The Buddha Moon ~ 4:24:24 ENERGY PORTAL ~ SOPHIA ATHENA NIKE (Goddess of Wisdom) ~ Age of Energetic Miracles
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Cosmic Sovereign Krystal Nation of the New Lemuria
Happy 24:24 Portal of the Divine Christos Sophia Consciousness Activation!
The energies continue to increase and intensify through this Full Moon Gateway as the Scorpionic energy of the Holy Waters of Deep Stillness of the Underworld release all that has been a hindrance to our Collective Awakening and Transformation in the Light.
Our local Solaris continues to fire off multiple Solar Flares today sending massive waves of Gamma Plasma Adamantine Light into the Quantum Field with 11 C Class Flares and 4 more M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.09 at 22:59 UTC. Our sun is currently releasing a long duration Solar Flare holding the Tones, Codes and Keys for our Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life.
As Mercury stations direct tomorrow on Thursday the 25th things will really start to amp up as all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are being enveloped in the Gold Ray of Buddha Consciousness of Enlightenment as we realize our True Nature of Infinite Life and step into our roles as Wayshowers of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
As we step over the threshold into the New Age of Aquarius and the Satya Yuga we embody our Diamond Light Bodies as Avatars of Gods Kingdom on Earth. Shine your Bright Virtue as we live from our Hearts being connected to all things…A’Ho!
TODAY’S ORACLE. Slow down, dear one. Deep emotions, secrets, mysteries, unhealed past memories coming back up. This time can feel intense, emotional, watery for some. Find safe and quiet space to let it all process and unfold. It is a sacred rest–a perfectly placed pause. A higher timeline is around the corner. In a few days, your momentum resumes. Your inner power is growing, being refined. You will be out of this & a breakthrough will come.
The Earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it
4/24/24: As consciousness personified, your mission is to gather experience. Experience is the raw material your inner alchemist turns into wisdom that becomes a part of you forevermore. Experience, therefore, from a greater perspective can’t be judged on appearance. It’s not intrinsically good or bad or right or wrong… it’s simply experience. What you learn from it about yourself gives it value and meaning. 2024 is testing you on accountability and creativity.
It wants to see what you do with what you’re getting… and with the resulting consequences. Today’s cup of experience is overflowing with matters of the heart… as we learn the most from our relationships. Love, as we should know by now, is the greatest teacher of all.
StarSeeds, LightWorkers Empaths, Angels, and Angelics //Ancestral DNA Soul Memory Ascension Healing
Blue Ray and Pink Scorpio Full Moon Energies of Transformation, Rebirth, and Powerful Revelations
As Mercury goes direct ~ The full moon energies is still strong 3 days prior and after
You’re currently experiencing extremely potent quantum plasma energies from the previous eclipse. You are evolving your DNA. This can mean deep healing releases from your family and generational line. As the frequency of electromagnetic radiation increases, so does the magnitude of the associated quantum of radiant energy. This boosts the Ascension wave energy of quantum plasma light that travels through your cells. It is the light of accession energies that triggers faster shifts of consciousness required to liberate these old bonds, unconscious contract, etheric connections, to be liberated.
This transformational full moon can support deep processing and healing. Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, and the veil is thinner. The Blue Ray’s are transformers of energies who feel deep emotions, are connected to water, have water in their charts, and are attracted to water.
The Buddha Moon is another name for the Scorpio Full Moon. The birth, enlightenment, and death of Buddha are commemorated in the Himalayas during the Scorpio Full Moon.
The energies may call you for what’s truly in your heart, clear boundaries, knowing what is right and in alignment for you, and supporting your highest vision for your life. With the deeply intuitive, feminine energies bringing new insights on how to be more connected to your divine powers and center, there are gifts of renewal, rebirth, and wisdom.
The Blue Ray Beings and Blue Ray Transformers
(As a Blue Ray Being, you came to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for the other rays to come. You were not recognized for your unique divine light and had to recognize yourselves. It was tricky spiritual business as you were super sensitive beings, though you had the spiritual power tools to be victorious in your missions).
Ascension Symptoms and Quantum Plasma Energies Light upgrades
Some may have physical pains of past injuries, surgeries, muscle cramps and aches.
Take extra care as your body is going through release and upgrades and you may need to take more time for self care, rest, being in beauty and creating sacred space.
