2025 New Year Blessings ~ Magical Celestial Alignment WITH SIRIUS * Crown Chakra Activations ~ Twenty-four Elders The Logoi
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Crystal Coded Freedom Leaders of our Golden Age of Light
On this final day of 2024, a year of a roller coaster ride with its ups and downs its ins and outs and what a wild ride it has been, we are ready to break through and break free of all constraints and limitations and step into our New Golden Age of Freedom, Peace, Abundance and Prosperity of the Universal 9 year of 2025 of endings and New Beginnings.
As we release all thoughts of fear and worry, we let go of all stress that causes dis-ease and suffering and activate our full Faith in our innate abilities and Power of Great Spirit that blaze forth from our Sacred Still Center to Heal, Transform and Shift this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
Our local Soualris continues to pulse in more Higher Energetisc of Infinite Source Creator releasing 3 C Class Soular Flares today and 4 M Class Flares with the most powerful maxing at M 2.91 at 22:50 UTC.
We also witnessed more white spikes of Light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 18 hz, 22 hz and 24 hz as Gaia continues to rise like the Gold Phoenix of the New Eden as her Pristine 5D Crystalline Rainbow Body of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica.
The Solar Logos is being re-membered, reintegrated and activated within every Living Heart of our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Christos Sophia Conscious Ones, our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 of the Eternal Flame of the Holy Ray of Infinite Light and Infinite Life.
You are readying to jump timelines yet again, between now and January 2nd, 2025. The confusing and unpleasant vibes which many are feeling at the moment are a symptom of this. The distance grows between you and the old timelines, with certain aspects of you being transmuted, and detaching from the memories of the Third Dimension. Meditate, practice deep breathing, go out in nature, drink water, consume fruits, relax and simply drift away in your sleep. You shall transcend this energy quickly.
TODAY’S ORACLE. 2024 is wrapping up with a rare Black New Moon & a strong manifesting energy. The energy is high and electric. Souls are being called to feel into their biggest wishes for next year. Anything is possible. The Universe would never place such dreams in your heart if you weren’t meant to achieve them. More is coming. You can feel it. More manifestations are on their way. Long held wishes and dreams could become reality soon. Set your intentions. Be bold and faithful. Be open to the unexpected. You are a magnet to what you think you can receive. You are powerful.
Sometimes, the truth of who you are is visible to everyone except yourself…
Sit, just sit and listen to the heartbeat of life.
Sit inside yourself and listen to the reverberation of this wonderful
and ecstatic gift.
You are Pure Light, Pure and Innocent Love.
You are the eternal Child in that cave never born and never died…
You are Essence of Grace and Bliss.
You are the womb of the divine Mother, and the seed of the divine Father.
Your presence counts
Balance your act of giving and receiving now shielding yourself from the “outside” reflection
Like a white flame standing in its core
the One is you, you are the One.
The Earth ascension wouldn’t be so rapid without your help, your light is working even only by breathing still.
We love you
Divine Energy Works
Magical Celestial Alignment occurs at Midnight on (every) New Year’s Eve, as Star Sirius, known as our Spiritual Sun -our Greater. Central Sun -reaches its Highest Point in the sky directly on the median, known as its Zenith Point.
This opens up a Massive Flow of Energy, carrying Sirius Light Codes, Higher Cosmic Activation Templates and Upgrades, and deep DNA cellular healing, as well as powerful Crown Chakra Activations and Upgrades, Divine Messages and Guidance, assisting with the next level of Ascension, realignment of our vibrational patterns, breaking through personal limitations and fully stepping into our Power and Soul Missions.
New Years Eve celebration is a continuation of an ancient tradition, honoring the return of Sirius to the midheaven position at midnight.
Occurring through the ages around January 1, this midnight alignment Marks the moment when the highly charged energies of.Sirius, directly overhead, being transmitted to us.
Stay open to receive and allow this energy of Transformation to Flow in, as we are welcoming 2025 – the Year of the Higher Alignment. ~
12/31/24: As you leave this dynamic but arduous year, take with you all the gems youβve so diligently and deservedly gathered. These valuable tools of resilience, strength, insight, presence, and empowerment are now aspects of a new visionβ¦ and a new version of yourself. Todayβs energy is solid. It wraps you in your own competence and you can be confident in it. Walk into 2025 comfortable in your own skin and you will be prepared for whatever changes await you. Look to the west today and see how far youβve come. Tomorrowβs sun will greet us with possibilities. Happy New Yearβs Eve to all my friends around the world!
