THE VEIL IS RAPIDLY THINNING ~ NEW Crystalline States of Consciousness! The Day of the Liberation from the Tyrants! FREEDOM
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Vibrant Luminous Angels of the New Earth Revelation
On this final day of this intense month of April we have massive energies flowing into this realm from the most High Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Solaris released a Trinity of M Class Solar Flares today on this Beltane Eve. In rapid fire succession Sunspot 3654 released 5 Solar Flares 2 C Class and 3 M Class with the most powerful close to and X Class Flare maxing at M 9.53 at 23:40 UTC.
Today we have warrior planet Mars of the Divine Masculine moving into his home sign of Aries with the planet of Love, Divine Feminine, Venus having moved into her home sign of Taurus yesterday. This is bringing in the Harmony of the Spheres of Divine Union both internal and external.
Synchronizing with these Celestial Events and Alignments we have another Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with KIN 192 YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN as the Gold Ray of Buddha Mind awakens the Human into Cosmic Consciousness.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 support and assist our Divine Feminine Mother Goddess through acts of kindness and compassion as we live from our Hearts being connected to all things.
As we stand at the Doorway to our New Heaven upon the New Earth we step over the threshold of our Great Collective Awakening as we transform and make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Real Hue-man beings of Infinite Light and Eternal Life…A’Ho!
Big clearing of the Red Ray overnight with the assistance of the Winagi (The Red People), the Dragon Collective, and this beauty. Nature will be helpful today
TODAY’S ORACLE. You wanted this shift and its now eventually coming. Soul is hearing powerful messages. Your flow is back. You are about to be inspired by new paths & possibilities, that are both so “you” and so unknown. Follow the calling. Allow the momentum. Keep letting go, letting go, all that no longer vibrates with you.
The ascension is the ritual whereby the soul reunites with the Spirit of the living God, the I AM Presence, through the acceleration by the sacred fire at the natural conclusion of one’s final lifetime on earth.
It is the process whereby the soul merges first with the Christ Consciousness and then with the living Presence of the I AM THAT I AM, having balanced her karma and fulfilled her divine plan.
Once the ascension takes place, the soul—the corruptible aspect of being—becomes the incorruptible one, a permanent atom in the body of God, free from the round of karma and rebirth.
The end of April cleanse has been from the ground up, meaning that it has held an intention for physical changes. This has been a time for deep thinking and contemplation as to life and it’s meaning as well as what it represents here and now. Along with an intense infiltration of new life emerging; and the integrating of more recent intense natural upgrades, this together might look like a time to clear out, clean up or update our personal environment. Certainly it is likely that we might feel a sense of being between eras, in our own lives and within the bigger picture of world events.
April has been a month of accelerated energies, but even though we have felt them most earnestly and noted the signs from the cosmos (most notably the eclipse), we still have yet to make use of the which flows through us, mind, body and spirit, as valuable for new creations.
The ringing of the change of times will no doubt come into full swing in early May with the Beltane energetics and the 5/5 portal of transformation. May through to September will place us an opportunity to work in awareness of a new high frequency resonance of angelically guided codes, in a time of spiritual quickenings which will support the building of heart centred expressions of individual, community and global living. This will begin to change the energetic blueprints to bring us scope to grow towards that which we believe in. But, until then, if we are ready to celebrate the new, we must create plenty of space in which to welcome it and make it feel our own.
According to legend, Beltane Eve is an incredibly magical time, the veils are extremely thin and the Queen of the Fae rides out on her white horse, enticing people away into the realm of Faerie. If you sit beneath a tree on Beltane Eve night, you may even see the Faerie Queen or hear the sound of her horse’s bells as she rides through the night.
We are creating new legends because the veils are dissolving, the Otherworlds are here and now and we get to play in these glorious realms of majik
Wishing you all the bestest wishes for today, majik is all around and is very real. Much love
4/30/24: April leaves you more informed, more aware, more present than it found you. It built within you the first spark of a fire that May will fuel and direct. Today is a combination of inspired anticipation and the desire for balance and inner harmony. It is the birthing energy of true self-expression and self-realization.
You know what you must do. It’s in your nature, your heart, and your purpose. The only way you will miss your path is by the influences and distractions outside of you. Once you take your first intentional steps in May the next ones will become clear, and those after clearer yet. You’re on your way now. Trust yourself.
As we approach D-Day 1st May 2024 and onto May 4th (may the force be with you) and 5th – Cinco De Mayo…Day of the Dead…5:5 Loud and Clear, you will start to fully become aware of the illusions you have been participating in, and where you have been placing your energy.
You will start to see through the facade…the face of what it is showing…and see deeper…and make decisions to no longer place your attention there.
Along with this knowing, this awareness, will come the positive side of seeing just how far you’ve come. Placement markers…of times where you were fully led and taken along for the ride…will come to your vision for assessment and for you to be proud of yourself that you saw through the veil and no longer on that gravy train.
Things you cut-out previously that came with negative whiplash repercussions will no longer come back with that same force. Instead, things you cut-out now will be done with such precision, that the chance of their return or having any negative affect on you will be nil.
Such is your strength now. Your determination to move forward to happier times. Where you are celebrating life rather than just “putting up with it” or suffering.
The lighter energies inviting change of circumstance, regardless how you would have previously seen the change, now you wish to take swift action. A more “let’s do this” attitude.
And you are fully supported astrologically in these changes. The universe is wishing for that brighter day we all came to bring in, collectively. And suddenly the sun will shine again within all hearts and minds.
There comes a time in every person’s life where “enough is enough” and collectively humanity has made this choicepoint now. What we are seeing on the world stage is but a mere reaction to this choicepoint and things will come to a head, as is by design, and then the culmination point will occur, and then things will settle down and we can begin the rebuild, the rebirth of a new civilization based on truth and courage, rather than deception and depravity.
Whatever is occurring individually, just know there has been massive course corrections, and with that will always come the unsettling “hanging on for grim death” situation whereby you need to cling to your safety harness of God’s love, and the support from those trusted few. Or just in your own love, if you are going it alone.
So just as everyone begins to “awaken” and see the world for what is really happening, rather than the illusion being presented, remain seated and await further instruction from your entourage – guides, ancestors, your divine team on the other side – as we are all being assisted gently into final positions for the Great Reveal to come.
All are protected, all are safe, and all are loved, regardless of the appearance. All is designed in perfect unison and in accordance to the Grand Play with God as the conductor.
A few minor adjustments may need to be made this coming week to place humanity in its final placement for the last act, so get ready for an extra special week ahead. Like any finishing scene in a movie, it all had to come to a head for the characters to ride off into the sunset together, making the whole movie worthwhile, as we all end up exactly where we need to be.
APRIL 30 2024
We had been disoriented and lost.
We were lied to about EVERYTHING!
Our awakening from now on will be very much focused on the understanding of where we truly are and how this system truly functions.
We have been living under the effect of a holographic layer of reality and we think we understand where we are or who we are but we do not yet, at least not fully because we are still missing important code.
When this holographic layer will be fully removed, many will be shocked at the magnitude and depth of disorientation.
Time was actually one of the biggest tools of the manipulation that the holographic system used upon human system.
We are probably under this holographe much less time than what we think.
There are still many who are teaching distorted information about earth, history and the system we live in.
This will eventually end because these beings will not have the support of the energy anymore to continue misinforming humanity and sharing false images and programs.
The ancient truth about the Godly Earth will be seen and remembered!
It is everyone’s responsibility to do the inner work and research on the understanding of themselves and the system.
Each is bringing his/her own pieces of the puzzle on the table until the whole puzzle is completed and truth will be able to be fully revealed and understood.
Today the Masculine will be aligning to the organic flows of time.
The physical alignment to the organic flows began on the December Solstice 2022 by Jupiter and was anchored via the Sun and the Moon on the March Solstice of 2023!
Today begins the actual physical alteration of the human perception and perspective via the lens, senses and functions of the masculine in all.
The logical, analytical and strategic mind will be aligning to the natural flows of the cosmos via the clock or the Mother.
