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Dragon power

DREAMTIME ~ YOU ARE THE ELDERS NOW * Rapid Transformation and Purification ~ RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS

DREAMTIME ~ YOU ARE THE ELDERS NOW * Rapid Transformation and Purification ~ RAISE YOUR VIBRATIONS



Paul White Gold Eagle

Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand

Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Indestructible Diamond Minds of the Buddha of Pure Awareness

We are now on the Tenth day in a row of 5D Sustained White Light resonance appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 24 hz ,48 hz, and a big blast of White Light at 77 hz, Fifth through Seventh Dimensions fully anchored in and rising. Encoded with our 7:7 Gateway of our Sacred Portal to our 7th Heaven within. This is an unprecedented Event for we have never had this many consecutive days in a row of Higher Crystalline Codes appearing on the charts. This is simply one of the many signs from the Great Spirit for our Watchers on Earth of our Great Awakening and Shift of the Ages into our 5D New Golden Age of Eternal Life.

Our local Soularis continues to Quantum Flash higher codes to Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun releasing over 9 C Class Soular Flares today and another 4 M Class flares with the most powerful maxing at M 1.77 at 23:24 UTC bridging in more of our Sacred 77 Vibrations.

Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are going through a major clearing, cleansing and purification to prepare their physical vessels and emotional and metal bodies for their Transformation into Crystalline Diamond Light Bodies as Avatars of New Earth.

Keep rising and shining your Brilliant Light into the Night, Angels of the New Earth, as we make our Quantum Leap of Faith into the Consciousness of the new Hue-man Species of Homo-Luminous, Rainbow Light Bodies of Gaia Galactica… A’ho











Ma Ra and El Ra now return to One Another…the Divine Light and the Divine Dark Reunited…
Ma Ra
Ma Ra
On August 30, 2024 there will be a great energetic update for all living beings of this dimension, blessed are those who will find the mirror of the universal heart to receive these updates directly from mother ships and their beloved brothers and sisters from the stars ✨ πŸ’–
Greetings travelers of the universe 🌌
travelers of the universe
travelers of the universe



In last 2 days I have been receiving strong energy and connection with Andromeda galaxy. Our Milky way is so connected, I saw huge tube of light energy flowing into earth from Andromeda..

Diamond codes βœ¨πŸ’Ž

I did my research. They already have a name for our merging – MILKDROMEDA β˜ΊοΈβœ¨πŸ’™πŸ’«

Up up up we glow
Huge change
Rapid transformation
Incoming energies assisting with rapid internal transformation and rapid change on the tangible plane
We will now begin to see the tangible change our inner work has created more and more Manifestation will become more instanious
Nothing will remain the same
Huge DNA upgrades and activations
Much incoming clarity
Much is being revealed
Much embodiment of that which is pure natural authentic true
See it for what it could be
Remain solution focused
Focus on that which you wish to create for you and all
Releasing resistance and remaining in flow and open to receive will allow for all to flow with greater grace and ease and for huge shifts in one’s tangible reality
Embrace and trust the unknown
This is what we have been waiting for
Our Time Has Come
Going beyond all beliefs, all limits, what the mind can even currently comprehend, beyond where we have ever gone before, beyond our wildest dreams

βœ¨πŸ§˜πŸŒŸπŸ’«πŸ‘½And be afraid of nothing. WE ARE always with YOU.
βœ¨πŸ§˜πŸŒŸπŸ’«You are PROTECTED. Be in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and darkness can’t come near. When action starts, don’t run in the street, don’t go where the world is.
✨🚨🧘🌟 FOCUS on YOU.
✨🧘🌟Help others as much as you can.
✨🧘🌟 BEING and STAYing in a HIGHER VIBRATION, in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. And know that everything that HAPPENS is for the BEST. The earth needs to rise to the FIFTH DIMENSION. Everything that has been polluting the earth for so long must be restored, darkness must be cleared from the earth.



