You are currently viewing CAPRICORN FULL MOON ~ Christed Templates Activating * INITIATION OF YOUR REBIRTH ~ LIGHT SIGNATURE AWARENESS
Solar Source of Lyra Lion Heart Logos





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Celestial Earth Shamans of our Great Transformation 

Happy Capricorn Full Moon Portal!!

Today we have our second Full Moon in a row in the sign of Capricorn our Courageous and Adventurous Sea Goat, by sea and by mountain we shall be Victorious. Our Lion Kingdom joins us tomorrow as the Sun moves into our Royal Lion Sign of Leo, the Heart of our Feline Nation.

Through today’s powerful portal our local Soularis has become very active again releasing 15 C Class Soular Flares and another 4 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 3.25 at 23:28 UTC.

Gaia and all her Children of the Sun are being flooded with Gamma Plasma Mother Liquid Golden Light of Source as the Dragon Lines of the East are totally lit up to assist the Phoenix lines of the West in her Divine Feminine Kundalini Awakening as the Eagle of the North flies with the Condor of the South to usher in our New Golden Age of Eternal Life.

We also witnessed two spikes of white light in the “heartbeat of Pachamama today on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 29 hz and 37 hz, mirroring our New Heaven on Earth Codes of the 37 into the 73.

We also commence a brand new Wavespell on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar today with the White Wizard Wavespell as our New Earth Shamans, Sages, Healers and Medicine People step forward as Protectors and Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33 of our Universal Alliance of Light.

All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 we Rise Together in Unity Consciousness to consciously co-create the Paradise Mother Earth has always evolved to be. All comes to completion and fruition in this Now…A’Ho!











Ascension Energy Update with channelled message.

Collective Ancestoral Heart Healing with Full Moon reflecting Solar Source of Lyra Lion Heart Logos. Calls in Courage and Compassion. Healing all division Codes. I am being shown the matrix being cleansed with golden and green ray frequencies. All is singing in beauty. The Asceneded guides are showing this is giving abundance foundation for the New Earth template to grow. They wish to send us gratitude and LOVE. More later ….
❤️ Zahara
Solar Source of Lyra Lion Heart Logos
Solar Source of Lyra Lion Heart Logos

Emmanuel Schaeffer

Karmic role release, full circle Atlantean timeline remapping/ rewrites completing. Personally, this project/ soul mission began this week, 6 years ago. Pre-lions gate when ReUnited with my first twin monad extension..coming full circle. These timeline corrections/ template restorations have been focusing not only only the Atlantean “fallen” timeline and contracts, but as “far back” as the Galactic invasion/ Orion wars~ Galactic slave trade imprint corrections/ dissolution. Monad extension integration, OverSoul presence strong.
Roseline and Christed templates activating~ Result of 7/7 Sirian coding integration. In March some received the activation to anchor the restoration of the Christos Sophia Organic template~ King Arthur/ Solar Masculine Return.. today, Organic timelines and correlating templates coming online. Ie: Heirogamic Union blueprint updates integrating. Huge milestone in HIStory as We prepare for 8/8 gate entrance.. 👑👑
Christos Sophia
Christos Sophia
7/21/24: Numbers, by nature and function, are eternally perpetual. They go on forever. They chart the course of your life according to the date you were born. They show your cycles, challenges, strengths, potential, and on and on. They are your owners manual and your map. But they are not the soul of you.
They can paint the picture but they can’t bring it to life. You can’t either. You can’t raise the dead, change the seasons, move the stars in the sky. But you can appreciate the beauty of a day like today. A day that offers unconditional love, peace, clarity of thought and heart, emotional honesty, happiness, and a full moon for your viewing pleasure. Numbers can lay it all out for you, but you determine what lies beyond what you are shown.

Asara Adams

💜🙏💜 The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light

“We are here now.
We love you.
We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.
Beloved One, everything in your world is a direct mirror of your inner world.
Whatever you carry within yourself, such as guilt, inadequacy, judgement or criticism is projected into your experience of your world/Illusion.
Then, seemingly unrelated, you have unpleasant experiences with people, things and circumstances.
So how do you change that into an experience of Love, Peace and Harmony?
The first step is to realize that this is what is really happening.
Nothing happens to you that you haven’t first projected outward, at some point.
Because the unpleasant experience has a time delay and is a “version” of the original concept of yourself, it seems unrelated.
However, if an experience is unpleasant, it is safe to say that you carry the essence of it within yourself.
The second step is to then begin to call this reflection what it is:
a mirror reflection.
How do you change your reflection in a mirror?
YOU change, therefore the mirror reflection changes.
The third step is to begin to re-train your mind from the Ego driven Mind that causes all negative thoughts to a God driven Mind that causes all Love based thoughts.
God created humanity in his image, meaning that all his creation is pure Love, Peace and Harmony.
If an experience isn’t that, it was not created by God.
It was created by the Ego Mind.
Begin by seeing through the Ego behavior of yourself and others and look for the God Self instead.
This begins often before your interaction with others.
It begins when you are thinking about an upcoming interaction with others.
It also begins with the thoughts you have about yourself at the beginning of each day and throughout each day.
God created you with pure, Divine Love and Peace.
The Ego mind is trying to separate you from this truth.
Now, you have free will to change that.
This will lead you on your journey Home.
We are holding the vision of the Divine New Earth with you and from our vantage point it is glorious.
We are with you, every step of the way.
You are loved beyond measure.
We are with you… always. We love you.
We are you. Namaste.”
Thank you, Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light! 🙂
Channelled through Asara Adams
energetic upgrade
energetic upgrade

