Align with Your Soul’s Divine Blueprint ~ 11:11 through 12:12

Align with Your Soul’s Blueprint

A Message from Archangel Gabriel for 11:11 to 12:12

By Shanta Gabriel

Dear Ones,

The Activations from the 11:11 portal are creating a deeper alignment with your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. Energy upgrades are taking place that allow you to build a new structure for your energy system to be housed within. These downloads will continue until the powerful 12:12 transmissions.

Your new aligned Light Body has been prepared diligently over the past few years so you could receive the new codes of ascension more freely. As expected, the physical bodies have been the areas most at odds with the new energy. Symptoms have been rampant that displayed the dismantling of the old structures held within you for so long. This has been very uncomfortable, yet highly purposeful. Maintaining a positive outlook as your body reorganized down to the cellular level has been difficult for most people.


This is especially true when looking outside yourselves to see the world dismantling in a similar way.


The good news is that you have come to a turning point. The place where those at the forefront of the ascension wave are beginning the process of rebuilding the physical structure required for a new life within the higher frequencies of Light that make up the 5th Dimension.

In this new time, your energy systems have begun to enjoy the upleveling energies inherent within the process that are quite exalted. Even though your nervous system may still feel as though it has blown its circuits at times, there is an expansive gain in your heart’s understanding of the massive shift taking place within you.


Providing space for the restructuring  process will now take the place of the continuous dismantling

that has occurred since 2012, and for some of the Wayshowers well beyond.


Dwelling in the shadows has been a fruitful existence. It has enabled most of those who have been finding their way through the morass of overflowing past history to absolve themselves of blame and open the doors of their perception to look outside the inner turmoil. The sashes have been thrown open from the windows of the mind and light is pouring into all the dark corners. You are able to freely access those situations that have caused so much of the tumultuous learning processes necessary for your Soul’s education.

Now is the time for more Divine Insight to take root within your knowing. Whether it is clear or not, all of your past experiences have had a bigger purpose than what has been obvious. You have been provided with the actions necessary to clear your Akashic records down to the bare foundations  the bedrock of your life known as the zero point. From here, it only goes up as you begin the rebuilding process of your physical structure to hold the higher frequencies.

You are the empty vessel that has been prepared to hold the Light of Divinity as a sacred chalice within. Remember this as you create the next steps in your life. Take your time to access the inner knowing as you live your physical existence. What you put into your sacred vessel includes your attitudes and outlook on life as you begin to build your physical structure from the inside out.

Preparing yourself to be a sacred chalice to hold Divine Light affects you on all levels. You will need to be serious about taking yourself lightly!

Make sure you provide yourself with plenty of time in sunshine and in Nature. You are being fed like the new leaves on a tree with the Light of photosynthesis. A process is afoot that will enable you to hold this energy as food, just as a tree with its roots in the Earth and its canopy in the Light. You are building the forces that will allow you to thrive in the midst of change and inevitable challenge.

Never doubt the presence of your Spiritual Resources that are working with you to insure you are guided in every moment. You are loved eternally as all you need is provided with Grace and Ease. All is truly well. And so it is.

Shanta Gabriel

for Archangel Gabriel

November 12, 2019



If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

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The Harmony of the Moon & Mercury has ILLUMINATED EVERY “one” and EVERY “thing”!

by Sri & Kira
As you bring a hand to your heart and take in a deep loving breath,
let it out with a deep exhale as you connect with the
The energy of the “amplification” that was so beauty-fully received during the full moon is now starting to reveal the depth
of the mastery claimed! Can you see it?
A dynamic weekend of sharing that is worthy of the illumination showering the universe.
Take the plunge!
Say YES To FULL ILLUMINATION as your SOUL Leads the way!
Shifting into the second half of November and noticing the spirals of energy of creation beginning to send “tentacles” to the New Moon of the 26th, THE CHOICE IS BEING REVEALED!
This is the moment to fully review the month to date and to start putting the puzzle pieces together!


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.


Ascension Energies

A new dawn has come.
The revolution of human consciousness has not been televised and it doesn’t need to be.
This is a deeply personal shift, catalyzed by the individual…an awakening of the inner world. A realization of being inside of a box by stepping outside of it.

