Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Conscious Co-Creators of the New Earth Manifestation
Happy 11:22:22 Gateway as we continue our journey through the Eclipse Corridor until the full blood moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on November 8th.
We have an intense Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 168 Yellow Crystal Star.
With this portal opening we are currently being inundated with Higher Energetic Pulses of Adamantine Light as this realm is flooded with Gamma Plasma Waves directly from the Great Central Sun through our local Solaris and deep into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.
Pachamama also received 2 powerful activations today with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in the North Pacific Ocean at 4:53 UTC and a 6.1 magnitude earthquake at the South Sandwich Islands, the root chakra of Mother Earth, at 14:17 UTC.
As the Divine Goddess Gaia ascends through the Spiral of the Ascension Vortex we Rise along with her.
The Awakening Timeline is accelerating in this Quickening of matter as we prepare for our full Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Species homo-Luminous, beings of Infinite Light. We continue to hold the line with the Light of Christ Consciousness and the Love of the Great Spirit as all is coming into alignment for the Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
All sentient beings are being released from the amnesia time loops and make the Exodus into the One True Ascension timeline of the Pure Land of the Infinite Buddhas. Through the Enlightenment of this moment the purification of our Meridians continues to bring the body, mind and spirit into the balance of the five elements.
and in our Reverence for Life we shall all be redeemed….A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 2°07′ Pisces, Sun at 10°29′ Scorpio
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A petrified forest.
Sabian Symbol for 3º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 3º Pisces.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A drowning man is being rescued.
Sabian Symbol for 11º Scorpio
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 11º Scorpio.
Delicious INCOMING ENERGIES started approx 30 mins ago, approx 7pm U.K. time. These are AMAZING VIBRATIONAL PATTERNS yet they are INCREASING in STRENGTH by the minute!
Your soul anthem is here. Back. Louder than ever. You are ready to live your life according to what is true, right and aligned for you. Alignment as an energy means Joy. Continue following your own joy — your unique soul anthem. You are here to be fully self-expressed. To be fully alive. To be fully free. The cosmic flow is back, carrying you to your next manifestations & blessings. Continue. Magic is finding you now.
In order to benefit from these waves of light, we must invoke that Divine Light through our I AM Presence and INSPIRE IT into the physical plane of the Earth through our Hearts. Once we do that, the benefit of that influx of Light will be available in the physical plane of the earth.
The more people are willing to INSPIRE this Divine Light into the physical plane, the more evident and transformative the effects will be on the individual and collective lives of ALL Humanity
We, Divine Council, wish for You to consciously go forward to Your future self. Feel Your Divine Ability and Prowess from Your future self. Close Your eyes and focus upon bringing Your future self’s Divine Ability and Prowess into Your NOW state of Being. Let it integrate and empower You further into this NOW as You sit motionless, with eyes closed, feeling it come into Your NOW Essence.
Rejoice within the Bliss, Breathe, Breathe outward into this reality, Your Higher Divine Contribution to reality. Energize the air with Your enhanced Divine State of Being.
Love, Light, and Gratitude for All that You do and all that You will, You are the One, accept Your Divine Designation.
Since this morning anchoring the Cosmic Mother’s love and light into the grid.
May you feel her love and presence opening up all of your cells to the pristine Divine love may her love open up your heart and lift you up to who you truly are. She is inside of all of your being… breathing through you…talking to you and opening your Divine heart.
May her love and light guide you.
May her love and light shines from within you.
Opening this portal 1.11 -11.11 to Cosmic love of ONE heart
Universal Codes in the planetary field: 777, 555, 999. Presence of so called ‘higher realities’. Recalibration (planetary level). New Templates (related with Reality). Overlays – Timelines (positive charged).
Human physical System, brains, perception, senses is responding with dizziness, Vertigo; many may feel ‘under’ the ‘beam of energy’, when can feel or right or left side of the body (head – feet) as if pulled down or on the side. If you are feeling too dizzy, take the moments, ask also your Spirit Team, higher Aspects or Source to help with the balance.
I am connecting/present with above mentioned processes using ‘platform of the capital’, merged with since waking up (smilar to previous experience in latest update), sharing , what is possible to be expressed via terms, because it’s… wow feeling so fulfilled, so alive as if we never ever went through last two years!!! I get divine vibrations throughout the body by talking about it. Can’t wait to publish more…
Do you truly understand Humanity, that Reality is totally different from, what you seemingly see?!
