Release The Memo ~ The Storm is Coming FISA Memo Being Released
#ReleaseTheMemo has the rallying cry for Conservatives, Republicans, and those on the Right for the FBI/FISA/Russia memo.
#ReleaseTheMemo has the rallying cry for Conservatives, Republicans, and those on the Right for the FBI/FISA/Russia memo.
We are in the Shift and the Event is coming Soon. Be well and be prepared. The Light is coming to the dark.
The Secret Space Program has landed on and entered Oumuamua, the mysterious cigar-shaped "asteroid" that NASA announced in December. What they found was a technological wonderland that they estimate to be over a billion years old -- from what insiders call the Ancient Builder Race. The Ancient Builder Race apparently left crystalline domes, pyramids, obelisks and underground cities all throughout our solar system as well as many neighboring ones.
Q Annon #Tyler AI Artificial Intelligence or Alien Intelligence - Is Q Anon really A.I. - artificial intelligence or an inside government operative helping humanity trnasform into a positive state of existence. Some people believe A.I to be Alien or Inter-dimensional Intelligence. The question is is this Intelligence Malevolent or Benevolent? I guess only time will tell. Some people also believe that block-chain is a real world Skynet from the Terminator and A.I. is communicating through these block-chains. Elon Musk believes we may be summoning demons with this technology. Look at the connection between A.I. and Cern and also look up the black goo phenomenon. Things are really starting to get weird in the Matrix. (Divine Water)
Lightworker News - Q Annon and David Wilcock Speak - Agenda 21 - Suicide Bomber in New York NEWS: Official Threatens Pedogate Disclosure, David Wilcock Meets Mega Anon - December…
In case you have not been following this, she is aware of the Alliance takedown operations against the Cabal on a level that very few, if any other insiders have at this point. She has prognosticated major, major shakedowns that will take place soon enough. In so doing she has validated many of the specifics I have been talking about since 2009.
A lot is changing and shifting in the Matrix. We are in the acceleration of information. As we go through this Shift all things are being revealed. There is no time like the present. If you are here now I know you are feeling the changes happening in this realm. Namaste LightWorker...
In this video I explain the connection between artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. A.I. is here my friends and there is very little we can do about it. Do some research into black goo, the black box of Saturn and Alien Intelligence. What is this artificial intelligence. Is it alien consciousness manifesting through technology?
John Decamp Author of The Franklin Cover Up Passed Away July 27 2017 Senator DeCamp was a hero and whistleblower for the corruption in Washington. May he rest in peace.
Best selling author and Naturopath passes away today. According to her facebook page she passed from natural causes.