We all know as children that magic is real. It is a given. It is only through becoming stuck in the reality of the mind that we lose our knowing.
The body, the mind and the spirit all speak to different levels of reality…and the soul is beginning to speak.
Can you feel it?
It is the force that is crumbling the ancient systems of total control into the framework of the new world.
It is the driving fire inside of you that pushes for *knowing*, for *meaning*, for *belonging*…
The soul fires have ignited. The primordial resonance of Human kind is stepping back into it’s own destiny, taking control of it’s own fate.
There is great freedom and responsibility here. No one else can do it for you, we have to save ourselves, as the living embodiment of Creation should.
~Eric Rains


Christina Papageorgiou

16 NOVEMBER, 2019

I PERFECT in order to KNOW
Producing HEALING
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
I AM guided by the power of VISION
16/11/2019 = 7/2/3 = 12=3
16 – The TOWER struck by lightning!
7 Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude
3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
KIN 127 = 10 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority./New Beginnings
A day of DIVINE MANIFESTATION💫, Healing 🙌and accomplishment🛠 on a PLANETARY level! 🌏🌎🌍.
Day 10 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today is the day of physical plane MANIFESTATION💫 – yaaaay!!!😊💓. The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to HARVEST this energy today, through manifestation. The WHITE MIRROR magnifies and reflects the endless order of alignment in our centre, illuminating all that needs to be discarded in order to accomplish great healing.
TONE OF CREATION PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire. PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting Healing in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level.🌏🙌🌍
Take the opportunity today to sit in nature 🌲🌳and send HEALING🙌 energy to Mother Gaia 🌏– visualizing her perfected BRILLIANCE emanating from the RAINBOW🌈 BUTTERFLY WINGS💸 surrounding and enfolding her with pure SOURCE DIVINE LOVE, ready to take her MAJIK GALACTIC FLIGHT! 🕊HUNAB KU!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE HAND🖐 – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of dis-ease and discordant states of being. As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body. MANIK working synergistically with WHITE MIRROR creates a beautiful pairing to REFLECT and reveal the distortions in our field. BLUE EAGLE also provides the eyes to see clearly – both for the causes of dis-ease and dis-harmony, and revealing the solutions too. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from the cosmos to bring the much needed healing panacea. We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it. We are all connected and our HANDS🙌 are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk together through these transitional times.👭👫👬💑
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE EAGLE👁 – MEN enables us to accomplish our actions guided by creative vision, to find the answers to healing ourselves and our planet.We can SEE the BIG PICTURE with great clarity enabling us to find the solutions to all that ails us and our beloved Gaia. BLUE EAGLE is the clear lens 🔮to the magnifying WHITE MIRROR that gives us amazing access to healing tools, knowledge and energies needed to accomplish our goals.
SUPPORT: YELLOW HUMAN 👴– CIB the wise HU-MAN reveals how to manifest abundance through making better choices than in the past. Choose differently and choose wisely. Diverge from the masses using your free will to make better decisions based on our collective planetary dreaming of ‘Abundance for all Beings’, What is good for ONE, is good for ALL!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE WIZARD💫 – IX invites us to PERFECT our creative manifestation through our receptivity in our minds and our hearts. Receiving the wisdom needed to find the solutions in order to accomplish great healing. WHITE WIZARD gives us great power to accomplish GREAT THINGS for our-CELL-ves and our planet. So set the bar HIGHER and S-T-R-E-T-C-H your manifesting muscles💪 in preparation for the BLUE MONKEY🐒 majik manifestation wavespell quickly approaching in 4 days time!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED EARTH🌏 – CABAN challenges us today to MANIFEST the most Divine harmony on Earth, through LISTENING to the earth. Being guided by our instincts to follow the signs and synchronicity that leads us deeper into more elegant creations with the natural world. Integrating the healing capacity of the EARTH and natural world in our human environment so that there is a seamless flow, blurring the lines between our living spaces. No more divisions and separateness, we NEED GAIA and she needs us to be totally in SYNC.. and on the same page, working in unison for the betterment of us all.
So planetary kin, today we have a great opportunity to re-align our perspective in order to reflect the greatest healing possible.

Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great healing for myself and our PLANET?”👁🌎💟
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING today. 🌸🌸🌸
Namaste’ 🙏🙏🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: DIVINE GRATITUDE to Law of Time and Unknown Artists 🙏🙏🙏


If you order any product on Amazon through the following links the proceeds will go towards the Ecuador healing retreat center.

DISCLAIMER: This page contains affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support this website and allows us to continue to make content like this. Thank you for the support!

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sandy Bella

    – The Desire To Televise The Ascension is Pure Ego and Counter Productive
    – Pure Ego Has a Very Low Vibration and Therefore Can’t Ascend

  2. Sandy Bella

    Mystical Magic is like ‘The One Ring’ in ‘The Lord of The Rings’ and also like ‘The Philosopher’s Stone’.
    – It is like The Philosopher’s Stone in the sense that it is elusive and finds itself in the hands of only those who have no desire for it.
    – It is like ‘The One Ring’ in ‘The Lord of The Rings’ in the sense that very few can carry it. The more it is used, the more evil it attracts to it. Also think of the scene in The Lord of The Rings where The Ring is sitting on a table surrounded by a meeting of Elves and Dwarves and they all start bickering and arguing as the very presence of The Ring brings out the worst in others. Mystical Magic is also akin to carrying ‘The One Ring’ as it starts becoming heavy to carry.
    ‘Ignorance is Bliss.’

