Inner Earth ~ Golden Creation Codes (NEW 5D Solar Frequencies of CRYSTALLINE LIGHT ) First Light Lemuria
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings New Earth Alliance of the 144
The Crystal Codes of New Creation are activating in the core of every Strand of DNA within your Divine BluePrint to transform your Vessel of Light into the 5D Avatars of the New Heaven upon the New Earth.
The Rainbow Diamond Lyran Activations of the New Lemuria are flowing into this realm from the most high to help Awaken our Starseed Earth Angelic Ground Crew in their final missions of Liberation Earth.
As the Yin merges with the Yang both internally and Externally, Shakti dances with Shiva through the Cosmos and the Eagle flies with the Condor in Hieros Gamos to usher in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient beings of the Way.
The Chi flows smoothly in Buddha Mind through the meridians to bridge in the Holy Manna of Heaven to transform all DNA into the Crystalline Rainbow Bodies of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Oh Hearts, it is coming. Feel the thrush of the waves beneath your feet, it is rising. As the currents ripple through your toes and raise to your chest you will find surrender in the ebb and flow. Let go. Make the choice to sever the rope and drift your ship a sea. Though the disconnect may scramble your confidence for a moment, I encourage you to sit with it a while and watch something magical unfold.
Grand enfoldments are happening all around you. Like the glowing algae that needs nights cover to shine it’s brightest, like stars in the sky who show their glory on a new moon night, like the first cry of a newborn that can never be redone……….we are here. In the present. In the gift. And all focus on the planet is geared towards ”what isn’t “ ………. Let that sit for a moment. If you are real, here and now…….then what good is it to focus on what isn’t when you are a product of the now. Now is more important. And now is when it can change when you choose it.
10/6/23: You should sense a shift now as October’s energy rises. You’ll be compelled, or at least encouraged, to get moving and test your strength. Some people will clear out what no longer fits who they are, embrace hard-earned truths, and dismantle unwarranted beliefs they’ve long held about themselves. Others will only have eyes on the future, ready to see how high they can fly.
But 2023 isn’t done with us yet. We’re still in growth mode. Hopefully you can see how far you‘ve come and are getting more comfortable with how New You feels. Today is about appreciating the effort it’s taken to get this far. It may not seem like it, but your wings are there and they’ll support you… when the time comes.
October’s energy rises
As the matrix is glitching, don’t allow density, distortions or illusions to lower your vibration. You must continue to shift or victimhood will plague one. One of the biggest shifts for starseeds is to get out of victimhood that is a phantom matrix program that allows entities to loosh and to keep one controlled from empowerment. We are rising, but it’s a choice to align. Your energy is the most valuable currency in the universe. Everything has as an energetic match from past lives to this lifetime. If something isn’t aligning, check the frequency of thought & emotion. You have the ability to shift and create a frequency match to receive what you will. Hop out the programs of the phantom matrix and align to the spirit within you! One cant shift from density without connecting to the light within you that is the light we are created from. You got this! Keep shifting
Dear friends, the pre-eclipse energies are already flowing in. This whole month of October can actually be seen as an energetic vortex, in which many different types of lightcodes are accelerating our evolutionary journey.
The first eclipse will take place on October 14, but before that we will pass through the 10:10 energy gateway on Tuesday October 10. As you know, the energetic signature of this double 10 10 energy can act as an energetic catalyzer, or alchemical fire, to trigger inner change when we enter into resonance with It.
This specific 10:10 energy flow will be associated with regaining our independence and sovereignty, creating an opening for infinite potential. The number 10 represents the energy of self-determination in all its aspects. The number 10 energy holds the idea of starting anew in any area of your life, whether is work related, relationships (with others or with your self), your spiritual path, or moving to a new location. As we connect with the 10/10 gateway energy, we can tap into an energy of support and leadership, in which new ideas can catapult us into new higher timelines. Number 10 is formed by a pillar and a circle. It is both masculine and feminine, or contains within the Father/Mother principles. It means wholeness. And because of this attribute, it brings with it the energy of new creations and the responsibilities we have as humans to use this power for the greatest good.
