David Wilcock – Spontaneous Ascension: Stunning New Evidence

Spontaneous Ascension: Stunning New Evidence by David Wilcock Get ready for the wave! The "crown jewel" of our scientific research into Ascension has come in for a landing, quite unexpectedly, since we got to Canada on a writers' retreat for the month of September. This new data, which will be fully presented in our upcoming 2016 book, lends powerful new evidence to the idea that a spontaneous celestial event will massively alter life on earth as we know it. The timing of these events is fluid in nature and depends upon our mass consciousness -- so even the best estimates are only informed speculation. Nonetheless, a shocking new burst of prophetic data came through that indicated we are only looking at "a few" years after 2012 as our main window. Hardly anyone is talking about this "energetic tsunami" and hardly anyone will believe it. That doesn't change the fact that the evidence in favor of this is huge. Some have consistently argued in favor of a "gradual" model, with no sudden event happening at once, but in light of the new data that is very unlikely. So let's dive in and go for it! The water is fine... as long as you are not wicked!

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Corey Goode Interview – Inside The Sphere Being Alliance

On Monday, September 21, 2015 Gregg Prescott and Michelle Walling interviewed intuitive empath Corey Goode and discussed his involvement with the Blue Avians (of the Sphere Being Alliance) who have chosen him as a delegate to interface with multiple ET Federations and Councils on their behalf. Corey is a liaison with the Secret Space Program (SSP) Alliance Council and is here to deliver important messages to humanity.

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Hollow Earth: Amazon Indians Say Earth Has a Subterranean Underground

(Humans Are Free) The Macuxi Indians knew about the existence of the Hollow Earth nearly one hundred years ago. But are their legends true or are they another incredible story of folklore? What if Jules Verne’s classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” is actually true? And somewhere down there, an entire new world is waiting to be explored, a place where somehow, living beings inhabit the depths of our planet, a place that ancient cultures and civilizations knew existed, or still exists today.

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GOVERNMENT FUGITIVE Whistle Blower! UFO Encrypted Messages!!? Edward Snowden TALKS Aliens!! 2015 [CERN BLACKHOLE]

GOVERNMENT FUGITIVE Whistle Blower! UFO Encrypted Messages!!? Edward Snowden TALKS Aliens!! 2015 [CERN BLACKHOLE] Thirdphaseofmoon is looking for the best UFO footage Shot by People Like you from Around The World! Upload your ufo Video To Youtube, Then Copy Paste The Link To My Email! cousinsbrothersproductions@gmail.com Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone!

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From the artificial time matrix to the divine matrix ~ part 4: blood moons, shemitah year and the restoration of the organic timeline

Here we are… We finally entered the most powerful and decisive Gateway of 2015: The Solar Eclipse ~ Equinox ~ 4th “Blood Moon” Eclipse (last of the 2014-15 tetrad) and since the publication of our last report, Planet Venus/Mother of the World/Quetzalcoatl went DIRECT, and time seems to keep accelerating as many events and signs that can be considered prophetic in nature have been intensifying and manifesting throughout the planetary life. If we just recapitulate the last few days, we can get the picture of what is transpiring:

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