
Turn Around! Gaze at the Mirror & SOAR!
TODAY…April 08 as the Solar Eclipse faces the New Moon…
we are ALL flowing through this moment of potentiality calling
forward the limitless expansion of the polarities.
This “ARC of Visibility” was directed toward Central & Northern America in this potentiality for just so many “reasons”. Tonight…let us call forward the Gift of the Arc of Visibility through the BALANCED Witnesssing
from the Divine Master Within that is HERE FOR YOU!
RIGHT NOW! The male energy is in the void WITH the feminine.
Facing each other within YOU…what are YOU noticing?
ALL the past wounds, emotions, thoughts and beliefs
are gazing at YOU! “Who” are they seeing?
In the KNOWING of the Divine Mastery Alchemical Shift…
“what” is seeking to entrap
that which emerging as new to pattern after the old?
RISE ABOVE and Gift your-self with SEEING beyond judgement.
As we all sail through this moment of “time” through the Trinity Cycle
that eclipses it ALL…Discover within your own void that which you have been hiding from your-self and that which you are ready to BE!
4/8/24: For those who seek self-awareness, today brings to light what was previously unseen, unknown, or unexpressed. It goes after secrets, heart’s desires, deep-seated fears, magic, and fantasy. Even though 2024 carries a very grounded element, we can’t forget the veiled, the obscure, the mysterious, and the concealed.
What lies within can be more powerful than the obvious exterior. Today is dynamite… perfectly harmless on the surface but with the potential to break things wide open. This is not something to be afraid of but to be celebrated. If we don’t release what has been repressed we risk stagnating in a prison of our own making. You deserve so much better than that.
Based upon what I have seen from others and what I have observed within my own body, many are experiencing huge influxes of energy through the crown chakra with this Cosmic Eclipse passage. It is important to relax fully into your body to allow this energy to pass all the way through the Central Column of your energy field. Because the energies associated with the throat chakra – associated with Blue Ray for most people – are a big theme at this time, consciously relaxing the tissues of the neck will be key in allowing this Cosmic Light Influx to move down into the heart, the energetic Core of our Personal Sphere of Consciousness.
When the body is bombarded by external stimuli, particularly from artificial frequencies via some form of technology, and/or it is otherwise stressed, the bundles of nerves at the back of the neck and up into the head may come into a state of overdrive. This often causes all of the other tissues in the head, neck, and shoulders to tighten, greatly reducing cerebrospinal flow and therefore our overall energy flow, preventing any higher energies we may be receptive to from moving below these areas and forcing them to accumulate above the heart level.
It only takes a moment to consciously relax the musculature of the neck and shoulders and to visualize this energetic influx moving down your Core. You will definitely feel it happening. It is important to stay in this flow today. Regardless of who is having a live eclipse special, now is not the time to be engaged with technology for an extended period of time. It is time to get your feet on the ground and tap into the bigger picture in full harmony with the organic Whole in order to hold the highest space possible for humanity and this planet.
Many should be getting a big download in regards to the expansion of our Higher Purpose upon this planet with specific instructions on how we can best deliver that which only we can deliver to humanity as we each came here with our own unique gifts and energy signatures. We’re not going to be very receptive to them if we are tapped into someone else’s content on the internet. There are always replays if it feels pertinent. Today, you do you.
Once this Cosmic download has fully inundated your heart, it is very easy to visualize it moving from your heart down through your lower chakra centers and into the Earth. Once again, you will know without a doubt when you are successful because you will feel all of the tissues below your heart level relaxing into these blissful frequencies, and as both this Cosmic Light Influx and your own Higher Purpose are anchored into the Earth, you will feel Gaia’s immense gratitude for your Service
See you on the other side
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
All Content is CosmicResonance.org and may be freely shared in its original form
Eclipsing time transcending, ascending faster and faster…
Multidimensional SOLAR ECLIPSING…connecting to the primordial beginning, aligning with the “Divine Beings” of the Creation of Cosmic Time, and with the Cosmic Dragons of high vibrational love and their fire of Universal Truth.
….from the LIGHT of Sun the shadow of the Moon is on Earth now Eclipsing across the USA…. 8 April 2024, 9-Death/Transformation…and rebirth….
Enjoy the vibrations….
Through humanity Creation is gradually Creating Earth as a Portal of Universal Peace…and the archetypal forces of nature, of Source, are at work through our inner Light, shining us bright….transmuting and transcending our Light….higher and higher…..
It can be understood that everything in CREATION is connected like one spiders web, the whole universe is one web, nothing is separate from this, the Universal story of time is coded to play out to the memory of the ONE Infinite Universal Web of Great Mystery, hence in the beginning of all beginnings of the Infinite Universe the Great Mystery dreamed and conceived itself into becoming, the becoming is evolving and growing its intentions to be one LIGHT of pure SOURCE TRUTH unto itself, these intentions emanate from the axis of the Universal TREE OF LIFE…and are specifically guiding everything according to a Divine Plan, hence nothing is random, every serves a purpose and is perfect as it is. The imperfection is perfect.
The Creator thus wrote the script of the story of Creation, and in it seeded itself with Universal memory to unfold with purpose and to a Divine Cosmic schedule, we chose and were chosen to be here on Earth and it is the ultimate honour to contemplate the consequences of…which is to harmonise Earth with Universal Love and PEACE………with the high vibration entering now to transform our world it is time to let go the separation of the immature conditioning in our mind and surrender to the memory in the heart, it is time to plant seeds of forgiveness, hug each other and embrace our differences… ultimately we are ONE humanity in diversity…
Universal Peace exists on the highest frequency….….the highest frequency transcends the lower dense frequency….. if not aligned with the highest frequency, the lower dense frequency keeps one hooked into the dualism of separation…. it is the immature imprints of dualism that has separated our world, yet it is all part of a paradox that serves a purpose, the purpose is to allow the individual soul to learn through its discernment of the choices dualism brings……so in this regard it makes sense to choose a mature pure imprint on dualism, this imprint would thus be sacred and serve Creations highest good, in other words not taking away from Creation but complimentary to Creation….