Our physical and energetic bodies are truly working 24/7, during the day and night time. Some of you may feel that there is a continuum between day and night, and this is because our consciousness is now being stirred and transformed constantly. We are working on deeply seated old energetic patterns individually and collectively. Stay hydrated and rest as much as needed. The 10/10 energies will prime our bodies for the eclipse corridor energies later on.
Have a wonderful weekend, and let the sun shine in! Much love
‘’Back on January 29th 2023 with the group, via the Crystalline portal of the Acropolis, we facilitated the return of the ‘Orange Diamond Egg of Abundance’ which carried within it the ‘Breath of the Solar Masculine’.
The Diamond was then taken via the Ilse of Man to a secret and protected place.
Both the Solar Masculine and the Golden Child are connected to the Diamond Egg of Abundance.
I was told that since then we were preparing to welcome the Solar Masculine within and that the upcoming eclipse on the 14th of October, is the door that will collectively begin and allow His Presence back on the physical level!
Which means that both men and women will finally witness the reawakening of the Solar Masculine, in his Christed Self, Divine Power and Charisma.
The last blockages, dark occupations and entrapments will be lifted and as He is now receiving the Organic Yin and Yang templates and connecting and aligning Himself to the Presence of the Divine Father and Mother, His DNA will activate the true remembrance and His Heart will open to the flow of Unconditional Love.
He will embody a new understanding that will allow him to reach sanity and self trust.
This eclipse is a powerful exorcism for the masculine energy on Earth which is being supported by the Feminine via her own change, restoration and upgrade.
She is leading the way for this blessed change.
The green light has been given for a new beginning that will take place for most next year.
Events will take place in people’s lives that will confirm this.
This energy is already activated.’’
All the above is very much connected to the current huge transformation and restoration of our Merkabah Field which is taking place and our work on Sunday’s group session will be focused on this.
I am absolutely in LOVE with the energy of the Orange Egg of Abundance and the Breathe of the Solar Masculine and I am deeply happy for the current developments
and the miracles that will manifest through them.
No matter what the fallen ones might try to do in order to show the opposite and make people insecure, True Abundance is at the Hands of the Solar Masculine.
He is the guardian and the creator in the material reality and He is here!
Our greatest soul lessons now means that our hearts will open so much, that we will feel the Divine Power of Love, in such a manner, that we become speechless – where our heart just opens to all people, all nations, all living beings, which includes the plant, tree, animal, bird, insect, mineral, and all other kingdoms, inside and outside the earth and beyond this, to embrace all at galactic, universal and omni-versal levels. There are no limitations to how deeply and profoundly and all abidingly one can love. For love is infinite, omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient. There is no end and no beginning.
Love simply is!
To me this is such a time of blessings.
The more I open my heart and soul to Divine Love, the more I am shown where I am not loving myself, nurturing myself, and where I need to so often let go of old habits, which no longer serve me. Yet, with this all I am finding that my heart expands even more to be able to communicate now heart to heart, soul to soul with animals, and all living beings.
I have had the most profound heart opening and loving heart-to-heart communication with lions, elephants, whales, dolphins in the last few years, which have shown me how these beautiful beings are ascending as well and even have already ascended into the New Earth. Their messages are profound, for they know things which humans have long forgotten about. Nor do they bear grudges, etc. They simply find such joy in existence, in the blessings everyday brings, and to me this was so heart-opening.
The Divine Source, which includes the Father/Mother Mother God and the Holy Shekinah, are All Abiding Love in its purest sense and in truth all ways present there within your own heart and soul. You are a Divine Spark. This means that the Divine is experiencing life through you!
