You are currently viewing Rare Blue Full Super Moon in Aquarius ~ THE PHOENIXES ARE BURNING AND THE WHEELS ARE TURNING! * Solar Trinity Portal ~ 5D Wheel of Life
Rare Blue Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius

Rare Blue Full Super Moon in Aquarius ~ THE PHOENIXES ARE BURNING AND THE WHEELS ARE TURNING! * Solar Trinity Portal ~ 5D Wheel of Life

Rare Blue Full Super Moon in Aquarius ~ THE PHOENIXES ARE BURNING AND THE WHEELS ARE TURNING! * Solar Trinity Portal ~ 5D Wheel of Life


Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Great Spirits of God’s Kingdom of Heaven upon the New Earth

Happy Blue Full SuperMoon in Aquarius of New Lemuria.

We are on the fifth day in a row of the Heartbeat of Gaia spiking to higher 5th through 7th dimensional frequencies on the Schumann Charts. Her resonance today reached amplitudes of 10 hz, 40 hz and a big blast of white light at 47 hz. 5D vibrations holding steady!

Our local Soularis continues to send multiple waves of Gamma plasma Mother liquid Light, releasing 10 C Class Soular Flares and another Trinity of M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.72 at 21:52 UTC. bridging in our 37 into the 73 codes of Heaven on Earth.

Synchronizing with these powerful New Earth Events we had a Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 43 Blue Self Existing Night calling in the Codes of Dreaming and Abundance, coming in with this Healing Blue Sturgeon Super Moon.

The Divine Goddess of the Blue Ray of Sirius and Venus are flowing in fully through todays Cosmic portal.

If you listen with the “ears of your soul” you can hear the still silent voice of Great Spirit in the Silence within and free yourself from all confines of the false 3d matrix and enter the Kingdom of Heaven, 5D New Earth. Your Higher Self, Legions of Light, Company of Heaven and Spirit Guides will lead the Way to the Kingdom of Heaven within to Live the Life of your Highest dreams Here Now forever More.

We have traveled through many timelines and lifetimes to merge all into this One True Ascension Tiemliene to free Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun from all false simulations of suffering and Enter the Holiest of Holies in the Pure Land of Amida Buddha.

As our Rainbow Tribe of every Nation come together to usher in the New 5D Golden Age of Aquarius we step over the threshold and through the doorway of our Great Exodus of Jah and free our Self and all of Humanity from any nefarious programs of pain and trauma and living from our Hearts as “real” Hue-man beings become the Avatars and Leaders of New Earth, in this Eternal Now! A’Ho!











Soul Wisdom

19 August 2024! The First Wave of New Earth Timeline Shift is Hitting today! Are you ready for a monumental shift? Today, August 19, 2024, marks the arrival of the First Wave of the New Earth Timeline Shift – a profound transformation that will elevate our collective consciousness and usher in a new era of spiritual awakening.

Transcending Timelines
Transcending Timelines


Rare Blue Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius ~ imbuing us with the expansive qualities of collective unification, balancing progress with reflection, as we explore new perspectives and possibilities of deepening our relationship with our ever evolving world. 💙🌝🌀🌏
Sending love
Rare Blue Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius
Rare Blue Sturgeon Super Moon in Aquarius



A rare Blue Super Moon one of the biggest, brightest Full Moons of 2024 will square the “Wild Card” Uranus, all on the same day as Jupiter squares Saturn, blasting in the drastic, radical, catalytic cosmic dance
Batten down the hatches. Today’s full moon is truly a sight to behold. It’s like being present at a 3 ring circus with something important and exciting going on in every ring.
The ringmaster is Mercury here, closely conjunct the Sun and opposite the moon, and even though Mercury is retrograde, which gives it extra power, don’t discount its power here.
If the next phase of our ascension path is a hot air balloon ride, this full moon is the release of the ballast – of everything that holds us back, ties us down, and chains us to the past or more accurately, to the life, path, and energy we no longer want to be aligned with, part of, or participate in.
This is also an Alpha Omega portal to the 5D ascension path – the last one before Pluto exits Capricorn for good (or 250 years).
Be open to anything, it’s a wild ride now.
Batten down the hatches
Batten down the hatches


Have you been experiencing new unusual strong headaches, neck pains, upper back pains and stiffness? Keep calm this is just reptilian brain being cleared from dark programming n anomaly (lurker) forced upon us since millennia. It’s being infused with light, healing, nullifying all artificial devices, implants etc. you can visualise breathing bright light in the back of your head and place crystal there when meditating.
Aquarius moon energy
Aquarius moon energy

Nikool McIndoe Author

Transmission from The Arcturians ❤️

As we enter this Super full blue moon in Aquarius we are invited to step FULLy into the energy frequency of the Age of Aquarius. One of freedom. One of release. One of higher knowledge and wisdom.
This full moon will shine the light on what still has to be cleansed and healed within your field. What still has power over you? Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Nothing has power over you spiritually. Remember that. It is all an external illusion requiring you to step up and claim your internal knowing.
When you are in your own power…in your own knowing of who you are…on a soul level…nothing externally can have any affect over you…despite its appearances.
Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real.
So there you have it.
Are you unshakable?
Do certain people, places or things still rattle you?
What do you allow in to disturb your peace? Your piece within the higher frequencies. Frequently?
Remember who you are!
God’s chosen ones, designed to elevate a whole realm.
Only the strong hold firm the foundations.
In God’s unconditional love, you will find the strength to carry on.
Just a gentle reminder.
Peace x
Transmission from The Arcturians
Transmission from The Arcturians

~Divine Energy Works


A rare Blue Super Moon—one of the biggest, brightest Full Moons of 2024—will square the “Wild Card” Uranus, all on the same day as Jupiter squares Saturn, blasting in the drastic, radical, catalytic energy of a cosmic square dance.
The rare Blue Full Moon in Aquarius is a Super Moon, which means that the lunar orb is very close, significantly increasing the potency of these revolutionary energies. This is the first of four Super Full Moons in a row. This will also be a seasonal Blue Moon—the third Full Moon in the astronomical season that has four Full Moons.
This Blue Super Full Moon in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius exactly squares the “Great Awakener” Uranus, which energetically rules breakthroughs, change, shock, and unexpected events. Thus, there is an “expect the unexpected” energy of fated events attached to it. On this same day, Jupiter squares Saturn, bringing drastic, radical, destined, catalytic energy, quantum leaps and breakthroughs, and the culmination of old karmic energies, assisting with dissolving and letting go of old cycles and patterns, dissipating the veil between the material world and the higher dimensions
8/19/24: The Aquarius supermoon will shine upon you today and you will carry on as usual… but today marks the beginning of a great expansion of consciousness. And so, as the days go by, you will notice fundamental changes in yourself and others. Why? Because you are no longer in alignment with your own ego or the lower vibrations of Old Earth… and you are not alone. (More about this later.)
The experiences, situations, and challenges we have all faced over recent years (the results of seeds planted 8 years ago) have come to harvest and we will all reap what has been sown. But don’t think you know what that means. Love doesn’t judge and has little use for the laws or opinions of mankind. And Light knows Light. You could be very pleasantly surprised at what’s coming your way.
Aquarius supermoon
Aquarius supermoon


TODAY! The NEW World beckons as the Shimmers Illuminate Every-thing!

Welcome to the EMERGENT NEW WORLD and

the Literal METEORIC RISE of the Unified field as the Divine Feminine & the Benevolent Masculine!

TWO meteor showers will culminate this weekend!

This escalates the harmony with the mirrored moons, and in the midst of the mercury retrograde:

ALL of the structures that have been…as we move into the moment of permanent shift, are taking new form!

TODAY, as the full moon MIRRORS the New Moon, the SHIMMERS are pouring forward with radiance and illumination.

Conscious Integration prepared you! This is this MOMENT that “fuels the fire of ILLUMINATION”.

DIVINE ENERGY reigns as greater shift begins to unfold…notice what is coming forward and ARE YOU HOLDING POSITIVE VISION??? THIS MATTERS!

This Saturday the Perseids culminate and the


This is the foreshadowing of the months ahead and the September Equinox MATTERS…Every-thing is shifting before your eyes. The moment to apply yourself through the active presence of the Yoga of Self-Ascension.

YOU ARE the commander and the radiance of POSITIVE VISION is inviting YOU to step forward to harness & Command it into form! YOU ARE READY.

Here at TOSA Blue Mountain, our self-ascension community is busily assisting ALL to support this massive moment for humanity.

Go beyond the self-sabotage of Fear, Doubt and Hesitancy!

Celebrate the new world as the Rising divine Feminine stands in equality with the Benevolent Masculine!

Not all will welcome this change. Notice within any hidden resistance. Most importantly! The BRIGHT NEW DAY IS HERE…

Time to “get out of bed” and welcome it with open arms!

I Love YOU and I KNOW that together we re BETTER!

As the week ahead unveils the mysteries that will unfold at the September equinox, my heart invites you to personally MEET THE ELDERS, Activate your inner Alchemy and RISE into the depth of your Divine mastery Presence as we spin the wheels of eternal time here at magical TOSA Blue Mountain!



Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, in expressive Leo
Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, in expressive Leo




AUGUST 19 2024



“For the Living Children impasses break down and solutions emerge.
New ideas and a whole world of new possibilities are here!
Where there was darkness, there will be Light.
Where there was despair, there will be joy.
Where there was stagnation, there will be flow.
What was impossible, is now possible.
Get in alignment. Trust!”
Uranus, Vesta, Pallas Athena, Chiron and Mercury are participating in this full moon!
And the White moon is on Aldebaran!
The Godly Genealogies are in the works.
What else could we ask for?
This is a really magical day!
Jupiter, Saturn, Mars and Venus are breaking the loops and Neptune creates the spiritual pulling for people to redirect themselves back into sanity and purity with the highest possible harmony.
Upon the 888 Solar Trinity Portal, we took the 5D Wheel of Life in our hands.
We are driving ourselves now.
This ship is found and is taking a full turn!
The Wheel is connected to the Consciousness of the Heart and the quantum reconnection and redirection and it is up to each person to handle it according to her/his choice.
It is only those who have reached the level of the Phoenix that can do this because the Wheels can only be moved once enough purification has been attained.
I was shown last night that right now in the sky there are many Divine keys available.
These keys are keys of Divine liberation and upgrade connected to the future, they are opening many different inner doors and switching the physical experience to its higher paradisian version via the guidance of the Higher Self.
It is up to each individual to choose, claim and use them according to their inner knowing and ability.
This is happening naturally as we are undergoing the biggest update and redirection of reality so far!
Today’s blue moon is dedicated to the Masculine within all!
This is the future being illuminated right here, right now!
Let the old melt away, the electric Twins are here! They are the masters of matter and anti-matter.
ADIOS (in/to Deus), LYRICS
“Adiós, adiós
Adios to your afternoon
Tonight I will be forever following the Colosseum moon
Into a certain room
Adiós, adiós
I’m sorry for quickly jumping into the train
I waited but no one came
You were just too late
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
So let the lesson be mine
Let the lesson be mine
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
Cause the vision is mine
The vision is mine
Adiós, adiós
Adiós to the little child in me
Who kept on blaming everyone else
Instead of facing his own defeat
After all,
why should I have any regret
If it wasn’t for the mistakes I made yesterday
Where would I be by now
The decision is mine
The decision is mine
So let the lesson be mine
Let the lesson be mine
The decision is mine
The decision is mine’
Cause the vision is mine
The vision is mine…….”
Blessings of Happiness!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:
Solar Trinity Portal
Solar Trinity Portal