Dear friends, as the residual energies of the recent strong X-class solar flares and new moon continue to reverberate across the planet, a profound energy portal is set to open on January 1, 2025, resonating with the master number 119. The intense X flares, which bathed the Earth in a barrage of high-energy particles, have been stirring the planet’s magnetic field, awakening dormant energies within us, and preparing the way for this momentous portal.
The 119 portal is a sacred convergence of energies, blending the spiritual awakening codes of Master Number 11 with the humanitarian pursuits and global awareness of Number 9. This synergy creates a powerful catalyst for transformation, accelerating spiritual growth and inner wisdom.
As the energies of the 119 portal unfold, they whisper secrets of manifestation and co-creation. This is a time to listen to your intuition, trust your inner guidance, and have faith in the universe’s plan. The portal’s energies amplify your intentions, allowing you to bring your desires into reality through focused visualization and co-creation with the universe.
The 119 portal also awakens a sense of global unity and cooperation, encouraging individuals to work together towards a common goal of peace, harmony, and collective evolution. As the world comes together in a shared vision of a brighter future, the energies of the portal support and amplify this collective intention.
To harness the transformative power of the 119 portal, as the clock strikes midnight on December 31, take a moment to reflect on your intentions, desires, and spiritual growth. Allow yourself to receive guidance and wisdom through meditation, and connect with the natural world to ground and integrate the higher frequencies of the portal.
As you stand at the threshold of this new era, remember that the 119 portal is a gateway to infinite possibility. Trust that the universe will support you in manifesting your dreams, and step forward into the unknown with faith, courage, and an open heart.
As the curtains draw open on this new year and we give thanks to the experiences of 2024, may the energies of the January 1 portal guide and support you on your new journey. May 2025 be a year of unparalleled growth, abundance, and joy, filled with opportunities to manifest your deepest desires and highest potential. Wishing you a prosperous, enlightened, and transformative new year! Stay tuned as we navigate together the initial energy waves of this new chapter.
Have you been feeling as if the cells in your body are vibrating at a very high rate?
Last night, I kept waking up due to the sensation of my entire body vibrating.
It was still buzzing when I got up for work this morning, what a strange feeling.
I’ve experienced it before, but never this intensely.
Many are predicting that 2025 will be an extraordinary year; I know I mentioned this recently, but I’m grateful to realize I’m not alone in feeling this way. Numerous astrologers claim it’s written in the stars.
I believe it; I can sense that our emotions are heightened. Some days, I find myself triggered, especially regarding the treatment of animals on this planet and how people continue to disrespect them.
Mother Earth is emitting strong frequencies these days; I can not only hear them but also feel them, and she is far from finished as her Schumann resonance continues to rise.
Our Galactic Sun is experiencing powerful solar flares that are bringing plasma energy to our planet.
The inhabitants of Earth are becoming restless as these intense energies continue to influence our consciousness.
For those who are not fully aware of this, I empathize with you because I imagine many think they are perishing. We are not dying; we are undergoing a rebirth into a higher frequency as our bodies adjust.
These energies are arriving so rapidly now that my body struggles to keep up, and my consciousness often enters a state of nothingness, causing me to lose track of time.
It’s challenging to keep pace with everything happening, and it can be overwhelming at times. I was so exhausted yesterday that I was in bed by 8:30 PM. Then I woke up to my body vibrating.
I thought the past few years were a journey, but they seem mild compared to what is coming and what is currently unfolding. We are undoubtedly experiencing an evolution of our bodies and minds.
What is truly remarkable is the immense love I feel throughout this process, and I hope it helps awaken those still trapped in confusion and guides them back to Spirit.
I’ve also been seeing the number 222 frequently, everywhere I go, and this has been ongoing for the past week or so.
What a journey, dear ones, and at times it genuinely feels like a roller-coaster, especially on days when I feel lightheaded and dizzy; all you can do is lie down and hope the room stops spinning.
Overall, we are progressing in our journey towards greater awareness of how interconnected we are and how this affects us now, in stark contrast to the past when we allowed our emotions to run wild.
We will observe this in others as they express their feelings outwardly without considering the impact it has on those around them.
This will be the wildest ride we’ve experienced thus far; it’s akin to a graduation where information is rapidly flooding in to enhance our awareness and consciously awaken others.
Everything is energy, and energy influences all of creation, not just here on Earth and not just specific species. It impacts us all in one way or another.