I have so often been deeply inspired by this and when I meditated on the higher meaning of this all, I often stand in awe and wonder at the sublime blessings this brings. If you and I are Divine Sparks, then this means every single spark bears the imprint of the Divine within him/her. You are Divine! More than this, it means that all you need in life, and all that you are, is already present in all its perfection! You are perfect just the way you are! There is no-thing missing – except in the illusion of your own perception of yourself as on earth, in embodiment. In truth, no-thing is missing, no-thing is awry, for every encounter with another soul holds the essence of Soul lessons in mastery for you, and every challenge hones your own soul powers and muscles, and every support you receive are more lessons in being open to love in all form and expression thereof, even from those who challenged you the most.
When we are in highest state of all abiding love, blessings and gratitude, we are ATONE with all of creation and the Divinity which is there within all. We expand into the All Being, which opens up the highest powers of our Third Eye; the All Seeing, the All Hearing, the All Knowing.
In the New Earth and the New Golden Age this will be normal state of existence. And when one is in this state of pure bliss, one then can co-create with loving tender care. Now whatever one creates whatever one intends to manifest, is in highest loving alignment with everything and everyone. Whatever one creates thus is for the highest good of all. It enhances the Divine creation with love and in love.
You are another me.
I am another you.
There never was any separation.
There never will be.
When I look into the eyes of your soul, I see myself reflected in you. My Divinity, reflected in your Divinity.
Surrender to all the revelations breaking through any resistance. You can banish any fears and doubts that were created based on illusions. It’s all crumbling away so quickly as if miracles are occurring. Receive the final endings and rapid ascension growth. There’s nothing keeping you weighed down any longer.
It is easier to see the powerful being you are, that has fulfilled your soul’s mission to advance us as the Starseed Race for the New Earth 144000. The veil that prevented us from fully knowing this truth is falling away. Gifts, love, abundance, alchemy, DNA upgrades, and more are the rewards we are receiving for completing this mission. Leap into this exciting new world, arms wide open, with gratitude and grace.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Mermaid Mother & Daughter
Ra James
Venus, enters Virgo on the 8th and this sets the tone for the month’s Eclipses. Venus rules the ninth house and second house. This house rules destiny and knowledge. It is about divine presence, and higher thinking. Venus is is your feminine magnetism. It’s how you receive energies. This is a manifesting activation. Helps to activate your gifts and abilities to manifest. Opens you up to receive more. Makes your energy more magnetic, more easily attracting what it is that you want and desire. Activates an abundance and goals mindset. Aligns your emotional vibration with the flow of prosperity.
Helps to shift you out of negative thoughts and into more positive ones. Helps to shift you into a more positive higher energy. Helps you to get in tune with what you want. Helps you to manifest more love and gratitude. Helping you to become more clear on your intentions, and sense of purpose and direction. Activates and brings online your dream life, and higher manifestation capability. Activating more of your ability to manifest anything. An amazing activation for manifestation. Great for everyone. In the manifestation process, we call synchronicity the fact that everything in our lives is energy and that this energy is connected with each other. What we concentrate on, we attract. Healing to activate your manifestations. Activates your manifesting gifts, making your abilities stronger and your energy more magnetic.
Early Friday, October 6th, Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, is inconjunct Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth. The lovely goddess, Venus, is still in confident Leo but the connection to Pluto may be bringing up some intense, shadow energy when it comes to repressed subconscious patterns and her inner personal power. If we shift how we are valuing and feeling about ourselves, we can find our power once again. We can move through the fears of the past and beyond what lurks in the shadows, bringing transformation and renewal to our soul.
On Friday evening and Saturday morning, October 6th and 7th, we have the Sun, ruler of hope and creative potential, in balanced, air sign Libra inconjunct Jupiter, ruler of gifts and good fortune in grounded, earth sign Taurus. Normally the elements of “Air” and “Earth” do not have much in common. But, if we can shift our perspective and allow our Inner Light to shine through, it cannot help but attract a cornucopia of blessings into our lives. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Heads up – This weekend begins a very strong and long energy period that ends on October 14 with the New Moon eclipse (which starts another strong energy period).