Am feeling this immense love and gratitude the same way like back in 2019, when all was so well with evolution and Ascension. Thank You Source
Merci ~ Thank You Stephanie LadyD
Codes universels dans le champ planétaire : 777, 555, 999. Présence de soi-disant ” réalités supérieures “. Recalibrage (au niveau planétaire). Nouveaux modèles (liés à la réalité). Superpositions – Lignes de temps (chargées positivement).
Le système physique humain, le cerveau, la perception, les sens réagissent par des étourdissements, des vertiges ; beaucoup peuvent se sentir “sous” le “faisceau d’énergie”, quand ils peuvent sentir le côté droit ou gauche du corps (tête – pieds) comme s’ils étaient tirés vers le bas ou sur le côté. Si vous vous sentez trop étourdi, prenez le temps de demander à votre équipe spirituelle, aux aspects supérieurs ou à la Source de vous aider à trouver l’équilibre.
Je suis connecté / présent avec les processus mentionnés ci-dessus en utilisant la ‘plate-forme de la capitale’, fusionné avec depuis le réveil (semblable à l’expérience précédente dans la dernière mise à jour), partageant, ce qui est possible d’être exprimé par des termes, parce que c’est … wow sentiment si rempli, si vivant comme si nous n’avions jamais traversé les deux dernières années !!! Je ressens des vibrations divines dans tout le corps en en parlant. J’ai hâte de publier la suite…
Comprenez-vous vraiment l’humanité, que la réalité est totalement différente de ce que vous voyez apparemment ?!
Je ressens cet immense amour et cette gratitude de la même manière qu’en 2019, quand tout allait si bien avec l’évolution et l’Ascension. Merci Source
Thank You ~ Danke Max von Gaja
Universelle Codes im planetarischen Feld: 777, 555, 999. Anwesenheit so genannter “höherer Realitäten”. Rekalibrierung (auf planetarischer Ebene). Neue Schablonen (in Verbindung mit der Realität). Überlagerungen – Zeitlinien (positiv geladen).
Das menschliche physische System, das Gehirn, die Wahrnehmung, die Sinne reagieren mit Schwindel, Vertigo; viele fühlen sich wie “unter” dem “Energiestrahl”, wenn sie die rechte oder linke Seite des Körpers (Kopf – Füße) spüren, als ob sie nach unten oder auf die Seite gezogen werden. Wenn ihr euch zu schwindlig fühlt, nehmt euch die Zeit, bittet auch euer Spirit Team, höhere Aspekte oder die Quelle um Hilfe bei der Balance.
Ich bin mit den oben genannten Prozessen über die “Plattform des Kapitals” verbunden/präsent, mit der ich seit dem Aufwachen verschmolzen bin (ähnlich der vorherigen Erfahrung im letzten Update) und teile mit, was über Begriffe ausgedrückt werden kann, denn es ist… wow ich fühle mich so erfüllt, so lebendig als hätten wir die letzten zwei Jahre nie durchgemacht!!! Ich bekomme göttliche Schwingungen im ganzen Körper, wenn ich darüber rede. Kann es nicht erwarten, mehr zu veröffentlichen…
Versteht ihr Menschen wirklich, dass die Realität völlig anders ist als das, was ihr scheinbar seht?!
Ich fühle diese immense Liebe und Dankbarkeit genauso wie damals im Jahr 2019, als alles so gut war mit der Evolution und dem Aufstieg. Danke, Quelle
November 2022 energies are about the death of the old structures and the death of the old perceptions of life on Gaia.
In winter a lot of natural forces (ie trees, flowers, plants, bears and animals that hibernate etc) go to sleep or seem to be dying. The darkness that was on Gaia is freezing because it doesn’t have anymore energy. It is not going to wake up in the spring. It is frozen for good because there is no more life there.
A lot of processes are happening right now. We don’t have to see them all. We don’t have to know about them all. We just need to know that they are happening.
It only happens once a year, when the 11:11 Gateway opens to higher, ascended realms. On 11:11 we experience a rare moment of intense clarity and connection with the ascending New Earth. In numerology, 11 signifies Mastership level. 1 represents initiation, invention and new beginnings that flow to us in the form of ideas and inspiration. 11:11 is considered a master number sequence.