The Divine Timing of the Universe is in resonance with the “SACRED PATH” and the Source Creators Will, the timing code synchronise with the memory of evolution, the memory of the Universe has thus been programmed with Divine intentions, and we are made of the memory of these intentions, our Light is hence seeded with the MEMORY that has intended the evolution of Creation, from its primordial beginnings, from seed to mature fruit…
…the seed to mature fruit process of the growth of the World Tree exists in Creations ascending LIGHT CODES, understood in the precise quantum timing system of the 9 Level Mayan Calendar Pyramid, each level is a “time scale” that from the bottom up condenses by 20 X and this creates the feeling of time acceleration, everything has accelerated to a very high degree and we are all being effected, for example, when the 8th level was activated on 5 January 1999, time accelerated 20 X faster than the 7th level, what happened in roughly 20 years happened in 360 days, and then when the 9th level was activated on 9 March 2011, what happened in 360 days happened in 18 days, and then when the time waves all completed on 28 October 2011 everything converged to a precipice, at this meeting point it can be understood that time had transcended all its limits to accelerate conscious to exist faster than it could think, hence the speed of LIGHT was transcended, to cope the speed of our thought in our mind converged with the memory of the heart and by this we transcended the immature imprints of duality….
The Source energies are being upgraded. This includes the Core Source codes of Water in Gaia.
For LIGHT is Source as is Water.
Powerful upgrades activations to WATER in our bodies. This is CORE to our very Being.
My Guides suggested we place glass bowl of Water on the Earth with any blessings prayers for Healing Release for general or specific Beings. It is suggested that you then take this water to a place on Earth to release these codes.
And Or go to places of Water and honour your body with the Body of Water which is part of Source Gaia.
Kundalini Energy of Gaia will be intensified and will be focused on the HEART of Gaia which is based in Avalon anchored in Glastonbury. Core to this Kundalini energy will link into the RED and WHITE Waters that meet at the base of Glastonbury Tor.
There will be other centres around Gaia where the Kundalini Energies will be focusing on at this Gateway – this was the Key one which they told me about. This is why there has been days of ‘stormy weather’ here in UK which has been clearing and cleansing.
To remember we are part of the ecosystem of the Earth and how we are feeling emotionally also reflects on the atmosphere and elements around us.
We are moving between time. Where Gaia and all that is held within her sacred body is in the Source Zone liminal time between time. Of infinite possibilities. There are always infinite possiblities and/but this is like a reset. On a Grand Cosmic Scale.
A Cosmic pause of breath.
Because of this moving out of time we have this Gateway to shift out of the old linear pathway timelines.
And we can release so much. There is this space to BE. To reflect.
Surrender and flow with these energies. Eclipses will focus intention so it is recommended to allow time to be still and breathe. Be silent. Meditate.
Finally it is advised to Ground as the energies are intense. AND! we have choice how to focus this powerful gateway. For the Highest intentions.
Today we are immersed in the Solar Eclipse’s energies, which will remain in our earth plane for months. Frequencies my Guides shared are going to support us in the monadic activation phase that many are immersed in. A phase that we entered at the beginning of the year, and that now is reaching its peak. In an eight universal year, on day eight, many ascending souls who are consciously reconnecting themselves with their Illumined Selves, will feel the activation of the monadic alignment process they have been undergoing now for months.
The Aries eclipse will support us in many purposes, depending on where we are in our personal journey, however, universally, its energies are going to help us in the alignment to our Unified Self or I AM presence, as many prefer to name the Highest Aspect of us. A communion that can only be built through the reconnection to our soul and monad. This is what Aries gifts us at this time, the opportunity to realign the human self to our God Self, through self-empowerment and ego clearing, so we can retrieve authentic sovereignty.
Today, due to our previous inner work, our soul and monad are descending the light activations, wisdom, and power required for us to transform ourselves and our physical lives, completely. It is our choice to allow them into our being and be willing to embrace this inner shift that many are already experiencing.
A new initiation within our ascension journey and the main seven phases it has, that helps us achieve a new level of consciousness, and with it, the self-mastery required to embody our unique role within Creation and move into a completely new timeline.
Our planet is also being activated with its original crystalline divine blueprint, starting to restore many structures and grids that were manipulated or controlled, until this moment, healing reversals geometries and hence, allowing us as well to reconnect our light portals, to retrieve our original connection to other dimensions.
Today is also a key passage for the Blue Rays working on planetary unification, which as I shared a month ago, is connected to Australia’s Uluru portal, the Unifier portal, an aboriginal sacred space that is connected to Andromeda, and all of our Earth timelines.
It is a passage to consecrate ourselves to our souls and God Self, allowing their Will over ours, remembering that we came here to act as light pillars in service to All and that begins by allowing God’s Will in everything we do, for when we allow alignment we allow the wisdom that can guide us to assist where we need to be next.
I wish you all a loving and revealing passage, Beloveds.
Dear friends, today’s total solar eclipse marks the official closure of the eclipse corridor that opened on March 25 2024 when the lunar eclipse.
As millions of people around the Earth connect today with the solar eclipse, we are creating an important energetic momentum for individual and global transformation. The lightcodes of this eclipse passageway will be working within us for months to come.
The assimilation of this eclipse passageway information will continue taking place intensively in our energetic fields this whole week. However, the physical manifestation of these changes into our realities may take a while depending on each individual’s journey. Throughout this eclipse corridor you may have received information that is already triggering inner shifts and recalibrations within your systems. That said, with mercury still in retrograde motion, it would be advisable to keep meditating and pondering on any big changes and decisions until the end of the month. Give yourself a few weeks to truly feel/embody and feel confident about the shifts you want to make on your journey.
The next eclipse corridor will take place later in the year, opening on September 17 with a partial lunar eclipse and closing on October 2 with an annular solar eclipse. All eclipse corridors are energetically connected, and create a grid of energetic transformation through time and space around the planet. Personal issues you may be releasing and healing at this time may find a new opportunity for deeper processing from a different perspective later in the year. Our human evolutionary journey continues.
The upcoming full moon on April 23 in the sign of Scorpio will bring an extra wave of passion and tenacity to enact the changes triggered by this eclipse corridor. Stay tuned for more updates as the energies roll in.