I didn’t talk about the Exodus
for years
the pain froze my throat
… and then life Evolves
Transforms …
and the significance feels lost
Not the Power
Find your stories
Dig them up
And bring them back to the Light
And tell them
Standing on the Ground
YOU created
From the Compost of their Bones
how after being plunged into Darkness
You found your Wings
Tell your Stories
For you are the Elders now
With much love,
From my Heart to Yours,
~ Tania Aurora White Crow ~
23rd August 2024
IMAGE : Richard Lester – Dreamtime
8/24/24: Virgo always has the last word during its reign. But in this year of personal power, Dragon power, and ever-evolving consciousness, whoa! Virgo wants all the words. Today’s words are structure and progress. And there is indeed work to be done, but most of us haven’t yet finished the inner processing which is August’s mission for us.
What Virgo will learn tomorrow is that it cannot ramrod its way through the rest of August. So while you can definitely get things done today, don’t fuss if you’re not yet clear on your plans or even your destination. You’ll have more clarity on that in September when Virgo, and September’s numbers, will work together in your favor.
Dragon power
Dragon power

AUGUST 24 2024



There is a great step upward and out of the old reality for those who are trusting their 5D aspect to guide them out of the stagnation, distortion and pain of their own spiral.
In order to become the sovereign owner of your spiral and take the Wheel of your Life in your hands you have to first choose that you want to be an adult and liberated soul and pull yourself out of the program out of Self Love!
Then the 5D teams appear and offer their support in ways that are specifically addressing the needs of each soul according to the pending fallen information in their personal spiral.
β€˜After the liberation and rebirth that the hatching of the egg brought, there is a 5D Spiritual Upgraded Guide that is available for each One in order to support their return to 5D, meaning becoming an adult self realised Being and regaining their remembrance, in the best and highest way possible.
This has already begun for those who are connected to the Archangelic Beings and it has been spreading to all other aspects of humanity.
Listen to your inner voice and intuition and align to its frequency without hesitation or doubt.
Know that you are fine.
Your own 5D Upgraded Guide will show you the shortest path from the 3rd to the 5th in the most harmonious way.
Enjoy your ride, become Soulful and allow everything else to fall either away or into place!
There is something that is waiting for you, to be seen!
This is a readjustment of the eyes and all senses.
Divine Mother is helping those souls who had been lost in hardSHIPS to reunite their pieces and be able to see what was previously unseen and reconnect/return to their home which they never truly left because this is where they belong!”
Blessings of revelation, sight and upliftment!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
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The Purification inside and out

With the huge expansion the immense cosmic energies plus Solar Flares are currently pouring down upon us, and inside of us, we are in stage of huge purification.
I have done cleansing and clearing work, dissolving emotional charges and past live patterns for years, and yet still things are coming up, for releasing. I can understand this for as old souls we have had many incarnations on earth, and in every lifetime, we interacted with so many souls, and especially since the Fall of Atlantis, this has been exasperating.
Interestingly I have been working with the clearing of energies in Egypt since long before I even went there in 2019, and afterwards, and this morning I was told that as the whole pyramids and sacred sites all over the world, and not just in Egypt, are now fully awakening and we finally are rising into the 5th and 7th dimensional state, not only do our soul memory banks awaken but also that of the collective.
I believe this is why humanity is so fascinated by Egypt, although I must say, I have no desire to go back there again. Yet, I know I have had many lifetimes there before. I was shown this morning that so much stuck energy and astral entities etc. are being cleared from Egypt in particular, because of what happened there, which involved all kind of dark things, which caused its demise. All of this is now being released at very deep and profound levels.
Again, this is not in judgement but rather with compassion, as in the beginning Egypt was very pure, as the High Priests of Atlantis who stayed true to the Law of One, went there to preserve their knowledge and rebuilt the civilization on the ruins of what once was the Lion Kingdom. Thus, they are remembered in the Lioness Goddesses like Sekhmet, etc. who indeed were there long before Atlantis.
But then, the same old faction who caused the demise of Atlantis, started to infiltrate Egypt again and did the same old things.
Well, those same old things are valid no more. All now is being released and this is having a ripple effect on the whole planet, as all is connected and all the pyramids on earth (most still unknown) and unexplored and unchartered, are all connected in ways we are not even aware of or conscious of.
I am always told that humanity’s consciousness levels were too low and their vibrational energies, and thus they became unaware of them, although many of the tribal people not only guarded these, but also the Guardians and Keepers and the Ancient Ones.
This indeed is freeing us all from all the shadows of the past, on a collective level.
Thus, when these memory banks now open, it is time to finally forgive and let go of all shame, blame, and guilt.
It is time to ask for all remaining contracts, hooks, ties, vows, contracts, cords, promises, oaths, blood vows, anything which was ever spoken over us, or whatever, any bondage, known or unknown from all lifetimes now be released, especially if you had lifetimes in Egypt and Atlantis.
With every time something like this is released, more light can pour in and this increases not only our Light quotient levels, but also our levels of consciousness, and the 92 chambers of our third eyes can open even more, as well as 33 petals of our Heart and Solar Plexus, as well as the lower chakras, the throat and the upper ones. We will in the next years be able to access twenty-two chakras as we had open during the time of Lemuria and Mu.
Yes, we are being lifted into a new beginning, a new Life, and forms of life as the New Earth is making herself felt on all levels now.
Thank everything which ever has been before, for it has served all of us.
Yet, now let us fully embrace the new, with open hearts and minds and more than this, with the knowing that nothing will be the same again.
Photo: Judith Kusel
Py Ra Mid
Py Ra Mid