  3. Lyubisha Luke Luke Jovanovic

    Dear Beloved Archangel Mikael and All Beloved Souls of Love and Light, as above so bellow, I am using this space to write my comment and message that take importance of this day of opening of 11.11 Gate, and realignment with planet Jupiter and Galactic centre, between 15-22 November with opening of our Golden Ascension path, and Mercury in Sun crossing, so All we are being prepared for this final crossing by our physical and lover astral plane, but with final truth being released from our the deepest darkness room being covered by dark Archon’s hologram, after being unlashed by upcoming huge amount of Cosmic Love and Light energy, that will open all Divine portal to central of Universe. This was final resolution in my first past life time of being in Ancient Greek period in role of Apollo God, being together with my twin sister Artemis, and all together being wrongfully accused of killing Neobe’s children, some mention 14th, but I thing 12we, as limiting number 12, closing our Human connection with Universe and Cosmos, and disconnection with our God/ Goddess selves, to be in slavery program of dark side of Ai Quantum supercomputer.
    I was in Apollo role, as our Sun Sol embodiment at that time, with another 11th God/ Goddess of Greek Olimpus, but at the period when dark energies wanted to penetrate our Light and Love energies, and their using women’s weakness as jewellery and other value, or through charming seduction / Ai computer has learned through Archon’s matrix of our Astral / Emotional/ state and memories / by negative players in contact with our important human female players, and this same took players in Atlantis, too. In our Greek mythology, Orion who seduced Artemis and tried to rape her, was killed by arrow by Apollo or Gaia, what is possible, because of our possibilities to see the Future and awareness of darkness to try to use Orion to come to our Earth plane, and beside to see the future Apollo was known as a Healer, what is my another connection with Him. Dark sides, that over controlled Jupiter portal, and entered Atlantis doorway, had used dark magic and taking control over our Sun Sol, and taking control over me, as Apollo and my twin sister Artemis, so dark energies
    entered through Mediterranean portal to suits me and my twin sister for killing 12 /”14”- the number could be 16th as their lie story of killing Jews in WWII with raising every year / of Niobe, as queen of Thebes, the place belong area of today Turkey.
    The first, Apollo is not son of Zeus and titan’s women Leto , and Apollo was connected with our Sun Sol, and embodiment as a living God of the period of opened Light and love portals of Ancient Greek, and Apollo was of pure Light and love, and His three sons, while I have three daughters. As father of children, Apollo never can do this crime of killing innocent children, as the reason of Niobe, who was to arrogant and publicly to laugh to Leto because of having only two children, what was planed lied story of darkness, because was another story, that her Father / “ Assaan” as a Turkey name being under dark influence /, and ask Her to be modest and being behind Him in politics, what She refused, and His father called Her children to his Bouquet and they fall asleep drunken, He plot fire and kill them all with story that Apollo and Her sister did that, to be later hunted by lie story killed him self. But this story went to heaven and Apollo was punished to be grounded to Earth forever, being rooted on our Planet through many reincarnations and under dark spell for long period, trying to find the Truth and right wisdom, particularly through Spiritual way and long meditation, what lead me to Buddha’a embodiment and high Spiritual wisdom, that made laugh among many people, but I had also many followers, who are living as reincarnated spirit among Us, today, and He built Oracle temple of Delphi, as a very spiritual place. I was high priest in Lemuria and Atlantis, too, and this Truth of innocent of Apollo and His twin sister Artemis is coming on surface with Mercury retrograde and passing our Sun, and with opening 11.11 Gate.
    My deep apologize to Orion system, for killing Orion, to prevent upcoming dark period for Humanity and my envision for future time, knowing of darkness of taking control of all our Solar system and all of our planet, because I was connected with high wisdom and Astrology, too. I am deeply bow my head and on the knees and asking for apologize, and asking for forgiveness for all of my past life times, and all my dark past to be on the surface and being transmuting with pure Love, and giving apologize to all I make negative deeds, with all my Love and Light from bottom of my Heart.
    As a very high Divine Love and Light, and Light and Love energy of Cosmic Heart and Supreme creator centre, bathing our Beloved Mother Earth Goddess Gaia Sophia, and all Her Inhabitants, with updating of the new Light genetic code for final preparation to pass this Jupiter Gate to Galactic centre, that will be open fully with our