When we are touched by the 11:11 Ascension codes, we are awakening to the Master of Light that we are. 11:11 code sequences activate rapid transformation wherever we focus our attention/intentions. It is a powerful seed moment for birthing our personal ascension and the New Earth Timeline.
This Scorpio eclipse portal is cracking open the collective human heart of humanity.
Be merciful to all shadow aspects showing up to be embraced. Love is all they need. Because of a huge load of collective sadness and grief accumulated thru thousands of years of exploitation and distorted “love” which has also shown up in our personal relationships so many have disconnected from their emotional body and developed a painbody to escape to. It is high time that we reconnect to our full feeling capacity and master our ability to manage the pain by mindfulness and heart centered ness. The heart in itself is the only space from which we can master this.
Much of our pain is in fact caused by leaving our heart space to avoid the pain. We need however to learn to hold or rather embrace the pain so it can be transmuted by the innate essence of love which resides in your heart. To dive in and embrace it for what it is. Buried beneath is the love that has always been. Grant it to all fragmented parts of self showing up, all feelings of worthlessness, abandonment and grief for you are the answers to your prayers. What other’s failed to give you, you can now give to yourself. Rise above your story and untag all labels that were projected on you by others, all the untruthful stories that others attached to you. Escaping is futile and in contrary to what ego thinks it is not the solution. Your soul knows better.
Use the opportunity at hand right now to take the leap out of your painbody (which is a mind construct) into the safe haven of your heart. And allow all armors that you have built up to fall away by stating your divine intent and permission to feel again with all your heart and the flood gates of your heart’s inner sanctuary will flush all scaffolding away as divine grace and mercy is filling you up. The armor that have kept you separated from god’s love within can then flow freely and embrace all repressed and rejected aspects of self and will allow for deep intimacy with your inner beloved and all you have dear. It is time we embrace our humanity’s greatest asset which is to love unconditionally.
The Wayshowers are Reaching New Depths of Higher Consciousness, enabling great Leaps of Light to Reach the darkest corners
We ask you to see the Great Light Acceleration before you
For the Path of the Light Warrior requires the Union of Light with all beings
The Grand Awakening is moment by moment Light Acceleration of Higher Light attunement
The opportunity to take great leaps of Light is Here. For the narative of your internal world will ensure your Crystalline Light World is flourishing with light.
Coupled with the Great Light Alignment of NOW
The Awakening of You is Occurring
Have faith in the Ancestral Origins of your DNA to come through and assist this planetary awakening.
The Great Giants of Light have Arrived
It is simply unpacking the Gift of You
Awakening to the Core Reality of your Crystalline Construct
As the Consciousness of our Reality continues to unfold, awaken to the true cosmic origins of Light.
Thank you for being on the Journey
Together We Walk in Light
Believe in the Power of You, for it is wonderful, breath taking, Expanding Light
Sun in Scorpio sesquiquadrate Mars retrograde in Gemini. Venus in Scorpio quincunx Chiron retrograde in Aries – We may be seized with an urgent desire to wrestle back control of our lives. In Scorpio, the Sun illuminates the darkness within, all the fears and failings, all the stuff that we try to hide from ourselves. When we see it, there’s an immediate impetus to change it but asking our inner warrior to take action right now seems impossible. Mars retrograde in Gemini has split himself in two and now each half shouts at the other; the air butchered by insults. Venus said she wants the truth, but sometimes the truth hurts so now she doesn’t know what to do. She’s hiding in the blaze of the Sun, scared of rejection.
Even in this messy picture, there is opportunity for change and growth. Look to where ego is getting in the way of enlightenment. Explore where toxic comparison may be spinning you in the wrong direction. Know that sometimes anger is healthy. Don’t shrink from it, explore it. If there is rage, go deeper – it comes from the past. Change takes time, and more importantly, you HAVE time. Love has the power to heal pain. Be honest with yourself.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. We are on the 12th day of the Red Earth wavespell and today is a Portal day. The number 12 is associated with groups and teamwork. Traditionally we gather on the 12th day and hold a ‘Crystal Court’. We discuss our experiences of the calendar and this deepens our understanding. If you don’t have a Crystal Court you can attend, hold your own. Even if it’s just one or two other people, you’d be surprised how much you can learn by sharing. Corporation is a keyword associated with this number and this reminds us to think about community. Do something for your community today, it is an ideal number for getting together with others.
