The Eagle is Flying with the Condor

The Eagle is Flying with the Condor

Celia Fenn

This has been an intense time of very deep level healing and clearing, both individually and collectively.
The Maya taught us that the Earth is millions of years old, and that the project “Human Angel” has been ongoing for at least 200,000 years. But 12, 000 years ago there was a cataclysmic event that destroyed most life on Earth, an extinction event. As a collective we struggled to survive and lost our way, becoming vulnerable to life forms that tried to persuade us that we were just genetic experiments and that they were our “gods and creators”. No. Not ever. We are divinely created according to the “long plan” for the Earth, to be a Sacred Star Temple for the Galaxy.
We are returning to the Divine Plan as we wake up and remember that we are Star Beings with a Galactic Heritage.
We are not barbaric savages recently “civilized”, but ancient beings finding our way back and healing layers of trauma and deception and manipulation.
We are powerful co-creators of our own reality making our way home to who we are!
So, while it might be chaotic “out there” with all those unawakened souls still playing out their shadow and their trauma, we can wake up and know what is happening. The trauma is over, we are healing and integrating as we approach this part of the Divine Plan…..New Earth.
Where we create our future as Co-creators with Spirit in Freedom and Love.
This 2020 cycle is the beginning of “Creation 201″……from the Inside out! Only those who are connected to the Divine Light within their “Sacred Heart” will be playing in the Light Fields of Creation and the Field of Love.
It is an exciting journey forward everyone!
Get ready for the upcoming 12/12 and the December Solstice!
See you there!


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.


Pars Kutay

A NEW Fleet of Massive LIGHT Ships have been witnessed through Solar Telescopes recently which were performing Advanced Energy procedures around Earth’s Sun.
The frequency of the Sun’s Corona is being slightly raised over time and this Energy is being Beamed toward Earth via Artificially-Opened Consecutive Coronal Holes.

These LIGHT Beams are Ionized Photon-Gamma Light that activates and enhances the DNA of any living species to a Higher Order instantaneously.
As we integrate our NEW Energy Frequency for this NEW 5th Dimension, WE start to move closer to the ONE SOURCE.
We are GOD SOURCE Energy.
This is our Awakening, fully Awakening to who and what we Truly are.
We are Opening the Crystalline Seals into Avatar Consciousness.
💜💥🌞💜 ~

The Tzolkin Times

Red Electric Skywalker
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. This is the third day of the Blue Monkey wavespell. Certainly monkey can be tricky, especially the first few days as we are positioned right in the middle of the two portal day columns. This is a powerful but intense time and it won’t let up til we get to Red Spectral Dragon in 8 days time. However, ‘Electric’ is always a fun number regardless of which wavespell it occurs. So much energy comes in very handy, if you make use of it.

Today is Red Skywalker which represents ‘Space, Wakefulness and Explore’. The Skywalker loves to go on adventures and this curiosity is quite catching. Follow the piped piper today or go on a Magical Mystery tour. As it is an ‘Electric’ day, today is perfect for activating an adventure and also expanding your mind. Think outside the box today and be a little daring. It doesn’t hurt sometimes to surprise yourself.
The Guide today is the Red Earth the symbol of evolution and in this guiding position it can only mean one thing: Your ‘Electric’ adventures today are guiding you towards progress in your life, so don’t hesitate…grab life by the balls.
The Challenge is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. The Blue Night has a big imagination and loves to dream away the day. It hard to get out of the door when you are having a party in your head but for dreams to come true you must wake up. One of the key words for Red Skywalker is ‘Wakefulness’ and so if you are a Blue Night – today is your wake up call.
The Occult power is the Yellow Star. As I have mentioned before, look to the Occult power to see where the strength of a day lies. As in a person, the Occult power symbolizes the magical and often hidden aspect of the character, the ‘Ace up their sleeve’. Well, today’s ace is the Yellow Star which represents “Beauty, Art and Elegance’. This suggests that when on your adventure today remember to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings, the beauty in those you encounter and the beauty of your life. Indulge in art, wear elegant clothes, shine like a star.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger who invites all to cross the bridge to a new adventure. If you need a partner in crime today a Worldbridger is your best bet.