This is a big one with Mars square Pluto as it prepares to go direct and reaches its final aspect in the US Pluto return (which was exact on February 22, 2022).
This is going to be a tsunami of energy so be ready for it and remember that pets and children feel this more than we do.
This happens on a personal and a collective level, no one is exempt.
The big influence here is Venus which is aspected in every single part of this energy event.
We may think of Venus as the indulgent, smiling, beneficial, beautiful and sweet woman, but there is the Kali Venus aspect too – the warrior for truth, justice, and the relentless pursuit of righting wrongs.
I think we’ll see a lot of Kali Venus in the coming weeks – think of Wonder Woman here.
It’s a powerful time to become your own Kali Venus, to set strong energy boundaries, eliminate energy drains, and make sure you are connecting with people and situations that are aligned, resonant, and supportive.
Time to polish our lights so they can shine brightly.
Are you feeling this upcoming energy? It is going to be epic!
Last Quarter Moon in Cancer on the Sabian symbol ‘A Very Old Man Facing A Vast Dark Space To The Northeast.’ – ‘When I look ahead, I can’t see anything’ says the frightened Moon. She curls tighter into her shell, sinks, lets the ocean carry her away from the shore – far away, to where nothing and no one can hurt her. But even here at the bottom of the ocean, the Sun finds her, teases her with his rays, tickles her to make her smile. ‘Come on, come on out.’ She waves her claws, a friendly snip-snap and a giggle.
Sometimes we too, feel the need to curl up, retreat, sink into our emotions, especially if we feel like we’re staring into the void. Maybe it’s wise, as we slip towards eclipse season, to go back to the beginning. This is, after all, the last turn of the lunar cycle, a point of acceptance and release.
Remember who you are, reconnect with the source of self, integrate memories and experiences, make the history make sense. However, all this is a fine dance, for there is also the need to remain connected, to honour our relationships, to love and be loved. A combination of self-care and supportive connections facilitates tender emotional growth. Nurture your soul. Know your reflection. Face the unknown with wide-eyed wonder, for there lies the spark of creation.
‘Crystal’ is the name for the number twelve and its keywords are ‘Dedication, Universalize and Cooperation’. The 12th day is all about getting together with others or working in a team. The focus on being unique and an individual is very much the modern way we live but is it healthy? Our social skills seem to diminish which each generation but essentially, we are social creatures. The 12th day is about finding your tribe and celebrating the things we have in common.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality.’ White Worldbridger days are good for building bridges. Where do you want to go? Do you want to be a better, happier person? What steps do you need to take to cross that bridge? Think of yourself as a traveler on a journey…are you carrying too much baggage and is it hindering your progress? Let go of anything that weighs you down…this ‘death’ is the equalizing process. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘dedication to equality’ or ‘cooperation with death’. To summarize; Find your people and together help one another progress to a higher level, cross the bridge to a new world that’s waiting.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which represents ‘Reflecting Truth’. If you allow the truth to be your guiding force, you will have no issues with crossing the bridge. Be brutally honest with yourself about what needs to die. Is it Ego? Is it Fear? Anything that holds you back or prevents you from being a lighter being, has to go. A reality check is always good for you, even if you don’t like what you see.
The Challenge is the Yellow Warrior who enjoys from time to time going on the warpath. Today will annoy you, if you are a Warrior and you will find it hard to cross that bridge. Instead of exerting your willpower like the soldier that you are, seek some inner peace as too often you are at war with yourself.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision, Mind and Creativity’. I really enjoy the Eagle’s energy when it is in this Occult position. The Eagle shows us powerful visions and can open our minds so we can better understand the intangible nature of magic. Fly high today and you too will see the bigger picture, this magical boost will help enormously with the task of crossing that bridge today.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you are lucky enough to have a Skywalker as a friend, let them take you by the hand over that bridge. They have a tremendous amount of courage and can offer inspiration and support.
