BED MEDS – Medical beds ~ Alchemy of Immortality
BED MEDS – Medical beds
Goodbye pharmacies and hospitals
Important about MED BEDS, as we have repeated, this technology will be released to all humanity when the EVENT happens and the cabal completely disappears from the face of the Earth through arrests, imprisonments or elimination.
MED BED technology is already being used in Resistance and Light Forces facilities, in military and underground facilities, they are used for victims, children and hostages LIBERATED from the cabal, both for psychological, mental, emotional healing and for physical healing.
MED BED technology will be made available to the public completely FREE of charge, so DO NOT TRUST the companies that are currently asking for money and claiming to have it available now, the technologies that are commercialized may be very advanced and good, BUT IT IS NOT THE MED BEDS that exclusively manage the Light Forces and the military and this will be the case when they are made available to the public, everything will be managed, planned and coordinated by them and they will organize the infrastructure and deployment throughout the WORLD and I repeat that they will be FREE. Benign health personnel, Star Seeds and Light workers will be instructed in its management
Where will the MED BEDS be installed? Existing infrastructures in hospital buildings, banks, warehouses, etc. will be used, which will be reorganized and used for the benefit of the community, whether with MED BEDS, places for food, clothing, information spaces, etc.
The reason they have not yet been released to the general public is to prevent the cabal from taking control of the MED BEDS.
There is less time left until the EVENT, keep calm and trust in GOD, HAVE FAITH IN THE DIVINE PLAN and trust in God’s timing because they are PERFECT
Keep your vibration positive

Alchemy of Immortality: The Lost Knowledge of Eternal Youth September 17, 2024
The renowned stellar clairvoyant Emanuell Charis has been intensely studying for several years one of the oldest and most fascinating mysteries of humanity: the search for immortality and eternal youth.
In this article, he shares his profound insights into alchemy – an ancient science and spiritual practice – and raises the question of whether there really is lost knowledge that can give us humans the key to eternal youth and immortality.
The fascination of immortality
The idea of immortality has always fascinated people. Great rulers and wise mystics have sought ways to overcome death and preserve youth forever. Many ancient cultures have legends about immortals – about people who discovered the secret of eternal life and conquered death. But what is this secret and how can it be related to alchemy, the ancient science of transformation?
Join me on a journey through the millennia in search of answers. Answers that perhaps have always been within us, hidden deep within our consciousness.
Alchemy: The Art of Transformation
Alchemy is primarily described as the art of transforming base metals into gold, and indeed many medieval alchemists devoted themselves to just that task.
But the true meaning of alchemy goes far beyond this. It is a universal teaching of transformation and is not just about the external transformation of matter, but above all the internal transformation of human consciousness. ( Beyond the Limits of Death – An Unexplainable Journey Back to Life )
Over the years of my spiritual practice, I have come to realize that alchemical work is a process that guides us to refine our own inner world—to transform the raw, formless aspects of our soul into a higher, divine self. It is this inner path that can lead us to immortality.
Because alchemy shows us that true transformation begins within ourselves. The goal is not just to change the body, but to take consciousness to a higher level.
The philosopher’s stone as a symbol of perfection
Alchemists of the past often spoke of the “philosopher’s stone,” a legendary object that could transform all things, create the elixir of life, and even grant immortality.
Many have searched for this stone, but based on my research I believe that the Philosopher’s Stone is not a physical object. Rather, it is a symbol of the spiritual perfection that we can achieve through our inner work.
The true philosopher’s stone, therefore, lies within ourselves. It is the inner process of self-realization that allows us to transcend the limitations of the material world.
Through meditation, self-reflection and spiritual discipline we can cultivate this “stone” within ourselves. It represents the highest form of human consciousness – the consciousness that transcends the illusion of time and space and enters into eternity.
But is it possible that some alchemists of the past actually had access to a deeper knowledge that allowed them to rejuvenate the physical body and prolong life beyond normal limits?
Accounts of people like Nicholas Flamel or the Comte de Saint Germain, who are said to have lived for centuries, suggest that there may be a link between inner transformation and outer longevity.
The Lost Knowledge of Immortality in Ancient Cultures
When we look at the ancient cultures of the world, we find evidence everywhere of a hidden knowledge of immortality and eternal youth. In ancient Egypt, the idea of an afterlife was central, and the priests of Osiris were the guardians of a secret knowledge of the soul’s journey. Egyptian pharaohs believed that they could achieve immortality through certain rituals and the protection of the gods.
We also find the idea of eternal life in the Vedic tradition of India. Yogis and rishis who retreated to the Himalayas were known to live exceptionally long lives through meditation and certain breathing techniques. The teaching of the so-called ‘Kaya Kalpa’, an alchemical process to rejuvenate the body, was passed down by the great masters of yoga.
In China, more specifically in the teachings of Taoism, we find another ancient tradition of alchemy. Taoist masters sought the “elixir of immortality,” which was to be produced through the harmony of body, mind, and soul. They realized that through the cultivation of internal energy (Qi) the human body could be rejuvenated and life prolonged.
These ancient cultures knew that the key to immortality lay not in external substances or technologies, but in the conscious control of the mind and internal energies. This knowledge has been largely lost in our modern world, but it lives on in the teachings of spiritual alchemy.
The role of modern science
Today, in the age of science and technology, people are looking for ways to slow down or even stop aging. Modern medicine has made great strides in this regard, and some researchers believe that we are on the verge of unlocking the secret to immortality.
But I can only repeat: true immortality cannot be achieved through external means alone. Rather, it lies in the ability to transform our consciousness and establish a deeper connection with our divine essence. There are now scientific approaches that indirectly support alchemical teachings. Researchers have found that meditation and mindfulness techniques have measurable positive effects on the aging process.
People who meditate regularly show an increase in telomeres – the DNA structures that play a key role in biological aging. This is a clear indication that internal work can have a direct impact on our physical bodies.
Inner Alchemy: The True Path to Immortality

So what does it mean to be immortal? In my work as a spiritual counselor and clairvoyant, I have discovered time and again that true immortality is not about remaining in a physical body forever. Rather, it is about expanding your consciousness to enter higher dimensions of being. There are many levels of existence, and the material world we perceive with our senses is just one of many.
It is about transforming one’s soul and bringing it into harmony with the divine will. If we follow this path, we may not be able to remain young forever, but we will achieve an immortality far beyond what the physical world can offer us. This immortality resides in the eternal existence of our consciousness, which merges with the divine consciousness.
Practical steps for inner transformation
So how can we begin practicing this inner alchemy? Here are some practical approaches that I have used for years and that I also recommend to my clients and students.
Breathing techniques for energization
Breathing is the bridge between body and mind. Through conscious breathing – especially with pranayama techniques – we can strengthen our energy field and provide vital energy to our body.
Nutrition and the Path of Light
A conscious, nutrient-rich diet supports the process of inner alchemy. Foods rich in light energy – such as fresh fruits and vegetables – help us nourish the body on a subtle level.
Self-reflection and spiritual discipline
To experience true transformation, we must face our inner shadow. Working on ourselves, acknowledging and integrating our deepest fears and wounds, is a necessary part of the alchemical process.
Visualization and manifestation
The mind has the power to shape our reality. When we focus on and consciously visualize positive changes, we can steer our bodies and our lives in a new direction.
Meditation as the key to immortality
Last but not least, regular meditation is essential to calm the mind and connect with the higher self. Through meditation we create space for inner transformation and can discover deeper levels of our being.
The lost knowledge of eternal youth and immortality is not hidden in external substances or technologies, but in the depths of our own being.
Alchemy shows us that we have the ability to transform our consciousness and connect with the eternal flow of life. The true path to immortality does not begin with the search for material solutions, but with the recognition of our inner potential for transformation.
When we have the courage to break with the illusions of the physical world and begin to work seriously on ourselves, we open the doors to a new dimension of being.
In truth, eternal youth does not reside in the timelessness of our body, but in the vivacity of our spirit and the profound harmony between body, mind and soul. When we embark on this path of inner alchemy, we realize that true immortality lies in the knowledge of our eternal nature.
The key lies in our willingness to embark on the journey of self-realization to find the philosopher’s stone within ourselves and renew the lost knowledge of immortality.
I wish you courage to walk this inner path and transcend the limits of the purely material – because true immortality awaits us beyond what the eyes can see.
Emmanuel Charis
Sources: PublicDomain/ on September 16, 2024
UPDATE! Med Beds Unlocked: Brainwave Synchronization and Quantum Healing with DNA Replicators
— Age Reversal Secrets Revealed, Turn 80 Into 30!
Let’s get straight to the point. For too long, the truth about aging and human potential has been hidden. Elites have fought to keep us in the dark, but the curtain is finally being lifted.
We are on the brink of a revolution. A new era is coming that will shatter the boundaries of what it means to be human. Forget what you were told about aging being inevitable. Reatomization and DNA replicators have changed the game. Time is no longer a prison.
The mainstream won’t tell you the truth, but brainwave synchronization is the missing link to unlocking the full potential of Med Beds. This is how the elites have maintained their advantage for decades — by training their brainwaves to align with these technologies and unlock their hidden power.
It’s all about synchronization. Alpha, theta and gamma waves are the key. By training your brain, you can unlock the full power of the Med Beds. Alpha waves calm your mind, stabilizing you for basic rejuvenation. Theta waves? They’re the gateway to deep subconscious healing. Gamma waves? They allow you to take control of the healing process, directing the Med Bed technology with surgical precision.
Now, the DNA Replicator. This is a forbidden technology—more than just genetic engineering. It accesses your body’s energy field, locating the optimal state of your DNA and reverting each cell to that moment. Nanobots map your DNA, finding mutations and weaknesses, then the Replicator uses scalar energy to rebuild and strengthen your DNA. That means reverting your age to 30, restoring your prime biological state.
The elites have been using this advanced technology for years. While the masses are kept in a cycle of disease, they are enhancing their bodies, boosting immunity, and sharpening their minds.
The real power comes from brainwave training. It’s the key to unlocking Med Bed healing. Without it, you’re just scratching the surface. Get your brain into alpha waves by meditating for 20 minutes a day. Once you’ve mastered that, push yourself into theta—that’s where deep healing begins. Want the ultimate edge? Train your brain to hit gamma waves and watch your body heal like never before.
This is knowledge that the elites have hidden for good reason. If the masses knew how to harness their brain power and activate these technologies, the entire system would collapse.
This is a call to action. The elites have been using these technologies to extend their lives and control humanity. Not anymore. The DNA Replicator and Med Beds are ours to claim. Start your brainwave training today and prepare for the Med Bed revolution.
Don’t be their pawn — be the master of your destiny. The future is here and it’s time to reclaim it.

