You are currently viewing The Cosmic 3:3 Portal of Enlightenment ~ WE Are Currently LIFTING the VEIL of Deception! * Original KADmon Templates and Eve Epigenetics ~ Energy Gateway of the New Golden Age
Holy Kore has now announced Her Anastasis

The Cosmic 3:3 Portal of Enlightenment ~ WE Are Currently LIFTING the VEIL of Deception! * Original KADmon Templates and Eve Epigenetics ~ Energy Gateway of the New Golden Age

The Cosmic 3:3 Portal of Enlightenment ~ WE Are Currently LIFTING the VEIL of Deception! * Original KADmon Templates and Eve Epigenetics ~ Energy Gateway of the New Golden Age


Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Gold Phoenix Light Warriors of our New Earth Alliance 

Happy 3:3 Portal of Transformation and Awakening!

As the Cosmic Doorway swings open through todays most powerful Gateway of the 33 of the Christos Sophia Consciousness ,Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being enveloped in Gamma Mother Plasma Rays of Adamantine Light.

Great Spirit, through the Central Sun, is flooding this realm with Cosmic Rays of indestructible diamond light to assist our starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in our Transfiguration, Resurrection and Ascension in our Exodus into the Promised Land of Eternal Life.

Synchronizing with today’s Stargate Opening we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 239 ~ Blue Overtone Storm as the Higher Octaves of the Blue Storm of Healing and Abundance flows through the world transforming and cleansing all in her Path for this Great Shift of all Ages into the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth.

Continue to anchor in the Crystalline Codes of Creation into the core of Pachamama as we rise together into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!










We are bringing back into alignment the FAMILY tree with original KADmon templates and Eve epigenetics.
Re:writing Eve’s story..
Tasting the sweet apple.
The Knowledge of the ancients embedded in her Heart.



original KADmon templates and Eve epigenetics
original KADmon templates and Eve epigenetics



WE Are Currently LIFTING the VEIL of Deception!
There is a MASSIVE CLEARING Taking Place in this NOW Moment. . . and it is Going Right Back to Atlantis Time!
March’s 3.3.9 PORTAL is CODED with Trinitized Frequencies for those Who Are Ready to SHIFT their Physical and Non-Physical Body Programs through DNA Rehabilitation and the Necessary CHANGES in our LIGHT Vehicle Required to SHIFT Manipulations!
This Month WE ShapeShift to the Next Level of ONENESS and UNITY that Encourages us to Embrace GREATER Sovereignty. . . INNER Freedom. . . HEALTHIER Relationships. . .
and thus BEgin the SHIFT into this HIGHER Vibrating. . . Abundance TIMELINE!
Enjoy these Powerful ENERGIES. . . Dear Ones!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence 🤍
photo: Energy Portal of the New Golden Age. . . thanks to the photographer. 🤍
Energy Portal of the New Golden Age
Energy Portal of the New Golden Age


Divine Energy Works

This powerful Gateway of March is carrying the energetic encoding 33 – The Cosmic Portal of Enlightenment and True Self, bringing Kundalini and DNA Activations and Upgrades and opening March Equinox Stargate 2025.
The synchronicity energetic encodings 33, 333, 3333, that are streaming in, are carrying the vibrations of Unconditional Love and Purity Frequencies, activated by the 2-22 Gateway, extending the Energy Grid of Co-Creation and expression of our Authentic Soul Truth.
Master Number 33 carries the energetic vibration of Spiritual Growth, Transformation, and Enlightenment. 33 is closely connected to the Kundalini Energy – the ascent of the Kundalini through the 33 vertebrae of the spine represents the Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment and Higher Consciousness. 33 is also the number of turns in a complete sequence of human DNA.
The deeply Coded Plasma Waves are carrying Kundalini Activations and DNA Activations and Upgrades for those on the Higher Ascension Path, assisting in shifting to the Higher State of Consciousness.
✨ divineenergyworks
Cosmic Portal of Enlightenment
Cosmic Portal of Enlightenment


Dear all,
Over the next 48 hours, there will be a significant increase in incoming energetic activity, which some of you may already be experiencing. Recent measurements already suggest a rise in Earth’s frequency, specifically in the EU region which will manifest as physical and mental fatigue, difficulty getting out of bed tomorrow, and a temporary decrease in appetite.
This shift will represent a substantial frequency adjustment, and as a result, you may notice temporary disruptions in interpersonal dynamics as a result. Individuals you usually resonate with might feel suddenly misaligned for a short period as this energetic transition stabilises and you recalibrate. Expect sinus issues and temporary allergies to become exasperated.
The next 48 hours may feel overwhelming, so it is advisable to practice self-care, stay hydrated, and allow your body time to adapt to these changes. Consciously opt out of self judgement for a couple of days as this will create unesessary mental spirals.
Best regards,