Dear friends, let us embark on a journey to unravel the connections between today’s super full moon in Aquarius and our inner world. As the lunar cycle reaches its zenith, a profound energetic resonance awakens within our emotional fields, beckoning us to confront and release the emotional and physical burdens that have been weighing us down.
At the emotional level, the full moon’s silvery light amplifies our emotions, coaxing forth the hidden truths we’ve suppressed, and inviting us to confront and release the blockages that hinder our growth. This particular lunation in humanistic Aquarius is asking us to let go of fears so we can find the power to step out of our comfort zone. As we surrender to the moon’s gentle yet insistent energy, we’re encouraged to let go of the past, releasing the burdens that no longer serve us, and embracing the liberation that comes with closure. It’s a wonderful time to listen to our intuition, heightened by the super full moon’s presence, and let it guide us to confront the depths of our emotional landscape, illuminating the areas that cry out for healing and clearing.
From a more physical perspective, the intensity of this super full moon’s energy can also trigger some bodily manifestations. This is not your typical full moon, it is also happening within the month of the 888 empowering lightcodes. For this reason, this full moon’s energy may be stirring the body’s natural detoxification processes, awakening the innate wisdom that purges physical toxins and waste, and restoring balance to our inner ecosystem. As the super moon’s gravitational pull affects the ebb and flow of our bodily fluids, we’re invited to release excess water and toxins, allowing our cells to breathe and renew. The full moon’s energetic resonance clears the pathways of our body, dispelling stagnation and promoting a sense of rejuvenation, as our very essence is revitalized. Digestive and urinary issues my be present these days. Please stay well hydrated.
As we embrace the transformative power of today’s super full moon, we are invited to tap into the visionary energy of Aquarius, the celestial architect of innovation and progress. Like a beacon of light, Aquarius illuminates the path to a brighter future, where humanity’s collective potential is unleashed.
With its rebellious spirit and humanitarian heart, Aquarius inspires us to break free from the shackles of conformity and embrace our individuality, fostering a world where creativity, technology, and community converge. As we align with the full moon’s energies and the Aquarian vibration, we become the pioneers of a new era, where freedom, equality, and unity are the guiding principles. Together, let us harness this celestial synergy to co-create a world that shines brighter than the brightest moon, where love, light, and liberation reign supreme.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we move into the final phase of this intense month of August. Be kind and patient with your journey of transformation. All is well. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ





To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

The Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius embodies powerful energies igniting the true soul frequency and shifting our realities . It brings freedom, self-discovery, personal power, new opportunities, and transformation by burning away blockages and outdated energy. This rare supermoon is the first of four in a row this year and the last full moon will be appearing bigger and much brighter than usual.
The Blue Supermoon in Aquarius is a rare celestial event that will have a profound impact on your spiritual journey and personal growth. It symbolises a time of cleansing, renewal, and alignment with your true purpose.
By connecting with the energies of this supermoon you may experience a heightened sense of intuition, clarity, and spiritual awakening. Consciously Expanding in this opportunity for inner reflection, healing, and manifestation of inner desires. Remembering to set positive intentions and letting go of anything that no longer serves a highest good and purpose .
As we wrap up Leo Season and activate in the energies of a super blue moon in Aquarius, solar flares and solar storms are activating important energies for the next 3 weeks. This planetary lunar activation emphasises inner work, manifestation, and reaping what we sow. It is a magical and potent time of the year, marking a significant shift in seasons and awakening to the inner work that still needs to be done.
By being attuned to ascension symptoms and focusing on energy clearing and manifestation, the ascending will align with higher frequencies and move towards a more positive, abundant reality. Remaining focused on clear intentions, releasing fear, and having faith in the Universe’s ability to create miracles in life.
Preparing for transformation and healing as this phase is encouraging letting go of negativity and embracing inner strength through tests, trials and challenges. Expanding in this powerful space for healing and growth over the next 3 weeks.
This means you’re probably starting to feel the energies more and more. So many ascending are feeling some types of ascension symptoms this past week. Assisting in clearing and cleaning any contamination from the auric and energy fields . Pains, aches, discomforts are always letting us know which areas need the most work at this time .
Some ascending may still have a lot of fear coming up to be cleared , continuing to exist the 3D Old Earth timelines. By shifting the focus to the life you feel aligned with and your desired goals you will shift into more of 5D New Earth timelines.
This is why energy work will help greatly at this time as the ascending are now investing energy in manifesting. This means thoughts are rapidly manifesting. This could be extremely positive depending on how much inner work has been done and how much energetic space has been created within .
The new energetic paradigm calls for simplicity in attuning to higher vibrations for effective energy work. Focusing on identifying areas for inner healing to create positive changes. Accepting that this is a gradual healing process with faith and patience, addressing symptoms and connecting to the Light Source for support in transformation.
The physical body is evolving towards higher dimensions, requiring practices like being in nature, meditation, and positivity. Remaining focused on personal growth without being affected and energetically infected by others. A recent powerful energy wave has deepened our connection to source light energy, enabling us to express and reflect our light in the world.
In the new energy, releasing and healing occurs at metaphysical and multidimensional levels. Starseed activation empowers inner strength and intentional manifestation without physical confrontation. Expanding in this transformational journey towards higher consciousness and self-realisation.
The Ascending are now activating the light codes of ascension and evolution within every cell of the body. This activation brings accelerated transformation, higher consciousness and deeper healing to the mind, body and soul through the highest vibrations of universal love.
As the conscious journey unfolds, the true self emerges with qualities like humility, gratitude, integrity, and compassion. This ascension process offers new perspectives on past experiences and a deeper understanding of the evolving self.
Focus and faith are key at this moment as things will begin to shift rapidly for the Ascending . The Universe is constantly working miracles in our life, emphasising the importance of staying positive, maintaining faith, and being open to unexpected blessings and opportunities.
Self mastery in life is when we learn how to control where our attention goes and value what we give our energy and time to.
Consciously aligning with higher self intentions, trusting in the process, and remaining open to the miracles unfolding in Ascending life.
Loving and devoted Ascension service
By Ascension LightWorkers ©️





