THE EARTH IS IN TRANSITION ~ End of a Cycle Beginning of the NEW ~ Galactic Grand Finale
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Illuminated Hearts of the Awakening of Human Consciousness
Happy 2:2 Aquarius Gate Activations!
As we journey through this 2:2 Portal we complete another 260 day Galactic Spin on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. We are completing and ending one cycle with Kin 260 Yellow Cosmic Human and begin a New Earth Cycle tomorrow with Kin 1 Red Magnetic Dragon. As one door closes a new door opens. We also have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal on the Mayan Calendar today which is bridging and merging all higher timelines and dimensions into this One True Ascension timeline of full Planetary Liberation!
On this Groundhog day, celebrated in the states, we are ending the infinite time loops of the false 3d matrix and stepping into the timelessness of the Eternal Now of the 5D Creatrix.
As our Blue Kachina Comet makes her trajectory closest to Earth today, she connects with Gaia and all her Children of the Sun and transmits her healing energy of all our Star Nations connected through our Venusian Lineage of our Galactic Heritage. In the remembering and reunion of all our tribes through all Nations we lift the veils of separation and step into the Unity Consciousness of our Cosmic Pure Awareness.
In the Buddha Mind of our True Nature all things are resolved and everything becomes clear in the Original Light of Infinite Source Creator.
The Vortex of Fire activates our threefold heart flames and lifts us through the Ascension Portal and into the Pure Land of Eternal Bliss Consciousness.
We are in the Crescendo of the Galactic Grand Finale of Transformations in the Light. All is coming into perfect alignment for the Divine Plan to come into complete fruition and to free humanity from all nefarious slave systems of control and manipulation.
Right now: Moon at 14°34′ Cancer, Sun at 13°57′ Aquarius
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A group of people who have overeaten and enjoyed it.
Sabian Symbol for 15º Cancer
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 15º Cancer.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A train entering a tunnel.
Sabian Symbol for 14º Aquarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 14º Aquarius.
Crossing the Aquarius Gate while riding ZTF Cometa wild ride: accelerated dreamstate and multiple visions coming from ‘other realities’…it’s so intense!
UPDATE. 2/2 Portal energies Brand-new frequencies. Pressure and physical symptoms, maybe vertigo, vivid dreams or dizziness as powerful light codes are poured onto you. A sense that we don’t know what’s around the corner or we may feel confused but it feels light, liberating, new. Rest your mind. Quiet your thoughts. Practise grounding as you receive these higher frequencies. Your life is transforming for the best. The external world is about to meet you in a new way, matching your growth.
I’ve been told that 2/2 and 2/15 are very important dates for the Green Comet. Currently it’s transiting Ursa Major this 2/2, and on the 15th it will pass through the eye of the Bull in Aldebaran. Interesting if you know about Bear and Bull markets.
Where is comet ZTF Right now?
C/2022 E3 (ZTF) is currently in the constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, which is best known for its recognisable asterism, the Big Dipper, also called The Plough. This region of the night sky is due north as seen from the northern hemisphere (it’s not actually visible at all from the southern hemisphere)
* I recieved transmissions in 2020 regarding the final note being emitted via the 144,000 would be equivalent to FA (the rune of fire) as well as Green Light. Information regarding the FA Rune.
In 2021, I recieved a gift from my Grandmother. An owl that my Mother painted with real gold leaf in 1983.
Owl is considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity, wisdom, good luck and Fortune. This is the reason why Owl is seen with Goddess Lakshmi, who is also the goddess of fortune, wealth and prosperity. The Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth in the Hindu mythology, is known to have a Owl as her vehicle.
The Earth is in transition, we will move from an electrical system to a magnetic system; from a system where security was external to a system where security is our personal integration.
From a materialistic system, where things are obtained with effort and money, to a system where we obtain the necessary resources if we “vibrate in harmony with creation”.
Understanding this transition requires a certain degree of spiritual evolution. Time will no longer be the determining factor of life, because life will be beyond time. We are still in 3D school where we learn different ways of thinking and visualizing.
In 5D we will use what we learn in 3rd grade. All of the “inner growth” experiments we did were not in vain. We are the real and true creators of the change that will take place on Earth.