The month of rebirth
The month of rebirth


Artist Credit: Madam Luna Art



3rd March : 3/3 Portal and initiating ANGEL WINGS

Today is the 3/3 portal, a celebration of Abundance and Beauty and Love. It also give me great pleasure to introduce Angel Wings, a movement of Archangels, Angels and Human Angels to bring the energy of Kindness and Peace to Earth.
At the beginning of 2025, Archangel Michael declared this to be the Year of the Angels. Yet there is so much anger, fear and division on Planet Earth right now. But, this is where the Angels step in – both Celestial Angels and Human Angels – to bring a world wide wave of Kindness, Love and Compassion!
It is up to us to BE the Kindness, the Love and the Compassion!
We unfurl our Angel Wings when we offer gifts of Kindness and Support to those around us, whether it be kind words or small gifts. They may hear the whisper of Angel Wings when they are in our company as we express the deep loving nature of our angelic souls. Perhaps they will not even know that it is us who are channels of Divine Love into their lives.
ANGEL WINGS is a world wide Movement or Wave of Angelic energy led by Archangel Michael and the Archangels, to bring Kindness back to Earth. Also to bring Love, Joy and Peace. We, as Human Angels, can be an expression of Higher Love and Kindness on Earth.
You can join this movement by making a conscious choice to BE the Kindness, Love and Support.
It is time to grow a pair of Angel Wings!
Meditate for Kindness, Love and Peace for Earth, either as an individual or in a group. You are influencing the Planetary field and the collective consciousness when you expand your consciousness or group consciousness in Love. Call the Archangels and the Angels to work with you to bring Kindness, Joy and Peace.
Join the Worldwide Wave as we all come together to create a powerful movement for Kindness and Peace.
As individuals and groups we can offer random acts of kindness and love to our friends and community. BE the Heart and Hands of the Angels on Earth. Angels are mediators for God/Source and we, as Human Angels, can also be mediators for Divine Love on Earth.
As individuals and groups we can offer Blessings and Prayers for Earth and for All Living Beings. The ancient art of Blessing is a powerful way to bring Love and Kindness to the Earth and to those in our community.
Give generously and receive with gratitude. Always be aware of the opportunity to give and receive kindness, When you give with an open heart and receive with gratitude you are working with the flow of Divine Energy and Manifesting Love and Kindness on Earth. Gratitude gives rise to more flow and more reasons for gratitude.
There is Abundance where there is Gratitude and Generosity and an Open Heart!
Please join us in ANGEL WINGS: The Movement!
Feel and hear the whisper of your Angel Wings as you emerge as a Human Angel in Kindness and Love.
initiating ANGEL WINGS
initiating ANGEL WINGS


3/3/25: Today offers a taste of the high vibes of abundance, creativity, and joy. You can sample these if you choose, and even live there, regardless of what’s going on around you. You can reach such a state of inspiration and potential that manifesting in it feels natural. You can attune your inner light to its flow. And you can do all of this through Free Will and the desire to be happy. Because when you choose to live in a higher frequency of gratitude and love, you access what awaits you there that hasn’t been available in your current state of mind… and you give yourself permission to receive. Like attracts like at all levels this month. Attitude and perspective are key.

3.3.2025 – The 3.3 portal might be the turning point which brings a change of energy following the very intense time of clearance that has held across February 2025. As a more positive messenger of change and transformation this portal communicates codes of reassurance which support our growth and help us in our continued journey.
For many the new senses of opportunity will begin to flow through intuitively and ultimately we will be asking of ourselves many new aspects of awareness and desire in order that we feel more aligned to the softer sense of flow which comes to us from a higher intuitive vibration, a frequency attuning us to the changed energetic state. This may require some surrender and possibly a little stillness to hear the call.
At this point we are in no doubt of the changing planet and of the affects of this transition on the manifested reality. Whether resistant or in flow things are on the move and the backdrop to the life in which we call our world is shifting. To secure our greatest harmony we must endeavour to release our overcast shadow and to let in light. There is no longer room for stuck or stagnant attitudes.
1010 portal
1010 portal