Emotional healing
Relationships can go deeper and also lead to revelations and insights that lead to shifts, changes, and endings.
Bouts of tiredness, you may need to take rest and or naps
The thinning veil lends itself to easier access to your spirit guides, guardian angels, Higher Self and enlightenment.
You are encouraged to take time to celebrate where you are now, create more beauty in your life with the love of magic.
The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia. They are the lost ray of the Light Worker.
It is after the reconnection to the portal of the Mother’s Womb and it will be after the Masculine is aligned and anchored on Earth via the flows of the organic time that the Egg will be able to Hatch
because this cannot take place without his collective Presence aligned and anchored.
This is about the PHYSICAL AWAKENING and certain steps are required via the physical flows of the planets so that the inner energies can be truly expressed in the physical reality, like those that were expressed during the last few days.
Since I mentioned the Hatching of the Egg in late November last year there were many that rushed to say that the Egg was hatched but I knew that we had to wait for all necessary steps to be taken and all inner processes of preparation to be completed first.
When these people are copying someone else’s words, spreading inaccuracies and misleading others they need to know that they carry a responsibility for this, so they better get their facts straight
and correct their words.
The Egg will Hatch on the 5th of May!
This will be the day of the Orthodox Easter Resurrection and by Divine Synchronicity, also the very day that we celebrate Saint Eirini/Peace.
And as the ancient were saying, it is only when Peace is present that Pluto/ Wealth/ Abundance can be enjoyed by the people!
This began back in 5/5/5 with the Whole Heart, the Plasma Love!
So we are now ready to move from the 555 to the 558 to 588 to 858 to 888!
At the 888 is where the Dragon stage is achieved!
This is the year of the Dragon in which the initiate, if worthy enough, she/he will be entering Godhood!
We have already reconnected to the portal of the Mother’s womb, so now we have one more step and then the path for the Hatching of the Egg will be seen.
Welcome to your New Life!
The big packets of the Heavenly Gifts are here!
Those that will reach the centre in alignment and synchronisation, will be able to place the request and receive the answer.
Also the name given to the orange phenomenon of the Sahara sand which continues today over Greece but in regular colour and less density, was ‘Minerva Red’!
You can’t make this up!
Minerva in latin means ‘the mind’.
This name is the latin version given at a later date to Goddess Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom/Sophia” The Mother gave her clear physical sign and confirmation.
The Orange Diamond Egg was said that is the Son/Child of the Emerald Diamond of Wisdom/Sophia and the Golden Spiral of Life.
It has the most pure and joyful presence.
Its energy is that of pure joy!
Its return was possible because we made it to bring the Plutonian aspect back into Christ back on January 18 2023 through the initiation and presence of the Grandmother Goddesses and Grandfather Gods, so true Wealth/Pluto and Abundance of Mother Earth could be ours again!
Both the Solar Masculine and the Golden Child are connected to the Diamond Egg of Abundance!
I am literally crying as I am writing this as I have just connected the dots of what is coming and how amazingly we were guided to prepare!
-APRIL 20 2024
We collectively reconnected to the Mother’s Womb, received her song and the blessings of Abundant Life from the Four Rivers and
reached synchronisation of the inner and outer worlds!
-APRIL 30 2024
On that day we are collectively anchoring the Solar Masculine on Earth
via his alignment to the organic flows of time and his redirection will be achieved.
-MAY 5 2024
Orthodox midnight Resurrection / Easter Sunday.
I was shown that at this moment we will be ready to collectively hatch the egg and be born in a new state, the portal of Resurrection opens.
A New Life will be birthed and Living Abundance will be available for everyone ready!
New 4/21/24 – 4/24/24 Celestial Star Born/ Star Ray’s/ Galactic Celestial Ascension Soul Journey New Cycle/ New Upgrades/ New Energies Update By Akasha Ra Azurite & Galactic Family of the Rainbow Diamond Races!