For The Power Of Now Is Providing Great Opportunities For Light Expression.
We Are Asked to pay close attention to our earth world reality, for the birds and all beings are calling US to feel, see and be in Light Harmony.
The Great Dissolving of Now
The Uprising of The Present Moment
Is Calling You To Attune To A Higher Perspective Of Nature
Feel The Earth Light Vibrations Moving Through You
I Welcome A Higher Capacity Of Vibrational Communication
I Feel A Greater Alliance With All Plants And Animals
I Awaken To The Living Systems Of Light
As Humanity Upgrades, All Systems Upgrades
Sending Much Love
Together In Light
Karen Lithika
Cosmic Light Alliance

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is helping in breaking financial systems so you can birth a new cycle of financial abundance. Intuitively you may be receiving downloads that are opening the doors to manifest wealth into your life and home. This is a Collective timeline shift where the energies and favour are coming back into our hands. Jupiter is with us, claiming this abundance and position of sovereignty as ours. The meek shall inherit the Earth. We are protected to take the Earth back into our hands. Continue taking the higher path into your destiny and position of Leadership, Wisdom, and happiness.

In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and her sacred owl
Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and her sacred owl

Ra James

Today’s Aquarius Full Moon is a Super Moon and a Blue Moon.

This Blue Moon is linked to spirituality and awakening. This Blue Moon brings an almost electric energy motivating you to free yourself from stagnation and to make long-overdue changes. This Blue Moon aspects Mercury Retrograde in Leo and Uranus in Taurus. This alignment is all about taking action and making things happen. This Uranus alignment can bring plot shifts, sudden shifts, and unexpected events. We also have Venus and Mars in square to each other which brings a huge focus to our romantic relationships.
Expect to be doing a lot of healing and reflecting in this area. As Venus in Virgo aligns with Saturn in Pisces expect it to kick up deeper feelings of rejection, isolation, and disappointment. Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini, and Saturn Retrograde in Pisces form an energetic knot. It’s meant to help you to break free from the past and to clear any past trauma and pain. This Blue Moon is bringing major second chance vibes.
This Blue Moon is a powerful time to set intentions, release negative energy, and manifest abundance. It’s a great time to be envisioning your goals and your future. These energies are extra strong. Expect them to amplify your emotions. The spiritual energy of this Super Moon is super charged…
art: @raw_beauty_content
Aquarius Full Moon is a Super Moon and a Blue Moon
Aquarius Full Moon is a Super Moon and a Blue Moon


The Full moon on the 19th August on the cusp of Leo/Virgo sets the pace not only for the new Virgo season but also for the coming months and is in fact an instigator of change which washes in across to the end of 2024, allowing for plans and future trends across into 2025.
The intense times of August, seen to peak following the 8 8 portal, produced purging due to fiery transformative effects, which brought forward a bubbling over of dissatisfaction and frustration at community and political level. The third dimension was truly shaken by the wake up codes which brought into view that which is unsatisfactory and sought to air it, perhaps in a rather hot headed way.
The full moon in Aquarius reaches the more gentle natured folk delivering the same agenda, but this time to be sought for solutions through a softer approach which requires intelligent thinking, perceiving and communicating. The intuitive aspects of Aquarius allows for those whose best skill is to think outside of `the box` (or in spiritual terms `the matrix`) to put together with a deeply nurtured ability for empathy and compassion, which will be extended by the nurturing aspects within Virgo; making a collaboration of heart and mind which communicates a practical vision for the physicality of going forward.
Any ideology created via this reaches across through the balancing effect of Libra and is even picked up later by the new aligned perspective at the arrows of the poised archers bow of Sagittarius, meaning that the beginning of Virgo season is a marker of huge significance for those who believe in community values and aligned thinking for the betterment of the collective.
Full moon
Full moon

August 19, 2024: Full Moon at Aquarius 27°15’, 2:26 pm EDT.

