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AN IMPORTANT DAY FOR ALL! The Breath of the Solar Masculine ~ The Divine BluePrint is Unfolding

AN IMPORTANT DAY FOR ALL! The Breath of the Solar Masculine ~ The Divine BluePrint is Unfolding





Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Divine Keepers of the White Flame of Resurrection and Ascension

Happy April first, the Day of New Beginnings from the Zero Point Field of the Void!

To usher in this Holy Month of April we have a Galactic Activation Portal day on the Mayan Tzolkin with Galactic Signature Kin 58 ~ White Rhythmic Mirror, where the Mirror of the Mind of Source reflects itself perfectly in its own Divine Resonance.

We are now stepping into crystal clear clarity to our higher purpose, to our Divine Missions and to our infinite multidimensionality as free and sovereign souls of the Great Spirit.

It is time to fully release all that no longer serves you or humanity. This includes all doubts, fears and negative thoughts, feelings and emotions. We let it all go back into the void from where they came. As conscious co creators of the New Earth we live our passions and hear the calling of Gaia the Divine Mother through our Sacred Heart Centers.

All Starseeds on Terra Nova Gaia came in for this Awakening of Human Consciousness and we all play our part in this Great Symphony of Life. In right thoughts and right action we walk the middle path of balance and harmony and work directly with the five elements in the Alchemy of Source.

We step over the threshold of the New Golden Age of Enlightenment through the Self Realization of Buddha Mind, our True Nature; Pure, empty and free Awareness, timelessness. Freedom from the shackles of time is being fully present here now in this body where I always am. The Eternal Now.

On the Wings of Angels the Eagle and the Condor fly as One in Hieros Gamos. This is the marriage of Knowledge with Wisdom. The Divine Union of Truth and Love, the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine merging together in the oneness of Unity Consciousness. Shakti and Shiva dance together through the infinite multiverse in Holy Matrimony.

Our Divine Mother Mariam of the Holy Waters is with us transmitting her Loving Healing Embrace to calm your Spirit and bring you into the Heavenly Bliss of Unconditional Love.

The veils of separation and forgetfulness are dropping and dissolving to reveal your Bright Virtue at one with God. Nothing can stop this Revelation and you have the Power within you to make the Quantum Leap into your Luminous Avatar of Infinite Light, forever Brilliant and Free…Shine on Angels of the New Eden…Aho!



Right now: Moon at 24°50′ Leo, Sun at 12°02′ Aries

sabian symbols

Current Sabian Symbols

Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun

A bomb which failed to explode is now safely concealed.
Sabian Symbol for 13º Aries

The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Aries.


Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon

A large camel crossing a vast and forbidding desert.
Sabian Symbol for 25º Leo

The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 25º Leo.




Layer after layer, step after step, you are moving forward. The Universe is cooking up something just for you. You have a vision. You’ve expressed your wants, your hopes, to the Universe. Now something is ready to come, clearer in your mind. You’re consistently creating the foundations for long-term success on your path. Keep going.
A Vision
A Vision
Mother Mariam
Mother Mariam
💫 Plasma Mega Blast through our Body…in particular CROWN and root Chakra … feeling of being in another space/dimension…expanded breath…foggy head…multiple visions overlapping. ears ringing…(extreme) sensitivity to noise/sounds…emotional triggers💫
With Love
Cristina 💜
1 ✨️4 ✨️2023
Thanks to Lyra Kitty Whiteheart for this Beautiful Image✨️💫✨️
A new and very powerful activation has happened.
You don’t need to do anything.
Just allow yourself to feel the changes that are integrating within everything part of your human genetic code.
Everything is rapidly changing. Breathe and allow.
Trust your inner self like you have never trusted before.
It’s all happening within you.
You are home within yourself.
Peace is within and all around you.
Trust this moment. It is perfectly in divine order for us all.
Ebb and flow these energies 🌀
You are safe.
powerful activation
powerful activation
Precious hearts,
Do not give attention to the illusion of fear.
Turn within.
Place your hands on your heart.
Be still.
Return HOME to your HEART.
It is there you are SAFE.
It is there you are FREE.
It is there where you commune with the GRACE of the Divine.
It is there that you RETURN to the LOVE THAT YOU ARE.
And, fear cannot exist where LOVE DWELLS.
Much is unfolding in the realms of the seen and unseen in this timing.
Your own HEART has the infinite wisdom to illuminate and navigate all that arises in your experience.
This is true.
Be still. Listen deeply. And you will KNOW.
Within each and every HEART is the deep and true KNOWING that ALL IS TRULY WELL, and unfolding perfectly as an extension of God’s Will and eternal LOVE for ALL THAT IS.
So, precious hearts…
Be in PEACE.
Be in FAITH.
Be in JOY.
And Be in LOVE.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.”
– 2 Corinthians 4:16
Love Is. Love Is. Love Is. ✨🤍✨
God Is. God Is. God Is. ✨🙏✨
The Dove
The Dove

