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What is the Essence of “Awakening” necessary for the Fifth-Dimensional World?

What is the Essence of “Awakening” necessary for the Fifth-Dimensional World?



What is the essence of “awakening” necessary for the fifth-dimensional world?

It is said that in order for “GESARA” to be unleashed (large-scale operation), humanity must “awaken.” This is because the world in which “GESARA” will be deployed will be the “fifth-dimensional world.”



What kind of “awakening” is necessary in the fifth-dimensional world?

What kind of “awakening” is necessary in the fifth-dimensional world?

If you are aware of the existence of the “Fifth Dimensional World” and the “GESARA World” and are eager to get there.


It is assumed that you understand that it is an important keyword (essential element).

However  , I feel that there are differences in the content of the word  “awakening” depending “on the perspective one views it from.”

For those who care about “political events and trends” on the public stage, “knowing the reality of the world of human enslavement created by the globalists” is an awakening.

For those who place emphasis on “ideological spiritual elements,” they may see “the rise of humanity” as an awakening.

If you aim for “GESARA (Fifth Dimensional World)”, you need the “awakening” shown by the Space Alliance! ?

If you aim for “GESARA (Fifth Dimensional World)”, you need the “awakening” shown by the Space Alliance! ?

The currently promoted “Global Reform (Plan Q)” is discussed in the article below.



Sponsored by Space Alliance (Galactic Federation, etc.) and Earth Alliance (WH, etc.) (split roles)

he was.

To fully implement “GESARA”, it is necessary for “Earth (natural world) and Earth humanity” to reach the 5th dimensional world (dimensional ascension).

“GESARA” cannot be fully developed unless it reaches the “5th dimensional world”



That’s what it means.

The Space Alliance  is responsible for  “guiding the world into the fifth dimension  ”.

So, as mentioned in the above article,  Plan Q (general plan) is moving forward along the Space Alliance timeline  .

There is one more thing you need to understand here.

The path (timeline) to “GESARA (5th dimensional world)” is being guided by the Space Alliance… The necessary condition for this is  ”  awakening”.

This is the “awakening” that the Space Alliance wants.

There is a need.

*I feel like there are a lot of people who misunderstand this point.

The “spiritual elements” have a vast scope. Therefore, I take it for granted that there is a great variety of spiritual ideas.

However, it makes no sense to apply the “awakening” based on spiritual thinking that each person believes in to the “steps towards GESARA” that are currently underway.

Likewise, it is unreasonable to apply “awakening” based on the idea that GESARA is a global military operation.

What is the “awakening” that the Space Alliance intends to achieve?

What is the “awakening” that the Space Alliance intends to achieve?

To be honest, the Space Alliance did not directly show “specific elements of awakening” to Earth humanity (there is no direct information).



Therefore, what I will talk about from now on will mainly be about what I have verified and inferred based on the “various information about the Space Alliance” that I have obtained so far.

In fact, the “awakening” that the Space Alliance seeks  is not an abstract spiritual element.

Spiritual elements (soul growth) accompanied by concrete actions of humanity (earthlings)

It becomes.

To put this into detail, I think we can cover a variety of factors, but to sum it up in one word, what is the “awakening” that the Space Alliance seeks from humanity?



Each individual lives his life confronting the “voice of the soul” (being able to act)

I think everything can be summed up in these words.

Regarding the “voice of the soul  ”, we discussed important points in the article below, so please refer to it.

Furthermore  , the following two elements were organized and selected as specific elements (actions) related  to “living confronting the voice of the soul.”

1) Demonstrate “spontaneous behavior”

2) Demonstrate the “power to refuse”

Simply put,  if you possess the above two elements and are able to demonstrate them in action, you have become “awakened” (the awakening sought by the Space Alliance)  .

1) Demonstrate “spontaneous behavior”

Demonstrates ``spontaneous action''

When you become able to live your life while communicating with the “voice of the soul” every day, you will inevitably

spontaneous action

becomes the main subject.

