NESARA – GESARA: Med Beds Quantum Healing
NESARA – GESARA: Med Beds Quantum Healing
WE WANT TO TALK ABOUT ONE OF THE FIRST TECHNOLOGIES that will be released to the WORLD population with the announcement of NESARA AND GESARA.
If you are unsure of these TERMS, we recommend you watch our video about it first. Along with FREE NEW ENERGY SYSTEMS provided by TESLA COILS, AND NEW ANTI-GRAVITY DEVICES AND REPLICATORS, you will also receive,
New holographic medical beds or medical beds will come with some unique features including diagnostic support, surgical repair and cellular and DNA reconstruction, rejuvenation. In short, they will become an integral part of your HEALTH CARE and HEALTH MAINTENANCE.
These MEDICAL BEDS, when used in conjunction with trained MEDICAL SUPERVISION and AUTOMATED Medical Stations, will provide you with a variety of options and methods to return your physical Vessel to optimal Health.

These Beds represent a QUANTUM LEAP in the HEALTHCARE Business, all over your Beautiful WORLD, as there are now enough of these BEDS to start being implemented in every country that wants them. Imagine a HEALTHCARE Package without CHEMOTHERAPY, TOXIC CHEMICALS, RADIATION, ORGAN REMOVAL OR HAVING TO LIVE LONG TERM WITH SCARS, DISEASES.
DISEASES and DYSFUNCTIONS. If you are thinking that this all sounds too good to be true or something out of a SCIENCE FICTION movie. We understand your reservations, however, we would like to ask you to remember that hiding in plain sight has been a Favorite Tactic of the DEEP STATE and the SECRET SPACE PROGRAM for a LONG time.
THE DEEP STATE HAS shown you Technology beyond your wildest dreams in their MOVIES like the Avengers and the KINGS MEN, Just because you think you are watching fantasy is your fault, as far as the DARK ONES are concerned, as far as THEY KNOW, they have shown you the TRUTH.
You simply have not been asking the right QUESTIONS, or DEMANDING the RIGHT ANSWERS. It is a nasty trick that has been played on you. And it is one of the DYNAMICS that is about to change, in a DRAMATICAL way with the ANNOUNCEMENT of NESARA and GESARA. As these NEW TECHNOLOGIES will be RELEASED, as part of this exciting and life-enhancing Package.

Each PLANET is a Class, from which you can move to a Higher Classification. Each soul has the duty to undertake the path of return to the Source, to the Central Source of Cosmic Consciousness.
You may call it GOD, but it has nothing to do with a person. It is the Energy from which EVERYTHING exists, the Primordial Energy. You have no knowledge of the UNIVERSE, because they give you misinformation instead of knowledge.
Even the history of their books was rewritten or canceled during the Middle Ages. Discoveries of alien colonies were kept secret or suppressed. In return, they showed the discoveries of some animal bones and presented them as real.
They are interested in you remaining ignorant so that only They can retain the Knowledge and Power. Don’t let negative people bother you, they steal your energy in an attempt to keep you in a primitive state like theirs.
Beware of drug addicts, whatever their addiction, as they are influenced by negative astral entities that live in their astral field and feed on their vital energy.
Anyone with spiritual power can see this. Detractors try to present arguments to keep you defenseless. Positive people share LOVE, power, and knowledge. You are the one who always has the choice of who you want to have by your side.
LIGHT or DARKNESS, LOVE or HATE. Don’t be fooled when they say they are spiritual and are addicted and religious followers. When they came to EARTH, their plan was to evolve to a higher ground, not to go to a lower ground. Think about it.
THE EARTH EXPERIMENT, where we wanted to see if we could maintain our LIGHT in such a negative environment, is slowly coming to an end! The Dark Side wants to prevent this.
Let us not be discouraged by skeptics, arrogant people, or false psychologists. They fear Love and Beings with more Understanding than These. You have to go through many lives before you are ready for higher wisdom. It is your free will.
Every flower has its own time to bloom. Make a decision now! What kind of world do you want to live in? Send loving and energetic thoughts to the entire PLANET. This disturbs the Dark Side more than anything else.
Imagine how THE WHOLE PLANET is filled with Light and Love and how this Light burns away All Evil.
Costantina Papazoglou
New Message On Tonight’s US Debt Clock ✨️❤️✨️
This One Is Very Exciting ✨️❤️🇺🇸✨️🇺🇸❤️✨️
This Is Telling Us We Are Going To SWAP OUT The Corrupt Federal Reserve Private Bank Notes To The
US Treasury Gold Backed Treasury Currency. It’s Time The End The Corrupt System So Humanity Can Prosper & Be Free From A Debt Based System. ❤️

BRICS Summit (October 22-24) The Alliance’s military moves to implement NESARA, GESARA and QFS
Mass Arrests Imminent! BRICS Summit (October 22-24) The Alliance’s Military Moves to Implement NESARA, GESARA and QFS — The Total Overthrow of the Elite is Coming!
Let’s get one thing straight: The BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia, October 22-24, 2024, is not just a political gathering — it is the catalyst for the biggest global reset in modern history. The Western elite, those who control global banks, governments and the dominant narrative, are watching their empire crumble.
What was once whispered about in closed-door meetings is now happening in plain sight: the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is being rolled out , and GESARA/NESARA is the reality unfolding as we speak.
What most don’t realize is that BRICS is actively working with military forces around the world to execute a complete and total reset of the global financial structure. The mainstream media has done its best to bury the truth , but there is no hiding it now.

At the center of this summit was the discussion of the QFS , the most advanced financial system ever conceived, backed by quantum computing and unbreakable cryptography . This system is designed to destroy the fiat money system controlled by the Federal Reserve and other elite banks.
The elites knew this was coming, which is why they are desperately trying to push for central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) — but it’s too late . The QFS is already operational , and it’s only a matter of time before all the central banks in the West collapse.
Let’s not forget that Putin and Xi aren’t just focused on dismantling the dollar — they’re creating an entirely new global financial order that bypasses SWIFT and other globalist-controlled systems. What this means is that countries under the BRICS umbrella — now expanded to include Iran, Egypt, the UAE , and others — are already making deals that exclude the dollar altogether.
We are seeing the rise of multi-currency trading , where local currencies and precious metals are being used instead of the US dollar. And let’s be very clear: the BRICS nations are secretly stockpiling gold to back their currencies, further ensuring the collapse of the system.
Now here’s where it gets even more explosive . This isn’t just about financial dominance — it’s about military and technological supremacy . There have long been rumors that Putin and Xi are working on quantum military technology , far more advanced than anything the West has.
