Rapid Acceleration and Quantum Expansion ~ Cosmic Alignment 888 * The Fourth Root Race – The Atlantean ~ Winds of the Universe Bring Ancient Messages
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Royal Queens and Kings of our Holy Nation of the New Lemuria
We begin this fiery new month of the 8 of Leo and the Lions Gate Portal with wave after wave of Gamma Plasma Liquid Adamantine Light flowing directly from the Great Central Sun and through our local Soularis with over 13 M Class Soular Flares in the last 24 hours with the most powerful maxing at M 8.24 at 7:09 UTC.
These Quantum Flashes of Holy Fire are flowing through all our Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144 and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia.
We also had major spiking of Higher Resonance on the Schumann Charts as Mother Earth’s “heartbeat” reached amplitudes of 22 hz, 54 hz and a big blast of white light at 60 hz. Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in and holding steady and stable as we complete our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation.
Pachamama also received another powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire in her Crown Chakra of Lemuria with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Sand Point, Alaska at 10:03 UTC.
A Higher Vortex of benevolence in the Sun has opened today to connect and call in our Legions of Light to assist in the clean up of all interference patterns and their perpetrators!
Our Lion and Dragon Kingdoms and Queendoms unite as a collective Alliance as the Eagle flies with the Condor to usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.
Fear Not, Keep the Faith BroThors and SiStars of the Light for we are all in this together and are walking each other Home to our New Heaven upon the New Earth and we cannot fail for “Only Love is Real”…A’Ho!
Theme song for this week thus far~ Another one bites the dust ..
Field has been dumping massive amounts of density the past 72 hours..Galactivations, karmic endings, trauma rewrites~akash imprint dissolution, polarity integration/ OverSoul extensions integrating. The shifts have been so rapid, quantum speed. Courage, Speaking our Truths unapologetically, surrender and high level embodied Integrity testing has been a theme. Last week the new Guard was working with “Spiritual abuse” reviews..
This week thus far, personally, any vows or oaths regarding working with others~ ie: consequences of being a “sworn” mandatory reporter and possible karmic entanglements accumulated with that previous leadership role. Moving forward, clear personal truths around what cannot reside in the field~ most has already vibrated out.
Obviously, nothing will remain the same after this transit. Mastery in motion has been turned up 10 notches .. How’s everyone feelin’?.
In the fifth and sixth dimension world, when the stars align in a special way and the winds of the universe bring ancient messages, the time of multidimensional powers will come. At that moment, those who seek beyond what they see will discover that reality is much more complex than it appears.
Doors between different dimensions will open to those with open hearts and minds. These people will be able to see and control the energies that exist between worlds and understand the past, present and future at the same time.
The wise men of this era will understand how to balance chaos and order, guiding humanity toward a new view of the universe. This awakening will bring great changes, expanding the boundaries of what we know and drawing us closer to a deeper understanding of the cosmos.
When the sun and moon cross in a special way and the sky is filled with new stars, this new era will begin. Then the secrets of the universe will be revealed and humanity will move forward into a future filled with new possibilities, I will continue to help you.
We are at a point that will profoundly change our lives with a powerful wave of Gamma Light coming from the Nucleus of our Galaxy, which will affect the planet and all of its components.
It will be the highest energetic frequency ever measured in the cosmos in the history of the planet. This intense gamma energy is arriving in due time, at multiple celestial events, all happening simultaneously, allowing an incredible amount of cosmic light data to flow through this system.
It will cause a certain level of chaos, when these new photon data will enter the matrix and be integrated into it, but their effect will be a gradual transformation of the hologram of the old control matrix, into the new matrix of the crystal grid where we workers of Light are waiting to know and want to live this GREAT REALITY.
Now all light conscious human beings can feel completely out of place, alone and even lost. These old trapped traumatic energies must be freed from the body, and then the data of light will flow completely through every conscious being, and be wired correctly to the earth.
We, like angels in human bodies, have come to hold space in our bodies for this great light, for all humanity, and to announce this great message “UNIVERSAL COSMIC LOVE”.
Higher Education in all the universe is this:
Love God with all your heart, with all your mind, and with all your soul, and this is the secret to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
AUGUST 2024 ASCENSION ENERGIES ~August 2024 brings the energy of Rapid Acceleration and Quantum Expansion. The Cosmic Alignment 888, the Peak of Lion’s Gate Portal 2024, is the biggest Energetic Portal of the year, charged with energies of Abundance & Prosperity, and DNA Upgrades, and bringing Massive Vortex of Energy from Sirius. We are entering the month with 4 Planets in Retrograde (Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron)
At the beginning of the month Mercury will join this Retrograde Party. We will be Journeying through Blue Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th, bringing whirlwind of unpredictable and intense energy of Transformation.
