Five million years ago the genetic mutation was placed in DNA strand 1 to cause blockage of physical and etheric bodies.
The sixth activation code (over tone) of the first DNA strand was removed, causing mutations in 1,2, and three DNA. It manifested in blockages of bodies particles and anti particles of the spiritual body of the parallel universe.
That seal removed the humanities ability to have an Immortal body. It removed bodily transmutation and ability to pass into our Divine Blue Print.
Seals were also placed in the sixth overtone of the sub harmonics in DNA strand 2 and 3.let there be light
This became known as the 6-6-6 Death Seal.
Eight thousand years earlier the D4 Seal of Palaidor – a genetic mutation caused blockages between second and third chakras division between 2, 3, and four levels of auric field and separation of emotional, mental and astral identity levels.
The fifth Strand of DNA begins activation for  the masses. Earths Grids intersect with Tara’s. The Blue Crystal Prana comes through the grids. When the halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blue prints) merge Tara and Earth together, those who have assembled the fifth strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have sixth and seventh strands may be  transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to Aquarius, Aquafaria and a few who will go play in the heavens with the gods. This time is coming very soon.
Angelic Humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant Races. They will make contact through our Founders Races and will invite Earth races to join the Emerald Covenant. The physical mass contact of the Emerald Covenant Nations is scheduled for 2017. The first contacts will be made individually and privately. First, we will meet with Eieyani races because they look the most like us–only they are blue. After we become familiar with the Eieyani, we will be met by Azurites and Maharaji. The Fallen Angelics and Illuminati races will be escorted to  quarantined healing facilities in the Sirius star system. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue print activation.
Once the D 5 flame holder holds the frequencies of Sun Alcyone and pulls the frequencies into her Flame Keepers fourth heart chakra an intense infusion of harmonic universe two frequencies spread through the Amenti morphogenetic field and through the Earths Grid. This will allow rapid acceleration of fifth and sixth DNA strand assembly to occur throughout the populations. The seventh strand will begin assembly in those who already hold fifth and sixth. This activation will create a huge multidimensional awareness to occur on Earth.
When the halls of Amenti (the blue sphere holding our divine blue prints) merge Tara and Earth together, those who have assembled the fifth strand and are eligible for ascension to Tara will be guided to interdimensional transportation locations to Tara. Those who have sixth and seventh strands may be  transported to Gaia. There may be others who will be transported to Aquarius, Aquafaria and a few who will go play in the heavens with the gods. This time is coming very soon.
merkaba of lightFirst, we will shift into a different chemical make up. We will leave behind our carbon based bodies. We will become less dense. Our bodies and our environment will change. Those who move on to Tara will have an entirely different type of body than those who stay in Inner Earth. Those who move on to Gaia are almost invisible. Those who are of higher densities can see the lower densities; but those who remain 3D will not be able to see any of the new realities. It might seem like things are disappearing because the higher particle shifts will pull some in one direction and the lower will pull those in another direction. There are infinite density levels.
The three primary flame holders will activate the opening of the Etheric Level Dimensions within Earth’s core. This will allow prana to begin to flow through our atmosphere. At that time our universal memory comes on line and we will regain memory of our Akashic Records for anyone who has activated 4th strand memory.
Earth’s angular rotation of particle spin shifts 45 degrees and aligns into oneness with Inner Earth and Tara. Earth’s fastest particles begin to transfer to hyperspace and the halls of records begin transmitting data through the Earth’s grids. Universal memory will begin transmission through planetary grids. That shift will move us through time about 4000 years. The shift will then balance out to about 23 degrees and then we will begin balancing into the new reality of a new time of about 2000 years. It will be the first pull into the future that will appear as darkness to the 3D perception. That darkness is equivalent to the darkness that appears as antimatter or spiritual substance that we may create our new reality upon. We see ourselves in our blue body at this time created as an immortal being in a more etheric form included within a Divine Template of Immortality. The darkness is the prime time to make dreams come true. You create through the mid brain frequency specific atunement with Source Consciousness. You create by knowing that you are now and always have been this perfect self who can manifest anything the heart desires. You can know at that point in time that you have always been wealthy. You have always been healthy. You have always been the Christ Consciousness of the All Knowing Mind of God.
Earth’s elemental particle base will rise to 5 and the Earth’s atmospheric particle base will rise to 6. This accretion level will allow the atmosphere and elementals from Inner Earth to appear on Earth. This will be our first vision of our New Earth. We will begin to see the atmosphere of Inner Earth forming around us and then we will notice more and more new species and inner earth gardens will appear. All of the animals and plants in Inner Earth sing continuously. We will notice this difference in Earth immediately.
Angelic Humans and the races of Earth will soon be prepared for visits from the Inner Earth Eieyani, Sirius B Maharaji, Azurite, Aethien and Serres Emerald Covenant Races. They will make contact through our Founders Races and will invite Earth races to join the Emerald Covenant. The physical mass contact of the Emerald Covenant Nations is scheduled for 2017. The first contacts will be made individually and privately. First, we will meet with Eieyani races because they look the most like us–only they are blue. After we become familiar with the Eieyani, we will be met by Azurites and Maharaji. The Fallen Angelics and Illuminati races will be escorted to  quarantined healing facilities in the Sirius star system. Remaining Angelic Humans and Indigos will progress in their 12 Code activation and DNA blue upliftprint activation.
First it is important to understand the ORIGINAL design and how things are SUPPOSED to work when the Earth’s grids and the DNA is operating properly.  The original Angelic Human DNA is designed with a 12 strand double helix energetic DNA blueprint.  What this means is that each human with a 12 strand template has the potential to EMBODY 12 dimensions of consciousness.  If there weren’t any blockages, distortions, or unnatural seals in the Earth and in the human DNA, this is the way it would work:
1) You would be born with a 12 strand DNA template.  3 of those strands would be active at birth which means you could embody 3 dimensions of consciousness.  Physical, Emotional, and Mental Bodies.  These correspond to chakras 1, 2, and 3 (root, sacral, and solar plexus).  Dimensions 1, 2, and 3 correspond to your Incarnate Self spiritual identity.
2) From age 12 until 22 you would activate strands 4, 5, and 6 naturally by accreting light into your morphogenetic field simply by the interdimensional frequency coming into the Earth’s auric field and thus your own auric field.  Once you activate strand 6, you are a fully embodied Soul Identity and can draw and hold frequency from Harmonic Universe 2 (dimensions 4, 5, and 6).  You are living completely IN LINE with your mission and make all of your free will choices in line with Source-will.
3) From age 22 until 33 you would activate strands 7, 8, and 9 and embody your Oversoul spiritual identity.  So you can draw and hold frequency from Harmonic Universe 3 (dimensions 7, 8, and 9).  Your consciousness expands even more as you are activating more fire letters on your spiral back up to becoming AT-ONE-WITH Source/God.
4) From age 33 until 44 you would activate strands 10, 11, and 12 and embody your Christos Avatar Self spiritual identity.  At this point you are a walking Avatar on Earth and can demanifest your physical body and turn it into light (ascend).  This is what is called biological transmutation and is built into the original human DNA design.  So instead of leaving a body behind you transmute it into a less dense form (from carbon based matter to silica based and then etheric, and then eventually liquid light).
So this is how the original DNA is supposed to work and also completely explains the basic process of spiritual evolution.  Spiritual evolution does not happen without DNA activation.
by Dr.Angela Barnett
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