At the Kazan summit, military leaders from the BRICS countries held closed-door meetings to discuss how this new technology could be used to undermine Western military capabilities in the next conflict.
There is reliable information suggesting that the BRICS nations are ready to deploy
quantum-based defense systems that can disrupt satellites, disable nuclear arsenals, and even interfere with global communications networks. This is why elites are scrambling to maintain control over these developments.
The BRICS alliance is working on a global satellite system that will allow BRICS countries to control global communications , ensuring that Western powers can no longer control the narrative or manipulate markets through disinformation.
The US intelligence community is terrified because they know that once this system is active, their ability to spy on, manipulate and control global events will be neutralized.
And here’s the problem: GESARA/NESARA is not just a financial reset. It’s the largest wealth transfer in human history . The elite-controlled global banking system has been siphoning wealth from the people for generations, and GESARA will erase all national debts and recover trillions of dollars in assets stolen by the elites.
These funds will be redistributed through Quantum Access Cards , which are already being discussed behind the scenes. Every citizen will have access to their own quantum bank account , and no one — not the elites, not the globalists — will be able to touch it. These accounts will be biometrically linked , ensuring that only the rightful owner can access their funds.
To prepare for the implementation of NESARA/GESARA,
Secret military tribunals have already begun. Key figures within the banking, media and political worlds are being quietly arrested and put on trial for crimes against humanity .
Many of these figures are under house arrest or have been secretly detained , and the elites are desperately trying to hide the truth from the public. But as the BRICS loyalist military forces continue their operations, the day of public disclosure is approaching. The globalists know that once NESARA is fully implemented, their debt-based empire will collapse, and their assets will be seized under the new financial system.
The BRICS nations are also preparing for 10 days of darkness , where they will use the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to inform the world about the takedown of the deep state . This period will mark the final phase of the plan, as military operations that have been underway for years will finally become public.
During these 10 days, mass arrests will take place, and the truth about human trafficking, financial crimes and the manipulation of global events by elites will be broadcast to the entire world.
The Western elites are powerless to stop this. The BRICS alliance is too strong, its military and financial strategies too advanced. The QFS is already alive and operational , NESARA/GESARA is on the verge of being publicly announced, and humanity is on the brink of the greatest liberation in history .
Everything is about to change, and the global elites are terrified . The October 2024 BRICS summit will go down as the event that triggered the downfall of the New World Order , and no amount of media manipulation or political theater can stop it.
Prepare for global awakening , because the endgame is here .
💥💥💥Crazy Wednesday 💥💥💥💥💥With Mel 10-23-24💥💥💥
Hello everyone, this is Mel💥
💥This day in 2017 is February 13th in the Ethiopian calendar…
💥The 14th is the FOCUS in Mr. Pool’s last post, being Valentine’s Day…
💥THE CIRCLE ⭕️ is about to be completed on the 14th tomorrow…?💥
💥October 23, then begins, the deputy governor of finance, a discussion in Washington alongside Citigroup will be hosted in DC, today a crucial data…💥
💥Also many talking today at ECU, also Federal Reserve, Bank of Japan, IMP Governor talking about the financial sector… IMF is a BRICS… there is a lot to watch there💥
💥Speaking today, also Bank of New England 💥
💥Congratulations, Australia has the highest inflation, rate and rule, EVERYTHING IS GETTING READY, THERE WILL BE A CRASH happening now💥
💥Top 5/6 Mentioned in the Financial Sector… WHAT’S GOING ON? This is the connection of EVERYTHING/ the GCR/ the FLIP 💥💥💥💥💥💥
💥DJT was EXPOSED McDonalds, there are cases of multiple sclerosis emerging in the USA… this is the end of the RED SHOE CLUB, let’s say GB… 💥💥💥💥💥💥
💥On this day in 2020, Weinstein was given 23 years, later reverting to 16!💥
💥Kim Clement prophesies TRUMP the TRUMPET… 💥
💥Tabernacle ends on Wednesday
October 23rd… 12-12 MICKY MOUSE CLOCK, it’s 24 X MARK THE SPOT💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
💥October 24th, November 24th to November 5th is 11.5, it’s 10 days, the darkness is NK a connection to the nuclear scare EVENT?💥💥💥
💥October 24th, Christmas connection, also Charlie Ward always said it happens on a THURSDAY, Is this the blackout for stock markets? Keep an eye on the fundamentals…💥💥💥
💥All the fuss about the financial sector in the US and BRICS… and Putin to make the last speech to close, This is the replacement of the old WFE… remember Putin said that NO COUNTRY-ever
WILL RULE the countries again 💥💥
💥October 25, China cuts mortgage rates! GESARA ?💥💥💥
💥October 24th to 26th, a song called, The lights went out in Georgia, Mel will post this song after the show, everyone should listen to it, it’s a movie/song…
💥A Comm, a song from 1972, also talks about a Seth…💥💥💥💥
💥Seth Rich, sent Julian Assange through Panda Network to Wikileaks his drops for Assange… 💥💥💥
💥Doing research, I found 3 black balls, tar bulls, appeared on the beaches of Sydney….the SILVER, the STORM, the blackouts!!💥💥🔥
💥💥Mel will return if necessary….💥💥💥
Looking forward to catching up on Sizzling Sunday…for me GN GE GM, STAY POSITIVE, stay grounded, GET READY…bye for now….
💥💥💥Crazy Wednesday with Mel all over, USA💥💥💥

QFS Information Center: Quantum Financial System and the Tier 4B Internet Group! The world of currency revaluation, redemption centers and NESARA GESARA payments!
The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Tier 4B Internet Group — this is where the future of currency revaluation and redemption centers comes to life. The financial world is on the cusp of monumental change as NESARA and GESARA payments begin to reshape the global economy and individual prosperity.
Are you ready for the shift from FIAT to asset-backed currencies? The whispers of Tier 4B and redemption centers are no longer just speculation; they are about to transform your world.

For those who have heard of Tier 4B, also known as The Internet Group, you may be wondering if you’re part of this unique wave. It’s all about intent — if you’ve been involved in foreign currencies like the Iraqi dinar, the Vietnamese dong, or the Zimbabwean zim — you can be part of the revolution. But this isn’t just a group — it’s a wake-up call.
Redemption Centers will soon be calling out to those who are part of this currency revaluation. They won’t be mystical places, but could be your local bank or even an unassuming office. Once inside, the foreign currency you’ve been hoarding will be exchanged for enormous wealth.
