Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Rainbow Dragon Nation of the Mists of the New Avalon 

We have journeyed through another major timeline shift into a higher realm of benevolence of Peace, Joy and Prosperity for all our good people of the New Earth.

As we make our Way closer to the final Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2nd all is coming into the balance and harmony of the Music of the Spheres. We will have a ring of fire around Soularis for this eclipse which will blaze the fire that burns from within the heart of all our Shamans of the Rainbow Sun.

The the Fires of the Kundalini of the Divine Masculine Ascends and the Holy Waters of the Divine Feminine descends to meet and merge in the Still Center, the Eagle flies wing in wing with the Sacred Condor as all come into Divine Union of Satori and become real hue-man beings living from the heart, being connected to all things.

Nothing can stop us or our Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation. We have stepped over the threshold and passed the Event Horizon of the Zero Point Quantum Field of the space time continuum to make our Leap of Faith in the Totality of our multidimensional Sacred Self to realize our True Nature of the perfectly Awakened Buddhas of the Pure Land of Eternal Life.

Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu, Namu Amida Butsu. I take refuge in the Buddha of infinite Light and Infinite Life… A’Ho!











⚡️Massive CLEARING in ALL Realms + Re:Balance of Extremes between the POLES! Shifting LEY Lines. ⚡️New OPENINGS⚡️
Earthly visionary goddess
Earthly visionary goddess


The shift is escalating beyond anything our souls have known before, but have been prepared for this for thousands of earth years.
We are shifting beyond the beyond now.
ANDROMEDANS: are a very high vibrational interstellar federation of humanoid beings and plasma beings that together form THE COUNCIL OF ANDROMEDA. Their earliest presence was felt on earth in times of the ancient Hindus’ of the then Hindustan and during the ancient Egyptian Pharoaic empires. And now their motherships are invisibly positioned in our skies waiting for the ordained time to appear visibly before us.
TODAY’S ORACLE. Intense Eclipse gateway. We are right in the middle of it—when everything can change and changes, yet we can’t « see ». Strong physical symptoms are reported as well. Flow with what’s unfolding. Trust the shifts, including unexpected, are just made for the highest you. Don’t cling, don’t attach. Allow what comes in and what comes out. Take as much time as you need to feel and process. Underneath the chaos and uncertainty, all is well. All is unfolding just so right, and you will soon feel it.

October 13th
The Golden Fleet Rises
Let’s Get These Ships Airborne
Ancient Infrastructure Awaits
The Organic Vibration Of
The Light Of The Living Crystal Heart To Activate
We Take The Wheel Of Our Own Vessel❤️
As Always These Activations Are Divine Directives
They Bring Healing,
Yes But,
In Fullness They Are Eternal Directives
They Bring Freedom For Humanity
The Golden Fleet Rises
The Golden Fleet Rises
9/27/24: As you move more deeply into your power today, it’s vital to understand that you are becoming fully present and co-creating with the Divine; that your reality does arise from within you and it is this knowledge that empowers you; and, that karma is the seed of manifestation. You now have the keys to the kingdom… which are to live as your most authentic self, to become so sincere, so genuine, so safe, so accepting, so nonjudgmental that the very Universe itself cannot resist you.
To become so strong a power, so fundamental a force of nature, that life blossoms around you. To focus on enhancing your essence and your energy so that your presence lights up others. To prioritize values like integrity, kindness, helpfulness, gratitude, and empathy. To grow you, like every other birth in this world, from the inside out. To plant your own seeds, nurture them, and let them evolve naturally and with love. These are the Right Actions of the personal power you have within you.
personal power
personal power


