Removal Of The Cabal Update

It is the top master controllers of the Cabal that have been removed in full 100% from earth. They cannot and will not be able to have any more influence, or control not only over humanity but also their minions that they left behind. The minion’s source of communication and guidance has been cut off, permanently! Because of this it has thrown them in disarray, and they are easy pickings as opposed to the master controllers. They know that they are done, and many of them are scrambling to make deals to do anything to save them from certain doom.

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The 08:08 Gateway of Light ~ Activating The Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart

Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this magical month of August as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. And in this month of August, sweet ones, as you experience the 8:8 Gateway, you deepen into your Christed Hearts and the activation of the Petal of the Overflowing and Prosperous Heart.

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Lifting the Veils

So much is happening energetically at this time. The incredibly powerful Lions Gate energies are building. For some this energy is knocking them down. Lots of sleep as the body is processing these upgrades. Some are finding themselves in full blown detox mode with stomach upset, nausea, headaches and all over body aches. Some, like myself are finding themselves grounded so that we are still. I fell off my bike and the subsequent knee injury has slowed me down considerably.

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The Ascension Mysteries

Join David in this epic two-hour tour-de-force of highly classified insider information revealing the true multi-million-year cosmic history of our solar system. A battle rages on between the forces of good and evil and it is still playing itself out in today's headlines.

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