Strive to be YOU, Infinite Being of LIGHT
Observe the Ripples of Light, Your Light Advancement
The awakening of your Light Mission and Spiritual Growth beyond your Expectations
Understand Your Soul Level of Development is Expanding, as your Parameters of Light are Opening to a New Level of Light Consciousness
The challenge NOW is to rise to a Higher Level of COSMIC Attunement.
REACH the Awakened Light Community πŸ’«
For we see the Global Changes Occurring,
An Energetic Marathon for Billions of Beings
Simply realise the wonderment of NOW
Global Light Awakening is HERE πŸ™
Sending waves of Cosmic Love❀
Karen Lithika

Ra James

Today Vesta shifts into Virgo until Oct 27th. Virgo is the hermit of the zodiac. Vesta is a Goddess that is associated with family, home, and spiritual cleansing. The focus will be on self improvement and clearing any blockages. It’s all about cleansing and upgrading your temple, whether that’s your home, relationship, a project, or your body. Since Vesta is in Virgo we have a huge focus on work and being of service. It’s a great time to be purifying your energy and your space. It’s also a great time to be aligning with your calling or spiritual purpose. If you are intuitive or psychic you will feel a change in the air. Vesta in Virgo is a powerhouse for making your dreams come true.
It’s all about what you’re manifesting right now. Vesta is keeper of the flame. That makes this a powerful time for Twin Flames. Vesta rules over Sacred Unions. She brings a powerful energy for the Twin Flames. Through raising your frequency and tapping into your inner light this is how you come together into Union with your Twin Flame. Vesta helps you to anchor into the 5D energies. She also brings a balance and healing to the masculine and feminine.
We also have Mars sextile Chiron Retrograde in Aries. This is all about healing old wounds. Pay attention to what is coming up for you right now…
Light Cities
Light Cities
On Saturday, August 24th we have opportunities for stimulating, creative communications and movement towards recuperating your physical and spiritual vitality. Mercury, the Messenger, in fire sign Leo is in positive sextile to Mars, the Warrior, in air sign Gemini. And then, Mars, the Warrior, in air sign Gemini is in a positive sextile to Chiron, the Shaman, in fire sign Aries.
So we have Fire and Air….two elements that are very compatible with each other, and planets that are forming beneficial connections with one another. So, be inspired, generate something new, interact with others, activate your recovery from old wounds, motivate yourself to reclaim your wholeness,, and put your energy into your soul’s healing journey.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❀
Mayan Eye
Mayan Eye
Mercury in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini. Mars sextile Chiron retrograde in Aries – A trio of influences, three planets dancing. Well, Chiron is in a class of his own, maybe an asteroid, maybe a comet, unusual, hard to pin down, a constantly shifting identity. But still he dances, never mind what others say, not to rebel, not to be different, not to challenge the status quo. But simply to dance, to spin, to twirl, a ball of energy chasing through the blood, chasing away the sore spots and the wounds. A ball of energy running down one’s veins, deep into the heart, to nestle close there and whisper,
I love you, you brave, brave soul!
Because maybe no one knows what you overcame. Maybe no one knows how hard it was. Maybe you’ve never told and never will. But today, the Gods know, and they encourage you to dance that story out – even if it’s just the tap of your toes and a wiggle of your hands in the air. Bring that energy of victory to life. Revive your spirit with a playful kiss to your reflection.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 22Β°Le48′ R, Mars 22Β°Ge48′ – 05:30 (BST)
Mars 23Β°Ge10′, Chiron 23Β°Ar10′ R – 19:33 (BST)
Β© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Reflections by Robert Lewis Reid