Instead of acting (influenced) by instructions and guidance from “society” and “others”, we begin to act based on our own “judgment (decisions)”.

On the other hand, as long as you do not observe any “spontaneous behavior,” it means that you are not communicating with your “own soul.” It means that you are not awake.

Furthermore, “voluntary action” includes the following two elements (intention):

*Awareness of “coexistence” with other beings and elimination of “dependence” on other beings

*Elimination of “worship” of other beings

I would like to talk about the above factors on another occasion.

In order to be able to perform  “spontaneous actions  ”, the consciousness of “dependence on other beings” must disappear and the consciousness of “coexistence with other beings”  must be established.

It is also  essential  to eliminate the consciousness of “worshipping other beings”.

To simplify

As long as you have feelings of “dependence” and “adoration” for someone (another being), you have not achieved “awakening.”

That’s what it means.

If you are currently feeling frustrated with the current situation with Plan Q…Do you depend on or worship the “Alliance” (WH, Putin, Trump, etc.)?

2) Demonstrate “power of refusal”

Demonstrates “power of refusal”

If you can live your life facing the “voice of your soul” on a daily basis, you will be able to deal with events that go against your “judgment”.

Showing “refusal behavior”

It should be possible.

If you feel “disliked (rejection)” but cannot express your feelings and show your “rejection” in action, you have not achieved the “awakening” that the Space Alliance seeks.

It’s not enough to just “think” it; the key is to show it in action.

This  “power to refuse”  becomes an important awakening factor.

Awareness and elimination of “brainwashing”

Because this leads to

Basically,  it is very important to be aware  that anyone can be subject to some type of “brainwashing” by society and third parties.

*Don’t you think you’ve been freed from all the brainwashing?

Once you think like this, you will no longer be able to completely eliminate the “brainwashing”.

*I know that the “My Number Card” is a globalist ploy. But don’t you create a My Number card just because you can earn points? (I don’t use it, but I have one)

This  does not mean that you are “awake”.

The content mentioned in the above article is also one of the elements that requires the manifestation of “refusal actions”.

Demonstrate firm rejection of globalist tactics

This is an element of “awakening” that is necessary.

Please ask yourself.

Are you clearly demonstrating your refusal to use the invoice system, my number card, central bank digital currency, etc.?


fifth-dimensional world
fifth-dimensional world




Operation Freedom Earth: The QFS Satellite System and the GCR Revolution Are Paving the Way for a Permanent Golden Age of GESARA – Trust the Plan! 



…Julian Assange on Telegram

  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the End of the Cabal’s Financial Tyranny:  The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is not just a concept; it is a reality, reshaping the global economic landscape and sending shockwaves through the corridors of power. Politicians and bankers are trembling, their downfall is imminent, and GESARA is looming on the horizon—transparency, accountability, and prosperity are closer than ever.
  • The QFS is an advanced system without any equivalent  , dismantling the corrupt Deep State central bank. Politicians and bankers have been caught red-handed, arrested and sent to Guantanamo. The Deep State is disappearing, and GESARA is coming. Every country must comply to be part of this new golden age.