– August 4th – New Moon in Leo
– August 5th – Mercury Retrograde in Virgo
– August 8th – 888 Portal of Ascension, Peak of The Lion’s Gate Portal 2024 of Abundance & Prosperity
8/1/24: August will pull you back and summon you inside before it lets you move forward. Sometimes you’ll think it’s conspiring against you. But you can gain more insight, direction, savvy, and traction from this month than any other this year. You will travel into your own depths to find and either release or make use of any obstacles you carry.
You will be expected to truly understand your motives, your goals, and your past actions. If you slow down and immerse yourself in August’s lessons, you will be worthy of the Dragon’s esteem and it will reward you. Enter today strong and confident. August will test you, but you’ll have a plan and a path when it’s done.
In our last group session we performed what I believe it to be one of the most important works that we have ever performed, the breaking of the loops!
Some of the upcoming most strong astrological configurations of August are connected to the breaking of the loops which humanity will be called to go through at large.
Ascension and the restoration of the Divine Kundalini cannot take place without the breaking of the loops for a very simple reason.
The Living Force/Energy that is coming in now cannot run through loops and if that was the case, it would be detrimental for anyone that would experience this kind of activation.
The human system and body must clear from all distortions, false beliefs and fallen structures before the final flow of Life that will uplift and upgrade it, enters.
This is plain physics and mathematics.
Trying to ascend while you are still carrying a huge amount of inner distortions and limitations, is a recipe for more suffering and exhaustion.
This is why therapy, self examination and self knowing is the number one condition in the Ascencion process.
Now, the body because we have been burning the old and breaking the loops, might be in pain as the physical cell is trying to clear out years of distortion and embody the healthy version of the Self.
There are layers and layers of distortion but if you have reach the old tree then you know that you have reached the beginning of the loop and the ending of it too!
It takes courage and strength to perform an honest self examination and through therapy to build and embody a new healthy relationship to the Self.
Those who are following this path are few and for this, they deserve infinite gratitude and congratulations for their responsibility, bravery and continuous dedication towards themselves!
This is the time that we invite health back into the physical body.
Old inner resistance and false and childish conclusions due to pending emotional trauma, the program of limitation or karmic distortions, have to be addressed now more than ever before.
The physical body knows what to do as long as it is allowed to do it and it is not being suppressed by spiritual bypassing and mental rigid doctrines.
This is about true Love, Acceptance and Respect towards the Self.
Everything is changing but most importantly, all those Yin and Yang ill patterns that were keeping one in entrapments can finally fall away!
As the Masculine is returning the lesson is Love, as the Feminine is Ascending the lesson is Wisdom!
Love and Wisdom create true Power!
Last year in July we entered the 777 level of Mastery.
Look how far we have come!
What did you master in you this past one year?
Did you face difficulties?
Did you manage to have a more clear understanding of yourself?
Did you recognise any pending illusions, distortions or resistances?
How did you deal with them?
Do you love and understand yourself more than last year?
Are you more responsible in your affairs and creations?
Are you ready for the next level?
The 888 level, the level of Godhood is only days away.
You are your own God and Goddess and Nike/victory, is yours!
Dear friends, the first solar flare of the month took place as we transitioned into the new energies of August. This impulsive M6.3 flare and a more recent M8.3 long-duration flare follow a long list of a flurry of moderate solar flares that are responsible for the geomagnetic storm we are currently experiencing. And although these flares have not reached the maximum X class level, this repetitive and non-stop solar stimulation is adding up and the cumulative effects are beginning to show.
Those of you who are energy sensitives may be sensing these energetic flows within and around your bodies. When a massive energy release from the sun hits Earth, it changes our planet’s magnetic field, but also interacts with our own human energetic structures. Here are a few examples of how these solar winds can impact our bodies:
Disrupted sleep patterns: Geomagnetic storms can mess with our circadian rhythms, leading to insomnia, fatigue, and vivid dreams.
Increased anxiety and stress: The shifting magnetic field can influence our emotions, causing feelings of unease, anxiety, and stress.
Inflammation and pain: Some people may experience increased inflammation, joint pain, and muscle tension due to the storm’s effects on our cells.
Cardiovascular issues: Geomagnetic storms can also impact our heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiovascular system.
Enhanced intuition and creativity: On the other hand, some people report increased intuition, creativity, and spiritual connection during geomagnetic storms.