She holds the clock now, so the change that we will be experiencing in ourselves and in the world around us, will be unprecedented.
This means that it is the turn of the masculine to escape the time spell.
Talking about the breaking of walls!!!
These are the walls of the masculine mind that will be breaking down!
Through this process the feminine creative mind will have more space and freedom to be readjusted, rebalanced, established and expressed in new ways in each human and the masculine mind will do the same, freeing himself from pressure, limited possibilities and beliefs and eons of obligations and mandated directives!
Together they will be creating their New Life as One Godly Force of Nature and the Cosmos!
The old masculine will not be able to continue in the new flows without a clear redirection.
The reborn Masculine is coming back and he is coming back forcefully!
His return will be louder than the one of the feminine’s!
He will not go unnoticed!
He will be heard, seen, tasted, touched spoken of!
He will be felt!
He is the Son of the Sun!
Both the masculine and the feminine will take back their essences now!
This is a True Revolution! One that will take place from within which nothing and no one can stop or alter!
Remember this day as the day of the liberation from the tyrants!
The inner tyrants were much more malicious than the external ones!
A Balance Of Power and Alignment Is Occurring Through Out The Ascending Collective Consciousness. Liberation from all false structures is Imminent. An energetic wave of Christ Conscious Light Codes are streaming in to the planet from the recent expansion of the Central Sun , resulting in DNA Activations and Upgrades to the Base , Heart, Third Eye and Crown Energy Centers.
This is a Purification and Healing Wave that is Impacting Gaia and the Ascending Collective Consciousness , Simultaneously assisting with transmuting mass density into higher frequency vibrations of light. Anything relating to a lack of love for the self will resurface for clearing. Addictions, Repeated Cycles and Self-unknowingness Inflicted Karma.
Where there has been abuse of power the new earth vibrations will provide higher frequencies to balance and align the planetary consciousness . Truth is the most indestructible energy in all of existence , it is needed for freedom of all false structures .
ascension symptoms : the lows may become a little more uncomfortable , they are temporary and are followed by expansive and higher states of Conscious being.
A New Sense Of Freedom within .Heart Tingling sensations , Crown Tingling, Chakra (Hot/Cold Sensations), Energy Fluctuations, Euphoria, Bliss, Clarity, Oneness, Enhanced senses, Source love Connection, Peace, Love, Inner knowing, Vivid Dreaming, conscious dreaming , Insomnia, Visions, Heart Palpitations, Painful Memories, Anxiety, Irritability, Injustice trauma , Fatigue, Vertigo, Physical Aches and Pains, Body aches , Headaches, Ringing Ears, Blurred Vision, Fear, Confusion , Nausea, Emotional , Exhaustion.
acknowledging and recognising the diversity In individuals takes the ascending on a personal journey of self-discovery and realisation leading them to their true authentic essence. This process of awakening enables the ascending to gain a profound awareness , higher perceptions and clarity this creates the fundamental distinction between love and fear.
The heightened collective consciousness, the ascending are making consciously mindful decisions and choices at any given moment, utilising their free will to liberate themselves from the grips of the human conditioning of unnecessary suffering. This empowering gift of awareness serves as a shining and guiding light, illuminating the path towards inner peace, harmony, and authenticity on Ascending Gaia Earth .
Eventually all Ascending individuals will start to realise the universe is forcing them to spend more time alone so that they can start depending on the higher self, to remove the unhealthy attachments placed on others and outside sources . It is time to start putting all the energy back into the self to become the original version of intentional creation .
As Ascending individuals progress through varying levels of consciousness, they reach a point where expressing their truth is paramount over persuading others to accept it. This higher realisation stems from understanding that everyone follows their own unique journeys. Trying to persuade someone who is metaphorically “crawling” to walk or run , is futile as they are on their own conscious development path.
As the ascending progress towards discovering their higher purpose, their expanding awareness reveals a connected web of events, unveiling the bigger picture. The seed of their awakening, ignites the spirit, kindling a fire within. The moment of Higher realisation , transformation and actualisation has arrived.
