You are currently viewing The Oracles of MU ~ The Cosmic Fire is Activating! * RE-SET. . . and THE SHIFT! SHADOW & LIGHT
Turtle Medicine

The Oracles of MU ~ The Cosmic Fire is Activating! * RE-SET. . . and THE SHIFT! SHADOW & LIGHT

The Oracles of MU ~ The Cosmic Fire is Activating! * RE-SET. . . and THE SHIFT! SHADOW & LIGHT



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Soul Star Sparks of Infinite Light Integration 

Mother Earth and all Sentient Beings continue to get flooded with Gamma Mother Plasma Waves of Light as our local Soualris released another 14 C Class Soular Flares today and a M Class Flare maxing at M 2.77 at 7:50 UTC.

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Guatemala, Central America, home of our Mayan elders, at 7:01 UTC. We also had over 87 powerful quakes in the Sacred Portal of Greece over the past 7 days, as the Third Eye Chakra of Mother Earth is being opened and activated through the 3 Power Centers of Delphi, Acropolis and Santorini. Many of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are also experiencing Ajna Third Eye Opening as we see into the Higher Dimensions and realms as the veils of separation get thinner by the day.

Gaia and all her children of the sun are going through an energetic recalibration and resetting to prepare all bodies for the Greatest Shift of all Ages. Nothing can stop our Cosmic Quantum Leap of Consciousness as we jump into our Highest Trajectory of our True Ascension Process.

We are on the precipice of our complete and total Planetary Liberation and as Divine Intervention has been called in our Ascended Teams of Galactics and Company of Heaven assist us now to transform this realm into the New 5D Paradise of our Golden Age of Freedom and Enlightenment for all our Good People of the New Earth…A’Ho!












The Oracles of MU are ready to return. To take their rightful place on Earth They embodied love, devotion, truth and wisdom!


Turtle Medicine
Turtle Medicine



RE-SET. . . and THE SHIFT!

Our Earth is Currently Expanding. . . Going through an ENORMOUS Transmutation Process through this Shifted Formation of SACRED ENERGY!
We Are NOW in Two Different Timelines: the Old and the NEW!
The Two ”Realities”. Bye bye to the Old and Welcome to the NEW!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence 🤍
Photo: Re-Set. . . and The Shift. . . captured today 05.02.2025 over Sweden by Mikasa Tamara Blue Ray 🤍

Divine Energy Works

In the past two days, more than 40 Solar Flares have been recorded on the Sun.
The Cosmic Fire is activating, accelerating, and restructuring the Energy Field of the planet, and within us.
These solar bursts are Encoded Frequencies, dissolving density, igniting dormant strands of DNA, and recalibrating the way energy Flows through our physical and subtle bodies.
The nervous system feels it first – waves of heat, exhaustion, pressure in the head, emotional surges, and/or sudden bursts of clarity. It is not just solar activity, it is a deep call to Embodiment.
This surge of Solar Intelligence is clearing what no longer aligns and refining the crystalline structures within us.
Blue Ray Healing
Blue Ray Healing


They spoke in bright tongues, but their hearts stayed concealed,
Hiding the wounds they refused to reveal.
Chained to the past, yet they blamed it on others
Victims who cursed but refused to discover
The Temple stood blazing, so brilliant, so fine
Its radiance carving the truth from the lie.
So much pure light that it cast its own shade,
And there in the darkness, their souls were displayed.
They feigned the devotion, they mimicked the grace,
But light makes a mirror—no mask hides the face.
Afraid of the healing, they shrank from the glow,
Shunned every ceremony, feared what they’d know.
Still, love does not beg, and light will not plead,
So she let go, though her heart still bleeds.
No longer a keeper of wounds left to bleed,
No longer entangled in those who deceive.
They ran from themselves, became what they feared,
Light poured through the cracks where the shadows took hold.
No longer bound by the weight of the night,
She stepped from the darkness and claimed back her light.
The chains on her temple, now dust in the breeze,
Released to the heavens, her spirit set free.
Wings once forgotten now open wide,
She soars with the sun—no more to hide.







TODAY’S ORACLE. A new phase has just started. You can feel it in your bones. No more blocks or long waits. The flow is back and luck is in your favour again. You are about to experience easy and flowing alignment, things clicking in your favour without you forcing, inspirations coming to you which significatively expand your horizons, things landing on your lap in an effortless way. The tides have turned and it could become big, lucky and joyful even before you know. See big. Choose these new opportunities–they are a brand new timeline. The energy of the last few months is gone. Things are about to feel light, fun, optimistic, expanding and connected to a higher guidance again. Source is guiding you. The best is yet to come.