The Light Has Triumphed: Final Stage of Change
The Light Has Triumphed
Source: Final Wakeup Call| By Peter B. Meyer
Final stage of change
The long-awaited times have finally arrived! Although it is not yet as visible as everyone would like, everything in the Earth’s timeline is sealed. Many millennia have passed! Many epochs have also passed! Hundreds of successive incarnations! And you are here now to be part of this great phenomenon, the transformation of planet Earth!
In addition to this great event, which is the most important in the galaxy, it will still stand or fall with the rise of a part of humanity. Glorious times are ahead, and nothing can stop what is coming!
For this final stage of change, we have entered an immutable timeline; the ancient prophecies of Armageddon will not be fulfilled! We are about to see incredible times. However, there is still a great obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself;
the most crucial moment for humanity on planet Earth is today. There will be two well-defined timelines: one will take part of humanity to the New Earth; and the other timeline will take the other part into exile.
Only one third of humanity will be able to make and complete the Ascension required for this transition; the other part will not. In the end, we will have a new cycle and a new earth. No authority is superior to our free will and choices. Each one will be his own judge. No one will interfere with the individual preferences of another.
The light has won where each one creates his own reality. The destiny of humanity has been decided. Because of the separation of the wheat from the chaff, only 5-dimensional beings will proceed to this New Earth. It is expected that everything will be completed, cleaned and settled between 2025 and 2030.
Education and upbringing have been degraded.
To what extent do they meet expectations: interests and needs, from kindergarten to school and higher education? If you look at this over the last few decades, you will probably see a huge difference between your own experience and what you will see in your children and grandchildren.
In almost every country in the world there has been a colossal decline in education and training, and with it a change in the consciousness of the generations of people who received them.
you ever thought about why this happened?
It would seem that technological progress, which has touched every aspect of your life, should be for the good of humanity. But in reality, the opposite is happening: not only is man becoming callous in spirit, but his mental faculties are weakening noticeably.
All this is a link in the chain with which the Deep State has “entangled” humanity, with the aim of degrading the human personality in all its manifestations.
She understands perfectly well that it is impossible to drive a fully educated and highly spiritual person into a single obedient flock. Therefore, the main task is to minimize the educational process and wean people from thinking for themselves.
And as you can see, they have succeeded quite well in this. The puppets of the Deep State have not only minimized the curriculum in schools and universities, but have also succeeded in distorting scientific and historical facts, rewriting textbooks to suit their needs and interests.
Truly objective and truthful information on all areas of knowledge can now be found only in ancient literature, accessible to a few, and in alternative sources of information, which are gradually being collected for you by the FWC and other caring people, who are often ridiculed and sometimes threatened by representatives of official science.
And yet, many people prefer to ignore this and go with the flow, leaving themselves and their children at the mercy of socially oriented educational institutions.
Only a small number of consciously awakened people, having sensed the danger emanating from these institutions, are trying to find alternative ways, such as Montessori education, for the upbringing and education of their children and grandchildren, in order to keep their souls and minds pure.
Being awakened is often associated with modern society in loneliness.
You are probably familiar with the expression “Man is a social being”. And this is true. But why do so many people on Earth suffer from loneliness?
Why do people in large and densely populated cities often feel lonely?
The main reason is energetic disunity.
Imagine the different energies that people living in large cities emit.
They not only vibrate at different frequencies, but it is much more complicated than that.
When there is a large concentration of people, there is a mixture of biological species, different races, creatures from different planets and dimensions. And in addition to this natural energetic diversity, the air is filled with the emotions and thought-forms emitted by all these creatures, mainly of a negative nature, as few people are able to maintain harmony and spiritual purity in the hustle and bustle of the ‘megalopolises’.
To complete the picture, we cannot forget the entities of the lower astral plane that feed on the negative energies that literally swarm in the energetic spaces of large cities.
What can a person feel when immersed in such energies? Much depends, of course, on his or her vibrational level. For example, young human souls who are just beginning to experience life in the three-dimensional world can feel quite comfortable in such an environment, since everything is interesting and curious to them.
The same can be said about biorobots and clones programmed to live in big cities, as well as low-vibrational beings embodied in human bodies whose vibrations resonate with the negative energies of the crowd.
But a person whose vibrations have reached the level of at least the fourth dimension will feel lonely and lost in such a society. He or she will feel like a black sheep, an outsider, a visitor from another world.
Many of you have probably experienced a similar feeling in big cities. But now that the old and new worlds are rapidly ‘decoupling’ energetically and mentally, the same is happening to people who belong to different worlds with their own vibrational levels and mental components.
This is why it is so important to step out of the society of the three-dimensional world, which no longer corresponds to your vibrations, your worldview, or your true needs.
Only in this way can you move forward quickly and confidently, without returning to the three-dimensional world, which you have already “outgrown,” just as a child outgrows its baby clothes.
The Absolute Father, who loves you immensely, has spoken to you.
Exposing the Universe’s Darkest Secrets: PROJECT ODIN MILITARY, Starlink, QFS and MOSSAD Satellites
BOOM! Starlink, QFS, Project Odin and MOSSAD satellites are shaking the foundations of global control. Discover the powerful forces behind this quantum revolution and the secrets they don’t want you to know!
Starlink, the space-based satellite constellation, is much more than an internet service provider. It is the centerpiece of an astronomical strategy, set against the backdrop of interstellar warfare.
With MOSSAD satellites suspected of being neutralized, humanity is on the brink of a monumental shift. Buckle up and brace yourselves, for we are on the precipice of the most monumental era in human history.
As the sun rises and sets, as days turn to nights, our world continues to spin in the vast expanse of the cosmos. But unbeknownst to many, a massive transformation is taking place, not just on Earth, but beyond the confines of our atmosphere.
Starlink: The Trojan Horse. Many have looked up to see the perfectly aligned star-shaped array of lights making their way across the night sky. These lights, part of the Starlink satellite constellation, initially appear as a simple global internet infrastructure.