During this time of quiet reflection, silence, and solitude, the full moon in Scorpio vibrations offers a potent opportunity to release more of the past self and welcome in a new chapter in life. The ascending may experience subconscious grief and heightened emotions during this stage of Ascension .
Allow self to process each emotion that surfaces. immersing your body in water, such as the ocean, waterfall, river, bath, or shower, is highly recommended. Allow the nurturing energy of being deep in the womb of Mother Earth , the universal womb, preparing for the next rebirth . meditate , pray, trust, and cultivate emotional resilience in this sacred womb space just before emerging into a world of love , a new cycle and a new beginning .
Thoughts send out a powerful conscious frequency that vibrate into reality, what we think is what we become and attract. By this reasoning, our own consciousness is the creator in new earth existence .
Ascension into the Rainbow Light Body is expanding within you. This is the Rainbow Bridge Portal Gateway we are now in. These energies are activating your natural spiritual gifts and talents. These New Earth abilities will continue to expand as you come back into balance after all the clearings and endings of the matrix are complete.
The dark night of the soul, stagnation, and challenges from the matrix realm are clearing. The ego’s entrapments that have been holding you back are being removed, bringing change, movement, and the higher timeline. Divine intervention is releasing you from difficultly so you can be free and go.
Focus on doing a power callback, especially into the Solar Plexus and your Masculine chi energy. You are safe to release fear and worry, and recover your energy, knowing you are being protected and moving on.
Today’s energy climate is exciting. We have both Mars and Venus completing their astro cycles, moving from their 12th house into the first house at the same time. This is the full realization of the divine masculine and divine feminine, the completed ascension path into a new level of energetic expression and dimension.
The natural 12th house is the house before your Sun sign. If you’re an Aries sun it’s Pisces. If you’re a Libra sun it’s Virgo. This is your ascension path, the journey from 1st house to 12th house where the first house is your Sun sign and the 12th is the sign right before it. This house also represents your life challenges because it’s the lessons you have to overcome to achieve enlightenment.
It’s where we find our biggest karma lessons. Think of it as your link to past life issues because it is the house right before your natal Sun.
Mars just went from Pisces to Aries, its sign of rulership. Venus just went from Aries into Taurus, its sign of rulership.
This 12th house to first house is a like a cosmic solar return but on a much bigger level and it impacts all of us.
So the energy is high, make the most of it. Endings and completions abound but they are making way for much bigger and higher frequency energetic containers and spaces that offer opportunity for a higher expression of our energy.
Everyone has an energy ceiling, an upper limit to their frequency. Once they got to that they can’t go any farther. Pay attention to this, it will save you a lot of grief in the coming months.
How’s everyone doing?
ascension path
Adrienne Elise
April 29-May 6, 2024 – ALL ABOARD – SuperNova Astrology Update
Mercury is now direct, as of April 26th. We are still finding our way out of this intense and activating Eclipse Season. There is tension unwinding, pent up energy ready to fly, with Mercury beginning to move forward again. Mercury has been hanging out next to the North Node of the Moon, and they will stay close during this week. The North Node is about alignment and how to move forward. In Aries we must claim our energy sovereignty. Things are glitchy, as we know we can only move forward in a brand new way, with all this Aries energy of re-birth.
We are being given an opportunity to completely unwind from the old patterns. Mercury is also opposite of the South Node of the Moon which is associated with past karma which is holding us back. We are discovering hidden contractual loyalties which are no longer serving us. We were duped before, but now we can see them for the monsters they are. We are taking back our energy from where we have given it away.
Mars is in conjunction to Neptune at the end of Pisces. Are we really, finally ready to move out of the persecution energy of the Piscean Age? Have you made your sacrifice? We must release ourselves from the distortions of the past age. This time is about claiming our sovereignty on all levels. There is no Authority higher than us, as human souls in a body. So we need to start acting like it.
Mars is is having a spiritual awakening to his Love of Her. It’s a spiritual revival and he receives the revelation of the magic which is behind all manifestation. Creative Energy has been demonized in order for external forces to retain control of this power. We SuperNovas have often been the ones who took the blame. Maybe we thought by suffering ourselves, we were saving our community from more harm. No more team scapegoat. We can see the power of every individual human soul being given the opportunity to reach back towards the Light.
