A Unified Eclipse Message with David K. Miller

Alignments have the ability to pierce veils and go through blocks and go through falsehoods. The alignments also have the potential of opening doorways. This particular eclipse is a planetary influencer. By that I mean that this eclipse of the moon and the sun called the solar eclipse will have a dramatic and culminating effect on the systems of the planet, including the economic, political, social and environmental systems.

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The Solar Eclipse, Unity Consciousness, Perceptual Fields

For some reason, I feel as though the eclipse of August 21, 2017 has a special importance, especially for the United States. I do not live in an area where I will see the eclipse, but I do live in the United States, which has been in a lot of chaos. Perhaps I am so interested in this particular eclipse because chaos almost always precedes change, and the United States has had a lot of chaos lately. I will present some information from the Net for the reader first, then put your Arcturian response below that.

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We're in for a Wild Ride

The Sun is cooperating with the Earths desire to ascend. It is as if the whole multiverse is behind this event. We are living in exciting times, just remember you bought this E ticket and Gods/Goddesses don't do boring things. You will be called upon to do your part. .- James Gilliland Looks like we are in for a wild ride. According to Heart Math and its monitors the magnetic fields of the Earth have quadrupled. The Shuman Resonance has jumped from its normal around 7 hertz to 200 Easter then 530 the past few days. Obviously there has been some divine intervention on Earth not just in shielding but in the vibrational lifting.

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08.08.2017 — The Double Eclipse Gateway Is On Its Way & There Is A Global Synchronized Meditation

This August 2017 represents an opportunity for you to realize more of your unique essence that you have come with to impart into this realm. By Arjun Walia The month of August combines the Egyptian New Year (called the Lion’s Gate), the Lunar Full Moon Eclipse in Aquarius, the Solar Eclipse in Leo, and the 30 Year Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence to create a global movement of personal empowerment and individual embodiment that echoes into the creation of the New Earth.

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