Today is Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are simply for appreciating the beauty in the world. As it is a Crystal day, it is a perfect time for making art with others today. Make your world more beautiful with the help of friends. Today is an opportunity for all of us to shine like the stars that we are, after all we are made of stardust! Yellow Star days are not complicated nor is it hard to decipher its meaning. The Universe is giving you permission to be in awe of this beautiful world. Remember, we are still in the wavespell of the Red Earth. Our planet is a beautiful thing worthy of our admiration. May you go forth today with that notion in mind, and celebrate the beauty around you.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which symbolizes ‘Enlightenment’. Whenever the Sun guides us, it illuminates the way which makes the day much easier to navigate. If you are a Yellow Sun, you’ll be showing the path to others. Following the light- leads to enlightenment of course! This is a very handy guide as we shall see easily which direction to go.
The Challenge is the White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. Whenever Mirror is in the challenge position, look out for those who speak with a forked tongue. Don’t fool yourself over a truth you’ve been denying. Take a reality check today but be aware you may not like what you see. No matter how hard the truth is to handle, it’s always better to know where you stand even if it does hurt.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker who has an adventurous spirit and when in the magical position, Skywalker explores magical realms and explores the mind too. If you want to know more about magic, think outside of the box. Skywalker can show you places you’ve never been to before.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey and so if you need a friend, hang out with a Monkey. They’re in a helpful mood today. If you are a Monkey, everyone wants to hang out with you, you’ll enjoy being popular. If you don’t have a Monkey in your life, then Monkey energy can still be friendly to you today. Expect some magic to help you out.
What a beauty filled heavenly day we have lined up today. We have a stellar alignment of magnificent codes opening the STAR-GATE to the NEW TIME.
We have a 10/1 Manifestation of NEW BEGINNINGS today on a GAP PORTAL DAY!! BAM BAM – supercharge your new life.
Another beautiful HEAVENLY DIVINE GAP PORTAL day!! The CRYSTAL clear communication grid is OPEN WIDE due to the GAP energies and YELLOW STAR -GATE TOO!! This enables us to UNIVERSALIZE our ARTISTRY!
Day 12 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today we are focused on COOPERATING with our KIn (on a day honouring ALL SOULS ) to evolve a world of BEAUTY and HARMONY through our COLLECTIVE HARMONIC MINDS. .
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic.
Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks in order to LIBERATE healing through the power of LOVE. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge – that new thing is our ARTISTRY.
At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to co-operate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. Focus on the CRYSTAL clarity of our minds today, through the power of co-operation with others, SHARE your VISIONS, share your ideas, and share your solutions.
A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!
We are FREEING our MINDS to live in symphonic HARMONY with each other in the most beautiful world imaginable.
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL STAR LAMAT is the VENUS STAR of beauty, elegance, grace and harmony. Today we use our MINDS to define what such a world of beauty would look like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
Our collective MIND is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty. We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, without the need to SPEAK, but rather through our creative expression. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into. Pure knowingness.
The CRYSTAL STAR reminds you that YOU ARE A STAR born of STARDUST!
NOW is the RIGHT TIME for you to SPARKLE and SHINE.
To find your Art and express your soul’s desires through your CREATIONS. Once you align your MIND with your H-E-ART you can then use your hands to dedicate your life to expressing your unique ART.
LAMAT is a portal to the STARS and GALAXIES and today we have a GAP day too. We have very powerful doorways to walk through, leaving the dross behind and choosing to EXIST and SHINE in a wonderful New World…
A world that glitters and glows with all the colours of the rainbow – where YOU ARE THE ARTIST . You can PAINT your landscape anyway you desire. Let us all IMAGINE this wonderful place that DREAMS are made of. Keep your FOCUS there and MAJIK will HAPPEN sooner than you realize.
The more of us that hold this beautiful DREAM of the HARMONIC MATRIX the STRONGER it will become.
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW CRYSTAL SUN – AHAU is our Higher guide today working in tandem with the CRYSTAL STAR to OPEN our MINDS to more BEAUTY and LIGHT! The sun is calling us outside today to receive the 5D solar pulses of harmony and beauty, in order to realign our minds into the new harmonic matrix.
The CRYSTAL SUN is a very potent ASCENSION ACTIVATOR, bringing forth Solar codes through the power of UNIVERSAL FIRE, to enLIGHT-ON us, and LIGHT UP our DNA. To IGNITE our SPARK!