We’re the ones in charge Guides give us the knowledge and directions but we are the “hands and brains” that execute the assembly between 3rd and 5th D.
The more awakened beings there are, the more perfect and less traumatic this set will be. With elevated thinking and a clear visualization of the new reality we desire, we help create the 5th D reality.
Points of Light
Philippe François
February 2, 2023 End & New Cycle
A comet returning 52,000 years after one cycle, a sign of the zodiac…
Vibrational light or vibration arrives here on earth, every
52,000 years, before a new cycle is recreated.
It’s an alignment with the galactic center whenever the zodiacal revolution completes a 26,000-year cycle or a complete 52,000-year cycle.
The Precision Equinoxes cycle in this solar system is 52,000 years, the time it takes for the solar system to complete the entire zodiac cycle.
In some areas it is 300,000 years old otherwise it would be 450,000 years, equivalent to terrestrial time.
Thus, in Earth’s timescale, there are dates in alignment with Source Alcyone…
These dates are not set on a human calendar, but on a galactic calendar.
In the absence of cycles, ‘pleasures’ distant or separated from Source can never return to them after they experience them…
This earth has been closed for 6 cycles in 52,000 years, i.e. 320,000 years, some there since the beginning of the lockdown.
By the command of Father/Mother Source, the end of the Illusion has arrived…
The Matrix and this world have been created, and the fossilizing forces of attraction are perfectly coordinated to deconstruct this world and decipher its codes…
Man was a creature of Light, but over 50,000 years he was deprived of his entire Spirit and this personal and worldwide Spirit returned to Him.
This Moment is written on the cosmic clock. It can’t go forwards nor backwards
Energy, not combat, tied only to a punctuality of time expectations of a true astronomical calendar.
The Arrival of the Light is seen in advance, as it is expected every 52,000 years, and has only recently been advanced, allowing the plans of the lost to advance, leaving them with the possibility of irreversible, of building the Light. ..
At the end the Light will come.. It’s not about winning, it’s all about restoring Truth and Unity.
Nothing more and nothing less because winning and losing are part of duality…
Souls who refuse to experience change, either because they see light as an illusion, or because they feel they have not experienced enough for the matter, are called to begin again within a 52,000-year cycle of a dissociated 3D similar to this world. , until they find their Oneness.. they really do have all their time.. and their vibrations (like everyone else on this planet) will lead them to where they can be comfortable…
In these days, safety is for all… and this is the formation of a new vibrational state that is likely to be accepted or rejected by all. In cosmic, 52,000 years is easy.
52,000 years is a cycle ended, a cycle started by Elohim, i.e. the Etres crystallizing the Earth to keep this world from becoming a lost world.
Source always sends creatures right on time, to avoid it…
Over 320,000 years, it took the Earth, human Realizations such as Unity Consciousness, astronomical movements, to restore Unity in some way, i.e. to end separation and it hasn’t been done so easily.
Remember this sentence:
“If Light enters the Duality and there is excess of it, it will be locked and fake. “
This is exactly what is happening in this world. Blocking a system is much simpler, but restoring Freedom to what has been locked in is another thing… because Consciousness has lost the idea of its connection to Source.
Becoming vague memory, to this day, there are people on Earth who are convinced that life begins at birth and disappears entirely at death.
That’s why they’re convinced that Awareness is something that never ends…
Thus the lockup leads to the very rejection of Light, to the very denial of Wisdom of Light.
Therefore, converting Light into Duality cannot be done with a magic wand.
It’s a much more complicated process of alchemy, because there isn’t one
moment in which a Consciousness carrying Unified Light (or a Consciousness finding Unity in identity or the Light itself) must open something that cannot be trapped, i.e. caught in the falsification of Light, which is a simple electromagnetic principle…
Various radiation from other solar systems as well as creatures experienced being trapped here on Earth are needed to release this earth…
It is not easy to change all the physical forces that govern the universe because there are many individuals involved.
The Elohim, the giant Nephilims have lived on this earth for past cycles, before they depart, they have built entire sets of geometric structures to guide light in these unusual times.