Beloved Ones,
We are approaching the triple 888 passage, whose energies are already present and being strongly felt. It is a time for expansion, dedication to our mission, and recalibration. Expansion begins in the mind, for we cannot let God in in a closed mind. Expansion is about opening our hearts and minds to allow love, healing, and power, which is what many of you are now doing, allowing the organic reconnection to your Divine Self that is occurring in many of you.
We are soon welcoming the second moon in Capricorn. A sign that comes at a time of self-illumination and revelations, as Capricorn rules enlightenment, and the reconnection between our human and divine selves. A process of descension, as ascension after all is nothing but the descension of our Illumined Essence, into our physical self.
This is the process that we are achieving in this lifetime, and now this Capricorn moon and soon the 888 passage will enhance. Energies that are too helping us expand our intuitive senses and all that connect us to who we are, retrieving our connection to the many dimensions, and timelines that exist, and that facilitate the descension of information, and the light transmissions to continue evolving.
This is a time on both an individual and a planetary level of exposure, as everything that is not true will be revealed, in ourselves, and in the collective, for us to clear, accept, and witness it compassionately.
This is a twin moon, as we had exactly another Capricorn moon on June 21. A double moon whose main mission is to help us achieve self-reconnection, grounding the wisdom that we are descending during this time of soul retrieval and conscious expansion, from within.
The second Full Moon in Capricorn precisely occurs on the last degree of the sign, at 29º degree of Capricorn. This is called the “anaretic degree”, and represents the completion of a cycle, the transition that follows, and the expansion that comes with it, due to all we have learned within it. This is what number 888 too represents, expansion, and soon conclusion, especially next year with the nine universal frequency of 2025.
The moon will conjunct Pluto, which will invite us to embrace, accept, and process our feelings. All we hide for fear of confronting it makes us grow in pain. All we process, release, and accept makes us grow in love. The choice is ours to make. Many times we experience soul disconnection precisely because we deny confronting our wounds, and it is then when we disassociate from who we are, creating more separation.
As the Capricorn moon will also square Chiron, sextile Neptune, trine Uranus, and Mars, it will provide us with the opportunity to dive deep into our being, processing, and healing our feelings and wounds. As Guide shares when we are in pain we block expansion, and this is a time to empty ourselves of all that is not us, so we can fill ourselves with love, light, and unity.
To end a cycle, first, we need to accept all we created with it, transcending the pain, wounds, and programs that no longer serve our evolution. Once we can face ourselves and let it all go, we are free to love, expand, and create anew.
At a physical level, Capricorn can also help us in removing from our DNA what no longer serves us, as it is with Capricorn that we have the opportunity to move inward and work on our DNA, on the telomeres, the ones that contain our DNA. Above all, healing genetically inherited patterns, beliefs, programs, and all that represents an impediment to self-reconnection and illumination. Capricorn together with the energies that surround this moon, is a great support for DNA healing, stabilization, and implant clearing.
Capricorn is essential for us to learn how to manage our body functions, energy, our vital life force, and all we are integrating, for we need to give the energies a clear purpose, as energies in themselves will not come to us and choose for us, it is our Consciousness the one who aligns, determines and manifests.
Capricorn’s essence will too help those who are working with clearing mitochondrial cells, as I previously shared in the first moon, which as you know also contain DNA, and are responsible for our body’s energy management.
This lunation will help us be more grounded, take more care of our physical vehicles, and learn new ways to integrate and manage energy.
Beyond everything Capricorn is about soul remembrance, and we can only achieve that when we shift our bodies and start the process of conscious transfiguration.
We are entering already into what is going to be the last and most intense embodiment period of our ascension journey this year. Many of you will literally feel how your old self is vanishing, and with it, the relationships, situations, and habits that are no longer part of you and your path, for as you evolve, new companions and situations will arise to help you navigate the path you are meant to walk now, with the new lessons and hence teachers that can help you evolve.
Our task is to let it all go, essential to let love in, so we can expand this love to All, for this was our purpose when we chose to come to this planet, to bring back love, compassion, and reconnection, and we can only do that when we first let go and be in constant flow with the love that we are.
May you always remain in the Illumined Presence of your Soul, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
Illumined Essence
Illumined Essence


