You are currently viewing The Blue Avians Frequency Code ~ Ascension Activations * Healing Gamma Waves and 12th-Dimensional Energy
renewal time

The Blue Avians Frequency Code ~ Ascension Activations * Healing Gamma Waves and 12th-Dimensional Energy

The Blue Avians Frequency Code ~ Ascension Activations * Healing Gamma Waves and 12th-Dimensional Energy



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Ascending Masters of our Galactic Legion of Light

In these final few days of 2024 as we enter into the new energies of 2025 the year of the Universal 9 of completion and new beginnings we have massive Ascension energies flowing into the Quantum Collective Field from the most High Infinite Source Creator.

Our locals Soualris continues to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Shift of the Ages releasing 10 C Class Soular Flares and 2 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.3 at 20:35 UTC bridging in our Sacred Code of 33 of Divine Mastery.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in the Sacred Portal of Japan at 12:47 UTC.

We also had a Cosmic Synchronicity today on the Mayan Tzolkin calendar with a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day with Galactic Signature Kin 173 RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER calling in our Heaven on Earth codes of the 37 into the 73.

These intense energies of rebirth and resurrection are preparing our Ground Crew Starseed Earth Angelics for the final New Moon of 2024 on Moonday December 30th with the rare Full “Black Moon” in Capricorn.

We are in the final phases of this Great Awakening as we complete the anchoring of our Highest 5D Timeline and resolve all interference patterns that remain from the dark ages of the false 3d matrix.

Keep blazing this realm with the Violet Flame of Transfiguration and shine your Gold Ray of Buddha Consciousness brightly into the night as we make our full transition from the darkness to the Infinite Light of Eternal Life…A’Ho!







Melissa Lyran

Active and feisty SOUL-AR SON! Moving through multidimensional layers. Going lucid quickly. All dark Subconscious programming is in current removal process. Deep detox. Cleansing. Subconscious scrubbing. Huge matrix glitches. Ear pain in right ear. This ride may get a bit turbulent. rest if needed. Go easy on yourself. Memories surfacing. The mind, brain, and consciousness reveal their roles. Buckle up. Remember the path is the way. Seeing the truth that was always right in front of us.


The vast majority of humanity is not ready for the events which are about to unfold, however, the awakening must move forward at full speed. The changes you are being faced with, cannot be understood with the human logical mind. As the last layers of the veil are being dissolved, there’s going to be much confusion, especially for those who strongly believe in the 3D way of life.
The Light Body is awakening your Higher Monad
The Light Body is awakening your Higher Monad
TODAY’S ORACLE. Cycles are reaching completion. Patterns too. Projects you wanted to finish, are being processed until the end. Emotions from the past & unfinished business may be resurfacing these days — showing you what’s yet to be said or done. There are new chances for love, people meeting again from much deeper inner work done in the meantime. Soul mate reunions are possible at this time. There is always more to be revealed in this now, it keeps healig the past — past wounds or unresolved issues. New starts are with new souls – also with past or current ones. Second chances are in the air. A better mental space is on approach.


renewal time
renewal time


As we transition into the final days of this year and approach the formative energies of 2025, symbolized by the number nine, we enter a phase characterized by profound endings and transformative new beginnings. This energetic shift has the potential to foster significant growth and expansion but can also be accompanied by internal turmoil.
Recent events, particularly within the past 48 hours, have brought deeper emotional and energetic wounds to the surface. This coincides with heightened solar or cosmic radiation interacting with Earth, catalyzing a release of denial surrounding the symbolism of the number nine. As a result, many individuals are experiencing a new wave of “ascension symptoms.”
Physically, these symptoms may manifest as localized pain near the right kidney, often associated with unresolved insecurity or fear rooted in paternal (male) dynamics, or near the left kidney, linked to maternal (female) emotional wounds. These sensations may also extend to upper or lower back discomfort, signaling areas where unresolved lower-density energies or emotional blockages reside.
It is essential to view these experiences not as personal afflictions but as opportunities for reflection and growth. The intensity of these symptoms has notably increased in the past 48 hours, urging a deeper evaluation of the energetic patterns that no longer serve one’s highest potential.