While many of us are aware and prepared, the general public remains oblivious. But when this hits the mainstream news, expect a mad dash to the Redemption Centers. The sleepers will wake up too late.
And here’s the rub — the Quantum Financial System (QFS), which is said to be hacker-proof and the future of financial security, is about to upend the central banking system. The QFS promises to end the FIAT slavery that has controlled nations for far too long. What’s more, it will change the balance of power forever.
And don’t forget NESARA-GESARA—this treasure trove has been hidden from the public for decades. These mysterious payments, tied to everything from birth certificates to mortgages, will start to fill QFS accounts. You won’t even need an appointment at the redemption center for this part.
The general public will be left behind, but you, the chosen few, will know what’s coming. Prepare now — because the Quantum Financial System is here. Get your hands on foreign currency while you still can.
This is your last chance before the entire financial world is turned upside down. Will you be part of the greatest wealth transfer in history? Or will you stand back and watch the world finally wake up?

Sometimes the days all seem the same.
But there also comes a time when you feel a strong inner feeling that everything is about to change. Now that time has come. But beyond words, the storm that hits you leaves an indelible mark on you, which you did not even remotely suspect.
For me and my family, the storm began over a year ago and very recently reached its peak, its final blow. But now I want to return to those moments that will trigger the incredible.
All the more or less obvious signs that have emerged point in this direction. And there is no one who can escape what is about to manifest.
Even the news coming from the source that all Anons turn to confirms all of this.
Nowadays, obsolete terms like imminent, just around the corner and so on are meaningless. Because what has to happen will happen and will leave the masses stunned.
The narrative now insistently wants the 2024 US elections to happen, even though there is nothing behind this entire scenario.
In fact, it is just the exposure, if it were still possible, of tricks and deceptions. But if you look coherently you can see how it is all a distraction and a deception.
If power is firmly in the hands of the Alliance, how can a fiction deliver power that has now been taken from the hands of the fraudulent?
Therefore distractions only serve as cover for delicate operations such as the transfer of wealth that involves first level 4B and then the rest of the population.
In fact, what is coming is sweeping like a tornado through the corrupt and evil world that we still have before our eyes. Even if it is an appearance to the masses, it is still so.
Right now the Internet is about to close down permanently, to make way for the new quantum Internet in due time. And that’s all for now.
I was forgetting that there was something else I wanted to say. Here it is: “”Thursday, October 31, 2024: The Q clock will strike 00.”” This short and somewhat mysterious announcement is actually saying something clear that at first glance is incredible.
As if to say hidden in plain sight. Here we are faced with the global reboot of the entire current system, which is corrupt. With October 31st – it is not known whether with the Julian or Gregorian calendar – it marks the end of the present time and marks the beginning of the new time of Gesara.
One hour ends, another begins. It is a time of transition. Trump is said to have said that everything would happen in 17 days. For us, the time has come, after turning the page, to begin living as free beings, divine by nature.
From this moment on the wait is over. We are in it.
The Storm Rider

23/10: BRICS Summit Begins! Discussions on Ending the US Dollar on October 24
Wednesday morning, October 23, 2024
What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?
We will continue to monitor the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!
Well then
From Judy Notes on October 22
I’ll extract the parts that interest you!
Today’s message
Biden, Harris, NATO promote World War III. National Guard called in as gangs and drug cartels take control of major US cities

to cancel the November 5 elections!
Protect your children
All Hallows Day
October 29 (Tuesday) – November 1 (Friday)
It is advisable to have at least a month’s supply of food, water, money, medicine, and supplies.
For yourself, your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.
Judy notes
As “acting” heads of the privately owned US Cabal Corporation, Biden and Harris have publicly supported NATO’s threat to start World War III. After all, the Cabal was about to lose money due to the global currency reset.
The North Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf and Iraq wars, as well as World War I and II.
In line with this, the cabal-backed NATO has announced plans to arm Ukraine with nuclear weapons to bomb Russia.
Meanwhile, information has leaked that Israel, backed by the Cabal, plans to bomb Iran before the 2024 elections.
Both Ukraine and Israel housed the cabal’s headquarters and were heavily funded by: The United States has used taxes in the past.
Both scenarios prompted President Xi Jinping to order China’s military to prepare for an imminent Third World War.
Ukraine lost the war against Russia and the drone strikes on Iran not only provoked World War III but also ensured that the 2024 election would not be held so that Biden and Harris could remain in power.
Meanwhile, Biden and Harris were complicit in the internal war. They created a border crisis and created millions of illegal immigrants, some of whom were members of armed gangs and drug cartels. In Texas, California and Michigan, armed gangs and drug cartels took over apartment complexes and held thousands of people hostage.
Saved by the White Hats, President Trump, the supreme commander of the global military alliance, activated the National Guard.
Trump, the commander-in-chief of the global military alliance, activated the National Guard to combat the criminal takeover by gangs and drug cartels.
Trump’s “white hat” army was also busy in North Carolina, a state hit hard by Hurricane Helen.
The Cabal’s military force, FEMA, was actively fighting the White Hats. At Chimney Rock, they faced off against FEMA forces guarding the area’s valuable lithium deposits.
The Red Hats engaged FEMA after FEMA ambushed and killed 12 Red Hats (a volunteer force comprised of veterans and retired police officers). Together, they shot down a FEMA helicopter.
However, the battle was not over. The next day, on the orders of “President Harris,” a convoy of federal troops sealed off Chimney Rock. Harris had a special interest in Chimney Rock. Her husband owned shares in a lithium mine. FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) intended to occupy the area, which had been severely damaged by a man-made hurricane.
Other planned crises
As of Thursday, October 17, 2024, the US fiat dollar will no longer be used for international trade. As a result, the stock market was expected to crash at any moment. Thursday also marked the end of America Inc.’s fiscal year and the end of its fiat currency system.
All banks worldwide that were not Basel III compliant (with gold-backed currencies) were shut down.
The currencies of at least 144 countries are now backed by gold/assets and traded 1:1 against each other.
As part of the global currency reset, the new fiscal year began with gold-backed U.S. bonds.
Another pressing development is the announcement of the Supreme Court’s decision in the Brunson case.
The case questioned whether Congress investigated allegations of voter fraud during the 2020 election cycle. If the Supreme Court rules in the affirmative,
would nullify the 2020 election and destroy the Biden administration and the entire Congress.