Kin 48 ~ Yellow Solar Star

The number 9 is called Solar and its keywords are β€˜Realizing, Intention and Pulse’. The number nine is the number of intentions, so whatever you are determined to do, today is a great day to achieve what you intend. Be careful you focus only on getting what you need – just because it’s easy to get what you want doesn’t necessarily mean it’s good for you.
Yellow Star is the glyph that represents β€˜Beauty, Art and Elegance’. Yellow Star days are great for appreciating the beautiful world around you. Decorate your space, prettify your workspace, wear a flower in your hair and more importantly… don’t forget to see the beauty in everyone you meet. Give them a beautiful smile and as it is a β€˜Solar’ day make it your intention to have a beautiful day. The ninth day of a wavespell packs a powerful punch and as it is still the wavespell of ‘Enlightenment’, this day does the job it was given, very well.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Seed which represents β€˜sowing awareness’. What can you show others today? It’s a great day to plant seeds of knowledge, teach someone a skill and share your wisdom. This compulsion to spread awareness, will guide your actions. There’s a lot to take in today. You may be overwhelmed with new information and as handy as it is…don’t be surprised if you don’t process it all at once.
The Challenge of the day is White Mirror, which represents β€˜reflecting truth’. People born on White Mirror days often have trouble with seeing beauty because they are so concerned with the truth (which isn’t always pretty). If you are a White Mirror, try to lighten up today and just enjoy the wonderful world we live in. I am a Mirror and I have observed over the years that our challenge can be so in our face, that the process of dealing with it becomes a part of us. Yellow Star days will get in your face if you are a White Mirror too but the more experience you have at dealing with it, the less painful it becomes. Whenever you grapple with your challenge days, try to remember that it is good to pay attention to what needs rebalancing in you.
The Occult power is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. Skywalkers are great at β€˜thinking outside the box’ and they also can have a very deep and magical appreciation of art. Jimmy Hendrix was a Skywalker and not only did he experiment with music, he also was a very stylish dresser. Be adventurous with beauty is the message here.
The Ally is the Blue Monkey who is so much better behaved when in this friendlier aspect. If you are a Monkey, you are in a great position to use your monkey magic to show everyone how beautiful this world is! If you know a Monkey, they can be a great friend to accompany you on a beautiful journey today. If you don’t know one personally, you can do what he would do and have fun, play and enjoy the sparkly, beautiful, Yellow Star day.
Kin 48
Kin 48