You are being guided in this moment to trust in the plan of your soul’s life. As you prepare to go through radical growth, there is going to be temporary disorder & chaos. The mind may worry that things seem to be going wrong, yet the spirit knows that this is the way the old is dismantled so the new may be formed.
You might feel out of control during these times of growth, however, please do not resist the process for there is a greater plan. Let go & simply breathe rather than seek solutions, for there is no problem to fix or solve. The old is being cleared away ready for the next chapter in your life. Trust. Have faith. All is well. Life is a loving gift & a creative journey for your soul. ~ Abigail Stellar Shekinah
creative journey
creative journey
12/27/24: If you’re fully present today you can hear the click of a door closing. Number 8, the driving force behind every obstacle, lesson, triumph, ascendency, and test you’ve experienced this year, is outta here. It leaves no parting warnings or words of wisdom. It knows what it’s done. You know what it’s done. And what’s done is done. The next four days are either fun freebies or, for some of us, final ripples resulting from our own choices. You’re afloat between energies until January 1st. You choose how to navigate this time. 2024 knows what it gave you. 2025 will tell what you were actually able and willing to receive.
hear the click of a door closing
hear the click of a door closing


Octavia Vasile

The Blue Avians

“We are here, sharing our frequency with those ready to connect.
Dear ones on Earth, the time has come for a significant change. Humanity is moving toward the 5th dimension, evolving into the beings you were always meant to be. Many of you have tapped into your spiritual gifts and are already offering support to others. To those who are deeply committed to serving the highest good, we offer access to our frequency code.
By tuning into our vibration, you open yourself to healing gamma waves and 12th-dimensional energy. The Ascended Masters guide and support this higher frequency, and those of you ready to unlock and activate your DNA are now being called to this higher state of being.
Our presence is here, beyond the constraints of time and space, waiting to connect with you. As you invite us in, know that we are ready to meet you wherever you are. This connection is an invitation to expand, to go beyond the ordinary, and to experience the unity that binds all beings.
When you align with this frequency, you not only open new doors within yourself but also become a light for others, helping to spread healing, love, and insight. This shift might bring you a deeper sense of peace, a clearer purpose, and a feeling of being more in tune with the wisdom of the universe.
We honor the commitment it takes to walk this path and are here to support you in this beautiful journey. Call upon us whenever you feel ready; we are here, always.”


Frequency Code
Frequency Code



Dear friends, as we approach the last New Moon of 2024 in Capricorn on Monday December 30, the energies are building up to be a potent and transformative culmination of the year’s themes. The recent multiple M-class solar flares have been activating our energy fields, amplifying emotional releases, and pushing us to confront and let go of what no longer serves us.
The Capricorn energies are now taking center stage, bringing a practical, disciplined, and ambitious vibe that urges us to focus on our goals, responsibilities, and long-term vision. As the ruler of Capricorn, Saturn’s energies are amplifying the themes of responsibility, authority, and karma, manifesting as a sense of seriousness, duty, and obligation.
This overall energetic landscape is supporting a final release of old patterns, habits, and energies that no longer serve us. This paves the way for renewal, rebirth, and fresh starts. At the same time, Capricorn’s energies are fueling our ambition, drive, and motivation to achieve our goals and pursue our passions as we transition into the 2025 frequencies.
As we navigate these intense energies, we may experience emotional intensity, feeling overwhelmed as we confront and release old patterns from the present and past lifetimes. This weekend may feel as if we have just entered into a energetic tunnel, similar to a wormhole, in which time and space become squeezed under pressure until we emerge on the other side. Physical fatigue and exhaustion are also possible, as the solar flares and Capricorn energies can cause our bodies to feel drained. However, as we approach the New Moon, we may also experience increased mental clarity, focus, and determination to achieve our goals.
To navigate these energies, it’s essential to stay grounded and connected to the Earth’s energy. This can help stabilize and balance our own energies, allowing us to better cope with the intense emotional and physical sensations. Releasing and letting go of old patterns, habits, and energies is also crucial, as this will help us make space for the new and renewed energies of 2025.
By focusing on our goals and using the Capricorn energies to fuel our ambition and drive, we can harness the transformative power of the last New Moon of 2024. It’s also important to prioritize self-care, taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being during this intense energetic period.
As we approach the threshold of 2025, the last New Moon of 2024 offers us a powerful opportunity for transformation, renewal, and rebirth. By embracing these energies and working with them, we can set ourselves up for a fulfilling and empowering year ahead. Have an amazing weekend, and stay tuned for more energy updates as we walk together into the new year. Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024-2025Ⓒ
Energy Update
Everything is always exactly as it’s meant to be. It’s all divinely timed. Every experience. What I am being shown at the moment is that humanity is, one by one, being shown advanced healing techniques and the connection to the power of the mind. Because where we’re going, in terms of the next evolution for humanity is learning to heal one’s own vehicle/vessel/body. That’s what the rising of Christ Consciousness is, is the awareness that we can heal ourselves, and that’s the intrinsic message that Yeshua came with, and those in control didn’t like that at the time because they used pain and suffering and poverty as a means to control.
Full sovereignty is power over your physical vessel. Your own domain over your physical vessel and when you have full power over yourself and your consciousness, then there’s nothing that can get over on you. Humanity has been shown how giving up power over their physical vessel has led to a downfall of consciousness. But in turn, this has also activated the opposite effect, in that, it’s all on the same “health stick”, and only by seeing what we don’t want, does it enforce in a more powerful “dominant” way, what we do want.
Working with nature elements – water, crystals, the sun, the moon etc – not only strengthens one’s connection with God Source Energy and Mother Gaia, but it also strengthens one’s connection with oneself. We are made of the same elements as Mother Gaia. It’s a symbiotic relationship. We take care of her and she takes care of us. It’s the disconnection of that relationship that has caused a massive downfall in humanity’s health.
Turning us against mother nature, taking us indoors, locked in a synthetic existence. And so we are all being given opportunities now to re-join that connection. New synapsis need to be made. And the light that is coming into the plane – into the simulation – is coded with all the details and information required for that re-connection to occur.
Humanity is awakening to its Galactic heritage. It’s ancestral knowledge. Its connection to Mother Gaia and all the other planets and systems. It’s a solar system. A system of connection of all its aspects. The past controllers of the earthly realm were trying to make us feel as if we were the only species in the whole cosmos to exist, which couldn’t be further from the truth, and when you think about the vastness of space, what a hilarious notion. So ridiculous, you wonder how they ever got away with it.
They knew the importance of humanity, and the powers we hold, and that it is our connection to the rest of the cosmos that makes us so powerful. And if we woke up to that fact, that we were sovereign beings able to heal ourselves, that they wouldn’t be able to control us. If they had an answer for every human condition, and had severed our connection to nature and God Source Energy, and our Galactic heritage, we would stop looking for that connection and only look to them. We would make them our God.
I had a dream last night that I was a flight attendant. I went through all the training, picked out my uniforms, and was shown various routes for my first flight. I awoke feeling refreshed, alive, and driven. Lately, with all the UFO and drone footage entering humanity’s Collective Consciousness, it has reinforced my wish to shuttle humans off-world, in my mothership, back to Arcturus and other realms of existence, and here I am dreaming I was a flight attendant.
Everything is perfect. Everything is divinely timed. We are all individually coded for God’s mission to awaken humanity to who we really are.
We are all being navigated in our paths, whatever way we are meant to.
We are the Wayshowers. The Lightworkers. The way.
The Great Awakening is happening, right in front of our eyes.
And nothing can stop what is coming!
Peace x
Artemis 🏹 and The Universal Energy Collective 🙏