Buckle up, stay focused and heart-centered, and allow these strong energy fluctuations to do what they need to do to help elevate this planet’s frequencies as well as our own.
Wishing you a lovely New Year’s Eve and celebrating the New Year of 2025, where truths will be revealed, and more veils will be lifted from our eyes.
Sending love and blessings to all you beautiful souls.
May you find peace during these intense times of our evolution.
Mother Earth is emitting strong frequencies these days
In the past 24-48 hours, purifying energies have been pouring in, specifically through the Crown Chakra.
This influx of higher energy may bring up aspects of the pain body, leading to various symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, head fuzziness,sinus tension and pressure, spaciness, dizziness, anxiety, hip or lower back pain, nervous system dis-regulation, stomach upsets, and cravings for sugar, carbs, or substances.
The spaciness that you may be experiencing is a result of being grounded on Earth while simultaneously feeling connected to the outer cosmos. It can create a strong sensation of needing to be in another place or being shown glimpses of other locations without knowing where they are.
All areas of life are being fine tuned and turned around, offering multiple perspectives for closer examination. Things may feel out of focus temporarily or uncertain, making it challenging to discern what brings joy or lack thereof.
In this intense period of transformation ,itβs about taking the time self needs and avoiding the rushing into any major decisions. Significant questions may arise, such as “What do I want in my life?”, “Am I on the right path?”, “What changes can I make for more happiness?”, “Should I stay or go?”, “Where is my soul family?”, or “Where is my true home?” When these questions arise, refocus on the self and the present moment. It is a challenging and honest reflection, as we can only control ourselves and our choices in the now.
Remembering everything else is an illusion, including the future or notions of any type of control. You may feel temporarily disoriented, discontent, and disillusioned, keeping in mind that nothing is in-fact going wrong. These experiences are all part of Ascension stages . Energy levels peak on 01-01-2025 and will continue on for the next 7 days .
Chakra Releasing and cleansing , clearing and healing . During this planetary activity there will be strong sensations stirring in the Kundalini energy .This also effects the head region as it is upgrading the third eye and crown chakras to access higher levels of Christ consciousness.
The discomforts felt in the psychic bodies and networks are being transmuted through the Christ channel activations taking place , this is allowing for clearer intuitive communication and information to channel and flow freely .
The nervous system responds to the healed mind, stored trauma and PTSD in the emotional bodies are releasing , removing the barriers to experience New Earth Love. This internal alignment leads to the full integration of higher self and the return to the Light Body.
The pineal, thyroid, and thymus glands are also in the stages of upgrading , they play important roles in strengthening the connection between individual consciousness and higher self consciousness .
Ascending Starseeds are infact rare on this planet as their purpose in being here is different than most . They love differently , think differently , feel differently , they embody a different human blueprint and original seeded template . They are here in a higher power for a profound and meaningful planetary purpose .
Ascending souls are entering a phase of deep embodiment where anything that no longer aligns within will feel increasingly restrictive, uncomfortable, suffocating, and out of vibrational harmony.
While the next steps may sometimes feel unfamiliar, intimidating, or uncomfortable, they will ultimately lead to many improvements. ascending beings are courageously taking the leap of Faith as they align and integrate into the true self .
I witnessed the full activation of the New Golden Age, last night, even as the sun flares are releasing immense powerful sun disc which work with the crystal pyramids and the new white golden crystalline energy grids of the New Earth.
This will gain in velocity and power in the next few weeks and months.
The sun discs are downloading the new sun technologies and new energy systems for the new earth, as all energy will be free, as even the higher consciousness within us, and those who are ready to receive and utilize these are being activated.
The two higher chambers, above the King’s Chamber, in the Giza pyramid are both now fully activated, and now functioning as one with the inner earth civilizations Great pyramid, Gizaβs twin, fully anchoring in the Osiris and Isis energy, thus balance, harmony, oneness, and the connecting directly once again with the Great pyramid of Illumination in Sirius.
This means that we are entering the golden cosmic gates, of no return.
These activations are now at all levels of existence, at cellular, DNA and atomic levels, as we regain our true heritage, and more than this, our capacity to finally return to the state of ONE.
More solar flares will now erupt even as the pyramid energy rises in potency, so will our consciousness levels rise.
Yet the key to all consciousness lies within the full activation of the higher heart of Love, the higher throat and Alta Major chakra of truth with integrity and conscious communication, as the third eye merges with crown to fully activate the All Seeing, All Hearing, All Knowing.
The highest Wisdom of the Cosmic Tree of Life which Orion holds.