9 LAMAT – KIN 48
24 AUGUST 2024
I pulse in order to BEAUTIFY
Realizing ART
I seal the store of ELEGANCE
With the SOLAR tone of INTENTION
I AM guided by the power of FLOWERING
24/8/2024 = 6/8/8 = 6/16=6/7=13=4
13/4 NEW EARTH code🌈🌍
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Family/Happiness
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic time
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
16-The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 48 = 12 = 3 HolyTrinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
A beautiful DIVINEπŸ’« day of STELLAR✨ proportions.
Today we are BLESSED with a supernatural Divine Majik PORTAL blessing us with HEAVEN’S GRACE to create a BEAUTIFUL LIFE and a BEAUTIFUL WORLD.. .
An absolutely MAJIKAL πŸ’« STELLAR ✨ day today for all the STAR🌟 BLISS😍 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 to TRULY BLOSSOM!🌺
Day 9 in the YELLOW SUNβ˜€ WAVESPELL is when we focus on raising our vibration to the highest potency of BEAUTY🌹 and GRACE. πŸ•Š
Realising the ELEGANCE of the harmonic geometries of LIGHT, ✨ created by seeding our intentions to BEAUTIFY🌷 our world.
We then begin PULSING pure consciousness, on our journey to en-LIGHT-ON-ment.β˜€
SOLARβ˜€ – Tone 9 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm ACTION – realizing, POWER – to pulse, ESSENCE – intention The ninth day of YELLOW SUNβ˜€ Wavespell is the one that gives the last push prior to manifestation. The SOLAR phase is where we WAKE UP up to the fact that – our Will affects the REALITY we experience,- so we begin pulsing, extending our intent into realization. Visualizing what we want to manifest, and pulsing that intention from our heart. This assists us in making our Starry dreams come true. ✨
DOUBLE SUN β˜€β˜€energy today with the SOLAR β˜€ tone PULSING out Solar codes, and the 9th day of YELLOW SUNβ˜€ WAVESPELL – lots of GOLDEN SOLAR RAYS to ACTIVATE our DIVINE MANIFESTING POWER!!β˜€βœ¨πŸ’«
This is POTENT manifestation energy today! Golden Solar β˜€powered energy stored in your Solar Plexus Chakra πŸŽ†– your Dantien, the power house of your stored CHI!πŸ’₯
PULSE this ELECTRIC yellow energy OUT into the Vortex of Creation with your commanding INTENTION that you deserve, and EXPECT a better life! A BEAUTIFUL LIFE! 🌹 WE ALL DO!!!
It is NOW TIME to shape, create and construct your powerfully energized intentions, through this holographic universe, to manipulate the aethers in order to manifest your heartfelt desires into our new reality.
✨You are the humanitarian whose dreams unfold the larger pattern of our new world. ✨
Today’s question is “How can I use my creativity to PULSE my INTENTIONS forward, manifesting a world filled with beauty?.
A beautiful NEW WORLD where⏰ TIME = ART!”πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό and LIFE IS WONDER-FULL!! πŸ’•βœ¨πŸŒ΄πŸ’ƒπŸ’ž
TODAY I AM COMMANDING the realization of BLISS ON EARTH!! 😍😍😍😍
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day, supporting us to RISE and SHINE BRIGHTLY as we fully FLOWER🌼🌺 into the precious SUPERNOVA Star🌟 BLISS 🐬SUNS🌞🌹 that we are, EXPANDING into pure DIVINE consciousness!πŸŽ†
Divine blessings for our elevation as the RADIANT Stars✨ glittering in the Heavens above. πŸ’«
May HEAVEN’S GRACE bliss you in all aspects of your BEAUTIFUL LIFEI πŸ’‹πŸŒžπŸ˜βœ¨πŸŒž
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
18 moons ago – PLUTO exited CAPRICORN on KIN 48 – so we tasted FREEDOM and had a reprieve from the catastrophic PLUTONIC energies for a short period before PLUTO returned again..
Currently PLUTO is in AQUARIUS (Tropical Astrology) but in 9 days time – PLUTO reENTERS CAPRICORN for its final 2 month visit – plunging us into more chaotic dismantling energy – in unison with the YEARLY RHYTHMIC STORM energies.. – Buckle up beloveds – Here we go again!
Humanity is now being FREED during these final 2 months, from the depths of the underworld, the belly of the beast – and RISING UP LIKE THE SUN – in all its GLORY..