The military would then take over until new elections are held. However, the military’s watermarked vote count from the 2020 election has established that Trump did indeed win. The election was won with over 80% of the vote in all but one state. Thus, the military
was able to install Trump as the duly elected President of the United States.
Trump, Make America Great Again, was sorely needed. The impending Third World War can be avoided by introducing a global currency reset. Already, 209 countries have signed a no-war agreement to join the new global financial system.
to be able to participate in the new global financial system.
If the GCR and GESARA/NESARA laws are activated, all taxes will be returned to the people.
Instead of being paid to the cabals that have been stealing money since the early 1900s, it will be returned to the people.
Another agreement between 209 sovereign states that wanted to participate in the new global financial system was the introduction of the GESARA/NESARA Act.
The idea was to bring the principles of the 1776 Constitution into government and pay for medical care to restore and maintain the health of its people.
This week should be an interesting one.
The Supreme Court is the court of public opinion, and that means you.
Be a part of history: Click and sign the letter to the Supreme Court:
SCOTUS Rule 11 Petition – Roy Brunson Roy Brunson SCOTUS Rule 11 Emergencies
October 21, 2024 (Monday): Breaking News: National Guard mobilized! Gangs take over US cities!
America is under siege!
Monday, October 21, 2024: Emergency Report: President Xi gives orders to Chinese military.
In response to NATO plans to arm Ukraine and Israel’s nuclear arsenal, President Xi orders China’s military to prepare for imminent world war.
Israel’s nuclear weapons and bombing plan for Iran leaked ahead of election
Monday, October 21, 2024 Castle Rock Scenario: The military overturns the election,
destroys the Biden administration and the entire Congress, and installs Trump as the duly elected President of the United States.
The US fiat dollar will crash world markets. Quantum financial system, global currency reset, GESARA/NESARA will crash world markets.
Meanwhile, the Quantum Financial System, Global Currency Reset, GESARA/NESARA will restore gold/asset-backed currencies to sovereign nations worldwide, and all sovereign nations will implement the principles as they existed in 1776. Along with free medical treatment to restore people’s health.
Monday, October 21, 2024 Event: Project Odin: Global Power Outage.
A global military alliance makes mass arrests and the world transitions to free energy from Tesla and other quantum systems.
Monday, October 21, 2024 Clone Conspiracy: The scale of this operation is staggering.
Over 200,000 actors were hired by Central Casting and used state-of-the-art CGI, AI, masks, and voice modulation to create lifelike replicas. This is not science fiction. This is reality. The technology at their disposal is so advanced that it is nearly impossible to tell the original from the clone.
possible time
On October 14, 2020, UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY filed for Chapter 11 (involuntary) bankruptcy in the Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Florida. Case number 20-40375.
On Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 12 BRICS countries will abandon the US fiat dollar and trade in gold/local assets.
On Monday, October 14, 2024, the BRICS summit agreed to resolve international trade in gold/sovereign assets.
On Tuesday, October 15, 2024, Zimbabwe’s new gold-backed currency officially entered general circulation, following EAS trials in dozens of US states.
On Thursday, October 17, 2024, the gold-backed Chinese yen replaced the fiat US dollar to determine oil prices in the foreign exchange market.
Since the foreign exchange market determines the price of oil for international trade, the fiat US dollar lost its value and could no longer be used for international trade. Thursday also marked the end of US Inc.’s fiscal year.
Banks around the world that were not in compliance with the Basel III Accord (with gold-backed currencies) were shut down.
The new Republic of the United States has started the new year with gold-backed US bonds as part of the world currency. SWIFT event in China from October 21 (Monday) to October 24 (Thursday). Federal Reserve Board (FRB) meeting from October 22 (Tuesday) to October 23 (Wednesday) in Philadelphia, USA. October 22 (Tuesday) to October 24 (Thursday). Reset. The event, which will be held in Kazan and will be attended by 24 leaders from 32 countries, will usher in a major macroeconomic transformation. With the advent of the BRICS wage system, a major transformation in the macroeconomy will begin. This event will be the largest diplomatic event ever held in Russia. It should be a critical moment in the country’s ongoing efforts to increase competition with the West. On Wednesday, October 23, the White House will be bathed in green light. green. With the anticipated announcement of the BRICS global currency reset and the activation of NESARA/GESARA, it seemed fitting for this week. …17th Letter (JFK Junior) on Telegram Friday, October 25, 2024, is the date for the release of medical beds in the United States. On Saturday, October 26, 2024, the EBS emergency broadcast system will be activated in countries around the world.
President Trump and the global military alliance conduct the largest deception operation in history. Sunday 2024, Project Sandman (US dollar collapse) was scheduled to begin from October 27 (Sunday) to October 28 (Monday). Starting October 27 (Sunday) or October 28 (Monday), EBS will broadcast a documentary on the situation of the Global Military Alliance’s mass arrests 24/7. Tuesday, October 29, 2024 – Time is running out. No more games. juliano assange
Thursday, October 31, 2024: Q’s clock strikes 00.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024: Three national security sources say intelligence agencies
expected a 9/11-like domestic cyberattack on the United States around Election Day. …General Telegram
On Wednesday, November 20, 2024, the Nuremberg Trials 2.0 will begin.
That’s all
BRICS GESARA Nations Alliance:
BRICS rises to second place in global trade share.
According to WTO data, BRICS countries’ trade volumes with the rest of the world and among themselves reached $10.4 trillion by the end of 2023, accounting for 21.6% of global trade. BRICS is now behind only the EU, which holds 29.7%. North America’s share was 15.7%, while the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) accounted for 7.5%.
The most important thing is that only BRICS shows positive growth trends — Europe’s trade figures are constantly decreasing. The average growth rate of BRICS economies is 4%, while that of the EU is only 0.8%. See (
Guterres’ participation in the BRICS summit is important for the UN as BRICS countries represent half of the world’s population, the secretary-general’s office said. See (
BRICS de-dollarization begins: 40 countries will participate in the 2024 Summit.

The de-dollarization initiative is no longer confined to BRICS, as other emerging economies are joining the discussions at the 2024 summit. The outreach session will be held on the last day of the summit on October 24, 2024. Topics such as de-dollarization, new trade policies and the use of local currencies will be the focus of attention. The nine-member alliance will meet for the first time at the table for discussions after expanding last year.
“On the last day of the summit, there will be a meeting in the BRICS Plus/Outreach format with the participation of representatives of almost 40 countries,” he said. The BRICS outreach will highlight the importance of de-dollarization and the need to end dependence on the US dollar. Representatives of several international organizations will also participate in the outreach session of the BRICS 2024 summit.