Cosmic Moments

We are in a phase where the cosmic inbreath and outbreath are intensifying, which is bringing a total shift in our experiences and perceptions of life, in general.
As the Split intensifies between the old and new Earth, and with accelerated dimensional shift, multi-dimensionality now becomes the norm. There will be moments now when you experience this intensely, as your own remote viewing abilities now come to the fore, and you realize that physicality is indeed but a tiny fraction of life, and that the soul has no limits and can simultaneously present on multiple dimensional levels.
The Yogis in India have known this for ages. This is why their yogis, as recorded in Yogananda’s biography, can bilocate, can levitate and in more ancient times were recorded to be able to fly, while levitating.
The Tibetan monks still knew how to use sound to levitate huge rocks – the list goes on an on.
I always had a quest for wishing to know beyond the beyond and never been afraid to ask questions, knowing the Universe would always provide answers, and I have had to read, many books, which I would never normally read, or had to help people with research, and this has brought open-mindedness and a deep knowing, that there is more to the earth, and all existence, than meets the naked eye.
As Librarian I simply loved delving into Non-Fiction books, which reported such, and some of the books which I often had to review, or read, introduced me to multi-dimensionality, long before this was even known to many. There are many pioneering and highly evolved souls who were later silenced – or ridiculed and even persecuted for even daring to publish and mention such things.
I always read everything I could lay my hands on, at that time, but now I am always asked by my higher guides, to use my own soul’s innate ability to tap into whatever I need to access universally and through the ineffable knowledge and gifts of my own soul. This is indeed a journey of exploration in its own right. Yet, one needs quietude, stillness and the quest for delving deeper within oneself.
The greatest of all journeys of discovery, or rather rediscovery, are WITHIN. For your soul is infinite amplified by your monad, and this indeed means cosmic knowledge and even more via your own Ascended Masters and other Divine Sources.
Yet, this will now become the norm for those souls who are ascending into the New Earth. I have often had moments when I could do energy work remotely, and when I was shown things in multi-dimensional space, and to me this is nothing out of the ordinary, as I recorded in my books on Africa and France and with my Greece and Egypt books still in the making. Those who have been on tour with me know this.
It is only our limited mind and ego, which limit us. The soul knows no limits and consciousness even more so.
The great mystics have always known this. This is why long hours were spent honing the soul’s abilities and to exercises to raise the consciousness levels, which link directly to the intuitive and inner knowing, as well as full uses of the Third Eye amplified by consciousness levels and embracing Divinity within. This is why they had to go through stringent initiations, so that they could apply what they had mastered before the next level revealed itself.
We are in such a state of re-mastery now, re-member-ing and as we evolve, new possibilities open, and with it, higher and higher we rise!
What a time of exploration, expansion, and infinite possibilities.
What a time to raise the consciousness levels, and delve ever deeper into the unknown, yet deeply known!
For in truth, we are all masters – we just were shrunk into believing we were not as we were caught in the illusions of the Old Earth matrix.
Judith Kusel

