Lion's Gate, Sirius Star Alignment & Stellar Transmissions

We welcome now a new energetic month, August, one of most intense month of all this year! At this phase of our ascension journey, we are finally about to embrace the cosmic rebirth of Earth as a 5D Planet. This is finally the end of our 3D reality, as we knew it. Those who have been anchoring a Higher Frequency within as well as their physical reality, have been already strongly feeling the changes that are occurring, as we keep bifurcating from Old 3D Earth. It is a time to end an old micro cycle so we can be ready to step into a whole new macro one, in which, holding a higher frequency, will be essential to anchor ourselves in the 5D New Earth timeline that we are about to transit.

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As conveyed through Méline portia Lafont Awaken Spirit from Within Voice: Méline Portia Lafont Background music by Orin Da Ben ~ Thaddues: River of Love Pictures in this video: Karl Morfett Book your session with Méline at: Méline Lafont 2012 – 2017, permission is given to share freely in its entirety and unaltered


8:8 Lions Gate Intense Energies of Fire Coming through Lunar Eclipse into Solar Eclipse of August 2017

We are in some fiery times. 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster. We are in the sign of Leo in August which is the Heart that is fire in the five elements of Chinese medicine and Taoist Alchemy. Today Aug the 7th in a full moon and Lunar Eclipse. This is a catalyst for the Event and and the acceleration into Ascension. From now into the Full Solar Eclipse across the United States on August 21st. These are some intense and strange times. We came here as lightworkers to bring our love, joy and light into this realm of duality and conflict.

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RIP Jim Marrs UFO Conspiracy Paranormal Investigator Passes Away at 73

Acclaimed investigative journalist and beloved member of the conspiracy theory and UFO research community, Jim Marrs, has passed away. After several years working as a reporter for a variety of Texas newspapers, Marrs achieved worldwide notoriety for his landmark book Crossfire, which examined inconsistencies in the official story of the JFK assassination.

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Ongoing Upgrades ~ Our Cells, DNA and All that We Are is Accelerating

So much is happening! Our cells, DNA and all that we are is accelerating. This brings up all that is not Love. These can be attachments to the old, to others and anything that you think is true, yet isn't. (Illusions.) Our physical bodies are especially feeling this upgrade. This, of course, is absolutely aligned with all we have released mentally and emotionally, as all our bodies are one unit. When experiencing something in the physical, many may label this as “illness;” yet it is important to shift focus from illness to Wholeness. We are wholing and not healing. We are not fixing what is broken; static1.squarespacewe are evolving all our bodies to be congruent with our Souls. We are not merely restructuring; we are creating anew. Restructuring indicates that we are re-turning to something. We are not returning; we are creating. We are much like the Butterfly. The Butterfly isn't just a caterpillar with wings. In the chrysalis (Christ Consciousness) stage, the entire caterpillar is broken down and from this mush state, new DNA is created. This new DNA thus manifests the Butterfly. And isn't this what we've been doing?

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Matrix Update- Magical Activation Coming That Will Positively Alter Timelines

Your Ascension Is Proceeding Very Well. So many, and more everyday, are becoming stronger and stronger as the Divine Beings You truly are. This Ascension has thrown many challenges at You, yet You continue to persevere handsomely. Prior to 2012, not only were You presented with Divinely orchestrated experience, but there was also, a directed suppression from a resistance to Your development. A Spiritual war was indeed occurring prior to 2012, with everything imaginable, thrown at the strongest Ones by the resistance, in efforts to prevent You from advancing this far. Many of You were tracked, followed, spied upon, intentionally burdened, You name it. You were not paranoid, You were not crazy, You were/are correct. Since 2012, any “bad” experience was thrown at You by Yourself and Divinity as a whole, to assist in propelling You forward quickly, to this Now.

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