BRICS strengthens de-dollarization agenda at 2024 summit.
The BRICS alliance is pushing the de-dollarization agenda at the 2024 summit by urging developing countries to end their dependence on the US dollar. The move will strengthen the indigenous economies of developing countries and protect their local currencies and businesses.
The New Development Bank (NDB), commonly referred to as the BRICS Bank, will also provide loans to developing nations for infrastructure developments.
Loans worth millions or billions will be disbursed in local currencies and will leave the US dollar out of all transactions.
Therefore, the BRICS 2024 summit will see the de-dollarization agenda take a new turn globally.
BRICS Members:
🇧🇷Brazil 2. 🇷🇺Russia 3. 🇮🇳India 4. 🇨🇳China 5. 🇿🇦South Africa 6.
🇪🇬Egypt 7. 🇪🇹Ethiopia 8.
🇮🇷Iran 9.
Officially invited to participate:
Saudi Arabia
Officially requested to participate:
🇩🇿Algeria 12. 🇦🇿Azerbaijan 13. 🇧🇭Bahrain 14. 🇧🇩Bangladesh 15. 🇧🇾Belarus 16. 🇧🇴Bolivia 17. 🇨🇺Cuba 18. 🇰🇿Kazakhstan 19. 🇰🇼Kuwait 20. 🇲🇾Malaysia 21. 🇵🇰Pakistan 22. 🇵🇸Palestine 23. 🇸🇳Senegal 24. 🇹🇭Thailand 25. 🇹🇷Turkey 26. 🇻🇪Venezuela 27. 🇾🇪Yemen 28 .Zimbabwe🇿🇼
Expressed interest in participating in BRICS:
29. 🇦🇴Angola 30. 🇨🇲Cameroon 31. 🇨🇫Central African Republic 32. 🇨🇩DR of the Congo 33. 🇨🇬Congo 34. 🇬🇭Ghana 35. 🇳🇬Nigeria 36. 🇸🇸South Sudan 37. 🇸🇩Sudan 38. 🇹🇳Tunisia 39. 🇺🇬Uganda 40. 🇨🇴Colombia 41. 🇸🇻El Salvador 42. 🇳🇮Nicaragua 43 . 🇵🇪Peru 44. 🇦🇫Afghanistan 45. 🇮🇩Indonesia 46. 🇮🇶Iraq 47. 🇱🇦Laos 48. 🇲🇲Myanmar 49. 🇱🇰Sri Lanka 50. 🇸🇾Syria 51. 🇻🇳Vietnam
Intel: Medbed, Nuremberg 2.0 Trial, Quantum Election Voting System, EBS Week 10/22/2024
Intel: Medbed, Nuremberg 2.0 Trial, Quantum Election Voting System, EBS Week
This is an excerpt from Shinichiro Ishikawa’s YouTube livestream, which is distributing Intel information at the request of the Alliance.
Latest information about Medbed
There is something called quantum wave adjustment medicine that is being promoted by the reformist US military.
This refers to a different dimension of the new medical technology (Medbed) that uses a medical bed.
During the EBS Alert test period on Friday, October 25 (Eastern Time), we will make valuable program data from this different dimension of Medbed available to the public.
In other words, October 25th (Friday) will be a celebratory day when the Medbed technology, which has never existed before, will be launched and spread throughout the world.
Until now, the Alliance had said the Medbed would be in general use in Japan by around 2031, seven years from now.
However, there is a possibility that the timeline for Medbed use in Japan will be significantly accelerated.
Therefore, I hope that those who are currently sick, those who are suffering from serious illnesses, those who are suffering from incurable diseases, etc., will do everything they can to survive until this medical bed is opened.
This multi-sized medical center was once housed in military facilities run by the reformist US military.
The cells in our human body have an inherent capacity for recovery.
However, it is quantum wave medicine, a medical bed of different dimensions, that can reactivate the cells of our human body.
There are three types of Medbeds.
The first is the Medbed, which adjusts and reactivates the vibrations of the human body to cure diseases.
The second is Medbed, which restores limbs lost in war or accidents.
The third is Medbed, which makes you look 30 to 50 years younger.
With the emergence of these three types of medical beds, it seems that doctors will not be able to survive unless they have a comprehensive anatomical understanding of the human body.
This multi-pronged medical center was heavily promoted and brought to light during Mr. Trump’s term as president.
Furthermore, the dark forces of DS also know about this Medbed dimensional technology.
However, for the dark forces of DS, medical care and war were sources of enormous profits.
So although this Medbed technology of different dimensions existed, we didn’t bring it to light until now because we were afraid that if it were released, our revenue would decrease.
Medbed, which is a technology from another dimension, has been sealed like this until now.
The seal will finally be removed at the same time as EBS is activated.
Nuremberg Military Trial 2.0
The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg was held 79 years ago, from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946.
It was an international military tribunal to judge the war crimes of Nazi Germany (Holocaust).
The Holocaust was a genocide committed by Nazi Germany that systematically eliminated the Jewish people.
Of the approximately 9 million Jews in Europe at the time, approximately 6 million were killed in this devastating war.
This time, the reformist US military decided to refer to the Nuremberg Trials, which judged Nazi Germany’s experiments, and decided to call the trial to judge coronavirus vaccine experiments Nuremberg 2.0.
In other words, it will now consist of a military trial for carrying out unapproved experiments that resulted in many deaths and people suffering the consequences of the experiment.
This military test will also begin after EBS activation.
After GESARA, there will be a quantum voting system
GESARA began in earnest at the United Nations GCR Subcommittee on Global Monetary Reform.
At that time, the President of the United States was, of course, Trump, the 45th President of the United States.
Some Japanese experts say that “GESARA has no legal basis,” but GESARA is an international reform approved by the International Court of Justice.
After GESARA is activated, America will move to a new quantum electoral voting system.
This quantum electoral voting system has already been developed.
This system is such that no one can commit fraud.
Early voting is underway across the United States for the US presidential election in November.
Particularly in the battleground states of Georgia, North Carolina and Tennessee, serious fraud is said to be occurring.
However, in response to this injustice, reformist US military officials took steps to correct this injustice.
I do not believe that there is democracy, democracy or electoral sovereignty in America, which is always in this state and full of injustices.
However, from now on, after the issuance of GESARA, the only option will be to use the quantum electoral voting system.
Therefore, a happy and just world will finally be created through this quantum electoral voting system.
EBS Week begins
EBS week started on October 20th (Sunday).