Circles of fire, pyramids, hexagons, vortexes, megalithic monuments encircled by a set of concentric circular structures… in all ancient places there is talk of the arrangement of heaven. Whether they were the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Sumerians, the Assyrians, the Egyptians, etc..
There are many Earth’s monuments projections of constellations, and they receive pulses as they align with Alcyone, doors, portals, columns, vortexes open, reactivated with the earth’s mantle.
Upon the fall of the last civilization important Diamond Living Crystals/Living Christ entities
of Divine Presence, Frequency and Quality, were pulled out of the system in order to be kept safe.
They were not meant to follow the cycle of falling and separation that was coming, they did not belong to this cycle.
Now that our realm is returning back online/alive and we are reconnecting with the flow of the pure elements, Divine Mother Sophia Athena Nike
and our Grandmother Goddesses and Grandfather Gods, announced last December that there are four Living Diamonds that would be returning on Earth.
Divine Mother Sophia Athena Nike is using the crystalline portal of the Acropolis for the return of these Living Diamonds. I do not know why this specific portal was chosen for this, I just allow and honour this guidance. I firstly felt that there was something huge that was coming back on the 18th of November 2022, the day that a newborn lost its breathe while on the bus with its mother in the centre of Athens and the bus driver took the bus outside the ministry of health, where the .u/nva/,ed doctors were protesting, and these doctors managed to save the newborn’s life.
The newborn was next taken to the Agia Sophia children’s hospital. I made a post on that specific day.
A few weeks after, about mid December 2022 and out of the blue, we were guided during in one of the group sessions to activate a new portal but still, I had no idea this was specifically for the return of the Living Diamonds. This specific information started unfolding a few days later. So with the help of everyone in our group,
I have been guiding the facilitation of the return of the Living Diamonds.
The first Diamond returned on December 15th 2022 with the blessing of all of our star families through alignment to the North Star. This was the 5d Emerald Diamond of Wisdom/Sophia which in it, resides the Golden Spiral of Life. Since then, a new field of Living information has been unfolding and we have been embracing and integrating it through our inner worlds.
The second Diamond Crystal was returned few days ago, on January 29th 2023, with the help of a team of high level Celtic Druids from the Inner Earth. This is the Orange Diamond Egg of Abundance which carries within it the Presence of the portal of the North Star and it brings the breath of the Solar Masculine in us and
back to the consciousness of the whole Earth.
The Orange Diamond Egg was said that is the Son/Child of the Emerald Diamond of Wisdom/Sophia and the Golden Spiral of Life. It has the most pure and joyful presence and energy and upon its return, children will be playing again carefree on Earth!
Each Diamond is returning to a specific place in the underground area of Earth. There are two more Living Diamonds returning soon. I have already been informed about them but I do not know the exact day and time yet, that their return will take place I feel this will take place very soon. The Diamond Crystals who are returning on Earth are Living Christ beings.
Their presence is meant to be felt from within and not really discussed on posts and chats. I am just sharing the announcement of their arrival. The Living Diamonds will choose when and how they will physically appear.
It was said that the right moment will come once humanity, as a collective, is more mature and ready and the upcoming geological changes, are fully expressed.
Setting boundaries with relationship abuse has helped you become independent from attracting those experiences. Red flags are easier to spot. You know how protect yourself from being hurt. This is making it safe to be vulnerable and release the consciousness and subconscious fears of falling in love and intimacy.
Relax into this shift in mindset, and allow others do to the same. We are collectively shifting into a unified field of love together, which is our new point of attraction. The energies are expanding for individuals to meet new people and begin new relationships.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Mercury conjunct Hygeia in Capricorn. Venus in Pisces sextile North Node in Taurus – Yesterday’s healing story continues. With today’s connection between Mercury and Hygeia it’s our mental health that requires our focus. Being a realist doesn’t mean getting lost in life’s grit. Give yourself permission to dream. Approach troubles with a holistic outlook. Reframe problems to calm nerves. Ground yourself into your body to ward off worries. Challenge negative mental loops. Life can be hard sometimes but it’s up to us to find ways to soften the edges and smooth the bumps – for ourselves and for each other.