    Operation Freedom Earth
    Operation Freedom Earth
  • This is the end of the old order  — the QFS is a network for transferring gold or asset-backed money, replacing the corrupt SWIFT system, and protected by Secret Space Programs to prevent hacking and tampering. The Cabal will no longer profit from central bank manipulations; their time is up.
  • 5D QFS: Ending Deep State Corruption 3D:  The QFS doesn’t just replace the old system, it replaces it — with a quantum computer that monitors and assigns a digital number to every fiat currency around the world, tracking it in real time. Imagine a banker stealing funds, only to be arrested in real time. The Deep State-controlled bankers are trying every trick in the book to stop this, but their efforts are in vain. They are breathing their last breath, but rest assured — they are on their way out. GESARA victory is within their grasp.
  • The QFS is alive — a benevolent quantum intelligence.  It is here to ensure that every financial transaction is legal, intentional and transparent. Politicians used the old SWIFT system to transfer illegal money, not knowing that the QFS was already running in parallel, catching them in their lies.
  • The Coming Golden Age: Gold Asset-Backed Currencies:  Only gold or asset-backed currencies can pass through the QFS, and fiat money is becoming worthless. Those holding fiat currency will need to reconcile and exchange their currencies for gold-backed currencies, or they will be left out. The Central Banking System is collapsing, and countries that refuse to comply with GESARA will be cut off from the global economy.
  • Global Currency Reset (GCR) — this isn’t just an economic reset  ; it’s a worldwide revolution. The Earth Alliance has already set the new values ​​of every currency, based on real assets, not manipulation. There is enough gold to back the world’s currencies, making the price of gold irrelevant and putting all countries on an equal footing.
  • Trust the Plan—mass arrests are coming  , and the end of the Deep State is near. Over seventy thousand indictments are ready to be carried out. The Earth Alliance is on the move, and it is time for the awakened to lead others through this transformation. This is not just a change; it is a liberation from centuries of corruption and control.
  • The Deep State is in a panic  —they can’t stop people from waking up. Their tricks, their false flags, are not enough to stop the truth from coming out. The time for freedom is now—as the truth unfolds, we must embrace it with joy. This is The Great Awakening, and nothing will ever be the same again.



Contact us now / Eceti

They are here, they have always been here, but now they are ready for contact. For those with an open mind, a loving heart and pure intentions, they are just a thought away.

The number of sightings near military bases has increased exponentially. This is part of a multidimensional plan to liberate the Earth. There are forces seen and unseen that have been at war with humanity for millennia and that we cannot eliminate. They are behind every war, every plague, every economic collapse and they feed on the pain and suffering of humanity. They are involved in everything from drug trafficking, child trafficking and sex trafficking to human sacrifice. Now they are trying to lead us into World War III.

It is time to grow up. You can no longer afford the luxury of denial. In every agency, including the SSP Secret Space Fleet, whistleblowers are appearing who talk about capturing people and kidnapping them as slaves. This is also widespread in the upper echelons of many of your institutions. Most people cannot believe the extent of the corruption and depravity. The Satanic/Luciferian forces within the global elite have taken control of almost every institution. This is corrected with the help above.

The reason it all sounds like a theater is because it is. There have been negotiations with many of these leaders. What you see are mostly actors, masks, and CGI trying to wake up the socially manipulated and brainwashed masses. Many of these people lack critical thinking, basic logic, and are incapable of doing research. They suffer from cognitive dissonance, while others are morally damaged to the point where they can no longer be saved. You will have to learn some very hard lessons.

Universal law will come, Gesara, what was once Nesara, will be enforced. It has always been in effect since the Clinton era, but is now being implemented. There will be some chaos during this process, be prepared for it. The sun controls the development of the earth, all suns are interconnected. The consciousness and energy of God/Creator/Great Spirit flows through the suns, raising the vibration of the entire galaxy, including the Earth and all its inhabitants. This is part of the awakening and healing process that some call the liberation of the planet from the dark forces that have made the Earth their home since the beginning of time.

These are not only Satan/Lucifer, demons and renegade spirits incarnated, but also serpents, reptilians, great greys and many others. The Orion Grey Alliance is a group comprised of many negative ETs that are currently being eliminated. It is not to be confused with the Orion Council of Light. Just as there are dark alliances, there are also light alliances.

The Beautiful Many Saints, Sages, Ascended Masters, Archangels, and a myriad of spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations come to humanity’s aid. The ground crew are known as the White Hats, leaders and generals from around the world who have banded together to end tyranny once and for all.
Pay attention to who the mainstream media demonizes if you want to know who the good guys are. Nothing is as it seems.

The Children of Arcturus, the sweet energies of the Pleiades mentioned in your Bible and other sacred texts, are part of this endeavor. The Orion Council of Light, the Andromedan Council, the Sirian Council, the Pleiadian Council and many others join those on Earth who want to end tyranny and slavery on the planet.