Can you feel the intensity? This Full Moon falls against the backdrop of the first phase of the Jupiter/Saturn square, exact on the same day at 5:46 pm EDT. Featured are two challenging t-squares: 1) Mars (yang) conjunct Jupiter (expansion) square to a Venus (yin)/Saturn (contraction) opposition, and 2) a powerful square of Uranus (unpredictability) to the Full Moon opposition. Mercury (consciousness) retrograde is conjunct to the Sun.
There is a theme. Individual desires (Leo, Mars/Jupiter) are being felt quite strongly. There is tension between these individual desires and the collective. Uranus is prominent; whenever The Great Awakener is involved there is always unpredictability. Expect the unexpected. Explosions, accidents and eruptions are associated with Uranus, as are unexpected actions by individuals that affect the collective. All of this moves against the backdrop of the on-going Jupiter/Saturn square. The energies of expansion and contraction are struggling against each other; a rhythmic relationship that is moving faster and faster, like the insistent beating of a drum.
The three nights around the exact Full Moon – the Window – are a time to sit in meditation. Feel these energies – these forces of expansion and contraction within your own body. There is an insistent thrum; you can feel it within you. You can almost hear it. Planet Earth and all of her creatures are held in an extended birth process. Something is dying and simultaneously something is coming forth. It is exciting, thrilling, exhilarating, and frightening in its mysteriousness. Peer into the darkness within, your vision opened by the light of this powerful Full Moon. What do you see? What is the message for you?
August 18, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
Art: The Red Moon by Sharon Cummings
The Red Moon
The Red Moon


Aquarius Full Moon August 2024

The Aquarius Full Moon will light up the August sky, peaking on the 19th. This is our last Full Moon before Eclipse Season begins, and we may feel the intensity rising.
Eclipse Season is always a highly transformative time, and it seems like this Full Moon is planting the seeds of change. We may feel the unsettling energy flowing in, but it seems that the Universe is not ready for us to land just yet.
It can always be unsettling to be in a state of limbo or in the process of change, but one thing we can come back to under this Full Moon is the idea of flow. This is our time to flow with what is coming up for us, rather than trying to control.
This Full Moon really wants us to surrender, it really want us to just be present in whatever is showing up for us.
Being in this almost passive state can be freeing, but can also activate a lot of fear. Many of us are not used to being in a state of flow. We often want to control; we want a solution or instant fix, and we want to be able to plan for what’s ahead. But the Aquarius Full Moon is not offering that.
Uranus Shakens to Awaken, under the August Full Moon
The presence of Uranus also indicates some sort of surprise or wildcard energy that we perhaps didn’t see coming. Things may turn in an unexpected direction or we may receive some information that shocks us. Uranus can also trigger what is weak, revealing to us what is no longer stable or working in our lives.
While all of this volatile energy may feel confronting and unnerving, there is an illuminating quality to this Full Moon, too. Uranus shakes things up in our lives in order to awaken us to a new truth and eventually, a new freedom. Uranus wants to shake us awake so we can see something we didn’t notice before.
Try to keep this in mind under the Aquarius Full Moon. Remember that any shaking is purely to awaken you to a higher state of consciousness and a new way of being.
Vesta, the Goddess of Hearth and Fire, Guides us Home Under the August Full Moon
Vesta, the Goddess Asteroid of Hearth and Fire is also active under this Full Moon, and perhaps her presence can provide some softening to all of this volatile, Uranian energy.
Uranus, the natural ruler of Aquarius, is also active under this Full Moon, adding to the insecurity we may be feeling. When Uranus is active along with the Moon, we can feel irrational, moody, and caught off-guard.
Vesta reminds us to come back to our inner world and tend to our own fire. She reminds us that home is where the heart is and where we are going to find our security and stability through the Full Moon’s volatility.
Vesta wants us to create a feeling of nourishment in our environment and tend to our own inner fire. Perhaps this is a time to return to our passions, follow our joy, and practice self-love by serving ourselves.
How can we activate a feeling of peace and love within? How can we then take that feeling of peace and love and allow it to infuse into our surroundings? Mastering this can be a true gift and an offering that this Full Moon has for us.
Start by seeking peace within. Start by doing all you can to nourish and tend to your own inner fire, and watch how your outside follows as a result.
Be aware that under this Full Moon, what is rocking in your outside world is only so it can be a truer reflection of your inside world.
Aquarius Full Moon
Aquarius Full Moon


Shannon Port

AQUARIUS FULL MOON, Aug. 19th – The Age of Sophia

The Age of Aquarius is the age of the New Goddess Consciousness, when the Earth will experience the coming of Sophianic Consciousness through the activation of the Universal Soul. Hearts will come online like never before, and we will, as a human race, remember the power of Love and the power of the creative imagination. The Wisdom of Sophia will reign supreme.

Our era of spiritual poverty will come to an end and we will create The New Avalon, as the consciousness of the Soul and Spirit, embodied in human beings. We will spiritualize the feminine force, joining the the lower fire to the Solar Fire of Sophianic sound and light.

This Full Super Moon in Aquarius is the activation of those souls who have been feeling the call from deep within their hearts and in Nature. The lower nature is rising into the energy of the Divine Feminine Frequency of Sophia. This is a time of discovering the Goddess Consciousness that is buried within all of Nature, and within every human soul. She is Love, Wisdom and Truth. She is the power of the Creator, the hand of God, at work, building the world of form.

In the coming Age of Sophia, all forms will vibrate with a new sound current. The Song of Sophianic Consciousness will fill the Ethers and move us into the state of devotion to the Divine on Earth, and in the Heavens.

Those who carry this power will indeed, bring Heaven to Earth.

The Full Moon is square Uranus in Taurus, giving it a very powerful and dynamic energy of birth. It is conjunct Mercury Retrograde, making this a potent moment for inner birth, and inner transformation. Venus is opposite Saturn, making love relationships very important for healing and review.

The axis of Leo and Aquarius, is perhaps, the most important for the coming era, highlighting the spiritual nature of the human being, and the creative genius that is held deep within our own consciousness.

Welcome to the New Goddess Epoch! In this Age, we are called to create and heal like never before. May we support each other, and work thought the power of Love, to understand the true meaning of Sophia’s Wisdom.

Happy Full Super Moon in Aquarius!