For we are unique signatures of Light
A Codex of light of Infinite Creation aligned to the Evolutionary Light of Now
I am shown an encoded light form, like a Light Jacket, specifically designed for the Earth Mission.
Each vehicle of light is provided this vessel as a way of adjusting and awakening to the Hu-man experience.
It is part of the birthing experience to climatise insitu into Earth Reality. Aligning to the vibrational experience of the mother, the vibrational essence of her light signature and the vibrational experience of her earth reality.
We dip and dive in our new reality, as we adjust to the vibrational parameters of Light.
For the Current Activated Souls, Now Awakened To their Earth Mission, We are Rembering The Ancient Light of Our True Origin and Mission.
Returning to the Great Awareness of the Original Plan.
For We Now Collectively Accelerate This Mission Collective, As We Awaken To The Cosmic Uprising of Now.
Interpreting This Message Is A Personal Journey To Activate Aspects of Your Light.
For We Are The Collective Light Community Uprising In Light
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love 🙏
Together In Light
Karen Lithika 🙏
New Earth Alliance ❤

Carolyn 144 GODCODE


This Leo Season is delivering your rebirth.  

The week ahead is opening the doors to this new cycle with new opportunities.  However things may come up that want to hold you back, and commit you to repeating another cycle of what you’ve already healed and overcome.  It’s your choice this week to not engage and go backwards to what’s familiar.  Instead focus on planting these new seeds of new beginnings, and nurture the growth.  

There is no need to rush the process.  It’s easier to release all control and be carried right now. 

Let God take charge and trust the daily steps, clearings, alignments, challenges, and changes.  

This is your prime time and opportunity to expand into the life you are Chosen and destined to have.  This is your new life cycle, your fresh start, and no one else’s.  Protect this and dare to be set apart.  Be different and see where this adventures takes you!   


July 21, 2024: Full Moon at Capricorn 29°08’, 6:17 am EDT.

The days leading up to this Full Moon have been intense. First, a conjunction of Mars and Uranus – always unpredictable and potentially violent – exact on July 15. At the Full Moon opposition, Pluto – symbol of death and transformation – will align with the Moon. The energy accompanying this alignment is a harbinger of times to come: Pluto will transit Capricorn 29° (the degree of this Full Moon) from September 1 to November 19. The 29th degree of every sign is notable for its intensity – one last hurrah of everything related to the sign, especially it’s shadow. November 19 will mark the completion of Pluto’s transit of Capricorn and Pluto’s 20-year transit of Aquarius will begin in earnest.
Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord, is stationary and conjunct to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. Eris is an expression of the rageful feminine, angry at the long-existing cultural oppression of yin energy. The Full Moon opposition will form a T-square with Eris conjunct Chiron. Under the chaos of current events lies a process of healing that is difficult to perceive. When one is in the throes of deep transformation it is not possible to see the whole picture.
Lastly, this Full Moon marks the beginning of the Saturn/Jupiter square which will remain in effect for the next year. This is a tug-of-war between that which expands and that which contracts, making it hard to see which is which.
Full Moons describe a crescendo of energy which begins to fade in the days that follow. The existing sense of intensity, however, will not fade. We stand at the portal of a New Age, bound by systems, attitudes and behaviors that have more to do with the past than the future. We cannot help this, and we can see it for what it is. Now, more than ever, envision the world you want to live in. Be specific and dream hard.
July 19, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
Art: The Shaman by Amanda Sage
The Shaman
The Shaman
July 21st, as the second of two consecutive full moons in Capricorn, is showing an extended time of steady organisation and re ordering priorities for long term goals.
Sitting on the cusp of Cancer/Leo, the full illumination of any intention may be helpfully or unhelpfully illuminated, making this a time for holding our emotions in check and stepping back to observe before we leap into any steady strategy, especially where our plans and ideas involve connection and communication with others.
What we might be looking at is a need to hold back on judgement and bring forth a reaching of the higher vibrational frequency of compassion; as we realise that we cannot make assumptions on the behaviour of others if we have not lived in their shoes.
In this way in getting to know others we get to know better our own selves as we lean into empathy as the bridge to common ground and the path to harmony.
The second Capricorn full moon has meant a prolonged period of assessing our sense of long term goals. This holds huge significance for those who have big dreams and thoughts of life changes, showing a consistency in momentum for forward thinking and transformation.
With the energies of the cusp of two cosmic, elemental and divinely sourced giants, as the watery and fiery realms, respectively; we could either be looking at a chaotic crash or a carefully managed smooth handover of water and moon to fire and sun. The beauty of this is in the eye of the beholder, as outcomes will lie in the way situations are received.
This could hold the potential for a coming season of ambition, with goals becoming actualised through steady pace. However, the most notable way to get to intended destinations as they are mustered will likely take us to shift to act a little less boldly than we might have initially expected, as momentum must come to match the working practicality of real time.
This is the earthly influence of a moon in Capricorn.
moon in Capricorn
moon in Capricorn