The BRICS Summit will be held from October 22 (Tuesday) to October 24 (Thursday).
Starting October 24 (Thursday), after the BRICS Summit, the movement for social reform will begin in earnest.
After the BRICS Summit, an alert test for EBS will be carried out in each area for three days from October 25 (Friday) to October 27 (Sunday, Japan time).
It is currently unclear when Japan’s alert test will take place.
And between October 28 (Monday) and October 31 (Thursday) Japan time, when this alert test is completed , the unprecedented large-scale EBS we have been waiting for will come into operation.
We will announce the specific schedule for the next live performance, including date and time.
“How does the BRICS unitary currency work?” by Danlboon
Without knowing the details of how the BRICS “unitary” currency will be exchanged among themselves, perhaps I can simply explain it in your terms and mine.
From Arcadia Economics:
“Last week, BRICS member countries demonstrated their BRICS-Pay card system, which aims to facilitate smoother transactions between member countries and increase trade efficiency. Designed as a digital payment platform, BRICS-Pay seeks to provide an alternative to Western-dominated financial systems by allowing member states to conduct trade and transactions in their local currencies.”

“During the demonstration, the BRICS-Pay website revealed a note discussing the potential introduction of a common currency called ‘Unity.’ This intriguing concept has sparked debate about the feasibility and implications of a shared currency among BRICS nations. While specific details about the structure of the currency remain scarce, the idea is to further integrate the economies of BRICS members and strengthen geopolitical ties in the face of an evolving global economy.”
For the last 50 years, we have had the Petrodollar based on the exchange rate of oil, and in the past, it was based on the US Dollar, the Federal Reserve Note, as the main exchange, where they were like intermediaries for each country’s currencies.
Now, as I see it, it may be as simple as using the BRICS-Pay card as an intermediary for the “money changers” in the church at the time of Christ, but back then they were scammers, but today it may be directly connected to the world economic stock market as to the value of each currency based on gold and other precious metals, as in the case of the upcoming RV.
You may not need an actual “BRICS-Pay card”, but where you exchange your currency, they will have one or on their computers, like at a bank or port of entry, but those who trade commodities or buy items on the internet, they will have it on their computer systems.
This is where you can go digital directly or trade one currency for another in cash based on the exchange rate at that moment, without having inflation or deflation as a trick, holding that currency for days, weeks or years while it changes in price without you knowing.
We will know soon enough, but I wanted to give you a heads up on simpler terms before we actually get the information right, in case I am right.
100 nations launch a devastating attack to destroy the US dollar and cripple the US economy
OPERATION SANDMAN is now activated: 100 nations launch a devastating attack to destroy the US dollar and cripple the US economy!
The truth is here, and it’s darker than you could ever imagine. Operation Sandman has been unleashed, and over 100 nations have aligned themselves in a secret, coordinated financial attack on the U.S. dollar. The goal? To bring America to its knees and end its global dominance. What you’re about to witness will shock the world.
Operation Sandman: A Silent War to Destroy the US Dollar

For decades, the US dollar reigned supreme, but now more than 100 nations are fed up with US control. This is not just an economic ploy, but a financial war. Operation Sandman is designed to annihilate the US dollar and leave the United States in ruins. The United States will no longer control the world economy.
A financial catastrophe waiting to happen
Imagine this: The US dollar, once the strongest currency in the world, is suddenly worth almost nothing. Banks are collapsing, markets are crashing, and the future is more uncertain than ever. This is not a fantasy: it is happening now. Countries are prepared to dump their US Treasury bonds, which will send the dollar into freefall.
What will be the effects? Hyperinflation, skyrocketing prices, and a global financial crisis. America will fall apart and there will be nothing to stop it.
Why the World Wants the Dollar to Die… and Why Now
This is a revenge attack. For years, the United States has abused its position, manipulating the global economy, exporting inflation, and paralyzing nations through sanctions. But the world is no longer willing to be a puppet. These nations are ready to watch America burn and seize the opportunity to create a new financial order in which they themselves dictate the rules.
The Cataclysm: What Happens When the Dollar Collapses
When the US dollar collapses, not only will the United States suffer, but the entire world will suffer. Hyperinflation in the United States will destroy the value of the dollar. The prices of everyday goods will skyrocket. But the suffering will not end there. A global recession will occur and the world economy will plunge into chaos.
The United States will no longer dominate the world stage. Its hegemony is over, and a new power will emerge from its ashes. Whether it is China, Russia, or another power, one thing is certain: the world will never be the same again.
Great social unrest in the USA
As the economy collapses, so will society. Unemployment will skyrocket. People will lose their savings. Chaos will erupt in the streets. Riots, protests, and total social collapse are expected. America will be left helpless as its people rise up against the system that has brought them to the brink of destruction.
Can the United States escape the inevitable?
It’s too late. Decades of reckless spending and a ballooning national debt mean there’s no escape. The United States has dug its own grave. Even if Washington tries to reverse course, the damage has already been done.
Some say the United States could return to the gold standard or launch a new digital currency, but these solutions will take years and time is running out.
The beneficiaries: who benefits?
As America burns, others will rise. China has been preparing for this moment for a long time, and the collapse of the US dollar will catapult the yuan into the spotlight. Russia, freed from US sanctions, will seize new opportunities, and the BRICS countries will finally free themselves from the shackles of the dollar.
The financial nuclear bomb is about to explode and the United States will face the full force of Operation Sandman.
The Final Countdown: What Happens Next?
The clock is ticking, and soon more than 100 countries will divest their holdings of U.S. Treasuries. The dollar will collapse, and the United States will face an apocalypse of its own making. What will come next? A new world order in which the United States no longer has power.
Get ready, because when Operation Sandman launches, the world as you know it will never be the same again.
RUMORS: 10/23/2024
Military Intelligence Operations! Wake up:
You are living a lie! Everything you know is about to explode, Trump’s military coup, military tribunals, blockchain election system and restoration of the Republic
BOOM!!! You’ve been fooled—you’re watching a movie, but behind the scenes, this is a full-blown military operation. Donald Trump is still in control, the deep state is being dismantled, and Biden’s fake presidency is part of the charade. Patriots, wake up—the military is running the show, and justice is coming for the traitors. The storm is here, and Trump will take America back!
The Four Quantum Financial System (QFS) Portals — US, Europe, UK, and Asia-Africa-Australia — are ready to connect and transform the world! Discover how these portals will bring transparency, asset-backed currencies, and global financial freedom, ending deep state control.