Eclipse Gateway

We are right in the middle of the quagmire eclipse energies of emotional turbulence and changing relationship , power and harmony dynamics .
I had previously mentioned that this eclipse gateway sets into motion the Emergence of The Feminine Shaman.
For the emergence of the Feminine Shaman, one needs to go through the Dark Night of The Soul where the Shadow Feminine Energies need to be Transformed ie the Karmic baggage of the Mother Wound -feelings of abandonment in relationships, lack of love,nurturing ,comfort , connection, security and harmony in relationships.
Another aspect of the Shadow Feminine is the Emotional Disempowerment- inability to regulate one’s emotions , extreme reactiveness and emotional eruptions, being ruled by emotions and perceptions of others.
These are the aspects being vigorously stirred in the eclipse cauldron to be brought to the surface for our examination , Healing ,Transformation and Release.
And these are showing up in the arena of Relationships and Connections. The Karmic baggage and Karmic Debts of disempowered patterns of connection with self or others influenced by the Mother wound and Emotional dysregulation we are carrying from past lives or early life are up for review/ redemption and transformation so that we may move into Freedom and Liberation via healthier connections and responses first within our inner landscape and then in our outer connections.
We will emerge from this Eclipse gateway Transformed, particularly wrt what we desire , value and aspire for in relationships, how we stand up for ourselves and assert our priorities, desires and self preservation, how we navigate through our emotional impulses to achieve internal harmony, how we show up for self and others from a more balanced and secure place- A place of Emotional Sovereignty as opposed to be ruled by others expectations , perceptions and reactions.
The Feminine Shaman is forged in the turbulent deep waters of dark feminine energies of Grief, betrayal, injustice, unfairness, rage, revenge etc as these are required to be Witnessed and transformed and Healed into Self Acceptance, Inner Strength and Wisdom, Emotional Sovereignty , Authenticity and Self Empowerment.
Only then can the Feminine Shaman become the Keeper of the Mysteries of Intuition, Innate Wisdom and Creatrix of The Web of Life .
This Eclipse Gateway is our Initiation as The Feminine Shaman. And There is a Lot of Dark Goddess Energies supporting us in this initiation. Venus/ Inanna has moved into Scorpio and Lilith is Conjunct the South Node Libra Eclipse.
Dark Goddess energies are hugely chaotic!!! And we will be feeling these intensely in this gateway. But it’s important to remember that these challenges and curve balls that the universe is sending our way are the Graduation and Transformation Portals for our Liberation from Karmic patterns and Debts owed. We are required to meet these head on , for what we resist…persists. Navigate the quicksands of triggers with Courage Calm and Fortitude , see what patterns of connection and reaction you need to tweak / alter / change to change the Power equations within and without. These are times of Huge karmic Endings and repayment of karmic Debts. Be sincere , Authentic, True and Bold to deepen your connection to self and others.
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Eclipse Gateway
Eclipse Gateway


Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the Eclipse Passageway energies, which started flowing in on September 17 with the lunar eclipse and will last until around October 2-4 when the solar eclipse will take place during the new moon.
Our planet Earth is moving steadily into next week’s ring-of-fire solar Eclipse and the end of this eclipse passageway. The pre-eclipse lightcodes are already flowing in, aided by the solar wind geomagnetic storms we have been experiencing on and off these days. These solar winds might speed up and gather strength as we approach the eclipse itself on Wednesday October 2.
During the last stretch of this intense transitional period, you may feel as if being “squeezed”. The energetic pressure of the new information can feel a bit too much at times. Some days you may feel you are on top of the world and other days may feel like the world is ending. Actually, both things are happening at the same time.
Every time we are exposed to these cosmic events, we enter into a transformative energy tunnel that triggers energy shifts in some aspects of our being from 3D to 5D. We are literally moving through an energetic birthing canal. Parts of our physical, emotional, and mental fields are being “upgraded” and we are being reborn on the other side. During these energetic passageways, we leave behind outdated aspects of ourselves and we make space for a new higher timeline to manifest.
This ongoing human metamorphosis is part of a divinely guided universal cosmic dance. And sometimes all we can do is simply relax and allow ourselves to be transported by the flow of the music. So, if you feel you are not receiving clear guidance about your future steps, please relax. Often, not receiving guidance is guidance in itself. Allow yourself to flow naturally through this re-birth, and open your heart to the next adventures that lie ahead beyond this eclipse passageway.
The details of the journey are being woven. Our challenge is to keep trusting when, on the surface, it appears that nothing is happening (or too much is happening and we have no idea which way to turn!). These days of intense energies, please give yourself permission to slow down, switch off, and rest. Give your nervous system a little break and focus more on your heart. You’re being reminded to have patience and to trust the cosmic time. To trust that things are being shaped and manifested on your behalf. It may not be happening as fast as you’d like, but if you gather up the patience it will be orchestrated better than you can ever imagine. All in divine timing.
We are nearing the end of this eclipse passageway and we are getting closer to the “last push”. Symptoms may be felt in the chest: tightness, heart palpitations, and difficult deep breathing. Anxiety, irritability, skin issues/allergies, and digestive system issues may also flare up. Remember to give your body time to rest if needed, practice daily grounding, heart reconnection, and stay well hydrated to assist the flow of information (old and new) within your body. Sea salt baths will also relax all of your systems. This journey is unique to you, and although many may share similar physical issues we are each clearing and healing very specific situations. On the more positive side, as you heal and clear these issues you may begin to experience a renewed connection with other dimensional aspects of yourself through deep insights, dreams, synchronicities, and other types of interdimensional communication. Change is in the air.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update as we also approach the new energies of October. Have a wonderful weekend, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ

Chellea (Channel & Mystic)

*Energy Forecast* 9/27 * Powerful SOLAR ECLIPSE Ahead ~ The Galactic Federation

This is the Cosmic Energy Forecast for September 27th, 2024.


It is a joy to be speaking with you, thank you for this Transmission.

Today’s energy forecast highlights the upcoming intense energies for this next week of your timespace.

We would like to remind you that, All astrological alignments and events have an impact on you, both physically and spiritually, even if you are not aware of it.

It is crucial to remember that while following these astrological alignments, you should not allow them to dictate your energy, but rather utilize them as a means to accentuate the positive aspects of the alignment or event. Never let this energy dominate over you. Instead, harness it for your own physical and spiritual well-being.

While it can be tempting to let these astrological forecasts dictate your moods and decisions, it is essential to approach them with a sense of mindfulness and empowerment. Rather than allowing these energies to control you, choose to leverage them as opportunities for personal growth and inner-discovery.

The upcoming solar eclipse, which is in your Zodiac sign of Libra, on Oct. 2 is a highly anticipated celestial event that promises to bring about a wave of transformative energies. This eclipse is set to usher in a period of new beginnings, particularly in the realms of independence and relationships. It signifies a unique opportunity for individuals to cultivate a sense of balance in their personal and social lives. As your sun and moon align in their celestial dance, the stage is set for a powerful alignment of energies that can pave the way for growth and evolution.

This eclipse is poised to trigger a period of introspection and transformation. It suggests a need to step out of comfort zones and embrace personal growth by releasing past patterns and embracing renewal.

In addition, there are other astrological alignments at play, the ruling planet of Libra, which is Venus, is forming a harmonious water trine with Mars and Saturn, during this eclipse. This cosmic configuration enhances the dynamics of relationships and offers a unique opportunity to elevate partnerships to new heights. By focusing on establishing clear yet compassionate boundaries and approaching relationships with sincerity, individuals can set the stage for deeper connections and mutual growth with those they Love.

As the energies of this solar eclipse unfold, it is essential for individuals to embrace the changes and insights it brings forth. By letting go of the past, setting boundaries, and approaching relationships with authenticity, one can lay the groundwork for stronger and a more fulfilling connection. This eclipse serves as a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation, inviting individuals to embrace the opportunities for personal evolution and relationship enhancement that lie ahead. This is a time for healing the old wounds, from past and current relationships, that have hindered your spiritual progress.