Happy eclipse day and eclipse corridor closure. Much love
A very deep clearing is happening now in all clogged energy lines and fields, as I was shown last night. The Intergalactic Fleet are doing immensely important work and in such numbers as I have never witnessed before. Huge dark mass is being released.
We are at the time of no return, yet every soul’s own free will and choices will determine each soul’s ultimate future self. The here and now is determining this.
All is love.
Keep in the heart space, inner peace and pure love.
The Golden Age is manifesting in the here and now.
The Solar Eclipse is opening the portal to Divine Love. You are safe to drop the shield around your heart and continue healing. This includes security and protection for your Family.
Today’s alignment is opening the doorway of expansion that will not only provide prosperity for your family, but also put in a position of service where you can give back bigger and better, for the greater good of all.
You are in the process of grounding in and accessing these potentials that are unfolding. More information is revealing itself to assist you in accessing this divine blueprint you are destined to embody.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Eagle symbolizes far reaching sight
Ra James
Happy Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse! It’s time to shine! New Moons are a time for recharging and manifesting. We also have a rare Chiron Cazimi. This is bringing up old past life and childhood wounds for healing. Expect past wounds, vulnerabilities, and fears to be spotlighted during this Eclipse. You should be seeing the narratives and story lines that are going back too, and connected to old childhood wounds. We are in Mercury Retrograde. It’s like a Cosmic time out where we are meant to stop everything and to reflect on our past actions and decisions. This Eclipse is all about relationships.
It’s all about how and who we are connecting with. It’s all about coming home to ourselves. You can’t ever really be in balance with another until you can be whole within yourself. It’s all about healing any lack, imbalances, and need for codependency within yourself. Expect this alignment to stir up deep, buried, emotional, physical and spiritual wounds. It’s all about healing these past hurts. Expect new beginnings, self-discovery, and profound healing.
Expect these energies to shift you closer to your destiny. Eclipse are a time where karma, fate, and destiny lead the way. It’s important to surrender to the Cosmic flow of energies. Eclipses are times for realigning the threads of destiny. You’re cutting the cords with connections from the past. It’s a time for aligning with destined connections. There is so much magic in the air. Make sure that you’re using it for manifesting…
Monday’s spectacular ‘Ring of Fire’ Solar Eclipse is generating buzz in the collective. This is a rare celestial treat indeed! The field is alive with anticipation! The Path of totality starts at 10am PT and spreads northward from Mexico, Texas, all the way up to Canada. The Aries North Node Eclipse amplifies (on steroids) the passing of a threshold, a gateway, a hurdle, or any obstacles in the way of new growth and expansion.
A New Moon Eclipse initiates new cycles, new beginnings, new endeavors – in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, representing the individual Self. It has been an intense passage, noticeable to ‘sensitives’ dialed into the field. For many it may feel like passing through the ‘Eye of the Needle’! What does not serve, will shed away. Take extra self-care during this event, it may be challenging to the human self.
Monday’s Solar Eclipse spotlight in Aries illuminates and reveals outdated perspectives, identities, insecurities, false personas, or unhealthy habits. The human self is submerged in the Aries refiner’s fire. This may be bringing up hidden unconscious egoic patterns and behaviors that you need to let go. Additionally, the Solar Eclipse joins Chiron the Wounded Healer at 19° Aries. It is a powerful cosmic reminder for self-reflection and honest analysis of what does not reflect ‘true self’.
Chiron in exact degree of the Eclipse emphasizes the path of self-healing that is essential to achieving Soul embodiment. For those dedicated to healing core wounds these past years, this New Moon Solar Eclipse initiates a new cycle, a new timeline of deeper Soul essence and fulfillment. For those yet to start the healing process, this Eclipse-Chiron alignment can trigger a healing crisis.
Passing the Solar Eclipse in Aries is the ‘Mother of Dragons’ Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. The ‘near-earth’ comet will hang northeast of the eclipsed Sun, visible with binoculars or possibly the naked eye during totality. What a fortuitous visit during the Year of the Dragon! Passing so close to the eclipse in Aries adds a galactic element to this rare gateway event.
Wishing you a magical eclipse journey of epic proportions!
Clearly, we are on the fast track to our Liberation as more and more consciously step out of the linear timeline during this profound month of April. Having been expressed in numerous ways, the astrology of April is being heralded as the most impactful and transformative cosmic event of 2024.
Throughout this month we find ourselves in the most powerful concentration of God/Source energy since 2017, particularly during the 4+ minutes of the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8 when we shall be downloaded with purpose-driven upgraded electrical currents into our physical bodies to assist in our transfiguration/glorification.
The times…coherent and rarified are offering us a blank slate to rekindle our relationship to Life…to Who We Truly Are… and merge fully with our Cosmic/Galactic/Angelic Divine Soul & High Heart. All as One are naturally in collaboration with Multi-Dimensional Christed Unity Consciousness and the well-being of Gaia and Humanity.
Earth is the last planet to go through a transformation of this caliber from a 3rd dimensional planet moving fully into a 5th/6th dimensional consciousness. As the Earth’s consciousness shifts our entire Universe will transform and move into a higher state of God consciousness. According to the Law of One each need align to a higher principle frequency to be ready for entering New Realms of Consciousness.
The energies we experienced on dates similar to this year have all led up to this time in our human history…a time when history is ordained to never repeat itself and we in human form are afforded the opportunity to never repeat our limited lives as it has been for eons of time.
In this year of 2024 and in this month of April and on the day of the Total Solar Eclipse the planet is also going to experience an amplification of both chaos and order. Order shall be for those who are all in on transforming their relationship to Being alive, Being Present and transcending the personal egoic dimension we have been living in for eons.
Throughout this time as well we shall experience further intervention of the Pleaidian, Sirian and Arcturian Star Systems as we reach the maximum amount of intervention and acceleration codes we are able, “to initiate an enlightenment phase of The Divine Heart of Collective Masters.” (Arcturians)
Going forward we are also going to see enlightenment quietly blazing out of Hearts, Minds, Eyes and Conversations as more and more leave the human condition and end the often painfully self-centered relationship to the human experience. We, the deeply invested Ones are here on Earth now willing and able to let the past Be over (as it simply makes no sense to do otherwise,) and become responsible for “being Guardians of Sacred Consciousness.”