Another HU-MONGOUSLY POWERFUL day of Divinely ordained -endings – DEATH of the old self and making NEW connections as we ponder on the QUESTION – What is my LEGACY?
Today we arrive at Day 12 in our VISIONARY journey through the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell . BLUE EAGLE is beckoning us to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE, so that we can CREATE IT!…Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today the EAGLE’s VISION is MULTI-DIMENSIONAL – creating portals and bridges throughout SPACE-TIME – able to weave together the karmic threads of events throughout her-story and beyond, in order to create a rainbow tapestry for our UNIFIED COLLECTIVE VISION of our UTOPIAN future world.
CRYSTAL – Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalize, POWER – dedicate, ESSENCE – cooperation. Today we have a UNIVERSAL connection of our collective MINDS.
Day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is about cooperation. The EAGLE combined with the CRYSTAL tone – gives us SUPERMAN’S power of Planetary X-RAY VISION – He can scan planets, realms and dimensions combined with CIMI – to really fine tune and UNITE mankind, broadcasting this PICTURE throughout the holographic Crystalline Grid..
Perhaps we will hear some GLOBAL “NEWS” today, debunking the FALSE MATRIX, which UNITES HU-MAN-ity on a Universal scale…
When we can SEE the BIG PICTURE and let go of those “trees” that were blocking us, and obstructing our vision, we BRIDGE the spiritual and material worlds with our new found Clair- VISION.
Through the space and FREEDOM, engendered by yesterday’s Spectral phase, new partnerships emerge, energy comes together, and crystal beings form. Stories must be shared, for what great ADVENTURES we have had, Planetary kin! And what grand STORIES they are!! The CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER is a MASTER storyteller!
The DIAMOND CRYSTALLINE Grid is ACTIVATED, ready and open for operations! Telepathy rules the order of the day and becomes the new wi-fi.! All NEW SYSTEMS are now ONLINE, fully loaded on to the collective QUANTUM MAINFRAME – and ready for the ROLL out!… Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!!
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow Bridge to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITEe in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!
Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new RAINBOW adventures.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI – SEALS the STORE of DEATH – The DEATH of the old world, Artificial time, and the old you, is imminent… SURRENDER to the FLOW and allow it all to CRUMBLE to dust at your feet. Then dust yourself off and take your next decisive steps moving FORWARD to new connections and new worlds.
18 months ago – KIN 246 occured on MAY 4TH, 2022 – STAR WARS DAY.. we loop back to that time through the portals to UNITE through the POWER of “THE FORCE” – MAY THE FORCE by with us all today – We have some EXPANSIVE ADVENTURING throughout the GALAXY with CIMI and his mate BEN – the CRYSTAL SKYWALKER!! .
WORLDBRIDGER is calling for all karmic debts to be PAID and cleared today – calling all souls, nations and people to ACCOUNT for their deeds! The LORD of KARMA is finalizing the AKASHIC record of family and soul groups allied in their karmic connections! It is time for the CHAPTER to END and a NEW STORY to begin…. the END of an ERA and the END of abusive patriarchal POWER!
CIMI’s life lesson is to SURRENDER and accept, the CYCLES of LIFE, that everything eventually comes to an END – just like the seasons! However the BIG PICTURE is that there is no END – as energy is merely transformed and recycled into another form, only to be BORN AGAIN! OVER and over, ad infinitum!
The Mastery of this lesson is that –
THERE IS NO DEATH – but just a constant evolutionary spiral of infinite Universal cycles, repeating ad infinitum!
Today CIMI is bringing an END to the old cycle. As we complete a chapter, we turn the page to commence a new chapter, or a NEW STORY altogether – your CHOICE.