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

Christina Papageorgiou

22 NOVEMBER 2019

Bonding wakefulness
I seal the output of space
With the Electric tone of service
I AM guided by the power of navigation
🎆🚀🌏🎆🚀🌏 🎆🚀🌏
22/11/2019 = 22/11/12 = 4/2/3 = 9
22 – Master builder/Architect of Peace
4 – Angelic frequency/Foundation/Earth
9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity
KIN 133 = 7
3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude
A very POTENTLY EXPANSIVE DAY, full throttle maximum acceleration 💥🚀
Day 3 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment and a return to Innocence.Today we ACTIVATE the JOY and BLISS, best expressed through EXPLORING the Majik that lies dormant within us and around us. Using the ELECTRIC🔌 tone to IGNITE 🎇 the spark 💥to create more majik💫, joy and bliss🐬 in our lives.
Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! This is pure creative genius energy – TESLA POWER🌩🌩🌩. The ELECTRIC TONE coupled with the SKYWALKER, BLUE MONKEY, and MAJIK 7 and 11 PORTAL codes today, adds up to another electrically charged ROCKET🚀 FUELED DAY!! ZZZZZZZZAP!!! KAPOW!!!! 💥💥💥
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. It’s focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING,👫 that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. This desire is AMP-lified today through the 9 Divine Destiny code. ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides. Today we bond together through the power of MAJIK to ignite joy and BLISS lifting the vibe of our planet.
🚫🚫🚫NOTE: ELECTRIC energy is very volatile💥 and combustible 🔥which can lead to short fused🎇 interactions today, particularly with the cheeky monkey🐒 energies…. especially as it is an EMOTIONAL realm tone…. so BE AWARE that people can be more easily triggered on these days….. remember to DIRECT this energy into creative and inventive projects so you can fully utilized the POWER available to LIGHT💡 UP your LIFE!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED SKYWALKER –🚀 BEN couple with the ELECTRIC tone means you are outwardly driven to express your emotions of JOY, BLISS, HAPPINESS and excitation through the creative element. Today is a divine day to explore other dimensions that bring you greater happiness , peace and bliss. 🍥 BEN the Skywalker is the 13th tribe opening us to the mysteries of the Cosmo adding to the EXPANSION of JOY! Today we EXPAND, EXPLORE and connect very easily with altered realities! This is our birthright as Starseeds… the more expanded you go, the more deeply you can EARTH. Today we expand, expand, expand and witness the new. As we EXPAND we realize great BLISS, floating endlessly in a sea of infinite potential and ALL THAT IS. It is our MISSION to return from our adventuring as fully awakened Starseeds bringing Heaven to Earth. 💟🌏🌈So go forth and WALK THE SKIES on all levels today, deep into the earth realms and even high out in the stars and multi-Universe. All this can be experienced through your own bodies and consciousness without leaving home! No rocket needed!! 🚀
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED EARTH – CABAN’s 🌏coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Allow yourself to be DE-LIGHT-ed today with the majikal synchronicities appearing around you, and even materializing before your EYES! MAJIK HAPPENS today. Today we are listening, to find the PERFECT TIMING 🕚🕚 that ignites the MAJIK in our lives.💫 Energy expressed in right timing, can activate those around us to express as well, creating a domino effect of joy filled creation. This creates a feeling of awakening and euphoric BLISS, through the expansion of our consciousness. Navigating our path through greater realms of experiencing this Bliss and then grounding it back into Mother Gaia. .
SUPPORT: WHITE WORLDBRIDGER 🌈– CIMI the best buddy of BEN, of course, is joining the Galactic GIGGLE party today. BEN, CIMI and CHUEN are riding the MAJIK carpet together to take us to new worlds and dimensions in our happy adventuring through space/time. Jumping into other worlds to build the excitation that leads to expression, to get excited by everything NEW. New opportunities, new knowledge, new adventures and new higher potentials. The name of the game today is building EXCITATION💥 so that it becomes contagious and spreads creating even greater JOY, BLISS and HAPPINESS, building energy and EXPANDING, touching more souls to awaken to the greater experience of JOY. All riding through the portals together, bringing forth the codes needed to create even more more MAJIK and MIRACLES in our lives.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW STAR – LAMAT is also joining this amazingly EXPANSIVE party today! LAMAT is the STAR of the show! The portal to other galaxies and planets. LAMAT works in unison OPENING THE DOUBLE GOLDEN GATES for CIMI to connect to, and BEN and CHUEN, to flow through, on their majik carpet ride, on the Superhighways of the Cosmos.Today we are releasing the pure beauty, creativity, harmony and abundance that we have discovered through our joy filled exploration. LAMAT shines her starlight on our capacity to co-create together the highest potential beauty and Harmony for our planet. To focus primarily on the Harmonic Matrix as a model of Harmony throughout the universe, which empowers us to fearlessly co-create the New Earth/Time for all beings.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE NIGHT🌃– AKBAL is the challenge that strengthens us today. AKBAL rules the deep subconscious inner realms. As it is a day of JOY, BLISS, CREATIVITY and outwardly expression, our challenge today, is not to delve too deeply into the abyss. To choose to explore the outer realms and world around us. Igniting our inner creative spark, through the guidance of our intuition to navigate our way to welcome more ABUNDANCE in our lives, thus building the basis for more MAJIK to flow. Today is a great day for manifesting MAJIK and fuelling our dreams and desires to create a BLISS filled, beautiful life of constant flowing joy. A life we all truly deserve! The collective dream of ABUNDANCE FOR ALL BEINGS!
So beloved STARseeds, go forth and build the MAJIK so that it may grow and EXPAND and continually grant all your wishes.

Today’s questions ARE “How can I activate more MAJIK, JOY and BLISS, as I explore greater potentials, for my creative expression through Divine Service?”
“How can I build a new foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for NEW EARTH! 🌏🌈
🐬🌈 🐬🌈🐬🌈🐬🌈
A great day to VISUALIZE the DOUBLE GOLDEN GATES of SOURCE opening WIDE and sending forth🙌 massively, EXPANSIVE golden rainbow codes🌈 flooding onto our planet and over all the tribes of our planetary kin👭👫👬, BONDING in Divine Service to Nova Gaia. 🌈🌏👭🌍👫🌎👬🌏🌈
An absolutely BRILLIANT day to swim/meditate with the Dolphins 🐬and UNICORNS to activate your BLISS genes!
Divine blessings for the most EXPANSIVE BLISS filled day!
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

DISCLAIMER: This page contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support this website and allows us to continue to make content like this. Thank you for the support!
PICTURE CREDITS: DIVINE GRATITUDE to unknown original artists and my beloved son Jarrod – BLAZEKNIGHT7 PRODUCTIONS for photo editing – 🙏🙏🙏

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