    fully memories and complete healing from all of past memories of those of 12 monads, or 144 Avatars, with 1000 of advanced light warriors and light workers. We are all making, with connected with heart centres of our Beloved Mother Earth, and Beloved Father Sun Sol, and our Beloved Star as our 5th Dimensional selves and twin flames and Inner Earth families and all Beloved Company of Heaven, high spiritual sphere ball of Divine Love and Light / Golden grid by Divine heart / , and Light and Love / Silver by Divine wisdom / connected together, with 8th plasma spikes on the surface of our planet, travelling with all Her inhabitants, connected with Heart to Heart, and sharing Divine Love and Light giving inner Heart core centre with inner gold love light through of all spikes / four to upper part of sphere, four to lower sphere /as double Christ cross/, with rotation in opposite direction and making zero point energies and Divine Love energies, coming from the Sacred Heart centre going trough North and South pole / as 2 important portals with another 10, and 144 nodes, to make energy Ball of Divine Love and Light, and being guidance / as gyroscope /, electromagnetically attracted and hugely driving with circulating Golden Divine track of our Beloved Cosmic Heart and Cosmic Supreme Creator centre, passing through Jupiter’s portal and opened Lyon’s Gate to Galactic centre. Plasma 8th spikes are important for passing through dense waters environment of Jupiter and Sirius with helping of our lovely Sirius inhabitants family on our Planet, Whales and Dolphins, with particularly sound and form frequency of 8th spikes with Divine Light and Love, with activation of red serpent of 8th lower sacral and lumbar nerves, called “ Cauda eqina ‘’ or Horse tail , important and ascending like rainbow Serpent, connected with inner Earth family of 7 different frequency, and 7 important Archangels with rejoined 7 Ascended Dragons and Angels, and our Space family, connected as One, and together to go to pass Ascension point at medulla oblongata in our brain, or Jupiter gate in our solar belt, where will be reunion with 12 autonomic sympathetic – parasympathetic nervous system to connect with 12 cranial nervous centre in midbrain stem, what will be our Orion Belt. At Orion belt, our Beloved Mother Earth, with rejoined with Beloved Father Sun Sol and all planets from our Solar system, and with all our 12we Zodiac constellations, and our Planet will get new form with collective Christ consciousness with activating of all 12 tribes, that will make 12 spike with Crystal Golden form of Divine Love and Light, together with 12we Beloved Archangels, of Universe with rejoined Beloved Dragons and 12we Dragons, / all together make 13 Astrological sign of Ophiucus, as connection with our Serpent and Dragon families / to Central Sun, Alcyone of Pleiedians, with 5th Dimensional frequency, where is our final destination to get final connection with our Beloved Father/ Mother God and other Beloved Souls of Divine Love and light, and Abundance for All, and Harmony and Happiness and joy for All. All that, what will take place after 12/12 and 21/12 of 2019, but before that We are passing Jupiter’s Gate toward Orion’s Belt, as Star Gate allowing planets to travelling by warp speed.
    Now and Here, we are going to pass through Jupiter’s portal with 8th spikes with Divine form of Love and light Ball / that is taking new creation, because Divine ball of Love and Light, and Divine Light and Love, could pass as reunion with all with suitable frequency from this Solar belt and Milky way Galaxy / in reunion with opposite frequency or Twin Souls to make balance of zero pint, like our Milky way to connect with Andromeda Galaxy/, through all Gates, but for Now and Here, first through Jupiter Portal, that is now free from any negative energies, bathed by Love and light from Sagitarrius Sun, as our next destination in our Galactic centre. In our brain will be passing through 12 cranial nerve centre in front brain, released from control impact of Ego mind control / released from dark control / and from foramen cecum / behind 3 first cranial nerve connected with smell and sight /, and portal is enter to Superior Sagital sinus, behind front brain, to top where parietal lobes of brain meet occipital, as place to enter Cosmic place. I am as connected with all Beloved Archangels, and Angels, and all Beloved Masters and Ascended Masters, and Beloved 144000 White Brotherhood / Sisterhood, and lovely all Light Warriors, and all Light Workers / All rejoined 12 Human tribes with all Humanity /, together with All Kingdom and Elements, to be open widely with Hearts to accept more and more Divine Love and Light, and Light and love energies from Cosmic Heart centre and Cosmic Supreme Creator, to finally cleaning of the last remnants of deep dark energies from our all past life times, and from DNA, to be complete replaced by Divine Light code energies with Love and Light, light and love matrix, to be guide and drive for our final Spiritual journey through Jupiter and Orion Gates.
    Our last important release of inner memories, deeply sited in our memory bank of DNA, and deeply apologize and bringing to the surface for cleaning and replaced by love has done, and We all are ready to accept our Light code so our final Journey through gate 11.11, where Jupiter in aligment with centre of our Galaxy / from 15 to 22 November /, toward to Saggiterius Sun, and this journey will start NOW and HERE. Today is 19/11, means 3 ones as spiritual wake up call, with Angels with us, and number 9 is sign with Universe, that will be our guide with Divine Love and light magnetic attraction to Galactic and Universal Heart’s core centre. Any option by Qunatum possibilities is finally over, only attraction by Divine Love and Light exist.
    All my Love to whole Universe and Beyond, and Love and Healing energy to Beloved Mother Earth and Beloved Sun Sol.

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