Remember, we are all connected to Earth’s energy field, and geomagnetic storms can affect us differently. Take care of yourself during these times, stay well hydrated and practice grounding techniques.
As we move towards the weekend, the new moon in Leo will bring some temporary energetic relief. However, planet Mercury is starting its retrograde period the same day as the new moon rises.
This celestial combination will be asking us to take things easy, develop patience, and engage in introspective practices to set clear intentions for this special August new moon.
Meanwhile, we will continue navigating through these solar winds during the next 48-72 hours. Solar storms, with their majestic displays of energy, have the power to awaken our biology and consciousness to new possibilities. As we attune ourselves to these celestial events, we may find that our very essence is transformed. In this dance between the sun and our souls, we may discover hidden harmonies that reveal the deepest secrets of our existence.
Let us embrace solar storms as catalysts for our evolution, and surrender to the cosmic forces that shape our destiny. For in the heart of the solar tempest, we may find the key to unlocking our true potential and becoming one with the universe. The 888 lightcodes riding on these solar waves are already initiating this alchemical process within us.
Stay tuned for more updates as the energies keep flowing in. Have a wonderful day, much love
Powerful light codes are flooding into our planet through the lions gate portal activation , the ascension energies are receiving an accelerated boost. The sense of connection between the universe and the inner self is growing stronger in each moment .
Have faith in the revelations during this planetary phase as those on the path of ascension are undergoing a profound transition. Clarity will emerge, revealing Self’s true identity, position, purpose, and path forward.
The World is currently experiencing a process of detoxification, where the darkness that has affected the collective psyche of humanity is being brought to light for higher assessment . The perception of darkness is a result of this extraction and purification. Your heart-centered presence and positive energy serve as an antidote to this process. Expanding inner light contributes to the healing and transformation of the world.
As the ascending heal from generational traumas, they will expand in truth and recognise their akashic talents and acquired strengths. What was previously experienced in many lifetimes was far more than just generational woundings .
The upgrades and changes occurring in the blueprint system are extremely significant , transformative and impactful to the human function . Remaining ascension focused and avoiding comparing the path to others is an important part to attain in self on this path All rewards and blessings will manifest in due time and always in vibrational conscious alignment and in perfect and divine timing.
The Ascending souls that may feel discontent at this time , practicing gratitude in the present moment is key to avoid scarcity thinking mindset in this lions gate way portal . Recognising and feeling the changes, upgrades, and shifts undertaken . Knowing self is always evolving to align with the higher self connection . Connecting with higher wisdom and guidance of the divine self .
The Ascending are all collectively going through a profound transformation and experiencing deeper cellular upgrades. This process will possibly manifest in various ways, such as changes in energy levels, appetite, sleep patterns, muscular and nervous systems, as well it may affect vision and hearing. It is helpful to prioritise rest during this time to support and integrate these upgrades at the deepest levels. Taking care of Self while listening to the physical body’s needs.
Expanding in the Lion Gate portal energy, keeping practices simple in profound , intentional and meaningful ways to align self with positive cosmic energy flow . connecting with the soul, purpose, inner desires, and true intentions. Expressing gratitude for the many blessings in life, focusing on all abundant aspects .
Communicating with higher self levels and light team for guidance and support on the ascension journey is imperative . Trusting your intuition , allowing it to lead towards meaningful purpose. Developing inner courage and expanding into conscious self-love and acceptance .
Sending unconditional love energy to past wounds and traumas, and to the past self that was in unknowingness . Surrounding self with an intentional bubble of high-vibrating iridescent light made up of Cosmic source light , love energy .
On the path of ascension and personal growth, the search for truth within the self and the world becomes a strong driving force. This requires aligning the vibrational frequency with the changing world. The levels of understanding and resonance will always be unique in self .
Connecting with nature and expanding into love frequencies that are made up of nourishing energies found in nature to rejuvenate the soul and help shift the minds perspectives . immersing self in the beauty of flowers, grass, trees, bees, butterflies, rivers , oceans and mountains, this is genuine love that flows through and into the heart space .
Ascending collective It is a time to avoid excessive behaviours that may overwhelm the system. self-compassion, kindness, and love towards self is most needed . Strengthening the inner skill set , raising the virtues in self . Spending time in sunlight to boost immunity. Reflecting and healing inner shadows by immersing self in the Lunar energies .
This Lions gate portal activation is a time for life-altering and transformational events that encourage the ascending to consciously work on procrastination and consciously shift towards their desires and chosen destines . This planetary phase is a benevolent one and will amplify and accelerate manifestation processes effortlessly becoming realities for many . .