KIN 246 helps us become LIBERATED from the EARTH plane and rise into the HEAVENLY BLISS realms – KIN 2.4.6 duplicates this HEAVENLY STAIRWELL as JACOB’S LADDER seeks to offer an EXIT from the old world and escape route to a new DIVINE existence. Through all this the CRYSTAL WORLDBRIDGER can reflect on where he has been, and where he is headed.
All this reflection beckons us to ponder –
Even after your physical self DIES and your body is no more – your IMMORTALITY lives on through what you have CREATED during your lifetime – what future generations can benefit from. In that way we are truly IMMORTAL CREATORS leaving our MARK on the world. .
CIMI is the GATE-KEEPER, having the power to bring CLOSURE to the old cycle and build a bridge to the new. After the old bridge has CRUMBLED and collapsed, Worldbridger’s focus is to create a new one, forging links, networks and communication channels with others in the Common-Unity.
Worldbridger has the capacity to span multi-dimensions to forge these new connections, equalizing the existence of all who follow across the rainbow bridge. WHITE WORLDBRIDGER seeks union, harmony and cooperation. Many beings are needed to build a sturdy bridge to support all who choose to cross into the new realm, now and in the future.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR ETZNAB wields the SWORD of TRUTH and SHATTERS all ILLUSIONS – BIG SECRETS may be REVEALED today!! The FALSE MATRIX is CRUMBLING as the LIGHT of SPIRIT is flowing through the MIRROR WORLD – The luminosity is so VIBRANT and CLEAR – all will be SEEN – by those who have OPEN EYES (and MINDS) to SEE and KNOW the TRUTH!!
In 12 days time KIN 258- WHITE SPECTRAL MIRROR on 18TH OCTOBER 2023, will SMASH the MATRIX to SMITHEREENS and LIBERATE HUMANITY to FLY FREE as enspirited souls!
ETZNAB creates the endless PORTAL through which the BRIDGE travels, as MIRRORS are doorways to multi-dimensional realms. . When you LOOK into a MIRROR it is endless, and reflects back to you a REVERSE image of yourself. The MIRROR is reflecting whether you are in correct alignment. By commencing the bridge on this side, the mirror completes the span, meeting in the middle. Thus the Mirror will meet you halfway.
Metaphorically this means that when you partner with Spirit, then Spirit/God will meet you halfway. You look after your side and God will do the rest! Allow the MAJIK MIRROR to reveal the NEW DIMENSION of your REAL-ity!
Having the WHITE CRYSTAL MIRROR as the Higher guide is extremely fortuitous as we are in day 12 of the BLUE EAGLE WAVESPELL – which brings great clarity to the Planetary Mind. We have the ability to SEE what could not be SEEN (or comprehended by the mind in the past). A HUGE day for the DEATH of the old MATRIX!
The images we see through the LENS of our EYE are made up of light REFLECTED from the objects we look at. Because the front part of the eye is curved, it bends the light, creating an upside down image on the retina. The brain eventually turns the image the right way up. So in reality we are constantly viewing INVERTED images projected from this false Mirror World which our brain must align and correct.
Lynne Sarten explains how this process will now evolve to enable HU-MANS to SEE the BIG PICTURE.
“WITNESSING the imagery is all that is required to DELETE the inverted ones. We KNOW they are inverted because they come into the eye upside down and the brain has to turn the images right side up. This slows down your processing speed and works as smoke and mirrors – literally mirrors – where you are not able to PROCESS the FULL PICTURE because the brain is having to spend unnecessary time flipping the image right side up. The world is upside down – literally.
As we transcend the speed of light – we no longer need to take these images (made in the image of God) back to the void – it happens automatically. Not too far in the future – this blink or “gap” is where we will CREATE instead of ERASE!- We put in our OWN images instead of erasing the current pre-written imagery.