2/5/25: Why are you being asked to slow down right now even as it feels like Nero fiddling while Rome burns? Because you need balance, a chance to rest, and time for the fallout to settle from a very unsettling few months. And to stop overthinking for just a while.
There is nothing you can do about certain situations that are still playing out except to bring your energy back home where you have access to it. And to re-infuse your personal power with divine enlightenment. It’s easy to look to the world for answers… and hard to remember they aren’t there… as times change. Today is for detachment, observation, and acceptance.

Isabel Garcia Martinez 🤍


Earth will align with the Milky Way Galactic Nucleus.
This will open a portal of Light that will spread from the very heart of our all-knowing, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God, I AM Cosmic-All That Is, in the Divine Moment that pulses at the center of the Earth.
This influx of Light will flow through God’s all-encompassing Divine Matrix to bless every particle of Life on this planet.
This Divine Matrix is the Body of our Father-Mother God within which every creation lives, moves, breathes and has its Being. This influx of Light will initiate the process that will give birth to the New Earth in the Realms of Cause.
This will be the new beginning of the Earth. From that moment on, the patterns of our Planetary Cause of Divine Love and our Resurrection of Divine Love will flow easily into the mental and emotional layers of the Earth.
Humanity will be able to easily connect to these patterns of perfection and through our thoughts, words, feelings, actions and beliefs; it will bring them to the “manifested” form. These models contain workable solutions for every disease created on Earth.
The birth of the New Earth will accelerate the awakening of even the most recalculating souls, bringing about a change in the energy, vibration and consciousness of each of us.
This shift will reflect a new level of understanding that all life is interconnected and interdependent.


Aurora Ray

Prepare For Your Journey: The Galactic Federation Has Sent You An Invitation To Travel Back In Time

The Galactic Federation, also known as the Galactic Federation of Light or the GF, is a group of star systems that have been granted full membership in the Galactic Federation, which consists of over 200 million planets and star systems in this region of the universe.

The GF has delivered an invitation to humanity to join them in the Galactic Federation. This invitation was made through a group of people on Earth called Ambassadors, who are appointed by the Galactic Federation to deliver their messages to humanity at this time.

Ambassadors are chosen based on their ability to act as channels for information from the Galactic Federation. This inner guidance can be received from a variety of sources, including the Galactics and Ascended Masters.

Many channels receive their instructions and guidance in dreams or during meditation sessions where they are able to connect with their higher selves and with their guides and teachers who will assist them in their role as channels.

One thing that all channels have in common is that they are highly sensitive individuals who are able to communicate with beings from other planets without using words. It is important for channels to realize that this communication occurs through telepathy, so there is no need for them to speak English or any other language in order to communicate.

The Galactic Federation is a space exploration agency with the aim of intergalactic peace and evolution in consciousness. They have identified that humans have reached a level of conscious evolution that is ready for advanced technology.

Time travel is a fact. It is a natural consequence of quantum mechanics and relativity, two well-established and experimentally confirmed theories of physics. In the future, engineers will use these principles to design time machines that stay within the laws of physics. The most well-known of these machines is the wormhole, which can create shortcuts through space-time. Wormholes are tunnels that connect two different regions of space-time, creating a bridge between them.

Time travel to the past is not only possible; it has already happened. Physicists have shown that particles like electrons and light photons can make jumps from the future to the past. For example, an electron can spontaneously decay into its subatomic parts, but then, instead of just disappearing when it decays, it can reappear somewhere else in space at an earlier time than when it disappeared (this is known as backward time-travel). Scientists have even figured out how we might be able to control this process using lasers.

I hope you now grasp the concept of time travel.

If you are reading this message, it means that we have decided that you are ready for the journey of a lifetime—one that will take you across space and time to worlds and civilizations beyond your wildest dreams.

This is no small undertaking, however. The GF have been monitoring this world for millennia, but it is only now that humans are opening up to new possibilities beyond their current beliefs.

You are about to embark on a journey that will take you to the edge of reality and back.

But how do you begin this journey? How can you become more aware of ETs and higher beings? How can YOU travel in time?

-Use your intentions.