Venus in Pisces shows us the way. Compassion, loving acceptance, seeing the beauty in nature, actively searching for the good in others – all these things send us back to the source of all joy. Practice gratitude. Send out prayers for peace. Simplicity comes when you align to the flow of heart energy.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Hygeia 18°Cp17′ – 04:41 (UT)
Venus 08°Pi25′, North Node 08°Ta25′ R – 21:08 (UT)
‘Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence.’ The last day of a wavespell is often the trickiest because you must process the 13-day journey you are completing… symbolizing that our journey is full of obstacles and distractions. However, all this is a necessary process, a learning curve. Once we have completed the process we transcend and so all the hassle, effort and suffering make the journey worthwhile. The lesson with the number 13 is that there are no shortcuts on the journey to enlightenment, you must earn it the hard way.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. These days are full of insights, revelations and ‘eureka’ moments. Naturally of course, when you combine enlightenment with the number 13 the result is ‘Transcend to Enlighten or Endure Life’. Today is the last day of the Tzolkin and so the combination of number and glyph is perfect. We’ve just endured a 260-day journey, that’s 20 wavespells…and the result is ‘Enlightenment’. Today is also a Portal day. All the attributes of the day are intensified! The Yellow Sun only falls on a Portal day twice in the Tzolkin. This means the sun is hot, hot, hot today!
Today’s Guide is Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. What can you show others today? Share your wisdom and may that guide your actions today. Wow, there is so much information available today. The Sun illuminates and the Yellow Seed too offers so much knowledge. Expect to find the answers to questions you’ve been asking for awhile. It shall all be revealed today!
The Challenge for the day is White Dog which represents ‘Love and Loyalty’ and so if you are a White Dog, today may be tougher for you…the sun may not shine so brightly and the answers aren’t so forthcoming.
The trouble with Dogs is that they have a tendency to think with their hearts rather than their heads.
The Occult or Magic energy of the day the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing and Re-birth’. People born on these days have magic on their side today so won’t find it as tough as everyone else. We are also beginning the Red Dragon wavespell tomorrow which is the first one of the new Tzolkin spin.
The Ally is the Blue Storm, if you need help making changes consult a Blue Storm because they specialize in change! If you are a Blue Storm you can be a great help to others today. Also, this means that any changes that take place are less disruptive, as sometimes that Stormy energy can be overwhelming.
We commenced this YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL, our final of 20 wavespells in the Tzolkin Calendar, on Saturday 21st JANUARY 2023 (WATER RABBIT LUNAR NEW YEAR’S EVE) and we reach its completion on Thursday 2nd FEBRUARY 2023.
This will complete another GALACTIC SPIN, the 260 day/9 month cycle, of our Journey through the Dreamspell Tzolkin, which started with KIN 1 Red Magnetic Dragon back on 19th May 2022 (many moons ago!!)
Last GALACTIC SPIN – 9 months ago, the closure of the TZOLKIN aligned with the WESAK portal in MAY 2022, during the phenomenal FULL MOON ECLIPSE in Scorpio which symbolizes the FLIGHT of the PHOENIX and majikal regenesis through DEATH, REBIRTH and RESURRECTION.
This time around the closure of the TZOLKIN aligns with the closest arrival point of COMET ZFK – flooding our planet with NEW LIGHT codes!! Fulfilling the Hopi prophecy of the BLUE STAR KACHINA heralding the arrival of the NEW TIME..
These celestial events are Divine proof of the significance and importance of the DREAMSPELL Calendar as a prophetic codex guiding our ASCENSION passage into the NEW TIME… WHAT A GIFT!
New SPin
Today we reach our final destination – KIN 260 the YELLOW COSMIC SUN which is the ultimate in Cosmic Consciousness, opening a GATEWAY to EN-LIGHTON- MENT.
At the 13th octave in the wavespell spiral we reach the COSMIC GATE and have returned to zero point once again and can access SOURCE codes.
The beginning and end point of each TZOLKIN CYCLE connects at ZERO POINT.. this state is also accessed through the 11:11 gateway which OPENS the portal..
On 2 FEBRUARY 2023 we have a 2.2.2 AND 11.2 codes opening the GATES to NEW EARTH.. It is also a Galactic Activation Portal day – so the GATE to SOURCE – ZERO POINT is BLASTED OPEN..