In closing a blessing from St. Germaine:
“Out of the fullness of Thy Heart, Thy Great Glorious, Mighty I AM Presence. We accept this day for these Divine Children of Earth the fullness of this Cosmic Outpouring into every Heart here. Oh, Thou Glorifying, Expanding, Electrifying “Presence” of all Life Energy within each one, radiate through these Beloveds of Thy Heart until everywhere they move…. they are a Glorified Being in action.”
Have a Blessed Eclipse experience.
Love, Blessings and Grace to All,
source: https://www.maureenmoss.com
Total Eclipse Photo from Nasa.
Total Eclipse
Era of Light
April 8th 2024 Transcending Timelines
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj.
You are readying for another timeline jump, that is offered with the energies of this eclipse of April 8th, 2024. A grand opportunity is before you for attuning yourself more to the frequencies of the Fifth Dimension.
All events unfolding in your unique reality during and following the eclipse, are a reflection of your own vibrational frequency. And you can change that in an instant.
A solar eclipse amplifies the energies coming in and the energies you already hold, offering the best time for swift change, on a personal as well as collective level. This is bringing an acceleration in the further awakening of humanity.
This is a time for releasing more of that which no longer serves the path you have chosen. You will see things resurface and brought to your awareness for healing, for realizing the lessons in those experiences, and rising, as you release more of the old ideas, thought forms, and habits.
The amplified light with this eclipse allows a deeper purging of old energies which have remained in your DNA and different parts of your being. Pay attention to the energies and triggers that may come up during this time.
You may choose to review past events in your life, with the intention of gaining a deeper understanding, without dwelling in those energies for too long. Then return to the now and see how far you’ve come, how much you have grown on this journey.
You are to undergo through an immense upgrade during the days leading to and after the eclipse. A merging with higher aspects of yourself, with a greater expansion within the heart and the mind.
We would ask that you spend fifteen to twenty minutes in meditation, in solitude, again, in the days leading to and after the eclipse, simply tuning into the light within, and relaxing there, as you breathe from the area of your Heart Center. This will assist in realigning you and opening yourself up to the galactic energies of healing and greater awareness.
In the outer realms you may see what appears as more of the same, we assure you it is not as such.
The dark has lost their stronghold, for if it were still in control, things would be very different, much worse, on Earth at this time. The agents of the dark will continue to use their main weapon, which is the media, for generating more fear and chaos. It is mainly through movies and the media that they program their desired timelines into the consciousness of the Collective, in hopes of using the Collective’s energies to make manifest their low vibrational realities.
This is why it’s important to be in a state of love and joy. Observe the outer events from a neutral stand point, and understand that it is just another phase of the process that is passing.
The Third Dimensional structures which are collapsing now is due to the change in the Collective’s energy, realizing the insignificance of these organizations and layouts of the old systems.
You will see events unfold which may convince many that the dark is becoming stronger, this is another part of the illusion. You must not give into that fear. For as you are shifting towards a Fifth Dimensional consciousness, what is understood as power, changes in every way. The first being you realizing your sovereignty. Which most of you reading this have done so.
While the dark continues its games in the Matrix plane, it still cannot maintain the power it once had. For resistance will continue to grow by those who remain in the Third and lower Fourth Dimensional consciousness. And those who have chosen the path towards the Fifth Dimension are no longer in that vibrational frequency, as those who are still hoping for the old world conditions and way of life to remain.
We ask that you take care of your physical vessel as well, for it is going through much change. Eat and drink(water) when you feel the need for nourishment, spend time in nature, and most importantly meditate, and give yourself time to rest. Your are transitioning from a carbon to crystalline based body form, with the further activation of your DNA. In turn this will bring forth your Fifth Dimensional abilities, for quicker manifestation, more synchronicity, always conscious of your thoughts and actions, and deeper alignment with your Soul Self, becoming more of who you are in essence as you transcend the timelines of duality.
This is the time to allow more of your divinity to spring forth from within your heart. Open yourself up to the love that you are. Speak from the heart, with gentleness and humility. Share what you can in guidance and in abundance when invited to do so. You are standing at the door step of the new reality of love and oneness, for you have chosen and realized this within your own being.
The Solar Eclipse on April 8th, 2024, carries a unique hybrid energetic nature that sets it apart from previous celestial eclipse events. This rare planetary alignment creates a powerful vibrational energy signifying profound and intense incoming change designed for collective transformation, Solar Masculine energies activate for energetic action to take place to introduce new opportunities and beginnings.
Prepare for a global shift , Symbolising a total energetic reset, this eclipse signals fated endings and wipes the energetic slate clean, paving the way for fresh new beginnings and the manifestation of higher conscious timelines.
The energies of this eclipse are deeply transformational , unlocking soul purpose activations, kundalini awakenings, higher heart expansions, DNA activations and upgrades, and the harmonisation of feminine and masculine energies. It initiates processes of the deep astral residual clearing, the release of karmic cycles and patterns, and sudden shifts and endings alongside unexpected opportunities and breakthroughs leading to destined new beginnings.
This cosmic event serves as a significant gateway to break free from karmic chains that have hindered spiritual progress. It encourages ascending individuals to confront and release emotional patterns, past traumas, and unhealthy relationships, thereby catalysing healing, growth, and forward movement. Through recognising triggers, making healthier choices, releasing toxic patterns, and letting go of harmful attachments, one can disrupt repeating cycles and gain valuable lessons for personal evolution and liberation.
As the energy intensifies and charges up during this eclipse season, ascending individuals may experience heightened pressure and buzzing sensations amid the ongoing energetic shifts.
While the darkness may seem overwhelming at times in its dualistic energy force , it is an amplified and heightened opportunity to confront the deeper inner shadows , to embark on an awakening journey of ascension self-discovery , higher consciousness. and healing.
Darkness will eventually have no choice but to dissipate and will no longer persist at the heightened new energy vibrations on Earth. This shift signifies Ascending Earth becoming inhospitable to dark energies, This is the era of Aquarius ruling where love and freedom will once more reign supreme.