Ra James

We are Shifting into April. The frequencies of the Earth are rising. April will be a huge month energetically. April is its own Gateway into the Pleiades and the Lyrids. It brings us a Pink Moon, Eclipse Season and the the Lyrids Meteor Shower. April 6th is the Libra Full Moon. It’s the Paschal Full Moon. The Paschal Full Moon is the first Full Moon immediately after the Spring Equinox. It’s our Easter Moon. It’s also known as the Awakening Moon. This Full Moon will Shift us into a Season of Rebirth. Expect a lot of positive energies. It’s also a Pink Moon and so important for what’s going on in your love life. The Sun will be exactly conjunct Chiron in Aries. Libra rules relationships. This means the contracts closest to you are coming up for review. It also means if your connections are hurting you or causing you pain it’s time to let them go.
Many are completing and clearing a lot of karmic lessons and contracts. April 11th will be the Luckiest Day of the Year. On this day the Sun aligns with Jupiter. Expect good fortune as we align with the energies of this Galactic Expander. April 20th we have a rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse in Aries. This is a rare astronomical event and a true celestial phenomenon. It’s one of the most powerful Eclipses that we have had in the past decade. It’s a combination of a Total and an Annular Eclipse. The Moon’s shadow will fall on the Earth, blocking the Sun’s rays creating a beautiful Ring of Fire around the Moon. This is our second New Moon in Aries that this Aries Season has brought.
This Eclipse occurs at a karmic degree to Aries. This Eclipse also will occur on an Aries/Libra axis. The Lunar North Node enters Aries later on in the Summer. That makes April Karmic Clearing Season. April brings us 6 powerful Galactic Activation Portal Days. 4:1. Huge Pleiadian Portal. Twin Flame Gateway. 4:7, 4:12, 4:15, 4:20, and 4:28. These Upgrade Days are evenly spaced throughout the month. This gives us a chance to rest and integrate. April 22nd is the peak of the Lyrid Meteor Shower. That means we will be seeing lots of Shooting Stars this month…
Archangel Chamuel
Archangel Chamuel
We received immense downloads yesterday. Light informing the cells to clear out. Dreamtime was one of many distant memories for me to experience in order to allow and let go without any resistance from my human as “Past” overlays fully dissolve. We sleep to awaken. With light, comes further activations and awakening to deeper aspects of shadow that have been waiting to be confronted in a way that is welcoming. Yesterday a very strong guidance came in for me to sit with. Being accountable or responsible for your part in your own experiences “good or bad” dissolves or neutralizes any further storyline that your mind can come up with. This gives guilt, shame, & blame a backseat so to speak, or more so; does not give these themes power in your overall human experience.
Even regret will have no ownership over your experiences because everything has its rightful place & purpose to initiate you into higher streams of consciousness. It’s like making peace with the parts of yourself that have not wanted to be fully responsible for “its” own partaking or acting out. You cease projecting and parent or guide the parts of self that have unconsciously/subconsciously enjoyed kicking and screaming along the way, being stubborn, or that somehow has managed to prevent you from seeing yourself in full view.
Being accountable for your own suffering without being a victim is part of integrating the lesson. There is always a higher choice point waiting for you to tap into. As these continuous streams of light flow forward, within, through, out, and everywhere in between; every cell will vibrate its way into a release to awaken any fear, separation, judgment lingering in your body -mind- identify. You awaken to integrate, transcend, & embody. Lots coming in, going on, and coming up. Divine timing does not make mistakes.
Let Love be your Guide.