It opens the door through the Causal, Soul Star, Stellar Gateway and Solar Junction and higher chakras fully opening in next few years, to the higher wisdom of the Great Bear once again and to full access and illumination of the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
We are indeed, with the next wave of new children coming in being lifted into a totally new existence beyond our ken, even as the old gives way for the new.
This transmission works at energetic levels and directly into your soul and into the core truth of who you are in truth.
As always serving with great love and joy.
The Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders The Logoi.
For The Greater Mission Continues, As We Reach A Milestone Year Of Great Awakening.
For Our Role In This Momentum Is Acknowledged. For The Many Years of Preparing And Building A Monumental Force Of Light Is Alive And Well.
A Collective Synergy Around The World, Brought Together By US.
Bringing Forth The Higher Light Awareness To The Physical Domain Of Our Reality.
I Am Shown The Grand Force Of This Momentum, Like A Grand Wave Of Light.
The Humanitarian Light Force Created By Our Collective Awakening.
For This Is Our Legacy As Light Workers Uprising In Light. An Advanced Bridge Of Light, Connecting US To The Grand Cosmos Of The Universe. Aligning The Pulsation of Humanity To The Light Advancement Of Gaia, The Grand Uprising.
For This Is A Wonderful Empowerment Tool, Together We Have Collectively Created, Weaving The Grand Tapestry Of Light. Our Collective Consciousness Grid Is Alive And Well.
I Am Shown The Great Importance Of This Light. For Each Of US Living In This Now Moment Is Interconnected And Awakened To This Wonderful Stream Of Light.
The Path Of Cosmic Synthesis Is Now Before US, As We Weave The Next Stage Of Our Light Evolution.
For this Is Our Individual And Collective Light Tool That Assists The Grand Uprising. A Wonderful Synergy Of Light Connected To All Beings.
May You Feel This Wonderful Organic Crystalline Light Presence Of Pure Crystalline Empowerment. Connected To The Life Force Of Gaia And All Beings, in This Dimension And The Multidimensions. As We Awaken To The Great Path Of Light.
For Many Light Keys Are Now Activated
The Empowerment Of Light Is All Around US
Thank You For Your Contribution
The Great Light Alliance Is Now
May 2025 Be Kind, Empowering And Fulfilling. As We Ride The Higher Light Waves And The Physical Domain Simultaneously.
The Higher Heart Chakra is growing in truth and wisdom. Itβs guiding you on what steps to take to move beyond current situations. What is holding you back is ending. Get ready for movement and change that is clearing away road blocks to the happiness, joy, and gratitude that are waiting for you.
December 30-January 6, 2025 – COMING HOME – SuperNova Astrology Update
We are feeling the intense exact opposition between Black Moon Lilith in Libra and Chiron in Aries. It’s time to fully take back our Power. The Nodes are finishing up their time in the signs of Aries and Libra. Are we getting the message? We must claim our freedom and autonomy, in order to move into something New.
Jupiter and Saturn have come into exact square. Mercury triggered this epic generational game-changing transit on December 26th and 27th, as he came into his third and final square with Saturn and opposition with Jupiter. We feel the energy of bigger transits most, when our personal planets get involved. Mercury in Sagittarius is making this square all about claiming back our full ultimate true expression as a SuperNova Soul. We must get back on our Epic Quest.
Mercury coming out of retrograde shadow in Sagittarius is shedding light on what this Jupiter Saturn square is all about. Although only exact for a few days, the influence of this square will last through mid-January. Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini, showing us where and how we have been bottled up and suppressed. Saturn is now direct in Pisces, attempting to re-write the Piscean Age.
The time is NOW for us to claim back our highest and most ideal Timeline. In order to do that, we must express ourselves more fully in the world. Jupiter will turn direct at 11 degrees of Gemini in early February, bringing a strong cleansing wind of true spiritual expression. We cannot be snuffed out, and our voice cannot be silenced. Saturn will exit retrograde shadow on February 15th, and move into New Territory. This is a powerful marker for stepping fully into our Co-Creation status.
Jupiter and Saturn will come into square one more time June 15-18, 2025, this time in the signs of Cancer and Aries, just after Saturn crosses over the Aries Point, rebirth of the Zodiac. Meeting up at 1 degree in these Cardinal signs sends us a big message. This next Season is about starting something completely New.
Every single planet is in an intense transit, as we move over into the New Year of 2025. Venus in Aquarius will be in square to Uranus in Taurus on December 28th. We are examining our permission and worth for our True Wealth. Venus in Aquarius us paving the way for Pluto and a New Age. We must recognize and reclaim the Wealth of the feminine technology. We are Free Energy.