QFS Information Center:
Quantum Financial System and the Level 4B Internet Group! The World of Currency Revaluation, Redemption Centers and NESARA GESARA Payments!
The Quantum Financial System and the Level 4B Internet Pool: A fundamental realm where currency revaluation meets redemption centers. Discover how NESARA and GESARA payments are reshaping financial paradigms, offering insights into the future of the global economy and individual prosperity.
A Global Blackout and the Transition to Tesla Energy – PROJECT ODIN Revealing the Global Shift to Quantum Systems!
ODIN JET: The explosive operation designed to annihilate global disinformation, trigger a worldwide blackout, and collapse the corrupt financial system. This is the breaking point—a relentless overthrow of the old order, paving the way for a revolutionary new era of power, truth, and unstoppable change.
The Event: CASTLE ROCK Scenario!
Quantum Systems and Project Odin – A Major Event Unfolds: Global War Scenario [FALSE]!
CASTLE ROCK: The scenario where the military overturns the election, restoring Trump as a hero. Uncover the impact of NESARA GESARA, the Quantum Financial System, and the Global Currency Reset. Explore the return to 1776 principles, gold-backed digital currency, and revolutionary Med Beds technology in this transformative event.
Final Words of Preparation
We are days away from the most significant event in human history. The EBS alert is not just an emergency broadcast — it is the key to unlocking the chains that have bound humanity for centuries.
The Earth Alliance, Starlink, and the military are all in place, ready to execute the final phase of this plan. The old world is crumbling, and a new era of freedom is about to begin.
But with freedom comes responsibility. You must be ready—physically, mentally, and spiritually—for the challenges that lie ahead.
Once the EBS sounds, there will be no turning back. The corrupt system will be dismantled piece by piece, and the truth will finally be revealed.
Stay strong, stay alert, and trust the plan. The time for talking is over. Now, it’s time for action.
What is the Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS)?
Born out of a desire for effective communication during crises, EBS has evolved into a multifaceted behemoth. A government tool designed to communicate vital information during national emergencies, it has become a nexus in the chess game between the deep state and white hats.
Through your television, radio or mobile device, EBS has direct access to your life. It was created to serve as the voice of sanity amidst chaos, the beacon of information during the turmoil. But like a well-crafted drama, the plot thickens. Is EBS simply a tool for public safety, or does it serve a more sinister agenda?
The Puppet Masters: The Deep State.
Enter the Deep State, the puppet masters pulling the strings behind the scenes. They manipulate, control and rule, all while remaining shrouded in shadow. A loosely knit group of high-ranking officials and influential figures, their fingers reach into every crevice of the system. Their power emanates from a complex web of governmental and non-governmental organizations, a nebula of covert operations and secret agendas.
However, don’t believe for a moment that the Deep State is invincible. Far from it. While they play their shadow game, a force for justice is rising in the form of the White Hats.
The White Hats:
Shadows of Justice. The white hats are the unsung heroes of this saga. They are the ones waging war against the deep state from within its ranks, steadfast and unyielding. These are the seekers of truth, the warriors of justice, striving to expose the puppet masters who manipulate the system.
But it’s not all cloak and dagger. Sometimes the battle moves into the open, and the result? Martial Law.
Martial Law: The Last Trump Card.
Martial law, the declaration that suspends ordinary law and grants military authority over civilian functions, is the deep state’s Ultimate Trump Card. It’s a drastic measure, but one that comes into play when the balance of power shifts. But what happens when this trump card is played, and how should you, the citizen, respond?
The EBS, Martial Law, and You. When martial law is declared and the EBS goes into effect, the deep state wants you to panic. But remember, panic is the enemy of reason. What you should do instead is stay calm, stay informed, and stay prepared. Use the EBS as your source of information, not speculation. Don’t let fear cloud your judgment.
Every transmission you receive should be checked and verified. But also, remember to remain vigilant. Keep an eye on your government’s actions, question their motives, and hold them accountable.
The BRICS countries now control over 20% of the world’s gold reserves. A recent report by the World Gold Council reveals that the BRICS nations collectively hold over 20% of the world’s gold reserves.
Wolverine – [via Judy Byington]
It’s coming out this week. That’s all I can say.
As we approach the next BRICS summit , the global economic landscape is anxiously awaiting, particularly in relation to discussions around a gold-backed currency unit…
On Wednesday, October 23, the White House will be bathed in green light.
Green now seems appropriate for this week, with the expected BRICS announcement of a global currency reset and the activation of NESARA/GESARA for the people.
Biden, Harris and NATO push for a third world war
To annul the November 5 election
The National Guard is mobilized as gangs and drug cartels take control of major US cities!
Protect children
All Hallows Eve
Tuesday, October 29 to Friday, November 1
The signing of a landmark treaty by 209 countries aims to redefine global currencies, promoting economic equality and unprecedented prosperity. Learn more about the strategic military operation ensuring a smooth transition, the release of the prosperity fund, and the humanitarian projects set to transform lives around the world. Discover the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong, and Zimbabwean ZIM, and how the Stellar Network is bringing banking services to the unbanked. This article delves into the intricacies of this revolutionary financial shift, promoting global economic stability and justice.
Military White Hats announce a decisive stand against voter fraud! With the U.S. military providing security, corruption will be exposed, and patriots will lead the charge in driving government reform and restoring justice!
Official Military Statement — A Declaration of Victory in Sight
The White Hats have made a bold and decisive announcement, signaling a turning point in the fight for America’s future. In just two weeks, the nation will go to the polls for what will be one of the most critical elections in our history. The military, led by the White Hats, assures us that everything is under control .
The days of voter fraud and manipulation are over. This time, we are prepared . Armed with the latest technology, the White Hats have taken every precaution to ensure that the upcoming elections are fair and secure. The message is clear: the Deep State will not succeed this time .
Let’s look at this transformative moment and explore what it means for the future of the United States and the global landscape.
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IMPORTANT: Military White Hats announce a decisive stand against election fraud! With the U.S. military providing security, corruption will be exposed, and patriots will lead the charge in driving government reform and restoring justice!
Official Military Statement — A Declaration of Victory in Sight
The White Hats have made a bold and decisive announcement, signaling a turning point in the fight for America’s future. In just two weeks, the nation will go to the polls for what will be one of the most critical elections in our history. The military, led by the White Hats, assures us that everything is under control .
The days of voter fraud and manipulation are over. This time, we are prepared . Armed with the latest technology, the White Hats have taken every precaution to ensure that the upcoming elections are fair and secure. The message is clear: the Deep State will not succeed this time .
