I AM Freedom in Action Now and Forever
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
exual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension.
Project MKUltra, also called the CIA mind control program, is the code name given to a program of experiments on human subjects, at times illegal, designed and undertaken by the United States Central Intelligence Agency.
Our source within the Alliance, who we have been calling Arthur, recently updated us on the proceedings of the mass arrests, the recent executive orders signed to pave the wave for military tribunals of the Illuminati, and the expansion of Guantanamo Bay prison to provide maximum security detention of Deep State criminals.
We are facing an autism epidemic in which one out of two American children born in 2025 will suffer the devastating health consequences of autism. MIT research scientist Stephanie Seneff makes this prediction based on the current rapid growth rate of autism in this country.
Science fiction no more — in an article out today in Nature Biotechnology, scientists were able to show tiny autonomous bots have the potential to function as intelligent delivery vehicles to cure cancer in mice. These DNA nanorobots do so by seeking out and injecting cancerous tumors with drugs that can cut off their blood supply, shriveling them up and killing them.
The Event is coming soon. We can experience the shift now by going into the heart center and feeling one with all things.
Check out this video with James of ECETI Ranch and Michael discussing Trump and the coming Storm against the Globalist Cabal and Secret Technology and Ubuntu communities.
Well, that was a really weird Super Bowl Halftime for me. The post I made this morning manifested right before my eyes. The picture I posted of Prince, getting Resurrected from the dead, by the High Priest Justin Timberlake this morning is on the left and the actual Superbowl Halftime show with Justin Timberlake resurrecting Prince is on the right. Oddly, they are the same.
On October 2, 1988, in the town of Middlesex, Virginia, troubled teenager Donald "Donnie" Darko sleepwalks out his house and is woken by a figure in a monstrous rabbit costume. The figure introduces himself as "Frank" and tells Donnie the precise time the world will end: in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds