Ascension Update – Grid Work, Accelerated Timelines with Sandra Walter on Quantum Conversations

The Light levels continue to amplify, our hearts and DNA are experiencing a new level of the Ascension process, and this wave is just getting started. The Divinity and purity of these frequencies is palpable; take the time to connect and receive them with an open heart. The traveling and Gatework have been exhausting these past 6 weeks. This is when gatherings of the heart rejuvenate the Spirit.

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Feeling the Affects of the Shift

Many of you are feeling the effects of a shift. You know within yourselves that you have been transformed. You know within yourselves that something momentous has occurred and this is a wonderful occasion to celebrate! As you integrate this shift you will experience moments of great sleepiness and we ask you to follow the dictates of your body and rest, for that is important so that you can assimilate and integrate the energy infusions that have taken place within you. If you awaken and find that your spine is tender, it means that you have received a great download of energies that are activating strands of your DNA and when this occurs, it is also another sign that it is time for you to be good to yourself, to allow rest and recuperation and assimilation.

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The Guardians Have Received and Announced The Green Light Has Been Given

We are the “Guardians”. As you know, we have returned. We have returned to this planet, to this Solar System, to this Galaxy to bring about the New Age, to bring it all about into perspective again. To find that energy that has been lost by the many and bring it back into the ONE. You are all the ONE, you are all the energy. It is your energy on the planet that is creating all the changes. It is your consciousness, your energy. It is helped by all those that are ministering to you that are guiding you but you are the ones who are doing this. Without your consciousness shifting there would be no Golden Age.

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Our Time Is NOW

We have completed the final stages of preparation and now it is time for us to BE the Instruments of God we have been preparing to BE for literally lifetimes. KNOW that we each have within us everything we need to be God Victorious for this essential facet of the unfolding Divine Plan which will occur during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.

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Sananda, Ashtar, OWS & Ashira ~ You Are Getting Closer and Closer To Accessing “The Event”

This is “Sananda”. Wonderful, as always, to be with you. To share in these times, in times as things are changing, as your consciousness is shifting and changing. I speak now of the consciousness of the entire planet. Not only to those of you on the phone and those of you in the room here, but the entire planet is shifting.

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First is the channeling Anna received from Thoth and the Sirian High Council of Light. Second, Anna shares with you the 2 sacred keys that they have brought into her awareness to download and bring forth for all of you to use at this time. This message is mainly directed to those individuals that know they are here to clear ley lines. The information is helpful for everyone. If you don't resonate with the message, move on and enjoy your day.



Since the June Solstice Activations, there has been some intense shadow clearing as the world releases from the grip of dark fallen forces. We are in the process of unwinding from oppressive polarity running in all areas of our lives. This may feel like an emotional roller coaster – ranging from moments of extreme highs, only to drop into depression, fear or paranoia. This push-pull effect is the result of opposing forces unlocking and opening into more unity consciousness.

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