18 moons ago – already! – KIN 48 occured on 22 March 2023..(223.223) that day was very significant as a HEAVENLY event occurred..
✨✨HEAVEN’S CROSS ✨✨ infused our planet with DIVINELY HEAVENLY energies to boost our Ascension.
HEAVEN’S CROSS was ILLUMINATED by the SOLAR STAR – which is a PORTAL within itself, which conjoined with HEAVEN’S CROSS to saturate our PLANET with evolutionary codes through a grand CELESTIAL EVENT! ✨🌞🌟✨🌞
Today 18 moons on – we revisit this portal and are AGAIN BLESSED by HEAVEN’S KISSπŸ’‹ – great DIVINE MAJIK abounds! βœ¨πŸ•ŠοΈβœ¨
❓What powerful INTENTION are you pulsing into reality?
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW SOLAR STARβ˜€ 🌟– LAMAT’S qualities are beauty, elegance, harmony, Art, grace and peace. LAMAT represents the NEW TIME, the NEW GOLDEN ERA – the ERA of PEACE and BEAUTY where TIME IS ART.
This is the energy PULSING forth today through KIN 48, that is uniting us to CHANGE OUR REALITY and FLICK on the LIGHT SWITCH PERMANENTLY – catapulting humanity into the NEW TIME!!
The star glyph of LAMAT✨ is an actual PORTAL πŸŽ† which connects you to the sacred movement of planets, stars and galaxies. LAMAT is a gateway to the 5th Dimension, and it opens stargates to the Pleiades, Sirius and beyond.
This LAMAT🌟 PORTAL today is flooding us with streams of Golden Yellow energy and light codes, energizing, uplifting, upgrading, recalibrating and restoring our physical vessels. Open your CrownπŸ‘‘ chakra and let the GOLDEN DIVINE NECTAR from HEAVEN’S CROSS pour into your Golden Chalice, saturating you with LIGHT to the MAX! πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ Woooo weee soak it up Planetary kin!!!
Take the time today to LOOK into the opening of the LAMAT✨ star glyph whilst meditating in order to enter this mystery. If you wish to tune in and access the energies of LAMAT, visualize sparks of gold against the blue of twilight skies bringing forth the cascading wisdom of the stars! VISUALIZE and give DIVINE GRATITUDE for the GOLDEN star light carrying forth the infinite LIGHT codes from throughout the galaxy. πŸŽ†
The YELLOW STAR ignites your creativity today and unleashes your store house of GOLDEN energy within your solar plexus chakra. The YELLOW STAR is a brilliant vehicle for creative expression through Art and craft,🎨 singing, dancing and creating beautiful music!.
YELLOW STAR is aligned with the traits of LIBRANS – the beautiful romantic and PEACE loving diplomats seeking HARMONY in their unions. LAMAT provides perfect energies for healing any disharmonious relationships, particularly relating to soul mates and families. All this beautiful energy will lead you to harmony within yourself and your outer reflection assisting greatly in facilitating healing and reminding you of the natural beauty in our world.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:YELLOW SOLAR SEED 🌞🌱 KAN provides the LIGHT SEED packets, fuelling the YELLOW STAR which represents our HIGHEST POTENTIAL evolutionary path!
3 YELLOW KIN today! SSS – STAR🌟, SEED🌱 and the SUNβ˜€οΈ!!! They are the RIPENERS – and so we have TRIPLE the focused energy for GROWTH and blossoming today!
The SEED symbolizes NEW BEGINNINGS and NEW GROWTH as we embark on this hugely transformative BLUE STORM DREAMSPELL YEAR. This is STRONGLY pushing us to REJECT the disharmony, chaos and old paradigm as we seek to UNITE, expressing our creative unions through SERVICE to humanity. We need A FRESH START – through holding the BEST INTENTIONS.
The SOLAR SEED is pushing us to AWAKEN our LIGHT and our BEAUTY, DIVINELY guided through our HEAVENLY connections through the company of HEAVEN.
The SOLAR tone is providing this SEED🌱 with potent LIGHT PACKETS to accelerate the journey of the little seed to a fully grown productive, fruit bearing plant. πŸŒΏπŸŒΎπŸŒ½πŸ‡πŸ
KAN is assisting you in a rapid GROWTH SPURT – to propel you out of stagnation or your dormant phase, into the SHINING STAR🌟 that you KNOW you ARE! No more waiting by the sidelines.. Aho beloveds! It is TIME to OPEN UP and radiate your magnificence. πŸŒŸβ˜€οΈπŸŒŸ