Ra James

Happy Capricorn Full Moon. It’s all about what you’re manifesting this Full Moon. This is a rare event as it’s the 2nd of a back to back pair of Capricorn Full Moons. We are closing out a cycle. Literally, as today is the last day of Cancer Season. This Full Moon is a time to release and let go that of which is no longer serving you. It’s all about letting go of the old, and clearing old energies. This Full Moon aspects Neptune, which is Retrograde in Pisces, giving you a chance to heal your heart. This is a very healing trine.
The Astroids Eris and Chiron square this Full Moon, both are in Aries. Old wounds and traumas are resurfacing. Past pain you experienced in the past is coming up for healing. This can bring a challenging energy. It’s all about addressing the deeper wounds. This may be an emotional Full Moon. This Full Moon will also form a conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius. This will help you to tap into your deepest desires. It also may stir up your fears, insecurities, and triggers. Pluto is going to magnify and add intensity to the already amped up emotions you’re feeling.
Cancer Season is ruled by the Moon. This year it both began, and will wrap up on an empowering lunar note. The axis of Cancer-Capricorn helps us in building a legacy. It’s all about manifesting and building. Full Moons are a great time to manifest your dreams. It’s all about those Summer Goals. This Full Moon will shine a light on the emotions, projects, and dreams you’ve been putting on hold. It’s a good time to clean your entire house. You may want to do a good scrub down and spiritual cleansing…
The Andromedan Dragons
The Andromedan Dragons
On Sunday, July 21st, we just had one of the most powerful Full Moons of the year! A Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn, the 29th degree, known as a critical and fated degree for any planet in any sign of the zodiac! This lunation (which happened at 6:17am EDT Sunday morning) was connecting with Pluto, the Great Transformer, at 0 degrees of Aquarius, also considered a critical degree, but more of an initiation point into the new sign’s energy. This Full Moon will have lasting effects on a collective level, and on a personal level for many. The energies are powerfully cathartic, bringing a karmic clearing and long overdue transition that is needed as we realign with our authentic truth! There are many other planetary aspects on this day……
Venus, ruler of happiness, in a positive sextile to Jupiter, planet of blessings, Mercury, ruler of communication, in a challenging square to Uranus, planet of the unexpected, the Sun, ruler of self-expression, in a positive trine to Neptune, planet of compassion, and Mars, ruler of forward movement, in a positive trine to Pluto, planet of transformation. The unfolding energies attached to circumstances and situations in our lives continue. We are moving through a paradigm shift. How will you welcome the change in your life? What, in your life, is ready to be released? What is beckoning to be created in its place? Let go of what no longer serves your best and highest interest, and take action on the creation of your vision and dreams!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
A Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn
A Full Moon in the last degree of Capricorn
Full Moon in Capricorn. Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. Venus in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini. Eris stations retrograde in Aries – There’s an acute need for completion, to finish the job, reach the pinnacle, resolve the problem. The mind skitters – worried about time. Worried about what everyone else will think. Worried about work and home and all the stuff in between. The inner child stumbles. Too many responsibilities. Suddenly we’re in no-man’s land, yearning to run home to mother.
This is however an opportunity, to find out what is precious, to check in with what makes you tick, to figure out where and with whom your heart lies. And this is also a chance to resolve inner disharmony that has sapped energy and gnawed away at motivation. Guard your precious time. Set healthy boundaries. Create support systems within and without to cradle you when resolve falters. Don’t let your fears boss you around! Take responsibility without beating yourself up. Release burdens that were never yours to carry. Authenticity is your power. Break the toxic cycles. Release what no longer works. Open your heart to the light. Transformation is within your reach.
Degrees and Times
Moon 29°Cp08′, Sun 29°Cn08′ – 11:17 (BST)
Mercury 26°Le32′, Uranus 26°Ta32′ – 23:20 (BST)
Venus 12°Le30′, Jupiter 12°Ge30′ – 21:43 (BST)
Eris 25°Ar29′ R – 19:43 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Yalta. The mountains at night by Ivan Aivazovsky

The Tzolkin Times

Kin 14 ~ White Magnetic Wizard

The number 1 is called ‘Magnetic’ and its keywords are ‘Unify, Purpose and Attract’. The first day of a wavespell sets the agenda for the 13-day journey. I personally like the first day, I enjoy contemplating the purpose and setting myself some goals. There are 20 wavespells in the Tzolkin (this is the second) and each one offers a unique experience. Also, just as the days within a wavespell are connected to one another, the wavespells in the order that they appear in the Tzolkin…seem like stepping stones that link the whole 260 days together. Today is a great day to contemplate what you want to achieve over these 13 days. How can you get the most out of it?
Today is White Wizard which represents ‘Timelessness, Enchantment and Receptivity.’ Be prepared to not have a clue what’s going on for the next 13 days…this is how this wavespell can be experienced! We can be so enchanted that everything can seem a little surreal. The best thing to do is to be the enchanter rather than the enchanted. Put on your Wizard’s hat and grab a wand, it’s time to cast spells! Ask yourself: how can you use your charm to achieve what you need in your life right now? The Wizard is an alchemist and a shapeshifter. He can lead you down the rabbit hole and beyond. He can have you question the nature of reality and question yourself.
The Guide is the White Wizard, so a double helping of enchantment today.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Seed and so if you are one, you will find today potentially difficult. The Wizard may well mesmerize you to the point where you don’t know if you are coming or going. For the rest of us, when the Yellow Seed is in this tricky position it can mean that factual information is hard to come by. Just don’t believe any info you receive today because it could be an enchantment. When we are under a spell, we don’t always see the truth and may experience confusion.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. The Occult power is the secret weapon for the day, often hidden and misunderstood. The Occult power shows us that on any day, however difficult, there is always a strength that can be tapped into. Today’s strength is the healing Blue Hand who offers magical healing to those who need it. This energy is very magical and on Wizard days, a lot of this enchanting can be attributed to the Blue Hand’s influence. It’s the Hand that holds the wand!
The Ally is Red Serpent and so if you want help finding this enchantment, look for a Red Serpent to assist you. They are everyone’s friend today. And Serpents make excellent Allies because they always know what’s going on. They have powerful instincts and are super sensitive and so they can tell which way to go. If you are a Red Serpent, every time we have a Wizard day you play this role. The reason these two are friends is because the Serpent knows how to put folks under a spell too. Both are good at mesmerizing.
Kin 14
Kin 14