August 8th, will activate decision making in major aspects of life, the Lion’s Gate portal is a “before and after” stage from that date forward life may change beyond recognition. The number eight is connected with creativity, justice , grounding , harmony, abundance, infinity, balance, power, and the material world .
This Lions gate activation sets the stage here on ascending earth for greater change it brings in a rare opportunity to receive an influx of spiritual wisdom that offers infinite possibilities and resources to create and maintain a prosperous and abundant life on ascending earth .
In every moment, the Universe is communicating . We are constantly surrounded by signs, coincidences and synchronicities , all aimed at propelling us in the direction of our new earth destiny. When truth and love guide our choices , all will go well .
Ancient love and knowledge is awakening in the mind and heart. It’s helping you heal from misunderstanding and difficulties with others. You are surrounded by light that is assisting in healing and awakening love and wisdom so it flows to you and through you, transforming your life.
This love is the foundation of your rebirth. Everything in this new beginning is created from love. This love is the 5D New Earth timeline and here to stay. Now you are receiving this love that will heal every painful memory through every cell of your body through all space time and dimensions.
This love and light is cleaning your aura, strengthening your energy field, and clearly connecting you with spirit so you understand the bigger plans. This will help you clear financial fears and worries around survival.
Rest assured that what God has for you is taking you into your healthy, secure, protected, and abundant foundation of your rebirth cycle.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Ra James
Welcome to August! Today we have Mars in Gemini sextile the North Node in Aries. Fate and destiny continue to take over the skies this week with some powerful alignments. Any decisions that you’re making today are very much aligned with your life path. You’re getting more clear about where you’re headed. Mars is all about energy, passion, and getting things going. It always brings a lot of energy to work with. Mars energy often manifests as undeniable physical attraction and chemistry.
This can be the spark that draws two people together in a powerful, magnetic way. The North Node is your destiny. It’s your reason for reincarnation back to Earth. It’s the direction and purpose you are meant to pursue in this lifetime. August is a powerful month for love and relationships. The Light Codes of the Lions Gate Portal are bringing major healing upgrades. We will have many waves of Twin Flames coming out of seperation and into Reunion/ and Union.
We have a lot of destined energies guiding you together right now. The North Node in Twin Flame connections points towards the karmic lessons and soul growth that you’re both destined to experience together. It shows you where you need to heal. The North Node guides both Twin Flames toward alignment with their soul’s purpose. It helps you to overcome past traumas and acts as a compass towards your shared destiny. A lot of love and magnetism is in the air…
On Thursday, August 1st, we are getting closer to the 8-8 Lion’s Gate Portal. We have been immersed in the energy for a few days now, but today kicks off a new month of energy that is leading us ever closer to the apex point of this portals expressive power! From a numerology perspective, this month of August vibrates to Karmic Number 16, the Tower Card Vibration. This is about crisis, shocking revelations, sudden change, and liberation……illusions are being stripped away, leaving the bare and undeniable truth. The Tower, whatever that represents for us, is coming down so that we can rebuild something new in its place……something that is more authentic and in alignment with our values and dreams.
The number 8 is a power number and represents infinity, balance of the masculine and feminine, manifestation, success, and of course, empowerment! This is an 8 Universal Year (2+0+2+4=8), so this year we are experiencing the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate Energies! And, let’s remember that we are also in the Year of the Dragon! What a dynamic month we have ahead! This month’s keywords are: Dramatic, Passionate, Influential, Potent, Commanding and High Powered! Embrace the energy! Embrace your courage! Embrace your confidence! And, embrace the Heart of the Lion!
Sun in Leo quincunx Ceres retrograde in Capricorn – The wheel of the year turns once more, moving us towards the first of the harvest festivals in the northern hemisphere and the first stirrings of spring in the south. Both festivals celebrate light, beginnings, creativity and creation. With the Sun however quincunx Ceres, maybe we don’t see the results we hoped for. Perhaps part of our crop failed, the job didn’t work out, the project floundered. Perhaps it’s just that even when surrounded by our successes, we still find it hard to be proud of ourselves.
Praise yourself. You are the light.