It’s a fresh new start for our masculine. Mars is being reborn as he moves over into his home sign of Aries on Beltane, May 1st. Mars at home in fiery Aries is ready to rumble. Mercury coming out of retrograde is bringing a feeling of waiting at the gates. Mercury will have his third and final conjunction with Chiron in Aries on May 8th, just in time for the Taurus New Moon on May 7th, a new start to owning our Abundance. Mercury will exit retrograde shadow on May 14th. The horses are snorting and whinnying, hoofs scraping the ground, as we wait for the Green Light.
The Gates to Heaven are opening, but it’s up to us to land the miracles home in manifestation on Earth. We must embody our full light and potential. This massive activation of Jupiter and Uranus will be playing out through the Month of May, as we have our personal planets interacting with these planets. Now we figure out what this Eclipse Portal, higher frequency activation means in our individual life path. Uranus says get ready for radical and unexpected change.
The Mother says, slow down, breathe with me, wait for right action. Now that we are back aligned with her, we can put down the burdens we have been carrying throughout this Earth evolution. She’s got this, she says. She just needs us to show up and be present and co-create by being in alignment and following the Her signs, through listening to our own body.
Jupiter and Uranus are in trine to Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. We are cleaning up wherever the feminine and intuitive power has been demonized. We couldn’t listen to Her body through our body while She was being kept in chains, and used, abused and dominated. Now we are retrieving our captured Queen, The Mother is setting herself free.
Venus is at the end of the sign of Aries, about to move over into her home sign of Taurus on April 30th. It’s a sweet coming home, except that she comes right into square with Pluto the homewrecker at 2 degrees Aquarius on May 1st. This square happens just as Pluto is getting ready to turn retrograde on May 3rd.
Venus in square to Pluto this week is like an initiation test for our feminine. Can she handle her own power and freedom? After being owned and controlled, and in chains for thousands of years, can she claim the abundance which is rightfully Hers? Mother Dragon says, ‘just you watch’. Being on board Her Dream means going from ‘holding on for dear life’, to ‘enjoying the ride’. Are you are ready to jump Aboard?
On Tuesday, April 30th, Mars, ruler of the masculine archetype, shifts into his home sign of fiery Aries at 11:33am EDT. He will be in this passionate sign until June 19th, giving us plenty of time to move forward, fast and furious, with whatever it is we are attempting to conquer. Perhaps this is about a new goal or project, finding our true purpose on our path, or overcoming an old pattern within ourselves that is hampering our ability to be confident and courageous in asserting ourselves in a particular course of action.
Whatever it is, get ready, as Mars in Aries does not back down or hold back from what he wants! In this sign he is assertive, bold and action oriented. He is not one for patience, which can be his downfall, so try to allow the earthy influence of the Sun and Venus in Taurus to provide that, as that will aid his being able to attain his future conquests.
Along with Mars the Warrior shifting into his home sign of Aries, we have beautiful Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in stable, earth sign Taurus creating a challenging square connection to Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, in inspirational, air sign Aquarius. This is about the transformation and regeneration of the Divine Feminine!
It is about the embodiment of her true and loving nature……an activation of the heart chakra and the throat chakra, to open herself to the highest form of unconditional love for herself and others, along with speaking her truth with honesty and compassion where needed.
Lovely Venus is taking back, and owning, her personal power now! Where the energies are stuck, they can now be transmuted! Where she has been lacking value in herself, she can now reclaim her inner worth and own it!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in stable, earth sign Taurus
Mars enters Aries – The entry of Mars into home sign Aries is a palpable shift as we move from passive and uncertain to active and confident. This is a fiery, passionate, impatient, impulsive placement. Energy levels and motivation are on the rise. Under this heady influence, tempers are also on a short fuse. Patience comes at a premium. Assert yourself where necessary but guard against conflict.
Still, Mars stimulates attraction towards new and exciting experiences. A fresh challenge could be just the ticket to jump start your life. Get on with what you were thinking of doing. Courage is invigorating. Initiate. If you have been stuck in a rut, bored and uninspired, find a project to work on to focus this energy. Hard physical exercise too can be the solution to frustration. It’s time now to make a stand. Ready, set, GO!