KIN 260 – YELLOW COSMIC SUN closes the 260-day Tzolkin count and is said to contain All Kin in One, as it is the final kin, having energetically absorbed all preceding KIN frequencies and lessons, through this journey to become the BRIGHT SHINING STAR that you are, through total expansion of LOVE and JOY!
In the Dreamspell count, Kin 260 represents the
of the 260-day Galactic Spin.
Galactic Spin
After completing this spin, we recommence a new higher frequency spin of the cycle being birthed anew with KIN 1 – RED MAGNETIC DRAGON, bringing forth NEW creation codes on Friday 3 FEBRUARY 2023.
We are symbolically completing the FLIGHT of the PHOENIX and majikal regenesis through DEATH, REBIRTH and RESURRECTION.
A GRAND CRESCENDO with the closest arrival point of COMET ZFK kissing our planet with NEW STREAMS of ANCIENT LIGHT CODES..
A HUGE CLOSURE for humanity and our Planet!
The significance of this CLOSURE of this GALACTIC SPIN aligning with this celestial visitor and the imminent MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT of our PLANET is beyond belief… a new ERA is dawning NOW…
A FRESH, new GOLDEN DAY is dawning with this COSMIC SUNRISE, where we have GROWN EXPONENTIALLY, and embodied more LIGHT and spiritual WISDOM.
The synchronic alignment of all these extraordinary events, coinciding with the end of the Tzolkin on a YELLOW COSMIC SUN day – symbolizing EN-LIGHT-ENMENT is extremely important energetically.
It is also a G.A.P. – Galactic Activation Portal day, meaning the normal energies are “souped up” and extra intense as the veil between worlds and realities blurs. All this SUPER-NATURAL energy and the SOLAR CODES – CME’S and FLARES make a cocktail of very potent evolutionary energies!
Added to the mix is the recent realization by scientists that “EARTH’S INNER CORE HAS STOPPED SPINNING”
This is an INDICATOR that a Magnetic Pole Shift is IMMINENT!!!! As the CORE stabilizes and then will RESET and SPIN in the REVERSE direction – a sure SIGN that our REALITY is about to FLIP to the POSITIVE timeline PERMANENTLY!!
Buckle up and grab your telescopes and celestial sunnies, this will be another day/night to remember on PLANET EARTH!
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
GAP day – and 11/2 PORTAL DAY!!
A DAY of CLOSURE and COMPLETION, very appropriate with the 9/11 dramatic ENDINGS code, with an 11:2 coding … All aligning with the G.A.P. portal day!
We are STORMING through this SUPER STELLAR GATEWAY today, with the arrival of this ancient NEW LIGHT that COMET ZTK is bringing.. all UNITED in our QUEST to SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS…
TODAY is the FINAL day in the 260 day TZOLKIN CALENDAR!! YIPEEEE!!!!
Today is a 13 Cosmic Consciousness tone, and we have an 11:2 code, AND 2.2.2. GAP PORTAL granting us exceptional ILLUMINATION today, as we walk hand in hand with our kin, all together crossing the threshold of this MONUMENTAL EVOLUTIONARY TRANSITION TODAY!
The VEIL is very thin indeed, and we now HAVE the blessing to access ALL THAT IS, SOURCE!
NOTE: KIN 260 occurred 27 months ago (3 GALACTIC SPINS) on DECEMBER 14th, 2020 which was the date of the SOLAR ECLIPSE on the NEW MOON in Sagittarius –
Today we have a direct link to the DOUBLE SAGITTARIUS energies through this time portal. Sagittarius represents TRUTH, JUSTICE, adventure, JOY, freedom, higher LEARNING, CELEBRATION and FREEDOM!!!. WE will definitely be needing a DOUBLE DOSE of all those qualities today!
A very powerful code for HUMANITY’S TRANSCENDENCE today.
Transcendence is the act of rising above something to a SUPERIOR state. Transcendence comes from the Latin prefix trans-, meaning “beyond,” and the word scandare, meaning “to climb.” When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations.
