Full Moon in Aries – Yellow Seed Wavespell
Christina Papageorgiou

Our Full Moon in Aries will be nothing short of heated, liberating, rebellious, and full of action! The Moon will be Conjunct Chiron Retrograde in Aries, giving rise to our inner need to assert ourselves and take our power back. Chiron, known as the wounded healer, or wounded warrior, has been in the sign of Aries since 2019, and will be until 2027.
We are supported by the energies of strength, passion, confidence and courage to stand our ground. We can express our tenacity and ferocity, but in a productive and masterfully guided way. We are finding ways to communicate our truths and stand in a position of authority over our lives. This is very empowering, especially for those who find themselves in a position where they believe they are powerless or vulnerable to the outside world.
We are guided to address the wounds of our past that have been triggered to resurface. This isn’t a bad thing. In fact, this gets us to examine the past with a sense of leadership over our lives instead of feeling victimized by it. We have always been stronger than we have given ourselves credit for, and this is how we’ll be able to approach all that has happened to us since we were young. Some of us may toss around different moods this weekend, between feeling encouraged and discouraged, brave and weak, or bitter and grateful. We may feel stuck in our feelings one minute, and liberated from them the next minute. So, it’s important we stay grounded no matter what we’re feeling.
We must address our scars, especially those brought on by acts of aggression and heavy Root Chakra survival energies. Some of us may struggle to govern and temper our fight or flight response. So, it’s important to have a healthy support system or create one if that is lacking, if we find ourselves out of control. Sometimes we can be a one-man army to protect and serve, even if we don’t have others in our corner to go to battle with us.
This Moon in Aries also puts us in a position to employ self-protective measures too, so we feel supported and safe. This could be by working with self-hypnosis, grounding crystals to shield us from EMF debris, or even reaching out to volunteer sponsors to help us sort through what we’re feeling and thinking. There are innumerable resources available to us should we need them.
Think big, and reach for connections where there are mutual interests in all of the wonderful things you enjoy. Of the billions of people on this planet, the last thing we need to do is keep toxic connections with people who secretly throw shade at us when we’re not looking. Say no to hostile people. Embrace dynamic, ambitious, and inspiring people instead! Attention seeking people who want to suck the life out of us no longer need safe harbor at our shore. We can set out to sea, and find new communities where we feel happy and at home. And if that means actually making plans to move away, we don’t have to let anything or anyone stop us from pursuing our happiness.
The Moon will also be Sextile to Mars in Gemini, which intensifies sudden flare ups, unexpected tension, and knee jerk reactions that could throw a wrench into the works of our future plans. This particular Sextile matters because Mars rules Aries, so it will be quite influential to the undercurrents of our inner emotions, core beliefs, and behaviors. Do we have what it takes to exercise self-control and discipline to pause when we get triggered? Fire purifies us and sets us free from our former selves. It reminds us that our inner nature can be beautifully wild, but also out of control if we don’t channel our energies constructively.
This Full Moon in Aries reminds us to say no in getting swept along into a downward spiral. We have already outgrown people who don’t support our goals for growth. And it’s time to give ourselves permission to strive for more and keep going! Even if that means we have to go it alone or find new companions to share the next leg of the journey we’re on. This is the time when leaders are born, and the final curtain has been called. It’s our time to shine! We’ve already been going through a glow up and those fake friends and unsupportive people in our circle may not like the way our light invites them to take a deeper look at themselves. In particularly, this brings our attention to deep rooted fears.
Ask your Guides in Spirit for strength, so that this intense period can be handled with poise and grace, and all we have already burned down to ash, can be released into the wind.
Full Moon’s express a Yang energy, and are often met in ceremony with rituals of release rather than manifestation like we would do with our New Moon’s. The Full Moon is the masculine form in the Lunar cycle, and we get to release all that no longer serves us. For those who plan to enter ceremony or ritual during this Full Moon, a beautiful theme to preface it could be for working towards integrating the Inner Wounded Child Self, and moving along the pathway of the Ego Death. This will shift perspectives dramatically. Being free of the heavy burdens of darker emotions, or the recycled past that continues to play out, can lift a weight from us we didn’t know we were carrying.
Crystals that can help us harness our inner fire are Sunstone, Citrine, Lepidocrocite in Quartz, Cacoxenite, Golden Healer Quartz, Fire Quartz, Fire Agate, Fire Opal, Bronzite, Axinite, Pyrite, and Copper. Crystals can be used in Chakra Cleansing, grid work, lining the outside of Moon Water jars, placed strategically throughout the home to hold intention, and placed in a bed of salt for purification and release of all stagnant or unwanted energies they have collected over time.
For those who plan to set out Moon water, it can be used for ceremonial transmutation for release, rather than ingestion for manifestation. Moon Water would be ingested or brought inward for a New Moon. But for a Full Moon, we want to transmute and release disharmonious energies instead. We must release before we can receive.
Something we can do for making our Moon Water, is write a letter to our inner self and remind ourselves just how courageous, brave, and strong we are! We can focus on shifting the narrative of our bad memories into a new story about how we overcame our obstacles and grew. We get to tell the truth and empower ourselves with its light. When we are finished with our letter, we can burn it in a smoke cleansing or smudge, and pour the ash into the water we wish to set out under the Full Moon, so that the Moon’s energies can transmute it into a healing vibration.