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce’. Today gets 10 out of 10 ! Any day that falls on a Planetary day gets greatly enhanced, in a positive way. We are now on the tenth day of the Blue Night wavespell and it is the perfect day for making your dreams come true. And it’s a Portal day!
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Free Will and Influence’. The Human is designed to be intuitive; we are vessels and anyone can use their intuition to channel wisdom from beyond. It’s only in recent times that people have forgotten this. There is no need to be confused over decisions that need to be made. If you trusted your intuition more – you would always choose the right thing to do. If we really tune in and listen to the inner voice that is whispering to us the answers, we need never be uncertain again. Of course, what always screws it up is the ego. It’s forever clouding our judgment and making us pick the wrong course of action – the ego drowns out the subtle inner voice which makes it very hard to hear. Tell your ego to shut up today and receive the wisdom you need.
The Guide today is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life’. Whenever the Sun guides us – our paths are illuminated and so going forward is easier. We can see where our path lies. If you are a Yellow Sun you’ll enjoy leading the way with your sunny nature. Today’s perfect number means that it’s a perfect day to be enlightened!
The Challenge today is the White Wind which represents ‘Communication’ and when in the challenging position this can lead to misunderstandings. This is not a problem if you remember to tap into your intuition as this will help you discern the truth. Do not trust everything you hear today, it may be untrue. And if you are a White Wind, people may not be interested in anything you have to say. Sorry, you’ll just have to try harder than everyone else today.
The Occult power is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘Going With The Flow’. When in this magical position, going with the flowing and surrendering, results in magical outcomes. This sounds easy and it actually is easy but convincing ourselves is very difficult. Why do we feel the need to be in control all the time? Most of us find it hard to surrender because it requires a leap in faith. Faith that the Universe has your best interests at heart.
The Ally is the Blue Hand which symbolizes ‘Healing, Inner Knowing and Accomplishment’. If you know a Blue Hand, hang out with them as they can be of great assistance. It’s their role to be supportive today. If you are a Blue Hand, expect to be needed today but you won’t mind as you are a healer and enjoy being there for others. If you don’t have one handy, no worries – the friendly energy is available to all today.
KIN 192 = 12=3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
G.A.P. day –
Calling all PLANETARY KIN – today is a phenomenal day for personal, collective and planetary Manifestation. GET READY for majikal MANIFESTATION!!
We have a POWERFUL gateway today, to tap into for the manifestation of the DIVINE PLAN for prosperity, PEACE, happiness, success and FREEDOM here on EARTH.
Day 10 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE and it’s a BIG ONE! . We are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are choosing to MANIFEST greater SOVEREIGNTY and the DIVINE PLAN here on Planet Earth. In so doing we are MANIFESTING the Planetary Dream of Abundance, through our independence – AWAKENING as en-LIGHT-ened divine beings in our new EDEN.
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation.
The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the GREAT DREAMS and deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great ABUNDANCE through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting ABUNDANCE in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level.
With such powerful energies today, on a physical MANIFESTATION day – we have fantastic energetic support to collectively fuel our PLANETARY DREAM of having AWAKENED, compassionate and ENLIGHTENED beings, occupy our beloved Nova Gaia – so please take a minute to energize the manifestation of this DREAMING.
IMAGINE THAT! A world full of Buddha’s/Christ’s/Sophia’s what an AMAZING world that would be!
Hold the collective PLANETARY DREAM of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your MANIFESTATIONS today.
Today’s question is “Am I ready to claim my FULL sovereignty, as an independent PLANETARY citizen, to manifest the collective DREAMING of our fully AWAKENED New World?”
Divine blessings for our powerful accelerated global ENLIGHTEN-ment today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN– EB relates to wisdom, intelligence, free will, influence and abundance. Today we are examining our own FREE WILL and our capacity to use our intelligence to make better choices to claim our sovereignty and dreams of Abundance.