Eirini ~ Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy

APRIL 1 2023


On this day joyous news is arriving:
-After a series of exorcisms and detachments from the the lower density presences,
the Living Ones today are taking their next step in their purification and restoration process
and are receiving their new divine blessings!
-The Ruby Diamond is activating the 12 sound heart waves/aspects
and their Seeds are being restored.
-The Breath of the Solar Masculine
that the ‘Orange Diamond of Abundance’ has brought back to earth,
is waking up the masculine presence from maya and lethargy.
He is being pulled out of stagnation and loss
into his new position and place in the world in all of his aspects.
-The Uranium is available again
for those who are ready to release the
toxicities of the Luciferian aspect.
-The Paradise is no longer lost.
-THe Uranian Heaven and the Earthly Heaven
are being reconnected through the only branch that is available for this.
The nature of the system we live in will be further revealed, recognised and understood.
-The 144.000 are moving ahead.
The time has come and they are being taken to a new stage of their mission.
They have clearly been guided to stop informing people
who do not wish to align to the truth
and they are now receiving divine initiations and glorious upgrades,
which will be revealing to them more of their true purpose and actions from now on.
Great empowerment and miraculous transformation is here for them.
-From today and until the summer solstice
will be a period during which
these toxicities will be released once and for all.
This will be experienced in different ways according to one’s nature and needs.
This might create small crisis
but all healing tools will be available in order for people to go through them in an effective and safe way.
Amazing and unprecedented revelations, upgrades, realisations,
completions, repositioning and new beginnings,
will take place.
The false family will depart and the true family will be coming in.
This will be happening on all levels.
The Divine will be revealing itself to the Living Ones and
it will often feel like the Living Ones will be moving in and out of this world.
At the same time,
all the pending initial soul contracts of limitation which have been overriding the
inner kundalini paths are clearing,
so revisiting and settling certain situations that these contracts were connected to,
will bring up necessary processes, encounters and events.
This will take place at a fast pace.
Constant smaller or bigger readjustments will be a great theme of this upcoming period.
If people will drop out of your reality
please allow them to and allow the opposite too,
and know that you will meet them again later
under a more clear but different perspective.
The unconscious mass will also release these toxicities
so this could create incidents of aggression, fighting or craziness.
Some souls still deeply caught in maya, might even give up.
Those that were not open to the spiritual truths up until now,
will experience specific catalytic events orchestrated by the higher selves of the collective, for the creation of more inner space and acceptance, which is greatly needed now.
But on the other hand, after all these releases and catalytic events,
clarity will start returning and a new understanding will start reaching all.
Love is here and everything is good!
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Αυτή τη μέρα έρχονται χαρούμενα νέα:
-Μετά από μια σειρά εξορκισμών και αποχωρισμού από τις παρουσίες χαμηλότερης πυκνότητας,
οι Ζώντες σήμερα κάνουν το επόμενο βήμα στη διαδικασία καθαρισμού και αποκατάστασης τους
και λαμβάνουν τις νέες θεϊκές τους ευλογίες!
-Το Ρουμπινί Διαμάντι ενεργοποιεί τα 12 ηχητικά κύματα/πτυχές της καρδιάς
και οι Σπόροι τους αποκαθίστανται.
-Η Ανάσα του Ηλιακού Αρσενικού
που το «Πορτοκαλί Διαμάντι της Αφθονίας» έφερε πίσω στη γη,
ξυπνά την αντρική παρουσία από τη μάγια και τον λήθαργο.
Ανασύρεται από τη στασιμότητα του και την απώλεια
στη νέα του θέση και μέρος στον κόσμο, σε όλες τις πτυχές του.
-Το Ουράνιο είναι ξανά διαθέσιμο
για όσους είναι έτοιμοι να απελευθερώσουν το
τοξικότητες της Εωσφορικής πτυχής.
-Ο Παράδεισος δεν είναι πια χαμένος.
-Ο Ουρανός Παράδεισος και ο Επίγειος Παράδεισος
επανασυνδέονται μέσω του μοναδικού κλαδιού που είναι διαθέσιμο για αυτό.
Η φύση του συστήματος στο οποίο ζούμε
θα αποκαλυφθεί περαιτέρω, θα αναγνωριστεί και θα κατανοηθεί.
-Οι 144.000 προχωρούν εμπρός.
Ήρθε η ώρα και οδηγούνται σε ένα νέο στάδιο της αποστολής τους.
Έχουν σαφώς καθοδηγηθεί να σταματήσουν να ενημερώνουν τους ανθρώπους
που δεν επιθυμούν να ευθυγραμμιστούν με την αλήθεια
και λαμβάνουν τώρα θεϊκές μυήσεις και ένδοξες αναβαθμίσεις,
που θα τους αποκαλύψουν περισσότερα από τον πραγματικό σκοπό και τις κινήσεις τους από εδώ και πέρα.
Μεγάλη ενδυνάμωση και θαυματουργή μεταμόρφωση είναι εδώ για αυτούς.
-Από σήμερα και μέχρι το θερινό ηλιοστάσιο
θα είναι μια περίοδος κατά την οποία
αυτές οι τοξικότητες θα απελευθερωθούν μια για πάντα.
Αυτό είναι κάτι που θα βιωθεί με διαφορετικούς τρόπους ανάλογα με τη φύση και τις ανάγκες κάποιου.
Μπορεί να δημιουργηθούν μικρές κρίσεις
αλλά όλα τα θεραπευτικά εργαλεία θα είναι διαθέσιμα
προκειμένου οι άνθρωποι να τις περάσουν με αποτελεσματικό και ασφαλή τρόπο.
Καταπληκτικές και πρωτόγνωρες αποκαλύψεις, αναβαθμίσεις, πραγματοποιήσεις,
ολοκληρώσεις, επανατοποθετήσεις και νέα ξεκινήματα,
θα λάβουν χώρα.
Η ψεύτικη οικογένεια θα φύγει και η αληθινή οικογένεια θα εισέλθει.
Αυτό θα γίνει σε όλα τα επίπεδα.
Το Θεικό θα αποκαλύπτεται στους Ζώντες και
συχνά θα μοιάζει σαν οι Ζώντες να μετακινούνται μέσα και έξω από αυτόν τον κόσμο.
Την ίδια στιγμή,
όλα τα εκκρεμή αρχικά συμβόλαια περιορισμού της ψυχής που είχαν υπερισχύσει
στα εσωτερικά μονοπάτια της Κουνταλίνι θα καθαρίζουν,
έτσι θα γίνει η επανεξέταση και διευθέτηση ορισμένων καταστάσεων
με τις οποίες συνδέονταν αυτά τα συμβόλαια,
και θα φέρουν στην επιφάνεια τις απαραίτητες διαδικασίες, συναντήσεις και γεγονότα.
Αυτό θα γίνει με γρήγορους ρυθμούς.
Οι συνεχείς μικρότερες ή μεγαλύτερες αναπροσαρμογές
θα είναι το μεγάλο θέμα αυτής της επερχόμενης περιόδου.
Αν οι άνθρωποι φεύγουν από την πραγματικότητα σας,
επιτρέψτε τους να φύγουν και το αντίθετο και να ξέρετε ότι θα τους συναντήσετε ξανά αργότερα
κάτω από μια πιο ξεκάθαρη αλλά διαφορετική οπτική.
Η ασυνείδητη μάζα θα απελευθερώσει επίσης αυτές τις τοξικότητες
έτσι αυτό θα μπορούσε να δημιουργήσει περιστατικά επιθετικότητας, αντιπαλότητας ή τρέλας.
Μερικές ψυχές ακόμα βαθιά παγιδευμένες στη μάγια,
μπορεί ακόμη και να τα παρατήσουν.
Αυτοί που δεν ήταν ανοιχτοί στις πνευματικές αλήθειες μέχρι τώρα,
θα βιώσουν συγκεκριμένα καταλυτικά γεγονότα ενορχηστρωμένα από τους ανώτερους εαυτούς της συλλογικότητας,
για τη δημιουργία περισσότερου εσωτερικού χώρου και αποδοχής,
που είναι πολύ απαραίτητος τώρα.
Αλλά από την άλλη,
μετά από όλες αυτές τις απελευθερώσεις και τα καταλυτικά γεγονότα,
η σαφήνεια/διάκριση θα αρχίσει να επιστρέφει και μια νέα κατανόηση θα αρχίσει να φτάνει σε όλους.
Η αγάπη είναι εδώ και όλα είναι καλά!
Ξεκινάμε τη συνεδρία μας σε λίγες ώρες!
Όσοι θα έχουν το εσωτερικό κάλεσμα να συμμετάσχουν σε αυτό το έργο,
μπορείτε να μου στείλετε μήνυμα για τις λεπτομέρειες της συμμετοχής.
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
The Spiral
The Spiral