This eclipse reminds you, that it’s important to pay attention to what’s happening in your relationships. Are people showing their true colors? Are there feelings or resentments, you’ve avoided addressing with someone, that has become impossible to ignore? Observe the way your closest bonds make you feel and what kind of reactions you’re having to everyday life issues that may arise. This eclipse has a lot to teach everyone about their relationship dynamics. You may be able to finally break out of an old pattern and free up space to build healthier and more supportive emotional connections in your life.

As you move into this next week, remember that by focusing on the positive aspects of these alignments and events, you can enhance your overall well-being and make the most of the energy that surrounds you.

You are the master of your own destiny, and while external influences may shape your experiences, you ultimately have the power to navigate them in a way that aligns with your goals and values. By harnessing the energy of the cosmos for your own benefit, you can cultivate a deeper connection to your physical and spiritual self, leading to a more fulfilling and harmonious way of life.

This Solar Eclipse energy can bring you closer to those you Love. Bringing forth the vibrations of Love, compassion and unity. Remember that forgiveness and gratitude are essential, when cleansing the bonds, that are important to you.

We love you, and celebrate your Light within.

We are The Galactic Federation.

This has been the Cosmic Energy Forecast for September 27th, 2024.

Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at



For The Cosmic Light Formulae Of Now Is Paving The Way, Introducing New Concepts Of Light To Explore.
For The Physical Body Is Perceiving, Feeling, Ingniting, Transmuting, Assimilating Complex Light.
The Power Of Your Lightbody – Physical Compass Is Aligned To Balancing This Dualistic Pathway.
To Observe The Narrative Of Your Physical Form, How Am I Doing Today 🙏 How Are You Microbiota With The Cosmic-Earth Changes Reaching Us 💫 Moving To Your Physical Form
To The Light Body Crown Activation Point To Speak With Your Light Family.
The Path For Each Individual Is To Stay Strong And Grounded In Your Pillar Of Light.
Attune The Physical And Light Body Compass
For Waves Of Disclosure Are Presenting In Many Formats 🙏
Cosmic Light Pulsations From Planets
Starseed Alliances Transerving Light To The Ground Crew
Gaia’s Incremental Light Upgrades Reaching All Beings
The Physical Agendas Of The Matrix
I Stand Strong And Align In My Pillar Of Light
I Am A Light Compass Of Higher Light Assimilation
I Flow In The Highest Integrity To Assist Others, In Alliance With The Highest Mission Of Light.
For The Ebbs And Flows Of Light Require Us To Flow, Ride The Great Waves, Like A Wonderful Pod Of Dolphins Moving Through Waves.
For The Light Motion Now Will Continue As We Advance In Riding The Light Waves.
We Ask You To Stay Strong, Take Care Of Eachother Join, Be United.
The Advanced Gift Of Light Is The Formulae Now Presenting.
Amongst The Chaotic Energies You May be Experiencing. Aligning And Understanding Your Pillar Of Light, Will Greatly Enhance Your Personal Compass of Light.
We Send Cosmic Waves Of Light To The Wayshowers, Thank You For Assisting The Great Transmission Of Now 🙏
Cosmic Alliance
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika





Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

There is an opportunity to end repetitive stress, concerns, and damaging life circumstances. Utilize the New Moon energy to plant new seeds of what you prefer your reality to be. Focusing on feelings like joy, peace, strength and love will help bring clarity to what you want. The Libra New Moon Eclipse is backing these decisions you are making for the New Earth that’s birthing.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra
New Moon Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra


On Friday, September 27th, the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in normally creative Leo is in a challenging inconjunct to Saturn, planet of restrictions, in Pisces. We may feel stuck or limited in our expression today. We want to feel joy and happiness, but may be feeling despair and doubt instead. Work on shifting the emotional body if you can.
Pull yourself, and your energy, out of the mud by doing something fun that will lighten your mood.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤️
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in normally creative Leo
the Moon, ruler of how we feel, in normally creative Leo
Mercury conjunct asteroids Patientia, Hekate, Reiki and Sphinx in Libra – Ever the conversationalist, Mercury gathers his allies, asks pertinent questions, requests further information. Through this we learn that we need to be patient with ourselves and each other as we go through the healing process. When the reiki practitioner lays their hands upon you, they are simply the conduit.
Energy flows where it’s meant to go. And so it is with conversation and connections. If we move into the space of allowing rather than forcing, we experience natural ease. Hekate then unlocks the door to deeper knowing, a goddess at the threshold of the mysteries. In Libra she shows us paradoxically that we are all each other. Here is past, future, present, hanging on this moment. What we say now has meaning and significance in ways that we can only feel.
And for certain there are mysteries too. We are all riddles in the making and riddles unravelling. Every conversation is a chance to get to know one another better, a chance to get to know ourselves better. And every conversation takes us deeper into the enigma of life. Open a dialogue to open the way.
Degrees and Times
Mercury, Patientia 02°Li19′ – 15:45
Mercury, Hekate 02°Li38′ – 19:52 (BST)
Mercury, Reiki 02°Li47′ – 21:49 (BST)
Mercury, Sphinx 02°Li52′ – 23:04 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘The Red Sphinx’ by Odilon Redon
The Red Sphinx
The Red Sphinx

Kin 82 ~ White Self-Existing Wind

‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Definition, Form and Measure’. Day 4 is all about the details, taking a closer look and scrutinizing. Weigh up what you need and what you don’t, make a list and take care of the practicalities. On number 4 days there is so much analysis going on that there is a risk that it can be focused inwards. You may find yourself deeply in thought and experiencing profound revelations about yourself. It can be experienced in this way. It’s ok to be your own therapist just be aware the dialogue you have today is one with yourself.
Today is White Wind and it’s keywords are ‘Communication, Breath and Spirit’. These days are always good for conversations, debates, public speaking, speaking your mind, reciting poetry or shouting from the rooftops! Express yourself verbally today and get it off your chest. As it is a number 4 day, this suggests that you should read the small print, read between the lines and thoroughly examine any document you are asked to sign. Be precise with what you say and say what you mean. Be clear if you want to be properly understood. White Wind days are also ideal for focusing on breath work. Find a quiet space and try to still your mind. By listening to our breathing, we can enter a state where communication with spirit is easier.
The Guide today is the White Mirror which symbolizes reflecting truth. If the truth influences your communication today all will be well….don’t try to get away with lying, you’ll trip up on the details and get caught out. This is a great guide for an information gathering day.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Human, the psychic of the Tzolkin. It will be difficult to know intuitively what to say today, so be careful before you shoot off your mouth. I repeat…think very carefully about what you wish to convey to others, your gut feelings might not be accurate. If you are a Yellow Human, you may find today annoying as you cannot communicate what you are channeling.
The Occult power is the Blue Storm and we are in the Blue Storm wavespell suggesting that by looking at the details, your communication has magical potential to influence big changes. This wavespell can be unsettling as things are shifting but we are given a magical boost today. However, don’t expect things to be calm! The Storm provides a lot of power to this Windy day.
The Ally is the Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Navigation and Synchronicity’. And so if you want to evolve try consulting a Red Earth, they can help you proofread that letter or talk to you about the details. If you don’t know one personally, you can navigate this day by being friendly to all you encounter.
Kin 82
Kin 82


