So what is that Ringing in my Ears……

I am writing this because so many people have asked about their current symptoms, and especially those associated with the Ears. Many people have reported an increase in what the medical profession calls “tinnitus”, ringing sounds and buzzing sounds in the Ear or both ears. Then others have reported pain in the ears, and often that pain shifts down from the ears into the teeth and jaw, or up into the head where it becomes dizziness and headaches.

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Archangel Michael ~ Enormous Changes Are in Front of You and All Humanity

Enormous changes are just out in front of you and all humanity. You have strived to bring about all that is transpiring. The physical exhaustion continues as you realise what an incredible metamorphose you are all experiencing. Many times we have spoken of your desire and eligibility to be present as these momentous shifts were to take place, and which are occurring within your physicality and within Gaia herself.

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Up-leveling Your Frequency

Over the past week or so, I have intuitively sensed a palpable increase in crystalline light entering the energy fields of lightworkers worldwide. As I tune into this higher frequency, it feels like a time of energetic preparation for dramatic leaps forward in consciousness. It’s as if the external changes you’ve been dreaming to implement or act upon are being foreshadowed by the inner changes that must occur first. As a result, a variety of interesting symptoms are arising, as evidence of a global up-leveling in heart-centered frequency. Often times, the adverse symptoms are not signs of a lower vibrational reality, but indicative of how smooth or tumultuous of a time your energy field is having in synthesizing and integrating newer frequencies as outdated energies are purged.

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This false light matrix has been masquerading as benevolent ET/spiritual contact for millennia and is as old as the Soul Trap technology recycling the surface population back into incarnation after incarnation. The Earth’s moon is a natural satellite brought here from elsewhere, Technology was placed inside of the moon both physically and etherically, and the orbit was locked into a non rotating Lagrange point, locking the energy of the manipulated satellite into the Earth’s etheric and gravemetric/magnetic fields.


Our Fifth Dimension Experience ~ Light, Love, and Harmony

Our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose is defined as the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe. Most of the time in our past experiences within Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions, we may have felt our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose was somewhat passive, subdued, or even muted in achieving everything our Lightworker Souls were fully capable of accomplishing.

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Energy Update ~ Burn Out Warning, Hot Flash Ahead!

With Equinox energies coming in we are at the dawn of our new solar year – which, judging by collective energetic precursors, will literally feel like a SOLAR HOT FLASH – bringing light into the shadows of our human collective and forcing us reclaim our INNER POWER AND SOVEREIGNTY as spiritual beings, as well as citizens, consumers, producers, family members, relationship partners, workers or business owners. There is no stone that will be left unturned this year. "Where there is Light there is Shadow"

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Adama of Telos ~ Energy Update, Higher Dimensional Energy Body Activation

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. With the intense energies of the Spring Equinox, you are leaving layers of your lower dimensional energy body behind, and are now activating higher dimensional energy bodies. This might have caused emotions of sadness and letting go for some of you, as you have released this lower dimensional energy body. Now, the higher dimensional energy body was activated and is being integrated into your being. What do we mean by energy body?

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