Ongoing Upgrades ~ Our Cells, DNA and All that We Are is Accelerating
So much is happening! Our cells, DNA and all that we are is accelerating. This brings up all that is not Love. These can be attachments to the old, to others and anything that you think is true, yet isn't. (Illusions.) Our physical bodies are especially feeling this upgrade. This, of course, is absolutely aligned with all we have released mentally and emotionally, as all our bodies are one unit. When experiencing something in the physical, many may label this as “illness;” yet it is important to shift focus from illness to Wholeness. We are wholing and not healing. We are not fixing what is broken; static1.squarespacewe are evolving all our bodies to be congruent with our Souls. We are not merely restructuring; we are creating anew. Restructuring indicates that we are re-turning to something. We are not returning; we are creating. We are much like the Butterfly. The Butterfly isn't just a caterpillar with wings. In the chrysalis (Christ Consciousness) stage, the entire caterpillar is broken down and from this mush state, new DNA is created. This new DNA thus manifests the Butterfly. And isn't this what we've been doing?