Mars retrograde in Leo will make his second of three oppositions with Pluto on December 31st, telling us this Mars retrograde is a time of preparation for the New Age. This is an intense transit, but Pluto is also in sextile to the North Node of the Moon, bringing creative solutions in moving forward in Sovereignty. This puts Mars in trine with the North Node, and in sextile to the South Node. We are figuring out a completely new way to be. Mars retrograde in Leo/Cancer/Leo is about nurturing forward our light. The True Visionary Leaders of the New Age must step forward No, by coming home to the Mother Energy.
Mars will retrograde back into the sign of Cancer on January 7th. Everything in this whole reality and all timelines has been put on hold until we can come back to what really matters, says The Mother. She must lead the way, and so we wait for the energies to rise, and purify, and pull us into the Center. The only way forward is through coming back to Her. SuperNovas, this is the Greater Picture of our Mission. We are bringing them back home to Her. But first we must go. We have to clear all shame that keeps us from coming back into connection, if we are going to be able to assist in bringing them back to Her.
On Tuesday, December 31st, we end the year 2024 with Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in expansive Sagittarius in a positive trine connection to Chiron, the Wounded Healer and Shaman, in active Aries. It has been quite the year with many changes externally and internally. Today gives us the energy of bringing healing to the mind, our thoughts, perceptions and belief systems of all we have experienced.
It is all in our perspective, and Sagittarius rules the “glass half full” mentality. So, what gifts and blessings did you gain? What truth did you uncover? What freedom did you allow into your life? Tomorrow is a new year with a new energy. 2024 was about empowerment.
Make sure that you are in, and owning, your power now, before stepping through the portal into 2025!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in expansive Sagittarius
Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. Venus in Aquarius semi-sextile Neptune in Pisces. Pluto in Aquarius sextile North Node in Aries β Thatβs all folks! Now we are here, the end of the year, a magical turning, cheers, fireworks, brilliant expectations. Perhaps for some though, itβs a quiet affair, cuddled with a lover or sitting with loved ones, listening to a favourite song, reminiscing. Or itβs an evening alone, grieving, a phone call, a forgetting, a canβt be bothered, itβs too expensive, who cares? Like anything else, there is a rainbow of possibilities for each aspect, and every shade of colour, every nuance of character is part of the whole. We are all connected to all that is. We are all under the same sky.
Letβs take these planetary energies and weave words around them, make this an incantation, a song, a poem. Here is Pluto carrying truth and power, Neptune with blessed water, Chiron with his healing balm, Venus with a pot of love, Mercury with a cosmic message to us all, straight from source. βGood health!β he cries βAnd Happy New Year! You are loved!
Degrees and Times
Pluto 01Β°Aq02′, North Node 01Β°Ar02′ R β 05:34 (UT)
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. It’s day 8 of the White Dog wavespell but we won’t go barking mad today, Galactic days seem to just go smoother which is always a welcome break.
Today is Red Earth which represents ‘Evolution, Synchronicity and Navigation.’ It’s a great combo of day and number as we ‘harmonize to evolve’. If you strive for harmony in your life, of course you will naturally evolve but don’t sit around waiting for this progress – you must make the effort. Look at what has been causing disharmony in your world and address these issues.
The Guide today is the Red Dragon which symbolizes ‘birth and nurturing’. When guiding us the Dragon is leading the way to new beginnings. Taking care of yourself should be a priority. Think before you act today and ask yourself ….is this good for me?
The Challenge is the Blue Hand which represents ‘healing’. Remember the challenge isn’t a negative thing but more of a ‘deal with this now’ kind of energy. The Blue Hand pushes you and not in a subtle way. If you are a Blue Hand, you may find today difficult and any evolution in your life may not come easily.
The Occult power is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘sowing awareness’. When in this magical position opportunities arise to learn more about the nature of magic.
The Ally is the White Wind, the communicator. If you need assistance and you happen to know one, call them up. Otherwise, be a communicator yourself today.
Did you know that you can add up two people’s numbers and the result will tell you what that relationship is all about? Ideally for couples you’ll want to add up to either 1 for unity or 10 for perfection! 5 is also good as that’s empowering but adding up to 2 is challenging and 13 is enduring! If you add up to 3 this is an electric relationship! If you two add up to 6, this is a balanced and practical relationship. Thanks for reading!