We can also write letters to people we are at odds with, to release any darker emotional energies that are lingering, so the Moon’s light can transmute them into something more harmonious. We can clear the slate with our enemies, and block connections that are unhealthy for us. We can simplify our energetic space, and protect the integrity of a healthy vibration we are establishing. A simple way we can do this, is to write something like “I am releasing you (name), from my energy. And I am telling you to release me from your energy. Our connection is severed. Let me go. I am letting you go. I am free. You are free.” This is a letter you can burn in a smoke clearing, and the ash poured into the water you will set out for the Moon. This is not Moon Water you’ll want to keep because that would hold it hostage. It would remain suspended with you. Instead, when you collect this water the following morning, you can take it to a natural body of water such as a lake, river, or ocean, and release it into the flow of the water so that nature can carry it away from you to help you release it.
We must remain humble, even in our times of celebration when we reach the top after others have said we’d never make it. Think big! Dream big! And go for the gold. Communicate your loves, rather than hates, and you’ll reshape your entire life. The right people will be drawn to you, and the wrong people will fade out. Burn bright starlight! And let the Universe see you. Become the Phoenix and rise from your own ashes into all of the amazing things you are.
The saying, “It doesn’t have to be this way”, echoes. You can choose how your life is going to turn out. You can be the steward of your pathway, and write your own story. You are the one holding the pen. Write something beautiful, empowering, and profound. Be the Hero of your own journey, and you will set an example for others of why they don’t have to be afraid either.
Words of advice for us all; “Be careful you don’t burn out. Be careful you don’t burn yourself. And be careful you don’t burn others.”
Burn bright you starlight loves, and be brave. You are stronger than you ever dreamed possible!
Debbie Edwards

Hunters Full Moon Puja (Workshop, Blessing, Prayer, Etc.)
Instructions are in between the (((( )))), and the words to speak are in the “parenthesis” feel free to change this as your instincts tell you; allow your inner-self to be the administrator. But, if a direction is present, please face the corresponding view.
We use nature as a rhythmic reminder, a friend, an ally, and an inspiration. Everything said and done can be done in a “divine light” if we keep this underlying tone. The following words hail from many different traditions.
The Start of the Sacred Intentions
((( Prepare your sacred space in the center of physical reality )))
((( Deeply connect with your consciousness, the part of yourself that realizes you exist )))
((( Face East )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the East and take inventory of the character I am playing in this lifetime. I take an honest assessment of the things holding me back.”
((( Envision yourself in the center of possibility with no physical matter in any direction. Envision your human self and affirm your deep love and admiration for the character you play in this lifetime. Then, banish all that no longer serves you from your reality. )))
((( Face Southeast )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Southeast and dive into all that needs to be purged from my micro self. In this way, I free this energy and allow it to transform.”
((( Envision the metaphysical sword of choice in your hand. Envision all the things you need to purge from your micro self as chains; feel free to put labels on each chain. Then, sever these chains with your sword. )))
((( Face South )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the South and bring forth deep spiritual cleansing to this blessing.”
((( Cleanse yourself in “Violet Flame.” As you envision this flame washing your being and removing all the negativity, be sure to hear the flame’s crackle, feel the fire’s warmth, and contemplate its power. )))
((( Face Southwest )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Southwest to bring my consciousness to a global perspective; in this way, I become the voice for Earth in this transmutational effort.”
((( Envision the Earth in the center of possibility with no physical matter in any direction. See all of its possible timelines ahead and direct the planet into the one that vibes with you the most. )))
((( Face West )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the West and bring forth the cleaning power of water; I evoke this cosmic force in the name of Mother Earth.”
((( Cleanse the Earth in “Violet Waters.” As you envision the waters washing the planet and removing all the negativity, be sure to feel the rush of water cleansing all that it touches. )))
((( Face Northwest )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Northwest to cleanse the impulses that no longer serve myself and humanity.”
((( Envision dark electrical impulses flowing through your being and the body of the Earth. Like an expert surgeon, remove these dark electrical veins and replace them with pure “White Light.” )))
((( Face North )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the North to evoke the will of Gaia. I ask her to refresh and renew all of her functions and to make improvements in profound ways.”
((( Witness the Earth cleansing herself. Witness her waters becoming clearer, her air purified, and all things becoming brand new. )))
((( Face Northeast )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence to the Northeast to evoke the energies that will replace all we have just purged.”
((( Deeply evoke the feelings of relief, joy, ease, peace, and whatever else feels good to you to call upon. )))
((( Connect with all directions )))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence in all the unnamed directions to move my personal life to its optimum timeline; in this way, I ensure a pleasant result to my efforts.”
((( Envision yourself in the center of possibility with no physical matter in any direction. Then, envision your human in front of many timelines, take the one that vibes with you the most, and ground yourself to it with “Rainbow Plasma.” )))
((( Bring your mental gaze deep within.)))
“I face my mind, body, and divine essence within to bring forth my inner/higher divine, the ultimate observe who will grant this blessing with grace and ease.”
((( Please speak the following aloud as you come out of meditation “Mitakuye, Oyasin, AHO!” )))
source: https://archangeliccalendar.com
New – 13 Days and 12 States to reach My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness.
Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
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