MARCH 2025


The following information carries advanced coding. Please take what resonates.
Those who make it to the end of the last stage of the old game, they come across a waste and scorched land.
Everything is burnt and no one is there.
An endless empty landscape of no life.
The initiate is to go through this final test which is about existing in this state.
It is a very strong process that carries within it many challenges and revelations.
The more integrated one is, the more one can make it through this challenge.
Many souls get stuck there for years, if not many lifetimes without being able to decode it and understand or feel what they need to discover and realise!
Here an exclusive approach through the mental body and thought, will only show unpreparedness and will not work at all. This approach will keep one stuck there for longer.
It is an important stage of the self realisation process.
Again, for things to be able to unfold, the inner trinity must be present and in unification!
March 2025 is this stage!
Many individuals have already gone through this ending stage but now this month is offering the collective gift of its kind!
This is a blessed month for many who are ready to go through this stage or for those who have been stuck in this landscape for many years and haven’t done the necessary inner work.
Ideally this ending of the waste/scorched land only manifests as an inner development but that only takes place like that if the inner work is responsibly done within the frame of therapy so this kind of scenery, is not necessary to be manifested in the external reality, but if the inner work is not done, then this scene will definitely manifest one way or another in the external reality and will push the individual to face the challenge, testing them on the physical level since they were afraid to do it on the spiritual and soul level.
Please note that this cannot take place unless the soul has chosen graduation and is meant to go through it.
A great soul lesson is to be achieved through this challenge and all ascended beings have gone through it.
The more one moves higher in the path of Ascension, the bigger the challenges become!
In our last ‘144000 Diamonds’ open Gathering via the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis, we witnessed the Kore of the Earth.
Kore in greek means daughter or the pupil of the eye.
The Holy Kore has now announced Her Anastasis.
She is preparing to be resurrected.
She is showing the way to the blossoming of the New Earth along with its true values and higher virtues!
We witnessed Her through the central volcano of the Holy Mountain 🏔️ from which the return of the True King took place!
There are more volcanoes and Holy Mountains and Kings!
They are mostly referred as seven in total and to my understanding they are connected to the different Godly Genealogies.
Many Living Children that are coming from the different Godly Genealogies are preparing to exit the old game and move on.
Before this fully takes place, the ending stage must fully take place.
Please note that there are also the reversed versions of the different ascension stages that are being presented because the test is specifically designed for those that think that are ready but are not, to easily fall for the reversed versions.
Also those who will eventually choose to stay stuck in self pity, avoidance, guilt, distorted beliefs of separation, mental control, materialistic obsessions, false dreams and goals, immaturity and lack of self accountability, will most probably lose this chance because they will not be able to see the signs and will continue in the old game until it will restart and they begin their journey again from the start.
This is a free will choice.
Lastly, the Blue Light has been witnessed and it said that it has determined who will be those who will receive the Nemesis.
All this time there was a great test going on and this test had many doors of exit.
Meaning that people had many chances to do the right thing and correct their actions via humbleness with a truthful and solid manner.
The Nemesis will be addressing those who insisted on consciously harming others via lies and manipulation and also those who insisted on following such people or groups!
This March brings great astrological events vie which great Spiritual advancement can be achieved and I hope that everyone will be blessed to make the best of this ending scene
Blessings of inner discernment!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior

Holy Kore has now announced Her Anastasis
Holy Kore has now announced Her Anastasis


Dear friends, today’s March 3, 3:3 portal is a moment of profound spiritual significance, marking a powerful gateway for growth, transformation, and positive change. As we stand at the threshold of this portal, we’re invited to release old patterns, wounds, and energies that no longer serve us, making space for a brighter, more authentic future.
In the context of this 9 Universal Year, this portal takes on even greater significance. 2025, a 9 Universal Year, is a time of completion, transformation, and humanitarian focus, encouraging us to look beyond our individual concerns and contribute to the greater good. As we navigate this year’s energies, the 3:3 portal offers a potent opportunity to align with the universal flow, letting go of what holds us back and embracing our highest potential.
The number 3 itself holds symbolic meaning, representing the Trinity codes, creativity, manifestation, and positive energy. However, as we pass through the 3:3 portal, we may experience a range of emotional and physical sensations. Some may feel a deep sense of emotional purging, as old wounds and patterns resurface for release. Others may experience physical symptoms like headaches or fatigue, as the body clears out stagnant energy. And yet, this portal also holds the promise of profound healing, growth, and transformation.
The word “trinity” is often associated with religion, but it has much broader implications. The number three is considered to be the perfect number, the unifier of dualities, the key to the integration process of our shadow and light. Human beings are three-fold in nature: body, mind and spirit. Number 3 also represents the creation of the union of the Divine masculine and the Divine feminine. Think of triads as well, like beginning, middle and end; past, present future; birth, life, and death, our sacred lives are embedded with the trinity light codes. Christianity puts forth a sacred Trinity of father, son, and holy spirit, while other ancient cultures venerated the maiden, mother and crone.
The number 3 appears in the Sumerian lore of Innana rising from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights in the Underworld, and in the Bible, where Jesus rose after 3 days in the tomb. The natural world is full of 3 cycles, from the waxing, full and waning moon, to the movement of the sun, creating dawn, noon, and dusk.
The 3:3 portal is actually a fractal of the December 12:12 portal, both are energy gateways embedded with the trinity codes (although the 12:12 gateway contains an extra layer of complexity).
As we connect today with the double number 3 energies, we are also resonating with the vibrations of the Master teacher number 33, one of the most spiritually inclined numbers. This number has been repeatedly referenced through the history of human spirituality. Namely, the first temple of Solomon stood for exactly 33 years, David ruled for 33 years, there are 33 segments in the spine, Jesus lived for 33 years, in the first chapter of Genesis the name of God is mentioned 33 times and the Tree of life contains 22 paths, 10 globes, and the invisible Sephira, thus ensuring that there are in total 33 steps to wisdom. All in all, March 3rd is packed with an unlimited reservoir of spiritual energy.
This 3:3 trinity resonance will also generate an increase in our overall frequency. Eventually, this higher state of trinity awareness will allow us to see all things through the eyes of Love. It is a significant step in the evolutionary process that we are all going through, individually and collectively.
The timing of the 3:3 portal is also significant, as it occurs just before the March eclipses. These eclipses will bring intense energies of transformation and renewal, and the 3:3 portal offers a crucial opportunity to prepare ourselves for these shifts. By releasing old patterns and energies, and aligning with the universal flow, we can navigate the eclipses with greater ease, clarity, and purpose. As you navigate this transformative moment, remember to approach it with self-care, compassion, and an open heart, trusting that the universe is guiding you toward a brighter, more authentic future.
Have an amazing week, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ


To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

March of 2025 is bringing in some of the biggest Energetic and Multidimensional events of this year, there are HUGE Planetary Shifts now taking place in New Earth Energy. The Ascending are making significant ascension progress on our planet and have activated its accelerated journey towards collective liberation.
The 3:3 portal activation on March the 3rd is highly charged sentient and benevolent energy it offers a vital planetary reset. It resonates with energies of peace, hope, wisdom, optimism, faith, harmony, abundance, wellbeing ,and success. March frequencies represent a seasonal shift and the beginning of a new astrological year. With planetary shifts in direct alignment, self holds the power to manifest extraordinary outcomes and create miracles at this point of time.
In March 2025 the key to entering the 5D consciousness realm lays in uncovering and healing deep-seated emotional wounds, shadow aspects, hurts, past trauma , pains, and illusions that have been limiting self-worth and self esteem. The first half of the month of March the focus is on revealing and addressing these inner truths to activate conscious transcendence and transformation towards higher vibrational states of conscious being .
The month of March is bringing you into more of the new you and the real you into new life. There is a major shedding, detoxing, and healing occurring deep within. There are always opportunities to focus on the Starseed purpose of inner healing. As well as your ancestry, blueprints , karma, and previous self expressions on the planet
By July of this year the Ascending will feel the purification of the former version of self and feel liberated and ready to expand in brighter light, to be seen, to commence the next StarSeed levels in New Earth creation .
Ascending can expect major kundalini activations and upgrades as the emotional body completes its healing and transmuting of past embedded trauma. This is necessary for the heart chakra expansions and upgrades to merge the inner Masculine and inner Feminine, enhancing your auric fields for the higher Ascension rising .
You may be sensing an intensity in the current earth energy and experiencing heightened emotions as old memories resurface causing fatigue and an overwhelm in feelings / emotions this is also likley due to the current intense solar storms. Over the last few days consecutive powerful solar flares have massively erupted.
These explosions eject and emit magnetised particles and radiation that are directed towards the planet Earth. They have an extremely profound and powerful impact on the emotional, mental and physical wellbeing, creating the transformational energy shifts.
3-3 activations: Life Changing Breakthroughs-Time Going very Fast or very Slow. A time to access higher self abilities to Manifest . The self is Detoxing and Clearing earths impurities. You may experience Vivid Dreaming and Waking up Between 2am and 4am, there will be a Restlessness Increase , heightened Intuition and altered Perceptions, possibly needing more rest and time out .
This is an optimum time in ascending conscious life, a time of deep spiritual awareness and profound inner growth. Powerful changes are taking place from deeper within and it is important to nurture inner self during this time. Taking time out to appreciate the beauty and healing energy of Nature, our greatest healer. Feeling the earth energy beneath your feet, feeling the sacred heart of the Earth, the essence of her nurturing spirit.
In this 33 activation portal the Self will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose in life as you tap into the vast knowledge of inspiration and creativity that dwells from deep within . 33 is representation of the divinity within .
The 3-3 portal is active bringing high-frequency energy into our blueprint systems, symbolising significant changes. Ascending are realigning, shifting, and welcoming love and light into all aspects of the ascending self . The mind, body, and soul are being synchronised, rejuvenated, and empowered to reach new and higher conscious levels, unlocking dormant potentials and embracing new ways of living, acting, and connecting , though this process may initially feel a little chaotic or unsettling.
By trusting and remaining positive, we are absorbing increased light frequencies that help to shed old self patterns. As we move through this inner turmoil, we pave the way for greater ease, enabling self to radiate in its own light, to empower others by authentic example, conscioysly serving the collective and our planet.
The 3:3 portal represents a vibrational reset, empowering us to recognise our full potential to conscioysly step into true self power. Aligning with the energies following the New Moon in Pisces, this portal will guide the ascending gracefully towards the new ascension season ahead, bringing in revitalising energy for a fresh start.
In numerology, 33 is a “master number.” It radiates loving, harmonious and caring energy, emphasising the importance of helping others and collaborating in unity consciousness, It promotes creativity and expression, encouraging you to let your aulteristic and artistic side shine through .
The 33 numerical expression is a master number sequence also known as the Christ representation code, it resonates with the energies of the Christ embodiment which is made up of sovereignty, compassion, blessings, miracles , inspiration, honesty, integrity, discipline, bravery and courage. Number 33 Embodies the light of creation, 33 symbolises divine/ celestial guidance.
33 is the numerical sequence of heightened creational energies , this is a powerful gateway of transformational divine cosmic energy. This prominent master number combination embodies symbolic messages from the divine realms offering higher self guidance, inspiration, and wisdom. Heightening self’s abilities to channel in divine, celestial realms .
Energetucally expanding into the accelerated ascension frequency waves to transcend the limitations of the old dismantling self paradigm of control and fear, allowing ascending self to rise into transformational energies of oneness and self empowerment.
This planetary energy brings in activation to thoughts and emotions. This is a breakthrough. You now have a better and deeper understanding of which beliefs no longer serve and are consciously releasing them as you go. This transformation is activating the higher heart to bring in new energy experiences of genuine love.
The number 33 signifies that the challenging past three months are behind you and the upcoming three months will be filled with higher knowings , clearer perspectives , new earth blessings, positive vibrations and new opportunities. The mental, physical, and spiritual well-being is under divine ascension guidance and protection, the entire being is now activating in to new earth vibrational alignment.
This month of March signifies the start of a new chapter in ascending life, highlighting effortless manifestation and new opportunities, consciously attuning to symbolic signs and synchronicities, trusting intuitive inner guidance to guide the way .
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers .

New Earth Alliances

For The Uprising Of Now Is Providing Many New Birthings Of Light.
Many Opportunities Of Deeper Awakenings And Insights From Our Soul Family.
Great Alliances Of Light Tribes Are Coming Forth Now To Join US
The Oceanic Light Families To The Cosmic Families Are Inviting US In Light
Rest Assured Of Your Role, Knowing The Vast Synchronisations Of Light Are Now Reaching Gaia In Infinite Light Streams 🙏
Please Open Your Heart To These Light Connections 🙏
The Great Amplification Of Gaia Is Uprising.
I Awaken To The Light Reality Of Now
New Earth Alliances Are Uprising For The Surface Dwellers Of Light 🙏
I Am Connected To All Beings In A Universal Capacity Of Light ❤
A New Language Of Light Is Now Birthed On Mother Gaia 🙏 Ancient Light Languages Are Returning, As Our Ancient DNA Returns…Amplified In Light ❤
Global Light Alliance 🌏
Together In Light
Thank You Light Family, Your Light Contribution Is Greatly Received On Many Quantum Levels.
Karen Lithika
Cosmic Light Alliance
Portal Open
Portal Open



Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

You’re done listening to other people’s opinions of you. Creating this boundary has made space to take better care of your body and mental health. The mind can clear of chatter from others and connect into the truth direct from Source. The information downloading is guiding you down the path of a blessed abundant opportunity in your career and leadership. Keep seeking the intuitive guidance and all will become crystal clear.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn



On Monday, March 3rd, we have Mercury, the Messenger, shifting into commanding, fire sign Aries the Ram! Mercury rules thoughts, ideas, perceptions, logic, information and all forms of communication. Aries is bold, assertive, confident, passionate, direct and outspoken. Sometimes it can be too impulsive, impatient, aggressive or selfish. However, it is a “take charge” and leadership oriented energy……like the warrior….never backing down! Mercury will be in headstrong Aries until March 29th, and then again from April 16th until May 10th.
This is because of a retrograde motion that will begin on March 15th, taking him back into the compassionate waters of Pisces for a time. While in Aries, Mercury will be initiating and pioneering with the spoken and written word. He may be brash, loud and combative, but will also be independent, extroverted and active. He will not hold back what he wants to express here and will do so with a force. Stand in your courage during this time! Express your truth! However, make a conscious effort to not become too pushy or demanding.
The warrior has difficulty with teamwork, peace and cooperation so may have to make a bit more of a concerted effort to not come off too strong and become the bully. So, weigh each situation carefully. Is it the time to be ardently outspoken? Or, does the situation call for a lighter and more sensitive touch?
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
fire sign Aries the Ram
fire sign Aries the Ram
Mercury enters Aries – Mental activity is heightened. After all the deep diving in Pisces recently, this transit says it’s time to shake off confusion and state what’s on your mind. Be direct. Deal with communication issues, especially any that have been lingering without resolution. Initiate a dialogue. Some may feel the need to tell it like it is or to call the shots. Sometimes this is necessary to bring clarity but be mindful that words don’t become weapons. Speak with encouragement. Motivate. Don’t allow frustration to get the better of you.
Follow up ideas. Get inspired. If you don’t understand, ask. If you’re unsure, check. These energies prefer things to move quickly so instead of endlessly pondering, toss a coin and move on. Actions speak louder than words. Tell yourself, I can do it… then do it!
Degree and Time
Mercury 00°Ar00′ – 09:03 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