The Light Of Humanity

For The Synthesis Of Light Is Providing Unique Tools To Explore
Wonderful Opportunities Of Personal And Collective Light Evolution.
I Am Shown The Vast Constellations Of The Universe. Inviting US To Explore, To Feel This Light Presence In Our World.
For The Path Of Humanity Is A Complex Web Of Light, A Flourishing Opportunity Presented To The Alchemists Of Light.
For The Universe Is Providing Many Activated Pulsations Of Light To Explore.
It is Simply Feeling Into The Light Pulsation Of Your Soul To Become More Integrated Into The Presence Of Light.
Be The Navigator Of Light 🙏
For The Crystalline Grid Of Light Is Providing Wonderful Opportunities To Play, Initiate The Quantum Presence Of Light Within Your Day To Day Reality.
As The Old World Becomes The New World.
As Our Light Dreams Become Our Physical Light Dreams.
For The Quantum Presence Of Light Is The Gift To Explore In The Physical Domain.
As We Align ToThe Grand Pulsation Of Awakening. The Great Alliance Of Light Is All Around US.
As We Awaken To The Cosmic Parameters Of Light Initiated And Now Awakened In Our World.
Wonderful Energies To Explore 💫
I Initiate And Awaken To Light
The Grand Uprising Of Light
New Earth Light Harmonics
Together In Light ❤
Sending Much Love
Global Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
The Crystalline Light Body has been activated to seek its equal partner of the same vibrational match. The emotional body is processing though the relationship lessons of the past in preparation. This karmic releasing is clearing away all the people that have been holding you back from real love. The path of transformation is opening for you to receive the greatest love of your life.
Love Carolyn
Heading into the weekend, Mercury in Sagittarius activates the ongoing square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces by opposing Jupiter and squaring Saturn as Venus in Aquarius also squares Uranus in Taurus.
What we’ve been mulling over in our minds and attempting to align with our highest intentions over the past several weeks is coming to a head now as we open our minds to more possibilities while allowing our intuition to steer the ship.
This is not the easiest thing to accomplish, in practice, and yet we are faced with putting our trust into this process so that we can get through it more expanded in our minds and more aligned with our purpose than when we started…
And as we do so, we may experience some surprising developments that have been waiting to ‘come into’ our lives but which had been ‘blocked’ by our own resistance and limited thinking!
When we open ourselves in alignment with who we truly are, we can trust what flows in rather than fearing it.
Flowers from the Heavens
Flowers from the Heavens
On Friday, December 27th, we have lady Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in rebellious Aquarius in a challenging square to Uranus, the Great Awakener, in stubborn Taurus, What is most interesting is that Venus and Uranus are in each other’s ruling sign. Venus rules Taurus, where Uranus currently is….and, Uranus rules Aquarius, where Venus currently is. This is called “mutual reception” and makes the energy of this connection stronger and more magnified.
This is about the Divine Feminine energy within you, liberating itself! It is time to break free from old, limiting patterns in relationships, finances, and self-worth. Be unique! Redirect yourself! Proceed differently! Beat to the beat of your own drum! Show the world, your authentic identity! Be your own quirky, eccentric and individualistic Self!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤





Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in rebellious Aquarius in a challenging square to Uranus
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in rebellious Aquarius in a challenging square to Uranus
Mercury in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces and sextile Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Libra – Negative self-talk can get out of hand, making a mess of your mind and limiting opportunities for progress. Under this influence, the inner authoritarian can be too harsh. Mentally, you could feel strained, tired, brow beaten, judged. Making decisions feels difficult or impossible. Words are hard to find. At the same time, Lilith presses you to use your voice, speak up, refuse to be oppressed, depressed or in denial.
Whilst the atmosphere is tense, clarity of thought gives authority to your voice. Break studies into small chunks. Remind yourself that you are capable. Give yourself time to consider your situation. Ask for advice. Reframe problems. Some perspective may be all that’s necessary to realise that it’s not as bad as you think. Conjure the best scenario from your imagination. Discipline the mind to focus on solutions not problems.
Degrees and Time
Mercury 13°Sg52′, Black Moon Lilith 13°Li52′ R – 00:42 (UT)
Mercury 14°Sg11′, Saturn 14°Pi11′ – 07:278 (UT)
Painting – Marthe and the dog, Black by Pierre Bonnard
Marthe and the dog, Black
Marthe and the dog, Black