14 IX – KIN 14
21 JULY 2024
I unify in order to enchant
Attracting receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
21/7/2024 = 3/7/8 = 3/15=3/6 =9
21- Crown of the Magi/Honours/Advancement/Rewards/Elevation
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Initiation/Test/Solitude
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
15- Spiritual Alchemy/Charisma/Magnetism
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 14 = 5 Change/Transformation/Freedom
KIN 14 and WIZARD is tribe #14 = 2×7 = 14
Today we have a 3.6.9 UNIVERSAL MAJIK TESLA code!! This ACTIVATES our DIVINE DESTINY! We also have a FULL MOON in CAPRICORN activating our MOON MAJIK MANIFESTING powers! Lots of codes for your SUCCESS!
Today we have KIN 14 and the WIZARD is tribe number 14 GIVING us a 14.14 Double WIZARDRY code. 💫💫
The number 14 = 2 x 7 .. 77 is the frequency of the DOUBLE MAGICIAN- KAPOW!!! MAJIK of the HIGHEST ORDER through this SPIRITUAL coding today…
Seven is a very Spiritual number and holds the energy of MAJIK and SPIRITUAL MASTERY.. This may eventuate as SPIRITUAL TESTS and initiations in order to prove yourself as the great SPIRITUAL MASTER/WIZARD that you are. The sooner you PASS YOUR TESTS, the sooner you can access your inherent Divine gifts! Go forth and unleash your MAJIK!
The WHITE WIZARD embodies the DOUBLE MAGICIAN’s code through tribe number 14 = 2×7 and KIN 14 quadruples this… Truly phenomenal codings today on this TRIPLE WIZARDRY DAY.!l.
We are currently in the FINAL 13 MOON of the Year of the OVERTONE WIZARD – giving us another very powerful overlay of WHITE MAJIK.. add to this the fact we are in the fifth year of a 13 year WHITE WIZARD cycle – and we have 5x WIZARDRY POWER today!!! BOOM! MAJIK HAPPENS!!! ✨⚡🧙💫
This is a PHENOMENAL DIVINE GIFT – enabling you to hone your craft and truly MASTER your CREATION POWERS.. Always be MINDFUL that this MAJIK is readily AVAILABLE to you in EVERY MOMENT.. Use your INTENTION to ACTIVATE your inherent MAJIK!
What a wondrous combination of MAJIK codes to raise our HOPIUM bar!😍😍😍
The BEST NEWS is that today we commence a new WAVESPELL cycle! The 13 day cycle of the ✴WHITE WIZARD✴ synchronistically bringing forth the DIVINE MIRACLES we are EXPECTING!!🎉🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈🎊
The WHITE WIZARD is a direct conduit for Spirit and can access all the MAJIK of HEAVEN🕊 through his pure HEART..❤ This bodes exceptionally well for those blessed souls who pass their initiations and are granted passage through these potent portals ✨
The key🔑 to accessing this WHITE MAJIK🕊 is to ALIGN through your HEART❤ PORTAL and hold the 💞BLISS CODES of 5D💞 and above, through your vessel.
Great DIVINE MAJIK💫✨💫 will enfold through your joyous enchantments this fortnight.
The WHITE WIZARD is tribe number 14 and the MAGNETIC WIZARD is KIN number 14, activating a 14.14. frequency today.
The 14 is a highly PUBLIC👫👬👭 frequency – it represents the MEDIA and anything in the PUBLIC domain. It encompasses all forms of media – print, radio, film and television, print and digital – including Social Media. It also embraces photography and visual attention as well as advertising, promotion and marketing. Anything that involves being SEEN in a greater context. The 14 brings ATTENTION and you become NOTICED by many people enhancing your recognition, fame and status.
We also have a 21 day code – which is the CROWN of the MAGI number – this further ACTIVATES elevation, rewards and SUCCESS.. Very bold codes to assist you with your manifestations today.
Add in the 3.6.9 UNIVERSAL MAJIK TESLA CODE… ANYTHING is possible.. this may bring forth wondrous DIVINE MIRACLES today..✨🌠✨
There is much SPIRITUAL MAJIK afoot with this sensational alignment of codes this 13 day cycle.
The WHITE kin are the REFINERS and they bring forth the TRUTH as DIVINE MESSENGERS and conduits of Spirit. Today we have 5x WHITE WIZARD energy thus we have a very STRONG connection to DIVINE TRUTH and messages that Spirit wants to bring into the PUBLIC DOMAIN. As such this and the 14.14 CODE is sure to bring TRUTH through the MAJIK of the WIZARD to the attention of the masses – perhaps on a GLOBAL LEVEL. SHAZAM!!!!!!!!!
5x WIZARDRY DAY = 5D MAJIK!! OPENING the GATES to 5D EARTH for all the planetary EARTH WIZARDS 🌎🧙💫 ☀ to enter into the higher BLISS REALMS✨💞✨ – All these elevated frequencies are working synergistically to ENSURE we BREAK FREE from the DARK DREAMSPELL and FLY HIGH on the wings of SPIRIT.
If you have any doubts that we are doomed or trapped in this FAKE reality, then ✨BELIEVE that ALL IS WELL✨ and Spirit has our back! These codings are MIRACULOUS to GET THE JOB DONE!!
During the RED DRAGON🐉 cycle we have been learning all about the importance of LOVE and NURTURANCE – looking after our cell-ves and our planetary family. We united together as ONE GLOBAL FAMILY✨ to b-Earth our beautiful new compassionate world through this cycle.🐣🌈🌏💞
Now that we have discovered our most important priorities as humans, we have OPENED our HEARTS💞 and are making beautiful connections with our kin. As our HEARTS and MINDS are AWAKENING, and EXPANDING we are now ready to embark on the next phase for humanity. The WAYSHOWERS are ahead of the REST and are LEADING the way forward – FREE from the NIGHTMARE!
✨✨✨WELCOME THE RETURN OF WHITE MAJIK💫 and MIRACLES ✨ into our world, as we are MANIFESTING an ENCHANTING new world through our UNIFIED PLANETARY HEART.🌍❤🌏❤🌎
Today we embark on a NEW MAJIKAL JOURNEY – a NEW ERA of White Majik , UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS 👫👭👬and Heart centredness…💞
To RECAP – the importance of today!!!
✨🧙Today’s alignment of WHITE WIZARD codes is 5x the MAJIK!! 🧙🧙🧙🧙🧙
✨🧙🧙We have a DOUBLE WIZARD day,
✨PLUS the Wavespell, 🧙🧙🧙