This also includes the Inner Earthers, the Alantians, the Lemurians and a variety of other races that live within you. Many have escaped the floods and disasters by going inside. They have not had to start over as primitives, as the surface dwellers have done on countless occasions. The legends of elves and fairies are true. Some are in the 6th dimension and control the inner doorways.
The Bermuda Triangle is one of the major doorways, but there are many others.

Enslavement through dependency is coming to an end. Most of its plagues and diseases will also come to an end. Life expectancy will increase and the Earth will prosper.

Tyranny and all its networks will end. Universal law will prevail. We are in the process of birthing a completely new world. Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing will remain hidden, the true nature and character of each person will come to light.

Action/reaction will accelerate along with what many call karma. Those who want to serve themselves at the expense of humanity and the Earth will not fare well in the coming days. Those who serve the web of tyranny will not fare well either. It is time to stand up, take back your power, and serve humanity and the Earth. Love, the ultimate power in the universe, is what is coming.

Those who fail to ascend will not have the right frequency for the coming change. Our greatest advice is to surrender to the God within, see the Creator in all creation, let go of the past, and do nothing that is not in accordance with universal law.

Universal peace, brotherly love, individual freedom and prosperity for all are a universal law.

I am told that contact with the leaders and the masses is now taking place. The Pleiadians, the founders of Atlantis and Lemuria, are responsible for the liberation of the planet due to their extensive tera formation on Earth and the fact that they possess more genetic material than any other race.

The ancient Lyrans (Annunaki) also have a karmic duty to set things right after their fall.
The benevolent ones are returning and you will see them in your skies all over the world.

If you ask what Jesus has to do with all this. This is the second part and he is not alone. His prayer was that the loving Father would make them one, just as we are one. There is no exclusivity with God.

There are many houses, many dimensions.
The masters have been sent to all cultures. Now their true message will be heard. Things will happen very quickly from now on. Focus on creating Heaven on Earth and do not participate in anything outside of Universal Law.

Stay healthy,

James Gilliland




Here are today’s top stories. When this happens, we will see the beginning of the big change.

““On Monday, October 14, 2024, at the BRICS Summit, the Seven Kingdoms will be announced, along with the Global Currency Reset. On Monday, October 14, 2024, the collapse of the old banking system (Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, and JP Morgan) and the transfer to the QFS was expected with the collapse of the stock markets.”” In addition, we also have: ““Note from Judy: Redemption Centers will give you a higher exchange rate than a bank.

Please schedule your appointment according to the instructions emailed to you by Wells Fargo. Such instructions will be posted on various Dinar websites and in this (Update) update.” With the scheduled announcements, we will also have more detailed knowledge of the famous SEVEN KINGDOMS that form the new earth. The overthrow of the moribund fiat financial system gives us the long-awaited equity and financial justice.


With this process, we achieve true freedom in managing our money. The only options between having a bank account and money under the mattress are outdated and have become a relic. True freedom consists of having our financial resources available and manageable anywhere and without restrictions.

Our money no longer passes through the banks that used to keep it for you and hand it out at your discretion. The €1,000 withdrawal limit is being lifted with a quick clean-up. But with the return of finances to the hands of the people, guaranteeing full freedom of action, it also marks the definitive decline and dismantling of the Deep State, which is deprived of its tentacles and its power.

How do we perceive all this? The symbols of the Deep State are going to perdition. Here governments, the expression of total control over us, are dissolved along with the entire apparatus of the so-called State. Everything must be canceled and reduced to zero. All legislation that guaranteed total control over citizens is demolished and canceled.

From the ashes of the old bureaucratic apparatus, known as laws enacted by the State, a new Republic emerges, governed by a TRUE CONSTITUTION in favor of the citizen. This New Constitution, which actually dates back to 1776, was set aside and replaced by the Deep State, which is now resurrected as a scepter of justice and adopted by the entire world to guarantee freedom and happiness, which are the first human needs.

October is the month of change. Each day brings with it its progress until events unfold before everyone’s eyes. We are spectators on the front line.

Let the show begin.