The cleansing and clearing of external matrix energies during this transformational phase is a deep purging and releasing process of collapsing old paradigms in the mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit, allowing for purification, detoxification, release, and healing.
In this soul solitude state and internal metamorphosis, ascending individuals are called to stand alone and learn how to protect their energy amidst the chaotic outer world denser energies . Self-healers are powerful alchemists, masters at transmuting internal pain into inner sovereign strength and power , wounds into deeper healing and wisdom, toxic relations into healthier boundaries, and past burdens into divine blessings.
Being an Ascending soul, while challenging, Also activates the gift of embodying higher values such as solitary reflection, peace, wisdom, deep empathy, human compassion and profound love, transcending materialistic and ego-driven pursuits for a peaceful , sovereign , and soulful existence.
Globally, a significant shift is underway as many ascending transition into much higher timelines and parallel realities. Amidst Earth’s profound movements, ascending individuals may feel challenged or invisible and unseen in the 3D matrix collective , as the old timelines here in old earth nears its end. Ascending souls are increasingly aware of this major energetic shift occurring on Earth, signaling a remarkable accelerated transformation and awakening on a global scale.
Ascending Starseeds and Lightworkers may be feeling emotionally low recently due to heightened sensitivity and connection to collective changing energies. As Starseed souls collectively awaken to more disconnect from the 2-3D matrix, they undergo an extreme and profound shift in reality , they may also experience absorbing denser collective energy. It is beneficial to always discern and release energies that do not belong to ascending Self . This helps grounding into the supportive Earth new conscious energetic grids .
Releasing negative energies not aligned with divine love and seeking guidance from your Ascension light team will shield you from unwanted lower energies. Your body is upgrading to align with new encoded and quantum information, releasing the older and denser energies to strengthen the molecular and cellular structure. Practice gentleness with yourself during inner changes and major upgrades.
Embodying higher energies supports your needs, as energy is the true currency of the new Earth. Trust in your inner abundance and release limitations linked to old belief systems. The shifting tides may bring external distortions, but inner expansion and peace will help anchor you into new earth realities and contribute to shifting collective consciousness.
Before a major shift in your life, it’s common to feel like everything is falling apart as the old aspects of yourself and your surroundings need to leave to make energetic space for the new. This transition into the unknown can at times trigger feelings of vulnerability, insecurity, and anxiety. However by remaining consciously aware of this process, you will navigate through it and stay aligned with higher conscious timelines, allowing the dissipation of these challenging emotions as you move forward and Ascend higher .
In New Earth Energy you are Reclaiming your Divine birth right , your authentic inner power to increase Ascension energies within and align with your higher self and purpose. This is another amplified Ascension opportunity taking place to harness and accelerate planetary energy and to create a higher vibrational reality for ascending Self . Remembering that everything is energy, and continuing learning to work with these energies will lead to personal and collective transformation.
April 8, 2024: New Moon Solar Eclipse at Aries 19°24’, 2:21 pm EDT.
This powerful Total Solar Eclipse, visible in much of the eastern United States, is defined by an exact to-the-minute conjunction of Chiron to the Sun/Moon alignment. Mercury is retrograde in Aries and in exact (within 3 minutes) conjunction to Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord. Mars and Saturn in Pisces are conjunct within one degree. And the potent Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus (exact April 20/21) is in effect. These aspects are incredibly intense yet oddly hopeful.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and holds the promise of a new beginning. In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, the ally of Aries is Kephera, the morning Sun. This energy is spontaneous, enthusiastic, insistent, and confident. Its message is a loud and assertive, “I Am!”
Chiron is allied with Anubis in his adult form as Shower of the Way. This is the wise soul who experienced abandonment and found a way to release his pain and align with his soul’s path. This is a core lesson of life on Earth. We have all experienced rejection, abandonment, and betrayal. The question isn’t whether this will happen but rather how we will respond? Do we live from our wounds, or do we find a way to move through them? Do our wounds define us, or do we define our response to our wounds?
As a collective, we are in a challenging place in our evolutionary development. We can continue as we are and suffer the consequences or decide to create a different world. These are not idle words and it’s also not magical thinking; this transformation will not be easy. We may not succeed. And right now, despite the tumult all around us, there are hopeful signs. We can heal. We can open to a new way of being, free of the pitfalls that have cursed us for so long.
Take a deep breath and step out of the portal and into the light.
April 7, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
source: shamanicstarology.com
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
This much anticipated total solar eclipse will be visible across much of the U.S.A. and it will join retrograde Mercury in Aries (Apr 1-25) as well as Chiron in Aries as Mars (ruler of Aries) also forms a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces.
The March 25th Lunar Eclipse in Libra represented the opening of a RELEASE point with regards to letting go of attachments to our external dependencies and it was followed by Mercury turning retrograde in Aries on April 1 representing the initiation of a period of introspection into what ‘dampens’ our confidence in our own internally driven independent action in life.
And by taking advantage of this ‘clearing’ and reorganization of our confidence and motivation, it is allowing the space and the resonance for a very strong PUSH towards concentrated new beginnings that are in alignment with our highest soul-level ideals rather than with any externally driven ‘persona’ or ego-based intentions…
This relatively RAPID internal shift toward authenticity may feel overwhelming and is likely to ‘bring up’ the wounds that resulted in the walls that are now being eradicated which is why the external adjustments as a result of this internal ‘upgrade’ will unfold more gradually over the coming weeks to months so that our humanness can more appropriately handle it!
Haste is waste in this case (on an external level) despite any urges toward immediate gratification that are likely to arise within us as a result of this FIRE being lit underneath us both personally and collectively right now…
Here we are on Monday, April 8th, with the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse conjunct Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, at 19 degrees Aries! This is the first Eclipse in 2024, AND it is in the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, the sign of new beginnings! Chiron, who is the Shaman and Wounded Healer is at the exact degree of this Eclipse, bringing up old challenges and traumas to be released, and aspects of ourselves that need to be reintegrated.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse is very close to the North Node Destiny Point, currently at 15 degree Aries. This is activating a push forward, for all of us, from the Universe towards our True North, where we need to be, and what we are spiritually contracted to experience next in our lives. Although we do have free, we are being guided to redirect by a Higher Power. We may try to avoid change because of fear or anxiety, however, our Higher Self knows the direction we are meant to go.