✨PLUS we are in the 5th year of a 13 year MAGNETIC WIZARD cycle 🧙
✨PLUS we have a 3.6.9 TESLA – UNIVERSAL MAJIK CODE! 💫💫💫
✨PLUS a FULL MOON manifesting POWER! 🌝✨💫
so INDEED we have a plethora of MAJIKAL energies to draw upon! GET your CRYSTAL SUPER WANDS charged! 💎💎💎💎
13 Days of majik, enchantment, benefic spell casting and manifesting through our true HEARTS. ❤
Now we are READY to fully b-Earth the return of WHITE MAJIK 💫 on our Planet, as we transition from the DARKNESS into the LIGHT.
We can celebrate the return of the elementals, and Natural lore through the nature kingdoms, and the glory of our Divine reconnection with the Spirit realms.
Start dusting off your majik robes and crystal WANDS🔮 Earth Wizards, cos
MAGNETIC tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the One. From out of nothing, here One comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as ONE! Thus Magnetic kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
Today and during this whole 13 day cycle we will be questioning
❓❓“What is my higher Spiritual purpose? ” and
❓❓“How can I attract all the MAJIK💫 I need to fulfil my Divine purpose”
❓❓ “How can I use my MAJIK to set myself, and my kin FREE?”
Today’s question is “What do I need to attract to AWAKEN my inner Magician, and manifest greater UNITY and LOVE through my Divine purpose?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings and may your life be filled with great WHITE MAJIK and DIVINE MIRACLES.🍥✨💫
Aho majikal EARTH WIZARDS! ✨✨✨
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: WHITE WIZARD🔮 IX – 5X the Wizardry power today from the White Wizard Wavespell/years.. The Double Wizard is in the Conscious and Higher Self positions – guided by himself!! What POWER!!. IX is tribe number 14 = 7 +7 7 is the number of the Mystic and the Magician and corresponds to the Spiritual Initiate and Hermit – one devoting their life to Spiritual wisdom and soul growth – amplified through the month of JULY.
The WHITE WIZARD tribe carries DOUBLE the Majik… We are also in the 5th Year of the Magnetic Wizard 13 year cycle – bringing forth layer upon layer, upon layer of Majik.. All these UBER powerful 7 Majik codes means we have an ENDLESS supply of Majik💫 and Mystical Miracles✨ available during this 13 day cycle.
IX is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the HEART. ❤ Such wisdom is not the intellectual understanding known in Western culture; it is the SHAMANIC wisdom that comes from an alignment of the HEART with the MIND, and through LISTENING to the natural world.
An open, trusting heart is a refined tool of perception. Allowing yourself to ‘not know’ opens the door of the mind to a deeper understanding of the universe. WHITE WIZARD asks you to fully utilize this aligned mind to participate in GREAT majik today. 💫The MAJIK that emanates from our inner core being, our pure essence radiating pure conscious energy. ☀ The spiritual power that weaves the beautiful shamanic web 🕸of creation connecting all our kin in one beautiful glistening web of LOVE. 💞
WHITE WIZARD💫 is a tool of the LIGHT, a conduit for the work of SPIRIT. IX seeks to UNITE all KIN through the POWER of unconditional LOVE, our DIVINE connection to our SOURCE.. When we have full remembrance of our DIVINE SOURCE, and that we are GOD’S incarnate, we can access all the MAJIK in the Universe. 💥💥💞
The GREATEST WHITE WIZARD that walked upon this Earth was of course
His majikal abilities included performing many “Miracles” such as healing the sick, raising the dead, turning water into wine, 🍷feeding the masses from 5 fish🐟 and 5 loaves of bread,🍞 walking on water, calming the storm, and possessing supernatural powers never before witnessed on this Earth plane. 💫💫💫
Yeshua has the POWER of MAGNETIC attraction – the ability to attract and manifest all that was required to benefit mankind.. This POWER was accessed through his HEART❤ PORTAL which is a direct gateway to our DIVINE SOURCE. ✨☀✨
Jesus taught us that we can all do MIRACLES✨. He showed mankind what is possible when you draw down the power of the FATHER – i.e. SOURCE energy.
Jesus taught that first, we must forge our own SOLID incorruptible connection to our DIVINE source ☀– Father/Mother GOD/GODDESS/ Creator/Spirit.. whatever term resonates with your being. ONCE we have forged this solid connection, the information, energy and Miracles can FLOW through us..
✨✨✨✨We can achieve INSTANT Manifestation of ✨MIRACLES✨ as we bend the Aethers to our loving intention.✨✨✨
A wise Magician is spontaneous and transparent, allowing Majik to come in rather than trying to control it or make it happen. A Magician dances the dance of love💕 through offering gifts of FREEDOM to others. This is real Majik. Freed from the need to use POWER to manipulate or control, a White Magician uses WISDOM to manifest LIBERATION and LOVE.
Open your HEART❤ and mind to allow the MAJIK of SPIRIT💫 to flow through your vessel guiding your Divine enchantment today.
The WHITE WIZARD has arrived today, to SET HUMANITY FREE!!! 💥💥💥
I AM being shown by Spirit that this is the point in her-story, analogous to the LORD OF THE RINGS – where GANDALF the GREAT – arrives on his WHITE HORSE🐎 to assist the hobbits in reclaiming middle EARTH.
Of course Gandalf the Wizard was previously known as Gandalf the Grey. Sadly he met his demise, and we feared this meant the Quest of the Hobbits to save middle Earth from the evil wizard – SAURON was doomed! But alas in the Spirit of all great tales – our hero ROSE FROM THE DEAD – and through his resurrection was able to lead our hobbit heroes to ultimate VICTORY!!
So the 7th RING💫 of ULTIMATE POWER is about to be dissolved in the volcanic fires🔥 of MT DOOM!🌋 (It is interesting to note how many volcanoes have erupted and AWAKENED this past month – including MT ETNA in Sicily!)