MANTRA I HARMONIZE in order to EVOLVE Modeling synchronicity I seal the matrix of navigation With the Galactic tone of integrity I AM guided by the power of BIRTH
31/12/2024 = 4/3/8 = 4/11=4/2=6
31- Genius/Think outside the box 4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth 6- Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
KIN 177 = 15 = 6 – Heaven/Christ Consciousness/Harmony/Love/Romance
27 moons ago – 3 GALACTIC SPINs – KIN 177 occured on 11 NOVEMBER 2022 which was the
11.11 TWIN FLAMEΒ PORTALΒ and also the
This DOORWAY was AMPLIFIED through the 11 day passage, until 22 NOVEMBER 2022 which was the 22.22Β NEW EARTHΒ portal on KIN 188. This is the day of the DOUBLE YELLOW RHYTHMICΒ STAR!! When we are ORGANIZING our NEW WORLD for beauty and harmony in the NEW TIME!! Yipeeee….
This DOORWAYΒ is OPENED AGAIN today – particularly on this 6.6 HEAVEN’S GATE and 15.15 DOUBLE HAPPINESS frequency. ..
The DOOR is OPEN for all those ILLUMINED SOULSΒ to walk through together to NEW EARTH,Β reuniting with kindred souls and commencing NEW MISSIONS… The new moon is in CAPRICORNΒ today ACTIVATING your soul MISSION. .
This portal is BRILLIANTLY synchronized with the RED GALACTIC EARTH – KIN 177 marking the RIGHT TIME!!
THIS IS IT beloveds!Β
Day 8 in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELLΒ of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are integrating the past energies with our MINDS and evolving through the synchronicitiesΒ to B-EARTH greater LOVE!Β
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. We are modeling what it is to be a co creator of this New World. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
We need to reflect on the messages from Spirit and ensure that we are aligned, in order to co create more Harmony, and BIRTH greater LOVE in our world.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
The GALACTIC tone is tone number 8 denoting SOURCE FLOW – so the synchronicities should FLOW in ABUNDANCE today!! A very fluid and harmonious code.
The GALACTIC tone only INVITES those AUTHENTIC souls who are MODELING 5D consciousness to WALK through this DOORWAY into the new 5D world. The GATEKEEPER will check your ticketΒ and ensure you are worthy and qualifiedΒ Β to ENTER this NEW TIME.Β
Very appropriate as we bid FAREWELL to 2024 and step through the doorways into 2025! Your brilliant new future awaits!
So beloveds a BEAUTIFUL, feminine day today to FAREWELL the old year, and herald in this momentous GOLDEN ERA through these doorways as the ENTRANCE to the NEW TIME.
We are filled with new potential through listening deeply to our PachaMama,Β responding to the urge to B-EarthΒ the new highest potentials for her and all of humanity.
GET READY to fly, swim, sing our way into HEAVEN – now birthing here on Earth!!!
Today’s question is “Am I READY to EVOLVE through synchronicity, and walk through this majikal DOORWAY, to b-earth my Highest Potential through Higher Love and integrity?”
Divine blessings for wondrous SYNCHRONICITY and SIGNS today!! LOOK for the DOORS opening!!Β
Namaste’Β In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66Β
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED GALACTIC EARTH – CABAN’sΒ Β coding is through SIGNS, synchronicity and navigation. Mother GAIA is in charge today.. and she is saying NOW is the RIGHT TIME, to reunite with your TWIN SOUL,Β divine counterpart,Β and soul familyΒ Β to model the new EARTH common-unity/s and take up your NEW MISSIONS.
This beautiful synchronic alignment is phenomenally SIGNIFICANT, being a prime marker for our rapid EVOLUTION now into our UTOPIAN new world.
Watch for the SIGNS and markers along your path signalling THE RIGHT TIMEΒ RIGHT PERSON RIGHT PLACE
Mother Earth is TALKING today, and she has a lot to say, as she is LEADING our Ascension to higher vibratory states. Pachamumma is already up AHEAD of us, looking behind and beckoning us to CATCH UP with her!!!
Don’t miss this opportunity, LIFT your VIBE and raise your consciousness to become a PERFECT MATCH for her!Β
Today we hold the pure presence of life itself as we reflect on our Pachamumma’s guidance, honouring her wisdom. The wisdom of the ages that the ancients held through the power of OBSERVATION and LISTENING. Being silent and allowing our MINDS to LISTEN and gain patience in order to be guided by our ability to respond to our true heart’s calling.Β
CABAN beckons us today to reflect on the patterns of the past that have caused us to be STUCK, then harmonize them through bringing greater LOVE, allowing them to FLOW forward. Enabling our ancient ancestral patterns to evolve to a higher expression of LOVE in our planetary evolution, paving the way to move forward.
