The Great Change
Sun Moves into Pisces Celia Fenn 9 hrs Today the Sun moved into Pisces, bringing a deeper and softer energy than the intense Aquarius energy we have been experiencing for…
Sun Moves into Pisces Celia Fenn 9 hrs Today the Sun moved into Pisces, bringing a deeper and softer energy than the intense Aquarius energy we have been experiencing for…
A Light on the Grid 23 hrs · Many starseeds are going through a dimensional shift at the moment and the current energetic make up is being reflected in the physical…
The Violet Flame has Taken Over Rainbow Path to Wholeness from Walter Boyd Yesterday at 10:47 AM · 14th Feb 2020; #Lightbody #lightcodeactivation To receive this activation, simply place your hands…
The Awakened Ones : The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie When the Arcturians who had become lost in form began to remember their roots, they wanted to re-join with their Arcturian…
UPDATE BY ADAMA OF TELOS ~ February 8, 2020 Channelled through Asara Adams "Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you Here, today, and we send you our…
In This THE GAME Of Life L’Aura Pleiadian Changes take place when no matter what people say or do or what situations arise, your thoughts and feelings are not impacted.…
Sananda ~ Find That Zero Point Within You Channeled By: James McConnell I am Sananda. And as always, I appreciate these times that I can be with you and communicate with…
In This We Anoint YOU NOW L’Aura Pleiadian This is a profound frequency SHIFT NOW! Everything is changing as you know it! Your thoughts are transforming. Your emotions are shifting.…
The Event Climax of The 12th Hour Star Family our Angelic Galactic Brothers & Sisters refer to we Lightworkers / Grid workers / & Gate workers ... As Gaia’s Spiritual…
THE SHIFT: THE CHALLENGE TO EMBRACE HIGHER SOUL MASTERY by Judith Kusel “A master does not fear life, nor death: – but stays focused on the Path!” (Judith Kusel) “When one is…