But what if they’re the foundation for something more… grandiose? For some, this isn’t just about faster internet, but a movement for greater power. Starlink is being strategically positioned around the world, seemingly waiting like a sentinel for Project Odin to take its rightful place.
But why? Some insiders believe the real intention is to take control once the MOSSAD satellites are compromised.
The Mystery of the MOSSAD Satellites. It has long been rumored that the Israeli intelligence agency, Mossad, has satellites that not only oversee the Middle East, but have a sweeping hold over global communications, media, and more.
Its tentacles are believed to spread far and wide, influencing mainstream media narratives globally.
A bold proposal emerges from the whispers of the enlightened: these MOSSAD satellites have already been taken out of the equation.
That’s right. Removed, obliterated, rendered inoperable. If these speculations are accurate, the implications are earth-shattering. Taking out these satellites would, in essence, trigger a global blackout. A void. An information abyss.
Imagine a world where the ever-present hum of information goes silent. The channels we trust, control, and curate would disappear in the blink of an eye, making way for a new era. A reset, if you will.
Biblical Revelation. Just as the ancient city of Babylon fell, so too, it seems, have the modern forces of shadow and deception. Everything malevolent, every lie, every hidden agenda – it is all being exposed in an almost prophetic way. We are witnessing the exposure of malevolence on an unparalleled scale, a biblical battle between good and evil.
Could this be the Great War of wars? Not just an earthly conflict, but one that spans galaxies, dimensions, and the very fabric of reality?
Could this be the Great War of wars? Not just an earthly conflict, but one that spans galaxies, dimensions, and the very fabric of reality?
New Earth: A Quantum Future. Many believe that what awaits us is a New Earth, where paradigms shift, and humanity embarks on a journey, not of technology, but of consciousness.
Vibrations, energy, the very essence of life would take center stage. Gone are the days of superficiality; instead, we will embrace a realm where quantum energies play a pivotal role.
The shocks of this transition will be profound, there is no doubt about that. Yet, amidst this turmoil, many are prepared, ready to embrace the dawn of a new era.
RUMORS: 09/17/2024
We are in the final battle between good and evil
Now is the time to pray
Global currency reset has been activated
Sunday, October 20, 2024
EBS Worldwide Activation
Martial law
Mass arrests
CIA, Mossad was
Trump Back
The World Bank has just reported that:
On 10/1/2024, the entire WORLD banking system will be within the QFS System – Quantum Financial System.
Every penny will be tracked in the world and every account will provide the same services as a bank.
Purchase, sale, transfer, notary services for the purchase of goods.
Together we should have the EBS – Emergency Broadcast System, which for 10 days will be posting on TVs, films explaining the changes and possible government changes, mass arrests, punishment for crimes against humanity.
All of this is Gesara, with humanitarian transfers being a small part of the process.
Everything defined, everything happening irreversibly.
NATO is screwed!
Putin: Russia wants to work with China for multipolarity and a fair world order
Russian President Vladimir Putin announced at a meeting with the organization’s top security officials on Thursday in St. Petersburg that 34 countries have expressed a desire to join the BRICS group “in one form or another.”
The new Iraqi dinar rate appeared to be live on bank screens, although it was still trading higher with no fixed rate. Payments on the bonds are due to be completed by next Wednesday, September 18.
Trust His plan
Second Trump assassination attempt on Sunday is believed to be an inside job by Homeland Security and the FBI
This brings us closer to the three-day Big Bang event.
We’re just waiting for the green light
Starlink will send EBS to all mobile phones worldwide
If corrupt governments fall – Mass arrests
Ten-day Quantum Financial System Event, GCR, NESARA/GESARA Implementation
Quantum Internet Emerges – Quantum Voting Restores Democracy
Trumpsara creates a lean, efficient government run by honest patriots
and medical beds create a healthy society
The time is now
The trumpet sounds are growing louder, and the message is clear: it is time to end this, once and for all. We stand on the brink of history, and we have a choice to make. Do we allow the shadow government to continue its reign of terror, or do we stand up and reclaim our freedom? The angels are returning to the gate. They are calling us to action. The time is now.
We have the power. We have the numbers. We have the truth on our side. This is our moment. Let’s make sure it goes down in history books. It’s time to end the reign of the shadow government, once and for all.
Content Redistribution Policy
Second Trump assassination attempt on Sunday is said to be an inside job by Homeland Security and the FBI, bringing us closer to >> Three-day Big Bang Event
We’re just waiting for the green light
Starlink will send EBS to all mobile phones worldwide
If Corrupt Governments Fall – Mass Arrests
Ten-Day Quantum Financial System Event, GCR, NESARA/GESARA Implementation. Quantum Internet Emerges – Quantum Voting Restores Democracy
Trumpsara creates a lean and efficient government run by honest patriots and medical beds create a healthy society
Judy’s grades for September 16 have been updated .
It refers to the truth behind the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump that occurred on September 15.
It also states that the RV (currency appreciation) began on September 13th.
Who Was Behind Trump’s Assassination Attempt? Treason at the Department of State and Homeland Security!
Preparing for the transition to NESARA and the beginning of the Starlink revolution!