AHAU shines a LIGHT on disharmonious patterns and systems within the old MIND Matrix. We awaken to the truth of all false programming and Mind control through distorted measures of time, such as the 12:60 Gregorian Calendar code which HAD (past tense!) entrapped us in an Artificial time Matrix.
Our MIND’s primary role is to look for and comprehend the patterns that arise in our world, so that we can understand our place in the Universe. Disharmonic patterns confuse our MINDS and keep us enslaved, whereas the Harmonic patterns help us EVOLVE through resonance with the natural cycles.
As we identify and recognize the harmonic patterns encoded through the 13 moon calendar, the Earth cycles of CABAN, and our Solar cycles, we begin to align and synchronize with these natural cycles leading to our greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. This helps us to find our natural FLOW.
We can then align with our I AM presence. AHAU frees us and elevates our independent thinking in order to claim full SOVEREIGNTY of MIND allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS and wayshowers in the NEW TIME!
Today is a day of EMPOWERMENT and illumination! Connect to your SOURCE to receive your ANSWERS and inspiration.
SUPPORT: BLUE CRYSTAL MONKEY – CHUEN the Master Magician and illusionist gives us a CRYSTAL CLEAR LENS to SEE beyond the smoke and mirrors – to reveal the deception, lies and false container we have been operating in. Once EXPOSED we can choose to PLAY in a beautiful new reality – a more elegant playground with our friends..
CHUEN invites us to trust our intuition and to allow our MINDS to receive and play with the Earth Majik, pushing the edges of what is routine. Our innocent growing mind, will always follow patterns built on logical harmony, to find its way into the mysteries of the universe, into the Stars.
Today we are using our purity and innocence to connect with our SOURCE, to discover the TRUTH of Universal Lore. Trusting the MAJIK of Divine Spirit to guide us to reach our highest destiny in Divine synchronic order!
Let your DIVINE CHILD lead the way home.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED LUNAR SKYWALKER– BEN enables us to manifest the New Time through traveling, and exploring what must be done. What are the response-abilities that are ours to share? What planetary needs are ours to focus on, elevating with others?
The LUNAR SKYWALKER will reveal any resistance throughout the infinite realms, which may be impeding your MIND from attaining the Divine Truth, and your HEART from experiencing true BLISS and BEAUTY here on the Earth plane.
BEN shows us that the SKY’S THE LIMIT!! Or rather that there is no LIMIT in this endless infinite Galaxy of creation. EXPAND your MIND and REACH for the STARS. It is TIME to rise up and FLY on the Cosmic Currents of consciousness. As we manifest together the highest potential for beautiful life here on our divine planet, bridging the pillars of HEAVEN and EARTH.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR– ETZNAB challenges us to SEE the BEAUTY in all things and to hold POSITIVE and high vibrational thoughts in our MINDS! Choosing to FOCUS on the LOVE, the JOY, the FUN and the BEAUTY of a better reality. We are invited to peer through the LOOKING GLASS and choose a BETTER REALITY!
We choose to dedicate our cell-ves to reflect the order of our MINDS, guided through our precious hearts. Revealing the TRUTH of what is in total alignment, and what must be cut away. Releasing the FALSE ILLUSIONS and uniting in TRUTH and full authenticity.
We need to be co-operating with others, by reflecting those thought forms that bring the capacity to merge in common-unity! Seeing the beautiful New World that lies beyond the walls of separation and illusion.
We are FREEING our MINDS to live in symphonic HARMONY with each other in the most beautiful world imaginable.
Divine blessings for expressing our Sovereignty and beauty through our cooperative and creative MINDS.
This is my prayer for you, Beloved ~ on this second morning of November.
May All the Angels and All the Saints ~ the Ancestors and Spirit Guides ~ surround you with many Blessings ~ so that your Beautiful Essence might radiate ~ to All who share Time and Space with you.
And then ~ May they magnify your Light ~ and magnify your Glow ~ so that those beyond your reach might look up and say, “Oh, what a Magnificent Light I see!” And it shall be your Light shining from shore to shore ~
And May this Knowledge Comfort you ~ and bring you Peace.
May you enjoy the experience of radiating your Light unto the world.
May you walk in the Beauty of a Quiet dawning ~ and live to serve for another day.
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