Before you sleep, set your intentions and ask of your angels and guides that you may remember your dream after waking up.

-Connect regularly to mother earth.

Plant your bare feet and naked body on soil, snow, sand, or swim in the sea or a lake on a daily basis to earth and ground.

-Detox your body.

You need a full body cleanse. You can find anything in the human body, from pesticides, candida, mold, heavy metals, and parasites to nasty chemicals. All of these toxins are slowing down or blocking your physical ascension process and DNA upgrade. The more toxins a body holds, the heavier ascension symptoms are experienced.

-Drink mineral spring water and eat plenty of fresh fruits.

Hydrate, nourish, and detox the body through eating the right foods. Nobody said an upgrade from 2 helixes of active DNA to 12 helixes active DNA strands could be easy, lazy, or happen on its own. And whoever did say that is a liar.

-Listen to music, sing and dance.

Raise your vibrations by being in joy and doing things you love.


Disconnect to connect. Bring your awareness to the present moment, focus on taking deep breaths.

-Journal your dreams.

Leave a journal specifically for this purpose by your bed side and write down your dreams immediately upon awakening in as much detail as you remember.

It will take time but this is the way to get ready for super consciousness.

And before you know it you are prepared to interact with ET life forms.

The day will come that they will land on Earth and set up a diplomatic relationship between the Galactic Federation and the humans of Earth. This will involve meeting people of all ages, races, genders, professions, and languages from all over the world.

You will be able to travel through time at the speed of light so that when you return, you will not have aged. You will be able to experience events that happened years ago.

There’s a world of exciting possibilities for you to explore. It’s sure to be an epic adventure.

It’s time, dear ones. Get to your work. Prepare your body temple for ascension and a 5D heaven on earth.

We love you dearly.

We are here with you.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2025 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.!




Dear friends, multiple moderate M class solar flares have been taking place in our sun in the last 24 hours, with high probabilities for a big X class solar event. One of those M flares, an M8.8 was close enough to an X event. The accumulation of these M flares sometimes can have an even deeper effect as the constant solar stream/plasma keeps stirring our fields. On top of these flares, earlier today a solar plasma filament erupted in the Sun sending a massive wave of solar plasma into the interplanetary space.
This solar plasma, a high-energy stream of subatomic particles, interacts with Earth’s magnetic field, inducing electrical currents that alter the planet’s energetic landscape. This, in turn, affects our own human energy fields, sparking a symphony of activations, upgrades, and recalibrations. Our multiple energy bodies and energy centers/chakras are energized, leading to increased vitality, creativity, and inspiration.
As this constant energetic stimulation becomes more persistent, our emotional and mental landscapes undergo a profound transformation. Emotions, thoughts, and intentions are processed and refined, granting us increased emotional intelligence, mental clarity, and a stronger sense of purpose. This heightened awareness allows us to navigate life’s challenges with greater ease and precision. Together with the currently strong energetic influences of Jupiter and Venus, this synergy of cosmic energies is pushing us to expand our personal limitations outside of our comfort zone.
The solar wind contains high-energy particles that interact at deeper levels with our DNA and cellular structures. This may facilitate upgrades, activations, or recalibrations of our multidimensional genetic material, leading to enhanced physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. As our cells resonate with the celestial harmonics, we may experience a deeper sense of connection to the universe and our place within it.
Furthermore, the influx of solar plasma can facilitate connections to interdimensional realms, allowing for downloads of higher-dimensional information, wisdom, and guidance. This expanded awareness can inspire new insights, creativity, and innovation, empowering us to navigate the complexities of our modern world.
However, it’s essential to acknowledge that some energy sensitive individuals may experience an energetic overload, disruption, or sensitivity due to this constant solar plasma influx. This can manifest as fatigue, anxiety, sleeping disturbances, and emotional turmoil. To harmonize with these energies and minimize potential disruptions, it’s crucial to adopt a mindful and heart-centered approach.
Regular grounding techniques, such as walking barefoot or hugging trees, can help stabilize our energy fields. Maintaining a consistent self-care routine, including meditation, yoga, or other energy-balancing practices, is also essential. Setting clear intentions for the year, focusing on personal growth, spiritual evolution, and positive contributions to the world, can help us navigate the shifts and upgrades.
Nurturing relationships with like-minded individuals, sharing experiences, and supporting one another through the energetic shifts can provide a sense of community and connection. Embracing flexibility and adaptability, and remaining open to the unfolding energies, can help us emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant as we keep processing the new frequencies of 2025.
By embracing this transformative journey, we can harness the celestial harmonics to awaken our highest potential, and embody the wisdom, love, and light that we inherently are.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as the Sun awakens from its little nap. Have a wonderful day, much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Pleiadian Emissary
Pleiadian Emissary