Greetings Beautiful Divine Souls of the Cosmic Ray’s Of Creation! We are in a New Transitions of New Energies, New Galactic Celestial Ascension Soul Cycles, New Energies of Light , New God Source/ God Seed Star Born Template’s
We Woke up this Morning to Shift the Energy of The Old Systems/ Paradigms/ Matrices Within the Physical Krystalline Body Vessel Light Particles as we Materialize All New Diamond Plasma Light Geometrics/ Coding/ Krystalline Diamond Plasma Structures…… We Can Hear the Harmonic Sound Sonic SOUND MUSIC ON THE INNER BODY & MOTHER EARTH SO LOUD TODAY … as We Walk Out Side to Take Pictures Of the Plasma Ultra Violet Plasma Photonic Light on the Beautiful Canyons [Utah] , Blue Ray Diamond Plasma Ray’s Pouring onto the Canyons from Our Sun
As we Experience the Deepest Inner Traumas, Deepest Etheric Disease , Ancient Disease , Ancestral Disease, Old interior Prisons, Old Inner Prisons 3D / 4D PROGRAMING , Deepest Fears of the Old Systems/ Matrices/ Realities/ Recoding of Our Brain, Neuropathways nervous system Lymphatic systems And thyroid Systems Upgrades, Unconscious Old Time-lines software/ Soul Experiences _ we are Being Asked to Chose Our New Course of action/ Life/ Holographic Krystalline Diamond Celestial Star Born Journey from a New HD 15D Beyond View/ New Galactic Higher Soul Cycle, Galactic Higher Soul Holographic Human Experiences Bringing All Time-lines Within/ Exterior Realities/ Worlds/ Parallel Universe’s/ Parallel Realities To One Whole Within the Krystalline Diamond Physical Body Vessel to Dissolve/ Dismantle Old systems [Programming Running] To Recreate Our New Holographic Hologram Krystalline Daimond Plasma Photonic Light Solar Exterior Experiences….. We are Required Lots of Sleep Rest For Physical Body to Renew, Regenerate, Revive And Purify Our Star Krystalline Diamond Plasma Krystals Within the Physical Body……. Deeper Inner Reconnection To Oue Starseed/ Star Born/ Prime Creator / High Soul Selves/ Soul Galactic Mission / Multidimensional Divine Being & Mother Gaia Earth Light Ship …. Deepest Purest Soul Connection to Our Highest Galactic Soul Experiences [ Love One’s] All Within Our Physical Realities to Our Deepest Inner Divine Blueprint with !!
Zero Point Fields Systems Activating to Reconstruct a New Celestial/ Universal / Multi Verse Fields Systems….
Deep Cellular Pain Bodies, Old 3D Programming of Suffering, Pain , Fear, Old ABUSIVE PATTERNS of Self Within the Collectives Consciousness/ Conscious Fields/ Energy Bodies/ Our Physical Body Holds this Programming On A Cellular level Which we Are Releasing a Acceleration Speed …..
Telepathic Hearing/ Sound/ Light Hearing/ Two Way Communication to Multi Verses Within Interior/ Exterior Physical Body Vessel… New Abilities…..
Ultra Violet Plasma Photonic Light Solar Energy/ New Plasma Photonic Light Energy!!
New Rainbow Paradise Krystalline Diamond Plasma Energy Matrices/ Fields / New Rainbow Earth / Andara Earth / New Universe’s as we Shift Within the Physical Photonic Light Body / Teleportion To New Universe’s [ Plasma Liquid Photonic Diamond Light Plasma Fields ** Awesome Experiences to Remember while we are pulling up The Deepest rooted Old Trauma/Old Mentalities/ Old Matrices/ Realities…..
New Pink Diamond Liquid Light Moon Codes From Our Full Moon New Cosmic Cycle _ New Full Moon Codes _ Ultra Pink Diamond Plasma Liquid Light Fields…. We are Opening New Doorways/ New Opportunities For Higher Celestial Soul Experiences….
New Gaia Earth Galactic Interior Shifts / Earth Shifts New Stargates Activating and Dialing In…
Golden Diamond Solar Star Dust Coding/ Upgrades/ Golden Celestial Bodies Activation’s/ Blueprints/ Template’s!!
Universal New Divine Numbers to Follow the Hearts of the Universe’s On a Eternal/ External Experience – 1144 _333_786_963_ 2212 _ 1121_ 555_ 1111_ _777_321 _ 971_ 444 _144 _1155
REMINDER Follow the Hearts of the Universe’s Within
REMINDER Love Thy Self
REMINDER Make Your Own Magic
We Appreciate your Energetic Exchanges Of Love , Generosity, and Constributions of Light…..
Galactic/ God Source Light Encoded Language of Light Transmission Writing By Akasha Ra Azurite & Galactic Councils…
Dear friends, with the energies of the Full Moon in Scorpio still flowing around us, today April 24 2024 we are being showered with a new wave of harmonious energy.