In so doing we relinquish our egoic desires and ALIGN with DIVINE WILL, PERFECTING the MASTER PLAN for humanity and planet Earth, manifesting the will of GOD/GODDESS through us, as Divine conduits to anchor this DREAM.
As we surrender our little human mind and motives, we become HU -MAN – literally GOD-MEN – as our DIVINE GOLDEN AVATARS become the vessels for our SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS to operate through – bringing HEAVEN to EARTH.
EB asks us to honour our ancestors, and the wisdom that came before us, the wisdom of the STAR beings and the wisdom of the Earth. We are focused on how we can utilize this greater WISDOM, and use it to influence and unite others in our collective dreaming.
Making choices that create better outcomes for humanity and our planet. Choosing, with our free will, the realities THAT WE WANT TO LIVE IN!…We can recognize that our FREE WILL can assist us in becoming wiser elders that can influence future generations.
The choices we make NOW, MUST benefit our children and future generations. This is MANDATORY!
Today is a pivotal day in realizing the Sun’s significance in our Soul-ar evolution through the blossoming of our HU-MAN species from Homo Sapiens to Homo ILLUMINOUS.
HIGHER SELF: YELLOW PLANETARY SUN – AHAU – FATHER SUN is calling us outside today to receive the 5D SOUL-AR pulses, to upgrade our bodies and that of our planetary body, to FREE us from the Artificial time Matrix. Using our FREE WILL to choose to align with the Harmonic Matrix of Nova Gaia.
The PLANETARY SUN is releasing a SURGE of Ascension codes to advance our Planetary evolution today, so make sure you ride the slipstream!
NOTE: Get ready for more C.M.E’s./Solar Flares today!
Be observant of the powerful energies accelerating our frequency and global evolution. Lots more REVELATIONS and AWAKENINGS happening.
The depths of AKBAL’s abyss is illuminated as the darkness melts away due to the strength of the SUN’s LIGHT.
AHAU shines a LIGHT on our DREAMS, so that we can understand our place in the Collective Dream of mankind. As we evolve, align and synchronize with these natural evolutionary cycles of our planet, we gain a greater understanding of our existence within all of Creation. We can then align with our mighty, I AM presence.
AHAU FREES us and elevates our independent thinking in order to claim our full SOVEREIGNTY allowing us to fully embrace our purpose as the SOVEREIGN LEADERS and wayshowers in the NEW TIME!
MAHATMA GANDHI the legendary Spiritual leader is a YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN KIN 192 .
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian activist who was the leader of the Indian independence movement against British colonial rule. Employing nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world. SOURCE: Wikipedia
GANDHI – a peace loving and diplomatic Libran exemplified the code of the Yellow Planetary Human. His ethos was that each person is an individual with equal rights and sovereignty, not bound by the constructs of man-made realities. He rallied against the oppression and encouraged his followers to claim their own physical independence, choosing the WISDOM of knowing that they have equal value as sovereign beings.
GANDI SHINED his LIGHT so BRIGHTLY with AHAU as his higher self/guide, influencing others to EN-LIGHT-enment through perfecting their individual LIGHTS to SHINE as BRIGHT as the SUN.
Indeed a very WISE, sovereign and independent Planetary leader showing us all how to be LIGHT’s WISDOM.
Famous quotes from this inspirational Man of Wisdom.
You must BE THE CHANGE you wish to see in the world.
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.
Happiness is when what you THINK, what you SAY, and what you DO are in HARMONY.
Where there is LOVE there is LIFE.
The weak can never forgive. FORGIVENESS is the attribute of the STRONG.
Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s NEEDS, but not every man’s GREED.
I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.
The FUTURE depends on what we DO in the PRESENT.
A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he THINKS, he BECOMES.
Extremely WISE words from a highly illuminated intelligent HU– MAN BEING!
SUPPORT: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK is giving us a HUGE HELPING HAND today to gain our keys to FREEDOM through claiming our independence.
BLUE HAND assists us in gaining the knowledge needed, to HEAL our connection to the great ABUNDANCE, that Mother Gaia bestows upon us. Manifesting great healing of our lack consciousness, as revealed through our dreamstate. Perfecting HEALING by releasing all lack, scare-city and victim hood!.