4 IK – KIN 82
I DEFINE in order to Communicate
Measuring Breath
I seal the input of Spirit
With the Self-existing tone of Form
I AM guided by the power of Endlessness
27/9/2024 = 9/9/8 = 9/17=9/8=17=8
✨9/9✨ – DESTINY portal
✨17.17✨ – LEGACY code
27- Power/Leadership/Command/Rewards
9- Endings/Completion/Service/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Legacy/Immortality
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Mission/Humanity/Grace/Divinity
17- Immortality/Legacy
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 82 = 10 Manifestation/Authority/Power/Leader/New beginnings
Day 4 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we MEASURE and DEFINE the chaos and disharmony, in order to transform it into something new. A new foundation for our creations, unions, structures and systems built on our guidance from Spirit.
SELF-EXISTING📦 – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form 📦and we have ourselves a square shape. Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE LOVE, loyalty and majikal manifestations.
SELF-EXISTING tone was the YEAR TONE in 2022 during the SELF-EXISTING MOON/GODDESS year – so we are quite adept at defining and understanding what the foundation for our new compassionate world will look like!
Today we tune in to the Whisperings of the White Wind – Great Spirit in order to communicate the Will of God/Goddess in the DIVINE PLAN for humanity and our personal MISSION and the LEGACY we wish to leave for future generations.
Today’s question is “How are the WINDS OF CHANGE, guiding me to communicate DIVINE WILL, as I define and construct new foundations for my Life in this NEW WORLD?”
The WINDS of CHANGE 🍃are upon us, allow SPIRIT to be your navigator! ⛵
Divine blessings for the construction of Divine partnerships and communities supported by Spirit.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
KIN 82 holds the combined POWER of the MASCULINE🚹 and FEMININE 🚺ARCHETYPES in the MAYAN culture. MAYAN KING – PACAL VOTAN held the Masculine lineage, from which Jose Arguelles – Valum Votan drew his ancestry. BOLON IK – Alias Llyodine Arguelles (the TWIN FLAME of Jose) held the Feminine Archetype. So today we have a merging of the two 🚻by the power of the WIND! Coming together to build a new foundation for their endless union!.
27 moons ago – 3 GALACTIC SPINs was on 8 AUGUST 2022 – which of course was the👑🦁8.8. LION’S GATE 🦁👑 The waning moon is in Leo♌🦁 today and we have an 8.8. ABUNDANCE gate – further ACTIVATING this LION’S GATE energy..
Thus through the MAJIK of the DREAMSPELL we can access these REGAL energies today. How DIVINELY PERFECTO that the ROYAL SOVEREIGNS – Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are merging into ONENESS 🦁👑🦁👑
✨✨NOTE: 💞 This is a powerful TWIN FLAME🔥🔥 day to construct a STURDY foundation for your DIVINE UNIONS💏 and combined MISSION and LEGACY in service to Spirit.
“You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.
You shall be together when the white wings of death scatter your days.
Aye, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God.
But let there be spaces in your togetherness,
✨And let the WINDS🍃 of the HEAVENS💫 dance between you. ✨
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.
Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple⛪stand apart,
And the oak tree 🌳and the cypress 🌲grow not in each other’s shadow.”
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND📦 🌬🍃 IK The GREAT WHITE Wind communicates through the VOICE of Spirit, the essence of which is the mandala of original cosmic order.
The Self-Existing tone defines FORM. Through our Spirit we quietly construct, define and design the coming world. As our thoughts, (which have been seeded by Spirit), take form, we begin to manifest the Will of the Divine, made manifest through our being on Earth.
Ultimately ALL creative thought and ideas are channelled from the Spirit realm, whether it be your Higher Self/Guides or that of Spirit – it naturally flows into your vessel from other realms and dimensions. The trick is to be an OPEN and PURE channel in order to tap in, and allow it to FLOW freely. 🌫🌫
When our minds are OPEN and hollow, freed from the old constructs and paradigm, free from judgement, criticism and bias, we make space for new thoughts and ideas. We become pure unadulterated channels of divine energy, the Angelic messengers of Spirit.
✨✨✨As we evolve and connect more frequently (and permanently!) to our Higher Divine Selves, we become the embodiment of the DIVINE – walking GODS incarnate on the Earth plane. ✨✨✨
In that instant our lives are elevated to a higher octave, as we become the conduits to define what takes FORM, through our new lens and perspective. This is the collective Mission of the Wayshowers and Star🌟 BlISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS☀ – to collectively manifest the DIVINE PLAN for GAIA.
👑🦁The LION’S GATE🦁👑 each year marks our CORONATION👑 as DIVINE SOVEREIGN BEINGS, acknowledging and claiming our FULL DIVINE POWER.
Can you hear the ROAR of the LIONS🦁🦁🦁 through the howling WIND?
Today is a brilliant day to LISTEN to the whispering of the WINDS of change, allowing Spirit to guide you to new undiscovered lands. Dance, sing, channel, pray and meditate. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART to the voice of Spirit and the new sea breeze bringing a welcome change!
Follow the breeze to NEW EARTH.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING MIRROR 📦 🔎 ETZNAB magnifies the breath of SPIRIT which is endless.. we can always access Spirit through the power of our breath and our VOICE. The endlessness is echoed throughout all time and space. The WHITE MIRROR opens portals to endless dimensions. We can choose which doors to walk through. .