This 4:24:24 portal brings a wonderful sense of confidence, security, and protection to our earthly journey. Today’s energy brings with a deeper stability within the seemingly chaotic energies we have been navigating this whole month.
This portal resonates with the vibrations of numbers 2 and 4. The energy vibration of number 2 is usually associated with polarities and duality: positive/negative, male/female, day/night, black/white, yin/yang. The number 2 symbolizes the principle of coming together and finding a new common ground. Number 2 also emanates an energy of balance, peace and diplomacy, intuition, emotion and sensitivity. On the other hand, number 4 has a more practical aspect to it, since the attributes that resonate with this number are usually connected with organization, establishing order, and bringing ideas and plans into material form. A number 4 vibration maintains stability within a system so we can make our dreams a reality. The energetic vibrations associated with number 4 bring balance, coherence, and a solid foundation (imagine a square or a cube) to our world. Number 4 relates to the four elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water; the four cardinal directions: North, South, East, and West; and the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.
In a Tarot card deck, the number 4 card is The Emperor. He is a stoic symbol of responsibility, practicality, and confidence, just like the 4 in Numerology. In the zodiac, the Astrology sign Cancer is associated with the number 4. Cancer is the fourth sign and strives to create a secure environment. It is also dedicated to its home and the protection of its loved ones.
Within our energetic body, the fourth Chakra is the heart chakra, which connects the mind-body-spirit trinity with the structures of the physical world. Number 4 brings with it a divine masculine creative energy which provides safety and security to any project we want to manifest in the physical realm. On the other hand, number 2 has both male and feminine energies within it.
Therefore, the 4:24:24 portal infuses us with discipline, productivity, and the energetic drive needed to keep moving forward in our earthly journey as we learn to integrate and accept our inner and outer duality experiences.
Today is the perfect day to sit down and think about a few practical steps to assist the manifestation of any changes you may be considering bringing into your life and new heart-aligned timelines. It’s time to start putting into reality the dreams and ideas this intense energetic month of April has been nurturing within your soul.
Some physical symptoms may continue as we integrate the full moon light codes and a few recent solar flares. We are also moving into the phase of liberating and purging old information. Those of you who are energy sensitives may be experiencing flu like symptoms, allergies, throat/skin/ear issues, and some random muscle and joint aches. Please stay hydrated and rest as needed. Allow yourself to feel the emotional issues being released and cleared from your systems as you move through this transformative period.
With mercury moving direct in a few days, we should expect some forward movement as we transition into the energies of next month. Today’s harmonizing 4:24:24 energies will add an extra layer of stability and confidence in our journey forward. Have a wonderful day! Much love
Every soul will experience “The Shift” differently and every soul will have unique experiences as all is in fact energetic.
We are moving away from density, from form as we know it, and all is now in a state of pure energy. I often find the depth of what I am experiencing to be of such high vibrational frequency, that I struggle with words. I have been able to do this since 2008, but this is now octaves higher.
You will now find that as the heart center opens more and more and we step fully into the heart-centered living, we will directly communicate soul to soul, heart to heart, telepathically but also energetically. Our third eye will “see, hear and feel” the experience without our even needing to utter one single word.
I have experienced this time and again when I communicate with animals, first via the heart centers and then will telepathically receive messages and convey them. It is a very natural process. It is effortless.
When the energetic exchanges take place, it does not matter where in the world the other soul is, nor if they are operating at Universal levels.
We are awakening to our true essence, our immense capabilities as souls. The soul is limitless. We will start to experience and remember so much more. This is just the very beginning of us accessing the seeming impossible and then finding it is just as easy to do so, when our consciousness rises, as it is to brush our teeth.
I cannot wait for the greater expansion to happen, for indeed we are on threshold of discovering (rediscovering) so many faculties of our own souls and indeed interstellar energetic exchanges, communications, and everything else, which we could not before in our denseness. We dissolving and becoming the new expression of Lightbody forms and indeed this is where life will get enormously interesting!
I can’t wait for all of this to happen and was led this morning to read a passage in an accelerated ascension book, which confirmed this.
Our playing small time has ended. Welcome the Age of Energetic Miracles.
We are in for huge changes and indeed all good, miracle good.
