On The Galactic Calendar, May 24th, 2017 is the Beginning of a New 260-Day Galactic Cycle.It is Kin 1 – Red Magnetic Dragon: COSMIC RESTART.
On The Galactic Calendar, every time we return to Kin 1, we begin at the beginning; we start the whole 260-day creation cycle all over again, yet we are always at a higher rung on the ascending evolutionary spiral of existence!
Red Magnetic Dragon represents the Primordial Mother Waters from which All is Birthed. It is the vibration of Origin; Source; The Cauldron from which All is Generated; The Realm of Nurturance and Wholistic Renewal.
We are invited to affirm: “I nurture the birth of my being with primal trust.”
In our modern society, we often forget we are “human beings,” and we are often vastly obsessed with doing. I know this is true for me, as I continue to examine the imbalance within myself of feminine and masculine energies ~ yin and yang ~ being and doing. I am learning how rich my inner world feels when I take time and space to drop in to beingness; to recharge my body and soul by resting in the simple fullness of my being; by feeling how my beingness naturally emanates. As I simply sit and intentionally breath into my heart, letting go of effort and striving, I can feel how I naturally and simply care about existence… And I am discovering how those emanations of calm, care, compassion, and gratitude are profound vibrational contributions to my own self, and to the web of life. As I learn to balance my equation, I am finding how much my beingness has to offer to life, and how supportive it is to seep in this first, to then celebrate my inner masculine yang do-er energy that has passion to express and creatively shape reality… As we all know, its always about balance!
The last Red Magnetic Dragon day was on Sept 6, 2016 therefore the Galactic Spin we are completing is from Sept 6, 2016 – May 23, 2017. The Galactic Spin repeats perpetually, ongoing spiraling cycles of 260-day units. Each 260-day cycle is a sacred cycle of creation; it is a spiral voyage of time which corresponds to our human gestation period.
Every time we reach this ending and beginning moment on The Galactic Calendar, it is an ideal time to review our journey, and look at what has occurred in our inner and outer lives in these last 9 moons. Whenever you receive this message, you can self-reflect on this cycle of Time. The point of this is to consciously integrate all we have realized, learned and experienced in the last Spin; to honor all that we have undergone in the last 260-days, and note where we have grown, as well as the aspects and areas of our lives where we have more room to evolve. By taking the time/space to do this, we gain a profound self-intimacy that supports our journey into the New Cycle.
This Restart offers us a potent invitation to forgive our “mistakes” or inadequacies of the past cycle, and start fresh with humility and connection to our own inherent innocence and wholeness. May we also extend this peaceful vibration by compassionately forgiving All of our Relations, thus offering our hearts and minds as a “clean slate” for the Universe to once again create upon.
The Red Magnetic Dragon always takes us back to the beginning, The Source, The One. Red Dragon is the primal Mother birthing energy. Here we are invited to surrender to the unity of source, and immerse in the cauldron of renewal that we may start again, anew, refreshed, reborn… Red Dragon reminds us to nurture ourselves with mindful compassion, to nurture one another with care and tenderness, and to make space to receive the nurturance and riches the Universe has to bestow to our sincere hearts and receptive bodies.
Red Dragon reminds us: The Universe is Abundant with Nurturance for All Beings; All of The Web of Life is Held by the Embrace of the Primordial Loving Beingness that animates us and sustains us. We visit this place of abundant benevolence when we tune into our inner silence, the place that precedes thought and concept – before identity and duality – the empty fullness of blank divine existence conscious of itself – the transparent, gentle glory that thrives and pulses in our heart’s innermost chambers, a seamless breath of Totality. That feeling awareness is our beingness; it is the pulse of interconnectedness; our true nature and home.
When we remember and re-root to ourselves as human-BEINGS, we re-awaken to our essential self. We are re-born every time we re-immerse in the home of our Beingness. By connecting to our Being, we nurture ourselves by feeling our inherent wholeness, and this ongoing inner connection serves to transform our participation in our world. By grounding over and over again in the essential core of our being, we experience and embody our sense of wholeness and are more alive and effective in initiating and birthing the creations of our daily lives and tending to the gardens of our relationships! As the Vedic masters prescribe: “Established in Being, Perform Action.”
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