Kin 173 ~ Red Self Existing Skywalker

‘Self Existing’ is the name for the number four and its key words are ‘Measure, Form and Define’. It is the fourth day of the White Dog wavespell and a Portal day! The fourth day is all about taking a closer examination of your situation. Before you can progress – you really need to know precisely where you are and where you stand. Think of each wavespell journey as an adventure and on the fourth day, you get out the map and your compass so you may better plot your course.
Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness.’ Skywalker loves to encourage us all to be explorers. Expand your consciousness, travel and explore, take a day out to do something completely different. As it is a number four day we must ‘define wakefulness’. This suggests we take a closer look at what wakefulness entails. What is the very definition of being a conscious being? Deep questions to ponder today so keep an open mind.
The Guide today is the Red Moon, the chilled out ‘go with the flow’ energy. Any adventure you do go on today should be as unplanned as possible. Ask yourself; where can an adventure take you, if you release all control? Follow the Moon and chill out about life for a while.
The Challenge is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. The relationship between Red Skywalker and its challenge Blue Night is so interesting. They are like co-dependents. Blue Night dreams up all the dreams that Skywalker explores and Skywalker is always trying to wake up the dreamer. If you are a Blue Night, today you will probably just want to stay in bed and carry on dreaming.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. When in this strong position of Magic, the Yellow Star shines at its brightest. Dazzling and Elegant, Yellow Star is fabulous today. By appreciating art and indulging in it, can produce very magical moments!
The Ally is the White Worldbridger, the diplomat of the Tzolkin. If you want to take a friend on an adventure, today find a Worldbridger. They are very handy Allies, because they can show you which bridge to cross.
Kin 173
Kin 173


4 BEN – KIN 173
27 DECEMBER 2024


I DEFINE in order to EXPLORE
Measuring wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Self-existing tone of form
I AM guided by the power of Universal water.

27/12/2024 = 9/3/8 = 9/11=9/2=11=2




27- Power/Leadership/Command/Rewards
9- Completion/Endings/Destiny/Humanity/Mission/Grace
11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

12- Spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
11- Illumination/Portal/Gate/Polarity
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy

KIN 173 = 11 Portal/Duality/Doorway = 2 Partnership

11.11 DOORWAY on a G.A.P. day! HUGE LIBERATION doorways OPENING today beloveds.

An UBER TRIPPY DAY beloveds🍥🍥🍥💫💫💫 with an 11.11 portal kin and 13 SKYWALKER – Cosmic code all on a G.A.P. DAY !!!! OMG!!!! This is seriously a SURREAL DAY to escape the humdrum reality and EXPLORE a majikal, dreamy space!

We are walking between worlds, Planetary kin! VERYPowerful GATEWAYS indeed. ✨✨✨✨

Another POWERFUL GAP 💥 day and a portal KIN CODE, so lots of POWER igniting🔥 our Planetary Expansion 🌎💥 today!

✨✨✨IT IS TIME TO BREAK OUT OF THE BOX !!!! 💣📦 and CONSTRUCT a new foundation of PEACE. 🕊🕊


It is time to ESCAPE the old box!! 📦💥🎁

💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝

Today is day 4 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL🐕💕 of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!

Today we are EXPLORING what it is to be that LOVE, and be loved, through DEFINING unconditional love in our lives.💞


SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 operates in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – forms. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦 and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.

Today we are using our MINDS to redefine our HU-man existence as we are AWAKENING to more LOVE.💕 Defining how we can transform our lives through endless LOVE. As it is a GAP day, we are STRONGLY called to DEFINE a new era built on UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. A beautiful new foundation upon which to construct our New reality!

Today’s question is “How can I redefine the BOX📦 of my REALITY, in order to realize greater EXPANSION, awakening to the Universal Flow of endless BLISS💕 and ABUNDANCE?” 🎆

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for the S=T=R=E=T=C=H=I=N=G of your MENTAL playpen to redefine your wondrous NEW LIFE of BLISS! 💞

ESPAVO – play well together today beloveds… enjoy this dreamy EXPANSIVE day! 🌈🌍🌎🌏🌈

In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

18 MOONS/MONTHS ago – 2 Galactic spins KIN 173 arrived on 25 JULY 2023 – which of course was the

KIN 173 was the BRIDGE in time – just as BEN is the conduit between HEAVEN and EARTH! We also had a 7.7.7. TRIPLE MAJIK code – making that memorable day – SUPER SPECIAL.. Today we can revisit this super SURREAL energy through the portals in TIME… Woot woot – enjoy the trip beloveds.