We are modeling ourselves as worthy NEW Earth citizens, caring for Pachamama as she in turn cares for us. Holding the awareness of the interconnectedness of all things through the web of LIFE itself.. All precious within this beautiful green and blue globe of HARMONY, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE.
Your environment is a REFLECTION or your inner state, so TUNE IN today and absorb what PACHAMAMA is showing you.
Which path is the TRUE way forward to greater LOVE?
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED GALACTIC DRAGONΒ – IMIX Today we give GRATITUDEΒ for the passing of the old cycle and the old Gregorian year of 2024, as we prepare to B-EARTHΒ the new in 2025.
IMIX represents our MOTHERS and the feminine ancestral bloodlines. Today we BLESS and honourΒ all those beings who have birthed us in the cycles past. As we listen to Pachamama, new consciousness is birthed, as we realise and accept our responsibility as Earth’s children to nurture and protect ALL lifeforms, in order for our species to survive.
How absolute PERFECTO – that Mumma Dragon is the higher guide for our PACHAMUMMA today on this MAJIKAL DAY!! All DIVINELY coded to intwine the optimum codes needed for our passage.
Through our capacity to respond to the synchronicities in our life, we respond and allow the caring for others in the right timing. This brings the focus to MOTHERS, nurturance and caring for others with COMPASSION – the new current-sea!.
Sharing our love and connecting with our planetary kin, reweaving the web of connection through higher love. BIRTHING greater LOVE, filled with compassion, acceptance, respect and honouring for each other. IMIX our Mother Dragon assists us in birthing our cell-ves and our planet anew today.
The GALACTIC DRAGON activates our Planetary Serpents and ley lines today – upgrading them with the new 5D consciousness, infusing the grids and NOOSPHERE with this NEW harmonious collective program. REBOOT to the new 5D system through this super duper software UPGRADE today.
As we UNITE in our QUEST to build a foundation for New Earth on PEACE, harmony and greater LOVE – we MUST HONOUR our role and responsibility in this miraculous co creation.Β
The GALACTIC DRAGON requires us to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY to care for our NEW EARTHΒ and all her inhabitants – all creatures great and small, the plant kingdom, the minerals, the land, the air, the water and our entire planet.
We are inheriting a NEW WAY of living and operating on our upgraded planet. The OLD WAYS WILL NOT WORK any more, as they lead to destruction and decay. Great harm and degradation has been occurring for EONS on our planet – GREED and profit over harmony and LOVE for our EARTH. The LOVE of POWERΒ over the POWER of LOVE!Β
These practices cannot continue to reap and destroy our Earth Mother. GAIA will not tolerate this any longer and such draconian systems will be replaced by the sustainable, harmonic and empathic technologies that have been suppressed in the past. GALACTIC CABAN will insist on it NOW!!!.
The new way involves CREATION and EXPANSION, but in SYMPATHY to ALL life forms, with harm to NONE!
This is the PRIME inclusion clause to be granted your ENTRY VISAΒ Β as a NEW EARTH Galactic citizen.
SUPPORT: WHITE GALACTIC WIND –Β IK works in unison with CABAN to bring us much stronger messages today. We have the messages from Mother Earth amplified through the whispering wind on this MAJIKAL gateway TODAY.
The GALACTIC WIND is the HIGHER GUIDE for this whole GALACTIC YEAR – so today we have DOUBLE GALACTIC WIND POWER!! SPIRIT says we MUST HONOUR the Divine principles of harmlessness and the DIVINE PLAN for our EARTH as we restore BALANCE in our world. This is NOW MANDATORY!
Allow the presence of universal loveΒ and pure consciousness to FLOWΒ through the doorways to you today. Creating the space for Spirit’s messages to be the glue that bridges the gaps between our heartsΒ Β and that of our kin folk.
Tune in and allow Spirit to guide your path, navigating forward through the SIGNS and synchronicities.
Gather with your KIN on this momentous celebratory day. Dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being. Feel yourself in synchronic flowΒ with the cycles and timing of the Natural world. Allowing the breath of Spirit to course through our bodies, becoming Divine conduits, the living reeds and conduits for spiritual evolution.