It has been a confusing time for many, especially with Mercury, planet of information and messages, also in retrograde motion right now, but if we trust, have faith and surrender to the Divine Plan then all will unfold accordingly.
It is said that this is a reset on the planet……Earth Mother Gaia and the collective. Activations, downloads, endings, fresh starts, new timelines, waves of emotions and heightened sensitivity are magnified now and new experiences will unfold over the next six months. There may be unexpected events and shifts on our path as a realignment takes place.
Ascension symptoms are strong and can include: Flu-like symptoms, fatigue, difficulty sleeping, headaches, digestive issues, dizziness, body aches and pains, vision issues, ears ringing, difficulty concentrating, vivid dreams, heightened creativity, enhanced psychic perceptions, sudden insights and revelations, craving more solitude, desire to be out in nature, feeling detached from situations or people, or feeling more of a sense of Oneness with all things.
Meditation, clearing and releasing exercises, time away from technology, solitude, nature, and all forms of self-care are especially important now.
Take care of yourselves, beautiful souls! Trust that wherever you end up in the months to come, is where you are meant to be!
Solar eclipse in Aries conjunct Chiron – In the midst of day came the night. She marched towards the sun, took bites out of his glorious face until only the dark remained. Birds hushed. Stars emerged. The Moon saw the work she had done, and it was good. ‘Now the people will see’ she whispered.
The spotlight is on our scars. It’s uncomfortable but necessary because once seen, we are whole again. When we see the light in ourselves then we see the light in each other. We are all stars shining in the dark.
Acknowledge shadows. Tend to the wounds that get in the way of independence. Address psychological pain that drains energy. Confront misplaced anger that burns away motivation. Wipe the slate clean and start again. Sometimes, it is only In the dark that we find the strength we never knew we had. Consider, what is the special gift I can bring to the world today? How can I help? This is your chance to create the world anew.
‘Magnetic’ is the name for the number one and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose’. Today we begin a brand new wavespell and this one, is a 13-day adventure with an agenda of Love. The first day of a wavespell is about identifying the ‘Purpose’ and psychically setting yourself up for the journey. Try to contemplate what you would like to achieve during this period, every wavespell is an opportunity to learn – grow and experience time on a different level. Unity is another keyword associated with this number and this represents that all of the days of the wavespell are united under one purpose.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The message of the White Dog is – love what you do and put all your heart into it and love your fellow humans too. Show everyone how big-hearted you can be. If you are a White Dog, you’ll love this wavespell. This is a great time for getting things done with that doggy determination. Be stubborn about what you want, if you want to yield real results. Loyalty is another keyword for the Dog, and this reminds us to think about our own loyalty issues. Who or what do you owe allegiance to? If, like a Dog, you think with your heart – then you’ll understand how important loyalty is.
The Guide today is also White Dog and so a double helping of this teaching. (The first day of a wavespell is always guided by itself.)
The Challenge today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When in opposition, the Sun doesn’t shine so brightly. Sunny people are normally concerned with intellectual pursuits and logical thinking, the Yellow Sun thinks with his head and not with his heart (most of the time). If you are a Yellow Sun, you may feel less sunny today and through this whole wavespell. You too can make good use of this time by considering matters of the heart, so time to rise to your challenge. For the rest of us, enlightenment is harder to experience because we are succumbing to our emotions and not thinking so straight.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey who suits this position naturally because a keyword associated with Monkey is magic. Monkey is at his most powerful on Dog days and for this whole wavespell, he will be empowered. Monkey has some great magic tricks up his sleeve and if you respect magic, it will work in your favor. However, if you are being foolish ….Monkey will show you the errors of your ways!
The Ally is the Red Moon which symbolizes the go with the flow energy. If you want to hang out with someone laid back today, find a Red Moon. It’s their task today to be an Ally to everyone, so call one up if you happen to know one. If not, take a leaf out of their book and chillax! The Dog and the Moon are great buddie as they both like to chill out and take it easy.
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!!
8/4/2024 = 8/4/8 = 8/12=8/3=11=2
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
Lots of FIRE energy to IGNITE our HEART’S PASSION through this potent ECLIPSE PORTAL… ARIES the WARRIOR is firing his arrow to pierce the veils around our HEART – allowing for more LOVE to FLOW on this wonderous 8.8.8. gateway – ensuring an INFINITE FLOW of love, money, resources and wisdom from SOURCE accessible through the magnetic centre of our HEARTS.
Keep raising your vibration and ALIGNING with this infinite field of LOVE to access all of your pure heart’s desires during this wavespell.
What a BRILLIANT ALIGNMENT of codes with the TRIPLE WHITE DOG driving this SOLAR ECLIPSE – with CHIRON conjuncting the ECLIPSE ensures that LOVE is the MEDICINE that HEALS all our WOUNDS… LOVE IS ALL WE NEED!
A beautiful beginning for our next chapter, uniting with our BELOVEDS to build a new foundation through the power of LOVE.
A beautiful new wavespell rediscovering UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and our connection to SOURCE and each other – leading into a brand New Golden Era of DIVINE LOVE
Absolutely PERFECTO how the DREAMSPELL GALACTIC Calendar always synchronizes so beautifully with the celestial alignments. The DIVINE PLAN has been crafted to be MIRACULOUSLY PERFECT – beyond our comprehension.. The symphony of the dance between the stars, planets and codes is absolutely SUPERB.. What a SHOW.
Waves of DIVINE LOVE will be flowing through our SUN and radiating out to all those with OPEN HEARTS to be ACTIVATED by this GIFT from FATHER/MOTHER GOD/GODDESS..
How blessed are we that the TRIPLE WHITE DOG – is the guardian of this ECLIPSE passage.. DOGS LOVE to watch the SUNSET and the reason is because it is encoded in their DNA as the PROTECTORS of LIGHT and LOVE on PLANET EARTH.