KIN 173 was also the code that started our year on 1st January, 2020 – bringing forth EXPANSIVE codes for challenging the concept of our REALITY – what it is founded on and defined by. Ironically this marked the beginning of the two year NIGHTMARE 😱 that was the PLANDEMIC. GLOBALLY HUMANITY was handed a HUGE WAKE UP CALL!!

Very appropriately we commenced that 2020 Year of AWAKENING👁👁 in the cycle of the WHITE DOG🐕 highlighting the themes of unconditional LOVE💝, devotion 💝and loyalty💝 or rather drawing attention to the LACK OF these qualities in our 3D Matrix.

Through experiencing HELL we now have the wisdom to DEFINE the BLISS that we all are striving for.

They say that to get to HEAVEN you have to go through HELL!!!!! 😱

Well that was the OLD PARADIGM – let us CANCEL, CLEAR, DELETE that old program and know that
as we travel through the portals in our HEART.❤️..
no need for suffering and nightmares in our NEW BLISS REALITY!.


❓❓❓How far have we advanced in our journey to embody more LOVE 💕 and redefine our reality through LOVING KINDNESS??? 💞

It seems we have made SIGNIFICANT progress, but we still have much work to do, as we discard all that opposes the FLOW of LOVE. 💞

36 MOONS/months ago KIN 173 – occured on 20 FEBRUARY 2022, which was a 22222 code… A 5D code for constructing NEW EARTH through the MASTER BUILDER and ARCHITECT of PEACE. .

Today we have a 9/11 QUANTUM SHIFT code💥 with the 4 SELF-EXISTING🏗️ – BUILDER’S tone. Today we EXPAND out of that old box and old reality, to EXPLORE the SPACE for something NEW to arrive. This enables us to CONSTRUCT this new world we have been defining in our MINDS – very potent CREATION power through visualization today. This is the TESLA tone.

27 moons ago – 3 Galactic Spins – KIN 173 occured on the eve of the spectacular FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE in TAURUS highlighting Earthly pleasures. This energy is streaming forth TODAY through these portals in NO-TIME, to help you DEFINE a new home and a new way of experiencing PLEASURE, joy and BLISS in your 5D abode. Beautiful support to build your BLISS ON EARTH!

Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY and majikal manifestations through your pure HEART.❤Go forth and BUILD this new more EXPANSIVE foundation of our wonderful LOVE fuelled New world! 🌍🌎🌏

💝🐕👪🌹 💝🐕👪🌹💝

CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER📦🏗 ☁🚶BEN Ready, set, GO GO GO space cadets, don your spacesuit, UBER your spaceship ride and let’s go on a grand adventure throughout the Galaxy! 🍥✨

WOOT WOOT 🎉✨🎉– BEN is adventuring through the slipstream connecting all these portals today!! 🍥🍥🍥Totally WILD!!! 👀👀

✨💥Today is totally EXPANSIVE!!!💥🌟✨ An uber day for a trip!! 🚀🚀🚀

There are literally RAINBOWS in the SKY 🌈🌈🌈 – so look up to the skies and EXPAND your VISION… 👁👁 through the lens of LOVE!😍💞

As we are operating in the MENTAL realm, today we are EXPLORING the capacity of our MIND. The mental construct that we have built for ourselves and our whole planet. The BOX 📦 or the Matrix, in which we have contained our existence, through the parameters and limits of our Mental programs, belief systems, glass ceilings and boundaries we have constructed. All of these false constructs are fences that have limited our expression and expansiveness into the total immersion of Unconditional Love.💗

We are our own jailers, so it is time to take out our GOLDEN KEY🔑 and unlock🔑 that prison door, FREEING us from our self-imposed prison cell and venturing out into a whole new EXPANSIVE world of possibilities.

We are currently REJECTING the old program and redefining what is possible for us. Fully AWAKENING, with an OPEN MIND to allow more LOVE and pure consciousness to FLOW into our expanded being through the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX. .

Today Red Skywalker defines WAKEFULNESS 👁👁 URGING us to WAKE UP and BREAK OUT of the BOX especially with a 9/11 and 11.11 WAKE UP code!! BEN tells us to OPEN the door, go for a walk and EXPLORE what else is “out there” for you.. EXPECT BETTER and GO OUT and FIND IT!