Website :

Painting – Girl with Pigtails by Samuel Henry William Llewellyn
Girl with Pigtails
Girl with Pigtails

Kin 239 ~ Blue Overtone Storm

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of any wavespell is always intense but in a good way. There’s a lot of energy involved and it can wear you out by the end of the day. If you want to make the most of it, raise your aim and don’t underestimate your own power. The number 5 is important because of the way the wavespell flows. The first day, 5th, 9th and last day are always the same color and energetically speaking, are connected to one another. I always say they are like gear changes and day five we go faster!
Today is Blue Storm and storms are full of energy, so be careful how you use that energy and make changes that are good for you and avoid disruptive behavior. The storm is the catalyst and nothing stands in its way. When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘Empower and Self-Generate.’ Wow! Today packs a punch for sure, there’s fantastic potential for change that can empower you. Plus, it is a Portal Day! Not often do we get this combo. The number 5 on a Portal day, only happens 4 times in the Tzolkin and the Blue Storm only falls on a Portal day twice.
Today’s Guide is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. Guiding the storm is very healing energy which will help calm the intensity of the storm, so don’t panic folks. Whenever the Blue Hand guides us, we can feel quite ambitious. Be inspired by this motivating energy and reach out to grab what you need.
The Challenge of the day is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘going with the flow’. If you are a Red Moon, there is no use hiding or staying at home either, there’s no escaping the storm in your cozy bunker! Luckily it will all blow over by tomorrow, so just hang on.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. When in this magical position the White Wind delivers messages with magical meanings. Your best bet to get through this storm is to keep the lines of communication open. This is my favorite part of any Stormy day…expect life changing news today!
The Ally is the Yellow Sun who loves a good storm and is unafraid of its disruptive power. If you need assistance today and you are lucky enough to know a Yellow Sun, they can be a tremendous help in this situation. They can always offer some enlightenment on the situation.
Kin 239
Kin 239


5 CAUAC – KIN 239
3 MARCH 2025



I EMPOWER in order to catalyze
Commanding energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT.
I AM a Galactic Activation Portal (G.A.P.)

3/3/2025 = 3/3/9 = 3/12=3/3 =6



3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes


The 3.3.3. PORTAL GATES are OPEN for us to pass through and claim our SOVEREIGNTY👑 as the NEW EARTH LEADERS.👸👑🌍

Another HUGE STELLAR✨ LINE-UP of codes today Star Biss Supernova Suns!! A G.A.P 💥 portal day when the veils are thin – on a 3.3.3. GATEWAY. A BRILLIANT 🌟STAR-GATE🌟 opening for our transition to PLANETARY LIBERATION through COMMANDING back our POWER.💥💥💥

Just another INTENSE💥 day on Planet Earth with this continuous stream of SOLAR FLARES bombarding us!! 🌏🌎🌍 Huh – the codes just keep building upon each other like LEGO 📦 bricks constructing our new foundation for Terra Nova!!

Today is a HUGELY powerful day for transformation and HEALING. The GAP/GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY 💥 adds EXTRA potency and intensity to the STORM! A definite day to PURGE all that has been holding you back!


Day 5 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻

Today we are COMMANDING back our POWER💪 in order to RADIATE🌟 as the best possible version of our cell-ves that we can be! We are claiming our personal SOVEREIGNTY👑 and that of our PLANET. Viva la revolution!! 💥💥🎆🌼🦁


OVERTONE ☀– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance
5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel 🎡from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES🎆 outwards.

Overtones COMMAND the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.

The 5th day of the BLUE EAGLE 🦅Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS. When we give ourselves permission to “unhook from the drama” and FLY HIGHER to expand our VISION, we transform and begin to RADIATE! ☀

❓❓Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to TRANSFORM in order to feel more EM-POWER-ED?

It is TIME to claim your THRONE👑👑👑 dear ones! 👑

Today’s question is ” How can I catalyze these self-transformational energies, to become more empowered and fully COMMAND my soul RADIANCE, rising above the STORMS in life?👑🌞

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

ESPAVO beloved planetary kin – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 🙏🌟🙏

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC – contains the POWER of SELF GENERATION, achieved through purification, change, transformation, breakdown and break-through💥, Freedom and LIBERATION are today’s POWER – filled catalyzing energies.

Today we have DOUBLE STORM transformational energy through the RHYTHMIC STORM YEAR – giving us an incredible BOOST to step up confidently and BE THE CHANGE we wish to SEE👀 in the world.