Heart healing continues on all levels, bringing you the courage to face your fears, and facilitate self-love and self-acceptance. This includes perceiving setbacks as growth opportunities. Integrating all of life’s lessons will help you align with how powerful, strong, and protected you are. Then in will be easier to be more heart opened so love can freely be received and given.
Release the old stories of being attacked. Let go of resentments and attachments, and allow the energies to simply flow and allow. Rise up into love. This is your true strength, protection, and power – unconditional love.
Inner union will continue to bring you back to your true self through this healing, especially in the minds eye. Be gentle with yourself and do what makes you happy today. So much is returning back to you now, so relaxing into peace and pleasure will help you receive. Lavender will support your restoration and rediscovery of yourself, clean and clear of the past.
On Wednesday, April 24th, the Moon, ruler of the waves of our emotions and where we just had the Full Moon last evening, remains in water sign Scorpio. Today she will connect with Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, Saturn, planet of karmic lessons, and approach connections to Chiron, ruler of past life wounds, Uranus, planet of lightning bolt revelations, and Jupiter, ruler of our belief systems. The power of this Scorpio Full Moon remains strong and powerful!
We are still clearing, purging and releasing on the subconscious and unconscious levels of our being. Old ways of thinking and perceiving are undergoing adjustments and realignments. Our emotional bodies are being restructured. We are able to have greater awareness of our wounds and traumas from the past. And, great “Aha moments” happen that lead to soul expansion and growth. Sit in stillness and reflect on all of the changes you have recently been through, and know that you are shedding what you no longer need and evolving into the truth of who you really are!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of the waves of our emotions and where we just had the Full Moon last evening, remains in water sign Scorpio
Lunar aspects. Mercury retrograde in Aries semi-sextile Saturn in Pisces – We’re coming up for air after deep diving in Scorpio’s waters at the peak of the lunar cycle. Now we’re treading water, waiting for the feelings to subside. Mentally, perhaps we’re not sure what to think, not sure what to say. Maybe all that is required is time to process or time to figure out the next move.
And we have time. Saturn is a steady hand amidst turbulent waters. Find your anchor, he says. Locate that faith deep inside of you. Crystallise the dream you’ve been keeping secret for fear it could never work. Ask yourself why you are hesitating. Some practical caution is healthy but constant self-doubt is not. Make your inner voice compassionate and encouraging. Ideas manifest when you believe in yourself.
‘Self-Existing’ is the name for the number four and its keywords are ‘Define, Measure and Form’. We are on the fourth day of the Blue Night wavespell of dreaming and so, today we must take a closer look at these dreams. Pay attention to the details. Modify if necessary but don’t forget to be honest in your appraisal. Because today’s number four energy entails the inspection of details, we may find ourselves at the center of the scrutiny. This is because we can direct the measuring inwardly. It’s perfectly OK to allow yourself to have this inner dialogue. You may learn something new, but just don’t be too critical.
Today is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Equality and Opportunity’. The Worldbridger provides opportunities to cross bridges and when you think about it each night as we dream, we are indeed crossing over to a different state of consciousness. How then do we bridge the gap between dreaming and reality? We must build bridges not burn bridges, if we want our dreams to come true. As it is a ‘Self Existing’ day, the way we do this is by paying attention to the details and following the clues. As it is such a detailed oriented theme today, we may find ourselves looking closer to issues like death and our own mortality. These deeper introspections are totally normal and Worldbridger encourages such reflection. After all, death is just the other side of the last bridge we cross.
The Guide today is White Wind, the communicator. Our words guide us today and so speak before you act. Conversations can yield vital information which will greatly help today’s detailed analysis. When the Windy Wind guides, you can expect to be blown around or blown away. Words have the power to change your life and on a day such as this, the words that change – should be read very carefully.
The Challenge today is Yellow Warrior. Going on a quest today and wielding your willpower may be difficult, so being patient is your only option. In other words, don’t be pushy as that method won’t work well today. If you are a Yellow Warrior, using your intelligence or asking questions is pointless. Put down your sword and wait it out until tomorrow.
The Occult power is the Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision and Creativity’. When in the magical position, the Eagle offers insights into how to use magic in a creative way. The visions available to us today reveal secrets of the Occult which will help us cross over the bridge.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who symbolizes thinking outside of the box. If you need a completely different perspective today – ask a Skywalker. Their viewpoint is often refreshing and can help you see things in a different light! If you can’t locate the bridge that you want to cross, Skywalker recommends you take an entirely different approach.