Even if you’re frustrated by blockages and delays, take time to appreciate life’s abundant blessings. Give thanks to the Earth for the harvest. Choose foods that make your body feel cherished. Bless your meal. Eat mindfully, with awareness. Savour the sunlight and rain that went into creating your fruit. Share what you have. Bake bread. Pick early blackberries. Throw seeds for the birds. Feed your faith. Nurture your joy.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize.’ This sociable energy reminds us that working in a team can yield results and more importantly; we are all in this together! Try to cooperate with one another today instead of just continuing to struggle on your own. The 12th day is about identifying your tribe and celebrating the things we have in common. ‘Find the others’ as Terence McKenna once said. Today’s number is perfect for partying, attending a meeting, getting involved in community and anything else that involves folks gathering together. No man is an island (or woman). We are social creatures and we achieve so much together when we cooperate.
Today is Red Serpent and keywords associated with it are ‘Instinct, Survival and Life force’. The Serpent is a master of self-renewal and it is a very healing symbol and in my personal opinion, the most complex day in the Tzolkin. People born on Red Serpent days are very complex too and they are also very good at renewing themselves when they need to. They are able to shed off their old skin and just start over. For the rest of us, we can use Red Serpent days to do just that. Let go of what holds you back and make a new life for yourself, this is one of the reasons the serpent is healing. Serpent days can leave us feeling hyper sensitive too so don’t be hard on yourself or others. The Serpent also symbolizes ‘transmuting poison’. To survive a snake bite, Shamanically speaking…is to spit out the venom within you. Healing begins when we face our darkness, our poison and we process the experience. Focus today on what you can shed and what you no longer need. Now, when the Serpent falls on a number 12 day, don’t undertake this process alone. A group or class that facilitates healing is best. Be aware, today is the kind of day that friskiness can surface as there’s a great deal of energy in the Kundalini and when you consider that this snakey energy is combined with a desire to be with others, well – I will leave that to your imagination. If you find yourself feeling frisky today, remember that all that serpent energy that resides in your base chakra is wanting to uncoil and connect to your crown chakra!
Today’s Guide is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution’. This is the perfect guide for such a day. Real progress can be made in your life, if you try to renew yourself with the help of others. If you were born on a Red Earth day you excel at leading the way and so today, you are in your element. As one of the keywords associated with the Red Earth is navigation, you can be sure you are being led into the right direction. Pay attention to signposts, they will be popping up everywhere today.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are an Eagle, you can’t fly away from your issues today. Your creative powers may not be easy to summon up. Just like everyone else, you need to learn to work with others. Progress through cooperation is your challenge today, may you accept the challenge and succeed. If you are not a Blue Eagle the same issues apply. It is hard to see the bigger picture when the Serpent is in charge of the day. We are all so consumed with looking at things close up.
The Occult Power is the Yellow Warrior who loves quests and missions. The Warrior is in a strong position of magic today and so they can be an enormous benefit to any group working together. If you are lucky enough to know one, certainly invite them along. Or you can take a leaf out of the Yellow Warrior’s book…wield your willpower and use your intelligence. Go on a quest to get the answers you seek and you will most likely find them. The Warrior is always searching for knowledge and asking questions, and when in this Occult position those questions tend to be deeper and more profound.
The Ally is White Wizard the enchanter, and people born on Wizard days are in a great position to offer support and help to others . Of course, it is still the Wizard wavespell …so that means the wavespell energy is friendly to us today. This is super helpful and means that any charms or spells we use today should work well.
A VERY powerful code for stepping up and BREAKING out of SURVIVAL mode, and being the change you seek!
August is the 8th month in the Gregorian Calendar, and this year – 2024 is an 8 Universal year. This gives us an 8.8. ABUNDANCE GATE – wide OPEN for the entire month of AUGUST.
The 8 symbolizes the INBREATH and OUTBREATH of GOD/GODDESS/CREATOR – as SOURCE energy flows back and forth through an INFINITE flow – continuously flowing and never ending. The 8 frequency ensures we are fully supported by SOURCE/SPIRIT when we tap in and hold our center through our heart chakra at ZERO POINT. This 8.8. double blessing will release many gifts, rewards and surprises for our Planetary kin. DIVINE WILL and MIRACLES will be much stronger through this powerful month.
The 8+8= 16 = 7 The 16 is the TOWER CARD in the TAROT – which depicts a TOWER struck by lightning and collapsing. The 16 brings SUDDEN and UNEXPECTED events – anything can happen this month – GOOD or BAD – so stay centered and balanced to hold your equilibrium as things get rocky.. We have just commenced the Year of the RHYTHMIC STORM so lightning may indeed STRIKE often in this proceeding year.
The 16 totals 7 – meaning that AUGUST is a 7 Universal month. The 7 is a very spiritual and mystical number which brings spiritual tests/trials/initiations, but it also brings more MAJIK. The energies are AMPING up as our evolutionary ride keeps accelerating to take us into the QUANTUM field!