.. ↪️ Apparently now we know an exact date, which it was always said that no one could know exactly 🤔


On Thursday/Friday, October 24th and 25th, every phone in the world will receive an unmistakable, deafening signal. This won’t be your typical notification sound – it will be loud enough to wake the world up. No one will be able to ignore it.


will bypass the elite-controlled mainstream media and ensure the truth comes directly to you, without interference from global censors.

– In the EBS ENVIRONMENT – as announced – the QFS will appear WORLDWIDE – in all current accounts (including regular ones) in A1 banks (from what we hear).

As I understand it, there will be some reprogrammed buttons to click, etc. »»» in your existing – now enlarged – bank checking account. Many restored currencies, those from the first currency basket, should then be exchanged there.


This means that you can exchange dongs, Iraqi dinars, rupees, etc. into local currencies. These bank accounts will only be used by the account holder, without influence from the bank and tax offices.

I don’t know if ZIM will be there as Bond.

ZIM should be transformed into projects linked to Rescue Centers around the world.

Classifications depending on projects.

»»» the first GESARA instruments (primary legal framework) appear…«««

GESARA will take 2-5 years to fully implement and will be carried out step by step by experts country by country, state by state, 7 continents… have to be tackled.

How is the computer industry doing? Now computer science is the thermometer of how things are going behind the scenes being one of the most important aspect of the new world. With a world changing at the speed of light and operations slated this month, it makes sense to see how a flourishing market like the computer one is heading towards a rather violent slowdown. All of the current state-of-the-art production is suddenly becoming not only obsolete but also useless, even in consideration of the great performance leap of new technologies that are coming and already stored on the shelves waiting for their dissemination.

The current main manufacturer is undoubtedly Nvidia with the latest Blackwell proposal which in fact surpasses all its competitors. Its production is already booked until the end of 2025. This is the news. But who are the bigots that booked this huge mass of chips ready for AI?

“””Nvidia’s main clients such as AWS, Google, Meta and Microsoft have booked the entire production scheduled for next year. “” meaning all companies of the Deep State. What do they think of doing with all this production on their hands? But a threat disturbs the dreams of the CEOs of these large companies. The Black Swan event, which is around the corner, disrupts these companies’ dreams of glory. With the stroke of the spoon everything goes upside down. The Alliance has very different plans and technology is a very good thing provided we use it properly, that is for the good of the human community and not to subjugate it according to the perverse intentions of the Deep State.
Having quantum technology that puts human beings in the ability to take advantage of themselves is an exceptionally good thing and it should be done as such. And it’s not a coincidence that Microsoft’s latest release of its Windows 11 operating system version 24H2 is a failure. Blocks the Internet and customers complain that it’s also disconnecting the hardware. According to the Microsoft Alliance Plans, it must be cancelled forever and replaced by safe and reliable programs. “””Windows 11: latest update blocks internet The Windows 11 24H2 update is causing many users internet connection problems.
“We’re definitely on the path of a great change and many pins are already on the ground and many more will follow. In every area of life it must undergo its replacement with the very best programs brought by Gesara in everyday life. The end program will introduce us to the total tearing down of the old system of life in order to introduce the new. What we find will be the best surprise of our lives.
The Rider of the Storm
The Grand Finale
The Grand Finale

The Grand Finale: NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System


These military operations are not isolated incidents; they are the final moves in a larger chess game that has been unfolding behind the scenes. The true endgame is the implementation of NESARA/GESARA and the Quantum Financial System (QFS).

NESARA (National Economic Security and Reform Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reform Act) were created to dismantle the financial dominance of the global elite by forgiving all personal and national debts and restoring wealth to the people.

The QFS, scheduled for full launch in December 2024, is a quantum leap in the way the world conducts commerce. It operates on a quantum computing network that cannot be hacked or manipulated, unlike today’s corrupt banking systems.

This new system will be backed by gold and other tangible assets, ensuring that money has real value and is protected from the inflation and devaluation tactics of central banks.