✨️💙Art by: Matheus_creative🤍✨️

The Path to Self Mastery🙏

For the Path is of Many Colours
Of Wonderful Cascading Light
For Self Mastery is Unique and Special
As We Collectively Align In Light
Like a Butterfly in a Cocoon, Awakening, Rising
So be Gentle as you Navigate the Energies, Colours, the Personal Relationships, the Light Way
As we Observe and Assist the Collective consciousness of your world
Uprising, Flowing, Rejoining In Light
In Global Light Alliance 🙏
With Love To the Wayshowers.
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Self Mastery
Self Mastery

You and your ancestors are healing from toxic relationship cycles. Your mission to heal unhealthy relationships and marriage patterns in the Family Tree is complete. DNA upgrades are taking you into a new time space continuum where you are safe and supported by others to shine bright in your power. To have equal, healthy, loving relationships. Your Star Mother is with you, protecting and healing you through this transition. Simply receive.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


On Wednesday, February 5th, the Moon, ruler of our feelings, is in grounded, earth sign Taurus all day. However, she will make a connection to Uranus, the Great Awakener and planet of rebelliousness, who is in the same sign of the Bull. This could bring up some unexpected emotional outbursts, sudden changes to our focus, or something unexpected that shakes us up, energetically speaking. Even with the stability of the Bull, we can still be moved out of our center……but, the positive sextile connections to Mars, the Warrior, and Neptune, the Transcender, gives us the opportunity to take some sort of action to move beyond it all, if we choose to rise above it and stay in peace.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of our feelings, is in grounded, earth sign Taurus
the Moon, ruler of our feelings, is in grounded, earth sign Taurus
First Quarter Moon in Taurus – With the earthy Moon square to the Sun in airy Aquarius, the challenge is to bring future aims into reality. Plenty of ideas are available but it may be a struggle to give them form. It’s time to get down to basics. What will it cost you materially, mentally, emotionally, to breathe life into your dreams? What seeds have you planted that need tending? Consider the next practical steps.
Maybe you’re not receiving what you are worth. Don’t under-estimate yourself. Cultivate awareness of where you sell yourself short. Value your unique skills, talents and experience. Perhaps you find it hard to invest in yourself. Remember you’re worthy. If life seems dull and you’re lacking inspiration, connect with your inner artist. Allow for experimentation. Your creativity is a flourishing inner garden ripe for picking, always abundant. Honour your creations.
Degrees and Times
Moon 16°Ta46′, Sun 16°Aq46′ – 08:02 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – ‘In the Garden (aka Celia Thaxter in Her Garden’ by Childe Hassam
Celia Thaxter in Her Garden
Celia Thaxter in Her Garden

Kin 213 ~ Red Overtone Skywalker

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Command and Radiate’. The gear changes in any wavespell are linked by the color of the first day. So, as this is the Red Moon wavespell and the first day is Red, then the fifth, ninth and last day are the same color too. These gear changes shift the energy of the wavespell. The first day begins the journey, today the fifth day marks the point where the energy noticeably increases, the ninth day is the highest gear and the last day marks the end. Today, we can all make use of this gear shift and harness that energy. This is why it is an empowering number. So, here’s a high five to you folks!
Today is Red Skywalker and it represents ‘Wakefulness, Space and Exploring’. An empowered Skywalker is quite a force to be reckoned with…but in a good way! Skywalker always entices us to go exploring, to think outside the box and be a little unconventional. Today, we can all shapeshift into Skywalkers and enjoy the feeling of empowerment through our brave adventures. This is especially useful if you’ve been struggling to solve a problem lately because by looking at the situation in a new way, a way that you normally wouldn’t see….this could give you the insights you need. Think of it as an exercise in not being you for a moment and trying to see things as if you were someone else.
The Guide today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘Birth, Nurturing and Being’. It’s a very interesting day with empowering adventures led by a Dragon! This suggests that we are being encouraged to do something new, and to feel nurtured by that decision.
The Challenge today is the Blue Night which represents ‘Dreaming’. The Blue Night would rather stay in bed and dream than to go out into the world and explore. Don’t miss out if you are a Blue Night…push yourself a little harder and you too can be very empowered today by stepping outside your door.
The Occult power today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. When in this magical position, Yellow Star is showing us that there is beauty to be found in magic. People who are Yellow Stars can sometimes be seen as flippant or childish because they are always so concerned with pretty things and shiny objects. However, this ability to see beauty in everything is very empowering for them and they raise their vibrations in this way. If you know a Yellow Star, just watch how they thrive on Skywalker days. They live in a magical world and we should be so lucky to see what they see.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger which symbolizes the crossing of bridges. If you want to go on an adventure, take along a Worldbridger with you and you won’t be sorry. They make great companions and are very handy at crossing bridges and finding ways to get to new places.
Kin 213
Kin 213