This very potent Full Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) in Taurus as retrograde Mercury joins the Sun in Leo and as Venus in Virgo triggers a building square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces.
Our personal journey meets the collective unfoldment as the last couple of weeks of reassessing the focus of our hearts aligns with the last several years of awakening in the greater world for a culmination of realization regarding our ROLE in it from here forward.
This is only the beginning of a process that will clarify itself gradually over time so the best that we can do now is to ACCEPT any realizations that come into our awareness and to RELEASE that which prevents us from fully ‘stepping into’ the shoes that we came here to fill…
Change is absolutely inevitable at this point and yet we have never been more ready to adapt and to shift into gear as we are here and now even if we underestimate ourselves and our capacity to adjust to uncertain and potentially vulnerable circumstances!
When the whole room ‘shakes’ it’s perfectly reasonable to feel unsettled along with it as anxiety, as uncomfortable as it may seem, is the vehicle on the pathway to permanent growth.
Full Moon in Aquarius
Full Moon in Aquarius
On Monday, August 19th, we have a Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius, sign of the Water Bearer. This event is considered a Blue Super Moon. A super moon is when the moon is closest to the Earth; and a blue moon is the third of four full moons in a season. This Full Moon also squares Uranus, the Great Awakener, along with Jupiter, planet of expansion, challenging Saturn, planet of restriction, so we have some very powerful energies today!
Aquarius is about freedom, liberation, rebellion and sudden change, and with Uranus, the planetary ruler of Aquarius, challenging this lunation it is magnifying the effects! Expect the unexpected! Be open to surprises and redirections! Be authentic and true to yourself! And, focus on your hopes, dreams, wishes and visions for the future! Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius, sign of the Water Bearer
Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius, sign of the Water Bearer
Full Moon in Aquarius. Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces. Venus in Virgo opposite Saturn and square Jupiter. Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo and square Uranus in Taurus – The mind is in overdrive. Buckle up buttercup and get ready for a wild ride! Let me be free! Let me run for the hills, chase the dream, find my passion, change! I want change and I want it now! I want clarity. Give it to me, now! I need respect – kiss my feet. Take a hike! Push me and you’ll find out! Wait, no wait! I’m sorry. Too much, too soon. I get it. Stop the world, I want to get off!
Wild thoughts, underneath a driving insistence that where you are right now is exactly where you are supposed to be. Take a breath. Be present with your feelings instead of trying to quell them. Listen for direction from your wise inner guardian. You are worthy of all the abundance that life has to offer. And abundance is more than money, more than love, more than society’s vague promises. Abundance is bottomless gratitude for the next breath, for the body that moves you, for the passing smile on a stranger’s lips. We are people of the world, all different, all the same, all inhabiting this pale blue dot in the vastness of space. Reach out and connect. Perspective is everything. Keep your sense of humour. Your soul is free.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Sun 26°Le35′ R – 02:58 (BST)
Venus 17°Vi21′, Jupiter 17°Ge21′ – 06:52 (BST)
Venus 17°Vi29′, Saturn 17°Pi29′ R – 09:29 (BST)
Sun 27°Le11′, Uranus 27°Ta11′ – 17:45 (BST)
Moon 27°Aq15′, Sun 27°Le15′ – 19:25 (BST)
Jupiter 17°Ge27′, Saturn 17°Pi27′ R – 22:46 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – The circus by Marc Chagall
The circus
The circus

Kin 43 ~ Blue Self-Existing Night

The fourth day of the wavespell is called ‘Self-Existing’ and it is all about ‘Definition, Form and Measuring’. It represents taking stock of the situation, scrutinizing and reading the small print. Only after you do this should you proceed. So, gather information and be sure that you plan your next move based on facts, don’t depend on guess work. Be aware this energy can be focused inwardly, so don’t be surprised if today you feel insular.
Today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. If you wake up to the potential you have, you can make your dreams real. If you want to take your life long ambitions seriously, you have to give them the time and attention they need to become reality. As it is a number 4 day, look at the details of your dreams….make sure they have a realistic chance of coming true. It’s all about discernment and putting your energy where it will yield the most results. You may need to be honest with yourself and even consider changing your direction.
Today’s Guide is Blue Storm which represents changes. A day guided by this restless energy is never relaxing. The overwhelming need for change in your life will guide your actions today but this is what is needed to give your dreams a boost. Analyze your dreams, if the details look good then allow the Storm to guide the changes. The Blue Night really does prefer to dream but when the Stormy energy influences, he can be dragged out of bed.
The Challenge of the day is Red Skywalker and so if you were born on a Red Skywalker day, your courage will not help, sometimes you have to stay home and not go on adventures but that’s OK. Instead use the day wisely and define what is challenging you presently. For the rest of us we may not feel like stepping out of the door and going on an adventure but rather we may want to dream the day away.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which represents ‘reflecting truth’. For your dreams to come true you need to know the truth. Today the Mirror is in a magical position symbolizing that knowing the truth about magic is what it takes to make dreams come true. I know that the biggest changes that occurred in my own life involved a lot of magic. The truth is we don’t understand the way magic works but just by believing magic is real (which is the truth) we can greatly increase the occurrence of magical changes in our life.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior which represents going on a quest. If you need help making your dreams come true, consult a Warrior… for they love to go on missions and today they play a supportive role. They can also inspire us to summon our willpower and not give up too easily on our dreams. If you don’t know a Yellow Warrior, don’t worry. You can become a Warrior and be friendly to your own dreams!
Kin 43
Kin 43