And by golly, the STAR BLISS SUNS have gone ABOVE and BEYOND all GALACTIC expectations to arrive at this GRADUATION event!
Take a BOW, beautiful souls we have finally made it to CLAIM our SUPERNOVA STATUS!
Today is our Grand Finale – our final Graduation when we are being asked to “think outside of the box” in order to ascend to a higher state of being.
This is DIVINELY perfecto on this 9/11 completion day as
Kin/Day 260 – is the VERY last day of the Tzolkin calendar.
Many Planetary kin have spent the last few days/weeks resting, clearing and processing great TRAUMA and challenges, as we have symbolically been dissolving our past, and liquifying our cells, in order to rebuild and transform our crystalline DNA and Diamond Lightbody.
(NOTE: Last YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL in MAY 2022 I was bedridden (due to Septacaemia) for the ENTIRE wavespell (actually 4 whole weeks) and now 9 months on – ironically it is my son’s turn – he has been bedridden for 9 weeks! (It seems longer for males!!!).. Indeed this YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL holds potent codes enforcing our DNA upgrades and Ascension process.. Like caterpillars we have been incubating in order to ATTRACT our beautiful new LIFE in this next cycle!)
The COMPLETION of this cycle results in our total metamorphosis of the Golden Butterfly breaking free from the chrysalis, stretching its wings and taking its virgin golden flight, carried by the winds of Spirit into the unknown.
This our PHOENIX moment delivering on its promise to facilitate our transmutation, transformation and final transfiguration, as we journeyed with the PHOENIX rising from the burning ashes , become the golden Majestic All-seeing Eagle, and then morphing into the pure WHITE dove of the Holy Spirit.
This is not mere symbology but pure DIVINE HU-MAN ALCHEMY.. it is our DESTINY!
A HUGE day for our Planetary Ascension process – A GRAND RISING of our Planetary kin.
What a her-storic PLANETARY BREAKTHROUGH today – transcending the old Matrix Game! GAME OVER!! BOOM
Day 13 is the FINAL DAY of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL, the last of 20 wavespells – where we are AWAKENING our Sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Today we revel in the pure presence of what such a world of beauty would look and feel like. Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.
That world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming into our everyday lives. Our collective consciousness is shining today with greater Harmony and beauty.
We can SPARKLE and SHINE through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our beautiful compassionate EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into.
Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR WISDOM. Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS!
The 13th day of the Yellow Star Wavespell is the one that gives CLOSURE! As we see the totality of WHAT IS, and start shifting our perception, we AWAKEN the ARTIST within us, and accomplish what we have been expressing through our creativity!
YELLOW STAR teaches us to SLOW DOWN, and cease to strive.
Allow your life to become a poetic song, a living work of Art!
Today we are asked to PAUSE and REFLECT and finally FACE our TRUE AUTHENTIC DIVINE selves!
Humanity has been so consumed by the false ILLUSION that we have forgotten how to really LIVE our LIVES through JOY and wonderment, expressing ourselves through our DIVINITY – the purity of our unique Soul’s essence..
It is TIME for a MAJOR RESET aligning with the natural Harmonic Matrix to get our whole PLANET back on track!
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today we have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at our disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality. They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure DIVINE PRESENCE, translating into pure HARMONY, BEAUTY and GRACE.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today we can choose to be still and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace through the frequency of pure internal presence!
It is time to realign with your Universal presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose.
Finally….LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT, and returning to the ONE SOURCE once again!
The pure presence of ONENESS transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of love and truth of oneness…
Are you ready to accept this INFINITE COSMIC LOVE?
Open your heart dear ones and receive. Fill your chalice with everlasting and ENDLESS pure unconditional love.
Today’s question is “How can WE transcend our old LIFE, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix in order to fully FLOWER…. and ASCEND into our pure SHINING Cosmic SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS!”
And so we bid adieu to the beautiful influence of LAMAT – the graceful YELLOW STAR, who has RELEASED us from the enslavement of the old TIME = MONEY artificial Matrix, opening our eyes to a better way of living our Earthly lives.
Prioritizing the BEAUTY, LOVE and HARMONY that surrounds us, so we can now CHOOSE to LIVE our beautiful new lives as TIME=ART.