The DOG is an animal totem who guides the Nocturnal Sun (Jaguar) during its night passage through the Underworld of Xibalba, in order to ensure the next sunrise which represents the Resurrection of the Sun.
The Maya believed that the SUN died in the sunset and that it entered the Xibalba Underworld as a Jaguar (nocturnal sun). The archetypal Maya DOG is the guide of the nocturnal SUN and it helps to bring the next sunrise.
The dog also guides the dead humans in Xibalba, in order to ensure their passage towards the 13 Heavens.” SOURCE: TORTUGA 13:20
HOW ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT – that OC – the WHITE DOG of the DREAMSPELL is on guard to perform his duty during these evolutionary times. There has been too much HYPE and F.E.A.R – False Evidence Appearing Real – over this particular Solar Eclipse.. .Many prophecies and false narratives insisting the world will be plunged into a period of darkness (from 3 hrs/3 days/10 days etc.) or even symbolic darkness through an internet/media/power blackout..
SPIRIT has replied with reassurance – NEVER FEAR – OC IS HERE! Our trusty WHITE DOG – our loyal companion and devoted servant of SPIRIT is on the job and will guide the SUN through the darkness of the ECLIPSE period ENSURING that the SUN returns safely, and the LIGHT illuminates our skies.. from DARKNESS to LIGHT…
WHITE DOG has arrived at the RIGHT TIME and PLACE – to fulfill his DESTINY!
Today we commence a brand new 13 day cycle, that of the WHITE DOG bringing forth a FLOW of DIVINE SOURCE LOVE as we return HOME – especially with an 8.8.8. code!!.
Day 1 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE the full embodiment of LOVE!
The next 13 days we are preparing our VESSEL to receive and transmit more unconditional LOVE.. WHAT A JOY!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your Mission. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine.
Today we are seeking to attract LOVE & LOYALTY through expressing ourselves as PURE SOURCE LOVE. To align with the unconditional love of SOURCE -Father/Mother God/dess. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus MAGNETIC kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The power of ONE is very strong today, as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY! This will also be the THEME for this wavespell – UNIFICATION through the power of LOVE!
Today’s question is “HOW can I ATTRACT endless SOURCE LOVE, MAGNETIZING this through my OPEN HEART unconditionally, to UNIFY us all through our ONE HEART!
Divine blessings for the Magnetic attraction of pure unconditional Divine LOVE, Miracles & BLISS bombs today.
May Goddess bless you 1,000 ways in the coming days!
May the MIRACLE of this SOLAR ECLIPSE shine a DIVINE LIGHT on your beautiful LIFE.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
We are very CONSCIOUS of the POWER OF LOVE today, and are strongly guided by our HIGHER SELF through the LOVE of our Creator – God/Goddess.
THIS beautiful cycle will be highlighting HIGHER LOVE, SPIRITUAL LOVE and DIVINE LOVE, through beautiful fated connections – a DATE with DESTINY!! .
What a beautiful precious GIFT to UNITE humanity through the POWER of LOVE from TODAY onwards..- to move forward out of the GLOBAL FEAR holocaust of the past 4 years. This heralds much promise that we are well on our way to a better BLISS filled life for all.
Take me to the APRIL SUN IN CUBA!! !
TODAY is THE day to sit quietly and have your very own personal – Conversation with God/dess/SOURCE/CREATOR!
GOD/GODDESS is like the loving parent who is always there for you, ready to provide financial, emotional, physical or spiritual support. Always at the end of that phone line, ready to get in the car, and come and get you wherever you are in your hour of need! Ready to lend you money when you fall short, ready to come and babysit your children, and at your side providing love, nurturance and comfort when you are hurt or suffering.
GOD/DESS is all of these things beyond this veil of illusion. Many of us feel unworthy or ashamed to make that direct connection to Spirit/source/our Creator. However Spirit is ready and waiting, LISTENING and ready to respond to your every request.
Precious hearts reach out to your Divine parents today and ASK SO THAT YOU CAN RECEIVE!
WHITE DOG – OC brings our focus to our HEARTS today and matters of LOVE, loyalty, trust, integrity, friendship, forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, relationships and romantic partnerships. These are the themes we will be examining during this 13 day cycle. We are seeking to become MAGNETS for love. Anything that impedes this will arise to be healed and transformed in order for us to evolve and become the true Angelic embodiment of Divine Love. .
WHITE DOG also denotes the faithful and loyal companion who is eager to please his Master. During this Wavespell you will be more motivated to step up in a greater capacity to serve humanity through your greater Galactic Mission, and purpose for incarnating on this beautiful planet.
DEVOTION to others through selfless SERVICE, is a speciality of WHITE DOG. Connecting through compassion, we can forge strong heartfelt unions. Nova Gaia is calling all her newly Ascended STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS to step up into greater service now, embracing a grander MISSION. .
DOG – spelled backward = GOD, and indeed our canine companions are the true embodiment of GOD as they epitomize pure unconditional LOVE. The prime contract of our loyal and faithful buddies is to teach us HU-mans UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
DOGS live an average life span of 10 years (and WHITE DOG is the 10th tribe in the DREAMSPELL CALENDAR). This has been divinely orchestrated, as their departure from the EARTH plane, cracks OPEN our HEART as we grieve from the loss of our loyal companions. In this way both Adults and children experience emotional growth through dealing with the DEATH process – a very painful, but valuable lesson for us all.
As the BUDDHA told us – “The cracks in our HEART allow GOD in!”
DOGS teach us to OPEN our Hearts to receive and give LOVE to our cell-ves and each other, our Common-unity! No strings attached, no conditions, just pure unadulterated divine love through our precious hearts.
DOGS have a very special connection to SOURCE through their heart chakra, that is so strong and so pure, that they have an INFINITE supply to bestow upon others. No limits! Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence.
OC reminds us today of the pure unconditional love we need to connect to, and then reflect to others without judgement. This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection through our HEARTS, each heart connected through our planetary heart, the cosmic heart and the heart of GOD/GODDESS!
SUPPORT: RED MAGNETIC MOON– MULUC Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE. MOTHER GODDESS provides all the LOVE, nurturing and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our hearts and allow the FLOW!