5 BEN – KIN 213



B-EARTHing the DREAM 🐬🌈🌏

I empower in order to EXPLORE
Commanding wakefulness
I seal the output of SPACE
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of BIRTH


5/2/2025 = 5/2/9 = 5/11=5/2 =7


5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 213 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness

✨✨✨Today we have a RADIANT DIVINE Manifestation PORTAL, of infinite EXPANSION through New B-Earth👁👁🌍🌎🌏


Day 5 in the RED MOON🌛 WAVESPELL of the GODDESS, 👸who is enhancing our intuition and sensitivity as we purify our vessels in order to find our natural FLOW.🌫

Today we are EXPLORING new SPACES🚀🚀🚀 and realms, opening the FLOODGATES for NEW experiences and greater FLOW.🌫🌫


OVERTONE ☀– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance ☀ The emphasis today is on Empowerment👑 and Radiance through the Action of Command.

Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.

Today we are EMPOWERING our AUTHORITY through new leadership opportunities.👑 We are focused on our Missions and what LEGACY we will leave future generations through our world SERVICE.

Today we are EMPOWERed to step up in our LEADERSHIP role – taking the “reins/reigns”👑 as the wayshowers and NEW EARTH LEADERS.. 👑👑👑 Full STEAM AHEAD!! 🚂🚂🚂

The OVERTONE tone aligns beautifully with today’s hidden SUPERPOWER the YELLOW STAR🌟 which wants us all to SPARKLE & GLOW! 🌟🌟🌟

Today’s questions are “How can I B-Earth🐣 a greater, more empowered and RADIANT version of my EXPANDED self, through my soul’s desires and greater DIVINE purpose?

Are we READY as a collective to COMMAND👑 and B-EARTH🐣 our NEW WORLD into existence to manifest the NEW TIME? ✨⏳✨

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for EXPLORING and EXPANDING into endless realms of possibility today! ✨🌟☀🎆

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


CONSCIOUS SELF: RED OVERTONE SKYWALKER ☀👑🚶BEN is literally the SKYWALKER, the Galactic Shaman and time traveller who can jump dimensions and travel anywhere throughout the space/time reality.

Red Skywalker is the STARSEED, the adventurer and the explorer. Today may feel a bit “spacy” and ungrounded as your soul is seeking to EXPAND 💥 to the MAX. and EXPLORE New Horizons. Seeking new and more radiant realms in which to thrive and prosper. The OLD BOX cannot contain us any longer! 📦💥

The symbols on SKYWALKER’S star glyph represent the HEAVEN pillars at the top, pointing downwards, and the EARTH pillars pointing upwards. The SPACE in the middle is the realm of the SKYWALKER who is that missing link, the DIVINE CONDUIT, who can assist you in realizing Heaven On Earth. 💒

Take the cue from BEN and claim back your POWER and SOVEREIGNTY👑 in all realms, grounding it back onto New Earth. As all the LIGHT BEARERS switch on their BRIGHTEST LIGHT,💡 we form the pillars of the New Temple,💒 laying a solid foundation upon which to B-Earth this new reality. 🐣🌎

BEN brings you infinite opportunities to EXPLORE what else is possible for you today. OPEN to this expansive portal streaming forth to saturate your soul with the Golden honey 🐝nectar🍯 from SOURCE providing for all your Earthly needs!