ETZNAB clearly reveals all ILLUSIONS in the Hall of Mirrors, so that you can discern what must be released, purged and purified. ETZNAB reveals ENDLESS messages from many dimensions and planes echoed throughout TIME.
We can SEE the TRUTH, and use the sword🗡 to cut away extraneous mind clutter, to seek more clarity and become a clearer channel.
You then have the necessary building blocks to define and construct your new paradigm. The SELF-EXISTING MIRROR – in the STORM cycle – SHATTERS the old Matrix world – very powerfully. The NEWLY CROWNED SOVEREIGNS👑 are categorically REJECTING the old rulers – a NEW GOVERNANCE has arrived.
The MIRROR is the potent force guiding the Will of Spirit today 🕊🕊🕊
ETZNAB is SPEAKING🌬 in VOLUMES – that only GOD’S PLAN is to be made manifest, as the TRUE ✨DIVINE Harmonic Matrix of CREATION. ✨ All else will SHATTER!!!!
The MIRROR is also a MAYAN PYRAMID so it is a powerful MAGNIFIER and ACCELERATOR – whatever intention you place within the PYRAMID PYRE🔥 will be IGNITED🎇 and quickly manifest into FORM.📦.. Use this POWER very wisely today.. Connect with Spirit to manifest the purest intentions.
SUPPORT: RED SELF-EXISTING EARTH 📦🌏🏳 CABAN is the Planetary GPS system that points the way forward for Humanity, so we need to PAY ATTENTION to GAIA’S desires! Ultimately GAIA is the boss that determines where we go!
Those of us that are PURE channels and resonating at a higher vibratory rate, will be more attuned to receiving these messages from Gaia and Spirit. In order to communicate these brilliant new ideas to others, to improve our world and facilitate change, first we must LISTEN to the SIGNS.
Look for the synchronicities to guide YOU in navigating a clear passage through the STORM. Discerning the cycles and abandoning old outmoded patterns, awakening to Gaia’s rumblings in our collective evolution.
We cannot define the NEW PATH until we have CLEAR knowing, that our intentions are in full alignment with the Ascension path of Gaia. This has been foretold in the prophecies of the Ancient ones, our ancestors, who are the keepers of this Earth wisdom.
LIsten to spirit and GAIA to construct the foundation of your new life in resonance with NOVA GAIA. 🌈🌍🌎🌏 🌈
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY STORM 🌬🌎🌪🍃 CAUAC.. Oh my… DOUBLE STORM🌀🌀 POWER today – adding to the WHITE WIND🌬️🍃.. Very potent energies to propel us forward on our Missions today.. Make sure you position yourself on the RIGHT PATH – to be swept FORWARDS and not rocked off your Destiny path.
This STORM is a PLANETARY one 🌏🌎🌍– which gives more amplitude to your MANIFESTATION power today.. Being able to construct your intentions quickly, perhaps on a GLOBAL SCALE.
The PLANETARY tone also pertains to GAIA, so it may manifest in physical storms, Earth changes/movements, and upheaval to facilitate purification and change.
We have very powerful DOUBLE STORM POWER today, with the WHITE WIND and the STORM WAVESPELL amplifying this GALE FORCE, bringing the much needed change.
Do not take for granted the POWER of this STORM. 🌀🌬🌪🌀🍃
CAUAC is the catalyst, who can bring forth revolutionary ideas that serve to activate change. We can MANIFEST and instigate powerful change in our physical environment and surroundings with this POWERFUL influence.
We accept our roles during this 13 day BLUE STORM cycle as the ‘AGENTS OF CHANGE” 💼🌀 – leading the way for others to follow, trusting in the process of transformation.
The STORM is clearing the PATH for humanity, to move forward as we follow the Whisperings of the WHITE WIND.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING HUMAN 📦 ☺ EB challenges us to “get out of our small MINDS today!” Surrendering our egoic thoughts or those in service to self. Aligning with our HIGHER MIND and the HIGHEST FREQUENCY of our Collective Planetary Mind.
We are using our MIND power to redefine the Collective Consciousness, purifying the old mores, beliefs and systems – redefining our new systems and governing principles.
As a critical mass of AWAKENED souls realize the TRUTH of GOD’S PROMISE🕊🌈 – to deliver us to a beautiful new utopian world – we can begin to manifest the collective New Way Dreaming. As such we can accelerate the manifestation of this new era we are collectively constructing through our MINDS eye in the DREAMTIME.
EB beckons us to choose DIVINE WISDOM and messages that are beautiful, filled with promise and grace, rather than the genocidal agenda! Align with LIFE ⚛️🌿 enhancing principles and systems.
Using our free will to align with the TRUTH of the matter, in order to change the course of history through our better, wiser thoughts and actions.
We ARE collectively CHOOSING to define, design and construct an infinitely BETTER world. 😍🌏🌎🌍💞
Yahooooo!!! 💥✨
Flowing into the form and pace.
Touch the stars, feel the earth,
Golden essence in our space.
Pure power of the sacred breath,
Channel of the galaxy as it has been called.
Define limitless potential and eternal mysteries
Deep inside as they pass the scribe.
Paint them, dance them, pray them, offer them
Flowing freely endlessly off the tongue
and tips of the fingers as we surrender to God’s flow.
Limitless grace and shining in the moment opening.
Channel of the mysteries, breath, spirit and form
Universes, akashic stream of light
Essence as the WINDS in flight.
A prayer by Kala Shekinah🙏🙏🙏 – White SelfExisting Wind 🍃
Today’s question is “How are the WINDS OF CHANGE, guiding me to communicate DIVINE WILL, as I define and construct new foundations for my Life in this NEW WORLD?”
The WINDS of CHANGE 🍃are upon us, allow SPIRIT to be your navigator! ⛵
Divine blessings for the construction of Divine partnerships and communities supported by Spirit.
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon: Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation with the Sacred Condor 🔥



🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.

What You’ll Experience:

Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.

During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.

Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.

Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.

Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.


CLICK HERE to for the Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation



Julia Arcturian Hathor Contreras

Invocation to the Golden Flame of Illumination 🙏💛

Glorious Golden Flame of Illumination from the Heart of Goddess/God in the Great Central Sun, I invoke the presence of beloved Lord Lanto, Master Kuthumi and the Brotherhood of the Golden Robe and the God and Goddess Meru into my heart, mind and soul.

I ask you to flood my being with the precious oils of Illumination, poured over me in limitless radiance to transform all that is less than the divine perfection in my consciousness.

O Flame of Light, so bright and radiant, 0 Flame of Goddess/God, so wondrous to behold, Ceaseless fountains of Wisdom Love, Bring me back home to the Heart of the Sun!

Come now with the fullness of thy power, Take my hand and lead my pathway, Open my eyes and show me the visions, Flood my life with thy wonders.
Blaze Illumination Flame through me!

(Repeat 3 times)

Therefore, I choose to walk with Goddess/God through the fires of Love from my heart. I declare that I Am that Goddess/God in manifestation.

I open myself to receive a mighty River of Radiant Golden Light of Illumination flowing through me.

I declare that I Am this River of Light, I Am this River of Golden Peace, and I Am this River of Illumination.

And so be it, beloved I AM!

Golden Flame of Illumination
Golden Flame of Illumination

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