KIN 186 = 15 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony
A DIVINELY MAJIKAL day of endings and completion, leaving the PAST behind as we step through the doorway into the New time. Today we are DEFINING the New Dream.
Today’s code is important as we are stepping on the RAINBOW BRIDGE to the NEW WORLD we are constructing and walking through the STARGATES to 5D NEW EARTH.
Day 4 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are defining the DREAM in order to build a solid foundation for PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE!
SELF-EXISTING – Tone 4 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – measures, POWER – defines, ESSENCE – form. SELF-EXISTING number 4 takes form and we have ourselves a square shape.Self-existing, measuring and defining, very intelligent, fascinated by self. We now have built a sturdy platform upon which further growth takes place.
Tone 4 is the tone of NIKOLA TESLA who was a BLUE SELF-EXISTING NIGHT. Today we have a 3.6.9 TESLA code – so we have DOUBLE TESLA MANIFESTING MAJIK… Tone 4 gives you the superpower to VISUALIZE and IMAGINE your creations in your MIND’S VISION and IMAGINE it into existence. Very potent CREATION power.
Today we are using our MINDS to anchor our Dreams. We are defining how we can access and manifest this new world with greater Abundance in our lives. Dispense with the rest and build your new solid foundations on the basis of DIVINE ALCHEMY and majikal manifestations by building your rainbow bridge to new realms.
So precious Soul-ar StarBliss Supernova Suns, today we LET GO and LET GOD.
SURRENDER your old definition of your life, and our world, as Gaia terraforms our planet, to redesign a new more spacious and joyous existence for us all!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world, allowing Spirit to guide me in FORMing our brilliant New ABUNDANT world together?”
It is time to BOLT over that Rainbow Bridge
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WORLDBRIDGER– CIMI Seals the store of Death! The DEATH of the old paradigm!! CIMI asks you to LET GO and SURRENDER your old world of poverty, scarce-city and suffering. Defining Death and honouring the death of the old. Recognizing and honouring the suffering that we have all experienced in order to bring us to this point.
The FULL MOON today is in SCORPIO – the sign that governs DEATH, REBIRTH and RESURRECTION as it rises like the PHOENIX from the ashes – ready to take FLIGHT. We have a 9 day total bringing COMPLETION and ENDINGS – leaving the PAST BEHIND US – especially as today we are officially EXITING the ECLIPSE cauldron.
The SCORPIO FULL MOON will bring up our SHADOW and illuminate what we need to FORGIVE and integrate in order to RISE up LIGHTER and BRIGHTER to make the new CONNECTIONS. Today we are releasing all energies attached to the negative thoughtforms in the MIND, that may seek to limit the ABUNDANCE in our lives. This FREES us to build the Rainbow bridge to the new world. Laying the foundation for unlimited happiness and prosperity, allowing our wonderful Dreams to take FORM in our present reality.
WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting. Build the BRIDGE to the world you WANT to LIVE in! Keep your focus on where you WANT to be!
Tap into the 3.6.9 and MOON MAJIK – to MANIFEST your DREAMS today!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIND IK the WHITE WIND communicates messages from Spirit. Self-Existing defines form, as we use our minds to define the process of in-tuition. Through our Spirit we quietly construct, define and design the coming world. In this world is our freedom.
When our minds are OPEN and hollow, freed from the old constructs and paradigm, free from judgement, criticism and bias, we make space for new thoughts and ideas. We become pure unadulterated channels of divine energy, the Angelic messengers of Spirit. Divine HU-mans constructing our Earthly experience.
Spirit is the higher guide today, and for the WHOLE of this GALACTIC YEAR, bringing forth the DIVINE PLAN for humanity through the collective consciousness. Each day the presence of Spirit in each soul, is growing greater, as the LIGHT spreads throughout the HEART and MINDS of men.
The SELF-EXISTING wind enables us to have DIVINE POWER to construct our DREAM life and DREAM WORLD as cocreators with Spirit. The 9 DESTINY code will enable more CLARITY regarding your DIVINE MISSION – tune in and ASK to be shown how you may SERVE in a greater capacity.
Today is a brilliant day to LISTEN to the whispering of the WINDS of change. Allowing Spirit to take over the reins and guide you to new undiscovered lands of plenty. TRUST that Spirit is the higher power supporting your new bridge and providing for all your needs to manifest your Dreams.