BLUE STORM ⚡⛈️ combined with BLUE EAGLE🦅 forces you to “pull your head out of the sand” and really LOOK👀 at what it is that needs HEALING and trans-forming, in your life and our Planet! Either your own self healing, or you can be a catalyst for the healing of another. It is TIME to HEAL already in order to SELF-generate!!!.

BLUE EAGLE🦅 and Ascended Master White Eagle 🧝🦅 (who you can call for this wavespell) have been very determined to get their messages of EMPOWERMENT across, during this wavespell They urge you to FLY HIGHER with a clean slate – having purified and let go of the past!

Be extra vigilant today because now BLUE EAGLE is being jet propelled🚀 by the catalyzing forces of the STORM! 🌩🌪
The STORM leaves nothing in its wake! Anything old, flimsy and outmoded must GO!

BLUE STORM 🌧🌀🌪provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever. Allow BLUE STORM and the THUNDER ⚡BEINGS to purify and cleanse your body, mind and soul for the next phase of your wonderful life!.

NOTE: The probability of a physical STORM is greater on BLUE STORM days as the STORM⚡⛈️ seeks to wash, purify and refresh – what better way than an ACTUAL ionizing STORM! Aaaaah I can smell FREEDOM and transformation in the AIR!

🌍🌎🌏🌐 On a GLOBAL level we have witnessed many NATIONS reclaim their SOVEREIGNTY and independence from the Draconian oppressive regime – and now that the PEOPLE have reclaimed their POWER – we are witnessing the END of this old paradigm.

We must remember that WE the PEOPLE get to decide what we will accept and reject in our lives as we move forward.

The OVERTONE STORM 🌩🌪☀ will ensure more VICTORY🏆 is attained by the PEOPLE in the coming days.
BIG CHANGES are brewing for our PLANET.

HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE HAND🙌 MANIK brings forth the power of great Healing and accomplishment today. MANIK works hand in hand with CAUAC🌪🌩🌨 as they FLUSH out the dross, with the purifying and healing waters of spiritual initiation, in order to progress to a Higher level of Mastery through this EVOLUTIONARY PASSAGE!

BLUE HAND brings forth great HEALING wisdom today, so once the STORM uncovers the imbalance or dis-ease, then Manik REVEALS 👁 the knowledge needed to transcend the discordance.

❓❓❓❓❓❓Have you been struggling with an issue????? – Health, Relationship, Abundance etc.. that needs HEALING.. causing you to be STUCK in the details. ❓❓❓❓❓

This distraction has blocked you from SEEING👀 and ACCOMPLISHING the bigger picture for your life.
NOW it is TIME to detach from the dis-ease and view it from a HIGHER PERSPECTIVE 🏔– a different angle so that a SOLUTION is forthcoming.

Call on BLUE EAGLE to bless you with the SEER’s 👁SOLUTION🔮 needed to advance in your life.

MANIK holds the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT🔧🔨👏 – giving you the FINAL SEAL to achieve your self generation as you COMMAND back your RADIANCE and POWER becoming whole once again…

The VERY powerful influx of GAP portal energies streaming forth Christ codes, is HEAVEN sent – so empty your container to capture, integrate and em-body these new higher frequencies into your RADIANT light-body! What another beautiful GIFT🎁 from SPIRIT today! 🎆


KIN 239 on a 3.3.3. GAP💥 portal day offers a tremendous opportunity for PLANETARY HEALING today.

👁Visualize the STORM🌪🌩🌧 washing away🚿 any residual DROSS💩 on our Planetary body – draining the SWAMP – mud, dirty putrid water and all!!

👁Visualize all GAIA’S water being purified and cleansed to her pristine original blueprint💧 – providing life enhancing properties for all her children.

👁Visualize her landmass clear and cleansed of debris and density on any level..

👁Visualize her lands PURE and ABUNDANT, SOAKED with the RAINBOW LIGHT🌈 of healing and opportunity, bringing forth the much needed prosperity, joy and fertility of the new Golden Age!

👁Visualize the HOLY SPIRIT ✨🕊️✨ descending upon the EARTH and filling every soul with PEACE, DIVINE GLORY and GOD’S GRACE.




SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE SUN 🌞AHAU – What a beautiful RADIANT code today – the OVERTONE SUN – is like a DOUBLE DOSE of RADIANT SUNSHINE! 🌞🎆 The promise of the RAINBOW 🌈after the STORM☔🌂 – bringing HOPE and HAPPINESS!

Absolutely DIVINELY PERFECT codes from AHAU🌞 today, supercharging our CELLS with SOUL-AR powered ENLIGHTENING frequencies.🌞🌞.
Get ready for another WAVE of powerful Solar Flares!!🌞🌊🌞🌊🌞🌊

After the STORM has cleansed and purified you, AHAU then radiates its warming healing LIGHT, to HEAL, transform and warm your entire HU- man vessel. You can transform and begin the process of regenesis in your journey back home to SOURCE, provided by AHAU.