Well done LAMAT – what a STELLAR job you have accomplished!!
What a CRESCENDO – the visit of COMET ZTK in our skies, first appeared visible on DAY 1 of the YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL and on day 13 completion of this cycle, the WONDER COMET reaches its closest distance to our PLANET… Coincidence??? Me thinks not!!
DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY which reflects the supernatural HARMONIC MAJIK, encoded in the sacred TZOLKIN and DREAMSPELL CALENDARS… what a remarkable prophetic codex we have been gifted to LIGHT THE WAY to the NEW TIME. Aho!
We have now completed our journey through the 260 days of the Tzolkin and tomorrow on the 3rd day of FEBRUARY 2023 we start a BRAND new Galactic Spin, commencing with a new solar seal.
RED MAGNETIC DRAGON – KIN number 1 – the ORIGINAL ONES – host a brand new NURTURING wavespell, were we RECREATE ourselves and our NEW world once again, forever spiralling upwards to greater Soul-ar expansion as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT brightly, precious STAR BLISS SUNS
Bring forth your LUMINOSITY, in order to RADIATE and ENLIGHTEN those around you and LIGHT UP our NEW WORLD!
Congratulations on our MAGNIFICENT ARRIVAL!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
The COSMIC SUN – is like a DOUBLE SUN – shining with all the LIGHT reflected from the COSMOS – the GREAT CENTRAL SUN – and all SUNS – radiating their LIGHT upon all the CHILDREN of the SUN.
Let us welcome the SUN to SHINE IN ALL ITS RADIANT GLORY to the newly EN-LIGHTEN-ED STAR BLISS SUNS of the New Earth.
That we be guided to hold the pure PRESENCE of the potential of Nova Gaia today. Holding the presence of the Seed as the SPARK of our own illumination, harmonized by the ethereal BEAUTY of our capacity to transcend life and know ourselves as pure STAR BLISS SUNS of Universal Fire…
Pure LIGHT… Enlightened life… COSMIC SUNS SHINING BRIGHTLY… as we all merge into the pool of ONENESS, one central SUN returning to our SOURCE through Unity Consciousness.
A beautiful thing about YELLOW COSMIC SUN is that when you ADD this signature, to any other signature, it becomes FULLY that other signature without losing its LIGHT, it’s own in-DEEP-end-dance.
It just FULLY SHINES on that other energy, MAGNIFYING it’s holy presence… It is the pure embodiment of the 13 tone – COSMIC and tribe 20 – YELLOW SUN/AHAU – harmonic matrix… within itself, it is the ALL…
The quintessential TIME IS ART holding the presence of ALL in its seeding of the LIGHT… Shining its LIGHT as the pure presence of the potential of ALL THAT IS before it, enduring all that holds the illusion of lack, to keep SHINING on the potential held within every seed…
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC SEED KAN The COSMIC SEED holds the potential of ALL THAT IS – the highest potential flowering from the COSMOS.. What a BRILLIANT HIGHER power overlighting this wondrous day of INFINITE POTENTIAL and DIVINE EXPANSION!
From the seed, to the tree, to the FLOWER of this life!
And on the FINAL day, the pressure of holding back and staying closed, becomes so great that it finally breaks through, opening its petals and dares to BLOOM!
Ahhh, what exquisite perfume!
The YELLOW SEED has reached full maturity and now begins to FLOWER, delighting the admiring crowd with her exquisite perfume and vibrant splendor! As your luminosity pervades, you have now mastered the ART of FLOWERING.
SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC STORM CAUAC finalizes its final purging through total purification and cleansing… BLUE STORM and this GREEN COMET STAR LIGHT, working with the THUNDER BEINGS are ensuring a smooth transition into your new STARRY Self, all SHINING and GLOWING – beautifully transformed.
We allow ourselves to be the energy generators, storing and catalyzing this new found energy, ready to regenerate our cell-ves and our pristine New Earth…as we wipe the slate clean ready for the New Way dreaming to be expressed through Planetary ABUNDANCE, HARMONY and PEACE.
And so with every ENDING comes A NEW BEGINNING… the Alpha and the Omega!