Currency Reset Progress! Rumor has it that VR will start on September 13th!
Pray and give credit to your plan.
Second assassination attempt on Trump on Sunday,
which is proven to be an inside job by the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI,
This brings us closer to the Big Bang.
3 day event, we are just waiting for the green light.
star link
Send EBS to every cell phone in the world as soon as corrupt governments fall.
– Mass arrests will occur Quantum Financial System,
GCR, NESARA/GESARA Implementation
Quantum Internet emerges 10-day event
– A Quantum Vote Will Restore Democracy Trump Sarah
will create a rich and efficient government, composed of honest and
medical beds created by a healthy society
Information related to GCR/RV
To obtain (investment) “foreign exchange profits” related to RV (foreign exchange revaluation), the new exchange rate will be reflected and displayed in FOREX (foreign exchange) in the main box. done.
This time, we will discuss “obtaining profits (funds) exchanged for bargaining chips” from the perspective of being included in the Earth Alliance’s military operations.
We will discuss the conditions and deadlines for them to be displayed on FOREX (change)
New taxes seen on the fabrics of two banks
– Not the highest taxes in the Rescue Center: Dinar $3.41, Dong $0.47, Rupee $1.08, Zim $30 million per $100 trillion note, Bolivar $0.30 per billion.
Dinarland Highlights – 09/16/24
Mountain Goat
…They don’t require any economic recovery to impose a fair market tax on FOREX currency. This is all a lie… He is “artificially” suppressing the dinar tax. When will this dinar end? I believe that the end is near…
Cunning Alliance Infiltration:
In a world dominated by covert operations, the Military Operations ALLIANCE embarks on a mission to explore McAfee’s intricate web of connections. Recognizing McAfee’s involvement in the shadowy underworld of corruption and money laundering, the ALLIANCE sees an opportunity to turn the tables on the Deep State. Taking advantage of McAfee’s compromised integrity, the Deep State has relied on covert access to critical systems, including the CIA and several intelligence agencies around the world.
As soon as we speak, something huge is brewing.
The FBI has seized the NYPD Commissioner’s cellphones, and the homes of Eric Adams’ top advisers have just been raided. The National Guard is flooding the streets of New York and major cities across the country. This is just the beginning. The storm is upon us – stay vigilant and keep your eyes open. Nothing can stop what is about to happen.
The establishment doesn’t try to destroy a house for no reason.
The conspiracy is real. This is the final battle of 3D Earth and the final tests before 5D ascension.
Puppets of the dark forces hate Trump because their teachers are terrified that he is about to leave.
Are we ready for a “New World Order”?
The aim was to discuss a new global financial system at the 2022 Government World Cup.
“We are ready to abandon the traditional monetary and accounting system and introduce a new one” Using blockchain… digital money.
Was it like this or what was discussed, but I turn the next page to the night at Trump X Space, or something different? Honestly, I say nothing…
It’s as simple as… the bad guys want a centralized digital currency, while the kids want a decentralized digital currency?
Your part in the new financial era
Each of us has a role to play in this new financial era. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or someone simply trying to survive, the changes taking place will affect your life in one way or another. It’s an exciting time to be alive, full of promise and potential.
Never ending, let it be said, this Great Awakening to Unity Consciousness is not just about new technologies, protocols or regulations. It is about us – all of us, together. It is about creating a world of prosperity, love and unity. A world that we can all be proud to pass on to future generations.
This is not just the story of a financial revolution. This is the story of human evolution. Welcome to the new era!
● Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwe Currency (2008/2009 Zimbabwe Trillion Dollar Notes – “AA”)
● Funds to exchange these funds must be paid to humanitarians through QFS structured payment accounts in their own name. The structured payment process is administered by the Alliance.
Your Structured Payment payments are made available via CBDCs (central bank digital currency) or via digital assets on the Stellar Network and your QFS blockchain e-wallet, such as f.ex Lobstr. These funds are available for immediate use, unrestricted by external forces.
President Trump avoids another assassination attempt!!! He is already being tested to see if he can obtain high-dimensional technology!!??
President Trump escapes another assassination attempt!!
President Trump, there was another assassination attempt after the rally the other day!!
This time, there was an assassin who tried to target President Trump on the golf course, but was captured in advance and escaped without incident.
Trump Assassination Attempt Quickshooter
Sean Vanity: Donald Trump just survived his second assassination attempt.
He was on the fifth hole of the golf course when the shots were fired.
They tried to kill him twice in 60 days. #AssassinationAttempt on PresidentTrumpHas Occurred …
– Jack_hikuma
Los Angeles (@jack_hikuma) September 15, 2024
President Trump is a man who has left a good record in the truest sense of the word, such as removing the darkness that has grown to the point where humanity is unable to do anything about it, and not starting a single war.
If that is the case, then of course there will be resentment from the dark side, and President Trump himself is prepared for that, and although there have only been a few public assassination attempts, I believe there have been dozens or even hundreds of attempts.
However, I think he was able to nip the possibility of assassination in the bud by playing 5D chess, and miraculously survived.

