Lightworker News Jan 24th 2018 ~ 7.9 Earthquake ~ The Shift ~ Blood Moon
Lightworker News brings you the latest news in Earth Changes The Event and Shifting Consciousness.
Lightworker News brings you the latest news in Earth Changes The Event and Shifting Consciousness.
TWIN RED SAILS, A SIGN INDEED, UPDATES by True Lies Q QANON 10 Days Of Darkness - Anti - School by Trump News, Truth Natasha #FISAGATE TRUMP AT THE PENTAGON | w/Jordan Sather #DestroyingTheIllusion by Anti School Investigator linked to Podesta's & Maddy MacCann FOUND DEAD #PEDOGATE by Random Rants of Ryan Kevin Halligen the Investigator who linked Podesta's to Maddy MacCann FOUND DEAD #PEDOGATE Releasing entities by yourself through self induced QHHT. I did it spontaneously.
We are waking up from a dream and entering the New Earth. We are in the Shift of the Ages.
We are in the Shift and the Event is coming Soon. Be well and be prepared. The Light is coming to the dark.
The twin flame experience is absolutely fascinating from an energetic perspective and so perfectly organized, while the human part of us struggles with it intensely. This article contains a lot of information that can be quite overwhelming at first. Take your time to integrate it, feel what resonates. You might discover that each time you come back to it and re-read it that you will find more information and getting a fuller picture.
Sitting in the Sacred I AM Presence I connect with my Higher Self, Mother Sekhmet-Durga, with Heru and my Spirit Guide Team I connect with the Council of Elohim within the Chambers of The Great Central Sun – The God Star Sirus A. They have imparted the following message of Love and Healing to you all:
God's Heavenly Divine Light is Transmitting and Expanding to this Earth Realm through all individual's Heart Flame.
We, the Star Councils of Light, are de-lighted to enter into this portal with you, dear Earth people – the portal of 2018, in your time line. We bring you news that will excite you beyond measure – those of you who are ready for change! For those of you who are fearful of change – who are reluctant to let go of the safety of the shore and glide with the current of life’s stream into the new reality – you may experience cynical or doubting thoughts and emotions as you hear our words. But you will feel an underlying excitement, nevertheless, at the future possibilities we describe. And if you allow yourselves to move with that excitement, you will quickly dissolve the resistance that holds you back.
These are minimal updates for those intentionally anchoring these new codes into their own physical body template as well. This last week - 10 days, we've anchored many new codes. I shared on a few earlier this month.
ODES & CODES & CODES & CODES & CODES - NONSTOP ♦ REPLACING TIMELINES WITH NEW ONES ♦ QUANTUM STYLE Aloha beautiful love family, Strong reality alignment energies... flooding our bodies, the earth and every aspect of our existence now... The galactic corridor is wide open and we are infusing light into everything more powerfully than ever before!