You will move from a witness to a SOURCE-rer – which means – connected to source (it is not black magic because it is SOURCE! Black magic is mimicry)”
SUPPORT: RED CRYSTAL SKYWALKER BEN is our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman who accompanies his mate CIMI – as they venture forth together, walking hand in hand, across the RAINBOW BRIDGE leading the way into alternate dimensions and realities to EXPLORE the GALAXY..
BEN, the Galactic explorer of SPACE, will be your guide, keeping you safe and protected along your path, whilst you relish in exploring new worlds. SKYWALKER reminds us that there is a huge, EXPANSIVE, multi-Universe of potentialities “out there” all waiting to be explored, navigated and chartered. Free your mind from the ILLUSION of this Matrix, which has falsely contained you. The glass ceiling is being shattered and you can now FLY FREE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE LUNAR EAGLE MEN Today we have DOUBLE- X-RAY VISION as the BLUE EAGLE is both the HIDDEN SUPERPOWER – hidden AGENDA of the day, and also it is day 12 of his own revealing WAVESPELL!! This indicates that all that was once HIDDEN can now be SEEN very CLEARLY by the masses!
The majestic BLUE EAGLE is a brilliant tool for Spirit to OPEN our EYES and our collective MINDS – so that we can SEE beyond the veils of illusion… Today is the day the curtain is drawn back and the FAKE “Wizard” operating the “projector” is EXPOSED for all to SEE!
BLUE EAGLE is bringing forth great WISDOM today, giving you the capacity to SEE, that there is so much more to EXPLORE beyond your garden fence! Climb up on the rooftops and revel in the vast panoramic vistas.
As we near completion of this VISIONARY – BLUE EAGLE Wavespell we are commencing to take our MAJIK FLIGHT!
Get ready for LIFT OFF Planetary Kin!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW CRYSTAL WARRIOR CIB is the courageous Rainbow Warrior who fearlessly QUEST-I-ONs the old paradigm – repeatedly until it crumbles. If it does not align with his future VISION then it must collapse! Whatever the MATRIX reflects back to him through the CRYSTAL MIRROR will be QUESTIONED and challenged!
CIB will fearlessly DEFEND his CRYSTAL CLEAR VISION of the New World, that he is helping to manifest.. Battles may arise today as the illusory world is revealed and crumbles to ashes… As the PANIC sets in due to confusion, by those who are holding on to the old ways, and refusing to SEE what has been revealed, the RAINBOW WARRIOR takes the LEAD and holds their hands guiding them to safety..
CIB gives you the courage today to follow your HEART and TRUST your VISION QUEST. Be brave and enjoy the journey. If a door opens, or a new path is revealed, be wise and follow it! Do not question, analyze and get caught up in your MIND the new opportunities that present for you.
Have NO FEAR, the brave YELLOW WARRIOR is here!!! Take the LEAP of FAITH and SURRENDER the cycle of the old paradigm, trusting in DIVINE WILL.
Today’s question is ” How can I SURRENDER to the DEATH of the old world, seizing the opportunity to build the Rainbow Bridge to this brave New World, with my Planetary Kin?
A very exciting and powerful day, for individual and collective transformation. Let’s all UNITEe in constructing that Rainbow bridge together!
Divine blessings for MIRACULOUS REVELATIONS and new RAINBOW adventures.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New on Patreon – Meditation by a Sacred Stream and Waterfall with Shakuhachi Japanese Flute | Paul White Gold Eagle 🔥
This is Paul White Gold Eagles most powerful Guided Meditations/ teachings/ transmissions to date. From the Sacred Portal of Gaia in Nature by an idyllic stream, Paul takes you on a journey to the Kingdom of Heaven within. He transmits the Primordial Sound of Aum, the Sa breath and the Sound of Light to assist you in your Ascension Awakening Journey.
With the Mind of Buddha Paul guides you into the Bliss Codes resonating in your Sacred Heart center to Awaken your True Nature that has lay dormant until this Now moment… Enjoy this Meditation in the Light of Infinite Source Creator… Namaste
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