How divinely perfect, that as we complete this grand GALACTIC SPIN of the 9 month/260 day cycle of the Tzolkin Calendar, the MAGNETIC DRAGON – tribe number 1 appears as the Occult – Hidden SUPERPOWER behind today’s code.
The MAGNETIC DRAGON kin are PREPARING to B-Earth the new cycle, new era and the NEW GOLDEN AGE filled with Divine GLORY!
IMIX brings forth the power of Mother Goddess and the infinite creation, to begin anew, reborn and shining brightly, even better than before!, The New B-Earth, the primal birthing of being, that comes from the union of our great Father, The SUN/SON, the LIGHT, and our great mother GODDESS bringing forth DIVINE LOVE and nurturance.
IMIX tribe number 1 is INITIATING the new, primal response – bringing forth all of CREATION from the VOID – the sacred womb…. ushering in the New Earth, with the nurturing caring ability of the beautiful feminine creation MATRIX.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC DOG OC brings forth the love, loyalty, trust and devotion that UNITES us as DIVINE SOULs in the family of Creation. The DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that receives from every multidimensional corner of the universe, all coming HOME to the great darkness of our Divine Mother’s womb…
The pure presence of ONENESS transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of love and truth of oneness…
Are you ready to accept this INFINITE COSMIC LOVE?
Open your heart dear ones and receive. Fill your chalice with everlasting and ENDLESS pure unconditional love.
Today’s question is “How can WE transcend our old LIFE, aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix in order to fully FLOWER…. and ASCEND into our pure SHINING Cosmic SUPRACONSCIOUSNESS!”
And so we bid adieu to the beautiful influence of LAMAT – the graceful YELLOW STAR, who has RELEASED us from the enslavement of the old TIME = MONEY artificial Matrix, opening our eyes to a better way of living our Earthly lives.
Prioritizing the BEAUTY, LOVE and HARMONY that surrounds us, so we can now CHOOSE to LIVE our beautiful new lives as TIME=ART.
Well done LAMAT – what a STELLAR job you have accomplished!!
What a CRESCENDO – the visit of COMET ZFK in our skies, first appeared visible on DAY 1 of the YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL and on day 13 completion of this cycle, the WONDER COMET reaches its closest distance to our PLANET… Coincidence??? Me thinks not!!
DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY which reflects the supernatural HARMONIC MAJIK, encoded in the sacred TZOLKIN and DREAMSPELL CALENDARS… what a remarkable prophetic codex we have been gifted to LIGHT THE WAY to the NEW TIME. Aho!
We have now completed our journey through the 260 days of the Tzolkin and tomorrow on the 3rd day of FEBRUARY 2023 we start a BRAND new Galactic Spin, commencing with a new solar seal.
RED MAGNETIC DRAGON – KIN number 1 – the ORIGINAL ONES – host a brand new NURTURING wavespell, were we RECREATE ourselves and our NEW world once again, forever spiralling upwards to greater Soul-ar expansion as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….
Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT brightly, precious STAR BLISS SUNS
Bring forth your LUMINOSITY, in order to RADIATE and ENLIGHTEN those around you and LIGHT UP our NEW WORLD!
Beloved I Am Presence, Light of my Soul, Beloved El Morya, Beloved ArchAngel Michael, and your Legions of Blue Flame Angels,
Infuse within my Soul and all around me a river of Blue Flame Love. By the Power of “three times three” sustain and expand this love without limit.
Let your Protection take dominion over the Earth and over every man, woman and child on the Planet.
Protect the youth, the elderly and the innocents. Consume within me and within the Earth all that does not portrait the Divine Will of The Father.
Let Love, Freedom and True Knowledge of the Divine, be re-established on Earth, now and forever.
I Am that I Am! By all God’s Love, I know that I Am the Power and the authority on Earth to command life free and the return to wholeness of everything on it.
I call the Power of Blue-Flame Love to establish the Golden Age of Enlightenment and true Brotherhood on Earth.
Let the Victory of the Will of God prevail on Earth!
Let the Flame of Cosmic Love and Wisdom prevail on Earth!
And so be it! Beloved I Am!
( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames” By Aurelia.)
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