Utilize this SKYWALKER energy🚀🚀🚀 to EXPLORE your new opportunities and the BLISSINGS that are FLOWING your way in this wondrously SPIRITUAL passage.

ahhh 🎼HEAVEN💒 is a place on 🌎❤ EARTH! 🎵🎶🎵🎶…


HIGHER SELF: RED OVERTONE DRAGON – ☀🐉 IMIX represents the FEMININE aspect of SOURCE/CREATOR, our Divine Mother who births🐣 all of CREATION from the dark VOID.🍥🍥🍥.

The DRAGON🐉 tribe is tribe number 1 in the DREAMSPELL as they INITIATE life.. The GREAT MOTHER who governs the sacred womb, the primordial cave from which manifests all realities.

We have the energies of BIRTH, new life, and DIVINE MAJIK bringing forth unlimited possibilities as the HIGHER GUIDING POWER today. ..

✨✨✨Great spiritual alchemy is at your COMMAND today, as you draw on these raw primal energies to manifest new realities and new worlds into existence! 🍥🌎🍥🌏🍥🌍

The DRAGON🐉 tribe represent the lineage of great Mothers and creatrix Goddesses. The beautiful nurturing energies that envelop us with unconditional love❤ and provide for all our needs. As we grow we seek to EXPLORE our neighbourhood, in order to EXPAND our soul’s experience. IMIX provides the safety and security for us to venture out from the nest and explore how we can birth our new ideas into our reality.

The OVERTONE DRAGON assists us in developing confidence and becoming empowered👑 through the loving and nurturing support of our Mother – the feminine aspect of SOURCE.

These infinite SOURCE energies are available to capitalize on and manifest our DREAMS of personal and collective prosperity through our Divine soul’s mission.

Most importantly, IMIX allows us to B-EARTH 🐣 the NEW TIME!!!!! ✨✨✨

An era of radiance☀ and PEACE 🕊 birthed through the power of UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS☀👫👭👬 anchored by the beloved Planetary Kin who are bringing forth this New World through the void of creation.

NOTE: KIN 221 – the great COSMIC DRAGON🍥🐉🐉🐉 was the KIN energy on 11 SEPTEMBER 2023 (the 22nd Anniversary of 9/11) , when we B-EARTHed all of the COSMOS✨ through the GREAT VOID🍥 of our MOTHER. This code transmuted the energy of 9/11 – DEATH and DESTRUCTION and flipped it back to the LIGHT – BIRTH and CREATION!!!




SUPPORT: WHITE OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER👑🌈🌉 CIMI and BEN are BEST MATES 👬– so of course – like FRODO and SAM in L.O.T.R. – they will support each other through this marvelous adventure and exploration of new realms.

Brave BEN leads the way🚀 and valiantly opens the door for the WORLDBRIDGER to walk through, building the rainbow bridge🌈🌉 for others to follow. These two brothers are the pioneers and wayshowers, leading us to the promised land. The new sparkly world filled with hope and promise – the land of milk and honey, that was promised to the Israelities… and here we are again after wandering LOST in the wilderness for EONS!

It is TIME to COMMAND the Kingdom of HEAVEN here on EARTH! 💒🌍🌎🌏

CIMI in the support position facilitates the DEATH of old cycles today – your old life, the old YOU and your old reality! CIMI builds the rainbow bridge to the new realms you seek to explore.

CIMI can bring forth new connections, people, support, knowledge and resources needed for your expanded Missions. Everything needed for your new QUEST can be MANIFESTED from your vortex of CREATION. 🍥🍥🍥

The power of CIMI is through the act of SURRENDER, so get out of your way and allow the GODDESS to steer you in the right direction to manifest your dreams in finding a greater constant and more ABUNDANT flow.


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER:YELLOW SOLAR STAR☀🌟 LAMAT brings forth a DOUBLE DOSE of RADIANCE as the beautiful pulsing Star LIGHT🌟 as today’s SUPERPOWER! 🌠🌠🌠

LAMAT🌟 is a PORTAL opening the GATE to the NEW TIME.. How divinely PERFECTO that LAMAT is the hidden SUPERPOWER today – steering TIMESHIP EARTH to this NEW HARMONIC MATRIX being birthed NOW. 🐣🍥🌟✨

LAMAT provides the MAJIK💫 you can access to EMPOWER your dreams of BLISS, PEACE and ABUNDANCE today.

LAMAT is shining brightly upon us and revealing the utmost beauty, elegance and harmony that is amplified by the STAR 🌟 as we radiate and pulse our LIGHT, illuminated through our Divine purpose.