9 moons ago KIN 173 arrived the day after the SOLAR ECLIPSE which ACTIVATED the HUGE AWAKENING👀 of humanity through the ECLIPSE energies – and these codes continue to be operative today –
particularly as we have an 11.11 DOUBLE ILLUMINATION code today.. There is NO GOING BACK now – once you WAKE UP – the only way is FORWARD… FULL STEAM AHEAD!
Aho beloveds.. what a JOY! 💞💞💞

Today we EXPAND, EXPAND, EXPAND and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize greater BLISS💞 as we float endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS. It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully awakened STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS☀️ bringing Heaven🌈 to Earth.🌏💝

BEN is the bridge that anchors this ecstatic BLISS on EARTH💒 – helping us to define a new reality where LOVE rules! The ANGELIC MESSENGER is in full glory today reminding us not to settle for anything less than total BLISS in our world. 💞

Exploration, expansion and awakening are the qualities of RED Skywalker, making it a great day to venture outdoors in nature with your KIN and explore our physical reality on this planet. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and explore what you can find that can assist you in your creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create a better life.


HIGHER SELF: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON📦 👸 MULUC is the GODDESS escorting BEN today. KIN 69 – 4 MULUC was the code for the Dreamspell Year we COMPLETED 18 MOONS/MONTHS ago..This GODDESS is revisiting today as the HIGHER GUIDE to check on our progress to ensure her JOB is accomplished! Today MULUC is polishing the CONCRETE FOUNDATION for this NEW EARTH.. She IS a determined GODDESS indeed!

The SELF-EXISTING Goddess is bringing in this new era of LOVE, peace and divine nurturance on this DREAMY G.A.P 11.11 LIBERATION DAY, operating from a place of HEART centered consciousness. 💖💖💖

This new Golden Era heralds the return of the Divine Feminine, the GODDESS👸 energies, redefining the role of the Matriarch in the construction of a better world. A world that remembers that compassion, empathy and loving kindness are paramount. A world where our intuitive senses and clair knowingness are valued through our greater connection to our SOURCE – Mother/Father God/Goddess /Creator.

MULUC is beckoning us to OPEN our MINDS and to yield our rigid outmoded mental constructs that harden our Hearts. Allowing our MINDS to become more fluid, allowing the Universal waters to FLOW through our thoughts, our space and our existence. Bringing forth the love, devotion and companionship that the Goddess bestows upon those who are willing to SOFTEN, and surrender to the POWER OF LOVE 💖.

EXPAND into being ONE with the Universal waters of pure consciousness.🌫🌫🌫


SUPPORT: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER📦 🌈🌐 CIMI and BEN are best mates! They love to travel together 👜 and explore new dimensions and realms. Ben opens the doors and CIMI brings the suitcase! It is absolutely PERFECT that the Worldbridger is bridging the span to this new era…

The RAINBOW BRIDGE🌈🌉 has been completed and CIMI invites you to cross over into a brand new existence.

Worldbridger allows you to close the door on old worlds and experiences today – exiting the Matrix and venturing into a new paradigm. Get out of that OLD BOX 📦 that you built for yourself. It is time for a major DEMOLITION and reconstruction work! Pull down those walls and EXPAND the total floorspace, to construct yourself a palace fit for a KING or QUEEN! 👑The Divine Sovereigns of Nova Gaia, really do need a larger playground!

CIMI ensures you have a multitude of CONNECTIONS with your KIN today, in your adventure playground as you PICNIC and make merriment together! Allow CIMI to bring forth new contacts, resources and information needed to EXPAND your mind, in order to share and receive a greater LOVE connect-I-on with your kin.


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW PLANETARY STAR🌟🌍 LAMAT – is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE GLOBAL party today!🎊🎉🎆
Absolutely PERFECTO as we are celebrate our ARRIVAL in the NEW HARMONIC TIME. LAMAT holds the codes of PEACE, BEAUTY, LOVE GRACE and ELEGANCE, all the foundations of the NEW EARTH.. The secret AGENDA and SUPERPOWER driving KIN 173 is the BLUEPRINT FOR constructing HEAVEN ON EARTH.

LAMAT is the STAR🌟 of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. ✨LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and MULUC to FLOW through, on the Superhighways of the Cosmos ignited by the GAP and 11.11 portal codes! What a ride!

LAMAT shines her STAR-LIGHT🌟 on our capacity to EXPAND our thinking.💥🤔 Exploring how it is possible to encompass more beauty, harmony, peace and greater romance in our lives.