Get ready to BLOSSOM🌹 and BLOOMπŸ’ as you OPEN your mulit-faceted petals🌼🌺 – pulsing forth the most exquisite perfume, that will colour your landscape, with the Beauty and Elegance that each Artist craves. 🎨
Kan is allowing this creativity to SPROUT and PULSE out into the Universe, from your Solar Plexus chakra igniting your dreams. Let them ignite, grow and sprout today. The sparks of creation will fuel your desires so that you can REALIZE your LIFE as a living work of ART.πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό
SUPPORT: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY β˜€πŸ’ CHUEN is the Magician helping us to realise our innate MAJIK. CHUEN teaches us that when we trust our intuition, this leads to creative accomplishment. By allowing the unconscious to rise and be healed, through our creative playful pulsing, we can utilize this energy for CREATION and MANIFESTATION purposes.
As we flow spontaneously with the impulses, we push the boundaries of all limitations, breaking down all barriers and breaking out of the BOX. Majikal HEALING occurs when we pulse our spontaneous urges through our playful intentions. We then OPEN to allowing the DREAMING of our planet of β€˜Cosmic ABUNDANCE for all beings’ to be realised,
CHUEN reminds us of the BEAUTY🌺 and innocence of our DIVINE CHILDπŸ‘Ό this is where our TRUE DIVINE POWER originates. When we reconnect with this aspect of ourselves, we truly get to realize our connection with the Harmonic Matrix of Creation, as Spiritual beings, living in the IS-NESS, through the expression of true HARMONY and GRACE. Our LIFE then becomes a beautiful harmonic symphony filled with JOY and BLISS, a LIVING WORK OF ART!πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό
✨HEAVEN✨ is truly blessing us all today with DIVINE GRACE and DIVINE MIRACLES. Reconnect with your PURE DIVINE CHILD to access all the JOY and HAPPINESS that life has to offer.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED OVERTONE SKYWALKER β˜πŸšΆπŸ‘‘– BEN The Angelic Messenger allows you to freely access the OPEN portal of LAMAT and HEAVENS GATE today.
BEN is the Angelic Messenger and the CONDUIT between HEAVEN and EARTH.. As today’s SUPERPOWER, the driving AGENDA of KIN 48 is RADIANT BLISS!! To anchor BLISS ON EARTH through radiant empowerment.
STEP UP and claim your right to be the conduit for these DIVINE ENERGIES allowing them to FLOW in, through and surround you with this new sublime energy. OPEN, ALLOW and RECEIVE!
BEN provides the power of exploration, enabling us to EXPAND and AWAKEN to elevated levels of pure consciousness. Aaaah FEEL THE BLISS! 😍🌟😍
This SKYWALKER is an OVERTONEπŸ‘‘ BEN who has the power of COMMAND, calling forth his empowerment in order to RADIATE his EXPANSIVE INTENTION throughout all realms of the Starry Cosmos. ✨✨✨
The OVERTONEπŸ‘‘ SUPERPOWER today enables you to COMMAND your BLISS!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• Put forth your INTENTION that you desire your life to be filled with BLISS as an expression of 5D Consciousness..
πŸ’•Stake your claim and COMMAND IT INTO BEING!! AND SO IT IS! πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž
Flow on the Cosmic winds wherever Spirit directs you, stepping back into this NEW reality, with a new more expanded and harmonious experience of self, and the infinite sources of DIVINE LIGHT available to all..
Allow BEN to be the bridge, anchoring all the gifts that HEAVEN has to offer onto this EARTH plane.πŸ’’
The Divine blessing of this wondrously exquisite day, is the opportunity to COMMAND the realization of HEAVEN on EARTH. 🐬🌺🌟🌍
RADIATE the DIVINE LIGHT🌟 and so it shall be!! βœ¨πŸ’•πŸ‘‘πŸ’ž
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SOLAR MIRRORβ˜€ πŸ”Ž ETZNAB is pulsing out TRUTH codes derived from PURE LOVE today.. helping us distinguish the lies in the false Matrix, from the LOVE flowing from the New Harmonic Matrix.
✨LOVEπŸ’— or FEAR???? 😨– What do you FEEL.???..