Shows how disasters can be avoided with high frequencies!!
I think the fact that President Trump has avoided assassination so many times shows that if we increase the frequency of our own god, we can avoid disasters or lessen them.
This is also related to the frequency of the person observing President Trump as an observer (Jigod). If the frequency is low, it will be the world line where President Trump was assassinated long ago, and if it is high, it will be the world line; the world line where he will continue to live without being assassinated.
Of course this is not limited to President Trump and others must have faced assassination many times;
This applies not only to important people, but to all beings, and if the frequency were low, events that could have caused death would have been attracted to them dozens or dozens of times, but because the frequency was high, they did not recognize it and did not attract it. It is possible that it was.
If the existence of lower frequencies were able to erase the existence of higher frequencies at will, the universe would have been destroyed long ago.
If not, it means you are “protected” by the frequency.

We are already testing whether we can obtain high-dimensional technology from information processing!!??
Nowadays, even in places like X, there is a clear division between “those who further establish their own self-god” and “those who are absorbed by someone else’s information and lose sight of their own self-god,” and there is a polarization.
As I said before, if you view everything only in terms of human emotions, good and bad, your perspective will be narrowed and you will be more likely to fall into darkness.
I feel like everything is running on quantum computers and we are on the best path forward.

There is no way for humans to understand this based on good, evil, and emotions, and it is impossible for humans to fully understand quantum computers, which are beyond human intelligence.
What is important is “quantum consciousness”, which transcends good, evil and human emotions, and I think this is the minimum requirement for dealing with high-dimensional technology.
The higher the level of technology and information, the higher the soul level of the person dealing with it must be.