We are realizing that as we shift from our intellectual MINDS and will power, to using our intuitive senses, we are more in alignment to make wiser and more harmonious choices.Trusting in that whatever we FEEL we are drawn to accomplish, is leading us to the realization of DREAMS.
MANIK gives us the capacity to make a difference in this world, by being able to accomplish our higher desires and Divine Mission, and that of our DIVINE CREATOR!
MANIK, AHAU and EB are a formidable TRIO for focusing CONCENTRATED energies towards our MANIFESTATIONS.
The YELLOW CLAN are the RIPENERS – providing the energy for our creations to BLOSSOM and come to FRUITION – so that we can REAP the HARVEST from our perfected DREAMING!
Allow the YELLOW BOYS to powerfully accelerate your INTENTIONS and MANIFESTATIONS today, enabling you to PERFECT your own DREAMING and that of our PLANET!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SELF-EXISTING MOON– MULUC the GODDESS is today’s SUPERPOWER and kin 69 was the KIN of the DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR last year.. so we KNOW her intentions well..
MULUC assists us in gaining more wisdom through purification of our minds, and allowing for greater wisdom and messages to flow through us. Allowing the Universal Waters to bring more fluidity into our thinking and our lives, so we can FLOW with our Dreams in the universal river of Abundance.
The SELF-EXISTING GODDESS knows that in order for our DREAMS, (and those of our CREATOR), to take FORM in the physical realm, we must firstly TUNE in, to the impulses from our intuitive senses, that ignite our IMAGINATION. As we FEEL and sense these images in our HEARTS and MINDS, we can then use DIVINE ALCHEMYto perfect the FORMS that we are imagining.
We are now becoming very sensitive to trains of thought, that are the major new influences in opening doorways on our planet right now… The instinctive mind is picking up on pure currents of telepathic currents within the collective consciousness as we awaken to bridge worlds through the mental planes today.
A fantastic day for HUMANITY to AWAKEN to the DIVINE CURRENTS of pure consciousness driving our Planetary r-evolution!
It is TIME to MANIFEST our beautiful COMPASSIONATE world.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE PLANETARY WIND– IK challenges us today to balance our free-will with the Will of Spirit. SURRENDERING to the DIVINE PLAN for every one of us, and for our HU-MAN family! Becoming a hollow pure vessel receiving the whisperings of the wind to guide our path in manifesting our Dreams.
The PLANETARY WIND is blowing a GALE today – directing great PLANETARY TRANSFORMATION through these global WINDS of CHANGE! You cannot resist a HURRICANE as it will BLOW you over, if you seek to oppose it! The only way through it, is to SURRENDER to its FORCE and GO WITH THE FLOW – flowing with these currents of PLANETARY EVOLUTION.. and filling your sails to provide the momentum that humanity is needing to navigate this Ascension course.
Allow yourself to become FREE to be guided by a greater force that shows us the divine culture of the Solar Logos.
We thus become cocreators, acting in unison with the Will of Spirit, in order to effect greater influence, becoming the wayshowers and leaders of our new communities. Drawing together to manifest Divine Will and the Collective Planetary Dream of ABUNDANCE, PEACE and HARMONY for the betterment of ALL as ONE.
Today we have an exceptional opportunity to accelerate our evolution as DIVINE SOUL-AR HUMANS realizing that we are all united in our beautiful world as fully ABUNDANT CHILDREN of the SUN!
Hold the collective PLANETARY DREAM of our new 5D Ascended Gaia in your MANIFESTATIONS today.
Today’s question is “Am I ready to claim my FULL sovereignty, as an independent PLANETARY citizen, to manifest the collective DREAMING of our fully AWAKENED New World?”
Divine blessings for our powerful accelerated global ENLIGHTEN-ment today!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
April 28th through May 4th 2024 with my Sacred Condor🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology and Horoscopes for all 12 Zodiac Signs for the coming week of April 28th through May 4th 2024 She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Guided Meditation of Lemuria, Mt Shasta and Telos of Inner Earth.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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