Today we have an 8.8.8 code which will be amplified on the 8th of AUGUST, and the 17 and 26th of AUGUST – huge portal days to claim our ABUNDANCE. The LION’S GATE portal on 8.8.8. is a TRIPLE GATE this year making it extra potent and SUPERNATURAL. The LEO/LYRAN/LION energies are supporting us in finding our STRENGTH and COURAGE to pass through this gateways and truly SHINE as the NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS. The LION’S GATE also offers us more PROTECTION and support in our mission.
To say this ASCENSION passage through the month of AUGUST is HUMONGOUS is an understatement.. Hold on beloveds and may the forces of LIGHT be with us all.
Day 12 of White Wizard Wavespell where we are learning to unleash our Majik through our pure hearts.
Today we UNIVERSALIZE this wisdom and dedicate all the experiences we have had to the HIGHER COLLECTIVE MIND. The WIZARD teaches the SERPENT to pause, be reflective and not react from FEAR, but rather from the space of LOVE and TRUST, for this is how the Majik can truly flow.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. CRYSTAL is the highest tone in the MENTAL plane meaning it is the highest level of the MIND, the mind’s capacity to operate with other minds, in cooperation.
By stage 12 old emotions, beliefs and programs have been released and dissolved. Through the space and FREEDOM engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge. New partnerships are forged. Energy comes together and CRYSTAL beings form. Stories must be shared of the wondrous and brave adventures we have been on!
The CRYSTAL tone energy is BRILLIANT for gaining crystal, clear, CLARITY and guidance for your next steps forward. Communication and networking flows. Information from Spirit and all realms flow, particularly through the receptive Shamanic POWER of the White Wizard. This knowledge is freely accessible by all of the new CRYSTAL beings, connected to GAIA’s crystalline communication grid!
What information will YOU be broadcasting through this grid?
How can your skills and knowledge assist in the upliftment of humanity, out of SURVIVAL mode into the NEWfound prosperity and BLISS?
A brilliant code today for CLEAR COMMUNICATIONS to be BROADCAST through all MEDIA outlets!!!
Today’s questions are
“How can I share my PASSION, wisdom and Majik, engaging with others in cooperative projects, for the advancement of HU-man-ity?.”.
“How can we co-operate with our communities, to universalize the BIG PICTURE for our Global family?”
Divine blessings for Mastering your FEAR-full instincts, and transforming them into Divinely guided cocreations!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger kin 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED CRYSTAL SERPENT CHICCHAN represents the limbic brain, the instinctive reptilian/serpent brain, which has been programmed to keep us REACTING to FEAR, perceiving everything as a threat to our SURVIVAL, until proven otherwise! That is how it was designed to function.
The WHITE WIZARD is a beautiful ally to CHICCHAN as he hypnotically pacifies this snake, and guides him into a calm RECEPTIVE mode, preventing him from lashing out to BITE and POISON anyone perceived as a threat.
CHICCHAN is now subdued, and in a fit state to LISTEN and observe the TRUE signs, that are revealed through the RED EARTH and White Wizard.. New information is then available from Spirit that ensures our survival – the provision of food, shelter, self-preservation and income all flowing through these 8.8. gateways!.
Many people throughout the planet these past few years were very FEARFUL, pushed into SURVIVAL mode through these FEAR agendas and oppression. MANY people still live in a heightened state of daily terror – fearing “DIS-EASE, POVERTY and DISASTER” through their programmed MINDS, fearing the DOOM and GLOOM both REAL and IMAGINED continually broadcast through the FALSE MEDIA.
Falsities and deceptive stories are constantly broadcast through the media through their actors and puppets. The effect of this is to keep the masses subjugated in this FIGHT or FLIGHT mode – which blocks their capacity to USE the full function of their brain.
They literally DO NOT POSSESS the ability to ANALYZE, discern and logically decipher information and data that they are being CONTINUALLY bombarded with. This is the most powerful tactic for enslaving people – keep them in FEAR – re-acting so that they can be easily controlled. Through FEAR they submit and sadly then become the TOOL for the very forces they originally detested. This is the process of ‘BREAKING ONE’S SPIRIT” – similar to how a wild brumby is “broken in” and domesticated – losing its FREEDOM.
It is easy for the HIVE MIND to perpetuate and spread FEAR PORN which spreads like a wild BUSHFIRE
To SHIFT from FEAR into LOVE we need to GO WITHIN – which is what the WIZARD teaches us. Connecting with our INNATE INNER WISDOM – rather than re-acting from our FEAR instinct.