4 AKBAL – KIN 43
19 AUGUST 2024
I define in order to DREAM
Measuring intuition
I seal the input of ABUNDANCE
With the Self-existing tone of FORM 🌃🌃
I AM guided by the power of self generation
(GAP) ENTER ME!!! 💥💥💥
19/8/8 = 10/16=1/7=8
19- Prince of Heaven #/Fulfillment/Honour/Happiness
10- Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader
1- New beginnings/Original/Leader/Independent/Unique
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 43 = 7 Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude
Today’s day code totals 8 giving us an 8.8.8. TRIPLE ABUNDANCE GATE on a GAP portal day – with AKBAL the DREAM GENIE granting all our wishes!! TUNE in today through the DREAMSPACE to rocket fuel your prosperity consciousness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yahooo!!!🤩 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
🌟 🌟🌟 MAKE A WISH!!!! 🌟🌟🌟
Today’s energy is PURE MAJIK – more DIVINE codes again today boosting the ABUNDANCE GATE. 💫✨💫
Today we have the ability to SHAPE and LIBERATE our DREAMS to tap into the INFINITE ABUNDANCE through SOURCE. It is also a GAP 💥day so the energy is extra INTENSE and potent. How many BLISSINGS can we have in one day?!
✨A very potent ABUNDANCE🌻💰 code for new adventures, new Quests and manifestations.
Day 4 in the YELLOW SUN☀ WAVESPELL of ILLUMINATING our HIGHEST EVOLUTIONARY PATH to reclaim our SOUL POWER and full Sovereignty.👑👑👑
✨TODAY is the day our HOPES, DREAMS and DESIRES start to take FORM. ✨🙏✨🕊
We are beginning to make progress in the goals we set on day 1. In particular we are being asked to use our MIND to evaluate, define and measure the unconscious beliefs held within the belly of Akbal. Today we define en-LIGHT💡ON-ment as catalysing change, within our collective unconscious mind, generating the energy held there, to become the storm for transformation. All that is underneath the waking consciousness will shift and be expressed. GET READY for our COLLECTIVE DREAMING to take root!
SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundation on the basis of fun, creativity and majikal manifestation.
It is time to build and realize our greatest DREAMS! Yahoooo – paradisiacal EDEN here we come!! 🐬🌴💕🌈
Today’s question is “What DREAMS have you held deep inside you, that NOW need to come forth and be shaped into FORM?”
Divine blessings for shaping the LIFE of your DREAMS!🌈🌴🌸🏰☀💕
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger 🌏🌈
Nikola’s Galactic Signature is a Blue Self-Existing Night 📦🌃 – KIN 43 the 4th day of the Yellow Sun Wavespell of en-LIGHT-ON-ment which is also a G.A.P. – Galactic Activation portal day.
NIKOLA was on a MISSION to literally bring more LIGHT☀️💡🎆 (and ironically more POWER⚡⚡⚡) onto our Planet through his GREAT DREAMS.
Read NIKOLA TESLA’S KIN details at this link.
Tesla fittingly departed the Earth plane on 7th, January 1943.- WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD!!! . 7/1/17 =8/8 =16=7
7117 = number 17 mirrored. 17 is the number of immortality and leaving a legacy and that is indeed what Tesla did.. A huge LEGACY.. for many future generations to benefit from his contributions..
✨💫✨NOTE: 18 MOONS ago- 2 Galactic spins – KIN 43 occured on17th MARCH 2023 – so the LEGACY of TESLA is strongly ACTIVATING us all to connect to our Soul Mission and reflect on our own personal legacy through our Divine Service.
TESLA strictly adhered to the majikal trinity 3.6.9 majikal CREATION formula every day to activate his MAJIK powers and good luck. ✨3.6.9 ✨ This formula is the KEY to the UNIVERSE unlocking Divine Majikal POWER to materialize your VISIONS.
WHAT A PRECIOUS GIFT 🎁– use this POWER wisely today.
Nikola Tesla 369 Code, 432Hz, Universal Frequency, Healing Music, Remove Negative Energy, Meditation
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE SELF=EXISTING NIGHT🎁💰 🌃 AKBAL is THE DREAMER!😴💤 He carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity🔑 and ABUNDANCE, 💰🌻accessed through intuitive knowing.
“In becoming a CONSCIOUS dreamer, you can assist in literally creating a new reality for yourself, as well as contributing to the larger dream that is emerging. By focusing on this creation, your thoughts and intentions are projected across the crystal grid network that encompasses universes.
This energetic field seeds, supports, and empowers the creation of an unfolding reality. At a certain point, when a critical threshold of energy has been focused on a clear intent such as world peace/unity/food for all people, the underlying constructs of reality shift and a new reality begins filtering into human experience. Make no mistake: great change is seeded by conscious dreamers who understand and know that they are co-creating the larger dream.” Ariel Spilsbury – The Mayan Oracle – DIVINE GRATITUDE ❤❤❤
This is very POTENT creation energy for our GLOBAL transformation, and implementation of Global ABUNDANCE and world PEACE🕊
Today allow your INTUITION to guide you, and help you realize the deepest dreams that have laid dormant in your subconscious realms, waiting for the optimum day to surface and begin to take FORM..
Take time to measure and DEFINE which of those DREAMS you wish to realize into physical form, then walk through the Portal into your New Reality.
❓What GREAT DREAMS will you energize today?
As well as your personal soul DREAMS, remember to HELP shape the COLLECTIVE DREAM of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your manifestations today, to help it take RAPID form.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE SELF=EXISTING STORM🎁 🌀🌪 -CAUAC continues its purging actions today which may present as chaos and friction to purify your vessel and your life. Anything holding back your frequency will need to be addressed. You cannot climb a steep mountain burdened with a heavy backpack filled with rocks! You do not need those things in the new places you are headed! LET GO of the self-sabotage, addictions, beliefs, programs, toxic people and outmoded living.