This is because if your soul level is low, you will destroy yourself.
This has already been tested in “how to deal with information” in places like X, and I think that worldline classes will be divided by soul level, and disclosures and interventions will be made according to soul level.
Nowadays, there are more and more theories about destruction, such as the idea that if you cling to someone and betray yourself and God, there is a 99% chance that you will be dragged to destruction.
The extinction prophecies are warnings like, “This is what will happen if your self-god does not return to love and continues on the path of famine,” but on the other hand, if you raise the frequency of your own self-god, you will not be involved in such destruction.
That is why, if you want to fully experience the New Earth, you have no choice but to live as your own God (natural body).
Of course, this information may not be 100% accurate, so do your own research to see if it is true.
Time when RV (currency revaluation) is reflected in FOREX (exchange rate) September 16, 2024
Moment when the RV (currency revaluation) is reflected in the FOREX (exchange rate)
I would like to talk about the process by which RV (Revaluation of Currency Value) materializes on the public stage.
- What are the conditions for the RV (currency revaluation) to be reflected in the FOREX (exchange rate)?
- Why do we want to invest in “foreign exchange profits” when we are aiming for a fifth-dimensional world?
- The DS remnants also plan to make foreign exchange (investment) profits through RV (currency revaluation).
- Considering the conditions under which the RV (currency revaluation) is reflected in the FOREX (exchange rate) from the perspective of military operations.
- How do we determine that the DS remnants have disappeared (lost all power)?
What are the conditions for the RV (currency revaluation) to be reflected in the FOREX (exchange rate)?

If the Q Plan’s RV (Currency Valuation Revaluation) materializes on the public stage, it will eventually be “displayed on FOREX”.
The essential objective of RV (currency revaluation) is
Eliminate the dark monetary system created by the cabal. Creating a new monetary system through the QFS (Quantum Financial System)
Eliminate artificially manipulated markets. Bring the world back to its original “price” level (1950s prices)
In the three-dimensional world (slave society created by the Cabal), I felt very uncomfortable with the fact that it was socially acceptable to make money through “exchange profits” that took advantage of differences in monetary values.
Even if it’s not productive, it’s a way to make a lot of money.
“Differences in monetary values” are the cause of such events, so the RV (currency revaluation) will eventually
All coins have the same value (1:1)
I believe this is an essential element in the new GESARA society.
Why do we want to invest in “foreign exchange profits” when we are aiming for a fifth-dimensional world?

Before we get into the main topic, let me tell you a little about my likes and dislikes (laughs)
It is true that in the process of carrying out the VR (currency revaluation) of Plan Q, there will be large exchange rate gains.
Large foreign exchange profits are an element (profit) that is returned to the people of the country whose monetary value was unjustly suppressed, in order to restore it to its original state (economy, etc.)
I understand that it is.
The “Iraqi dinar”, the currency that attracts the most attention in the RV (currency revaluation), will have a major review of its value, and the “profits” that will be generated will be the improvement of the standard of living of the Iraqi people, economic independence and the reconstruction of the Iraqi nation. This means that .
That is the main point and the original purpose.
However, what many people who are aware of RV (Exchange Revaluation) have in mind is
Investment (acquisition of foreign exchange profits)
That’s right.
To reiterate, each person’s situation (economic situation, etc.) is different, and in the current social system, obtaining funds through “investment (exchange earnings)” is an important element (action), I fully understand that there are people who do this. .
So please avoid any misunderstanding as I have no intention of criticizing these people.
I attach importance to the idea that it is important to create a fifth-dimensional world (GESARA society) with our hands.
We must abandon the evil social system that the cabal actively created in the creation and construction of the fifth dimensional world (GESARA society).
That’s what I think.
Therefore, we recognize that the “profit exchange (investment) system” created by the cabal is also an element that needs to be abandoned.
Our goal is a fifth-dimensional world. Even if you intend to invest this time, I would be happy if you at least remember the “original purpose of using foreign exchange gains generated through RV (Foreign Exchange Revaluation)”.
The DS remnants also plan to make foreign exchange (investment) profits through RV (currency revaluation).

For the “redemption of historic debts”, financing is determined through interviews with the WH (Earth Alliance).
During this process, it is thought that the remnants of DS acted behind the scenes and made many moves to raise large amounts of funds.
However, it is impossible to defraud the Earth Alliance of funds from the historic debt bailout, and many DS remnants have already been exposed and arrested.
*It is true (or so) that this year (2024), “historical debt rescue procedures” are being carried out continuously. The central objective is to expose and arrest remnants of the DS.
Likewise, the remnants of the DS
Obtaining funds through investment (exchange earnings)
Of course they are considering this too.
When the new exchange rate is displayed on FOREX through RV (currency revaluation), the general public can freely perform “currency exchange” and make foreign exchange profits.
For the DS remnants, there is no interview with the Earth Alliance, so acquiring (investing) foreign currency profits will be an easy factor.
It is not just awakened people who want to invest (make foreign exchange profits) through RV (currency revaluation).
The remnants of DS are also waiting for this opportunity (to make profits in foreign exchange).
That’s why.
Considering the conditions under which the RV (currency revaluation) is reflected in the FOREX (exchange rate) from the perspective of military operations.