These codes RADIATE from our SUN, the CENTRAL SUN, and the CENTER of our SOUL-AR System providing powerful solar healing codes regenerating and upgrading our bodies to BECOME the LIGHT!🎆 COMMAND it into being! 👑AND SO IT IS!🎆



OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR WIND☀ 🌬🍃 IK carries the VOICE of Spirit through the power of the whispering wind and the elements of nature. The SOLAR☀ WIND🍃 is a potent messenger as it is the SUPERpower today, continually PULSing the messages of SPIRIT, transmitting through the air waves and solar storms until they are received!

The SOLAR WIND☀🌬 – may be literal today – bringing forth actual Solar Winds☀🌬 from CME’s☀🔥 and Solar Flares 🔥🔥– encoded with Ascension frequencies to assist us in RISING up to claim our POWER as CHILDREN of the SUN☀

During the BLUE🦅 EAGLE wavespell, the Winged🪽 Ones – the Messengers of 🕊️ Spirit, are even more prevalent in their duties to deliver divine SIGNS and synchronicities to propel our evolution.especially on a ✨✨3.3.3.✨✨✨ HOLY🕊️ SPIRIT G.A.P. 💥 GATEWAY!!!!!!!!!.

👀 Keep a LOOK OUT 👁 for the Eagles🦅, Owls,🦉 Doves,🕊 Hummingbirds, Cardinals, Ravens/Crows, Pigeons and all other feathered species – perhaps they will gift you with a majik🪶 feather, a tool that holds their medicine and wisdom… be OPEN and AWARE, to what it is that SPIRIT wants you to SEE. 👁️‍🗨️

✨Be STILL and receptive, willing to embrace this wisdom in order to truly FLY FREE🦅🪶 – COMMANDING your LIBERATION. 💥☀✨


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE MOON 🌛👸 MULUC brings forth the energies of Purification, detoxification, cleansing and communication through the power of her Universal waters TRIPLING the purification power today. This means we have a FLOOD of purifying 🚿🌨🌧watery💧💧💧 elements operating today! Expect your intuition 👁and psychic 🔮abilities to be heightened!

Today’s challenge is to SEE,👀 feel and tune in to what is TOXIC in your life.

❓❓What is polluting your soul?
Is it food, stimulants, toxins, negative thoughts/emotions, beliefs, programs, habits, people????

The first step is
➡️ ACCEPTANCE, and finally
➡️ instigating RIGHT ACTION which is the gift of today’s energies.

❓❓How can you embody more LIGHT?✨☀✨

The LIGHTER✨ you become, the more you can RADIATE🌞 and SHINE your FULL BRILLIANT LIGHT! ☀✨☀

Allow the GODDESS to bless you with the answers you seek, in order to catalyze these wondrous energies for further growth and soul expansion!
The purer you become – the HIGHER🏔️ you SOAR!🦅

Hitch a ride on the WINGS🪶 of the EAGLE🦅 today far above the powerful STORM, releasing any baggage so that you can soar HIGHER!

Remember after the STORM🌪🌩🌧🌧comes the rainbow🌈, revealing the POT of GOLD!💰🌈


Today’s question is ” How can I catalyze these self-transformational energies, to become more empowered and fully COMMAND my soul RADIANCE, rising above the STORMS in life?👑🌞

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

ESPAVO beloved planetary kin – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 🙏🌟🙏

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 Spirit Animal Guided Meditation with Sacred Condor 🕉

Connect with Your Sacred Animal Spirit Guide 🔥



Embark on a powerful journey with the Sacred Condor to meet your spirit animal in this guided meditation. Your spirit animal is a wise and sacred guide, offering you deep insights, protection, and a connection to your true essence. Through relaxation, visualization, and sacred intention, you will open the doorway to the unseen realms and receive the messages your spirit animal has for you.

Whether you seek clarity, healing, or a deeper connection with nature, this meditation will help you align with the wisdom and power of your animal guide. Surrender to the journey and allow your spirit animal to reveal itself to you.

🌿 What to Expect:
✨ Deep relaxation and grounding
🦉 Spirit animal connection and messages
🔥 Energy alignment and guidance for your path

Get comfortable, open your heart, and let your sacred animal ally come forth. 🐺🦅🐍


CLICK HERE for the Spirit Animal Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Mantra for the 3:3 Portal of Awakening

“I rise with the golden light of divine wisdom,
Aligning my soul with cosmic truth.
Through the sacred gateway of 3:3,
I awaken to my highest calling.
My heart is open, my mind is clear,
I embrace abundance, love, and fearlessness.
As above, so below, I walk in harmony.
I am activated, I am empowered, I am free.”

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