The Divine Plan / Blueprint is Unfolding….

✨The pieces of the puzzle are slowly coming together to reveal the Original Blueprint….The Blueprint we had committed to before incarnating…. All the work done at the etheric realms is manifesting in double quick time…The Serpent Kundalini Goddess has disengaged and released the Cosmic Egg of New Creations that She had created, nurtured and protected till The Timing Aligned as it did with the Equinox Gateway .
❤️The Equinox Gateway (March 21-22), The Beginning of the Hindu Vedic New Year (March 22), Navratri – 9 Nights of The Goddess (March 22-30) , Pluto’s movement into Aquarius (March 23), Venus / Inanna at Gate of Compassion at (High)Heart Chakra (March 24) ……It has been a heavy duty Month of energetic shifts aligned with mega cycles endings and Rebirth, redirection and realignment wrt The Original Divine Blueprint and Purpose we Incarnated for….. and even though we know at a cellular level that this is exactly how the pieces of the puzzle were meant to align/ this is what we have been manifesting all along….. we are no longer viewing reality from the lens of perception we had prior to Equinox for new understanding and hidden information has come/ is coming to the fore which thus changes our filters of perception.
And it is against this backdrop that we now find ourselves at CrossRoads….even though we know instinctively that all which is unfolding is Divine Timing and Divine Intervention and alignment with the Original Blueprint…. Yet The CrossRoads involve Choice, Intention, feelings of anxiety /fear( as we are kept in a need to know basis) knowing that the status quo is changing irrevocably and the past is slowly but definitely falling apart and the We Hold Power over The New -via our Choice/ intention/ will/ action ie The Chariot / Year of 7…and that can be a scary / unsettling feeling …and also a confirmation and validation of how far we have come along the ascension spiral where we are Now without doubt the CoCreators of Our New Reality. In a realm of Free Will (Earth Reality)
…we now Once Again wield the Power of The Architects/ CoCreators of The New Earth/ Spiral (like in ancient Atlantean/Khem)…. It is as Potent and Powerful as it can Be dangerous….The Power rests with us …as Does the Responsibility…..What Are We Creating?!?!….(for It Will…. Manifest!!!)
🌹The Divine Feminine Principle at this Point in Time, Venus/ Inanna as the Capricorn Wise Woman Metagoddess who not only influences current timelines but influences future timelines and history as the Wise Woman archetype, has reached the Gate of Compassion at the Heart Chakra on March 24 on her journey of ascent, empowerment and reclamation as the Evening star. And it was a rare spectacle that she put up in the evening sky as -The Sacred Symbol of The Goddess/ The Mother/ of Initiation, Activation, Rebirth, Healing , Transcendence and Transformation and New Beginnings. For you see ,this Divine Gateway, although traditionally recognised as Heart Chakra in the Goddess mystery schools, was actually at the High Heart Portal!!!! The Divine Feminine Principle ,within and without , is for the next one month stationed at the very powerful inter cosmic gateway of Manifestation Alchemy and Healing at the High Heart that manifests in alignment with Love and Devotion. It is At the Gate of Compassion that healing of The Emotional Heart takes Center stage.
☯️Now , through this lens of the Divine Feminine , let us reexamine the Equinox Gateway of Sacred Union (within and without) of The Polarities of Masculine and Feminine, Light and Dark, Logic and Intuition, intention and Action…The Kundalini Serpent Cosmic Goddess Energies have released the New Cosmic Egg of New Creations in a Gateway governed by The High Heart Portal of Divine Manifestation which intrinsically demands BALANCE (444) between the Head and Heart/ masculine and feminine/ Love and Responsibility/ healing and manifestation. It is here that The Divine masculine (within and without) steps in as a equal Cocreator….not just as the Foundational structure of directing and protecting the Kundalini Creative Lifeforce Energies
….But also as the Healer of the Divine Feminine of any residual reminiscence of Patriarchal pain /Trauma that could ONLY be unlocked healed and nurtured back to wholeness by “The Ascended Divine Masculine” in equal reciprocity of what the Divine Feminine has so far held Space for the DM. And this thus opens a whole new spiral of Sacred Marriage (within and without) and ancient Soul Connections and Soul Contracts now aligning as we slowly but surely wield the Mantle of CoCreators of The New Earth as Unified in Sacred Union -Conscious Healed and Whole !!!
🌀New Balance and Foundations (444) and New Beginnings/rebirth directed by the Divine Feminine and upheld by The Divine masculine (111, 333, 73/37, 777, 999,555 ) are on the menu…we can no longer function the way we always have as that timeline has dissolved with the Equinox Gateway…. Choice and Intention are the Key, upheld by Love , Devotion , integrity, authenticity , (naked) vulnerability and compassion. The Divine Plan Is Unfolding!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na
Original Blueprint
Original Blueprint
There is such beautiful and powerful liquid fire light now pouring in ushering in new, vibrant life force.
This liquid fire light is filled with very high vibrational sound frequencies and vibrations, which are out of our physical hearing range but our energetic bodies are tuning in as our new crystalline bodies are being tuned into a much higher dimensional frequency band.
I am finding this so uplifting and felt it intensely in nature today. All was buzzing and was framed with light.
We are in for huge changes as never before.
Upwards and onwards we go, into the new creation.
liquid fire light
liquid fire light