In Plan Q, “exposing and arresting DS remnants” is an element considered a military operation .
“Raising funds through foreign exchange (investing in foreign exchange profit)” based on RV (currency revaluation) is, by nature, a military operation.
This can be inferred.
So what emerges when we consider the flow (how to proceed) of RV (currency revaluation) from the perspective of military operations?
A simple conclusion that comes to mind is
When the DS remnants are gone (when they lose all their power), a new exchange rate based on the RV (currency revaluation) will be displayed on the FOREX (exchange) on the main stage.
That’s what it means.
How do we determine that the DS remnants have disappeared (lost all power)?

In this case, the important element is
What indicators does the Earth Alliance use to determine that the DS remnants have disappeared (lost all power)?
That’s what it means.
It would be different if there was some kind of confirmation method derived from space technology, but if you think normally, it would be very difficult to confirm that something does not exist.
However, what can be used as a basis for judgment in military operations is
When the DS no longer interferes with the false information and various exposure operations (RV, financing, medbed, etc.) sent by the Earth Alliance (without action or reaction), it is determined that the remnants of the DS be destroyed.
That can be said.
For now, I think the Earth Alliance is giving importance to the above mentioned factors.

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The veil is lifting. Beneath the surface of our global economic system, there is a thrilling and unseen battle raging, a revolution that could reshape the financial landscape as we know it. This is the Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) – a shift poised to redistribute wealth, overturn old structures and usher in a Golden Age of financial sovereignty.
The world’s focus may be elsewhere, but for those paying attention, a seismic shift is underway. Exotic currencies like the Zimbabwean dollar, the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese dong – once considered fringe – are central to this transformation. This is more than just a financial event; it’s a battle for control, an Information War where the informed few at Level 4B are pitted against the uninformed masses at Level 5.
This article will explore the complexities of this financial revolution, delving into the concept of Layered Redemption, the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the profound impacts of the Zimbabwean Dollar, Iraqi Dinar and Vietnamese Dong, and the revolutionary NESARA GESARA Act. We will also address the opportunities for those who are ready to step forward, challenge the status quo and claim their place in this brave new world.
But let’s be clear – this is not a time for blind faith or rash decisions. As you read, remember that the insights presented here are drawn from thorough research, but your own due diligence is crucial. You hold the reins of your financial future. Will you rise to the occasion or be left behind?
The Dawn of a New Era: Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV)
The term “Global Currency Reset” (GCR) may sound like conspiracy fodder to the uninformed, but those in the know understand that it is far from fiction. The Global Currency Reset refers to a recalibration of the world’s currencies, with the aim of restoring balance and fairness to a global financial system long dominated by elites.
Revaluation (RV) is the mechanism by which the value of individual currencies will be readjusted to reflect their true value.
This recalibration has been quietly brewing, and several key currencies—often dismissed as “junk” or “exotic”—are poised to play crucial roles.
The Zimbabwean dollar, Iraqi dinar and Vietnamese dong have become central to the GCR/RV, much to the surprise of mainstream economists. These currencies, once devalued by political instability, war and hyperinflation, are now at the forefront of the financial revolution.
Zimbabwe Dollar: Rising from the ashes. The Zimbabwe Dollar (ZWL) has long been a symbol of hyperinflation and economic collapse, but in the GCR, it represents something completely different. The country’s vast mineral wealth, including diamonds and gold, underpins the ZWL’s potential resurgence.
As global financial systems are restructured, the ZWL could become a key player, catapulting Zimbabwe back into the global economic conversation.
Iraqi Dinar: From War to Wealth. Similarly, the Iraqi Dinar (IQD) has faced immense devaluation due to years of conflict and instability. However, Iraq sits atop some of the world’s richest oil reserves, and as the GCR progresses, the Dinar’s revaluation could unlock vast wealth for those who hold this seemingly insignificant currency.
Vietnamese Dong: The Silent Contender. The Vietnamese Dong (VND) is perhaps the least discussed of these currencies, but it holds significant promise. Vietnam’s growing economy and strategic position in the global manufacturing sector make the Dong a sleeper candidate for revaluation. Investors who have bet on the VND may find themselves sitting on a gold mine as the GCR unravels.
These currencies, dismissed by many as relics of failed economies, are quietly stoking the fires of transformation. GCR/RV is no longer a distant theory – it is happening now, and those who are prepared can benefit.

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