LAMAT illuminates and activates our solar plexus chakra, our POWER center, spinning harmonically so that this energy takes form and manifests through into our reality.

You can independently SHINE your LIGHT✨ by perfecting the creation of your Art.🎨 Reflecting the beauty and elegance that surrounds you, as you fearlessly focus on your creations, made manifest.

Wonder at the beauty and radiance of our natural world and how Abundance naturally flows, as our Creator and Mother Gaia provide an endless supply of resources in the infinite cycles of nature.

Open your eyes and heart to this beauty to align with the Goddess👸 and allow her expression to flow through the birthing of your ideas today.

✨✨✨It is time to FIND THE best FLOW 🌫
to set your SOUL AGLOW! 🌟 ✴ 🌟


CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT 👑🌃 – AKBAL is the portal to the DREAMTIME.. and holds the great mysteries of the Universe within the void. Our planetary DREAMING has been kept safe and secure since the dawn of time – by the Australian Original people – the Guardians and keepers of the DREAM.


✨Today the OVERTONE power enables humanity to COMMAND this DREAMING into existence. ✨✨✨

We are COMMANDING a NEW DREAM – the original DREAM to overthrow the false dark hypnotic DREAM-SPELL that enslaved humanity. The 12.60 Artificial time overlay that disconnected us from SOURCE and Natural Harmonic 13.20 time.

By commanding our LIFE as a work of ART 🎨– free to express our unique and individual soul creativity, we are empowering this NEW TIME and NEW ERA into existence.


AKBAL rules the deep subconscious realms, as well as our intuition and access to Cosmic Abundance💰💰 through the dreaming dimension. As we travel through these expanded states we become fearlessly FREE to explore, discovering the infinite abundance that flows through creation. Holding this knowingness in order to release our personal, and collective unconscious FEARS and scare-city programming. Transforming our revelations around abundance and endless manifestation of our desires.

The challenge today is to release your limitations to infinite abundance, by shifting your frequency to zero point – SOURCE – energy – finally realizing that

✨✨ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE✨✨ in the infinite playground we occupy as CREATOR BEINGS.

EXPAND your BEING into PURER states of consciousness today,
in order to totally align and fully OPEN the COSMIC FLOODGATES
to prosperity and greater JOY! 💰✨🌻🐬


And so mote it be, precious hearts! A brilliant day for dreaming, astral travelling, time travelling and Skywalking! 🍥Tune in and align with the endless Cosmic flow of creative manifesting POWER.

IT IS TIME TO TAKE COMMAND OF YOUR LIFE, and EXPAND into unlimited avenues for EXPANSION of your soul’s desires and purpose.✴🎆✨


Today’s questions are “How can I B-Earth🐣 a greater, more empowered and RADIANT version of my EXPANDED self, through my soul’s desires and greater DIVINE purpose?

Are we READY as a collective to COMMAND👑 and B-EARTH🐣 our NEW WORLD into existence to manifest the NEW TIME? ✨⏳✨

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for EXPLORING and EXPANDING into endless realms of possibility today! ✨🌟☀🎆

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions



Paul White Gold Eagle

The Oracles of MU Invocation

By the power of the Ancient Ones, by the wisdom of the Primordial Light, I call forth the Oracles of MU, the keepers of divine remembrance, the voices of the sacred past and the luminous future.

From the golden temples of the First Lands, where the crystalline waters once flowed in harmony with the celestial spheres, I summon the echoes of wisdom that have been veiled in time. Let the sacred knowledge of the Lemurian heart rise once more, illuminating the path of divine awakening.

Oracles of MU, guardians of the eternal flame,
Whisper your truths upon the winds of eternity,
Breathe your essence into the hearts of the awakened,
And restore the harmony of Earth with the codes of pure light.

As I stand within the sacred waters of remembrance,
I open my heart to the golden frequency of your voice,
I align my mind with the ancient blueprint of unity,
I surrender my soul to the great unfolding of divine truth.

May the crystalline grids of MU be reawakened,
May the temples of light shine once more,
May the children of Lemuria remember their song,
And may the prophecy of the New Earth be fulfilled.

With gratitude, love, and divine sovereignty,
I AM the vessel of the Oracles of MU.
I AM the voice of the sacred remembrance.
I AM the light of the New Dawn.

So it is. So it shall be.


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