Richard Alan Miller: An Expanded Mind – Black Ops, Magic, and the Holographic Universe May 2, 2017

Dr. Richard Alan Miller is Alexandra's guest for this fascinating, quick-moving, often humorous conversation covering a world of topics that span the interests of this brilliant man. A whiz kid recognized in the 1960's by "Old Man Dupont", Richard is today, at 73, an effervescent personality with a cutting-edge mind who remains among the world's leading experts in a half dozen different fields.

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Equinox Stargate ~ Shadow’s Last Stand

We are mid-way through March now, and the intensity can feel overpowering at times. Ramping up this week is the rare conjunction of Uranus and Eris on Friday, March 17th. It began last year with the first two meetings on June 8, 2016 and Sept. 25, 2016. This Friday we will experience the third and final Uranus-Eris conjunction. This rare transit has been the catalyst for so much chaos and destabilization in the world. It is breaking apart rigid limitations and dissolving the veils of illusion. It occurs just 2 days before the powerful Equinox Stargate on March 20th.

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The dismantling of the Veil continues as crystalline light codes sweep the surface population. During the last two eclipses, much was pushed up to the surface that needed to be dealt with and released for good. Much turmoil was noticed internally around the planet with friends, family and people themselves reacting to the incredibly strong detoxification/purging energies of the dual eclipses. Significant others, family, and chosen family begin to settle down into comfortability as the energies begin to subside and the darkness, or purged energy is expunged and flow begins to resume through the planet and the people. Relationships that were meant to burn away have begun to finalize the ending processes and “breaking up” or moving in different directions is not only being done in a loving, healthy manner, but much healing is being done on these levels because of this awareness.


The Event and The Spring Equinox 2017 ~ The Changeover

By Kejraj Greetings Everyone! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. This process of ascension has not been easy for any one of us. It is not just the ascension but life on Earth as a whole has not been easy for most, including lightworker

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Gaia is Shining on Her Ascension into The Higher Spheres

I am Judas Iscariot and I greet you all from above. Much has happened since we last talked. A shift of power has taken place and there are now others that hold the reigns to lead the work going forward. This will be good for the people on Earth. There are many that now are ready to help the world get on its feet again. Some have waited for a long time, others have recently joined, but their goals are the same. They want to give Earth an opportunity to recover and they want a more fair and just society, where everybody can receive what they need. There are many brave men and women who have risked their lives for this turnaround on Earth. It was necessary to change tracks so that new tracks could be put down – New tracks that would lead to freedom and prosperity for all.

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