Recent reports indicate that the implementation of the QFS will coincide with the exposure of the Federal Reserve’s hidden accounts, revealing trillions of dollars in stolen funds that will be redistributed under NESARA/GESARA mandates.

As part of this transition, suppressed technologies — including zero-point energy devices, quantum healing beds, and antigravity propulsion systems — are being prepared for launch.

In August 2024, leaked US Department of Defense documents revealed that these technologies are being tested at undisclosed locations in Nevada and Alaska, with full public disclosure expected in December.

This will mark the end of energy monopolies and the pharmaceutical industry’s dominance over global health, ushering in an era where power returns to the people.

RUMORS: 10/14/2024


● The Chinese Elders (White Dragon Family) Master Plan of a GOLDEN SUPPORT Currency for Free Humanity is ready

● Gold, used by Chinese elders to create this new QFS digital money, remains the backing for all world currencies

● There is plenty of gold or assets to back these currencies, in fact more than enough to realize a new QFS currency system for the entire world and flood it with asset-backed digital money



● Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwean currency (2008/2009 Zimbabwe “AA” trillion dollar notes.)

● Funds for the exchange of these currencies must be paid to Humanitarians through QFS Structured Payout accounts in their name. The structured payout process is managed by the Alliance.

Your Structured Payment payments come out of this account via CBDCs (central bank digital currency) or via digital assets on the Stellar Network and your QFS blockchain e-wallet, such as f.ex Lobstr. These funds are available for your immediate use without restrictions by external forces.



Your part in the new financial era

Each of us has a role to play in this new financial era. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or someone simply trying to survive, the changes taking shape will touch your life in one way or another. It’s an exciting time to be alive, full of promise and potential.

In the end, remember, this Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness is not just about new technologies, protocols, or regulations. It’s about us—all of us, together. It’s about creating a world of prosperity, love, and unity. A world that we can all be proud to pass on to future generations.

This is not just the story of a financial revolution. This is the story of human evolution. Welcome to the new era!



The Impending Stock Market Crash: The Catalyst for a New Era

The writing is on the wall — the global stock market is on the brink of collapse. When that happens, the old financial systems will disintegrate. This is not just an economic crisis; it is the complete destruction of a rigged system that has sustained the elite for centuries. When the crisis happens, all assets and currencies will flow into decentralized currencies like Stellar, ushering in a new era of financial equality.

This collapse is inevitable, and when it happens, the Quantum Financial System will be there to capture the world’s wealth and redistribute it fairly to humanity. Financial systems will no longer benefit the few at the expense of the many. The quantum revolution, powered by Q Phones, Starlink, and Stellar, will ensure that wealth is no longer concentrated in the hands of the corrupt elite.



Q Phones: The Ultimate Financial Weapon in Your Hands

The Q Phone is not just another device — it’s the ultimate tool for accessing the Quantum Financial System. Pre-loaded with Stellar wallets, your Q Phone will allow you to claim your UBI and conduct financial transactions with complete security. Forget banks, forget credit cards, and forget the old ways of managing money. With a Q Phone, you are your own bank, your own financial system.

Your Q Phone connects directly to Starlink’s Quantum Internet, ensuring you have uncensored, unstoppable access to your funds and information no matter where you are on the planet. This is a complete redefinition of the way we interact with money and technology. The future of personal finance is in your hands — literally.



Accelerated healing and recovery. One of the most notable features of Med Beds is their ability to accelerate healing processes.

Traditional treatments often involve long recovery periods, but Med Beds promise to shorten them significantly.

By promoting cellular regeneration and repair, they facilitate faster recovery from injuries and surgeries. This means patients can return to their daily lives more quickly, improving their quality of life and reducing the strain on healthcare resources.



6000 Cures: Unlocking Medical Breakthroughs.

At the heart of Executive Order 13813 is the release of 6,000 suppressed cures that have long been hidden from public knowledge, allegedly due to the influence of powerful pharmaceutical interests. These cures span a wide range of diseases and health conditions, from chronic to terminal illnesses. Their release is set to democratize healthcare, ensuring that effective treatments are available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. This marks the beginning of a new era in medicine, where cures are within everyone’s reach.