The Arcturians
Feel US like a Presence in your Mind, the opening of a Cosmic Light Connection.
Harmoniously, we Join in Light
Simply Open Your LIGHT HEART
To Reach a Higher Light DIMENSION
As the days continue, as your world transponds the greater Light awareness.
Simply find US to reach a greater space of Cosmic Light Infinity.
In Every Step, we vibrationally observe and FEEL the Ebbs and Flows of your world.
For it is just a dream amongst many dreams
When you AWAKEN
You Will SEE
The Grand Picture
Universal Light
In Harmony ❤
Like a wave of Light, the Arcturians came through, a high vibrational light spectrum.
They entered my mind, to transverse light, discuss and download.
As the Light Journey Continues ❤🙏❤
Sending Waves of Cosmic Love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

The energies of April are all about rebirth. We will be going through a STARGATE from the 44 PORTAL to the Libra Full Moon April 4th, 5th, and 6th. This Stargate will create a barrier from the past continuing forward with us. We are accelerating ahead, and the past is staying behind.

The Solar Flares and Solar Eclipse will be activating more Light Body upgrades. This light will clear your contracts with the Family Tree you chose to incarnate into. The Starseed mission to heal those genetics for Genesis is now complete with success.

The Most High is gathering His children to enter into the new Time Space Continuum of the Beloveds. This is where we meet our matches and unite under the Most High – known as CELLULAR WAY.

The Earth is also completing Her upgrades from old earth to New Planetary Earth. Our role and mission to help Her ascension move forward is completing. We have evolved with the Earth’s ascension into 5D, and are now able to ground into Her, New Earth, and become One with Her.

This will bring us balance, stability, and harvest so we can prosper and thrive in New Earth and the New Time Space Continuum of the Beloveds.

Have a very blessed April dear Family 🦋 Love Carolyn


4-1-23 Today we enter a new month of April. The “4” vibrational frequency. 4 is grounding, foundations, anchors, roots. How fitting as we just crossed the equinox into Spring. We’ve spent time in the winter thinking of, planning for this season and it’s here! What kind of soil (almost wrote soul)are we seeding? We are still in this Aires wormhole of conscious creation so now we as gardeners are the sowers into our foundations! How exciting as we exercise responses or reactions as the seeds of new growth.
Today a communion or new cycle with Varuna ( all seeing eye of God, higher vision, an elevated perspective) in Leo ( courage, shining open heartedness, gratitude) with the Black Moon Lilith in Leo( reclaiming, restoring, accessing ) our hidden parts and bringing them to Light to transmute and alchemicalize their dormant or not quite ready to see the beauty within as the gift. Allow yourself to have a new view of you!
And a Venus( heart, love, beauty) in Taurus( where it is most comfortable) Pallas Athena ( divine feminine wisdom) in Cancer( emotional empowerment, mother energy) resource ( helpful placement). Wisdom for up leveled inner child healing, self compassion, ancient guidance to self is available.
hawk medicine
hawk medicine
Venus in Taurus semi-square Mars in Cancer and sextile Pallas in Cancer. Mercury in Aries semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces – Right now we’re steeped in the need for security – emotional, physical, financial. But maybe there are issues at home, conflicts, even just the battle-weary world we live in, that makes us prickle with unease. Deep down we know there are things we could do to mitigate this, small actions guided by gut instincts. But still, sometimes it feels like no matter what we do, we attract the opposite to what we want. Pallas pricks up her ears then offers a warm hug. ‘You can change this pattern’, she says kindly.
There it is. When we’re quiet, when we turn our attention inward, a subtle voice. ‘Peace is possible’. The dreams of the Gods are woven into the fabric of space and time. Reality can feel like an autostereogram image, a random jumble of meaningless dots without pattern or definition. But all that is needed is a shift of perception to see the truth, hidden in plain sight. Look with your heart.
Degrees and Times
Mercury 25°Ar43′, Neptune 25°Pi43′ – 06:39 (BST)
Venus 18°Ta20′, Mars 03°Cn20′ – 07:43 (BST)
Venus 18°Ta31′, Pallas 18°Cn31′ – 11:33 (BST)
For reference, here is an autostereogram 🙂 It can be made into a meditative practice to see the hidden image.
Painting – Reflection by Odilon Redon