Remember we are now in the YEAR of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – so we have DOUBLE STORM power – and these STORMS will persist ALL YEAR until their JOB IS DONE!!
Allow BLUE STORM to catalyze the energy needed for your transformation. The POWER generated by the SELF-EXISTING FORM is tremendous for catalyzing the metamorphosis of your DREAMS, particularly on a GAP portal completion day!! Monsoon WINDS available.
GREAT transformation brought by the STORM today will be the WIND🌬 that pushes you up that steep mountain. WE the wayshowers are nearly at the SUMMIT🏔 and the views are glorious indeed!.🌄
SUPPORT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR 🎁 🌈🏹 CIB is the fearless warrior who uses his intelligence to QUEST-I-ON everything, in order to define and shape something BETTER for humanity. Through applying his wisdom from past experience in his many battles, CIB knows how to forge a peaceful and sustainable path forward.
CIB unites the Planetary RAINBOW WARRIORS🌍🌎🌏 🌈🏹 today in their QUEST, They are FEARLESSLY defending the Collective Dream.. Holding this DREAM within their soul’s quest, they will define the rules for New Earth. The RAINBOW WARRIORS will NEVER give up until the DREAM MANIFESTS into physical form.
Allow CIB to guide you in the choices you make today, he will provide the strength, courage and staying power to reach your peak! . Choose wisely as there is potent majikal manifestation energy in vast supply today. Use this wondrous opportunity to SUPERCHARGE your DREAMS today. 🌴💕🌈
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE PLANETARY MIRROR 🌏 🔎ETZNAB aligns with CIB to allow you to see what is TRUTH and what is falsity. It is time to surrender our attachment to all physical reality other than what is needed. Surrendering to the pure alignment of our physical form as a temple, in order that it may be the reflection and doorway to many dimensions… Sift through the infinite choices and possibilities reflected today and energize those in alignment with your BIGGEST DREAMS.
KIN 43 has the occult SUPERPOWER 🔥⚛🔥 of the White PLANETARY MIRROR – which is able to MANIFEST in the PHYSICAL realm.💫💫💫.
Whatever your MIND can define and form, the Majik Mirror will energize and MAGNIFY into creation.
ETZNAB represents a MAYAN Pyramid, and thus provides the power of the PYRAMID, to exponentially MAGNIFY and supercharge your DREAMS with the FIRE🔥 energy from the pyre!
You may wish to write out your desires and place them under a pyramid, to fully utilize ETZNAB’s powers (alternatively you can place them on a mirror or mirror tile to DOUBLE the power!). A quartz crystal or manifesting crystal is also a brilliant addition. A great day for DREAM casting!
With a PLANETARY manifesting tone – today is a BRILLIANT day to spend some time DREAMWEAVING 🕸– energize the collective DREAMING for our 5D ASCENDED PLANET in all its SHINING GLORY and BLISS.💕🌈🌎.
Use your majikal crystals💎 and pyramids, to create a mandala/grid to hold this DREAM, so that it can rapidly take FORM. 💒
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER 🎁☁🚶BEN is the Galactic Shaman and Angelic Messenger who brings HEAVEN to EARTH. 💒🌍
His challenge for you today is to ensure that you do just that!
❓WHAT DO YOUR CHOOSE TO MANIFEST, in order to make life on EARTH more BLISSFUL and HEAVENLY? 🌈💕
Draw on the power of BEN to access codes from multi-dimensional realms defining which ones suit you best. You are the RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈 and you have the POWER to do this for yourself personally, and also collectively as a valuable member of our PLANETARY tribe of RAINBOW WARRIORS!
Be the DIVINE CONDUIT anchoring these DREAMS into FORM.
🎼HEAVEN must be here🎶 cos HEAVEN is a place on EARTH! 🏰🌴🌎🌈💕
🎼 In this world we’re just beginning
To understand the MIRACLE of LIVING
Baby I was afraid before I’m not afraid, any more
Ooh, HEAVEN is a place on EARTH
They say in HEAVEN, LOVE❤ comes first
We’ll make HEAVEN a place on EARTH
Ooh, HEAVEN is a place on EARTH 🎶
Heaven Is A Place On Earth Performing Artist: Belinda Carlisle (Magnetic Monkey)
LYRICS by Rick Nowels and Ellen Shipley
Today’s question is “What DREAMS have you held deep inside you, that NOW need to come forth and be shaped into FORM?”
Divine blessings for shaping the LIFE of your DREAMS!🌈🌴🌸🏰☀💕
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger 🌏🌈








🔥 New! on Patreon 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading

for the Week of August 18th through August 24th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🕉 🔥


Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of August 18th through August 24th. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Meditation for the Blue Full Super Moon in Aquarius.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE to for the Report



Paul White Gold Eagle

Prayer for the Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius

Divine Source of Light and Love,

Under the radiant glow of the Blue Full Supermoon in Aquarius, I open my heart to the limitless possibilities of the universe. I call upon the energy of this powerful moon to awaken within me the qualities of innovation, freedom, and higher consciousness.

May this moonlight cleanse my spirit, dissolving any fears, doubts, or limitations that hold me back. I release what no longer serves me, making space for new beginnings, growth, and transformation.

Aquarius, the bringer of change, guide me to embrace my individuality and unique path. Help me to connect with the collective consciousness, using my gifts to contribute to the greater good. May I be a beacon of light, sharing love, wisdom, and compassion with all beings.

I trust in the divine timing of the universe, knowing that my intentions are aligned with the highest good. With gratitude and an open heart, I welcome the blessings of this Full Blue Supermoon.

So it is. Amen.

Prayer for the Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius
Prayer for the Full Blue Supermoon in Aquarius

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