Operation Sandman is a collaboration of over 100 nations who agreed to simultaneously sell their US Treasury securities, sending them back to the US to cause the collapse of the US dollar.



Bruce (The Big Call) – [via WiserNow]

…we heard…let’s see the 16th, which would be Wednesday, is the day that Iraq is paying all of their contractors and paying any back pay that they need to pay… And it’s also the day, Wednesday the 16th, the celebration day in Iraq for this RV and their new dinar rate, etc. So it looks like our start date would be Wednesday the 16th, but it may be that we would actually start on Tuesday. I know we should be notified on Tuesday whether we start the exchanges or not. We’ll have to see, but the whole thing is lining up beautifully…I’m excited about the timing…



By exchanging our old Fiat currencies for the new gold-backed currencies, we are in effect exchanging the entire old Cabal Debt Slavery Financial System for a new QFS Gold-backed Financial System.



For those who don’t know, “Operation Sandman” is a joint effort by over 100 countries to sell off their holdings of U.S. bonds at once, send money to the U.S., and cause the U.S. dollar to plummet. Let them do it.



Now the Cabal’s planned Global Financial Collapse is approaching, but the Quantum Financial System is already here, preparing to trigger the greatest transfer of wealth in history.



Operation Sandman is a collaboration of over 100 nations who agreed to simultaneously sell their US Treasury securities, sending them back to the US to cause the collapse of the US dollar.



EBS Emergency Broadcast System will start from [October 26-27]❗❓🙏

President Trump said on October 12 that November 5, 2024 will be [Liberation Day🎉]🔔😄Before that, I need to finish [EBS] ❗ Inevitably → I will have to start more than 10 days in advance… If I count backwards, it will start ❗ [October 26-27] 🙏 That will be 10 days ago. It corresponds to the event that occurs from late November to early November🔔 October 12, 2024 [2024/10/12]



President Donald Trump 🐯

“There will be an explosion before the elections, there will be an explosion” 🔥🔔➡ BRICS finance ministers meet in Moscow after signing de-dollarization deal 🤩 It’s coming true 🍿BRICS = Gesara victory🔔October 12, 2024 [2024/10/12]



Nobel Peace Prize It’s a thing 🤩

Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bombs ❗ The Brain is Emperor Showa 😎 Those who understand will understand 😄 October 11, 2024 [2024/10/11]



This is Gesara 🔔 Trump ❗

To abolish the inheritance tax 😄 “No inheritance tax or death tax ❗ If the farm has value but no money ❗ No inheritance tax 🍿 I got rid of it 🔔➡ [US presidential election] Japan The media❗ Unable to hide it, they finally start reporting the fact that Trump is ahead😄 October 11, 2024 [2024/10/11]



Elon Musk ❗

Promises to release information about aliens immediately 😄 It’s a big deal that this appeared on Yahoo News 📣 The cause of President Kennedy’s assassination was ❗ NESARA GESARA and aliens announcement 📣 President Trump already had a meeting with aliens I!m doing this🔔JFKJr.📣I’m going to finish what my father started🔔October 14, 2024 (10/14)



President Trump😄

Declares once again that the Golden Age of Gesara🪙 is coming🔔He said this more than 3 times during the rally😄We even have a Trump dance🕺Trump is presented with a “halo”👼It is clearly visible🔔April 14, 2020 (10/14)



Trump Sara has been announced🔔

President Trump’s rally📢Trump’s dance is also accentuated😄November 5th is Liberation Day🍿➡EBS emergency broadcast system will start from [October 26th-27th]❓🙏President Trump will be in 2024. I said on October 12th that I would make November 5th [Liberation Day] 😄 I need to finish EBS before then ❗ Inevitably → I have to start more than 10 days in advance Well…if you count backwards, it will start from October 26th-27th🙏October 13th, 2024 (10/13)







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 13th through 19th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 13th through 19th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Aries.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

Click here for the Goddess Transmissions




THOUGHTS: Dear coin holders and channel followers

What we have long expected is now happening: as I have always said, the old system must first be broken before the new one can begin.