Kin 58 ~ White Rhythmic Mirror

The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. The 6th day is very practical, as it’s all about sorting yourself out and clearing out the clutter…whether that’s actual clutter or simply mental clutter. It’s time to re-balance yourself. Each day of a wavespell has its purpose and if you follow each step accordingly, the 13-day journey is more rewarding. Maximize your experience during this Red Skywalker wavespell and get into your ‘Rhythm’ today.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Order and Endlessness’. The Mirror asks you to take a good long, honest look at yourself. Self-reflection is vital as we all need regular reality checks. Some folk are afraid to face the truth but avoiding it only results in living with a fabricated reality. If you take stock honestly, you can then proceed and decide what to do next more accurately, this can only happen when we truly know where we stand. As today is a ‘Rhythmic’ day, clearly the truth manifests re-balancing. It is a great combination of day and number and it is not hard to understand its message.
The Guide today is also White Mirror and so a double helping of reflecting the truth.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Star, so people born on a Yellow Star day will find it hard to accept the truth and re-balance. Yellow Stars are great at seeing the beauty of the world but if the truth is ugly, they don’t want to look at it. Since ‘Art and Beauty’ are not favored today, if you do try to beautify something it may not turn out as expected.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. This suggests that if you seek and find the truth, your dreams have magical potential. They may actually come true! The chances of having a magical dream are likely too, the type of profound dream that leaves you with an important message. Before you go to bed, try asking the Universe for a dream that will help you learn the truth.
The Ally is the Red Dragon, the nurturing energy of the Tzolkin. Dragons are a great help today, providing support and comforting to those who seek it.
It is a Portal Day! This means today has the potential to be quite intense but also there’s a chance that doors can open. Organize yourself and be truthful, this can lead to amazing opportunities.
Kin 58
Kin 58


