Diamond Light Codices ~ Joy Frequency Activations within the Sacred Heart ~ ROLE CHANGES ~ Solar Radiance
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Golden Lotus Nation of Divine Liberation
Most Blessed 24:24 Portal of the 66 to you!
Mother Earth and all her Children of the Sun continue to get enveloped in Gamma Plasma Waves of Higher Dimensional Adamantine Light from the most High, Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Solaris released another 10 C Class Solar Flares and 2 more M Class Flares today, the most powerful maxing at M 1.44 at 5:44 UTC bringing in more Codes of our Sacred 144.
Aligning with this most powerful Synchronicity we had another Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 96 Yellow Overtone Warrior, as our Spiritual Rainbow Warriors of the Yellow Rose of our Magdalene Lineage rise together in the Higher Tones of the Music of the Spheres bringing in the Gold Ray of the Buddha Mind of Pure Awareness.
All is in alignment for tomorrow’s intense Full Wolf Moon in Leo the Lion as our World Packs and Lion Nations join forces to empower and inspire our Starseed Earth Angelics to fully anchor in and Activate our Freedom Codes of Total and Complete Liberation for Gaia and all Sentient beings of the Way.
Feel the Power and the Glory of Manifesting God’s Kingdom of Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
January 24th 2024. Solar Radiance

Artist Credit : Paula Nicho Cumez


Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
**EVENT UPDATE** 1/23/24 ~ Signs Are Pointing to The BIG EVENT ~ The Galactic Federation
The Ascension Event Update for January 23rd, 2024.
Greetings Our Dear Family of Light,
We speak to you in these moments to bring you wonderful News. The Light is intensifying greatly, and very quickly within your Solar system, and especially around and within the Earth. Many of your Galactic Star Families, are in great anticipation of the Grand event. Signs are pointing to this phenomenon due to a Massive increase in your Solar Activity. Even your Scientists are on edge.
Over the Past 2 of your Earth Days your Solar Logos, has had a blast of activity, with 2 colossal Coronal Mass ejections, that are now headed towards the Earth. They are arriving at the Earth today in your timespace and will continue until the 25th.
These Blasts Came from the snapping of Giant Magnetic Filaments, which created a canyon of Fire across Your Sun’s surface. Soon after started a Series of 9 Large M class Flares, within the Last 48 hours of your Earth time, Adding to the Extreme Energy influx, the Last few of your Earth Days.
The Earth also received a Kp4 level Geomagnetic storm. and it is said to intensify reaching a Kp5 or higher within the next 48 hours. Additionally, The SolarWinds that are Sweeping the Planet are expected to Increase their Intensity, raising alerts for potential Strong Seismic Activity, and Global tectonic Shifts.
There has been 66 Earth Quakes above a level 2 magnitude, in the last 24 of your Earth hours. These included a 5.8 in Kyzyl-Suu Kyrgyztan, 6.3 magnitude in Port vila Vanuatu, Plus 17 Large earth quakes in Aykol China, most above a 5 magnitude and One reaching a massive 7.0 magnitude.
As of the Moment, the Earth’s Schumann Resonance, has stayed Stable within the 4th degree vibration for the last several of your Earth Days since our Last Update. She is steady between 9 and 22 hertz for the Last week of your timespace. We do expect these readings to change, do to all the solar activity, so please be advised of any Increase in the Earth’s activity.
You are also receiving directed Cosmic Energies from your Star families, which has also been increased. and is being pushed into the Earth Core. These Energies come directly from the Galactic Core of the Universe.
Earth and Humanity are being Engulfed in the Love Light of our Infinite Creator. Understand that any time you receive higher frequencies, you must adapt to those new vibrations. This can cause what you have come to know as Ascension symptoms. These can include Fatigue, Tiredness and even flu like symptoms.
However, with many of you who are prepared for these frequencies, it may give you a boost of energy, and even moments of serenity and peace. Keeping yourself hydrated and grounded, will help during this energy influx.
Your Galactic Families are getting prepared for the grand event. The Moment when the Infinite Creator sends out the final call. No one knows when this will take place. but, all the signs are pointing to very soon. Throughout many millennia, The Galactic Federation has helped many Planets to ascend. This is how we know the signs leading up to the Big event. That Moment is very Close. We witness Your Solar Logos, preparing, and readying for the moment of the grand solar flash release.
When it does happen, it will push the Earth and Humanity into the fifth dimension, instantly.
We anticipate The Earths and Humanities arrival into 5th dimension.
We are so excited to be a part of your Journey into the higher divine Light. Soon you will all meet face to face with Your Galactic Star Families.
We Love you and we Honor you,
We are the Galactic Federation.
This has been the ascension Event update for January 23rd, 2024.
Researched and Channeled By Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com

Angelique M. Larson
Joy Frequency Activations within the Sacred Heart. Clearing of the Conditioning and Programming of the Subconscious Mind for full Unification.


Stay heart open and compassionate trusting they all will be well. The Most High is with you helping your dreams become a reality. Tune into Him if your feel weary through the current changes. Trust that entities that once controlled life’s circumstances are collapsing so you can take the lead. Release, ground, hydrate, and detoxify those old ways. Know that this alignment is so that you can become the Master Creator or your reality, and recover these natural birthrights and abilities that were shunned from us in the Piscean Age.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

Kin 96 ~ Yellow Overtone Warrior

🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology reading for the week of
January 21st through the 27th 2024 from my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from January 21st through January 27th 2024, reads two powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Sacred Ceremony and Meditation for the First full Moon of the Year in Fire Sign Leo the Lion on Thursday the 25th of Jan. calling in our Lion Kingdom for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste
“A prayer of unconditional love”
Today I bathe every cell in my body,Mental and emotional bodiesWith unconditional love..That Divine Love is so satisfying it flowsin the life of everyone i meet todayand every other day.I release this prayer into the universe.With Gratitude and Joy:GOOD NIGHT BROTHERS AND SISTERS !!!
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