What a beautiful partnership between OC and MULUC.. wherever OC goes the LOVE flows, and our DIVINE MOTHER is always close by.
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed, in order for LOVE to flow endlessly once more! As the DIVINE FEMININE power is restored now on Planet Earth – the GODDESS has reclaimed her throne alongside Father God – the Divine Masculine aspect, and so we have a beautiful BALANCE of DIVINE ENERGIES flowing endlessly through our consciousness. Connect with your intuitive, sensitive side and allow the LOVE TO FLOW!
The MAGNETIC MOON is the supporting energy throughout this whole 13 day cycle. She will help us soften and become more compassionate towards our fellow wo/man as our priority during this wavespell.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE COSMIC MONKEY– CHUEN brings forth powerful COSMIC MAJIK today, for the most powerful force in the UNIVERSE and on this planet is the POWER of LOVE.
BLUE MONKEY encourages you to return to your purity and innocence as the innocent Divine Child in order to reclaim your forgotten majik and reclaim your power.
Babies and young children are born of innocence, their PURE HEARTS and MINDS have an impenetrable connection to SOURCE as they channel the wisdom through their OPEN HEARTS .. They just KNOW and it shows. Babies have the power to heal rifts in families, and bring eternal deLIGHT to their families, as their MAGNETIC LOVE touches the HEARTS of all.
Sadly as we age this connection wears THIN and the VEIL of SEPARATION takes hold, disconnecting us from the FLOW of this DIVINE LOVE. DOGS, animals and children have this LOVING connection, and so the COSMIC MONKEY teaches us to rekindle this LOVE through our own DIVINE CHILD deep within us all.
The COSMIC MONKEY holds the codes for JOY and ecstatic BLISS the 5D NEW EARTH codes – accessed through SPONTANEITY, and the purity and innocence of your Divine Child, which is ALWAYS connected to SOURCE.
Remember to LAUGH and PLAY, in order to heal your inner child’s desires for spontaneity and FUN, returning you to a state of complete wholeness. Connection to our KIN through PLAY and FUN forges a STRONG CONNECTION to divine LOVE.
Allow CHUEN to energize your true Heart’s desires, allowing all your GREAT dreams to come true!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN – AHAU – And here we have it! The MAGNETIC SUN is the GIFT and BLESSING of KIN 170 on this SOLAR ECLIPSE day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DIVINE PERFECTION yet again!
Our LESSON today is to use the SUN’S codes and LIGHT to IGNITE our DNA – ILLUMINATING our MINDS – fueling our ASCENSION!!! Woweee!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through ENLIGHTENMENT. Reclaiming our power, independence and RADIANCE, by embodying the Solar codes pulsing through our fields.
The MAGNETIC SUN challenges us to return to our SOURCE – remembering that we are all CHILDREN OF THE SUN as homo luminous – of the ONE GOD/GODDESS – and that we are eternally connected to that SOURCE.
When we need our cup replenished, we can connect with our SOURCE, to fill it with GOLDEN honey nectar, divine LOVE. All that we need and require in our vessels. Soak in the LIGHT from this SOLAR ECLIPSE today as the DARKNESS transforms to LIGHT – through this wondrous alchemical MAJIK.
AHUA ILLUMINATES our solar intelligence, enabling us to embody greater LIGHT from the harmonic grid of consciousness, through all the suns into SOURCE itself, which ultimately resides in our own precious Hearts! Fortifying our connection to SOURCE through every cell in our being, so that it is inseparable! Connecting deeply into the HEARTH of Nova Gaia, expanding far out through our SUN, the Central Sun and the Great Central Sun into the Stars and Galaxies, in order to return home to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART!
AS we ALL journey HOME together – we remember that we are all connected and all roads eventually lead back to SOURCE!
A little ray of SUNSHINE – has come into our world.
Today’s question is “HOW can I ATTRACT endless SOURCE LOVE, MAGNETIZING this through my OPEN HEART unconditionally, to UNIFY us all through our ONE HEART!
Divine blessings for the Magnetic attraction of pure unconditional Divine LOVE, Miracles & BLISS bombs today.
May Goddess bless you 1,000 ways in the coming days!
May the MIRACLE of this SOLAR ECLIPSE shine a DIVINE LIGHT on your beautiful LIFE.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
April 7th through April 13th 2024 with Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, Paul White Gold Eagle covers the astrology for the coming week from April 7th through April 13th 2024 which includes this weeks most powerful Celestial Event with the New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Aries. He also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony, Guided Meditation and Prayer for the New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.
“Prayer for the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries”
Divine Source of Light and Love,
As we stand on the threshold of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, we gather together in reverence and gratitude for the celestial dance unfolding before us. With hearts open wide and spirits attuned to the rhythms of the cosmos, we offer this prayer for healing, renewal, and transformation.
On this sacred day, as the moon casts its shadow upon the sun, we invoke the powerful energies of Aries, the fearless pioneer and warrior of the zodiac. Grant us the courage to embrace change, the strength to overcome obstacles, and the clarity to follow our true path with unwavering determination.
As the sun is momentarily obscured by the moon, may we too be willing to expose the darkness within, knowing that it is in the depths of our shadows that we find our greatest potential for growth and evolution. Help us to release all that no longer serves our highest good, whether it be fears, doubts, or limiting beliefs, and to step boldly into the light of our authentic selves.
As the eclipse passes and the sun reemerges, may we be reborn anew, like the phoenix rising from the ashes, ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization. May we harness the fiery energy of Aries to ignite our passions and propel us forward on the path of purpose and fulfillment.
May this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries be a catalyst for profound healing and profound transformation, both individually and collectively. May it inspire us to cultivate courage, embrace change, and embody the highest expression of our divine potential.
In the light of the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, we affirm our commitment to living with intention, integrity, and authenticity. May we walk with confidence and clarity, knowing that we are guided and supported by the wisdom of the cosmos.
As we close this prayer, we offer our deepest gratitude to the universe for the blessings bestowed upon us. May the energy of this eclipse continue to bless and uplift us, now and always.
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