Our Fifth Dimension Experience ~ Light, Love, and Harmony

Our Fifth Dimension Experience ~ Light, Love, and Harmony

By Alexander, 

Our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose is defined as the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe. Most of the time in our past experiences within Mother Earth’s Third and Fourth Dimensions, we may have felt our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose was somewhat passive, subdued, or even muted in achieving everything our Lightworker Souls were fully capable of accomplishing. This is not completely true, dear Ones, for you as one of God’s Lightworker Souls on Earth, were actually on service to assist the many aspiring Man of Light Souls fulfill his or her own duty to God – to be and become Mother Earth’s Caretakers as Co-Creators and Co-Facilitators through Unity with God for Mother Earth’s progression into the Universe’s Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Dimensions! As of March 27, 2017, when Mother Earth will have completed the entirety of her Fifth Dimension Transition, we will all be relieved of our most challenging duty, as each and every single individual Man of Light Soul in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be solely responsible for achieving his or her own Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting his or her Soul into the entirety of the Universe! There will not be any immediate “visible” signs or signals demonstrating Mother Earth’s completion of her Fifth Dimension Transition, only the “invisible” abundance of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Light, Love, and Harmony available to begin the process of Re-Creating Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension!

The “invisible” abundance of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Light, Love, and Harmony will be completely available to manifest the Re-Creation of Mother Earth for every Soul who chose to participate with her. Seeing the difference between our Soul’s progress and our conscious body’s progress in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be difficult for many Souls, as Mother Earth’s Ascension into the Fifth Dimension is an experience of the Soul, not the body! By April 10, 2017 our Souls will begin making us aware of the subtle differences between our past experiences in Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension and the New Reality evolving within her Fifth Dimension! There will be three dominating “invisible” signs demonstrating the availability of the abundant presence of the Universe’s Fifth Dimension Light, Love, and Harmony upon Mother Earth. The first “invisible” sign will be Fifth Dimensionmanifested through the newly available Fifth Dimension Choices our Souls will receive for choosing to participate and manifest the Re-Creation of Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimension. The second sign will be result of our new experience with Time in the Fifth Dimension while the third “invisible” sign will largely manifest through the process of our Souls manifesting our new Fifth Dimension bodies! What is largely now an “invisible” world to our body’s five physical senses of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, and smelling will become much more clearer and more apparent through our new Fifth Dimension Choices!
The Fifth Dimension Choices our Souls will be receiving after March 27, 2017 will initially involve our decisions based upon our Soul’s participation in Mother Earth’s Re-Creation for the Fifth Dimension. Each and every Lightworker Soul will be directly involved in this process, as every Lightworker Soul is a designated leader upon Earth to teach, guide, demonstrate, and role model each and every aspect of Life in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension! In order for our Fifth Dimension Choices to manifest our new direction in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension, we must have released all of our Fourth Dimension conditioning, as we cannot, and will not, move any further than fear will permit us! By releasing our Fourth Dimension conditioning, our Fifth Dimension Choices will be serving to lead us in ascertaining our return to the role we truly are in God’s entire Universe – our return as true Lightworker Souls on Earth to reveal our Soul’s True Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! Though some Lightworker Souls may find difficulty in releasing his or her past conditioning of the past experiences in the Fourth Dimension, releasing the past will be the Key in our return as a true Lightworker Souls on Earth! The role our Fifth Dimension Choices will eventually reveal will be our Soul’s innate ability to not only perceive, feel, and intuit the actual presence of the Fifth Dimension’s Light, Love, and Harmony, but to see their actual presence through everything we will manifest and Create in Mother Earth’s evolving Fifth Dimension!
The release of our past conditioning will also greatly serve in realizing our new experience with Time in the Fifth Dimension,Time defined as the movement of the Soul! Our new experience with Time in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will be shifting from a mere observation of Earth’s daily movement of night and day to a triplicate experience of Time! Although Mother Earth will still be spinning in her daily rotation to produce the effect of night and day, our Fifth Dimension day will actually be shifting to observing the Universal Day – three Earth days are equal to one Universal Day! By measuring our Fifth Dimension day through the unit of the Universal Day, our experience of Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimension will reveal a triplicate intensity of our Soul’s Spiritual Purpose – the experience of connecting our Soul into the entirety of the Universe! In this way, our Soul’s experience of Joy and Happiness are intensified in magnitude or just the same, our experiences of sadness, misery, and depression are likewise intensified! Our Fifth Dimension Experience of Time will catch many unaware and will result in a great societal shift to promote our experience of Joy and Happiness! But then, it was never our conscious body’s evolution, the “who we think we are” Self, but the Soul’s evolution to Live the Fifth Dimension Experience of Light, Love, and Harmony in everything we think, say, and do toexperience the connecting of our Soul into the entirety of the Universe!
Our Fifth Dimension Experience, dear Ones, will be entirely revealed to everyone when every Soul on Earth has recognized and acknowledged the presence of the Universe’s Light, Love, and Harmony to Create everything we think, say, and do! Mother Earth is now in the process of metamorphosis and transforming into a Light-Bodied Being, and likewise, we are also manifesting our new Fifth Dimension bodies through our own state of metamorphosis and transformation! There will just be one more hurdle to pass through and this will manifest through the “Great Melting” period from April 19, 2017 through December 27, 2018, when Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimension Vibratory Frequency moves into a process of “melting” away while every Man of Light Soul experiences an intensive learning process so that he or she may attain the Spiritual Maturity to experience the connecting of his or her Soul into the entirety of the Universe! We experience our entire world from an inside out perspective – our internal world perceives, interprets, judges, and chooses our entire external world’s experience. In the past we may have found our experiences to produce sadness, misery, and depression while at other times we experienced Joy and Happiness. Our Soul’s Fifth Dimension experience is fully designed for the Creation and manifestation of our Joy and Happiness, but it will be up to each and every one of us to ensure that we are truly experiencing the connection of our Soul into the entirety of the Universe!
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