The world will change like we have never seen before.

For this to happen, it was necessary for people to become aware of the Matrix in which we were trapped, and that we had to free ourselves from the coercion imposed through the deception of the old system.

I was ahead of many of you in this awareness and therefore I have done my part to bring you into a new era through the information I have shared along with my own opinions and insights that I have experienced and observed along the way.

Many received a free Zimbabwean dollar for Christmas almost 3 years ago which I bought from a coin collector.

I have invested in you to convince as many people as possible that the new system is coming that will end the debt slavery of the Fiat Money system.

By actively promoting and designating several coin dealers where you can buy coin, a very large group has emerged that I think has good national coverage, and you can do something for your own region and community.

The creation of money out of thin air is pure fraud, and this will now change through the BIRCS alliance, breaking the old system, disabling the SWIFT cabal system and returning humanity’s stolen wealth to humanity.

We are all victims of human trafficking that governments have committed against us, degrading us to a legal entity with the obligation to pay for a scarecrow artificially created through our birth certificate.

Under the leadership of the army, GESARA will be implemented, the assets of the 300 Committee, the WEF, the Central Banks, the World Bank and all the perpetrators of GENOCIDE will be redistributed to the entire world population.

The good news is that everyone will be paid from their trust fund, the existence of which the tax authorities deny.

Expect to receive several millions in your account with the launch of GESARA.

What was your motivation for buying currency, was it greed or the need for survival or the realization that you will play a role in the transition to rebuild the country.

If this is your motivation, then you belong to the group of people who accept responsibility if they are entrusted with funds to make the transition possible.

My personal opinion after everything that is happening now is that it won’t be long before we can change.


If you exchange money and bring counterfeit money to exchange, you will not get anything, not even your birth trust, what you will get is a criminal investigation against you.

It turns out that Zimbabwe 2008 will be an example of providing people with funds to make the transition possible.

Realize that Zim’s earnings are not your money, but for the community to recover.

As I am one of the people who promoted this, it is my responsibility to make sure everything goes well.

Zimbabwe 2008
Zimbabwe 2008

The makers of the transition and the projects are the real capital, money is secondary and just a tool to make everything possible.

It turns out that there are counterfeit Zimbabwean dollars in circulation, which poses a barrier to those people who exchange money with good intentions and motivation when they offer a counterfeit note for exchange.

Wherever you bought your Zim, make sure it is not counterfeit. If in doubt, do not hand it over, just use a currency such as Dong, Iraqi Dinar, Iranian Rial or another currency.

You will change and you will be ultimately responsible, even if you are in good faith, you risk losing your birth trust.

That’s why I urge you to first check if you don’t have a fake one.

Information is very important here!!!!

How to check the authenticity of your Zimbabwean dollar before exchanging it.

If you have a fake, do not offer to exchange it, as this will have unpleasant consequences.

That’s why they want to know where you bought your Zim, to know who is responsible for it, which is why proof of purchase is required.

Under the UV lamp it should look like this, as you can see on this website.

For more resources:

If you have any doubts, do not trade your Zim Trillion if you are unsure.

We, the internet group Tiere4b, must realize that large amounts of money are available through Tiere3 in all countries to pay for all projects.

With the benefit of your birthright, all poverty has disappeared, you can live a normal and good life without coercion and live in abundance.

This means that you will help build the economy through the spending you will and can do, which will create jobs.

With the launch of GESARA, Politics, Central Banks will be completely annihilated and you will be given privacy.

Only make an appointment for exchange if you are 100% sure and have a KYC to be able to exchange.

NO KYC!! DO NOT TRADE!! like you have a truckload of notes.

Dress elegantly and modestly, with respect, do not exaggerate your own EGO, because overall you are just a small pawn who has the chance to do good to build a solid transition machine.

The army will ensure security and ensure the safety of the population. The police, politicians and banks will no longer have any power with the activation of the QFS on October 14th if the information we have received is true.

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