The GALACTIC WIND is also bringing the WINDS of CHANGE through revealing DIVINE TRUTH.. The lies will no longer take hold.. all TRUTH will SHINE through as the masses AWAKEN and begin to question their reality. Anything “shady” or untoward will be uncovered through the full transparency of this new era.
People will be able to SEE, SMELL and SENSE a rat!Β Falsehood, manipulation, smoke and daggers will be a thing of the distant past as people become more honourable, responsible and AUTHENTIC, living through their HEART.Β
The TIDEΒ has turned and we are shaping the NEW WORLD in which we are choosing HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RHYTHMIC SEEDΒ -KAN assists us in integrating this Divine timing and evolution through focusing our minds wholly on the greatest potential timelines. Of seeing ourselves as growing and evolving, connected within the cycles of time. Witnessing ourselves as our Higher enLIGHToned aspects, living at our optimum potential.
Harmonizing our bodies by nourishing them with nurturing organic foods born from the garden of our Earth Mother. Foods with high chi and life force that sustain our LIGHT bodies during these times of great change.
The RHYTHMIC SEED is a powerful force for bringing back to balance any disharmony or dis-ease in your physical body, home or environment. As within, so without – our external world needs to reflect the PEACE and HARMONY that we are seeking to create WITHIN our inner being, and in our MINDS too.
KAN’S superpower today assists us to EVOLVE through our Divine potential to FLOWERΒ beyond what is perceivable. UNITING together and co-creating the gardens of beauty, peace and harmony to seed Nova Gaia.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE GALACTIC HANDΒ – MANIK brings forth the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT which we can utilize to implement these new authentic systems that care for our planet and all her kingdoms.
We can ACCOMPLISH HEALING and bring back balance in order to harmonize our lives and our world, returning to a state of WHOLENESS living in sync. with our PACHAMAMA.
MANIK challenges us to TRUST in the presence of HEALING today. The wisdom of the knowledge that helps us to navigate our way forward. Through loving our bodies, our cell-ves and our EARTH mumma. .
FEEL the POWER of Spirit coursing through your veins and allow nature to soothe your soul, healing ailing techno. stressed bodies. Commune with nature, practise EARTHING and open to the FLOW of chi that meanders majestically through the rivers, mountains and woods of the natural world to accomplish great healing today!
It is TIME to WALKΒ OUR TALKΒ as we seek to HONOUR and HEAL our Pachamama, by walking gently upon this EARTH leaving but a bare footprint like our ancestors.
This majikal 6.6. HEAVEN’S GATE doorway enables us to leave the past behind and walk valiantly through to the new world and new way of BE-ING.. The NEW WAY DREAMING has been ACCOMPLISHED.
So beloveds a BEAUTIFUL, feminine day today to FAREWELL the old year, and herald in this momentous GOLDEN ERA through these doorways as the ENTRANCE to the NEW TIME.
We are filled with new potential through listening deeply to our PachaMama,Β responding to the urge to B-EarthΒ the new highest potentials for her and all of humanity.
GET READY to fly, swim, sing our way into HEAVEN – now birthing here on Earth!!!
Today’s question is “Am I READY to EVOLVE through synchronicity, and walk through this majikal DOORWAY, to b-earth my Highest Potential through Higher Love and integrity?”
Divine blessings for wondrous SYNCHRONICITY and SIGNS today!! LOOK for the DOORS opening!!Β
Namaste’Β In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66Β
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 29th 2024 through January 4th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Black New Moon in Capricorn.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
**”Divine Source of all creation,
I stand at the threshold of this new year with an open heart,
Grateful for the blessings of the past
And ready to embrace the possibilities of what lies ahead.
Guide me, O infinite light,
As I set my intentions for 2025.
May this year be filled with purpose, growth, and joy,
And may every step I take align with my highest good.
Grant me the courage to release the burdens of the past,
The wisdom to learn from my experiences,
And the strength to walk forward with faith and resilience.
Bless my mind with clarity,
My heart with compassion,
And my spirit with peace,
So that I may live each day in harmony with the divine.
I call upon your infinite abundance,
May it flow freely into my life,
Bringing opportunities, love, and fulfillment
To me and to all those I encounter.
Let this be a year of unity and healing,
For myself, my community, and the world.
May our collective efforts create a brighter,
More loving and peaceful future for all beings.
In gratitude and trust, I welcome the gifts of 2025.
May I honor this year with integrity, kindness, and grace.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
This prayer can be recited as part of your New Yearβs ritual or personal reflection to set a powerful and intentional tone for the year ahead. πβ¨
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