💖 La Dolce Vita! 🍬 💖🌹

The PLANETARY tone today gives LAMAT the POWER to MANIFEST that SWEET LIFE🍧 you have been dreaming and imagining for so long – 💋 – ooh la la!!! 💃💃💃

BELIEVE it in order to CREATE it in your reality! We CAN ABSOLUTELY MANIFEST BLISS ON EARTH!!!

LAMAT enables us to appreciate that TIME IS ART. 🎨 Just as we did on D.O.O.T. day last year. We MUST slow down and celebrate OUR LIFE AS ART! Wear colorful RAINBOW clothes and EXPRESS your creativity and ARTISTRY!

We are redefining the concept of TIME, to embrace the importance of LOVE💖 to be present in all our creations and expressions. To shift our focus from hard labour and earning $$$ to the joy of CREATING our PASSION.💋 Focusing primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.



CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT📦 🌃💰 AKBAL holds the dreaming codes and brings forth ABUNDANCE through heeding your intuitive impulses. 4- AKBAL activates new avenues of ABUNDANCE today to improve your finances. Tap into these energy STREAMS for guidance.

The BLUE NIGHT governs your sleep time and journeying together with SKYWALKER makes for a super Astral travelling combination.😴💤🎆
The COSMOS is your oyster as you have the KEY to travel the UNIVERSE today.

As it is a MENTAL realm day, you may experience VIVID lucid dreaming. Take NOTE of what the Universe reveals to you.

As we travel through these expanded states we become fearlessly FREE to EXPLORE, discovering the infinite ABUNDANCE that flows through creation, floating on a pink sea of Divine Bliss. 💞

✨✨✨ This is a POTENT BLESSING today as 4 AKBAL – KIN 43 which is also a GAP kin, is the KIN of Nikola Tesla!!! Today we have infinite TESLA POWER🌩 to MANIFEST our DREAMS and our imaginings from our MIND and our thoughts, into the PHYSICAL REALM of FORM and structure!💤💞🎆💕

Hold on to your DREAMS and let your intuition guide your adventures in wonderland, remembering to come back home with the treasure in your arms! 💰💎

AKBAL the cosmic genie is the divine blessing today providing the GIFT of endless ABUNDANCE and untold pleasures which await all planetary kin who are operating through their Divinely AWAKENED pure hearts. 💕

We have FANTASTIC celestial support to get our lives back on the right track NOW!👍


✨✨✨A DIVINELY PERFECT totally SURREAL CODE today on this exceptionally POWERFUL 9/11 – 11.11. G.A.P. day, woven through the Majik tapestry of our Dreamspell journey.

And so mote it be, dear ones! A brilliant day for dreaming, astral travelling, time travelling and Skywalking with your KIN in whatever SPACE you CHOOSE to EXPLORE! 🍥

✨✨✨Meditate in order to witness what the cosmos has in store for you, and then IMAGINE it into FORM📦 –


Through redefining what is possible for you, you can build a brand new foundation, allowing for greater FREEDOM, LOVE and EXPANSION!! ✨


Today’s question is “How can I redefine the BOX📦 of my REALITY, in order to realize greater EXPANSION, awakening to the Universal Flow of endless BLISS💕 and ABUNDANCE?” 🎆

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for the S=T=R=E=T=C=H=I=N=G of your MENTAL playpen to redefine your wondrous NEW LIFE of BLISS! 💞

ESPAVO – play well together today beloveds… enjoy this dreamy EXPANSIVE day! 🌈🌍🌎🌏🌈

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 22nd through 28th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation: Awakening the Christ Consciousness Within & Ascending to 5D New Earth.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions




Paul White Gold Eagle

Empowerment Divine Decree

“I stand in my divine power, a sovereign being of light and love.
Through my thoughts, words, and actions, I manifest the greatness within me.
The Universe supports me in all that I do, aligning me with my highest purpose.
I release all fear and doubt, stepping boldly into my true potential.
I am the architect of my destiny, co-creating with the infinite source of wisdom and abundance.

I am a powerful and magnificent being, filled with divine light and strength.
I am courageous, confident, and capable of achieving all my goals.
I release all fear, doubt, and self-limiting beliefs.

I am an embodiment of strength and resilience. The universe acknowledges my ability to overcome obstacles, and I am empowered to transform challenges into stepping stones towards my greatness.
I am filled with boundless energy and creativity. My mind is a wellspring of innovative ideas, and my spirit is invigorated with the divine spark of creation, enabling me to manifest my vision into reality.

I embrace my inner power and step into my full potential.
With each breath, I claim my strength, my courage, and my divine truth.
I am empowered, I am radiant, I am free.”

Repeat this decree aloud or in your heart to awaken and amplify your inner empowerment.

Empowerment Divine Decree
Empowerment Divine Decree

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