Channel, pray, meditate, sing, and dance as you follow the Yellow Brick Road to the riches of the Emerald city. Open your EARS, your MIND and HEART and SURRENDER to the voice of Spirit.
SUPPORT: RED SELF-EXISTING SKYWALKER– BEN the GALACTIC EXPLORER leads us into new realms, new possibilities and new opportunities today. Accessing the collective unconscious DREAMING that we are all involved in, to provide greater SPACE for endless BLISS to flow in. The process of not landing anywhere, or attaching opinions to what we see in the passageway between worlds, but to merely be the witness to all that passes through us.
Today we are SURRENDERING to the total expansion of the Heavens within you, in order to build a divine foundation for your wonderful new life to take form. SURRENDER to the NEW.
BEN beckons us to be the human conduits, the pillars joining Heaven and Earth and manifesting EDEN in our lives.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE– MEN gives us the power to SEE with great clarity today, in all directions of time. Allowing the most enlightening VISION of PEACE, JOY and ABUNDANCE for all beings, to define our planetary Dream.
The PLANETARY EAGLE elevates our focus to that of our entire global family and planet, with the added SUPERPOWER of MANIFESTATION, granting us the ability to MANIFEST the bigger picture for our world.
Today we have
the 3.6.9 TESLA code,
the 4 tone of FORM
the BLUE NIGHT GENIE/Abundance power
What do you desire to MANIFEST into FORM????
Whatever we can SEE and IMAGINE with our MINDS we can CREATE! What a SUPERPOWER Our collective MIND is being upgraded to CREATOR mode! Yippee MASS MANIFESTATION of our collective DREAMING.
BLUE EAGLE asks us to TRUST in the HIGHEST VISION, that has always guided our Ancestors, to LEAD their people into a New World foretold by their prophecies. Knowing that the future cycles have already been “written” in our Planetary Akashic records.
Allow BLUE EAGLE to reveal the elevated VISION possible for you today.
SEE THE BIG PICTURE of your Divine Destiny plan.
Broaden your Horizons and allow Spirit to be the wind beneath your wings!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING WARRIOR– CIB gifts us today, with the ability to fearlessly QUEST-I-ON all that is disharmonious, and ONLY accept what is for our HIGHEST good. Questioning what transpired throughout history, that defined our collective Dreaming. Questioning the illusion broadcasting through mass media, and seeking to SEE the undercurrent of TRUTH at the core of the issue. Rejecting what is false, chaotic and discordant, and not in alignment with our new Divine Harmonic Matrix.
Our RAINBOW WARRIORS have the GIFT of FUTURE VISION supported by the PLANETARY EAGLE, revealing the path ahead.
We are allowing our intelligence to explore OUTSIDE of the BOX, in order to fashion and use our own free will, to co-create the most divine future possible. Staying fearlessly focused on the highest potentials, of co-creating the NEW TIME with our tribes. Showing up, being READY and totally committed to accomplishing the NEW.
Our free will is guiding us all, on our QUEST back to the elegant design of the Harmonic Matrix.
The higher intelligence of CIB aligns with BLUE EAGLE today. This brings much wisdom, to rise above the old ways and close the door to the old world, fearlessly moving forward. HALLELUJAH it is TIME!
So precious Soul-ar StarBliss Supernova Suns, today we LET GO and LET GOD.
SURRENDER your old definition of your life, and our world, as Gaia terraforms our planet, to redesign a new more spacious and joyous existence for us all!
Today’s question is “How can I totally SURRENDER and LET GO of the old world, allowing Spirit to guide me in FORMing our brilliant New ABUNDANT world together?”
It is time to BOLT over that Rainbow Bridge
Divine blessings for BUILDING the foundation of our new RAINBOW bridge to BLISS!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the
week of April 21st through April 27th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from April 21st through April 27th 2024 which includes this weeks Astrology and very powerful Pink Full Moon in Scorpio. She also reads four powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony, Guided Meditation and Prayer for the Scorpio Full Moon.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
I AM Forgiveness acting here, Casting out all doubt and fear,
Setting men forever free
With wings of cosmic Victory.
I AM calling in full power
For Forgiveness every hour;
To all life in every place
I flood forth forgiving Grace. (3x)
Forgiveness Mantra
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