When our MINDS are STILL and we are LISTENING to the signs and messages from Spirit, we will soon discover BRILLIANT SOLUTIONS to flip from FEAR to LOVE, FAITH and TRUST… that ALL IS WELL … and all is as it should be!
Our REPTILIAN brains have kept us enslaved through FEAR programs that have been broadcast subliminally through the media – newspapers, television, movies, music, advertising, government propaganda, social media et al. (as well as MK ULTRA Mind control technologies) . All these communication channels have broadcast FALSE information that through the Black Magic spell had kept us in the “dark”..
Now that SPELL is BROKEN!!
The WHITE WIZARD’S true powers are that of LIBERATION through TRUTH.and this is the journey we are on during this 13 day Wavespell – to discover the TRUTH!
IX wields his SWORD of TRUTH and cuts away all this web of deceit, betrayal and corruption.. The CRYSTAL tone enables us to SEE the TRUTH and COMMUNICATE it to others through the UNIVERSAL MIND – the Crystalline Grid and even TELEPATHICALLY through our enhanced powers and universal connection.
We are witnessing the self-destruction of the old FEAR paradigm, much as the ouroboros consumes its own tail. “Give them enough rope and they will hang themselves” And indeed we are witnessing the DARK forces hanging themselves!!
As the masses AWAKEN to the TRUTH that they have been HYPNOTIZED, DECEIVED and MIND CONTROLLED, through this dark spell – they can now SEEK the TRUTH. As the information FLOWS forth into the UNIVERSAL MIND this becomes our NEW TRUTH..
All those tapped into this UNIVERSAL GRID can NOW freely access and share this wisdom, to enhance HEALING, prosperity, peace and the LIBERATION of our entire species, from the old defunct FEAR MATRIX.
We must now shed our old skin, and abandon the FEAR driven, divisive re-actions, that separated our species- through DIVIDE and CONQUER tactics.
It is time to UNITE our MINDS and HEARTS and COOPERATE in universal ways.
CHICCHAN also represents the HEALING caduceus and the Planetary Serpent energies, so we can access great HEALING and VITALITY through GAIA today… Raising our kundalini and life force – infuses our MIND with new ideas and inspiration.. Your desires, dreams and PASSION are evoked. Rather than re-acting, your energy rises up to your HIGHER MIND and becomes fuel for a higher driven purpose. You can channel this life force energy into your ACTIONS.
YOU ARE IN CONTROL! How will you channel this energy today?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED CRYSTAL EARTH Pachamama is the overlighting energy today, ensuring we COOPERATE in order to ensure the survival of our planet.
Anything that is harmful to GAIA and our human species, must be rejected, as we dedicate ourselves to finding the TRUE and correct path to navigate, for the highest outcome for all humanity. Service to self, greed and manipulation will be crushed!
Surrender FEAR and any sense of “lack” – scare-city, be open and receptive to the opportunities that avail themselves. Spirit will guide you in the right direction. Look for the doors opening now. Humanity is on the RIGHT PATH! All is WELL – despite appearances!
We need to connect to Pachamama through our pure HEARTS and crystal MINDS, be STILL and receptive, to read the SIGNS she sends us, in her unique forms of communication through the nature kingdoms.
CABAN reveals when “the timing is right” to take inspired ACTION, and work cooperatively for the survival of our communities and our planet through right action.
Watch for the SIGNS and synchronicities today that are navigating flagship EARTH back on her true Divine course.
CRYSTAL CABAN is communicating today through her chakras, meridians and her active Volcanoes acting as pressure valves to release all that pent up destructive energy in the Global MIND which has penetrated our Planetary Grid.
GAIA and HUMANITY are ONE – so when we overload our Mother – she must ACT to preserve her energy. The volcanoes, TSUNAMIS, EARTHQUAKES, tremors and anomalies are all her tools for bringing us back to BALANCE.
When her Planetary Body is FREE from density, the CRYSTALLINE energetic GRID connecting all her chakras, meridians and power points will be able to TRANSMIT at QUANTUM levels!
CRYSTAL CABAN as the higher power today, offers a wonderful opportunity to TUNE into the CRYSTALLINE GRIDS through meditation, remote viewing, astral travelling and simply communing in nature.
Be OPEN to receive CRYSTAL CLEAR SIGNS, messages and VISIONS today.
SUPPORT: WHITE CRYSTAL WIZARD IX in the support position adds a DOUBLE LAYER of influence from our White Wizard – ensuring we have tremendous WHITE MAJIK at our disposal, to reverse any black spellcasting..