1 APRIL 2023
I organize in order to reflect
Balancing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the Rhythmic tone of equality
I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
I AM a Galactic Activation Portal (GAP)
ENTER ME!!!💥💥💥
1/4/2023 = 1/4/7 = 1/11 =111 = 1/2= 3
1- New beginnings/Leader/Original
3- Holy trinity/Creativity/Joy/Happiness
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
11- Portal/Gate/Polarity/Illumination
2- Twins/Duality/Partners/Alliances/Cooperation
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 58 = 13 = 4 – Form/Structure/Foundation 4.4. CODE with the NEW MONTH of APRIL
Another POWER packed GAP💥 day meaning it is another portal day! The energies are AMPLIFIED and the focus is on REFLECTION and WAKING up to the ILLUSION that has kept us trapped. Huge focus on TWINS, partnerships and reflected relationships.
April is the 4th Gregorian month of the year. The number 4 is the frequency of the builder of FORM.. The 4 represents the EARTH and the EARTH element, it is the solid foundation we construct in order to build the NEW EARTH… A very prevalent code this year – particularly as we are in a 4 MULUC Year – defining the FORM of our NEW REALITY.
The 4 month code added to 2023=7 year code totals 11 – thus APRIL is a Universal month code of 11/2 – MORE tests and MASTERY in this 7 Spiritually testing year.. The 11 will OPEN more portals and dimensions this month – particularly as the DOUBLE MIRROR OPENS the doors today… BE CAREFUL of ILLUSIONS and stay on track to reap the benefits of this majikal month that takes us through the HOLY week of EASTER.
Day 6 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL of awakening, exploration and NEW ADVENTURES! Today we BALANCE our awakening and exploration, by putting all into ORDER in our PHYSICAL reality. We will be ORGANIZING the SPACE in which we live, work and play!
RHYTHMIC 🛡🗃 Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
A great day for SPACE clearing, energy balancing and using FENG SHUI to organize our living spaces into balanced and harmonious sanctuaries to nurture and comfort us. Inner balance is also featured through yoga, meditation and physical exercise – walking, dancing and stretching. Our inner and outer spaces need to REFLECT the TRUTH of who we are now as souls.
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation of FREEDOM.🐎🐎🐎
Achieving INNER PEACE and calm is then reflected outwardly in our external environment and all that we create. Our manifestations are the outward reflections of our frequency. By raising our vibe and reflecting our LIGHT we automatically illuminate our world! 💡💡💡
✨It is TIME for PEACE🕊 to reign SUPREME in our lives and our world…
✨LOVE,💕 HARMONY🌈 and ABUNDANCE🌻 are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS!🙏🙏🙏
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary! 🐬🌴🏝🏡
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet. ❤🌍🌎🌏❤
✨May PEACE🕊 prevail on Earth!✨
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF AND HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR 🔎🔎 ETZNAB. DOUBLE MIRROR today!! THE POWER OF ENDLESSNESS Today is a day encouraging you to gain a new perspective on your LIFE and physical surroundings…
The themes are endlessness, reflection and TRUTH, from the WHITE MIRROR, nurturing and new beginnings from RED DRAGON. and following your dreams and intuitive hunches from BLUE NIGHT..
These energies bring forth healing and accomplishment through our clarity of mind, through the endless solutions revealed to us in the Mirror. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know THE TRUTH.
Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded. The sword of TRUTH🗡 cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build your DREAMS.
The WHITE tribes are the refiners. Their emphasis is on purifying the Spiritual energies within your body and your consciousness, so that you have a stronger connection to Spirit. The RHYTHMIC tone is seeking to bring these energies into greater BALANCE so that you can embody a much higher consciousness.
Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
The MIRROR star glyph also represents a Mayan PYRAMID – from the top view looking down. The pyramid AMPLIFIES energy so together with the GAP day we have very potent MANIFESTATION energies. ✨✨
The DOUBLE PYRAMIDS can be joined together at the base forming an OCTAHEDRON (i.e. Diamond shape) which forms the crystal core of Mother Gaia. By placing ourselves in a Golden Octahedron, or visualizing one in our home we can activate it to clear out the debris, entities, lost souls and discordant energies. We order it to SPIN, pulling in all the energy through spiralling up through the apex and back to SOURCE, or downwards into GAIA’s core, transmuting it back to harmonic frequencies through the golden mean spiral.🍥
A brilliant tool for restoring ORDER and BALANCE to our homes🏠 and environment, especially when used in conjunction with the VIOLET FLAME of transmutation.💜🔥💜
KIN 58 – 6 ETZNAB was the code on August 9th, 1945 when the plutonium bomb💥 nicknamed “Fat boy” was dropped on the Japanese city of Nagasaki. Three days earlier on August 6th, a uranium bomb – “little boy” – had been dropped on Hiroshima.. creating a huge AWAKENING 💥 on ELECTRIC EAGLE day, for humanity to SEE 👁👁the global picture for the human species.
Although the Japanese were in the process of SURRENDERING, the USA decided to drop a second bomb to “Seal the DEAL” – ensuring WW2 was fully OVER – hastening Japan’s conceding defeat. The United States of America deployed the bombing on Nagasaki, to make clear the strength of its nuclear arsenal, ensuring the nation’s supremacy in the global power hierarchy. 💪💣💥
Many argued the futility of the Nagasaki bombing and the great loss of civilian lives – however since 60 Million lives were lost during WW2 -what was a few more? Nagasaki was a FANTASTIC opportunity to experiment in a real life setting – examining the differences between uranium💣and plutonium bombs,💣💥 as well as analyzing the effect of varying land topography – flat versus hilly terrain on the death toll and affected land mass.
President Harry TRUMAN had authorized the dropping of additional bombs on the Japanese cities of Kokura (present-day Kitakyushu), Niigata and Nagasaki as soon as the weather permitted.
Ironically the NAGASAKI bomb💣 had been intended for the Japanese city of Kokura. Kokura was the primary target for the “Fat Man” bomb on August 9, 1945, but on the morning of the raid, the city was obscured by clouds and smoke, from the firebombing🔥💣 of the neighboring city of Yahata, the day before. Since the mission commander Major Charles Sweeney had orders to drop the bomb VISUALLY and not by radar, he diverted to the secondary target of Nagasaki. So it seems KOKURA was saved by a twist of fate, whilst NAGASAKI was devastated – and the rest is HIS-STORY…