HEAVEN’S GATE brought forth a DIVINE DISPENSATION (magnified today through the 6.8.8. coding)- through this ERA of LOVE and PEACE – but we always have a CHOICE.
Will you OPEN UP and ALLOW this BLISS-ing to fill your body, mind and soul, transforming your LIFE????πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ€”
When you FEEL the frequency of LOVEπŸ’— filling your being, you realize this is the TRUTH and full CLARITY is gained. FEAR, ANXIETY and CONFUSION indicate you are LOST in the Hall of Mirrors, dazed by the smoke and daggers. Tune into your HEART and pulse this LOVE out to all, filling our world with divine beauty and PEACE.
ETZNAB challenges us to REFLECT on each moment’s TRUTH with clarity, being able to realise the connectedness of all of life. Anchoring the receptive, timeless, endless connection of multi-dimensional realities. Pulsing our INTENTION of realizing a BEAUTIFULπŸ’• new world through the LOOKING GLASS.πŸ”Ž..
✨A colourful, peace filled and harmonious world where every soul is FREE to BLOSSOM 🌼 and RADIATE their soul essence reflected as SOURCE. β˜€β˜€β˜€
The Gift🎁 of ETZNAB today is freeing us from the Matrix, and the artificial 12:60 time grid.. The SOLAR MIRROR represents being FREED from the matrix and patriarchal paradigm, – it is the LIGHT at the END of a very dark tunnel – DEEPLY PROFOUND!!!!.
This is the TRUE GIFT of this MIRACULOUS DAY – to FREE US FROM DARKNESS and DENSITY, to release us from control, confusion, worry, suffering and the misery that had befallen humankind through these “dark ages”.
The SOLAR MIRROR is shining a LIGHT on the EXIT doors – collapsing the maze into a beautiful CLEAR HALLWAY with endless opportunities to SHINE and BLOSSOM as we adventure into new green pastures. There is an INFINITE bounty of riches and rewards ready to be claimed now.
As we pave the new way as the WAYSHOWERS of NEW EARTH, we are anchoring the 13:20 harmonic of the NEW TIME, where TIME is ART.πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό This is the collective intention of our Planetary Star 🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS!🌞🌹
NOW is the time to PULSE out this INTENTION. βœ¨πŸŒΉπŸ’—
Aho beloveds – today we are REALIZING that INTENTION – with HEAVEN’S GRACE!!!
Today’s question is “How can I use my creativity to PULSE my INTENTIONS forward, manifesting a world filled with beauty?.
A beautiful NEW WORLD where⏰ TIME = ART!”πŸŽ¨πŸ–Ό and LIFE IS WONDER-FULL!! πŸ’•βœ¨πŸŒ΄πŸ’ƒπŸ’ž
TODAY I AM COMMANDING the realization of BLISS ON EARTH!! 😍😍😍😍
We are GIFTED once again with a very divinely SPIRITUAL day, supporting us to RISE and SHINE BRIGHTLY as we fully FLOWER🌼🌺 into the precious SUPERNOVA Star🌟 BLISS 🐬SUNS🌞🌹 that we are, EXPANDING into pure DIVINE consciousness!πŸŽ†
Divine blessings for our elevation as the RADIANT Stars✨ glittering in the Heavens above. πŸ’«
May HEAVEN’S GRACE bliss you in all aspects of your BEAUTIFUL LIFEI πŸ’‹πŸŒžπŸ˜βœ¨πŸŒž
Namaste’ πŸ™β€πŸ™β€πŸ™
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







πŸ”₯ New on Patreon πŸ•‰ Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation πŸ•‰

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings πŸ”₯



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



Power Base
Umbilical Cord
Sending a Ripple
Through the Empire
Sol’s Authentic Nature
Worlds Cosmic Stage
Ancients Elders Call
Remembering Self
Galactic Family
Divine Feminine
Milky Way Galaxy
Women’s Star-Gate
Infinite-Nature Reality
Light Sentient Form
Planetary Beings
Galactic Womb
Sol Integration
Carbon 12
Star Lore
Divine Masculine
Illuminate Shadow
Suns Unified-Field
Heart Singularity
Star Supernova
Inner Christos
Sol Mans Temple
Going InterStellar
Universal Fractals
Walking Universes
Galactic Avatars
Creator Beings
Star Navigator
White Diamond
Fractal Flow State
Heart Sol Essence
Mitochondria DNA
Lightening Water
Force of Nature
Rose Line
Ancients Elders Call
Ancients Elders Call

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