Equinox Stargate ~ Shadow’s Last Stand

We are mid-way through March now, and the intensity can feel overpowering at times. Ramping up this week is the rare conjunction of Uranus and Eris on Friday, March 17th. It began last year with the first two meetings on June 8, 2016 and Sept. 25, 2016. This Friday we will experience the third and final Uranus-Eris conjunction. This rare transit has been the catalyst for so much chaos and destabilization in the world. It is breaking apart rigid limitations and dissolving the veils of illusion. It occurs just 2 days before the powerful Equinox Stargate on March 20th.

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The Blue Ray ~ Ascension Stargate 11:11 & 12:12 – Symptoms and DNA Restructuring

Light Bearer, Starseed and Blue Ray, the ascension New Earth shift has brought you to Gaia on your amazing spirit journey of many pathways, raising the frequency through karma, healing and transformation, living many lives in one. Together you have passed through certain gateways and stargates as the 11 11 and 12 12 for the ascension to occur. Many of you at different phases of this year 2017 are entering the Goddess ascension stargate 13 and will experience intense purging and detoxing of the physical body and DNA blueprint. This cleansing can feel deep within your bones of your human evolution as you transcend old constructs, time lines, paradigms, galactic history and structures.

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The dismantling of the Veil continues as crystalline light codes sweep the surface population. During the last two eclipses, much was pushed up to the surface that needed to be dealt with and released for good. Much turmoil was noticed internally around the planet with friends, family and people themselves reacting to the incredibly strong detoxification/purging energies of the dual eclipses. Significant others, family, and chosen family begin to settle down into comfortability as the energies begin to subside and the darkness, or purged energy is expunged and flow begins to resume through the planet and the people. Relationships that were meant to burn away have begun to finalize the ending processes and “breaking up” or moving in different directions is not only being done in a loving, healthy manner, but much healing is being done on these levels because of this awareness.


The Event and The Spring Equinox 2017 ~ The Changeover

By Kejraj Greetings Everyone! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. We hope you FEEL our LIGHT and LOVE in this message. This process of ascension has not been easy for any one of us. It is not just the ascension but life on Earth as a whole has not been easy for most, including lightworker

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Body and Soul

I am the voice of the Earth. I carry you in my body. The planet on which you live and walk is my body, the expression of my soul. You are welcome here because you are part of my body. Your body is part of me, made of earthly matter. Be very aware of the cells in your body, which are very small, independent entities that know exactly what they are supposed to do. They work toward balance and harmony and cooperation in your body

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Prepare for a Major Shift On February 26, 2017:Solar Eclipse In Pisces

Get ready for the start of new beginnings as a new emotional cycle accompanied by a shift in energy is coming our way! That’s because this Sunday, February 26, 2017, the new moon solar eclipse will be taking place in Pisces. While the eclipse will only be visible over the skies of South America, Antarctica, and parts of South and West Africa, its effects will nevertheless be felt all over the globe. Solar eclipses and new moons alike mark both the end of one energy cycle and the beginning of a new one. This upcoming solar eclipse will effect more changes than usual because it falls in Pisces just as it joins up with Neptune, which triggers an uptick in our emotional sensitivity.

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