❓❓What has humanity learnt from this experience? That Atomic nuclear weapons💣💥 have the capacity to kill large populations of people instantly? 😭😭😭– and yet the arm’s race prevails and nuclear energy proliferates on our planet. It seems the human species are very SLOW in learning their collective lessons!
Death, devastation and EXPERIMENTATION on innocent civilians (as well as soldiers) occured only too often during the war years, and yet here we are today with mass EXPERIMENTATION leading to GENOCIDE occuring ONCE AGAIN.. how the WHEEL of KARMA turns!🎡😥
The RHYTHMIC MIRROR 🔎 is reflecting these repeating patterns, cycles and events through the corridors of TIME, so that we can TAKE STOCK and return to BALANCE.. restoring ORDER from the CHAOS. But only if we are willing to LOOK IN THE MIRROR and see the TRUTH of what the MIRROR is reflecting!
IT IS TIME TO FACE THE TRUTH!! 💥 STOP the GENOCIDE!💣 and BREAK FREE from the MATRIX – choosing to construct a new PEACE filled world.
SUPPORT: RED RHYTHMIC DRAGON 🐉 IMIX provides nurturing and creative energies to support our choices and the creation of our new ideas, options and pathways. Once we have FACED what the Mirror has reflected, we can then CHOOSE a different course – a new direction and a new beginning. IMIX the Mother Dragon assists us in creating this new life especially promising with today’s 111 code!! A fresh NEW START supported by Spirit.
IMIX gives birth to these new dreams and visions that have been illuminated by the MIRROR, adding FIRE 🔥 and PASSION😍 through the forces of Creation, to organize and shape our physical reality.
The DRAGON tribe🐉🐉 are very active on Earth at this present time bringing forth great POWER, protection and the codes for b-Earthing New systems of Abundance. 💰💎💰
The Dragons of myths and legends always guarded a den of treasures 💰💎💰 for which the fearless Warriors would eagerly battle (often to their demise) in order to claim untold wealth.. Now the Dragons are returning this Wealth💰 to our Planet, and all will be distributed to those with the purest of hearts! 💖
If your finances are lacking, call on the Dragon tribe to restore this balance. 🐉💎💰💖😍
IMIX reminds us to NURTURE ourselves and others, by taking responsibility for our physical realities. In order to nurture ourselves and others, our homes MUST nurture us! Our homes MIRROR our inner state, by creating nurturing spaces, we in turn feel more nurtured and in harmony with the Universal flow of giving and receiving. A sacred healing sanctuary is a TOP priority for the 5D LIGHTHOLDERS of the future!
Is your house a NURTURING SANCTUARY? ❤🏠❤
OCCULT: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT🌃💰 AKBAL is today’s SUPERPOWER assisting us in modelling a balanced life, and using our intuitive knowing to accomplish the collective DREAM of ABUNDANCE for all beings. 💰🌻🍇🍓🍎🍒
AKBALis the MAJIKAL BLUE GENIE⚛ bringing forth the dreaming codes, to manifest our greatest DREAMS and VISIONS into creation. AKBAL is a beautiful complement enhancing RED DRAGON’S CREATION powers through the VORTEX.
When you TRUST what the Universe is reflecting back to you, you will know instinctively that spirit has your back and the abundance, contacts, and resources will automatically flow from your choices.
Allow the SUPERPOWER of AKBAL to redefine your perception of Wealth – breaking the old ceilings and revealing the endless flow of Cosmic Abundance🌞🍇🍓🍎 to manifest in your new life..
In 5D reality there is no “haves” and “havenots” – everyone is EQUAL and every soul has EQUAL access to ALL resources to provide for their needs.
ABUNDANCE for ALL beings is the new “normal”-
Bring on G.E.S.A.R.A. 🌟💰🐝🌻🌞
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW RHYTHMIC STAR 🌟 LAMAT – challenges us to bring HARMONY to the chaos and discordant energies, by creating balance and order. But first we need to SEE🙈 and recognize that DISHARMONY exists. This requires a form of DISCLOSURE in order for the TRUTH to be revealed and the lies and illusion EXPOSED. 👀
Ironically the NAGASAKI bombing 💣💥 eventually did bring HARMONY to our world, as the Japanese Emperor, Hirohito officially surrendered on August 15th, 1945. The Dreamspell code was that of KIN 64 -the Yellow CRYSTAL SEED💎🌱 which was also a GAP day.. This was a day of coming together and UNITING in PEACE to seed a NEW BEGINNING. A new BEAUTIFUL ERA of PEACE.🕊
The RHYTHMIC STAR challenges us to CHOOSE and CREATE beauty and peace in ourselves, our homes and our greater world. The microcosm and the macrocosm. Peace starts with YOU!
Your old definition of life and how it unfolds, needs to be discarded if it has not served you… Unworthiness must be harmonized and transformed into deservedness, self-acceptance and LOVE. 😍❤💖💞😍
YELLOW STAR asks you to become AWARE of the existing harmony or disharmony in your life.
❓What is the MIRROR reflecting back to you?
Be willing to appreciate or prune where necessary. Call on wisdom and love to facilitate this pruning process. Open more fully to HARMONY in all aspects of your life. This harmony of self and one’s life becomes the foundation of FREEDOM.🐎🐎🐎
Achieving INNER PEACE and calm is then reflected outwardly in our external environment and all that we create. Our manifestations are the outward reflections of our frequency. By raising our vibe and reflecting our LIGHT we automatically illuminate our world! 💡💡💡
✨It is TIME for PEACE🕊 to reign SUPREME in our lives and our world…
✨LOVE,💕 HARMONY🌈 and ABUNDANCE🌻 are all our natural birthright – AND SO IT IS!🙏🙏🙏
Today’s question is “What distorted REFLECTIONS are arising, in order to restore BALANCE and HARMONY in my life, and our world?”
Divine blessings for laying the foundation for your new sanctuary! 🐬🌴🏝🏡
May we restore PEACE, ORDER and BALANCE to our BELOVED planet. ❤🌍🌎🌏❤
✨May PEACE🕊 prevail on Earth!✨
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈




🔥 NEW!! HATHA YOGA: for beginners 🔥


This is the first in our series of Yoga Training. This is a Hatha Yoga Practice for beginners. This session runs about 20 minutes and is a light and gentle Yin Flow Yoga for all ages. Enjoy your Practice! Namaste 🙏 CLICK HERE to sign up for training





Invocation of the Yellow Flame

I invite the assistance of Archangel Jophiel and Archangel Christine and Lord Lanto to assist with bringing the divine yellow flame over life, being and home.
I ask for the flames of wisdom, creativity, constancy, illumination, happiness to spread over the soul and physical body .
I am the yellow flame of divinity.
I am happy.
I am creative.
I am constant.
I am wise.
May the Archangels and ascended master of the Yellow Flame be with us today and bring us the qualities that are alive in this source.
Emily Kate, Ashnia-Ala
Yellow Flame
Yellow Flame

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