Let’s look at this transformative moment and explore what it means for the future of the United States and the global landscape.
The White Hats’ mission: to restore integrity to the electoral process

1. Ensure fair elections
White hats have declared war on voter fraud. In the past, the Deep State has used its influence to rig the system and subvert the democratic process. That won’t happen again. The military has deployed advanced surveillance and counterintelligence technologies designed to detect and neutralize any attempts to compromise the election.
Electronic voting guarantees: each vote will be tracked and protected, making it impossible for malicious agents to alter the results.
Transparency and oversight: The process will be more transparent than ever, with military oversight ensuring the integrity of each step.
The goal is simple: to restore the voice of the American people . The citizens of this nation deserve a fair election, free from the interference of a corrupt elite who seek to manipulate results for their own benefit.
The White Hats are the defenders of democracy, and with their leadership, this election will go down in history books — a turning point in the fight against the Deep State.
2. Military preparation
This is not a fight we take lightly. The military is fully mobilized and ready to act. The forces behind the scenes are prepared to counter any threat posed by those who seek to disrupt the democratic process. There is no room for error.
The White Hats have ensured that every conceivable contingency is covered. From cybersecurity to physical security at polling stations, the military is in full control. No stone has been left unturned , and this level of preparedness sends a clear message: the Deep State’s grip on America is waning, and they are running out of time.
Exposing the Deep State: The Unfolding of a Global Movement
3. The Desperation of the Deep State
As the election approaches, the Deep State is in a state of total panic. Its previously hidden influence is being exposed at every level of government. The signs of its desperation are everywhere—erratic behavior, disinformation campaigns, and attempts to sow division among the people.
But people are waking up. White Hats have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to expose the corrupt actions of the Deep State. This global movement is gaining momentum, and the more citizens become aware of the truth, the stronger this movement becomes.
Information Warfare: The Deep State’s primary weapon has always been control over the flow of information. But now, with social media and alternative platforms breaking free from censorship, the truth is spreading faster than ever.
The People’s Awakening: A growing number of patriots are coming together, united in their determination to restore freedom and justice. This is no longer a fringe movement — it is a global change that cannot be stopped.
The Storm is Coming: A Global Military Broadcast
4. An unprecedented event
In the days leading up to the election, the world will witness an event like no other: a global military broadcast that will shake the very foundations of society. This broadcast, led by the U.S. military and the POTUS, will reveal The Storm — a series of revelations that will forever alter our understanding of government, power, and corruption.
Truth Unveiled: For too long, the Deep State has operated in secret, hiding its crimes from the public eye. Storm will expose its actions, from election fraud to financial manipulation and beyond.
Government Reforms: The corrupt systems that have allowed the elite to maintain power will be dismantled. GESARA NESARA, the long-awaited global economic reform, will be activated, paving the way for a new era of prosperity and justice.
A New Era of Accountability: Those responsible for decades of oppression and manipulation will face justice. There will be no escape, no deals, no cover-ups.
This broadcast will be a defining moment in global awakening. Every home will be tuned in, and the world will see the truth for what it is. The age of lies is over.
The Election: The Final Battle for America’s Future
5. Why this election is important
This election is not just another political contest — it is a battle for the soul of the nation . The outcome will determine the future course of America and, by extension, the world. That is why White Hats have taken unprecedented steps to ensure the integrity of the vote.
The Deep State’s Last Stand: The corrupt elite will stop at nothing to maintain control. They have been planning and plotting, but this time, they will not succeed. The military has eyes everywhere, and no plot will go unnoticed.
A Clear Choice: Voters face a stark choice between freedom and tyranny, between the restoration of constitutional rights and the continued erosion of individual liberties. This election will decide the fate of America for generations to come.
The White Hats have made it clear: there will be no surrender . This is the final battle, and the outcome is critical.
6. Trump’s role as commander-in-chief
President Donald Trump is at the forefront of this movement. As Commander-in-Chief , he has taken on the monumental task of draining the swamp and restoring power to the people. His leadership has been unwavering despite relentless attacks from the Deep State and the media, collaborating with the White Hats to execute a flawless plan that will ensure the nation’s security. He has stood firm, refusing to bow to the corrupt forces that seek to undermine democracy.
A President for the People: Trump’s commitment to the American people is undeniable. He has weathered every storm and emerged stronger, driven by his belief in the greatness of America.
A Military Partnership: Together with the military, Trump is orchestrating one of the largest operations in history — the complete dismantling of the Deep State and the restoration of a government truly of the people, by the people, and for the people.
What to Expect on Election Day
7. Electoral security measures
On Election Day, every aspect of the process will be under tight control. The military will be on high alert, monitoring polling stations, protecting electronic systems and ensuring that no fraudulent activity occurs.
Cybersecurity Command: The latest advances in cyber defense technology will be deployed to protect voting systems from hacking or tampering.
Military presence at polling stations: Military personnel will be deployed at key locations to ensure voters can cast their ballots safely and without intimidation.
The White Hats have ensured that this election will be the cleanest in modern history. The people will have their say, free from Deep State interference.
WARNING: Scientists at Fukushima University in Japan have just proven that this silent blockage is the real cause of BPH in millions of men…
Victory is on the horizon
8. A future of freedom and justice
The White Hats have laid the foundation for a new era of freedom, justice, and prosperity. The days of the Deep State are numbered, and soon the people will take back control of their country.
GESARA NESARA Activation: The global reforms that will occur after this election will transform economies, restore justice, and usher in a new era of wealth redistribution and debt forgiveness.
The End of Corruption: The corrupt elite that has controlled the world for so long will be brought to justice. Their grip on power is fading, and the people are rising up.
9. Patriots, the time is now
This is the moment we’ve been waiting for. Everything is in place, and the final showdown is just weeks away. The White Hats and the military stand firm, ensuring that America will be free once again.
Stay United: Patriots across the country must remain vigilant and united. This is a critical moment in our nation’s history, and we must not allow division to weaken our resolve.
Trust the Plan: The military and White Hats have prepared for every scenario. The Deep State’s efforts to disrupt the election will fail, and justice will be served.
The Final Word: America’s Fate Is in Our Hands
The Storm is coming, and with it, a new dawn for America and the world. This upcoming election is our chance to take back control, restore the principles that made this nation great, and secure a future of freedom and justice for all.
The military is ready, the White Hats are in control, and victory is within our grasp. Let us remain strong, vigilant, and prepared for the global change that is about to happen. Together, we will make history.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024 . . . God’s trumpet sent from heaven!
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