The EARTH WIZARDS have RISEN together to claim the FINAL VICTORY💪💪💪 – PEACE ON EARTH🕊 and a return to PEACE and HARMONY, .
Summer🌼 is here and the fields of THE SHIRE are very verdant🌿 and lush with new growth and fragrant blooms. 🌸🌹🌼🌷🌺
LIFE is SWEET once more dearly beloveds. 🌹💞🌹
WHITE WIZARD today asks you to believe in MAJIK! 💫 The Universal Majik that surrounds us and animates our very existence. Supernatural occurrences happen every day, MIRACLES surround us!
Open your eyes, ears and senses and be RECEPTIVE allowing Spirit to show you the MAJIK ✨ within the very core of your being. Tap into that POWER today and bring forth your desires to finally transcend the old paradigm, recreating yourself as a MASTER MAGICIAN 🎩 and DIVINE ALCHEMIST. ⚛
Pure alchemy⚛ is available to you today, as the aethers will shapeshift to create your projected thought forms into matter!
❓What are you desiring, and what are you projecting?
Be careful what you wish for, as you have the superpower of enchantment at your disposal today.
❓Are you OPEN to experiencing all the Majik💫 that the Universe has to offer you?
Step into your true Creator form today and experience the MIRACLE✨ of being a Divine Alchemist. ⚛💫⚛
SUPPORT: RED MAGNETIC SERPENT🐍 CHICCHAN brings forth incredible POWER🔥 to fuel your desires and passion! 💞This potent RED energy can be harnessed to add more life force to your manifestations.
RED SERPENT is the SHAMANIC HEALER bringing forth incredible POWER, VITALITY and LIFE FORCE to fuel your desires and IGNITE the WIZARD’S MAJIK! What a formidable duo! 🔥🎇🔥
RED SERPENT will ensure that you establish that solid foundation that you require. This ensures that ALL your basic needs are met, and you feel SAFE and secure, that you have the POWER inside you, to materialize all that you require.
✨Remember to use this power wisely for your benefit, and that of others for the greater good – WITH HARM TO NONE!. ✨
RED SERPENT also represents the healing caduceus and thus can restore health and vitality in your physical vessel. CHICCHAN gives us the power to purge any toxin or poison in our bodies, minds or environment..
By radiating the power of our HEART to every cell in our body, and drawing up our kundalini life force, we can effect spontaneous healing for our cell-ves and our planetary body. Bring forth the healing MIRACLES you require to regain your physical strength, power and vitality. 💥💥
RED SERPENT as the supporting energy for the WIZARD can also ensure that our Planetary body🌏 receives all the healing power needed to restore GAIA. The Rainbow Serpent🌈🐍 and Quetzicoatl🐍 have been revived and are surging through GAIA’a meridians🌐 and ley lines to provide the much needed vitality🎇 to renew our lands and her people again. Her life force has been restored once more! 🔥🔥🔥
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE COSMIC HAND🍥 🖐MANIK the COSMIC HEALER🙌 provides the perfect panacea to heal our planetary body and her people. MANIK is today’s SUPERPOWER working synergistically with IX and CHICCHAN to bring forth miraculous healing power in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to PERFECT HEALTH.
MANIK has the knowledge and tools to GET THE JOB DONE!! MANIK wields the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT.. assisting you in accomplishing whatever your TRUE ❤HEART desires through your power of enchantment. Majik and accomplishment make for a wondrous alchemical union. 💫⚛💫
This SUPERPOWER today (and during the 13 day cycle) will ensure that the Planetary EARTH WIZARDS accomplish our sacred missions in FREEING our PLANET from DARKNESS and permanently anchoring BLISS ON EARTH..💞❤💞 Very potent forces at play!
The COSMIC HAND is guiding our wands!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW MAGNETIC SEED🌾 KAN is the challenge for the next 13 days so take note!! YELLOW SEEDS can sometimes get “stuck in the mud” and become stagnant, refusing to sprout and grow, because that takes focused intent.
Today is a very powerful majikal code but unless you put in the effort to CREATE something with this energy that presents, then it will just rush on by and nothing will change.
The gift of KAN is to know that a little effort each day pays off big dividends in the long term – particularly if you add water, sunshine and fertilizer/nutrients. That little seed will be a seedling,🌱 then a plant,🌿 and then perhaps one day a mighty tree! 🌲
If you do not see instant ✨MIRACLES✨ in one day, do not give up on the majik spell that you cast. You have set the spell in motion. Your enchantment is being created in the aethers and is on its way.
Keep BELIEVING and keep expressing your radiant powers benevolently each day, and the Universe will return the energy 1000 fold!💫💫💫
✨✨✨NOTE: These Dreamspell codes today will apply for the next 13 days as an overlay, in addition to the daily codes. If you have the WHITE WIZARD star glyph ANYWHERE in your Dreamspell signature (or were born in a Wizard Wavespell or Year) then your MAJIKAL powers are about to go into HYPERdrive!!!.☀💥☀
RED SERPENT kin will find themselves helping and supporting others more – really being in demand especially as HEALERS, whilst YELLOW SEEDS may be challenged and tested. If they are more evolved Seeds, then they will be blessing others with their gifts of planting ideas, wisdom and light codes and GROWING towards THE LIGHT.
Today’s question is “What do I need to attract to AWAKEN my inner Magician, and manifest greater UNITY and LOVE through my Divine purpose?
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings and may your life be filled with great WHITE MAJIK and DIVINE MIRACLES.🍥✨💫
Aho majikal EARTH WIZARDS! ✨✨✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading

for the Week of July 21st through July 27th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🕉 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the coming week of July 21st through July 27th 2024. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Full Moon in Capricorn.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste

CLICK HERE to for the New Earth Reading and Astrology Report for the week



Paul White Gold Eagle

Full Moon in Capricorn Healing Prayer

Under the radiant light of the Full Moon in Capricorn, we gather to embrace the energies of healing and transformation. Mighty Moon, shining in the sign of Capricorn, we call upon your steadfast strength and grounding presence.

Grant us the wisdom to release what no longer serves us, to let go of burdens that weigh heavy on our hearts. May your light illuminate our path, showing us the way forward with clarity and purpose.

Capricorn Moon, instill in us the discipline to nurture our well-being, the perseverance to overcome challenges, and the patience to see our intentions come to fruition. Help us to build a solid foundation for our dreams and aspirations, one step at a time.

As we stand under your luminous glow, we open our hearts to healing. Heal our minds from worries and doubts, heal our bodies from ailments and pain, and heal our spirits from past wounds. Fill us with your celestial energy, renewing our strength and fortitude.

May we find balance in our lives, aligning our goals with our true purpose. Let your light remind us of our inner power and the resilience we hold within.

We thank you, Capricorn Moon, for your guidance and support. As you reach your fullness tonight, may we too reach a deeper understanding and acceptance of ourselves.

So it is, and so it shall be.

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