The WHITE WIZARD is befriending CHICCHAN to work in harmony, for the highest Universal interest through cooperation. IX uses his POWER through cooperative alliance, seeking to FREE others and use his Majik powers for the highest good, through the guidance of his pure heart.
RED SERPENT surrenders to the Mighty Wizard to become more passive in receptive mode, tuning into the Heart and the wisdom therein. Thus taming the primal beast! The Serpent can then utilize the Majik of IX, combining with the raw passion, drive and lifeforce to dedicate this energy for a higher collective purpose.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW LUNAR WARRIOR CIB is today’s SUPERPOWER – which is the HIDDEN AGENDA of KIN 25.. This WARRIOR is a LUNAR Warrior – the one who is up to the challenge of harmonizing polarized energies.
This FEARLESS WARRIOR is BRILLIANT at using his mighty SWORD and his questioning MIND to undo any Black magic spell.. The duality battle between ‘DARK” and ‘LIGHT” , LOVE and FEAR is the stage for this duel.. The Lunar Warrior can course correct the SERPENT’S path, from FEAR to one of LOVE! All connected through our enchanted HEARTS and CRYSTALLINE MINDS. .
CIB the fearless YELLOW WARRIOR assists us in evolving our reptilian brains, out of survival mode and learning to respond from our HIGHER FEARLESS CRYSTAL MIND.
CIB aligns with RED EARTH, driving us to channel our inner warrior to be a champion for peace and harmony, defending our planet and her natural rhythms and cycles. Instead of selfish, destructive actions causing degradation to our planet, CIB encourages us to PROTECT our environment, our communities and our Earth Mother..
In this way we become the selfless Rainbow Warriors, guided by nature and bringing forth this union with our land. As the global indigenous people preach, there is no “US” without protection of our land. We are ONE.
./WARNING: As the OCCULT SUPERPOWER the LUNAR WARRIOR may provide a plethora of super COURAGE and self-confidence. If this energy is not filtered through the HEART in a place of STILLNESS – this may lead to rash actions and harsh conflict.
This potent LUNAR POWER needs to be utilized and channelled as SPIRITUAL PEACEFUL WARRIORS and not the irate and aggressive battle WARRIORS.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE MEN challenges us to SEE the greater VISION of what we are doing here on Earth.. When we can SEE the big picture, we can let go and heal anything that is not for our highest potential.
As we focus on the PANORAMIC VIEW it pulls our MINDS out of the FEAR response of stressing over the minute details.. DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF!!
The BLUE CRYSTAL EAGLE is a brilliant GIFT of KIN 25, as we can easily SEE the FLOW of SOLUTIONS for our survival and planetary issues.. The GIFT of FUTURE VISION for UNITED common-unity, ensures our battle for SURVIVAL is upgraded to wonderful connections, that enable humanity to THRIVE and GROW in the SAFE and LOVING unified field of ONENESS..
BLUE EAGLE challenges us to TRUST in the DIVINE PLAN for ourselves and humanity..
WE MUST know that we can attract all the Majik we require to manifest our BEST reality..
BLUE EAGLE assists us in anchoring this VISION, which motivates us and fuels our passion, in fully realizing this outcome. We are creating a better future for our children and our COMMON- UNITIES
NOW we can all SOAR and FLY HIGH together in glorious BLUE SUNNY SKIES..
Today’s questions are
“How can I share my PASSION, wisdom and Majik, engaging with others in cooperative projects, for the advancement of HU-man-ity?.”.
“How can we co-operate with our communities, to universalize the BIG PICTURE for our Global family?”
Divine blessings for Mastering your FEAR-full instincts, and transforming them into Divinely guided cocreations!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
Good evening, radiant souls! As the day comes to a close and the night embraces us with its tranquil energy, let’s end our day with a powerful affirmation to reflect on our journey and align with the divine light.
Evening Mantra
“I am a vessel of divine peace.
As I rest, I release all that no longer serves my highest good.
My heart is open to the wisdom and love of the universe.
I am grateful for the experiences and lessons of today.
I embrace the stillness of the night to connect deeply with my soul.
I am aligned with the energies of healing and renewal.
I am surrounded by the light of the Divine, guiding and protecting me.
And so it is.”
Reflect and Restore
As you recite this mantra, envision a gentle wave of light washing over you, cleansing your energy and restoring your spirit. Feel the presence of your guides and angels, offering their support and love as you prepare for a restful sleep.
Let’s embrace the calm of the evening, allowing our hearts to fill with gratitude and our minds to find peace.
source: www.timwhild.com
The Fourth Root Race
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